Event tourism of the municipality development prospects. Prospects for the development of event tourism in Russia. Promotion via the Internet


According to VTsIOM surveys, beach tourism is the most preferred type of vacation for only thirty percent of Russian tourists (Figure 4). In addition to beach holidays, educational tourism is beginning to be in increasing demand, and excursion tours are also becoming more popular. For Russian tourists, who are currently the main visitors to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, event tourism is generally considered attractive. This is evidenced by the high demand for excursions to get acquainted with objects of historical and cultural heritage and resort areas offered to Russian citizens at foreign resorts.

Availability of a basis for the development of cultural tourism in the Krasnodar region. From the point of view of the development of Event tourism, a very important factor is the provision of the region with objects of historical and cultural heritage, unique culture, ethnic groups, crafts, opportunities and resources for the favorable development of Event tourism, etc. According to these criteria, the Krasnodar Territory is a promising region for the development of Event tourism. The region has an abundance of all kinds of places favorable for holding public events. The historical heritage of the region includes the pre-antique era, monuments of the ancient, Hellenistic and early Christian eras, medieval buildings and objects of later times. This provides a source for the formation of new events that will attract many tourists to these rich lands. The intangible historical and cultural heritage of the region is due to the fact that peoples of various nationalities and cultural communities traditionally live on its territory, which makes it possible to develop national traditions and organize thematic events that can attract tourists.

An analysis of the tourism potential of the regions of the Krasnodar region, carried out on the basis of a survey of travel companies operating in these areas, as well as tourists who visited these areas, allows us to describe in more detail the prospects for the development of Event tourism in the region as a whole.

Resorts in the Krasnodar Territory are traditionally in demand among Russian tourists. It is estimated that up to fifty percent of all tourist trips made by citizens of the Russian Federation occur in the Krasnodar Territory. The main trends characterizing the development of the tourism industry in the Krasnodar region are determined by the steady growth of the Russian tourism market as a whole. Currently, beach tourism is developing most actively in the Krasnodar Territory. However, data from a sociological survey by VTsIOM show that only thirty percent of Russian tourists consider beach tourism the preferred form of recreation.

Forty percent of Russians are interested in event tourism, and the prevalence of this type of tourism is growing steadily. In the context of rising incomes and increasing spending on vacations, Russian tourists are showing their desire for diversified tourism offers, including excursion tours. Maintaining the Krasnodar Territory's leading position in the domestic tourism market and increasing the contribution of the tourism industry to the regional economy requires measures aimed at diversifying the tourism offer. The development and use of the cultural and entertainment potential of the region and the expansion of Event tourism on this basis creates such an opportunity.

The development of the cultural and entertainment potential of the Krasnodar Territory will reduce the negative impact of the seasonality factor on the development of the tourism industry in the region, increase the expenses of tourists during their vacation, and attract tourists to the region repeatedly. In turn, the growth of income from tourism will contribute to an increase in the gross regional product, and as a result, an increase in government spending on the preservation of cultural sites and the development of related infrastructure.

To develop measures aimed at using the cultural and historical potential of the Krasnodar Territory, it is necessary to study the current state of objects, assess the degree of infrastructure development and the amount of additional investment required to create a tourism product based on a particular object.

Identification of the most promising objects requires a clear system of criteria that will make it possible to fully assess their potential, identify missing characteristics for the successful operation of objects and provide recommendations for involving objects in economic turnover.

The system of criteria presented below includes the most important characteristics of objects from an economic point of view. These characteristics can be divided into two groups:

Infrastructure criteria (remoteness of the object; availability of additional services (infrastructure) for tourists);

Investment criteria (type of object; condition / safety of the object; uniqueness / fame of the object; attendance (tourist popularity) / tourist image of the object; “thematic”; staffing).

Infrastructural criteria combine characteristics that are not directly related to the object, but largely determine the attractiveness of the object for tourists. The remoteness criterion allows us to identify objects located within two to three hours’ accessibility from places of mass tourist accommodation. This criterion is of particular importance when a tourist makes a decision to visit a new or little-known site. In addition to remoteness, the availability of convenient transport for long trips and the good condition of roads play an important role. Additional services for tourists mean the availability of advertising and information materials about the object and souvenir shops, placement of catering organizations, toilets, parking spaces, etc. in close proximity to the object. .

Recent sociological studies of trends and logic in the development of international tourism indicate that over the past five years, travelers’ interest in cultural and sporting events has increased significantly. Event tourism is becoming an increasingly rapidly developing sector of the economy, and this trend will continue in the near future. Already today, the Krasnodar Territory hosts many large-scale events that attract tourists from all over the world. Traditionally, such major cultural events take place as “Kinoshock” in Anapa, “Kinotavr” and the “Five Stars” competition for young performers in Sochi, the hydroaviation show in Gelendzhik and a number of others. The development of event tourism is aimed at attracting young people to the resorts of the region.

Also in the Krasnodar region there are already such ethnographic tourism objects as the Dobrodeya cultural and ethnographic park, the Gorgippia Museum and the Arin-Berd Armenian Cultural Center in Anapa, and the Circassian Aul ethnic center in the Crimean region.

The Krasnodar region is rich in resources for the development of Event tourism, which means that it can easily take a leading position in the tourism industry not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad.

Event tourism in Russia is a very young, but powerfully developing direction. At the moment, vacations associated with various events have become quite popular among Russian tourists.

All event tourism can be divided into several categories. All of them are selected according to the scale of the event. Based on these characteristics, international and national events can be distinguished. In event tourism, several areas can be identified, which are divided by topic: theatrical shows, carnivals, fairs, music festivals, fashion shows, folk festivals, flower festivals, gastronomic festivals, film festivals, sporting events, religious holidays, economic forums, etc.

In Russia, event tourism has not yet developed much and it is very easy to name places that attract local tourists with events: these are festivals and holidays in the capitals of Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg). And in recent years there has been great interest in trips to the homeland of Father Frost and Maslenitsa tours.

If there are no events in the life of a tourist site as traditions that have developed historically, then the event is specially invented. For example, in the city of Suzdal (Vladimir region) a lot of holidays are held, which attract a large number of tourists not only from Russia but also from abroad. Goose Fights and the Cucumber Festival are considered famous. They are held on the territory of the Museum of Wooden Architecture. Tourists are also attracted by Christmas, New Year's Eve, Trinity, the Russian Fairy Tale festival, Epiphany, Maslenitsa, Rusal Week, the international Indian Summer festival and other events.

In event tourism there are several thematic types:

1. Theatrical shows:

Equestrian theatrical show (knight's tournament) in the Lion's Head castle (Sukko village, Anapa, Krasnodar region).

International folklore festival “World Village” (village Roshchino, Leningrad region);

Festivals of historical reconstructions (Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Vyborg, etc.);

2. National festivals and holidays:

Summer holiday “Ysykhak” (Yakutia);

Military-historical festival “Kulikovo Field” (Tula region).

All-Russian Military History Festival “Borodin Day” (Borodino, Moscow region);

International Festival “Fashion and Style in Photography” (Moscow);

3. Festivals and flower exhibitions:

International Flower Festival (St. Petersburg);

All-Russian Flower Festival in Anapa (Krasnodar Territory).

International Festival “Flowers of Sakhalin” (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Region);

4. Film and theater festivals:

Children's Film Festival "Fairy Tale" (Moscow).

Theater festival "Golden Mask" (Moscow);

Moscow International Film Festival of Mountain and Adventure Films (Moscow);

Film Festival "Kinotavr" (Sochi, Krasnodar region);

5. Gastronomic festivals:

International gastronomic festival “Food Show” (Moscow); - Big Moscow International Beer Festival (Moscow);

Festival “Sea of ​​Beer in Sochi” (Krasnodar Territory);

Holiday-festival dedicated to tomatoes (Syzran, Samara region).

Cucumber Festival (Suzdal, Vladimir region);

6. Fashion shows and festivals:

Fashion festival “Ples on the Volga. Linen palette" (Ples, Ivanovo region).

Festival of fashion and theatrical costume “Volga Region Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev” (Samara);

International fashion festival “Velvet Seasons” (Sochi, Krasnodar region);

International Festival “Fashion. Russia. Style" (St. Petersburg);

7. Auctions:

Real estate auction (Moscow);

Antique auction (Moscow).

Numismatic auction (St. Petersburg);

8. Music festivals and music competitions:

International Arts Festival “Russian Music in the Baltic” (Kaliningrad);

Musical competition named after. P.I. Tchaikovsky (Moscow);

International Festival of Russian Classical Music named after. S.V. Rachmaninov (Veliky Novgorod);

9. Sports events:

Winter Olympics 2014 (Sochi).

UEFA Champions League (Moscow);

International tennis tournament “Kremlin Cup” (Moscow);

10. International technical salons:

Naval Salon (St. Petersburg);

Aviation and Space Salon "MAKS" (Zhukovsky, Moscow region);

Exhibition of state security equipment “Interpolitex”;

Motor show in Moscow;

The tourism industry actively uses events to shape the tourism product and attract tourists.

Today, event tourism is developing dynamically in Russia. Popular sporting events include hockey tournaments, Kremlin Cup tennis and football matches. A very noticeable increase in the incoming flow of tourists was ensured by the Eurovision 2009 music competition. We can say that every city in our country is interesting and attractive with its cultural and sporting events. And they attract a considerable number of spectators. The Moscow International Film Festival and various folklore, ethnic and military-historical holidays are held annually. Music festivals dedicated to world-famous Russian composers have enormous potential for development on a higher scale.

It should be noted that event tourism is a unique type of tourism, since it is inexhaustible in content. A huge number of experts from around the world believe that in the near future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in sightseeing tours.

Several aspects can be noted about the event tourism market in Russia and its prospects. Firstly, Rostourism, both on its own and with the help of partners, organizes a significant number of events. For example, 2012 marked the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Borodino. The celebration of this date in the form of a reconstruction of the battle on the Borodino field in the Moscow region attracted the attention of thousands of guests, which turned the celebration into a full-fledged tourist event. Secondly, it is support for events within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, which provides for the implementation of the task of promoting the Russian tourism product. Finally, thirdly, we constantly help various regions find themselves in the event market of the country and the world. And also create opportunities for the establishment of a full-fledged event series in all regions of Russia.

Undoubtedly, the leaders of this segment are the capitals of Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Also, Kazan is a full-fledged center for sports and event tourism. Ekaterinburg is a center for business events. But Perm just recently demonstrated its ambitions as a center for festival events. Of course, the Krasnodar Territory, the Moscow Region and many regions of the North Caucasus have enormous potential.

EventGuide.ru is the first Russian portal about event tourism. The portal is positioned as a guide for independent and active tourists, travelers who attend various events and activities in Russia and abroad. .

If we talk about the development of the event industry in Russia, we can say that the main obstacle is the lack of understanding in the regions that the development of event tourism increases the investment potential of the territory exponentially. After all, along with tourists, business, new life and opportunities come to the region. This is worth using, and you need to constantly think and talk about it.

This year, the events with the greatest prospects are highlighted. These are the events that shape the face of the territory. These include: the theater festival in Avignon, the White Nights in Perm festival or the Venice Biennale.

The alumni holiday in St. Petersburg “Scarlet Sails” began in 2005 and has been held annually since then. Now this is an event of international scale. The name of the holiday and the staged plot were taken from the work of Alexander Green.

In addition to the cultural capital, event tourism is successfully developing in other regions of the country. The Perm region has been hosting numerous festivals for many years, taking place throughout almost the entire year: the Diaghilev seasons, the aeronautics festival “Ural Sky Fair” held for the tenth time, and others.

The active development of event tourism has certainly been noticed in Moscow. Among the successful Moscow tourist products today are the “Night of Museums”, the International Competition named after. Tchaikovsky, World Press Photo, “Broad Maslenitsa”. A good example of a successful event is the international military music festival “Spasskaya Tower”. It is precisely this type of event that forms the new event face of not only the capital, but also the country.

In the Irkutsk region, the first International Baikal Winter Games Festival “Zimniada” was held in the spring of 2003. Since then, the festival has become an annual traditional event. Now he has great popularity and fame even outside the region.

Event tourism began to develop in the country recently and still occupies a small share in the structure of the domestic tourist flow of Russia. But, despite this, today we have examples of good organization of exciting events at the regional and municipal levels. However, we all must understand that the existing events cannot yet be considered competitive at the global level.

Statistics for 2011 show that the domestic tourist flow in Russia amounted to thirty-three and three million people. According to experts, in 2012 the domestic tourist flow increased by ten percent and amounted to thirty-seven million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty people.

With the beginning of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, tourism in Russia begins a new stage of its development.

The dynamics of the incoming flow of tourists indicates its growth in 2011 by ten percent compared to 2010. And the number of trips of foreign tourists to our country for the purpose of tourism is small and in 2011 amounted to only two point three million.

The departure of Russian citizens for the purpose of tourism in 2011 increased compared to 2010 by eleven percent and amounted to fourteen million people. The share of tourism in the country's GDP in 2013 is 6.5%.

Today, the following trends in the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation can be noted:

Strengthening the role of tourism at the federal and regional levels;

Active development of interregional cooperation in the field of tourism;

Intensifying the promotion of the national tourism product in the global and domestic tourism markets.

Development of the most promising types of tourism.

In the course of analyzing the structure of the internal Russian tourist flow, it can be observed that beach holidays are more popular among our citizens (38%). And trips with cultural and educational purposes are chosen by 20% of tourists.

Event tourism in a large number of countries around the world refers to tourism activities associated with a variety of social events. Also, rare natural phenomena that attract large masses of compatriots and tourists from different countries with their uniqueness, exoticism, and uniqueness.

Final qualifying work

Prospects for the development of event tourism in the Krasnodar region


event Krasnodar tourism

The relevance of this topic lies in the fact that every tour operator company is interested in providing a competitive tour product to the tourism market. And Event tourism is a very popular and rapidly developing type of tourism at the moment.

The ever-increasing interest of travelers in event tourism in general in Russia and abroad, as well as the high resource potential of the Krasnodar region for the development of this specific area, can serve as the basis for the development of professionally organized event tourism in Russia as a whole. Based on the analysis of event tourism in a given region, it is possible to predict the potential possibilities for its further implementation and assess the contribution to economic development. Thus, these studies allow us to conclude that this type of tourism has great development prospects.

Object of studyis event tourism in Russia and the Krasnodar region.

Subject of study- prospects for the development of event tourism.

Goal of the work- identify problems in the development of event tourism in Russia and the Krasnodar region and identify ways to solve them.

To achieve this goal, the following have been set and resolved: tasks:

-identify the place of event tourism in the Russian tourism services market;

-analyze the state of event tourism in Russia and the Krasnodar region;

-identify problems in the development of event tourism in the Krasnodar region;

-identify ways to solve problems identified during the work.

Theoretical basis of the studywere the works of: Aleksandrova A.Yu., Babkina A.V., Balabanova I.T., Birzhakova M.B. and other authors.

Research methodsmethods used in writing the thesis: descriptive, comparative, method of analysis and synthesis, graphic and statistical.

1. Theoretical foundations of event tourism

.1 Historical aspects of the development of event tourism in the world

This type of tourism as event tourism is currently gaining great popularity. A superficial analysis of the demand of the tourism market shows that at the moment there is an increase in interest in festivals and events, during which tourists receive more positive emotions from traveling than from a simple beach tour, even with a rich excursion program.

Event tourism is a very young and extremely interesting direction. The main purpose of the trip is dedicated to some interesting or important event. Unique tours that combine participation in the most spectacular events on the planet and traditional recreation are gradually gaining more and more popularity.

Event tourism is a type of tourism aimed at visiting an area at a specific time. Associated with rare natural phenomena, as well as with a variety of significant social events, attracting large masses of tourists from foreign countries with their uniqueness and uniqueness. It will include cultural, ethnographic, sports, folklore, and exhibition tourism events. There are many countries in the world, and in each of them there are events in the field of culture, art and sports - something of historical, cultural, sports value and importance.

Event tourism is a holiday atmosphere, individual recreation conditions and unforgettable impressions. The main feature is the many bright and unique moments.

This type of tourism involves satisfying a person’s need to attend a specific event.

One of the main features of event tourism is the many bright, unique moments.

In the case of event tourism, an event should be understood as a set of phenomena that stand out for their ambiguity and significance for a given society or humanity as a whole, for small groups. It may take the form of a one-time, unique phenomenon or a periodic observed phenomenon, observed annually or during certain periods of time. The tourism business always actively uses events to attract tourists to the event and create a tourism product. The most important thing when organizing tours of this kind, as a rule, is advance planning.

It happens that in the life of a tourist site there is no event that has developed historically as a tradition, then it is invented on purpose. Consequently, there is the attraction of a mass of visitors and a campaign to promote a tourism product focused on the event, therefore, generating income from tourists who want to visit the site not only for the purpose of sightseeing, but also for the purpose of participating in the celebration themselves along with local residents and share their joy.

During a planned event, the activity of tourism industry facilities sharply intensifies. Foreign countries occupy the leading positions in such holidays. Russia is no exception. The country is working to become one of the countries with high “event” potential and obtain the rights to hold mass events, and, accordingly, attract many thousands of wealthy tourists.

The target audience of event tourism is companies consisting of several couples, as well as wealthy tourists with above-average income.

Of course, it should be noted that the high price has a huge impact on the implementation of these tours. The cost of event trips is quite high, as a result of which these tours are accessible to people of approximately the same circle with high income and similar requirements. “Event” tourists are willing to pay very substantial sums for the opportunity to attend a festival of interest or attend a desired sporting competition abroad. In this situation, it is not easy for others who wish to do so. For the remaining category of tourists, with average incomes, there is the opportunity to participate in an event tour “with no entrance ticket.” As in any business, there are alternative options for the consumer, so is the process of selling event tours. These are tours with participation in carnivals, folk festivals, large-scale city celebrations, etc. not requiring payment for visiting them, but giving, similar to expensive ones, a lot of positive emotions.

Analysis of the specifics of the selected business, extensive use of advertising means to promote tourism of this type, selection of individual tours that meet the requirements and wishes of customers, the content of which would direct the consumer to purchase this product and advance formation of a tour to the desired event - the key to the success of the tourism market with the underlying product being sold. event

Participants in such tours place increased demands on accommodation facilities, especially their classic type - hotels, transport (convenience of delivery to the event site), the services of translator guides and catering establishments. The peculiarity of event tourism is that every year it is replenished with new event tours, which from random become regular. Currently, “carnival” tours are a large and stable segment of event tourism.

When organizing “carnival” tours, a number of tourists’ requirements should be taken into account:

availability of restaurants and quality food;

the location of the hotel is near the place where carnival events take place;

room interior and color scheme;

the hotel's architecture is ancient style;

Availability of shops or carnival costume rentals.

number of service personnel.

During the season, tourist centers host entire cycles of events from the touring and entertainment industry, performances by famous artists, famous singers and musicians, and theater groups. Arts festivals are of great importance.

Fairs, exhibitions and tourist exchanges are an important part of tourism activities in the field of promoting the tourism product. By nature and economic essence, the following are distinguished:

1.Exhibitions exposition, exhibition, ausstellung are regularly organized retail and wholesale events with a limited time, where exhibitors present goods and services of several or one industry based on the demonstration of exhibition samples.

2.Fairs messe, trade fair, foire are regularly organized wholesale and retail market events with a limited time, where a significant number of exhibitors sell characteristic services and goods of one or more industries.

In the field of exhibition activities, there are tourist exchanges bourse and market. There is a classification of exhibitions according to various characteristics and criteria, according to the criteria of participants - into national, international, interregional, local. The main feature of an international exhibition is the participation of at least ten percent of exhibitors and at least five percent of visitors and specialists from various countries. Interregional exhibitions are characterized by the composition of exhibitors from different regions, and regional ones - by the belonging of participants and products to one region. National exhibitions are held within the country and abroad to promote the country's products to foreign and domestic markets and are characterized by the exhibitors belonging to the same country. Interregional exhibitions are characterized by the composition of exhibitors from one country.

Modern means of transportation have greatly changed the nature of movement in space and now allow travel in time. It is known for certain that organized tours from England to France took place back in 1815. The writer and traveler D. Galinayany was the organizer and initiator of such tours for the general public from London to Paris. Already in 1829, the world's first travel guide was published, published and prepared by K. Baedeker. His name is still known today. This guide is still published to this day and is very popular among tourists traveling around Europe.

Technological progress has given a huge impetus to the development of mass tourism. In 1830, the world's first railway between Liverpool and Manchester came into operation, which fundamentally changed the time frame for travel. A journey that previously took weeks has now become accessible to everyone and at a relatively low price.

Thomas Cook, a Baptist pastor now recognized as the founder of modern tourism, was the first to recognize the nature and benefits of mass organized movements of travelers and in 1843 organized the first railway tour for his flock. In 1851, he organized the participation of British people from all provinces of the country in the international exhibition in Paris. He managed to bring 165 thousand visitors to the exhibition at a time. Exhibition tours turned out to be profitable, and in 1855 Cook became the organizer of mass visits by tourists from England to the World Exhibition in Paris. Since 1856, travel around Europe became regular, the Cook Travel Agency and many branches were created. The fantastic success of the tourism company is confirmed by the published catalog of 8,000 hotels and inns in which Cook offered accommodation to tourists. In 1864, more than 1 million tourists already became clients of the Thomas Cook travel company. Regular steamship service between the European and American continents was opened in 1832 and in 1866 Cook sent the first two groups of tourists to the USA. The tours were long and lasted up to 5 months. Among the famous American tourists who used the services of Thomas Cook, one should name Mark Twain, who traveled in a group of 60 people and subsequently described this trip in detail in one of his stories. Thomas Cook was the first to offer a trip around the world to everyone in 1872, putting a tour around the world on an industrial basis. The first 20 travelers completed a tour around the world in 220 days. Thomas Cook died in 1892, his business was continued by his son, and then by his grandchildren and partners. The company significantly expanded its area of ​​activity, becoming a large financial institution, and began issuing traveler's checks for travelers. Today, the Thomas Cook company owns 12,000 travel agencies in all countries of the world and serves 20 million tourists and holds its own travel exhibitions.

Event tourism has also developed. The emergence and development of types of event tourism took place in different periods of time. Carnival has a very ancient history, its roots go back to distant pagan times, 10 thousand years before the birth of Christ. The word carnaval itself goes back to the Latin expression carrum novalis - after the name of the ritual cart-ship, which in ancient times in European countries was used to move the streets of the city of fertility idols during holidays. Other sources claim that the word "carnival" comes from the expression carnelevale, which means "farewell meat" in Italian, indicating the beginning of the Christian fast.

The origins of carnivals are the ancient Saturnalia. With the onset of holidays dedicated to the Roman god of harvest and fertility, Saturn, festivities were held based on the idea of ​​reincarnation. In these days, masters and slaves were equal; they could feast at the same table. At the same time, the masters did not hesitate to offer food to their slaves. At the beginning of the Saturnalia, the people elected a false king, whose fate was this: at the end of the holidays he had to commit suicide, otherwise he would still die from a knife, fire or noose.

Celebrations in Ancient Rome took place over several weeks:

from November 24 to December 17 - represents carnival processions of mummers and dances, which initially imitated various actions during the production of wine and harvesting and were aimed at increasing the fertility of the earth and all nature.

from December 18 to December 23 - unusual cheerful Saturnalia, accompanied by circus performances. The whole action ended with the sacrifice of a pig;

January 1-5 - New Year's Kalends, were accompanied by processions of mummers who danced and sang songs ridiculing the highest nobility: nobles, clergy, and judicial officials. It should be noted that the church did not approve of these holidays, attributing them to the machinations of the devil;

The city festivals of the Middle Ages, with their colorful spectacles, masquerades and entertainment, went back to pagan rituals and cults. Thus, the New Year's Roman pagan holiday of Kalends, to which the church contrasted its Christmas cycle, was celebrated in Byzantium until the 13th century. .

There are many versions of when exactly the first carnival took place. The first mention of it dates back to the 11th century. At that time, namely in 1094, the Venetian Republic received, by agreement with Byzantium, houses in Constantinople and additional advantages in the taxation of goods, which made it the de facto leader of Mediterranean trade. This event was marked by a holiday, which became the first Venice Carnival. According to the second version, the Venetian Carnival was first held in 998, thus the Venetians celebrated an extremely important event - the return of young brides kidnapped by pirates from Istria. The Venetians managed to recapture them and held a celebration in honor of this. Finally, according to the third version, the first carnival took place in 1162. Residents of the Venetian Republic danced and had fun in St. Mark's Square, celebrating the glorious victory in the war against Patriarch Ulrico.

At that time, as now, the carnival had many similarities with Maslenitsa. These holidays have preserved a variety of ceremonial and ritual customs that go back to pagan beliefs. Rituals were held in order to spend the winter with dignity and invite spring; the days of the carnival marked the beginning of a new calendar cycle. The most common carnival fun was the lighting of candles and bonfires, which were reminiscent of the ancient Roman spring holidays, when traditional rituals were lighting a fire on the altar of Vesta, cleansing with water, solemn processions, horse racing, mummering, and dousing with water.

In France, the carnival was held on New Year's holidays. In the Middle Ages, the masquerade sought to withstand the onslaught and persecution coming from the Inquisition. Naturally, the church was against fun and dancing. She had great power over the people, which affected literally everyone.

However, no prohibitions could prevent the development of carnival culture in medieval cities. In this regard, carnival holidays began to be held not only on the New Year, but also at other times. They constantly changed their names:

"Feast of the Bean King";

"Procession of the Fox";

"Festival of Crazy People";

“A modest holiday”;

"Feast of the Innocents"

Carnival participants dressed up in ancient dresses, clothes of buffoons and jesters and marched merrily through the streets to the accompaniment of music, noise, singing, and shouting.

Amazing performances performed by traveling theaters, absolutely free of charge, comedies and comic banners with which the mummers went out onto the street attracted the attention of visitors.

Dancing occupied a huge place in the carnival action. In the Middle Ages, dances were folk and court. Of course, folk dances were distinguished by their simplicity, recklessness, naturalness and cheerfulness.

The city authorities sought to protect themselves, so the headman or, as he was otherwise called, the best man, was chosen for the procession. This person was obliged to be responsible for all the actions of the crowd. If unforeseen circumstances occurred, they asked him. There were cases when the headman had to contribute a fairly large amount of money as a guarantee that the carnival would go off with a bang. If damage to public property was suddenly caused during the celebration, the deposit was taken into the city treasury. If everything went more or less normally, the money was returned to the owner.

One of the very important features of the carnival is profanation, which is aimed at reducing traditionally high images. This also includes carnival sacrilege, vulgar parodies of sacred texts, and obscenity. It was this feature that caused the French king Charles IV to ban masquerades and carnivals in 1399. And in 1509, an edict of the French Parliament confirmed this prohibition, and it was in effect until the end of the 17th century. .

But still, the people's love for this holiday of fun and laughter, dancing and festivities, masks and dressing up was so strong that at the beginning of the 18th century. the carnival is back again, although not completely. The masquerade finally defended its position only during the French Revolution. At the same time, it did not change and retained the same features that were inherent in it back in the 12th century. .

The most fun and colorful holidays were the mysteries and masquerades held at Christmas. The mysteries were composed by the intelligent society of that time: home teachers, doctors, theologians, lawyers, scientists. The city's upper bourgeoisie took responsibility for directing theatrical productions, but this did not affect the character of the mysteries. They remained the same mass amateur art. The famous “Mystery of the Old Testament”, which covered 242 characters, has survived to this day. Its scope was truly wide: 38 separate episodes, 50 thousand poems. This mystery depicted the story of the creation of the world, biblical miracles, and the rebellion of Lucifer against God. Great was to play God or angels, Lucifer, Adam or Eve. In addition to such mysteries that examined the global side of the universe, there were also productions on everyday topics that raised ordinary, ordinary, but no less important problems that interested the public.

Unfortunately, in France in 1548, at the center of the development of mystery plays, these productions were considered apolitical, which was the reason for their ban.

After the fall of the Venetian Republic, the noisy celebration of carnivals gradually began to subside. And in 1797, French troops captured Italy; by Napoleon’s decree, carnivals were banned, and for many years. But since after the end of the Second World War, Venice turned into a major tourist center in Europe and began to be revived to a new life - new theaters, cafes, museums, hotel restaurants were opened - it turned out that the city is full of tourists only in the summer, and in winter all the cultural attractions empty. It was then that they remembered the carnival and actively began to implement the idea of ​​revival. This happened in the late 70s. XX century In Venice in 1980, the carnival took place again in Piazza San Marco after a long break. A special sign was a paper dove soaring into the sky. From this day on, a paper dove flies into the air every year and symbolizes the vitality of the carnival. Every year at the end of winter, a huge number of tourists flock to Venice. Sometimes their number exceeds the number of citizens living in the city.

The most magnificent and popular carnival, without any doubt, is the Venice. Also on the eve of spring, the heady carnival covers all of Italy (especially Rome), Austria and Germany, the Canary Islands and Spain, France and Switzerland, as well as some countries in South America. In recent decades, the Brazilian carnival is not much inferior to the Venice one.

1.2 Types of event tourism

Tourist flows are often determined by special events, such as fairs, international exhibitions, competitions, carnivals, festivals, sporting events, visiting which is the essence of event tourism.

Event tourism can be classified by the size of the event and its theme. In terms of scale, events are divided into national and regional levels. There are also several thematic types:

St. Patrick's Festival in London (UK);

Love Parade in Berlin (Germany);

festival of cultures in Berlin (Germany);

Pride Amsterdam parade of sexual minorities in Amsterdam (Netherlands);

St. Patrick's Festival in Dublin (Ireland);

Pride London parade of sexual minorities in London (UK);

military tattoo parade in Edinburgh (Scotland);

celebration of the birthday of Napoleon Bonaparte, Ajaccio (Corica);

Theatrical shows:

show Lord of the Dance (UK);

celebration on ice, Mystery show (Germany);

celebration on ice, Romanza show, Vienna (Austria);

celebration on ice, show Romanza (Germany);

festival "Circus of the Future", Paris (France);

Film and theater festivals:

Cannes Film Festival, Cannes (France);

theatrical festival Spierlart, Munich (Germany);

festival "Cherry Forest", Moscow (Russia);

short film festival in Oberhausen (Germany);

Opera Festival, Verona (Italy);

Gastronomic festivals:

celebration of young wine Beaujolais Nouveau (France);

Great British Festival, London (UK);

Parisian chocolate salon, Paris (France);

seafood festival, Grove Island (Spain);

Oktoberfest, Munich (Germany);

international beer festival, Berlin (Germany);

Chrysanthemum Festival (Japan);

tulip exhibition (Netherlands);

Bonsai Festival, Nara (Japan);

flower exhibition at Hampton Court Palace, London (UK);

Chelsea Flower Show, London (UK);

Fashion shows:

Ready to Wear, Paris (France);

Milano Moda Bouna, Milan (Italy);

Men's Fashion, Paris (France);

7. Auctions:

Sotheby's auctions;

Druot auctions, Paris (France);

Christie's Auctions;

Capricies Festival, Crans Montana (Switzerland);

festival "Snow and Symphony", St. Moritz (Switzerland);

Ars Musica Festival, Brussels (Belgium);

Henley Music and Arts Festival (UK);

Pink Pop festival, Landgraaf (Netherlands);

Montreux Jazz Festival (Switzerland);

TDK TIME WARP festival, Mannheim (Germany);

Jazz Festival in Stockholm (Sweden);

Eurovision music competition;

music competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky, Moscow (Russia);

Sport events:

NASCAR auto racing, USA;

Formula 1 auto racing;

Olympiads and international competitions;

motorcycle racing;

Motor Show in Geneva (Switzerland);

aerospace show in Zhukovsky (Russia);

“Watch Salon”, Geneva, Zurich (Switzerland).

air show on the island of Langkawi (Malaysia);

air show in Le Bourget, Paris (France);

auto show in Moscow (Russia);

air show in Zhuhai (PRC).

An international exhibition is a demonstration of goods in front of foreign experts, the general public and consumers in order to familiarize them with the results of scientific progress and advanced achievements in relevant industries.

Exhibitions are a beneficial resource for planning and organizing marketing research. Because they provide organizations with extensive application information. Each exhibition is important in terms of material costs.

International exhibitions and fairs are a kind of review of achievements in the most important areas of human activity. The main functions of international exhibitions and fairs are the dissemination of world culture, the exchange of scientific and technical information, advertising of products and the expansion of foreign trade relations. Exhibitions and fairs occupy a large place in the stock of means of advertising influence, as they provide very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised products to establish direct contacts with consumers and buyers.

Many exhibitions are held at the same time, and sometimes twice a year. The peak time for such events is autumn and spring, which allows the tourist season to expand. The duration of such events is usually 2 weeks. During this time, they are visited by tens of thousands to several million people. Very often, exhibitions and fairs are organized in coastal cities, which are included in the cruise tourism visit program.

Participation in exhibitions today is an indispensable component of the success of a company. The number of exhibitions and the variety of their topics has increased noticeably in recent years. Exhibitions are usually divided according to territorial, thematic and industry characteristics.

Classification of exhibitions by territorial basis:

-interregional - with the participation of representatives from different regions within one country;

-international - with the participation of representatives from different countries;

-regional - with the participation of representatives from various cities, collective farms of villages, one region.

Exhibitions can be held in different parts of the world and at completely different times, and also have different durations. International exhibitions can be global (EXPO), thematic, universal, industry or specialized.

Exhibitions organized during congresses serve as illustrative and complementary expositions. The organization of such exhibitions is supported by the state and diplomatic channels. Visitors to such exhibitions are usually not so numerous, but they represent a circle of highly qualified specialists.

In connection with the unification of Europe, exhibitions, which until now were events of a national scale, acquire regional significance and allow us to trace the development of the market of a particular European region. Such exhibitions will reflect mainly the specifics of “regional-European” markets. These European-wide regional exhibitions will be multilingual in terms of exhibitors and visitors.

Global exhibitions are the most significant events of certain industries on a global scale. They generate interest and attract both exhibitors and visitors from all over the world.

An exhibition event on a European scale is a meeting place for exhibitors and specialist visitors from various European countries (EU, European Free Trade Area, former CMEA member states).

In the European context, local exhibition events are a significant factor in influencing the former large regional markets of a country. Regional markets are turning into local, local markets. Participants and visitors to such exhibitions should take even greater account of the trade traditions in the region. Local markets are formed primarily under the influence of demand from general consumers or industrial enterprises.

The classification of exhibitions in general is intended only to help you navigate the world of fairs and exhibitions and indicates that exhibitions are very, very heterogeneous. Each specific exhibition, which can be more or less classified as one type or another, ultimately has its own individuality and characteristic features that change over time.

An international fair is an international economic exhibition of samples, an international market for goods and services, organized at a specified time during a certain period of time and in the same place. The purpose of their implementation is to conclude trade transactions not only on a national, but also on an international scale.

The main difference between the fair and a regular market is that it prohibits the sale of goods to take away, i.e. trading is carried out strictly on the basis of samples, although the sample itself can be sold upon completion.

The most famous international fairs are the Hannover International Fair, international fairs in Frankfurt am Main, Leipzig, Paris, Milan, Brussels, etc.

In the last decade, the border between exhibitions and fairs has practically disappeared, since nowadays, not only at fairs, but also at exhibitions, trade is carried out based on samples, deals are concluded, marketing, commercial and advertising and propaganda work is carried out, including also PR campaigns.

Fairs and exhibitions are considered international when there is a significant number of foreign participants (usually at least 10%) and specialist visitors (usually at least 5%). International fairs and exhibitions showcase the main products and services offered by one or more industries.

Carnival is an event associated with colorful processions and disguises. This is an open-air folk festival, accompanied by street processions, masquerades, dances, and theatrical games. Similar to the Slavic Maslenitsa. Common in Catholic countries and dates back to the pagan customs of the Roman Empire. It usually takes place closer to Lent, which is where the name comes from. Accompanying itself with mass folk festivals and street processions, as well as theatrical performances.

Historically, carnivals imply liberation in entertainment and sex. This is where masquerades become widespread at carnivals - men and women put on fancy costumes and masks, trying to be attractive and not be recognized. In the Middle Ages, the French established the tradition of carnival as a universal holiday with love games and copious libations, and political parties used the holiday to criticize the authorities in a humorous manner.

Jokes, fun and laughter were present on the streets and in houses. Already at that time, guests from many overseas countries arrived to admire the Italian masquerade. The complex web of human destinies became the theme of many outstanding literary works, which became the basis of the classics of this genre.

Carnival as a form of festive culture has become widespread in the organization of mass holidays. What is used as an organization of a type of tourism. Carnival as an object of tourism can be a kind of move to improve the image, which will contribute to the development of tourism in a certain region, which, ultimately, will affect the entire infrastructure of the region.

Their high aesthetics, as well as their unique features, still attract many tourists. Many of them are held regularly at certain dates, which coincide with numerous tourist trips. For example, carnivals in Brazil, carnivals and masquerades in Italy, which are very popular.

Also, a carnival can be an environment in which a person realizes himself, satisfies his needs for communication and also relieves a lot of stress caused by various problems.

An important part of any carnival is the procession along the main streets of the city. Its leading motive is abundance, originating from ancient harvest festivals. Everything that happens during the procession is purely playful in nature. The main figure at the carnival is the jester. It sets the tone for the presentation and everything else.

Carnival tourism is a very profitable area in the tourism business, and this means that this area can be promising in the practice of travel companies.

It's no secret that the most famous carnival in the world is held in Rio de Janeiro. Tourists from all over the world come to this event.

Carnival is a huge opportunity for public creative self-realization. As human experience shows, even the most complex person, if he finds himself in a carnival environment, one way or another develops a desire for public speaking.

In cities such as Cologne and Dusseldorf in Germany, carnival is associated with many different rituals. The carnival itself in these cities is the end of the “fifth season”, which begins on the eleventh of November at eleven o’clock eleven minutes (11.11. 11:11). A carnival committee then assembles and later chooses a prince, a maiden and a peasant. All three are always played by men. The carnival concludes with a carnival procession on the first Monday of Lent - Rosenmontag.

During the carnival, it is forbidden to be despondent and sad. At such events there are no conventions, no certain norms of behavior. The more often a carnival participant changes his costume or mask, then this is for the better. It is important to keep the action mysterious.

Carnival is a very profitable destination. It also affects the image of the country. And this ultimately contributes to the development and attraction of event tourism. This tourism object may be a kind of action that in the future will help the development of tourism in certain regions, and this will ultimately have a good impact on the entire infrastructure of the region.

Sports event tourism includes visiting and organizing sports events and cultural and entertainment events.

Currently, in the huge flow of sports event tourism, athletes and their accompanying persons do not make up a large part; they are mainly fans. Let’s take European Championship football matches as an example; up to several tens of thousands of fans of teams arriving from another country are present at them. Traveling to sporting events, as a rule, is not accompanied by large financial expenses and is very short-lived. But due to the mass nature of the event, they provide the corresponding country with very significant tourist income.

International sports competitions, such as world and continental championships, Olympic Games, Universiade, attract a huge number of people. It can be considered that attending sports competitions is one of the oldest types of travel.

A festival is a mass display or review of the achievements of theatrical, musical, circus, pop or film art. Today, festival tourism has developed as a separate type of recreation. Classical art festivals can attract up to 55 thousand people.

Among the famous events in modern cultural life is the Edinburgh Festival. The world's best ballet, opera, theater groups and various folk ensembles gather in Edinburgh. Also for lovers of classical music, we can offer a couple of famous international festivals in Lucerne (Switzerland) and Santander (Spain; held for 50 years). Also, film festivals, of course, have become quite important events in the world of creativity. As everyone knows, they are traditionally held in Cannes (France). The world's first international film festival was held in Venice in 1932.

Thus, event tourism gives tourists the opportunity to visit carnivals, concerts, exhibitions, festivals and sporting events. At the same time, become not only witnesses of great events in the world, but also take part in them.

Event tourism began its development in ancient times, and continues to develop to this day. Today, there are already several types of event tourism, which gives tourists the opportunity to attend various events and satisfy various types of needs.

2. The current state of event tourism in Russia

.1 Development of event tourism in Russia

Event tourism in Russia is a very young, but powerfully developing direction. At the moment, vacations associated with various events have become quite popular among Russian tourists.

All event tourism can be divided into several categories. All of them are selected according to the scale of the event. Based on these characteristics, international and national events can be distinguished. In event tourism, several areas can be identified, which are divided by topic: theatrical shows, carnivals, fairs, music festivals, fashion shows, folk festivals, flower festivals, gastronomic festivals, film festivals, sporting events, religious holidays, economic forums, etc.

In Russia, event tourism has not yet developed much and it is very easy to name places that attract local tourists with events: these are festivals and holidays in the capitals of Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg). And in recent years there has been great interest in trips to the homeland of Father Frost and Maslenitsa tours.

If there are no events in the life of a tourist site as traditions that have developed historically, then the event is specially invented. For example, in the city of Suzdal (Vladimir region) a lot of holidays are held, which attract a large number of tourists not only from Russia but also from abroad. Goose Fights and the Cucumber Festival are considered famous. They are held on the territory of the Museum of Wooden Architecture. Tourists are also attracted by Christmas, New Year's Eve, Trinity, the Russian Fairy Tale festival, Epiphany, Maslenitsa, Rusal Week, the international Indian Summer festival and other events.

In event tourism there are several thematic types:

Theatrical shows:

horse-theatrical show (knight's tournament) in the Lion's Head castle (Sukko village, Anapa, Krasnodar region).

international folklore festival “World Village” (village Roshchino, Leningrad region);

festivals of historical reconstructions (Ekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Vyborg, etc.);

National festivals and holidays:

summer holiday “Ysykhak” (Yakutia);

military-historical festival “Kulikovo Field” (Tula region).

All-Russian Military History Festival “Borodin Day” (Borodino, Moscow region);

international festival “Fashion and Style in Photography” (Moscow);

Festivals and flower shows:

international flower festival (St. Petersburg);

All-Russian flower festival in Anapa (Krasnodar region).

international festival “Flowers of Sakhalin” (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin region);

Film and theater festivals:

children's film festival "Fairy Tale" (Moscow).

theater festival “Golden Mask” (Moscow);

Moscow International Film Festival of Mountain and Adventure Films (Moscow);

film festival "Kinotavr" (Sochi, Krasnodar region);

Gastronomic festivals:

international gastronomic festival “Food Show” (Moscow); - Big Moscow International Beer Festival (Moscow);

festival “Sea of ​​Beer in Sochi” (Krasnodar Territory);

holiday festival dedicated to tomatoes (Syzran, Samara region).

cucumber festival (Suzdal, Vladimir region);

Fashion shows and festivals:

fashion festival “Ples on the Volga. Linen palette" (Ples, Ivanovo region).

festival of fashion and theatrical costume “Volga Region Seasons of Alexander Vasiliev” (Samara);

international fashion festival “Velvet Seasons” (Sochi, Krasnodar region);

international festival “Fashion. Russia. Style" (St. Petersburg);


real estate auction (Moscow);

antique auction (Moscow).

numismatic auction (St. Petersburg);

Music festivals and music competitions:

international arts festival “Russian Music in the Baltic” (Kaliningrad);

music competition named after P.I. Tchaikovsky (Moscow);

International Festival of Russian Classical Music named after. S.V. Rachmaninov (Veliky Novgorod);

Sport events:

Winter Olympics 2014 (Sochi).

UEFA Champions League (Moscow);

international tennis tournament “Kremlin Cup” (Moscow);

International technical salons:

naval show (St. Petersburg);

aviation and space salon "MAKS" (Zhukovsky, Moscow region);

exhibition of state security means “Interpolitex”;

car showroom in Moscow;

The tourism industry actively uses events to shape the tourism product and attract tourists.

Today, event tourism is developing dynamically in Russia. Popular sporting events include hockey tournaments, Kremlin Cup tennis and football matches. A very noticeable increase in the incoming flow of tourists was ensured by the Eurovision 2009 music competition. We can say that every city in our country is interesting and attractive with its cultural and sporting events. And they attract a considerable number of spectators. The Moscow International Film Festival and various folklore, ethnic and military-historical holidays are held annually. Music festivals dedicated to world-famous Russian composers have enormous potential for development on a higher scale.

It should be noted that event tourism is a unique type of tourism, since it is inexhaustible in content. A huge number of experts from around the world believe that in the near future the number of participants in event tours will exceed the number of participants in sightseeing tours.

Several aspects can be noted about the event tourism market in Russia and its prospects. Firstly, Rostourism, both on its own and with the help of partners, organizes a significant number of events. For example, 2012 marked the 200th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Borodino. The celebration of this date in the form of a reconstruction of the battle on the Borodino field in the Moscow region attracted the attention of thousands of guests, which turned the celebration into a full-fledged tourist event. Secondly, it is support for events within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, which provides for the implementation of the task of promoting the Russian tourism product. Finally, thirdly, we constantly help various regions find themselves in the event market of the country and the world. And also create opportunities for the establishment of a full-fledged event series in all regions of Russia.

Undoubtedly, the leaders of this segment are the capitals of Russia - Moscow and St. Petersburg. Also, Kazan is a full-fledged center for sports and event tourism. Ekaterinburg is a center for business events. But Perm just recently demonstrated its ambitions as a center for festival events. Of course, the Krasnodar Territory, the Moscow Region and many regions of the North Caucasus have enormous potential..ru is the first Russian portal about event tourism. The portal is positioned as a guide for independent and active tourists, travelers who attend various events and activities in Russia and abroad. .

If we talk about the development of the event industry in Russia, we can say that the main obstacle is the lack of understanding in the regions that the development of event tourism increases the investment potential of the territory exponentially. After all, along with tourists, business, new life and opportunities come to the region. This is worth using, and you need to constantly think and talk about it.

This year, the events with the greatest prospects are highlighted. These are the events that shape the face of the territory. These include: the theater festival in Avignon, the White Nights in Perm festival or the Venice Biennale.

The alumni holiday in St. Petersburg “Scarlet Sails” began in 2005 and has been held annually since then. Now this is an event of international scale. The name of the holiday and the staged plot were taken from the work of Alexander Green.

In addition to the cultural capital, event tourism is successfully developing in other regions of the country. The Perm region has been hosting numerous festivals for many years, taking place throughout almost the entire year: the Diaghilev seasons, the aeronautics festival “Ural Sky Fair” held for the tenth time, and others.

The active development of event tourism has certainly been noticed in Moscow. Among the successful Moscow tourist products today are the “Night of Museums”, the International Competition named after. Tchaikovsky, World Press Photo, “Broad Maslenitsa”. A good example of a successful event is the international military music festival “Spasskaya Tower”. It is precisely this type of event that forms the new event face of not only the capital, but also the country.

In the Irkutsk region, the first International Baikal Winter Games Festival “Zimniada” was held in the spring of 2003. Since then, the festival has become an annual traditional event. Now he has great popularity and fame even outside the region.

Event tourism began to develop in the country recently and still occupies a small share in the structure of the domestic tourist flow of Russia. But, despite this, today we have examples of good organization of exciting events at the regional and municipal levels. However, we all must understand that the existing events cannot yet be considered competitive at the global level.

Statistics for 2011 show that the domestic tourist flow in Russia amounted to thirty-three and three million people. According to experts, in 2012 the domestic tourist flow increased by ten percent and amounted to thirty-seven million two hundred and ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and thirty people.

With the beginning of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, tourism in Russia begins a new stage of its development.

The dynamics of the incoming flow of tourists indicates its growth in 2011 by ten percent compared to 2010. And the number of trips of foreign tourists to our country for the purpose of tourism is small and in 2011 amounted to only two point three million.

The departure of Russian citizens for the purpose of tourism in 2011 increased compared to 2010 by eleven percent and amounted to fourteen million people. The share of tourism in the country's GDP in 2013 is 6.5%.

Today, the following trends in the development of domestic and inbound tourism in the Russian Federation can be noted:

strengthening the role of tourism at the federal and regional levels;

active development of interregional cooperation in the field of tourism;

intensifying the promotion of the national tourism product in the global and domestic tourism markets.

development of the most promising types of tourism.

In the course of analyzing the structure of the internal Russian tourist flow, it can be observed that beach holidays are more popular among our citizens (38%). And trips with cultural and educational purposes are chosen by 20% of tourists.

Event tourism in a large number of countries around the world refers to tourism activities associated with a variety of social events. Also, rare natural phenomena that attract large masses of compatriots and tourists from different countries with their uniqueness, exoticism, and uniqueness.

2.2 Types of event tourism in the country’s tourism market

Event tourism is usually classified by the size of the event or the theme of the event. Typically, the following thematic types of event tourism are distinguished:

sport events;

national festivals and holidays;

international technical salons.

fashion shows;

theatrical shows;


festivals: gastronomic, flower, music, theater, film festivals;

It is not worth dwelling in detail on each of the listed types. Here are just a few more striking examples of the economic efficiency of organizing global events.

For example, let's take the well-known Cannes Film Festival. In 2009, the economic impact of the Cannes Film Festival amounted to almost two thousand million euros. It created three thousand two hundred jobs and accounted for ten percent of the region's annual hotel occupancy.

Or another example: Oktoberfest, which is extremely popular among Russian tourists. About six million people visit it annually. It also employs twelve thousand people every year. The turnover of the holiday in 2006 amounted to four hundred and forty-nine million euros. And holiday guests spent more than five hundred million euros that year on hotel accommodations and public transport alone.

Brazil in general is a striking example of how an initially popular holiday turned into an event of national importance. And it is a means of replenishing the treasury. It is known that the 2005 Brazilian carnival is considered one of the most expensive in history. It cost the city hall's treasury fifteen million reais (more than $5.5 million); the country's profit from the seven hundred thousand guests who arrived was many times greater. In Rio de Janeiro alone, tourists left 150 million dollars.

After such figures, it makes no sense to talk about the importance of the development of event tourism for budgets of all levels.

In Russia, event tourism does not bring much profit. The country has not yet formed periodically recurring socially significant events that attract large masses of Russian and foreign tourists.

Only a few events can now be classified as event tourism on an international scale: the MAKS aerospace salon, Shiroka Maslenitsa, the Moscow International Film Festival, the Kremlin Cup tennis, the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, the Universiade in Kazan and the FIFA World Cup.

One of the powerful event occasions was the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg, the 1000th anniversary of Yaroslavl and the Winter Olympics in Sochi 2014. Anniversary celebrations in different cities attract visitors not only from Russia, but also from abroad.

On October 31, 2014, the IV International Tourism Forum “Visit Russia 2014” will be held in Yaroslavl. As part of this forum, Russian and foreign experts will discuss the prospects for the development of the tourism industry and increasing the tourist attractiveness of Russian regions and cities.

Over the past years, the international forum “Visit Russia” has become recognized and authoritative. The range of topics raised at the forum over the past years has been extensive, ranging from issues of public policy and international cooperation in the field of tourism, to the introduction of innovative technologies and the implementation of cluster projects in the tourism industry. It is known that this year the central theme of the forum will be the development of event tourism as a tool for promoting territories.

According to international experts, event tourism is not only a promising, but also a dynamically developing segment of the global tourism market. It is also an effective tool for promoting the territory, which is inexhaustible in content. Event tourism includes a number of events of a historical, cultural, ethnographic, sports and business nature. According to many experts, in the near future the number of participants in event tours may increase significantly.

The choice of such a central theme for the “Visit Russia 2014” forum was not accidental. As part of the forum, the final of the Regional Competition of the III National Award in the field of event tourism “Russian Event Awards” will be held in the Central Federal District. Yaroslavl won the right to host the final events of this prestigious competition at the end of 2013. Then several projects from the Yaroslavl region became winners. These are the “Main Maslenitsa of the Country” festival, the Deminsk World Loppet ski marathon, and the “Dobrofest” music and entertainment festival.

The holding of the III National Award “Russian Event Awards” in Yaroslavl as part of the program of the IV International Tourism Forum “Visit Russia 2014” is a unique opportunity to see the best projects for the development of event tourism in the regions of Russia.

Next, it is necessary to pay attention to the current trends in the development of event tourism in modern Russia. Among them, it is worth noting the following: the formation of travel goals in Russia, the development of domestic and inbound tourism, the popularization of tourist events and propaganda.

Today, more than ever, the issue of developing domestic and inbound tourism is urgent. Also, special attention should be paid to promoting the tourism product in the domestic and foreign markets. The state invests money in tourism infrastructure, the legislative and scientific framework related to tourism activities. But this alone is not enough to make tourists want to travel around Russia. Events are the most important factor forcing tourists to visit various regions of Russia.

Russia is indeed very rich for event tourism. And one of the advantages is the exceptionally snowy, mesmerizing weather. This may be exotic for tourists from hot countries. Russian winter is in itself a significant part of the Russian tourist product. Despite all the existing problems and difficulties, Russia’s development paths in event tourism are very large.

An urgent problem at the present stage is the development of event tourism at the global level. Regional tourism authorities are beginning to search for new forms of PR activity and are increasingly using non-traditional forms and various opportunities for the development of event tourism.

2.3 Problems of development of event tourism in Russia

According to international experts, over the past 10 years, one of the most developing types of tourism is event tourism, the global turnover of which has increased from tens to hundreds of billions of dollars. However, Russia’s share in this type of tourism is only 2%.

Factors that hinder the development of event tourism in the regions of Russia and the formation of a competitive national tourism product based on event tourism include:

insufficient attention of local and regional authorities to event tourism in their territories, incl. and in developing strategies and programs for the development of the tourism sector;

shortage of qualified personnel in the tourism sector;

low investment and business activity of the local population when organizing events that can attract Russian and foreign tourists;

insufficiently developed tourist infrastructure in the regions of Russia, incl. infrastructure designed for organizing event tourism;

insufficient awareness of the potential of event tourism and its impact on the regional economy;

lack of information about holding event events in Russian regions and low efficiency of systems for promoting event tourism products to the market.

At a sustainable pace of development and in the presence of a competent strategy for promoting event tourism, a tourism product based on event events is able to take its place as a domestic tourism product.

Measures to develop event tourism in the Russian Federation include:

State support for priority socially significant event events, such as:

All-Russian alumni ball “Scarlet Sails” - St. Petersburg;

festival of military-historical reconstruction “Abalakskoye Field” - Tobolsk, Tyumen region;

citywide holiday “Broad Maslenitsa” - Moscow;

music rock festival "Invasion" - village. Emmaus, Tver region;

music festival “Creation of the World” - Kazan, Republic of Tatarstan;

international festival of tourist and sports games "Zimniada" - Irkutsk, Irkutsk region;

open Russian film festival "Kinotavr" - Sochi, Krasnodar region;

-international festival “Heavenly Fair of the Urals” - Kungur, Perm region;

-international aviation and space salon "MAKS" - Zhukovsky, Moscow region.

-Winter Olympic Games 2014 Sochi, Krasnodar region.

2. Formation of a unified calendar of major events in the Russian Federation.

Creation of a convention bureau on the principles of public-private partnership to create a unified information space and promote tourism events held in Russia on the domestic and foreign tourist markets.

Introduction of a simplified visa regime during national events.

To develop event tourism in the regions of Russia it is necessary:

provide assistance in the development of investment projects in the field of event tourism, creating a favorable climate for investors;

contribute to the creation of conditions for the development of new event tourism products, taking into account the historical and ethnocultural characteristics of the regions, expanding the range of tourism services for various groups of tourists, as well as an integrated tourism product together with other Russian regions;

develop and use a strategy for the effective promotion of tourism products formed on the basis of event tourism;

include measures for the formation, promotion and implementation of regional tourism products based on event tourism in strategic documents for tourism development, incl. in regional targeted tourism development programs, to provide within the programs for subsidizing the construction of tourism infrastructure, aimed at the development of event tourism.

The Federal Tourism Agency is open to cooperation, which will be aimed at promoting the tourism opportunities of Russian regions and turning it into a developed global tourist center.

3. Prospects for the development of event tourism in the Krasnodar region

.1 Potential for the development of event tourism in the Krasnodar region

The Krasnodar Territory is a tourist region in which, due to its high recreational potential, the development of event tourism is directly related to the development of other types of tourism and recreation. In this regard, the prospects for the development of event tourism in the Krasnodar region are quite large and are considered in the context of the dynamics of the Russian tourism market as a whole.

According to the Ministry of Tourism and Resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, it is known that the number of tourists who visited the resorts of the region in 2012 remained at the level of 2011 and amounted to eleven point one million people. Recently, there has been a significant increase in inbound tourism. Krasnodar region is the most popular holiday region in Russia. In 2013, the Krasnodar Territory accounted for ninety-seven point eight percent of all Russian tourists sent by travel agencies on tours around Russia.

When compared with foreign countries, the Krasnodar region also maintains its leadership in the number of tourists received, despite the relatively higher cost of travel packages. According to Rostourism, in 2006 the average cost of a trip in Russia was about twenty thousand rubles, abroad - about eighteen thousand rubles. However, the total number of Russian tourists who visited the Krasnodar region in 2005 is one and a half times higher than the number of visits by Russians to foreign countries for the purpose of tourism.

Attractive factors.In addition to the factors described above that determine the popularity of domestic tourism in general, the following are quite important factors in the attractiveness of the Krasnodar Territory. Relatively developed tourist and health resort infrastructure and recreational potential. The Krasnodar Territory, due to its geographical location, is the main recreational area of ​​Russia. The sanatorium and resort industry of the Krasnodar Territory, compared with other regions, is quite developed and accounts for approximately a third of the all-Russian one.

A very important factor in the attractiveness of the region is that the Krasnodar Territory? the only developed tourist destination where we can relax on the sea coast.

It is worth noting that an important characteristic of consumer preferences in the field of tourism is that seaside holidays are preferable for the majority of Russian citizens. According to the results of regular surveys conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), in 2013, if they had the financial means, thirty-one percent of respondents would prefer to relax on the Black Sea coast.

Image of the region.The Krasnodar region has the image of the best beach holiday destination in Russia for tourists with different income levels. And this is already traditional. Recently, with the growing interest on the part of top officials of the state and the state as a whole in the development of this region, the image of the Krasnodar region as an optimal recreational destination is constantly strengthening.

Transport accessibility.For residents of the European part of Russia, the Krasnodar Territory is accessible by various means of transport, including personal vehicles and rail. Which are less expensive for tourists and more widespread.

It is worth considering that the duration of annual paid leave in Russia is twenty-eight days, and a very significant proportion of citizens prefer not to split their vacation into parts. In this regard, the preferred seaside resorts are Russian ones, since in foreign resort countries standard tour packages are seven, ten or fourteen days. In this context, it is worth considering that many budgetary organizations distribute vouchers for sanatorium and resort treatment, the duration of which on average is twenty-one days. Due to these factors, the most popular duration of vacation in the Krasnodar Territory is from fifteen to twenty-eight days.

A very important factor that significantly changed the influx of tourists to the Krasnodar Territory is, of course, the XXII Winter Olympic Games in 2014. This event significantly increased the fame and popularity of the resort. It also contributed to the influx of investment in infrastructure development and the decision to create a tourist and recreational SEZ in the Krasnodar Territory, which includes four popular resort areas: the resort city of Gelendzhik, the city of Sochi, the resort city of Anapa and the Tuapse municipal district.

The Krasnodar region is one of the most promising regions of Russia in terms of existing tourism potential. The resort complex of the region consists of more than one thousand two hundred enterprises of the sanatorium-resort complex and tourism, which can simultaneously receive about two hundred twenty thousand people. All the main seaside resorts in Russia are concentrated in the Krasnodar region: Sochi, Anapa, Gelendzhik, Tuapse, Yeysk. Every year the volume of health resort and tourism and excursion services is growing in the region. In 2004, the volume of services provided exceeded twenty-one billion rubles, the number of vacationers - seven million people. The unique recreational potential ensures the development of almost all types of resort, tourism and recreation industries - seaside, balneological, mountain and ski. The natural and climatic conditions of the region, unique for Russia, the presence of historical attractions, advanced medical institutions and technologies, create the potential for the development of a highly efficient, competitive tourist and recreational complex, as well as meeting the growing needs of the population for services related to recreation, treatment and tourism. Compared to all-Russian indicators, the Krasnodar Territory is among the leaders in terms of the level of development of tourism infrastructure, however, from the point of view of the existing potential to attract tourists to the region, the level of infrastructure development is insufficient.

To assess the potential for the development of Event tourism in the Krasnodar region, it is necessary to take into account both the attractiveness of cultural tourism in general for Russian citizens, and the presence of historical and cultural heritage on the basis of which Event tourism can develop.

The level of development of the region's tourism infrastructure was characterized in the following main areas:

development of public catering and retail trade.

training of tourism specialists;

hotels and similar accommodation facilities;

specialized accommodation facilities.

Hotels and similar accommodation facilities. In terms of the number of hotels, the Krasnodar Territory is among the first three leading regions and is second only to Moscow and the Tyumen region, that is, regions with a higher level of economic development. The region's hotels specialize in accommodating people making tourist trips for recreational purposes, while a significant portion of people served in other regions and leaders of the Russian Federation are those making business trips (Table 1). .

Table 1 - Distribution of hotels and similar accommodation facilities by regions of the Russian Federation (2012)

Region Number of hotels and similar accommodation facilities Number of persons served by hotels and similar accommodation facilities, thousand people Tyumen region 182605.1 Moscow 1593469.0 Krasnodar region 144547.1 Sverdlovsk region 130400.0 Bashkortostan 124284.4 Tatarstan 106372.4

Specialized accommodation facilities.Thanks to the combination of the presence of deposits of mineral waters and medicinal mud and favorable climatic conditions, the Krasnodar region is the most popular resort and tourist region of Russia. And also, in fact, the only seaside balneological and resort and recreational center in Russia. The region is a leader among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in terms of the number of specialized accommodation facilities (sanatoriums, boarding houses, etc.) and the number of visitors.

Threats to the tourist attractiveness of the Krasnodar region.Along with the positive factors of the attractiveness of the Krasnodar region, to assess its tourism potential it is also necessary to analyze possible threats associated with the decline in the relative popularity of the region as a tourist destination.

Competitiveness of the Krasnodar region. Currently, the most important market for the Krasnodar region is the beach tourism market. In the beach tourism market, the main competitors of the Krasnodar Territory are foreign resorts. As stated above, in the near future the tourist attractiveness of the Krasnodar Territory will be high, and therefore the tourist flow will be stable or growing. However, it must be taken into account that the Russian tourist is an attractive consumer not only for the Krasnodar Territory, and under pressure from competitors, the relative competitiveness and attractiveness of the region may decrease.

Although foreign resorts are currently inferior to the Krasnodar Territory in terms of the number of visits, in the future their popularity may increase significantly. It is necessary to take into account that even today holidays in a number of regions of the Krasnodar Territory, for example in Sochi, are inferior in price-quality ratio to popular foreign resorts such as Turkey, Egypt, Bulgaria, Spain. In addition, the Russian consumer of tourism services, with increasing income and opportunities to visit foreign resorts, increases their requirements for recreation and tends to change their preferences more often. Factors such as the increasing demands of Russian tourists; further growth in the incomes of Russian citizens and a decrease in global political instability in the future may lead to a decrease in the attractiveness of beach holidays in the Krasnodar Territory compared to foreign resorts.

In connection with the identified threat, in order to maintain its leading position in the tourism industry and increase its contribution to the regional economy, the Krasnodar Territory needs to diversify its tourism offer, including through the development of the historical and cultural potential of the region and Event tourism based on it. In addition, the development of the historical and cultural potential of the Krasnodar Territory will reduce the negative impact of the seasonality factor on the development of the tourism industry in the region, attract tourists to the region repeatedly, increase tourists’ expenses while on vacation, which will lead to an increase in revenues of the tourism industry.

2Problems and prospects for the development of event tourism in the region

According to VTsIOM surveys, beach tourism is the most preferred type of vacation for only thirty percent of Russian tourists (Figure 4). In addition to beach holidays, educational tourism is beginning to be in increasing demand, and excursion tours are also becoming more popular. For Russian tourists, who are currently the main visitors to the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, event tourism is generally considered attractive. This is evidenced by the high demand for excursions to get acquainted with objects of historical and cultural heritage and resort areas offered to Russian citizens at foreign resorts.

Availability of a basis for the development of cultural tourism in the Krasnodar region. From the point of view of the development of Event tourism, a very important factor is the provision of the region with objects of historical and cultural heritage, unique culture, ethnic groups, crafts, opportunities and resources for the favorable development of Event tourism, etc. According to these criteria, the Krasnodar Territory is a promising region for the development of Event tourism. The region has an abundance of all kinds of places favorable for holding public events. The historical heritage of the region includes the pre-antique era, monuments of the ancient, Hellenistic and early Christian eras, medieval buildings and objects of later times. This provides a source for the formation of new events that will attract many tourists to these rich lands. The intangible historical and cultural heritage of the region is due to the fact that peoples of various nationalities and cultural communities traditionally live on its territory, which makes it possible to develop national traditions and organize thematic events that can attract tourists.

An analysis of the tourism potential of the regions of the Krasnodar region, carried out on the basis of a survey of travel companies operating in these areas, as well as tourists who visited these areas, allows us to describe in more detail the prospects for the development of Event tourism in the region as a whole.

Resorts in the Krasnodar Territory are traditionally in demand among Russian tourists. It is estimated that up to fifty percent of all tourist trips made by citizens of the Russian Federation occur in the Krasnodar Territory. The main trends characterizing the development of the tourism industry in the Krasnodar region are determined by the steady growth of the Russian tourism market as a whole. Currently, beach tourism is developing most actively in the Krasnodar Territory. However, data from a sociological survey by VTsIOM show that only thirty percent of Russian tourists consider beach tourism the preferred form of recreation.

Forty percent of Russians are interested in event tourism, and the prevalence of this type of tourism is growing steadily. In the context of rising incomes and increasing spending on vacations, Russian tourists are showing their desire for diversified tourism offers, including excursion tours. Maintaining the Krasnodar Territory's leading position in the domestic tourism market and increasing the contribution of the tourism industry to the regional economy requires measures aimed at diversifying the tourism offer. The development and use of the cultural and entertainment potential of the region and the expansion of Event tourism on this basis creates such an opportunity.

The development of the cultural and entertainment potential of the Krasnodar Territory will reduce the negative impact of the seasonality factor on the development of the tourism industry in the region, increase the expenses of tourists during their vacation, and attract tourists to the region repeatedly. In turn, the growth of income from tourism will contribute to an increase in the gross regional product, and as a result, an increase in government spending on the preservation of cultural sites and the development of related infrastructure.

To develop measures aimed at using the cultural and historical potential of the Krasnodar Territory, it is necessary to study the current state of objects, assess the degree of infrastructure development and the amount of additional investment required to create a tourism product based on a particular object.

Identification of the most promising objects requires a clear system of criteria that will make it possible to fully assess their potential, identify missing characteristics for the successful operation of objects and provide recommendations for involving objects in economic turnover.

The system of criteria presented below includes the most important characteristics of objects from an economic point of view. These characteristics can be divided into two groups:

infrastructure criteria (remoteness of the site; availability of additional services (infrastructure) for tourists);

investment criteria (type of object; condition / safety of the object; uniqueness / fame of the object; attendance (tourist popularity) / tourist image of the object; “thematic”; staffing).

Infrastructural criteria combine characteristics that are not directly related to the object, but largely determine the attractiveness of the object for tourists. The remoteness criterion allows us to identify objects located within two to three hours’ accessibility from places of mass tourist accommodation. This criterion is of particular importance when a tourist makes a decision to visit a new or little-known site. In addition to remoteness, the availability of convenient transport for long trips and the good condition of roads play an important role. Additional services for tourists mean the availability of advertising and information materials about the object and souvenir shops, placement of catering organizations, toilets, parking spaces, etc. in close proximity to the object. .

Recent sociological studies of trends and logic in the development of international tourism indicate that over the past five years, travelers’ interest in cultural and sporting events has increased significantly. Event tourism is becoming an increasingly rapidly developing sector of the economy, and this trend will continue in the near future. Already today, the Krasnodar Territory hosts many large-scale events that attract tourists from all over the world. Traditionally, such major cultural events take place as “Kinoshock” in Anapa, “Kinotavr” and the “Five Stars” competition for young performers in Sochi, the hydroaviation show in Gelendzhik and a number of others. The development of event tourism is aimed at attracting young people to the resorts of the region.

Also in the Krasnodar region there are already such ethnographic tourism objects as the Dobrodeya cultural and ethnographic park, the Gorgippia Museum and the Arin-Berd Armenian Cultural Center in Anapa, and the Circassian Aul ethnic center in the Crimean region.

The Krasnodar region is rich in resources for the development of Event tourism, which means that it can easily take a leading position in the tourism industry not only in the Russian Federation, but also abroad.


Based on the fact that the Krasnodar Territory hosts a whole range of events at both the Russian and international levels, it seems to us that event tourism may be the key to expanding the tourism market of the Krasnodar Territory.

Event tourism is a very serious business. Its development should help resolve the issue of forming the image of the region and the country as a whole, without which all talk about attracting investment into the economy will remain just talk. Nothing works better than event events for image. Of course, there is always a temptation to use available funds to solve immediate problems, sometimes truly acute and important from a social point of view. However, event events in themselves are a business, and you can and should make money from it. It is believed that right now more is spent than earned on event tourism. But the whole world, in fact, does this: first they invest, then they earn.

For the development of event tourism, we need unifying concepts, core supporting points of the event series. The starting point was the XXII Winter Olympic and XI Paralympic Games 2014 in Sochi.

The existing capabilities of the region make it possible to achieve a good position in the development and implementation of event tourism already next year, and in subsequent years, even more so: a very liquid sales period.

List of sources used

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Event or event tourism (from the English event - event, event) is a fairly young and promising area of ​​​​the tourism business. This type of recreation is gaining momentum and becoming more widespread.

Event tourism is an ideal vacation for people who want to spend their time as fun, interesting and useful as possible. It is also often referred to as the experience industry. The brightness of what he saw and heard is the positive baggage that a tourist wants to bring with him from a trip.

What is attractive about event tourism? It gives the public the opportunity to participate in an action that is unusual for a standard trip, reveals new sides of the tourist site, historical facts and makes them come alive. It has a charge of positive emotions, which is important for re-attracting tourists.

Event tourism contributes to the revival of cultural customs, traditions, and the development of folk art. Cultural events have now become very important elements of economic, social and cultural life. The governments of different countries - Spain, Italy, etc., are pursuing a policy of supporting it, since event tourism activities have a positive impact on the development of the region and the entire country. This type of tourism, like no other, is an effective tool for creating a positive image of the country in the world.

Also, successful event tourism will have a positive impact on the activities of domestic tour operators, as this will help smooth out seasonal fluctuations in arrivals and hotel occupancy. For example, about 6 million people annually come to the German Oktoberfest festival; in 2006, event guests spent more than 500 million euros on hotel accommodation and travel alone, but in 2013, during the Oktoberfest, 6.4 million people. from 80 countries spent about 400 million euros.

Another striking confirmation is the carnival in Rio de Janeiro. During the celebration, 90% of the rooms are booked here, which confirms the scale of the carnival.

Russia is also trying to pay significant attention to event tourism. However, there is some difference in the approach of our country and foreign countries. It lies in the fact that in Russia there are no festivals of this scale. However, recently, prerequisites for the development of this segment have emerged, and the foundation has already begun to be laid for the creation of an event tourism industry in the country.

To create an event tourism industry in Russia is a goal formed at the state level by the Ministry of Culture. The need for this lies, first of all, in the fact that it will contribute to the creation of a single tourist space in Russia, without which it is difficult to count on a high place in the ranking of world destinations.

The problems hindering the development of event tourism in Russia are:

Poorly developed tourist infrastructure;

Weak hotel base;

Lack of qualified personnel in the tourism sector;

Insufficient attention of the authorities to event tourism in their territories;

Low investment and business activity of the local population when organizing events that can attract Russian and foreign tourists;

Lack of information about events in the regions;

Unconscious position of the country's residents and inertia towards this type of tourism.

Of course, the actions of the Federal Tourism Agency have the greatest power in solving problems. For example, within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Target Program “Development of Domestic and Inbound Tourism in the Russian Federation (2011-2018)”, it is envisaged to solve the problem of promoting the Russian tourism product.

It should be noted that in 2014, the demand for event tourism in Russia increased significantly. This is primarily due to the past sporting events in Sochi: Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014.

Let us note that event tourism has a number of undeniable advantages over other types of tourism: predictability in terms of timing and volume, the ability to fill gaps with tourists in the “low” seasons.

In recent years, there have been trends in the development of this type of tourism: a sharp increase in the number of events, their globalization, cloning in different countries, a change in image along with an increase in technology, as well as an obvious positive role in the development of destinations.


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  4. Kosolapov, A. B. Geography of Russian domestic tourism. / A. B. Kosolapov - M.: KnoRus, 2008.

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