"1C: Management of MFIs and PDAs. What is the advantage of RG-Soft when implementing 1C: Management of a microfinance organization and a credit consumer cooperative? 1c for microfinance organizations


" announced in February 2017 the release of a joint solution " 1С:Enterprise 8. Management of a microfinance organization and a credit consumer cooperative KORP", developed on the basis of the technological platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3" and the configuration "Accounting of a non-credit financial organization CORP" (developer - Development Center company "IT Capital").

The industry solution "1C: Management of a microfinance organization and a credit consumer cooperative KORP" is intended for the comprehensive automation of the activities of microfinance organizations and credit consumer cooperatives: providing activities for providing and raising funds, maintaining accounting and tax records of all business operations of microfinance organizations (MFIs) and credit consumer cooperatives (CPC) on the Unified Chart of Accounts (CPC), reporting in accordance with industry accounting standards (OSBU) approved by the Bank of Russia.

The configuration "Management of a microfinance organization and a credit consumer cooperative KORP" was developed on the Taxi interface and uses all the advantages of the 1C:Enterprise technology platform version 8.3, which provides scalability, openness, ease of administration and configuration. Technological platform "1C:Enterprise" version 8.3 allows you to work in thin client and web client mode with the ability to access the infobase via the Internet, including in low connection speed mode.

When developing "1C: Management of a microfinance organization and a credit consumer cooperative KORP", the project experience gained while working with MFIs and CPCs: CPC "Savings Bank", "Star-ConsultGroup", CPC "CreditInvest" and others was taken into account.

The main industry-specific functionality of the program:

  • Providing loans;
  • Dealing with overdue debts;
  • Raising funds;
  • Keeping records in accordance with the Industry Accounting Standards (OSBU) developed by the Bank of Russia;
  • Automatic opening of personal accounts, which greatly facilitates the work of maintaining analytical accounts and eliminates errors when opening them;
  • Formation of reporting according to the requirements of OSBU;
  • Automation of internal control for AML/CFT purposes.

The configuration of the PROF version has limitations compared to the previously released CORP version:

  • There is no possibility of accounting for separate divisions;
  • The setting of rules for automatically closing the list of personal accounts according to the specified rules is excluded. It remains possible to manually close personal accounts;
  • There is no unloading of memorial orders to a file;
  • It is not possible to create an arbitrary directory in 1C:Enterprise mode and specify the value of an arbitrary directory in the settings for opening personal accounts;
  • The number of simultaneously valid loan agreements issued and attracted is limited - 3 thousand of each type.

Functionality of the configuration "Accounting of a non-credit financial institution":

  • Accounting on the Unified Chart of Accounts of the NFO (Regulation N486-P of the Bank of Russia);
  • Support for maintaining 20 (25) - digit accounts of analytical accounting;
  • Support for maintaining analytical accounts in foreign currency and rubles;
  • Flexible customization of the rules for generating personal accounts as a correspondence to combinations of second-order accounts, currency, sign of trust management and financial dimensions;
  • Compliance of synthetic accounting data with turnovers and balances on accounts of analytical accounting;
  • Support for paired personal accounts (active/passive), automatic convolution of paired personal accounts;
  • Support for accounts without a sign of an account, control of the presence of balances on accounts at the end of the day;
  • Formation of standard accounting reports both on balance sheet accounts of the second order and on accounts of analytical accounting (balance sheet, account cards, analysis of accounts with details up to analytics);
  • Accounting for fixed assets and intangible assets;
  • Inventory accounting and warehouse accounting;
  • Cash accounting;
  • Accounting for mutual settlements with counterparties;
  • Accounting for mutual settlements with accountable persons;
  • Accounting for income and expenses;
  • Accounting for advances received and paid;
  • Reflection of routine operations (control of account balances and reconciliation of paired accounts, accounting for events after the reporting date);
  • Formation of financial statements in accordance with the requirements of RAS;
  • Calculation of income tax, property tax, transport tax;
  • Keeping books of purchases and sales in the context of branches;
  • Formation of declarations for VAT, income tax, property tax, etc.;
  • Closing accounting periods.

1C for microfinance organizations is designed to keep operational records of the activities of such organizations. It is also suitable for collection agencies.

Program functions

This software has very wide functionality:

  • maintaining customer databases;
  • assessment of a potential borrower for its solvency;
  • automatic calculation of the payment schedule according to the entered credit or loan parameters;
  • automatic execution of all necessary documents, such as a questionnaire, contract, pledge, etc.;
  • the ability to conclude contracts with various payment schemes;
  • different interest calculation system depending on the term of the loan;
  • work with interest, fines, etc.;
  • maintenance of the so-called black list of clients;
  • collection accounting and work with contracts with late payments;
  • sending SMS notifications to customers' phone numbers;
  • formation of various types of reporting documents, etc.

Advantages of the 1C MFO program

1C for microfinance organizations has a number of advantages. It makes it possible to implement the entire cycle of work of such an organization, from analyzing the client's solvency and checking his credit history to the moment of repaying the loan and compiling a report. The system works in a single database, which uses a web interface.

Data from the software for MFIs can be redirected to 1C for accounting so that account entries are generated. The program automatically generates SMS notifications and emails to customers who have debts, etc. An important advantage of such a software tool is that it can be customized to specific company parameters.

Help for users

The developers of the 1C program for microfinance organizations provide technical support to users of their product. The list of such services includes:

  • open access to the 1C company website for downloading program updates and additional modules;
  • obtaining the necessary consultations by phone or other means of communication with the established regulations 15 minutes.

When purchasing such software for their organization, it is important for the manager to be aware that the reaction of the staff to such an innovation may not always be adequate. Of course, the program will facilitate the work of many employees, while increasing the efficiency of their activities. But the work of others can be fully automated, which, nevertheless, will allow the company to save the budget on wage payments.

We are confident in our prices: If you find it cheaper, we'll refund the difference.

If you decide to buy 1C for microfinance organizations from us today, you is free get:

  • first 3 months of support, consultations and updates
  • delivery in Moscow and regions
  • installation

The 1C Microfinance Organization program is the only solution based on 1C Enterprise that exists on the market today.

You can start working in the program immediately after installation. However, for large companies, as a rule, improvements to the program and staff training are required.

The standard implementation of 1C MFO includes:

  • software product installation
  • adaptation of the program to the business processes of a particular enterprise
  • input of initial data on loans and reference information
  • enterprise personnel training

Every owner of the licensed version of 1C for microfinance organizations can use the technical support of the program. After the user is registered in the program, he has six total hours, which he can use for receiving technical support services within three months. If the program owner needs an extension of this period, he may receive additional time. To do this, he needs to purchase a product such as "License for technical support". This license also comes with a coupon that allows you to subscribe to the newsletter for free. This coupon must be registered and sent to the specified email address.

The package of the purchased software product 1C Microfinance organization also includes a CD, on which the distribution package of the program is recorded. An envelope is also attached, in which pin codes of software protection and instructions for working in 1C Microfinance Organization are indicated.

Webinar on the program "1C Microfinance Organization":

How loans received using "1C MFO" are taken into account:

The software product "1C: Management of a microfinance organization and a credit consumer cooperative" (hereinafter - "1C: Management of MFIs and CPCs") is a development of the Audit-Escort Group of Companies based on the system "1C: Accounting of a non-credit financial organization" (hereinafter - "1C :BNFO") from IT Capital. Unlike 1C:BNFO, the 1C:Management of MFIs and CPC information system provides more opportunities for management and accounting in microfinance organizations. The industry solution includes 1C:BNFO and all the necessary functionality for operating in the microfinance market. The program implements all new requirements in accordance with the unified chart of accounts. The product is suitable for MFIs, PDAs and MCCs.

"1C: Management of MFIs and PDAs" has a certificate "1C: Compatible! 1C:Enterprise software system. The presence of such a certificate:

  • confirms the quality of the software product tested in 1C;
  • gives the right to distribute "1C: Management of MFO and CPC" to all partners of the company "1C";
  • makes it possible, together with the licensed program, to receive technical support from 1C;
  • makes platform updates available.

As a franchisee, RG-Soft offers 1C: MFO and PDA Management at the same price as its partners. However, the implementation from the company "RG-Soft" is not limited to installing the boxed version. To make it convenient to work with the program, RG-Soft offers initial setup services and its own improvements. A typical implementation contains the following modules and additional services.

Customized and fully functional accounting module. The program has expanded the capabilities of the standard version, taking into account industry specifics, and links to the new chart of accounts have been set up. In addition, the implementation from RG-Soft includes a module for accounting for deposits (calculation of the payment schedule, initial calculation of the ESP, accounting at amortized cost, routine operations for the recognition of interest income).

This is how a typical accounting report looks like in the program "1C: Management of MFIs and CPCs"

In addition, the implementation from RG-Soft contains algorithms for completing the basic set of regulated reporting: balance sheet, OFR, cash flow statement and capital change statement. By agreement with the customer company, it is possible to create forms for calculating own funds, notes to annual reports, monthly reports to the Central Bank, SRO and BKI.

The main forms of regulated reporting are filled out correctly after setup.

Customized and fully functional tax accounting module. In the program "1C: Management of MFIs and CPCs" the functionality of the standard configuration has been expanded in terms of tax accounting. Implementation from RG-Soft includes algorithms for calculating deferred taxes and settings for filling in declarations for income tax, property tax. Completed forms are uploaded to an external XML file and can be sent to the tax office through the provider. The amount of calculated taxes will differ by the amount of adjustments, which in the indicative period must be taken into account independently.

A customized and fully functional module for accounting for MFI transactions. The program contains a complete and well-developed module for accounting for special operations of MFIs: accounting for loans issued, funds raised, etc. Contains functionality that allows you to store and track the entire chain of interactions with the counterparty/borrower. Implemented the calculation of penalties and interest, automatic formation of reserves, accounting at depreciable cost.

If the company keeps records of issued loans in any front office, it is possible to set up data transmission from the front office to 1C: MFI and PDA Management. In a typical implementation, data loading from a client-bank is also implemented.

Features of work in 2017: transfer of documents from the RAS database to the new ENP database. Until the end of 2017, the main accounting can be kept in the old 1C: Accounting database. It is also recommended to simultaneously start keeping records in the new database. Implementation from the company "RG-Soft" makes it possible to automatically translate documents without manual input. The uniqueness of the revision lies in the exchange rules, written taking into account the standard mapping of transactions, adapted for microfinance and microcredit organizations. Exchange rules are loaded using a typical 1C mechanism called "XML Loading". As a result, for the selected period, each primary document from the RAS database is transferred to the 1C: MFO and CPC Management database with the details saved and with the formation of postings according to the new chart of accounts. Using the exchange rules from RG-Soft, you can transfer all business documents, except for depreciation and month-end closing, as well as manual operations if they contain standard procedures.

The appearance of the 1C procedure, with which documents are transferred

From January 1, 2018, only one database should remain in operation - “1C: Management of MFIs and CCPs”. By this time, the new database will already have all the documents and all reporting for the past year, which will automatically compare data when filling out quarterly reporting forms.

Mapping of wires. Employees of RG-Soft, based on the results of the initial survey, prepare a mapping of entries for all business transactions of RBSU/EPS. The customer receives a recommended "card" of transactions, which describes all the transactions used in the accounting of the organization according to RAS and all the transactions that will be needed to keep records according to the new rules. This document will be very helpful in case of any adjustments or manual entry of operations.

Employee training. Specialists of the RG-Soft company will train the employees of the customer's company to work in the 1C: MFI and CPC database: create new elements of the EPS settings, open and close twenty-digit analytical accounts, start standard business transactions, close the period and year. Employees will also be trained to transfer documents from the RAS database to the new ENP database: the procedure is very simple and will be clear to any user. From January 1, everyone who completes the training will be able to fully and effectively work in the 1C: MFO and CPC Management database.

Fast implementation time. If no special modifications are needed, RG-Soft professionals will carry out the implementation within 1.5 months.

Implementation from "RG-Soft": a step-by-step process

Consider the approximate procedure for the work of specialists when implementing the software product "1C: Management of MFIs and PDAs":

  1. Express analysis of business processes, installation of the program "out of the box", loading the initial settings of the EPS. We check whether there are special types of operations in the old RAS database, determine whether standard functionality needs to be improved, analyze the requirements for exchange with external systems, and estimate the volume of document transfer. In the RAS working database, we select objects and analytics (for example, the composition of directories) for transfer to a new database. The results of the survey are recorded in a document called "Functional Requirements", on the basis of which the implementation will be made.
  2. If the initial settings are not made in the new database, it is impossible to work in it. Therefore, at the first stage, you need to download the initial settings: a list of templates, financial accounting groups, opening settings necessary for the correct establishment of personal twenty-digit accounts. For the correct opening and formation of operations, we set up information on accounting policies. After the settings, the empty database will be ready to start working. At the same time, we are preparing the mapping of RAS / ENP transactions, approving the stages and terms of work, the acceptance procedure, and signing the necessary documents. Next, install the program, make the initial settings, transfer the structure of the analyst. The empty base is ready to get started.
  3. We form the opening balance sheet for the ENP as of December 31, 2016. All necessary 20-digit personal accounts must be opened in order to properly deposit balances into the new database.
  4. We transfer documents from working accounting to "1C: Management of MFIs and CCPs". We coordinate with the customer company the need to install a new mechanism for transferring documents. If a transfer is needed, then we set up the exchange rules and show how everything works, using the example of the first quarter of 2017. Further, employees transfer documents on their own.
  5. We set up tax accounting and closing the period, we transfer the module for accounting deposits. By agreement, using the example of a quarter, we check the correctness of the formation of the results.
  6. Set up exchange with external systems. Typical is ZUP and client-bank. If necessary, we set up data transmission from the front office for accounting loans.
  7. We form a package of test reports. Together with your employees, we form a reporting package for any selected quarter of 2017 in the new database, making sure that all indicators are calculated correctly. We give clarifications on the basis of what principles data are included in the reporting, so that in the future it will be clear how to make adjustments.
  8. We train employees. By agreement, training can be individual or group, remote or in the office. From our experience, it is useless to teach through a webinar or video recording: it is more efficient to answer questions in real time. Questions always arise, since working with twenty-digit accounts is quite complicated and takes time to adapt. After training, we provide instructions with step-by-step operations in printed form. In the course of training, we understand how to generate regulated reporting, create / select income and expense items, and analyze problem situations. Face-to-face classes are convenient because the teacher can immediately determine how much the material is understandable to the audience, and if necessary, repeat something or explain in more detail. As a result, your employees fully master the functionality and are ready to switch to a new product and work with it in 2018.

  9. Additional services

    RG-Soft provides additional consulting services and technical support:

  • writing an accounting policy for a new chart of accounts;
  • carrying out the initial setup of a previously purchased software product. If "1C: Management of MFIs and PDAs" was purchased earlier, then the specialists of the company "RG-Soft" will continue and complete the implementation. The cost of such implementation will be determined individually. It consists of many factors: how the program was installed, what settings have already been made, etc.;
  • user training. This is additional user training: demo recordings, a series of webinars or training at the customer's office;
  • finalization of program modules for special accounting tasks;
  • assistance in the preparation of reports within the indicative period.


PROF version including installation:

In the PROF version, the number of active contracts is limited - no more than 3,000 per month. In addition, this version does not support the accounting of separate divisions allocated to a separate balance sheet.

CORP version including installation:

Estimated cost of services for the implementation of the program "1C: Management of MFIs and PDAs" from the company "RG-Soft". Depending on the scope of work and the composition of the implemented modules, the cost can be adjusted.

Pre-project work:

Implementation works:

Name Cost, rub.)

Initial system setup: opening personal accounts, setting up an analytical structure, entering initial balances

Setting up and testing the transfer of documents for 2017 through the exchange rules (for Accounting 8.3), setting up special operations of the EPS

Setting up regulated reporting: balance sheet, OFR, OPDS, change in capital; testing on the example of 1-2 quarters of 2017

Setting up tax accounting: income tax, property tax; testing on the example of 1-2 quarters of 2017

Training a group of users from 1 to 3 people inclusive

Microfinance is serious business! Our approach to creating a software product has absorbed the experience of many organizations in the non-banking sector. This made it possible to create a simple and reliable and, at the same time, a complete solution for automating all stages of issuing and receiving loans and borrowings.

Developed on the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, the 1C-Rarus:Microfinance Organization, edition 1 software product helps to organize the activities of MFO employees in the information base based on modern and efficient technology.

The software product is designed to maintain operational records of the activities of microfinance organizations, consumer cooperatives and collection companies.


Management of loans issued:

  • Maintaining a database of clients and their personal data.
  • Automation of pre-contractual work on the conclusion of the contract: calculation of the payment schedule (calculator).
  • Registration of a full package of documents of the borrower (loan agreement, guarantee, pledge, payment schedule, execution of additional agreements on existing loan agreements).
  • Calculation of the total cost of consumer credit (loan) (TCP).
  • Formation of various printed forms (payment schedule, additional agreement, loan agreement, borrower's questionnaire, etc.).
  • Maintenance of the contract: Accrual of interest on loan agreements, penalties.
  • Registration of the issuance of funds under a loan agreement and receipt of payments on debts from borrowers.
  • Formation of reserves for possible losses and doubtful debts.

Management of loans received:

  • Automation of work on the conclusion of an agreement with the lender to raise funds.
  • The possibility of accruing interest, both in a simple way, and with capitalization.
  • Additional reports (report on planned payments to the DS, register on contracts, report on debt on loans received).
  • Ability to add your own printables.

Accounting for shareholders in the CPC:

  • Entering balances of shares.
  • Entry/departure of shareholders.
  • Accrual of dividends, accrual of membership fees.
  • Ability to add additional processing.


  • Checking the data of individuals based on data from the Federal Migration Service and the Federal Bailiff Service of the Russian Federation.
  • Verification of information on participation in extremist activities (115-FZ).
  • Evaluation of the borrower using the scoring card mechanism and compliance with formal and basic requirements.
  • Exchange of CI with BKI (NBKI, Russian Standard (SKB), Equifax, Skorista).

Integration mechanisms:

  • Cash management.
  • Exchange with a bank client.
  • Data exchange on loans with a typical configuration 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0.
  • Data exchange with the configuration on the EPS "".
  • Exchange with the Teleport system.

Collection accounting:

  • Working with problem contracts, viewing the history of contracts.
  • Stop/Resume Accrual of Interest and Penalties
  • Calculation of state duty, statement of claim, writ of execution
  • Restructuring and writing off problem loans.
  • Preparation of documents for the transfer of problematic loan agreements to the court.

Regulated and analytical reporting:

  • Report on the activities of a microfinance/microcredit company.
  • Report on the activities of the CPC.
  • Report on the personal composition of the governing bodies.
  • Information about the types and amounts of transactions with cash.
  • Register of loan agreements.
  • Analysis of debt on loans.
  • Loan repayment plan.
  • Documentation under the contract.
  • Marketing report.
  • Report on sold contracts.

Additional functions:

  • Setting up user access rights: (Operator, Security Service, Manager, Full rights).
  • Formation of sms-notifications and mail messages for clients.

Additional modules (paid):

  • Exchange of credit histories with Equifax credit bureaus (module "Communication with Equifax" is sold separately).
  • Exchange of credit histories with the bureau of credit histories "NBKI" (module "Communication with the NBKI" is sold separately).
  • Exchange of credit histories with the bureau of credit histories "Russian Standard" (module "Communication with CBI "Russian Standard" is sold separately).
  • Communication with the scoring system "Skorista" (module "Communication Skorista" is sold separately).
  • Integration with Softphone telephony (1 license is included in the price, additional licenses are sold separately).

Program Benefits

  • The program was created taking into account the latest developments of the 1C company on the mechanism of managed forms.
  • Implementation of the full cycle of work of a microfinance company: from the assessment of the borrower to the repayment of the loan and the formation of regulated and analytical reporting.
  • Exchange of credit histories with Equifax, NBKI, Russian Standard credit bureaus.
  • Work in a single database, including through a web interface.
  • The ability to automatically upload data to "1C-Rarus: Non-credit financial institution" for the formation of postings for the EPS.
  • Possibility of flexible customization of the program for the specific needs of the company.
  • Modern interface "Taxi".


Package Included: universal box, CD-ROM with the distribution package of the program, an envelope with pin codes for software protection (The product is equipped with three numbers of pin codes), registration form, user manual.

The owner of the industry solution "1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Main supply" is 1C-Rarus Specialized Solutions LLC (TIN 7727303917).


Attention! To scale and expand the number of jobs, you can purchase additional licenses.


  • MFI technical support

    Technical support is a necessary and useful service for companies that have purchased a boxed solution "". Subscribing to technical support will allow users to avoid the most common errors even at the installation stage, as well as help to quickly learn the program and provide prompt advice and updates.

    When purchasing the solution "1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization rev. 1", the client receives as a gift a version of "PROF" technical support for 3 months. To extend the service, purchase the Basic, PROF or CORP support package and select the Discount or Standard option.

    "Standard" support involves the purchase of a license for services at the standard cost specified in the price list.

    "Preferential" support is provided only to those companies that continuously renew their support services.

  • Licenses for technological support "1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Basic supply"

Licensing Features

The software product is not an independent program and is designed to be used in conjunction with the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

To work in multi-user mode, users must have licenses for "1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1" And 1C:Enterprise 8 client licenses» for the corresponding number of jobs.

To work in client-server mode, users must have server licenses.

List of licenses

Name Price
Microfinance organization, edition 1. Additional license for 1 workplace 6 300 rub. Buy
Microfinance organization, edition 1. Additional license for 5 workplaces 21 600 rub. Buy
Microfinance organization, edition 1. Additional license for 10 workplaces RUB 41,400 Buy
Microfinance organization, edition 1. Additional license for 20 workplaces 78 000 rub. Buy
Microfinance organization, edition 1. Additional license for 50 workplaces RUB 187,200 Buy
Microfinance organization, edition 1. Additional license for 100 workplaces 360 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support Basic (12 months) Preferential 20 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support Basic (12 months) Standard 30 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support PROF (12 months) Preferential 36 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support PROF (12 months) Standard 54 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support PROF (6 months) Preferential 20 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support PROF (6 months) Standard 30 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support CORP (12 months) Preferential 90 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support CORP (12 months) Standard 135 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support CORP (6 months) Preferential 50 000 rub. Buy
1C-Rarus: Microfinance organization, edition 1. Technological support of CORP (6 months) Standard 75 000 rub. Buy


Today, 6.2.2019, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (200283 Kb)
  • (63396 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- A printed form of a standard loan agreement issued under the "SRO Unity" template has been added.
- Added processing "Identification of cases of refusal to execute the client's order to complete the operation (Regulation of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 639-P of 30.03.2018[...]
Today, 28.1.2019, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (199882 Kb)
  • (62950 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- Added the ability to set a separate interest rate during the grace period to the loan product.
- Added the ability to set penalties separately for a loan product.

Improved functionality:
- Updated rules about[...]
Today, 12/24/2018, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (199798 Kb)
  • (64863 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- BKI Equifax module. Improvement of integration for a new version of TLS interaction. Finalization of unloading of credit history under additional agreements under contracts.
- Management of distributions. The message template is divided into a header template and a contract template[...]
Today, 22.6.2018, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (198006 Kb)
  • (62739 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- A printed form for the restoration of the reserve has been added to the document on the formation of the PRTR.
- Management of distributions. 3 new parameters surname, name and patronymic have been added to the message template.

Improved functionality:
- Improvements have been made to the types[...]
Today, 14.5.2018, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (197928 Kb)
  • (65073 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- Refinement of the configuration for the division of fines unrecognized/recognised when the setting "Reflect the penalty on the off-balance account" is enabled in the accounting policy. Added type of debt "Debt on fines (unrecognized)".
"- Updated rules [...]
Today, 12/29/2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (197470 Kb)
  • (62589 Kb)
Short description:
Edited in version:
- For microfinance organizations, uploading to 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0 is included for the period of the 1st quarter of 2018.

Bugs fixed:
- The transition of microfinance organizations from 2018 to the ENP and OSBU. Fixed a bug in the EPS invoices ne[...]
Today, 12/28/2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (197468 Kb)
  • (62581 Kb)
Short description:
Bugs fixed:
- The transition of microfinance organizations from 2018 to the ENP and OSBU.
Today, 12/27/2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (197467 Kb)
  • (62570 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- In connection with the transition of microfinance organizations from 2018 to the EPS and OSBU, the configuration disabled the ability to use the accounting part of the program and upload to 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3.0. For MCC and MFC, the formation of postings about[...]
Today, 12/13/2017, the release is published:

Release composition:

  • (197291 Kb)
  • (75152 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- Loans issued. Added the ability to set a limit on the issuance of a loan by counterparty. In the reference book "Counterparties" in the navigation panel, a link to the transition to the register "Accounting for the limit by counterparty" has been added.
- Loans issued. Produced expensive[...]
Today, 10/27/2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (197152 Kb)
  • (74852 Kb)
Short description:
Improved functionality:
- Loans issued. Filtering by contract status has been added to the reserves report.
- Loans issued. The fields "schedule document (current)", "presence of an additional agreement", "loan term (days)" have been added to the registry report on agreements.

Bugs fixed[...]
Today, 10/24/2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (197139 Kb)
  • (62311 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- Loans issued. A printed form "Information on debt" has been added to the documents "Microloan Issuance Agreement", "Additional Agreement".
- In the processing of "Processing information about participation in extremist activities" added the output of extras[...]
Today, 31.8.2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (196026 Kb)
  • (73928 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- The transition to the version of the 1C platform 8.3.10 in compatibility mode with 8.3.6 has been completed.
- The licensing system has been updated to work on platform version 8.3.10 with the "Protection from dangerous actions" setting enabled for the user. The exception [...]
Today, 7.6.2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (199788 Kb)
  • (72388 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- The "Web page" type of contact information has been added to the "Organizations" directory.
- Added the ability to generate SMS mailings to the report on expected payments.
- Changes in SMS distribution. A field has been added to the "Message templates" reference[...]
Today, 12.4.2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (199699 Kb)
  • (71768 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- The reports "Report on the activities of the CPC 4083-U", "Report on the personnel of the CPC 4083-U" were added to the document "Regulated reporting in the Central Bank".
- In the "Organizations" directory for consumer cooperatives added tabular parts for [...]
Today, 15.3.2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (199147 Kb)
  • (71150 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- The loan type "Mortgage" has been added to the "Purposes of loans" directory. The field "Other loan" has been added to the reference book "Agreements with counterparties" - this is a sign that the loan is not a microloan. The report on microfinance activity has been finalized according [...]
Today, 6.2.2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (182804 Kb)
  • (57453 Kb)
Short description:
Improved functionality:
- Desk of a credit specialist. The document command panel has been improved to a single view for all documents.

Bugs fixed:
- In the numerator when using the point of sale prefix.
- In the document of accrual of interest on[...]
Today, 20.1.2017, the release was published:

Release composition:

  • (182773 Kb)
  • (57778 Kb)
Short description:
New in version:
- Printed forms "Agreement on the methods and frequency of interaction", "Consent of the debtor to interact with third parties" have been added to the document "Agreement for the issuance of a microloan".
- An account for other income for interest has been added to the accounting policy. Tepe[...]
Today, 12/29/2016, the release is published: