The procedure for registering and obtaining an architectural passport for a house project. We receive a construction passport and a construction permit. Detailed composition of the project


) consists of a “Full set of working drawings (PC)” and a “Construction passport of the project”.

A complete set of working drawings (PC) (approximately 80-100 A3 sheets) - comprises Architectural and construction drawings (AS), drawings Engineering systems(IP), Project passports. An additional copy of the project is also included in the complete set. For high-quality construction, it is recommended to purchase a Complete Set (PC).

The composition of the "Architectural and construction drawings (AC) (approximately 55-65 sheets of A3 format)" includes:

Architectural section (AP brand drawings):

  • General data on the project: general data, explanations, specification
  • Axes layout plan
  • Masonry plans
  • Marking plans
  • Roof plan
  • Facades
  • Cuts
  • Assemblies and parts: structures and assemblies of walls, ventilation risers, stairs, porch, individual assemblies and parts depending on the house
  • List of window and door units
  • Products: fencing bars and others, depending on the architecture of the house

Design section (drawings of brands KR, KZH, KD):

  • Foundation. Order plans for laying out blocks (for a prefabricated foundation), or formwork drawings and reinforcement for a monolithic foundation. Specifications
  • Floor plans and specifications, necessary components and details of floors
  • Lintels over windows and openings, and their specifications
  • Rafter plans, their components and specifications
  • Cuts
  • Main structural components, depending on the architecture of the house
  • Products - metal or reinforced concrete beams, depending on the architecture of the house

Engineering systems (IS) are developed from entry into the house, that is, these are internal networks (approximately 25-35 sheets of A3 format).

Engineering systems (IS)

    Water supply and sewerage (drawings of the VK brand)

    Heating (drawings of the OV brand)

    Electrical equipment (EO brand drawings)

In wooden house projects, the drawings are combined into the Architectural and Construction section (AC brand drawings).

In addition to the drawings that are typical for other houses, for wooden data scans of walls with log orders.

"Construction passport of the project" contains explanations of the architectural concept of the project, and consists of explanations describing the main structures, floor plans, facades and section (A3 format). In order to reveal the architectural idea, the Passport shows the arrangement of the main furniture. If desired, or if approvals are necessary (in areas of special development regulation), we can supplement the Project Passport with color photorealistic 3D images and all facades(A4 format, on 2 sheets) .

Having in hand Construction Passport for a cottage project, it will be easier for you to obtain a building permit from local administrative authorities. The sale of the “Construction Project Passport” without purchasing the main set of working drawings is not possible.

ADDITIONALLY you can order from us


Projects may not take into account specific local requirements that may apply to new construction territorial authorities authorities in accordance with their competence arising from the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with the “INSTRUCTIONS FOR ACCOUNTING THE HOUSING STOCK IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION,” the calculation of the area of ​​a house is carried out with correction factors for certain types of premises. For example, balconies are considered with a reduction factor of 0.3, loggias - 0.5. Therefore, indicated the total area of ​​the house is not a simple summation of areas.

Not intended for construction in SEISMICALLY ACTIVE AREAS Andfor construction in conditions PERMAFROST . In such a construction situation, a complete rework of the foundations is required.

You can order and buy an architectural passport of a house project for an individual residential building at any design organization, which has a state license to provide services of this kind. The package of architectural passport documents must necessarily include roof and floor plans, sections along the axes, colored facades and facades along the axes, which must be accompanied by a general explanatory note.

Don't forget to make sure that a copy of the project developer's license is included in the project passport.

The design and approval processes are closely interrelated, so it is advisable to carry them out in parallel whenever possible. The easiest way is to order an architectural passport from the company that is developing the project for your house, since it will immediately provide you with all the necessary plans and documents.

Design work is carried out on the basis of an order agreement for the preparation of design documentation. Experts recommend not to neglect signing this agreement - if you have claims against the project developer, it can become your main guarantee and the main argument in the dispute.

Documents for registration

To obtain an architectural passport for Vacation home, you will need a license for the right to conduct construction activities and a contract for the construction of a house, design documentation for construction, permission from the administration for construction and an architectural and planning assignment.

In addition, do not forget to include in the package of documents a certificate of ownership of the property. land plot, assignment for the design of a residential building and outbuildings, situational plan in the form of a topographic survey with marked communications and conditions for connecting to utility networks. It is also necessary to provide a copy of the master plan to the relevant urban planning documentation, the result of engineering-geological surveys, the act of establishing the boundaries of the site or the breakdown of buildings and the architectural passport itself.

Install instruments, equipment and engineering Communication only after construction is completed and all regulations are met.

Connecting gas, light, electricity, heating and sewerage to shared networks occurs after the provision of project documentation. You will also need a special approval, which you will receive after checking the house’s compliance with current sanitary standards and rules.

How to understand
Project composition: AR, KR, IS?

Just found the composition of a project that we like on the Internet on one site? What do these abbreviations mean?

Well, I think I found it:

I. Architectural section (AR)

Includes: drawing sheet, general project data and specifications, floor plans, elevations
Many faces of facades
Many faces of facades

Sections, roof plan, list of window and door units.

These sheets show the layout of each floor of the house. It shows all the interior spaces, their overall dimensions and areas, the entrances to the house, the location of internal doors, windows, ventilation shafts and fireplaces with chimneys. Also, from the plans, you can determine the thickness of walls and partitions, the height of the floor relative to the zero level (usually from ground level). It should be borne in mind that all dimensions are indicated along the axes of the corresponding walls.

These drawings show frontal views of the house from each side. Windows, doors, garages are marked
Garage Doors
Garage Doors

Read about the gates and how to make a choice in our new article.

Gates, balconies, other facade elements
Many faces of facades
Many faces of facades

The facade finishing material is the finishing touch that emphasizes the overall style of the house and creates its image.

Overhangs and ridge of the roof and their location in height (marks from the zero level, indicated here).

Projects usually contain several sections (a drawing of a vertical section of a house), but there are always longitudinal and transverse sections. From them it is easy to determine the height of the premises on the floors, the depth of the basement or ground floor, the angle of inclination of the roof slopes in the attic
Roof windows

What “tricks” will not work with traditional vertical windows in your attic.

II. Structural section (CR)

Includes: general data, layout diagrams of foundation elements, floors, stairs, truss structures, detailed drawings of individual components, specifications of products and materials.

Such drawings demonstrate element-by-element structures of foundations, floors, truss systems, floors, etc. Many sheets show layout diagrams of concrete foundation blocks, beams and floor slabs, sections of monolithic concreting with reinforcement elements, etc. The most complex junctions of structural elements with each other and the parts are shown separately; the drawings indicate the main dimensions and axial references.

III. Engineering sections (VC, EO, OV) (if available) Here it turns out to be IR and not IS-?
Includes: general explanations of calculations, diagrams of water supply and sewerage systems (VS), electrical equipment (EO), heating and ventilation
(OV), specifications of equipment, products and materials.


The documentation for each of the networks includes floor plans indicating the distribution pipelines for cold and hot water supply, domestic sewerage, and heating. The electrical project provides information about the estimated power of the house, grounding and lightning protection systems, and shows the wiring of power and lighting electrical networks. Axonometric diagrams of the systems are given, indicating elevations, and the locations and connections of equipment are indicated. Separately, explanations are given for the design and calculations of internal networks, general instructions for the installation and connection of devices and plumbing equipment, specifications of products and materials.

A house project is documentation that indicates all the parameters of the building. Documentation will help you imagine what the building will look like outside and inside, how much and what materials will be needed for construction. Sometimes the house design includes additional sections that help to approach construction in more detail - determine in advance the type of communications to be laid, plan the installation of a fire or burglar alarm. Documentation will be needed both during the construction process and during acceptance - for quality control and compliance with standards.

What does the project consist of? What items are required?

A standard project is a set of drawings required for construction. The project should have the following sections:

  • architectural (AR)- describes general information, architectural solutions, contains floor plans, facade drawings and main sections, roof plan, lists of door and window openings;
  • constructive (KR)- includes design drawings of the foundation and other load-bearing structures, flooring, rafter system. The construction section indicates the required building materials and their quantity.

Such a set of drawings is always included in the house project - this is regulated by state regulatory documents. At the request of the customer in project documentation include additional sections - for example, a set of drawings of engineering systems.

In private housing construction, when building small areas residential buildings, are often limited to a preliminary design. But this is the first stage architectural design, it cannot be called complete. The sketch documents contain only general data, images of facades and floor plans.

Complete design with a more detailed architectural part is preferable: even in the construction of simple buildings there are nuances and design features.

Detailed composition of the project

Architectural and construction solutions (AS)

Project documentation is provided at on paper A3 format, in one copy, certified with a blue seal. The project includes two sections: AR (architectural solutions) and KR (constructive solutions).

Working drawings of the AR brand (Architectural solutions)

This section consists of several parts:

  • general information about the object and explanatory note;
  • general plan;
  • axes alignment plan;
  • masonry and marking plans;
  • each of the facades of the house indicating the elevation marks;
  • roof plan;
  • basic cuts around the house;
  • explication of floors, features of filling openings of windows and doors;
  • ventilation ducts and chimneys.

Architectural drawings indicate the location of all windows, doors, ventilation shafts, fireplaces with chimneys, floor heights, wall thickness; the main structural units are shown.

Project documentation

1. Project cover

2. Title page

3. General project data and specification of the main material of the walls of the house

4. Measured floor plans (construction)

5. Marking floor plans

7. Cuts

9. Facades

12.Fragments of the plan

13.Ventilation ducts, chimneys

Working drawings of the KR brand

This section as part of an architectural project is developed for the technically competent implementation of architectural plans. The CD consists of the following parts:

  • Total information;
  • layout of the foundation, including dimensions, exact location on the site, depth;
  • plan of floors, lintels, truss structure with dimensions and technical instructions for the device;
  • detailed drawings;
  • calculation of masonry materials consumption;
  • material specifications.

The composition of the drawings included in the design documentation depends on the type of structures included in the design documentation.

Example: Constructive solutions, as part of QOL and CD

Composition of the KZh section (reinforced concrete structures)

1. General information

2. Foundation plan, material specification

4. Monolithic columns (if any according to the project), specification


6. Floor plan with specifications

7.Jumper layout diagrams, specifications

8. Monolithic belts, specification

Composition of the CD section (wooden structures)

1. General information


Engineering systems (IS)

If, in addition to the main sections that the house design necessarily includes, there is a section for engineering networks, it should contain the following parts:

1. general explanations for each of the life support systems, recommendations for installation and connection of devices;

2. diagram of water supply and sewerage systems - rationale for choice - individual or with connection to centralized systems, - floor plans;

3. heating diagram - justification for the installation of individual heating or connection to central networks, thermal engineering calculations;

4. power supply design, including network layout diagrams, electrical wiring, electrical equipment placement plans ( ;

5. specification of products, equipment, materials. ( They are ordered separately for each project, at the request of the customer.)

Standard ICs have been developed for some projects; please check with the manager for their availability. Their cost is not included in the price of the AC project.


Architectural passport

The house project passport is not included in the complete kit; it can be purchased for an additional fee.

The architectural passport of the project makes it quicker and easier to obtain a building permit, as it contains all the documents necessary to submit to local architectural authorities.

Composition of the architectural passport:

Plans in axes


Cuts in axes

The sale of the “Construction Project Passport” without purchasing the main set of working drawings is not possible.

You can also purchase an additional set of drawings (hard copy), which is usually necessary for builders.

Can I make changes to finished sections?

Changes can be made to any finished project, but profitability must be assessed: if the changes affect the structure, ready-made calculations will not be relevant. And the cost finished project taking into account the changes made, it may turn out to be higher than developing an individual one from scratch.