Russian family program. Rules of participation and conditions of the state program “Housing for Russian families. Procedure for applying for a subsidy


Great news for many Russian families has recently spread across the Internet - the Russian Family housing program for 2018 will still be in effect. All necessary amendments were made to Government Resolution No. 404.

In addition, the Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services himself Russian Federation Mikhail Men confirmed this information during his working visit to the Ulyanovsk region.

The head of the department noted that the regions were gradually joining the program, and there were objective reasons for this, in particular the worsening economic situation in the country. But interest in the program has not dried up, so the government decided to extend it until December 31, 2017.

Note that before the amendments were made, “Russian Family” was supposed to end in July 2017. By this time, throughout the Russian Federation, developers were required to build at least 25 million square meters economy class housing. Already 65 regions have applied to participate in the program.

Officials, seeing the demand for this program, decided to extend it for six months and made minor adjustments to the requirements and conditions of participation for the regions, AHML and developers.

Innovations in the program

From now on, government authorities in the regions will be able to purchase square meters in new buildings within the framework of the Railway Railways program at the stage of shared construction.

The updated resolution will allow increasing the maximum housing price economy class in the amount of 5,000 rubles per square meter. The mechanism for changing the cost itself will be regulated by the Ministry of Construction.

Note that developers will have the opportunity to raise the maximum cost of economy class apartments in accordance with the regional index consumer prices under purchase/sale agreements that were signed within six months after the building was leased.

It is now possible to include high-rise buildings in the state program, where there are no more than 30% of residential premises related to shared construction projects.

Who is allowed to participate in the program?

Take advantage of the privileges state program Not all Russians can become a “Russian family”. Before submitting documents for participation, it is necessary to understand whether your region participates in the specified project. Several categories of citizens may be admitted to the program, namely:

  • Persons living in an apartment (house) where no more than 18 square meters of total living space are allocated per family member.
  • Families in which there are minor children (2 or more) and they are the owners.
  • Russians living in houses recognized as unsafe and in those that are being prepared for demolition.
  • Combat veterans.
  • Persons participating in the savings-mortgage system housing provision military personnel.
  • Citizens whose main place of work is research institutes, municipal institutions and other government bodies.

To ensure that citizens of the Russian Federation are able to purchase economy-class housing, the Russian Family program is actively supported by AHML OJSC. This organization has developed social mortgage programs tailored to each category of citizens who have the right to purchase housing within the framework of this state program.

Become a participant in the program and get comfortable housing!

In order to qualify for the purchase of housing within the framework of the state program, those interested must contact the authorities local government at your place of permanent residence and submit an application in the prescribed form. Please note that all lists are compiled in each municipality of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation within whose boundaries this program takes place.

If you need advice on the correctness of filling out the application or have questions about the procedure for submitting documents to participate in the Russian Family program, you can contact representatives of the Authorized Body in your region and all difficulties will be resolved in no time. Do not forget that in each region of the Russian Federation the requirements for the documents provided may differ significantly.

Once the entire set of documents has been collected, it must be submitted to local authorities. As soon as specialists process the application and approve it, the applicant will be issued a special document that guarantees inclusion in the list of participants.

Steps to purchase housing within the framework of social mortgage AHML

To participate in the state program:

  1. The applicant must submit documents to the municipality to be included in the register of participants.
  2. Choose an apartment that is being built under the state program “Housing for Russian family”.
  3. Apply for approval.
  4. Conclude a deal with an AHML partner to purchase an apartment.
  5. It's a pleasure to celebrate your housewarming.

As we can see, the “Russian Family” program can solve a pressing problem today - the lack of comfortable and spacious housing for young families.

Do not forget that the implementation of this program is strictly controlled by government authorities, so all construction projects are constantly checked for compliance with standards. You can also check for yourself what stage of construction your future home is at. To do this, just go to the website of local authorities and select the desired section.

Let us recall that the “Russian Family” program started in 2014 and was supposed to end in July 2017. Over the years of its existence, it has proven its necessity, so the country’s authorities decided to extend it until 2018.

Perhaps there will be several more such extensions in the future, because the program is positive from all sides, no matter how you look at it.

The project is part of the large-scale Program “Providing affordable and comfortable housing and utilities citizens of the Russian Federation."

State program “Housing for Russian families” created for the purposes of:

  • providing living space for citizens and families in need;
  • expanding the scale of housing construction in the Russian Federation;
  • reduction in price per 1 sq. m. and at the same time an increase in the affordability of housing.

Program characteristics:

  • the cost of economy class housing should not exceed 80% of the market value and not exceed per 1 sq. m. 35,000 rub.;
  • citizens for whom the “Housing for Russian Family” program was created belong to the age category of 25-40 years, have a permanent job, and need affordable housing for Russian families;
  • the scale of construction is expressed at 25 million square meters. m. of economy class housing;
  • The project is designed for 2014-2017.

In order to implement the program, certain activities are carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • regions have been designated as participants in the project, on whose territory economy-class housing will be built on plots of land specially selected by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation ();
  • regional administrations develop and adopt special regulations, and on federal level More than one Government Resolution has already been issued on the implementation of the Program;
  • By July 1, 2017, 25 million square meters will be built. m. of economy class housing, as planned Ministry of Construction, at the same time a reduced price is provided in comparison with market value housing, which is per 1 sq. m. should not be higher than 35,000 rubles. and not exceed 80% of the price according to the assessment of this housing, carried out by independent professional appraisers;
  • a special website has been created (http://program-zhrs.rf), informing citizens about the possibility of participating in the project, reviews of which can be left on the website or sent to a special forum, which is necessary for government agencies to assess the value and necessity of this social project.

AHML Social Mortgage Program: House

This program is aimed at making it affordable to purchase part or an entire residential private house built as part of AHML with the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement after six months from the date of commissioning of the house.

Social mortgage program AHML: Apartment

The project is designed for the purchase of an apartment built for the purpose of selling iron ore with the conclusion of an agreement with participation in shared construction or with the conclusion of a purchase and sale agreement six months after the apartment is put into operation. Mortgage issued for 30 years with a pledge of the purchased apartment. The loan amount is determined by the regional authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation where housing is purchased for the Russian family.

As with the “Home” program, here participants are asked to choose a method of repaying the loan with a reduction in cost or fixed payments.

To obtain a mortgage, a person must meet certain conditions:

  • reach the age of 18, but not be older than 65 years on the date of expiration of the contract;
  • Work experience for hired persons should not be less than six months at the current place of work; for individual entrepreneurs, it is necessary to conduct activities with an income of at least 2 years.

Who can become a participant in the program?

The list of persons who have become participants in the Iron and Steel Works is determined by government agencies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the decision is confirmed by the publication of regulatory legal acts. At the same time, in order to comply conditions for obtaining housing under the program To be included in the list of participants, citizens must meet certain requirements:

  • the provision of living space per family member should not exceed the maximum size specified in the act of government agencies - no more than 18 square meters. m. for 1 person, if she has income and the price of her property is not higher than the value specified in the act of the government agency of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;
  • if citizens live in housing classified as unfit for habitation or in emergency apartment buildings requiring demolition or major repairs;
  • citizens who have 2 or more minor children, in connection with which citizens can receive;
  • persons are combat veterans.
  • family income must correspond the required amount mortgages for economy class housing.

Procedure for purchasing housing

To receive housing, program participants must comply with procedure for purchasing housing:

  • choose housing, collect everything documents, relating to him and his owner and present them to the creditor;
  • it is also necessary to provide information about the price put forward by the seller of the selected home and its market price through an assessment by an independent appraiser;
  • If the lender’s response is positive, the program participant enters into a housing purchase and sale agreement and a loan agreement, and also draws up a mortgage;
  • pays the down payment to the seller and takes a receipt from the seller about this, which he transfers to the lender;
  • the borrower registers ownership of the purchased home with local authorities Federal service state registration;
  • pays all costs associated with registration of housing;
  • The borrower insures the home purchased with a mortgage, which is one of the main conditions of the loan.

List of documents

The program participant must have a certain package of documents:

  • Russian passport or a document that can replace it;
  • documents containing information that the citizen is included in the iron ore work program;
  • an extract from the relevant body or organization compiling the register of persons included in the right to purchase economy-class housing under the ZhRS program;
  • information about the verification by a special Agency of the presence of a person in the register established by the authorized government agency;
  • men must have a military ID, which is required to assess his income;
  • documents containing information about a citizen’s employment – work book or an agreement with the employer;
  • documents informing about the income of the program participant - 2-NDFL certificate or a copy of the tax return.

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For this category of persons it is established additional condition- receiving maternity capital ( Federal law dated December 29, 2006 No. 256-FZ “On additional measures of state support for families with children”) and its direction for the purchase or construction of economy-class housing.

  • Persons with three or more minor children.
  • Combat veterans.
  • People who are disabled and families with disabled children.
  • Other categories that are established at the regional level.
  • Thus, the target category of subjects is people in need of improved housing conditions and belonging to one of the above categories. Moreover, these persons may have a preferential right to purchase economy class housing.

Program “housing for Russian families” (ZhRS)

Purchase benefits include:

  • Owners of housing with an insufficient number of square meters of space (per family member there is less than 18 square meters, determined by the norms of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

The total income and value of the family's property must be less than the limit determined by the municipal authorities.

  • Families living in their own houses, which have been assigned the status of emergency or subject to demolition buildings.
  • Families with two or more children under age (they must use their maternity capital as a down payment when buying an apartment).
  • One or both parents are combat veterans.

In some regions, municipal authorities also include in the waiting list large families, disabled people and other socially vulnerable categories of citizens.

Program “housing for Russian families” Moscow

In addition, for developers participating in the program, AFZhS, a subsidiary of AHML, provides targeted loans under the Stimulus program. To date, 65 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have entered into agreements to join the program. 52 of them on at the moment completed the selection land plots, projects and developers and decided on the volume of commissioning of economy-class housing: more than 12 million sq. m. will be built within the framework of the selected projects. m of residential real estate. And among the participating regions are Astrakhan, Volgograd, Voronezh, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Saratov region, Primorsky, Transbaikal Perm and Krasnodar region, Tatarstan and others.

Recently, the Leningrad region also joined the program ( full list regions can be found on the website program-zhrs.rf), and soon the Moscow region will also become a participant.

Program “housing for Russian families”

The project involves three types of residential development: apartment buildings different number of storeys (5-9-12-16 floors), blocked residential buildings (townhouses) and individual houses. And also 2 kindergartens (for 240 and 80 places), a school with a swimming pool, a temple, an administrative and business center and a sports and recreation complex with a stadium will be built. And on the ground floors of 12-16-story buildings, grocery stores, beauty salons, shoe and clothing repair shops and other consumer services are planned.
Thus, residents of the complex will be provided with everything they need. But the main advantage of this project is its location - on the shore of the Cheboksary reservoir. It is planned to create a landscaped embankment and a recreation area (park area), and it is also proposed to place a pedestrian boulevard along the main street.


Houses built within the framework of the “housing for the Russian family” program will be built according to carefully thought out and developed architectural projects. This applies to all complexes that will be built thanks to the program, be it the Moscow region or any other region. Attention will be paid not only to the infrastructure, but also to the external appearance of the buildings.
These requirements must be met in any region participating in the program, be it the Moscow region or another region. Refusal to participate in the program Some citizens belonging to the category of people declared in the program may be refused participation by government officials. Firstly, you can purchase this type of real estate within the framework of the Housing for Russian Family program only once.
Upon repeated application to the MS authorities, the citizen will be refused.

“Housing for Russian families” program in 2018

Economy class housing is being built on the territory of participating regions of Russia, on specially selected land plots. This selection is carried out by government agencies. authorities of the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation that are participants in the program. People who have a residence permit in Moscow, but do not have their own housing, now often ask questions on the Internet whether they can enroll in a program to obtain housing for a Russian family.


At the moment this is difficult, since the average housing price in Moscow, as is known, is about 170 thousand rubles. / 1 sq. m., which means that such housing does not meet one of the conditions described above and, therefore, the city’s participation in the program itself is quite difficult. However, the issue is being studied, certain agreements are being discussed between AHML, the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, and the Moscow Region. Everything is thought out for the benefit of both citizens and program participants.

Housing for a Russian family Moscow

Combat veterans are included in the list of citizens who have full rights to receive such assistance. State assistance consists of providing financial resources in the form housing subsidy depending on the personal situation of the potential applicant. To be able to realize the opportunity provided, combat veterans must fully meet the basic requirements and conditions. Which are reflected in the legislation of the Russian Federation, namely:

  • the applicant’s official status as being in dire need of improved living conditions;
  • accommodation in a living space of less than 18 square meters per guest.

Additionally, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that local governments have every right to expand the regional requirements that must be met in order to be able to receive a housing subsidy.

Features of the housing program for Russian families in 2018

Every Russian family that needs to improve their living conditions must be provided with comfortable and spacious housing. In order to provide apartments for such a number of people, it will be necessary to build 2.5 million square meters for people to live in. According to Ogloblina, the implementation of such a plan for the construction of economy-class apartments will allow many times to reduce the number of citizens who need to improve their living conditions. The Moscow region is far from the only region in which the “Housing for Russian Family” program has begun to be implemented. This program involves 64 regions. At the same time, almost every region selects territory for construction, as well as construction projects on a competitive basis. The companies that will be involved in the construction will be selected in the same way.

Program “housing for Russian families”. how to become a member?

The priority area is social programs, which are primarily focused on providing loans to persons who have decided to buy housing under the program in question. In the process of purchasing real estate with your cash savings, taking into account the many varieties government subsidies towards the closing cost of the apartment, can be regulated exclusively by agreement with the direct developer. Terms of this project Program conditions may vary slightly between eligible applicants.


For this reason, let's look at some of them in more detail. For pensioners Key terms To be able to participate in the program under consideration is confirmation of solvency. At the same time, pensioners need to remember that everything depends solely on the region of residence.

Housing program for Russian families Moscow

Currently, in the Pribrezhny residential complex, as part of the program, the construction of a 9-story, 4-entrance building with 153 apartments is underway, where it will be possible to purchase 1-3-room properties with an area of ​​32.51 to 73.55 sq. m. Another worthy object of the “Housing for Russian Family” program is the “Vidny” residential complex in Krasnodar (Kirill Rossinsky St., letter 5). This project involves the construction of two monolithic brick 16-storey buildings, one of which is included in the program. The building is designed for 720 apartments, most of them are one-room, but buyers are also offered studios and 2-3-room options with the most comfortable and functional layouts and beautiful views from the windows. The complex is located in an area with developed infrastructure, so that within walking distance there are shops (and in particular the Red Square shopping center), bank branches, clinics, schools and kindergartens.
RF they are included in the list according to municipality, and then to the register for the subject of the Russian Federation, about which a corresponding decision is made. Required documents to participate For program participants prerequisite is providing in authorized body the required list of documents, among which are the following:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • consent to the processing of personal data;
  • identification document (passport);
  • documents confirming the applicant’s relationship to a particular category of persons entitled to participate in the program;
  • documents confirming family members living together with the applicant (marriage certificate, birth certificate of children, their passports, etc.).

An applicant can only apply to one local government body to be included in the relevant list.

The point of this program is that a person does not receive housing for free, but he has the opportunity to buy real estate at a discounted price (no more than 35 thousand rubles / sq. m). And for those who are planning a purchase involving mortgage loan AHML offers social mortgage products at reduced rates (program “ Social mortgage"). And despite the lower cost, this is high-quality housing with an energy saving class of at least “B” (high), interior decoration and established engineering equipment(including those intended for accounting for water consumption, heat consumption, electricity consumption and gas consumption (if available)),.

In addition, the housing promises to be quite spacious, since for low-rise individual residential buildings and townhouses (blocks in residential buildings blocked development) maximum area is limited to 150 sq. m, and for apartments – 100 sq. meters.

At the same time, the amount of state financial support will also be determined by the number of family members:

  • 2 people - 600 thousand rubles;
  • 3 people - 800 thousand rubles;
  • 4 people - 1 million rubles.

Single-parent young families (one parent with children) in 2018 will be able to receive a subsidy of at least 35% of the price of a house or apartment. A family can apply to participate in the project if they monthly income will be higher:

  • If there are no children - 21,621 rubles;
  • If you have one child - 32,510 rubles;
  • If you have two children - 43,350 rubles.

At the end of 2017, preliminary results of the implementation of a large-scale social project will be summed up. Based on its results, it is expected that the “housing issue” of more than 450 thousand families will be resolved.

Program “housing for Russian families” (ZhRS)


Initially, the program in question was valid until 2018. However, relatively recently the Russian Government decided to extend the project until 2020. Legal framework Many legislative acts have been adopted on the implementation of the program under consideration.

In particular we're talking about on such laws as: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1099 Reflects the nuances in the implementation of the Federal Law on development assistance housing construction Federal Law No. 256 Displays additional measures of state assistance for families raising minor children Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 404 Displays key issues in the implementation of the program under consideration The specified list is far from exhaustive, but reflects all the necessary nuances that every applicant for participation in the program should know about program.

Program “housing for Russian families” Moscow

Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated May 5, 2014 No. 223/pr is:

  • detached residential building (number of floors no more than three, area no more than 150 m2);
  • residential block (a residential building consisting of several blocks, according to the characteristics of no more than 3 floors and a total area of ​​150 m2, located on a separate plot of land and has access to a public area);
  • apartment in apartment building(MCD).

Conditions of the program in 2017 The conditions of the iron ore program in accordance with the provisions established by Government Decree No. 404 include the following:

  1. The volume of planned commissioning of the housing stock is at least 25 million m2 of total area of ​​economy class housing, which must meet established requirements.
  2. The main criterion for determining such housing is its cost, which should not exceed 35 thousand.

Program “housing for Russian families”

The lender assesses the applicant’s solvency after his application (submitting an application) and determines the maximum size of the possible loan, the timing and amount of repayment. At the same time, the lender also generates a list of approved applications, which is also sent to the person authorized to maintain a consolidated register for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Participating regions and large cities Construction of economy-class housing is carried out only in strictly designated areas, on land plots that have passed a strict selection.

This procedure is carried out only in those regions that are also participants in the iron ore program. At the same time, a complete list of these regions can be seen in Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia No. 258/pr dated May 27, 2014 “On the list of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on whose territory the program “Housing for the Russian Family” is being implemented.


Department for housing issues. During the application process, you must have a complete package of documentation with you. Pros and cons The main advantages are considered to be:

  • you can purchase real estate with minimal financial costs;
  • Almost everyone can take part in the program;
  • registration mortgage lending at the minimum annual rate.

The disadvantages are:

  • lack of feasible assistance from regional authorities;
  • It is quite difficult to buy housing in many regions of the Russian Federation at a discounted price, since construction is proceeding at a low pace;
  • lack of developed infrastructure.
  • lack of complete information about the implementation of this program.

It is worth noting that in many regions of the Russian Federation, new housing is being built in the vicinity of populated areas, and few people pay attention to the infrastructure.

“Housing for Russian families” program in 2018

  • the living space standards per person are not met, i.e. less than 18 sq. meters;
  • the family's total cash receipts are less than the maximum value specified in the regional draft standards;
  • the price of the house or apartment that the family is going to purchase should not be higher than the maximum cost prescribed in the program;
  • the property in which given time Potential participants of the program live there; they cannot continue to be used and restored for objective reasons (dilapidated, in disrepair);
  • spouses have two or more minor children and have a certificate for receiving maternity capital;
  • the total income of the spouses is higher than the minimum value prescribed in the terms of the program (this indicator is annually indexed by inflation).

One of the conditions for participation is the availability of funds for the initial contribution.

Housing for a Russian family Moscow

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2017 No. 393, the “Housing for Russian Family” program was closed as ineffective. The construction of economy-class housing will continue as part of the new priority project “Mortgage and Rental Housing.” The State Iron and Steel Works program provides for the opportunity for citizens to purchase economy class housing, i.e.

at a price that is less than the market price. Moreover, it also provides preferential lending these persons to achieve this goal. At the same time, the circle of entities that have the right to participate in this program is strictly defined by the current legislation of the Russian Federation and in order to become a participant in the Iron and Steel Works program, an interested person must not only fall under one of the specified categories, but also have a package of documents in hand when applying to authorized body.

Features of the housing program for Russian families in 2018

The main goals of the program implementation are: support for those categories of citizens who are in great need of improving their living conditions; an increase in the volume of housing under construction in Russia; increasing its availability by reducing average price 1 sq. m. of housing. According to the program, in 2014-2017 it is planned to build 25 million square meters of total area of ​​economy class housing with all the necessary social infrastructure. Sq. m of such housing is sold at a price less than the market price by 20 percent, no more than 35 thousand.
rubles Summary information about the current progress of the program, incl. and summary data on implementation stages, key. performance indicators are always available on the corresponding information website for the “Housing for Russian Family” program. This site is http://program-zhrs.rf/.

Program “housing for Russian families”. how to become a member?

State To be able to participate in the state program, you should also directly contact local authorities. The basic package of necessary documentation directly depends on each individual region. Based on the accepted documentation, it is selected residential real estate and the corresponding agreement is signed.
Social Mechanism for taking part in social program necessary: ​​Contact directly the local administration of the locality at your place of residence and draw up an appropriate application regarding inclusion in the lists of persons who have the right to purchase economy-class residential real estate in the approved form.

Housing program for Russian families Moscow

FAMILY RELATIONS PARENTING CHILDREN HOUSEHOLD PROBLEMS FAMILY BUDGET ALL DIFFERENT “Housing for the Russian Family” is a program implemented directly within the framework of the state. Russian Federation programs to provide comfortable, affordable housing, as well as public services to all citizens of the country. Unfortunately, under the “Housing for Russian Family” program, Moscow (more about it below), as well as some other cities, is not yet able to provide apartments to everyone in need. This program was approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 323 of April 15, 2014, and was aimed at increasing the overall affordability of housing and the quality of housing provision for all people in Russia.
The main measures and conditions for the implementation of the program were approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 404, dated May 15, 2014.


Paragraph 1 of the “Basic conditions and measures for the implementation of the Housing for Russian Family program”, approved by Government Decree No. 404, establishes that the iron ore work program is valid for the period 2014 - 2017. It is important to note that the construction projects under construction must be handed over by the developers before 07/01/2017. How to become a participant in the program? In connection with the consideration of the main directions of the iron ore program, it arises logical question about how to become a member.

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to refer to the provisions of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 404, as well as Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated June 10, 2014 No. 286/pr “On approval methodological recommendations to establish categories of citizens entitled to purchase economy class housing...". First of all, it is necessary to take into account that not every person who wishes can be a participant in the program.

The program does not exclude the possibility of purchasing economy-class houses by the state. This redemption option is possible only if in the future these apartments are sold at a set price to residents of houses that are in disrepair. According to forecasts, after construction planned for the next years, about 30% of citizens will be able to improve living conditions without resorting to large financial expenses.

Apartments can be purchased using a mortgage. This applies to every Russian family that falls into the category of participants. Infrastructure The Housing for Russian Family program involves the construction of not only residential buildings, but also the provision of new residential complexes necessary infrastructure.