In which bank to take a mortgage. The best banks for mortgages. Which mortgage banks in Russia will be the most profitable. #2. Bank selection


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    For many families, a mortgage in Moscow is the only possible option for acquiring housing. Nowadays, it can be obtained without a down payment, using maternity capital or by taking part in special programs for military or young families. The main thing is to find out what is the interest rate on a particular loan, and clarify the terms of the loan, as well as correctly draw up documents for a mortgage.

    How to get a mortgage in Moscow

    In order for Moscow banks to provide you with mortgage lending in 2020, you must act as follows:

    1. Initially, you need to compare the terms of such a loan, find out what the interest rate on a mortgage is and the terms of payments in each bank. You should choose the best option for yourself by using the online mortgage calculator to calculate your costs.
    2. Then you should submit the documents required by the mortgage.
    3. Next, you need to choose housing for the purchase of which the bank will issue money.
    4. Upon approval of the mortgage, you should conclude an insurance contract, make mutual settlements with the home seller and register the loan officially.

    What documents are needed for a mortgage in Moscow

    To get a mortgage in Moscow for a new house or apartment, you need to submit a number of documents to the bank. Their list includes:

    • The passport. If you need military mortgage, you need to present a military certificate. Also, males need to submit a military ID.
    • SNILS.
    • Documents about education.
    • Marriage certificate, birth documents of children.
    • Employment record from work (if you are officially employed).
    • Certificates confirming the level of income.

    In some cases, the terms of the mortgage may require the provision of additional documentation. This may be a certificate of death of relatives, a pension certificate, documents for the right to own expensive property. The Bank determines the list of such documents on an individual basis.

    In which bank of Moscow is it better to take a mortgage

    Mortgages in Moscow banks can be issued on different conditions. Its most profitable mortgage programs are offered by Sberbank, VTB, Alfa-Bank and some others. Here you will be offered low mortgage rates in Moscow and even refinancing.

    After an intensive recovery in 2010-11. Russian mortgages may face a crisis of growth: a drop in the interest of banks in construction projects will lead to a shortage of new buildings. The development of sales channels for mortgage products and new risk-sharing mechanisms will help mitigate this effect. housing construction between banks and government

    A large-scale reduction in interest rates on loans and easing of requirements for borrowers led to the rapid growth of mortgage lending in 2010. In order to expand lending against the backdrop of weak effective demand for mortgages, banks were forced to both reduce rates (in December they reached the pre-crisis level) and noticeably ease requirements for borrowers. As a result, the market anticipated the most optimistic forecasts: the volume of mortgage loans granted last year amounted to 380 billion rubles, which is 2.5 times more than in 2009 (see Chart 1). In 2011, mortgages continue to show steady growth: the volume of loans issued in January-February was 2.2 times higher than in the first two months of 2010.

    At the end of 2010, the main market participants showed explosive growth rates, which led to a decrease in the level of concentration . Growth rates of 100 percent or more were typical not only for medium and small banks with an initially low base, but also for the largest participants from the TOP-20 (see Table 1). Tougher competition resulted in a decrease in the overall level of concentration: the share of the market leader - Sberbank of Russia - decreased from 57.7% to 48.7%, and the share of TOP-3 fell from 68% to 61%. At the same time, the role of small banks significantly increased in the market (below 201st place in terms of assets): their share increased from 8% to 11%, largely due to the active work of AHML in the regions. Most large banks are in no hurry to refinance their loans: the portfolio of mortgage loans is growing steadily. The bankers' logic is clear: banks have no shortage of liquidity, and a mortgage loan on the balance sheet is a stable source of income in the absence of sufficient demand for borrowed funds from the corporate sector.

    According to Expert RA forecasts, in 2011 the volume of mortgage lending will amount to 600-620 billion rubles, coming close to the results of 2008 (656 billion rubles). . In contrast to 2010, the main stimulus will come from the demand side: by the spring of 2011, the deadlines for most “crisis” deposits with higher interest rates came to an end, and against the backdrop of rising inflation and expectations of rising real estate prices, many will direct funds from these deposits on the an initial fee by mortgage. The possibilities of banks to stimulate demand are almost exhausted: given the current inflation dynamics, a significant reduction in interest rates is unlikely, and further easing of requirements for borrowers is possible only to the detriment of the quality of risk management.

    After 2011, mortgage lending is likely to slow down due to the exhaustion of the low base effect and the shortage of new housing. In 2011 - early 2012. the vast majority of residential buildings will be put into operation, the construction of which was “unfrozen” in 2009-2010, and projects from “zero” have practically not been launched over the past two years. At the same time, the prospects for accelerating housing construction due to the growth in lending to developers are extremely vague. According to a survey of banks conducted by Expert RA jointly with AHML, after the crisis, the number of banks willing to lend to housing construction decreased significantly, and the remaining participants tightened the requirements for borrowers and the quality of projects (see Table 2). The high risks of housing construction (see table 3) force banks to bear significant costs for the assessment construction projects and control over their implementation.

    To stimulate the volume of lending to housing construction, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for sharing the risks of the construction industry between banks and the state. Existing programs to support lending to developers, implemented through AHML and VEB, do not relieve banks from the risk of construction in progress and increased costs for monitoring project implementation. In conditions of excess liquidity, such programs are of interest only to individual market participants with expensive funding. It is possible to increase the interest of banks by offering government tools to share the specific risks of the construction industry and protect the rights of creditors in courts.

    In the medium term, the development of sales channels for mortgage products outside banks will help stimulate mortgage lending. The high popularity of consumer and auto loans is ensured by a wide network of their sales through outlets and car dealerships. The offer of mortgage products is concentrated in banks and not in “places” (real estate agencies, construction companies). Hence the low share of mortgages in the total volume of transactions with residential real estate. The solution to this problem can be more active interaction between banks and real estate agencies, as well as the development of the institution of credit brokers and financial consultants. This will make it possible to shift the preferences of some citizens in favor of mortgage loans and increase the volume of mortgage lending even with the volume of housing construction unchanged.

    Research Methodology

    Expert RA analysts' conclusions are based on public data, Bank of Russia statistics as of February 1, 2011, as well as on the results of bank surveys and in-depth interviews with market participants.

    For the purpose of this study, residential mortgage loans are understood to mean housing loans granted in accordance with federal law dated July 16, 1998 No. 102-FZ "On Mortgage (Pledge of Real Estate)". This approach fully coincides with the methodology used by the Bank of Russia. The methodology for compiling the ranking of mortgage market participants was agreed with AHML.

    As part of the survey, we asked banks to indicate data on the portfolio of mortgage loans in accordance with reporting form 0409316. We used the verification of the provided data based on the calculation of the compliance of the information provided with the data reflected in the balance sheet (reporting form 0409101) of banks.

    The final ranking included data from 73 banks. According to our estimates, the market coverage was about 80%. CJSC "CB DeltaCredit" provided the Agency with data corresponding to the 4th place in the ranking, but these data were not included in the final ranking due to failure to provide the information necessary to verify their reliability.

    As part of the Expert RA project, together with AHML, we conducted a survey of Russian banks on the topic “Housing Construction Financing”. The survey included answers to closed questions and in-depth interviews with bank representatives. 24 people took part in the survey Russian bank(mainly representatives of top management or managers in charge of the core business area). The texts of the in-depth interviews can be found at www..

    We express our gratitude to all companies and speakers for their interest in our research.

    Graph 1. According to the results of 2010, the volume of mortgage lending exceeded the results of 2009 by 2.5 times

    Chart 2. In competition for customers, banks aggressively cut mortgage rates

    Source: "Expert RA" according to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

    Table 1. Ranking of banks in terms of mortgage lending in 2010

    Place on 1.01.2011

    Name of the bank

    The volume of issued mortgage loans in 2010, (1,000 rubles)

    The volume of issued mortgage loans in 2009, (1,000 rubles)

    Growth rate of issued mortgage loans, 2010/2009

    The share of foreign currency loans in the total volume of issuance in 2010

    Balance of loan debt on mortgage loans, as of January 1, 2011*, (1,000 rubles)

    The balance of debt loans on mortgage loans, as of 01.01.10*, (1,000 rubles)

    Mortgage loan portfolio growth rate, 2010/2009

    OJSC "Sberbank of Russia"

    VTB 24 (ZAO)

    GPB (OJSC)**

    OJSC "TransCreditBank"

    "Zapsibkombank" OJSC

    CJSC UniCredit Bank

    CJSC "BSZhV"

    CJSC "Bank ZhilFinance"

    JSCB "Absolut Bank" (CJSC)

    Bank Vozrozhdenie (OJSC)


    CJSC GKB "Avtogradbank"


    JSC "Nordea Bank"


    CJSC "Raiffeisenbank"



    JSC "SKB-bank"

    JSCB "Svyaz-Bank"

    CB "MIA" (JSC)

    "TKB" (CJSC)

    JSC "Tveruniversalbank"



    OIKB "Rus" (LLC)

    Bank "Snezhinsky" OJSC





    Bank Levoberezhny (OJSC)

    JSC "Pervobank"




    JSC "Plus Bank"

    JSCB "Izhkombank" (JSC)

    "KUB" OJSC

    JSC "MINB"

    JSC "Bank Intesa"

    A profitable mortgage in Moscow allows you to refuse rented housing, makes it possible to attract other members of your family to pay for payments. differ in the variety of offers on the market. A housing loan can be issued in such a way that, if desired, you can pay off the mortgage ahead of schedule, use preferential terms.

    How to get a profitable mortgage in Moscow?

    When looking for which bank to get a profitable mortgage, pay attention to the offers:

    • with preferential conditions;
    • no down payment;
    • with a minimum down payment.

    The most profitable mortgage in Moscow is issued for real estate in a new building or on the secondary market. The main requirement for it is liquidity. can large families, according to programs with maternity capital, military. can be found on a residential building with communications, a small studio apartment or standard housing.

    The most profitable mortgage - the conditions of banks in Moscow

    The most profitable loan for housing in Moscow is easier to get for citizens with:

    • official employment;
    • a fully formed package of documents;
    • good credit history.

    The conditions and rates of banks will be more favorable if the borrower has a salary card or has used the program. The latter involves changing the bank in Moscow to one that offers more favorable conditions. When determining which bank in Moscow the mortgage is more profitable, study offers with interest rate 6% and below.

    Check out the overpayments. Although initially the same input data, they may differ. They include commissions, the interest accrual scheme is taken into account. A loan for an apartment will be with a lower monthly installment if you take it for a long time, for example, for 15-20 years. But under such conditions, the amount of overpayment increases.

    Documents for obtaining a favorable loan for housing in Moscow

    If you are looking for where a mortgage is more profitable in Moscow, pay attention to the list of documents. Choose accommodation for which all documents are in order. Must be those. passport, extract from Rosreestr, documents confirming the absence of debts on payments.

    The applicant for a mortgage loan must provide:

    • official papers for benefits;
    • the passport;
    • a copy of the work book;
    • income statements.

    The list may change depending on the policy of the institution.

    Where is it more profitable to get a mortgage in Moscow?

    Find the most suitable solution, the most profitable mortgage loans in Moscow, you can on our website. It has for calculations and selection of the best options. Stop the choice on several banks and. Favorable terms offered

    Many people, not having enough money to buy an apartment or a private house for cash, turn to banking institutions to get a loan to buy real estate.

    The most profitable mortgage in Moscow banks

    Consider the popular offers of Moscow banks for the mortgage of the current year.

    1. Leading Russian bank Sberbank offers low mortgage rates. Finished housing in this credit institution you will be offered with a rate of 10.75% per annum. The bank offers such a low percentage on the condition that you are a young family and you have three or more minor children as dependents. In this case, the loan is given for a period of 10 years, and the down payment will be more than 50%. If you have less than three children to raise, the rate will start at 11.5% per year.
    2. Rosselkhozbank has the lowest mortgage rate in the city of Moscow as part of the Mortgage with State Support program. This is 10.9% per annum for Russian citizens from 21 to 64 years old who have documented their income. If the borrower refuses insurance, the bank will increase the rate by 7%. Loan term - up to 30 years, advance amount - 20% of the loan value. These loans are for pre-owned housing or housing in buildings under construction.
    3. Promsvyazbank makes an offer with the most low percentage on a mortgage in the city of Moscow, which will be 12%. The person must be 21 years of age at the time of taking out the loan. The loan is granted for at least 3 years.
    4. Profitable mortgage 2020 in the city of Moscow is offered by Svyaz-Bank with a rate of 12.25%. In this case, the advance payment should be equal to 50-90% of the price of the apartment, the term of the loan is 3-10 years. The borrower must have a salary card of this bank.
    5. MTS Bank gives loans in Moscow for housing on the secondary market to applicants who are somehow related to this financial organization(have payment cards or are employees of Sistema). Advance payment - 50-85%, 3-10 years of loan provision. Payments are calculated in equal monthly installments.
    6. Gazprombank sets the percentage of the annual rate, according to the amount of the first payment. 11.5% - if any salary card the specified bank, the first installment is more than 50%. Resale real estate is taken on credit from state-owned Moscow enterprises.