Mortgage for large families. Mortgage for a large family - realities and prospects for obtaining. Housing for a Russian family


Support for large families is one of the key areas of social policy in most developed countries. This is quite natural due to the fact that in developed countries the demographic level is quite low; Thus, it is parents with many children, who contribute to increasing the demographic level, who come to the attention of the authorities in the first place. In Russia, this practice is only beginning to reach the proper level. A separate niche is occupied by the issue of providing this category of the population with housing. As a rule, there are not enough government programs to provide parents with three or more children with apartments for everyone (as of 2018, there are more than a million such families in Russia; in 2019, this number, according to sociologists, may well increase). However, a way out of the situation had to be found, and it was found - this is mortgage lending on special favorable terms, or preferential lending.

Where the collateral is real estate, which is the subject of acquisition and remains the property of the borrower, while the lender has the right to compensate the loan amount by selling this property in the event of failure by the debtor to fulfill its loan obligations. That is, the property is pledged to the lender (usually a bank) as a guarantor of repayment.

A mortgage can be provided not only for the purchase of housing (a more common option), but also for repairs or construction with the same collateral conditions.

In modern conditions, rates on bank mortgage programs are quite high: 11-14% per annum in national currency. The average cost of housing in Russia as of December 2016 is:

It is easy to calculate that the average monthly loan payment thus significantly exceeds the average income of Russian families. Therefore, in order for the opportunity to purchase housing to become real, the state has developed special preferential programs, according to which part of the interest rate is repaid from the state budget.

What is the essence of a preferential mortgage?

First you need to define general concepts. Let us remind you that large family An officially registered family (marriage) is considered to be in which there are three or (in other words, or) more children. Social support for such households, as mentioned above, is guaranteed by the state.

The essence of mortgage lending (hereinafter referred to as mortgages) in this case is that spouses receive a loan secured by real estate. As for preferential mortgages, the principle of its operation is not particularly different from its “standard” counterpart. The attractiveness of this program for parents with three or more children is expressed in the fact that the loan repayment is partially borne by the government or government organizations. In addition, interest rates on preferential mortgages have been reduced by two or more times compared to the standard rates in the banking services market. All this makes the program quite attractive. The latest versions of the relevant legislation also suggest other ways to repay a preferential mortgage: for example, payments, and so on.

The nuances of preferential mortgages for large families

Currently, however, on the territory of the Russian Federation, preferential mortgages have several forms of existence, which depend on institutions, which, in turn, issue appropriate loans. In general terms, approximately the same tariff plan operates in the state under the characteristic name “Large Family” - Sberbank was the first to offer it. According to this plan, a down payment of thirty percent is required, installments are possible for up to thirty years, and the annual interest rate is eight percent. In some cases, the annual interest rate can be reduced even to six percent, but only in the situation when we are talking about primary housing. In the case of secondary housing throughout the country, the rate is 11 percent. As for the repayment period, it all depends on the relationship between the client and the bank: history knows of cases when a mortgage was issued for half a century.

To obtain a mortgage for a large family, a certain list of documents is required, which will be discussed below. However, before you get a mortgage loan, you need to understand that such programs can only be applied against the security of the purchased housing.

Preferential mortgage terms for parents with three or more children may vary depending on the region in which the family currently lives. They can vary and can be adapted to the needs of each specific family: for example, you can get this or that number of square meters for each of the children, and so on.

It is also worth noting that lending conditions may vary depending on the lending bank. Most often, the most convenient conditions are offered to families in which the age of the spouses (that is, both parents) does not exceed 35 years. Further - more: in the event of another baby in a young family, a deferment on loan repayment can be guaranteed. In addition, a number of banks allow you to invite even the parents of a husband and wife as co-borrowers - the fact that they will help pay off the mortgage makes it possible to increase the loan amount.

How to get a mortgage loan for a large family?

Applying for a preferential mortgage, as practice has shown, does not take much time. As a rule, the entire procedure takes one or two days, provided that the designer has all the necessary documents on hand.

The list of required documents includes:

  • copies of passports of both spouses,
  • a copy of the spouse’s certificate of change of surname (if this fact took place at all).
  • Birth certificates for children will be required. It is very important to remember here that a family has the status of having many children if it has three or more children under the age of 18.
  • The creditor bank will also require certificates of parents with the specified number of children,
  • copies of work books and
  • confirmation of solvency, that is, a certificate from the place of work.

At the same time, most banks make concessions by considering the total income of the young family instead of the income of one of the spouses. In some cases, the income of the parents may also be taken into account - as a rule, the state cooperates quite willingly with this category.

What will change in mortgage lending to large families, young people and families in 2019?

Since 2013, it has started in Russia, which is designed for large families, as well as a number of preferential categories - doctors, teachers, etc. The New Year 2019 will also be a favorable period for improving housing conditions, since the state social program will not cease to operate. It was in 2019 that detailed conditions for participation in the preferential lending scheme were announced, which already declared a reduction in the interest rate and soft requirements for the initial contribution.

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Those. At the current time, there is no specific state program for large families. But there are numerous offers from banks and government institutions (Sberbank, AHML), implying preferential reduced interest rates (from 2 to 4% per annum). In 2019, improving housing conditions by obtaining a preferential mortgage can be achieved through the use of maternity capital and a one-time tax deduction on real estate.

The status of “large family” is assigned to families that have three or more children. Various preferential programs have been developed for such families, including individual conditions for obtaining a mortgage. For banking institutions, this type of lending is quite profitable, so they easily agree to apply for a mortgage, provided, of course, that all their conditions are met and all the necessary documents are provided. If we analyze the situation as of January 1, 2014, then mortgages for the purchase of housing are a very popular banking service. This is mostly evidenced by reviews of borrowers who had to get a loan to purchase real estate.

A mortgage for this category of borrowers implies, in most cases, the issuance of a loan with a slightly reduced interest rate or the payment of a certain part of the loan by a government agency. Every year, Sberbank develops new mortgage lending programs, thanks to which an apartment can be purchased using a loan at more affordable rates.

Interest rates

A mortgage is the most common option for improving housing conditions for the category of citizens with a large number of family members. This type of lending is almost completely identical to standard housing lending, but has certain benefits for borrowers. For example, a large family can take out a mortgage on real estate in a newly constructed building at 6.15% per annum, while housing on the secondary real estate market will cost 11% per annum.

Conditions for issuing a mortgage at Sberbank

Mortgages on preferential terms for large families can be issued for thirty years. Sberbank also does not rule out the possibility of obtaining a loan under such a program for just a few years, if family income allows this and all the bank’s requirements are satisfied.

A large family can pay for the loan using funds paid to the mother by the social service. The same money can be used for the down payment when issuing a loan from Sberbank of Russia. If, while paying off the loan, the family gives birth to another child, the subsidy that will be given to the mother can also be partially used to pay off the mortgage.

How is a mortgage loan issued?

A large family can apply for a mortgage loan only if the bank is provided with the following documents:

  • Borrower's questionnaire, which is filled out directly at the bank branch;
  • Parents' passports (certified copies of all pages);
  • Income certificates;
  • Certificate of family composition;
  • Documents for the purchased property;
  • Work book (copy);
  • Documents for mortgaged property.

Sberbank may also require some additional documents from the borrower purchasing housing. The mortgage (the amount issued by Sberbank) is calculated taking into account the total income of both spouses.

A large family, one of whose parents has not reached 35 years of age at the time of applying for a mortgage, can also count on certain additional “discounts” from the state or a banking institution. Sberbank can issue a deferment on loan repayment for such a family, but only if the family adds another child. In such a situation, the mortgage amount will also be calculated taking into account the income that the family receives per month.

Federal preferential mortgage program

Sberbank of Russia has developed the Federal Program “Affordable Housing for Citizens of the Russian Federation” specifically for large families, according to which in 2014, families from the category of large families who were on the list for preferential receipt of an apartment before the spring of 2005 can obtain a mortgage loan on more simplified terms:

  • they have the right to receive financial assistance for a third of the cost of the purchased property;
  • this money is transferred every month to the bank account specified in the loan agreement, which frees the borrower from a significant part of the loan obligations;
  • if, after issuing a preferential loan, another child is born in the family, Sberbank “throws off” another 20% of the total cost of the loan;
  • thirty square meters of purchased real estate is paid for by the state.


Taking into account all of the above, it can be noted that in 2014, mortgages will be in great demand, just as in previous years, as evidenced by reviews on the bank’s website. Moreover, according to experts in the real estate market, housing prices will decline in 2014. If we also take into account the fact that mortgages this year will be issued under somewhat simplified conditions, then almost every large family will have the opportunity to improve their living conditions. What can Sberbank help with?

Mortgage for large families

Mortgage for a large family is preferential. Currently, banks offer several types of mortgage lending to large families, however, despite the presence of certain benefits, the conditions of these mortgage programs are very strict.

Thus, the down payment for a large family is 30% of the market value of housing. A large family is a family that has three or more children under 16 years of age. For such a family, the total area of ​​the apartment being purchased, and, consequently, its cost is very significant. So it is often almost impossible to find funds for a down payment for a large family.

Due to such unattractive “preferential” conditions of banks, the issue of housing for large families is more successfully resolved at the regional level. Regions offer mortgage lending schemes that provide additional preferential square meters of living space at the birth of each subsequent child.

Thus, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Law No. 7-2176 of October 2, 2008 was adopted “On the provision of social payments to pay interest rates on loans taken out by citizens with four or more children to improve housing conditions.” Within the framework of this law, in accordance with the amendments made on October 6, 2011 N 13-6228, social payments are provided to repay interest on loans.

The right to receive social payments to pay off the interest rate on mortgage loans for the purchase or construction of housing in the Krasnoyarsk Territory are citizens who have and are raising four or more minor children, or who have reached the age of 18 and have been disabled since childhood, as well as full-time students in educational institutions. institutions of all types and types, regardless of their organizational and legal form, except for institutions of additional education, until the end of their studies, but not more than until they reach the age of 23 years, living in the territory of the region for at least five years.

The size of the social benefit is:

  • 3/4 of the interest rate under the loan agreement, but not more than 1.5 of the current refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if the recipient has four children;
  • interest rate under the loan agreement, but not more than 2 current refinancing rates of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, if the recipient has five or more children.

For large families of the Novosibirsk region with five or more children, with an average per capita income below the subsistence level, a cash payment in the amount of 100,000 rubles is provided for the repair, construction and purchase of housing in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 23, 2012 No. 197-p "On a one-time cash payment for repairs, construction and purchase of housing for large families with five or more children."

A large family in need of housing can receive a social mortgage in Udmurtia. In accordance with the unique conditions established by the Decree of the Government of the Udmurt Republic of August 12, 2013 N 369 “On measures to improve the living conditions of large families at the expense of the budget of the Udmurt Republic”, for such families the following are provided: preferential loan rate, down payment of 10% from the cost of purchased housing and social benefits provided to large families:

  • When concluding a credit agreement (housing loan agreement) up to 300,000 rubles, but not exceeding the balance of the principal debt under the loan agreement (housing loan agreement).
  • Upon the birth (adoption) of children during the validity period of the loan agreement (housing loan agreement) in the amount of up to 300,000 rubles for each child, but not more than 600,000 rubles in total, and not exceeding the balance of the principal debt under the loan agreement (housing loan agreement).

Social mortgages in the Tula region for large families are implemented within the framework of the Subprogram "Development of mortgage lending in the Tula region for 2014 - 2020" of the state program of the Tula region "Providing quality housing and housing and communal services to the population of the Tula region", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Tula Region dated 11/19. 2013 N 660.

According to paragraph 2 of section - Regulations on the procedure, amount and conditions for providing one-time social payments to certain categories of citizens; one-time social payments are provided to large families (with three or more children) recognized as needing to improve their living conditions in the prescribed manner and having income sufficient to obtain a mortgage housing loan (loan ).

The amount of social benefits provided is set as a percentage of the estimated cost of housing and is differentiated:

  • For large families:
    • having three children - 40 % ;
    • having four children - 50 % ;
    • having five children - 70 % ;
    • having six or more children, - 90 % .

Particularly worth highlighting is the program “Mortgages available to those with many children,” adopted in Chukotka as part of the List of Activities of the subprogram “Social Support for Families and Children” of the State Program “Social Support for the Population of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug for 2014 - 2018.”

Social mortgage in Chukotka for large families provides for social payments for the payment of the down payment when receiving a mortgage loan for the purchase of housing in the amount of 30% of the cost of the purchased residential premises, but not more than 1,000,000 rubles, as well as for monthly partial reimbursement of interest on mortgage housing loans in the amount 50% of the monthly interest payment amount, but not more than 10,000 rubles per month.

Social support for large families for mortgage lending was adopted in 2014 in Altai. The support mechanism provides for the provision of a social payment for the payment of part of the down payment when receiving a mortgage loan by a large family - a member of a housing construction cooperative, with subsequent reimbursement of part of the interest rate on the loan for the construction of an apartment building.

Social mortgages for large families in Mari El are focused on the development of individual housing construction. Here, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Mari El dated July 29, 2011 N 226, social payments are provided from the republican budget to reimburse the interest rate on loans attracted by families with three or more children for the construction of an individual residential building.

For large families there is also the opportunity to use regional maternity capital(RMK), both for the down payment and for paying off mortgage debt, which makes mortgages more realistic for such families. This is especially true for regions with a very significant size of the RCC. Regional maternity capital is assigned in the vast majority of regions of Russia at the birth of the third child, when the family acquires the status of “large”.

More information about regional legislation establishing maternity capital in the regions can be found on our portal "Maternity Capital" in the section “Regional maternal capital and social support for large families” in the region of your residence.

Moscow families are in more favorable conditions compared to other regions, since they can count on additional preferences from regional authorities. In this article, we will look at the conditions under which mortgages are offered to large families in Moscow in 2019, and highlight the main points.

Since 2005, large families have the opportunity to get into. The federal program “Affordable Housing for Russian Citizens” established the following requirements for potential participants and conditions for obtaining a loan:

  • housing subsidy cannot exceed 35% of the total cost of living space;
  • the subsidy must be credited to the account of the banking institution where the loan will be taken out on a monthly basis;
  • in the event of the birth of another child after obtaining a mortgage, the family receives a discount of 18% of the total cost of the loan;
  • the state pays for the purchase of 30 sq. meters of housing, and in the future this area will not be eligible for lending.
The family has the right to apply to pay off the existing debt. As already noted, assistance is allocated in a strict order of priority, so it is important to contact the authorized body with the appropriate application as soon as possible.

What interest rates are provided for large families?

Mortgage lending for families with more than three children provides for a loan at low interest rates and partial reimbursement of the loan by the state.

Receiving a preferential loan has virtually no differences from obtaining a regular housing loan, but this option is more profitable for a large family. For example, in AHML a mortgage can be issued at 6.15% per annum, provided that the apartment is located in a new building, and if the dwelling belongs to the secondary category, the rate will be 11%.

Other banking institutions also offer favorable rates to such customers. Typically, the reduction occurs by 1-2% or more than the percentages established for all other borrowers.

Reasons for obtaining a mortgage for a large family in Moscow

The state provides citizens included in this category with certain preferences when applying for a mortgage. State assistance consists of a low interest rate and subsequent compensation of payments. Subsidies are given only if there are certain grounds:

  • if there are three or more minor children in the family;
  • provided that the family is registered as in need;
  • The area of ​​the apartment or house is insufficient for permanent residence of all family members.

In the last paragraph, the determining parameter is the standards established by a specific region regarding footage per citizen. In Moscow, this figure is 18 square meters. meters.

Conditions for obtaining a mortgage for large families in Moscow

There are several state programs in the capital region that are aimed at improving the living conditions of families with children. According to one of the projects, families can purchase apartments from the municipal fund with a small initial payment and at a low interest rate.

Let's take a closer look at what conditions are offered to such families in the capital and what may be required to obtain a mortgage loan. The following points can be noted as the main loan conditions:

  • the interest rate on the loan is 10%;
  • the living space can be located in a new building or belong to a group of secondary real estate;
  • the maximum loan term is 30 years;
  • the down payment is 10% of the final cost of housing;
  • the mother of the child must contribute the initial amount using maternity capital funds;
  • after the birth of a child in a family, Moscow banks provide the family with a deferred payment for three years.

To take advantage of preferential loan terms, a family representative must collect and submit the following documents:

  1. Applicant's passport.
  2. A certificate confirming the fact of registration of the family as a large family.
  3. Work records of spouses.
  4. Certificate of salary.
  5. The act of concluding a marriage union.
  6. Birth certificates for all children in the family.
After submitting the documentation, a bank employee checks it within the allotted time frame. Based on the results of the inspection, a decision is made regarding the provision of a loan or refusal to lend. At the final stage, the applicant has the opportunity to purchase an apartment.


Moscow families with the status of large families can count on receiving a preferential mortgage loan with subsequent... The procedure for receiving such assistance is specified in regional legislative acts. Preferential mortgages offer low interest rates and a small down payment.

The status of a large family is assigned to those families that have three or more children. They can count on various benefits and subsidies, including special mortgage conditions.

A mortgage for a large family, as a rule, involves obtaining a loan with a low interest rate or reimbursing part of the loan with funds from a government organization.

Interest rates for large families

Mortgage interest rates for large families have been reduced. In some housing lending agencies you can get a mortgage loan at even 6.15% per annum. In this case, you need to choose an apartment in a new building.

When purchasing secondary housing, the interest rate is 11% per annum. Most often, interest rates for such families are 1-2% lower than usual and depend on the status of the bank.

Conditions for obtaining a bank loan

Preferential mortgages for large families can be issued for up to 30 years. In general, you can take out a loan for only 1-2 years if your income meets the bank's requirements. Most banks require a down payment of 10-30% of the loan amount.

But there are also organizations that give out money without one-time contributions. When receiving and repaying a loan, a large family has the right to use maternity capital.

In this case, the money can also be used as a down payment. When a new child appears in the family and, therefore, receives another subsidy from the state, maternity capital can be paid as a loan payment, partially repaying the debt to the bank.

Documents for obtaining a mortgage for a large family

A large family can count on receiving money to buy a home if they provide the bank with the following documents:

  1. Application form (provided at the bank office).
  2. Copy of passport (all pages).
  3. Certificates of income of the borrower and co-borrower (a spouse can act as a co-borrower).
  4. Certificate of family composition.
  5. Copy of work.
  6. Documents for the purchased apartment or house (including technical documentation and purchase and sale agreement).
  7. Documents on collateral (the apartment being purchased, or other real estate or other property owned by the borrower can act as collateral).

The bank may require additional documents from the borrower. When calculating the credit basket (the total amount that can be issued by the bank in this particular case), the joint income of the spouses and, in some cases, their parents are taken into account.

If a large family is young (the age of one of the spouses does not exceed 35 years), it can count on additional “bonuses” from the bank or the state.

The bank may also impose special requirements on the purchased housing if it is used as collateral. In particular, this applies to the “age” of the building where the apartment is located (no more than 40 years), floor, etc.

Preferential mortgages for large families under the Federal program

The federal program “Affordable Housing for Russian Citizens” allows large families who were on the waiting list before March 2005 to receive a loan on preferential terms:

  1. Receive a subsidy in the amount of a third of the cost of the apartment.
  2. The subsidy is transferred monthly to the bank account where the loan was taken, thus relieving the borrower of some of his responsibilities.
  3. “Discount” in the amount of 18% of the loan cost in the event of the birth of a child after obtaining a mortgage.
  4. Purchase of 30 sq. meters of living space from the seller at the expense of the state (this area is completely transferred to the ownership of a large family and is not credited).

Mortgage repayment

Early repayment of a mortgage loan from a large family is permitted. The commission is not removed in this case. The procedure for paying off the debt is annuity payments, except for the first and last payments. The procedure for interest payments is annuity payments, except for the first and last.