Automation and dispatching of engineering systems. Engineering Equipment Dispatching Systems Dispatching Project


This section is dedicated to projects systems of dispatching and automation of engineering systems of buildings. Here are the software and hardware that InSAT supplies for such systems, as well as the services that InSAT can provide for their development and implementation.

To create systems automation and dispatching of engineering systems of buildings InSAT offers MasterSCADA- one of the leading products on the Russian market. This is a vertically integrated and object-oriented software package for the development of control and dispatching systems.

MasterSCADA has a number of specialized tools for building automation:

  • for ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC) - WSE specialized library
  • for building resource accounting systems - a set of drivers for common metering devices

Below are examples of projects implemented on MasterSCADA. The set of examples is not exhaustive. The list of MasterSCADA implementations already includes many thousands of systems that successfully operate in the CIS. Detailed description MasterSCADA presented in the section Software .

InSAT supplies a wide range of equipment for automation and dispatching of engineering systems of buildings. Most of the examples below use hardware supplied by InSAT. Detailed information on the range and cost of the equipment we offer for dispatching and energy metering systems can be obtained in the section Equipment .

Engineering in the field of dispatching and building automation

EnSAT has extensive experience in designing and implementing such systems, well-established integrated solutions, ready-made projects for metering units, control cabinets for air handling units, etc. We can perform the whole range of works on the development and implementation of building management and dispatching systems. The list of services provided can be found in the section Engineering .

Examples of building automation projects implemented on MasterSCADA

To date, MasterSCADA is used in a huge number of automation and dispatching projects for building engineering systems. Here are just a few examples of such projects.

Dispatch system is designed to remotely display the collection and storage of data on the operation of the technological equipment of a building or a production process, it transmits information about the parameters of ongoing processes, operating modes of engineering systems, and emergency situations. The interface of the dispatching system allows the operator to remotely set the operating modes of the system as a whole or individual equipment.

The requirement for the presence of dispatching systems in modern buildings is determined by SP 31-110-2003 "Design and installation of electrical installations of residential and public buildings." VSN 60-89 “Communication, signaling and dispatching devices for engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards” - regulates the design of dispatching systems.

Thus, the main purpose of the dispatching system is to centralize the control and management of the building.

There is sometimes confusion when a building management system is defined as a building management system BMS. This is due to the fact that controllers and SCADA software of BMS systems will be used in dispatching. However, the dispatching system is an interface part of the smart building system, it only outputs information to the control panel and allows the operator to manually control part of the processes, albeit remotely. Algorithms for optimal and economical interaction between building subsystems must be developed by the automation project and programmed in the control controllers, only then the operator is freed from making most of the routine decisions.

The dispatching system is not a complete automation system! It performs functions related to display - "supervisory control" and manual remote control - "supervisory control" of engineering systems.

Typically, the functions of the dispatching system include:

  • Data collection from devices and visual display of processes occurring with the engineering equipment of the building (for modern systems, using SCADA);
  • Timely detection of emergency situations, prevention of accidents;
  • Formation and sending of alarm messages to responsible persons;
  • Remote control of engineering systems devices;
  • Collection and storage of instrument readings in automatic or manual mode;
  • Presentation of data in graphical and tabular form;
  • Maintaining reports on energy consumption, generating reports automatically and at the request of the operator;
  • If necessary, transfer data to a higher priority remote control.

Information flow from the following systems is displayed on the dispatcher console:

  • supply and exhaust ventilation;
  • Air conditioning and refrigeration;
  • heating;
  • Heat supply (ITP or boiler equipment);
  • Water supply, water treatment, sewerage;
  • Lift and escalator equipment;
  • Power supply and electric lighting;
  • Fire alarm and building security systems;
  • Sound control systems;
  • Fire-fighting automation (smoke ventilation and fire extinguishing);
  • Other systems related to production or process control.

Outside air temperature, chilled water to/from the ventilation system, chilled ethylene glycol, heated heating water can be displayed; pressure values ​​of chilled water or ethylene glycol of ventilation and air conditioning systems; control valve positions; power on the motors of circulation pumps or fans; ; filter clogging data; alarm about the threat of freezing heaters information about the state of elevators, supported by video data; state of circuit breakers in electrical panels, etc.

The control of equipment in dispatching is limited by the ability to enable certain operating modes, for example, the system start mode in winter or summer, maximum performance mode, emergency shutdown of the unit, manual switching from the main to the standby pump, etc. In theory, the dispatcher has the ability to control each of the devices with a drive, but in practice, one person physiologically will not be able to manually control a large engineering system.

The management of such a system is carried out 24/7 by qualified personnel who have completed specialized training courses. In addition, for each system in the process of design, commissioning and operation, technologists develop action protocols for possible emergency situations.

Possibilities of modern dispatching systems

Modern dispatch systems are increasingly implemented on controllers and software of BMS systems. This causes a large number of software options for customizing their functions. In general, dispatch systems should provide:

  • An up-to-date and complete picture of the state of all engineering systems at any time;
  • Convenient and clear graphical interface;
  • Quick response to emergencies;
  • Possibility of issuing emergency messages on the monitor screen, printer, remote computer, mobile phone;
  • Registration of all system events, which in many cases makes it possible to establish the cause of the emergency, its culprit, and also prevent its occurrence in the future;
  • Connecting to the system remotely via an Internet browser;
  • Quick and adequate response to changing environmental conditions;
  • Automatic counting of engine hours, equipment time to failure and warning about the need for maintenance and preventive maintenance;
  • Ample opportunities for managing systems, which allows to reduce the staff of maintenance personnel;
  • Possibility of collecting statistical information, forming samples, graphs comparing cost forecasting.

The difference between a dispatching system and a building automatic control and dispatching system (SAUiD)

The main differences between the functions of the engineering equipment dispatching system and the building automation system are visible in the diagrams below. Typical scheduling scheme for engineering systems of an object

Typical scheme of automation and dispatching of engineering systems of an object (synonyms: BMS, intelligent building)

In this way, the dispatching subsystem is only part of the BMS building management system.

Equipment and software for dispatching systems

The task of dispatching is to display information and provide control, therefore, the main elements of the dispatching system are operator software and interface converters, often installed in automation panels of engineering equipment.

As a rule, modern automation controllers have the ability to work with SCADA software of the dispatching system, they are also interface converters. The software provides the implementation of such functions as:

  • Displaying information in the form of mnemonic diagrams with the issuance of real-time measurement values, controller settings, various icons and other graphic objects;
  • Formation and issuance of emergency messages;
  • Maintaining archives (trends) for all hardware signals and calculated technological variables;
  • The possibility of correcting the operation of the system, without stopping it;
  • Possibility to search and filter records of archives by a number of selection criteria; the ability to generate reports based on user-defined templates; viewing archived information in the form of graphs and tables;
  • Ability to create schedules, multi-level access and other functions of computer control systems.

Data transfer from the local automation system to the SCADA dispatch system can be carried out directly or through the interface of the OPC (Open Platform Communication) server. Wherein OPC server is a translator between the language that the installed equipment understands and the language of the dispatcher's software interface.

The main goal of the OPC standard was to provide the possibility of joint operation of automation tools operating on different hardware platforms, in different industrial networks and manufactured by different companies.

After the OPC standard was implemented, almost all SCADA packages were redesigned as OPC clients, and every hardware manufacturer began to supply their controllers, I / O modules, smart sensors and actuators with a standard OPC server. Thanks to the emergence of interface standardization, it became possible to connect any physical device to any SCADA, as long as they both complied with the OPC standard. Developers got the opportunity to design only one driver for all SCADA packages, and users got the opportunity to choose hardware and software without the previous restrictions on their compatibility.

IP equipment

90% of modern dispatching systems have the ability to exchange information over IP networks. The conversion of data into the appropriate protocols takes place either directly in the controllers, or on top-level servers (Schneider Electric Automation Server), or through gateways, for example, Xenta-911.

With the reduction in the cost of IP equipment, the functions of transmitting data to the network are gradually being extended to field devices (valves, frequency converters, etc.), but this solution is still more expensive anyway, and also requires the development of a stable and secure SCS at the facility, this is true is an expensive undertaking.

IP equipment for automation and dispatching engineering systems is selected depending on the requirements for its functions. As a rule, it is enough to have a software interface between the dispatching system and the IP network of the enterprise, and it becomes possible to connect additional information to the SCADA system. In particular, for visual monitoring of important nodes or premises from the control room, IP cameras for monitoring industrial television or security systems are connected to the system.

Development and design of dispatching systems

The project of the dispatching system is carried out by section of the set of drawings of the building automation and dispatching system. The signals output to the dispatcher's console are determined by the developers of the building systems technology.

Design standard: VSN 60-89 “Communication, signaling and dispatching devices for engineering equipment of residential and public buildings. Design standards»

A dispatch system design will typically contain the following sheets:

As part of the dispatching project, the dispatcher's automated workplace is also being developed. Depending on the scale of the system, it can be equipped with:

Shield with applied mnemonic diagram(at present, such systems are found less and less in production);

PC with installed SCADA software;

PC with web interface access to the controller-server of the system (example: automation server Schneider Electric);

PC with installed SCADA system with access to multiple monitors and monitor wall.

Engineering equipment used for the life support of objects for various purposes has a huge set of technological parameters and types of signals that need continuous monitoring. Only modern dispatching systems (SD) are able to carry it out.

Their creation is the main activity of NPO Spetsproektmontazh. At the same time, we pursue the goal of minimizing the impact of the human factor on the operation of the totality of the facility's engineering systems and offer various types of equipment for use, which can be selected directly by the client.

Realizing how important the operation of the OZDS equipment complex, designed to protect communications from damage by small rodents, we have developed our own SD. It continuously monitors the operation of all components of the system, quickly responding to emergencies and thereby limiting the access of mice or rats to the building.

What does this system provide?

SD, developed by NPO Spetsproektmontazh, are capable of remote control, dispatching of engineering equipment of one, two or more objects at the same time. Moreover, it can be both geographically spaced, that is, located at remote sites or in hard-to-reach places. Usually, SD is a part of systems that manage objects that have a complex engineering structure: from office buildings to large industrial enterprises.

The use of SD allows not only remote monitoring (control) of the object, its engineering networks, but also to control:

  • temperature, pressure and humidity in the room,
  • serviceability of technological equipment,
  • operation of alarm systems (fire / security), control and access;
  • blocking systems in case of an accident (water, gas supply).

The presence of dispatching guarantees constant monitoring of the functioning of engineering systems and instant response in the event of an accident. It can include various subsystems that account for energy resources, optimize workflow and all reporting systems in general. At the same time, the data from the controllers are sent to the server, where they are processed and displayed on the monitor screen for control by the dispatcher. Messages formed on their basis are archived and placed in storage, from where they can be retrieved at any time.

Objects on which SD can be installed

The use of SD provides certain advantages in management and, in particular, provides full control over the operation of the engineering equipment of the following facilities:

  • water supply and sewerage;
  • heating;
  • gas supply, gas alarm;
  • lighting - both adjacent territory and indoors;
  • air conditioning systems, air humidification, climate control;
  • ITP (individual heating points);
  • all types of alarm (security, fire), video surveillance, access control;
  • drainage system.

When implementing our projects, we use a monitoring level that allows the operator to see the image of the object in real time with the ability to change its detail in an interactive mode.

Design stages

NPO "Sanproektmontazh" provides services for the installation and design of SD for a variety of objects. The project development process consists of the following steps:

  • drawing up technical requirements;
  • inspection of the object;
  • creating a draft version, taking into account all the wishes of the customer and agreeing with him all the nuances;
  • development of technical specifications and wiring diagrams;
  • preparation of design estimates;
  • system installation;
  • testing and subsequent maintenance of SD.

Installing a well-designed system in your facility will ensure that all equipment is running efficiently and will reduce the number of maintenance personnel, thereby saving money.

Factors affecting the cost of work

SD design today is one of the promising areas in the construction industry. Its essence lies in the centralized monitoring of remote engineering equipment and the organization of its efficient operation. The cost of an SD system depends on several factors:

  • project complexity;
  • object area;
  • equipment selected for installation;
  • implementation deadlines.

But these costs are not so significant, given that the use of dispatching allows you to reduce operating costs and consumed resources, increase the safety of the facility and optimize document flow.

According to statistics, a well-designed project can reduce the cost of maintaining buildings and structures by 50%. Therefore, its compilation should be trusted only to professionals with extensive experience in this field, such as NPO Spetsproektmontazh.

Order a dispatching system

You can order the design and installation of SD in Moscow by filling out the form on our company's website or by using any of the options presented on the "Contacts" page.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 (as amended on July 7, 2017) “On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content”, paragraph 19. Subsection “Heating, ventilation and air conditioning, heating networks” reads that the project should contain descriptions of automation systems and dispatching of the process of regulating heating, ventilation and air conditioning.

In this regard, our company offers services of integrated design of automation and dispatching of engineering systems. Here we propose to pay attention to a number of key points of the design process.

About designing your own automation of engineering systems

We carry out the design of our own automation of engineering systems, that is, we design control devices that are installed on engineering equipment or placed next to it locally in each engineering system - this is our own automation of systems and the lowest level of automation.

Below is an example of the installation of the own automation of the heating system in the manifold cabinet:

The installed automation of engineering systems performs control functions, regardless of the serviceability and operability of the control system above them, if such exists at the facility (we are talking about the “Smart Home” system, as marketers like to call it).

Solutions for automation of engineering systems are developed during the design of these systems and are placed in this project in the form of diagrams and descriptions.

For example, this explanatory note for a heating project includes a description of solutions for automating radiator, underfloor heating and a boiler room.

The automation project presents connection diagrams for servo drives, sensors, thermostats, controllers and climate equipment.

Solutions for automation in projects do not contain information about laying cables of their own automation

The automation of each system includes dozens and even hundreds of different devices included in the automation of the control system, which are interconnected by control lines, that is, low-current cables.

Low-current cables go to each thermoelectric heating actuator in these cabinets (these are such white wires)

If the object has a large area, then equipping it with engineering systems with its own automation requires a serious approach to design. Here it is necessary to focus on the details of each project of an engineering system equipped with control automation, since the system can be designed correctly, the automation equipment will also be indicated in the project in the form of diagrams and descriptions, but the design of connections (low-voltage cables) between these control devices and engineering equipment may not be fully and properly reflected in the existing projects of engineering systems for high-quality installation of an automated engineering complex.

On the design of automation and dispatch networks

The fact is that in the projects of engineering systems, attention is focused on the design of engineering equipment. Automation in these projects is one of the elements of the system being created (it occupies one of the sections of the HVAC and VK project), and the lines and cables of this automation, stretching throughout the building, are, in general, the tenth thing. Often these low-current cables are laid by engineers themselves who are engaged in automation, start-up and adjustment of engineering systems based on equipment automation schemes from projects.

And in this case, difficulties sometimes arise when automation and various elements of equipment are located at different ends of the building: it is not clear how to lay the cables, where they can be led out, how to take into account the location, connection, etc.

In general, low-current cables of own automation of engineering systems also require the close attention of designers, builders and installers to ensure the high quality of design and installation work.

Automation cables must be laid correctly in compliance with certain conditions, they must be linked to other communications, these low-voltage networks must be laid on time (before finishing) and so on, that is, to perform work with high quality, it will be necessary to develop a project for an automation network and engineering dispatching systems.

Automation and dispatching network project ≠ control system project

We draw attention to the fact that the project of the automation and dispatching network contains information specifically about the cables of the grassroots automation (own automation) of engineering systems. The design of this network should not be confused with the design of the control system (aka the Smart Home system), since the design of the control system (or the Smart Home system) is a hardware and software add-on that allows you to manage all engineering systems, that is, it the upper level of automation, which, by the way, may not exist if the customer refuses to implement it, but this does not mean that all other engineering systems will not work.

On a note: without a control system or in case of its failure (aka the “Smart Home” system), automation will work locally in each engineering system.

If there is no automation and dispatching network project

The customer may refuse to design an automation and dispatching network, in which case there will simply be no low-current communication cables between control devices and equipment in the project, which will need to be taken into account by those installers who will be involved in system automation in order to lay them based on the diagrams of engineering systems automation sections.

We propose not to shift the burden of docking local control automation in systems onto installers. Cable routes for grassroots automation need to be designed.

Key features of automation and dispatching design

When designing, we do not replace the standard automation of engineering systems, therefore, all automation is based on a 2-level principle, grassroots (local) and upper (general) automation, which is reflected in 3 projects:

    Grassroots level:
  1. Automation and dispatching sections in the projects of engineering systems contain information about their own automation of these engineering systems, in order to ensure their operability and the possibility of further dispatching and connection to the upper level of automation.
  2. The automation and dispatching network project includes the development of a cable route project for the tasks of the previous paragraph.
  3. Top level: control system project - in this project everything is developed that relates to the general automation of a complex of systems.

Grassroots automation can work separately without an upper level and a control system, but if they are combined (for example, to use not the local controllers of the Conductor Swegon engineering systems, but the main AMX or Crestron controller), this will not happen. If the main controller fails, then control will be disrupted in all systems.

Design feature of the power supply and lighting system

A feature of designing an automation and dispatching network for a power supply and lighting system is the need to take into account the complexity factor, since projects for the “star” and “classic” schemes differ significantly in the amount of work.

There are more cables in the "star" scheme - the project is more complicated

In the project of the automation and dispatching network of the power supply and lighting system according to the “star” scheme, there are much more cables, electrical panels are more complex and larger, and there are also more other design issues.

Star circuit - for control system

In the project of the automation and dispatching network of the power supply and lighting system according to the “star” scheme, our company lays all the necessary solutions for automation and dispatching in the very essence of the project, and not in some separate section (as in HVAC and VK), and the control system already uses or does not use these solutions in his project.

Modern large shopping centers, business buildings, as well as homeowners' associations and private estates need constant technical control. Management of ventilation, water supply, power supply cannot be carried out without the help of special computer programs. They automatically control and change the operation of mechanisms, and in case of possible malfunctions and in emergency situations, the system gives an alarm signal. This building management system is called a "dispatching system". We will tell you more about how it is designed and installed in our article.

Dispatching system: principles of operation

Modern control rooms are equipped with engineering systems control computers. They commute with controllers in server rooms and frequency converters on installed engineering equipment. Dispatch and automation systems are designed to facilitate the monitoring of building equipment.

With the help of a computer, the dispatcher at the enterprise, and the owner or in a private house, monitors the change in supply air temperature, pressure drops in pipes and controls other parameters of various equipment.

Remote control

You can remotely control ventilation air handling units. By changing the opening percentage of the refrigerant valve, the supply air temperature can be influenced. The building management system remotely monitors the following facilities:

  1. Main switchboard of power supply and input distribution devices.
  2. Indoor and outdoor lighting.
  3. Gas supply.
  4. Supply and exhaust ventilation installations.
  5. Air conditioners and fancoils.
  6. Water supply and sewerage.
  7. Drainage system (drainage pits and storm sewers).
  8. Fire alarm and fire suppression air.
  9. parking spaces.
  10. Building access control.
  11. Lift and escalator equipment.

Initial preparation and commissioning

The installation of the described equipment should be considered at the stage of designing dispatching systems produced by special contractors.

The project must provide for cable channels connecting all equipment for communication with the server. Signals from frequency converters, which are located on installations, pumps, power equipment and other systems, come to the server blocks via cable.

The server room should be placed in a separate, well-ventilated room in order to cool the power supplies and fans installed inside the server racks.

Installation work

Installation of dispatching systems is usually carried out by specially hired contractors. As a rule, they have their own ready-made projects, but they can also work on customer projects. Maintenance of the dispatching system at the stage of warranty service is carried out by the contractor who installed this equipment.

After the expiration of the warranty service period, it is possible to control the work by the duty team. Typically, a low voltage engineer is responsible for maintaining the system. Different teams have their own set schedule, and the effectiveness of the work of weak currents with equipment depends on this.

The internal stuffing of the control system

There are several computer programs that control the equipment installed at the facility. Not so long ago, Honeywell and Johnson Controls programs were popular. Now, Siemens, Orion, and other, less common programs, as well as modified Honeywell and Johnson Controls, are usually installed at new facilities.

The object dispatching system requires constant monitoring and updating. Usually, all systems are installed with a long warranty period, and later, at the end of the warranty period, the obligations for adjustment and maintenance are performed by the same contractor companies.

For elevator equipment, everything is installed depending on which contractor company installs and maintains elevator dispatching systems (Kone-Lift, ThyssenKrupp AG, Otis and others).

How does a fire system work?

Automation is also installed on fire-fighting equipment. It is triggered by smoke and sends an alarm to the control room. The dispatcher on the monitor sees the location of the sensor and reports the incident to the duty shift.

If two smoke detectors are triggered, the immediate evacuation alarm will sound throughout the entire building. This will turn on the air boost system in the elevator shafts. The elevators will automatically descend to the first floor and open the doors without responding to calls and orders.

How is automation controlled?

The equipment installed in the building contains sensors and instrumentation. They collect information about the state of the equipment and interact with the controllers, which transmit a signal to the automation system and the computer installed in the control room. The operator-dispatcher on the working monitor sees the state of the system and, if necessary, controls the installations.

Automatic ventilation regulates the set parameters according to the temperature settings in the room. If these are supply and exhaust units equipped with a heat exchanger, a heat exchanger and a cold circuit, the automation maintains the desired temperature by closing or opening the cold (hot) water valve or increasing the speed of the heat exchanger. The dispatcher observes all these changes on the monitor screen in the control room.

In the cold season, when the outdoor air temperature drops below twenty degrees Celsius, it is possible to transfer the units to manual mode by the dispatcher or on-duty personnel to prevent the heat exchanger from freezing.

By setting the necessary parameters on his control panel (computer), the dispatcher monitors the changes and the process of the installations. Usually, leading engineers, taking care of the normal operation of the equipment, place the schedule and schedule of the ventilation units on a special stand or in the dispatcher's operational log. According to him, the dispatching system controls the processes of heat exchange and cold supply.

Security systems

Mentioning dispatch control systems, one should not forget about special dispatch systems for the security structure. They are called for short. It does not commute with the ventilation control system and other engineering equipment and is equipped with a special computer.

The control computer receives signals from all electromagnetic locks, turnstiles and other electronic readers, including the system for controlling the entry and exit of cars from the parking lot. All passes issued to employees and staff have numbers that can be used to determine at what time a given employee passed through a turnstile or a door equipped with a magnetic lock. All these data, also transmitted by magnetic sensors, are sent to a special dispatching access control computer.

The remote access control system is connected to the fire safety engineering system. In the event of an emergency, it will automatically unlock the doors of all emergency exits.

An important place in the operation of building management systems is taken by the uninterruptible power supply of the server. In the event of a voltage drop, it will save it on the dispatcher console and allow you to turn off the systems without losing data.

Where are building management systems used?

No modern business center can do without building management systems. Even ordinary lighting in buildings is switched on through the dispatching system. In addition, security facilities play an important role in business centers. Hence, access control systems are also being installed. They provide work as well as entry and exit from parking spaces. The same applies to elevator and escalator equipment.

In any building, the installation of dispatching systems facilitates the work of on-duty personnel and saves energy resources, creating comfortable conditions in the premises