What to do with a nugget. Where to donate gold: the most profitable options. Found a gold bar - you have to pay for it


We will not consider the question of where and how you came across the nugget. Let's start from the moment when the nugget is already in your hands. And then it arises main question– what exactly do we have? Is it really a bit of expensive metal or just one of the deceptions? And how exactly to quickly and easily determine the value of what you have in your hands.

1. Analogs

Most often, gold is confused with pyrite, which is called “cat’s gold.” A huge number of miners were burned on this mineral.

Another candidate for replacing gold could be chalcopyrite.

And the last possible substitute is millerite.

Pyrite and gold are very similar in color. It was the color that most often misled inexperienced gold miners. Chalcopyrite has a characteristic greenish tint, just like millerite.

The concept of shine in mineralogy and in ordinary life is no different. It is simply the ability to reflect light. During a simple inspection, a qualitative scale is used, which lists the descriptive characteristics of the luster - metallic, then semi-metallic, then diamond, then glassy and matte. Within this scale, all 4 minerals will have the same metallic luster. But it will be stronger for gold.
There is also a more accurate scale that has a quantitative expression. According to this scale, pyrite has a reflectivity of 53%, millerite has 52-59%, chalcopyrite has 43%, and finally gold has 80%. But usually the brightness of the shine can only be determined in comparison with something else or using appropriate laboratory equipment.

4. Trait color

This indicator evaluates the color of the mineral when ground into a very fine powder. In the laboratory, for tests, a so-called “biscuit” is used, that is, a block of unglazed porcelain. It is not difficult to obtain its analogue at home. To do this, you will need an inexpensive porcelain vessel (plate, cup, saucer, etc.). On the underside you can find a small rough strip in the place that is constantly in contact with surfaces.
It is along this strip that you need to draw the mineral. An expensive nugget must leave a clean golden streak. All other minerals will leave a black mark, possibly with a greenish tint. The only problem is that the nugget can be alloyed with various impurities and these inclusions will not allow the porcelain and the mineral to come into contact. If you can’t get the trait, you can try to get particles of the mineral. You just need to pick out the desired piece with a regular sewing needle. If in the process of extracting dust you manage to break off pieces, then this is clearly not gold. Gold is a malleable metal and does not break. In any case, the dust or particles obtained in this way can be placed between a pair of “biscuits” and still get a line.


The Mohs scale is used to determine hardness. The minerals in it are arranged to enhance hardness. Moreover, each subsequent one is capable of leaving traces on the previous one, but not vice versa. The softest on the scale is talc, and the hardest is diamond. Of course, we are talking about natural minerals here. We talked about what a person can create in the article

So, if you have reference substances, you just need to try to scratch them with a sample as long as possible. But it is difficult to assume the presence of apatite, fluorite or corundum at home. Therefore, those materials whose hardness is known are used. For example, a human fingernail is considered to have a hardness of 2. A USSR copper coin had a hardness of 3, ordinary glass had a hardness of 5, and a good sewing needle had a hardness of 6.

For our minerals, the hardness is as follows: gold - 2.5, pyrite - 6-6.5, chalcopyrite - 3.5-4, millerite - 3-4.

6. Specific gravity
In this case, we are talking about comparing the weight of pieces of different substances of equal volume. Remember specific gravity each substance does not make sense, but distinguishing them from each other is not difficult. More precisely, the weight of a cube with a 2 cm edge for pyrite, millerite and chalcopyrite will be in the range of 34-40 g. The density of these minerals is not much different. But the density of gold is almost 3 times greater, and such a cube will already weigh 140-150 g. So the mineral found should weigh noticeably.

7. Forms of selection

Each mineral has its own shape, a certain type of its crystals. Thus, pyrite usually appears as a group of clear, faceted crystals, most often cubic in shape. One more characteristic feature is the presence of shading on the edges.
Chalcopyrite will not have faceted crystals; these are either solid aggregates or granular structures. Gold nuggets also usually consist of xenomorphic grains, and the surface of large pieces has a characteristic smooth, “licked” shape.

Naturally, a more accurate answer about the composition and quality of minerals can be obtained by conducting a series of chemical tests. But we are considering the case of conducting an examination in “military field” conditions, and therefore using only improvised means.
The hero of the article may have used such means:

Some by chance find jewelry Having noticed a sparkle in the grass, others specifically search for it, elevating the activity to the category of a hobby. But very often joy gives way to confusion - what to do with the find? Two nuances need to be taken into account: state legislative framework and folk beliefs associated with the jewelry found. The second aspect is more important for superstitious people. But still, signs do not appear out of nowhere.

Return or not

Popular wisdom advises to cope with the desire to keep what you found. There is a belief that the person who finds it takes on the cross of the one who lost it. And this can promise troubles and illness. The same story applies to other jewelry that is lost allegedly by accident. It is better to take such an item to a pawnshop.

There is another way - try to find the owner of the jewelry. Who knows, maybe decoration has a meaning for a person not only material value, but, for example, given by a loved one. Put yourself in his shoes.

There are, of course, situations when it is a priori impossible to find the owner. For example, a piece of jewelry was found in a river where it could have been lying for years. Many treasure hunters, armed with metal detectors and similar cunning devices, find coins and jewelry in fields and forests that are hundreds of years old, what to do with this find?

Nobody's or state's

Ukrainian legislation stipulates treasure law. Treasure is a hidden value, the owner of which is unknown or has lost his rights. It's about not about any hidden thing, but only about valuable items. Deliberately hidden items are not considered treasure if they have an owner.

According to Article 140 of the Civil Code of Ukraine, treasure is considered to be value buried in the bowels of the earth or otherwise hidden. The treasure must be handed over to the person who found it and become state property. The person who discovered and handed it over receives a reward - 25% of the price of the treasure brought. If the excavation is the responsibility of the person who brings the value, no money is paid to him. We are talking about participants in archaeological excavations, etc.

Items considered to be of historical or cultural value are registered. If a person carried out excavation work, but it was not his official purpose, the above remuneration is paid for the treasure found. If valuables of museum significance are donated free of charge, the reward is issued by the organization that accepts them.

Legal punishments

According to the Criminal Code of Ukraine, criminal liability is established for those who decide to appropriate someone else's property. Property appropriated by a person that has cultural value entails the imposition of penalties. Namely, up to 50 minimum wages excluding VAT. Arrest for up to six months is also possible.

Another classification is “find”, i.e. thing that was found. The finder must report the loss to the owner and return it or report it and turn it in to the police. If you find value in an institution, transport or enterprise, you can hand it over to the administration of this organization.

When can you keep it?

There is such a thing as “ownerless property” - things that do not have an owner or the owner is unknown. Such property differs from treasure in that it is not hidden and can be awarded to citizens who lay claim to it. Considering that searching for such property in the form of jewelry with a metal detector has become like a sport for many, it is worth saying that you can’t search everywhere. It is most convenient to do this on the beaches; the action is not punishable by law, unless we are talking about private territory.

The whole world has spread the story of how a simple Kazakh shepherd was lucky enough to find an eight-kilogram gold nugget. The catch is that it was found on Chinese territory, so the Celestial Empire wants to declare it its property. The most interesting thing is that the nugget was not buried in the ground, but lay on its surface, which is why disputes flared up about who should own the gold, which is claimed by both the finder and the state.

What would you do if you found a piece of jewelry: did you give it up in favor of the state, try to find the owner, or keep it for yourself?

Viewed 210 times
Asked 2013-02-08 11:33:13 +0400 in the topic " Securities" from Moscow

Now, if for example I found 20 kilograms of gold, for example, the question inside is what should I do with it? can I sell it somewhere? or do I need to tell where the thread is and get only the percentage? well, a 20 kilogram nugget for example... that’s what worries me: why should I give it to the state? and what will happen if I don’t give it to you, but the pawnshop will accept 20 kg =)

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Answers (1)

Article 233 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. Treasure 1. Treasure, that is, money or valuable objects buried in the ground or otherwise hidden, the owner of which cannot be identified or, by virtue of law, has lost the right to them, becomes the property of the person who owns the property (land plot, building, etc.). etc.), where the treasure was hidden, and the person who discovered the treasure, in equal shares, unless otherwise established by agreement between them. If a treasure is discovered by a person excavating or searching for valuables without the consent of the owner land plot or other property where the treasure was hidden, the treasure is subject to transfer to the owner of the land plot or other property where the treasure was discovered. 2. If a treasure containing things related to historical or cultural monuments is discovered, they are subject to transfer to state ownership. In this case, the owner of the land plot or other property where the treasure was hidden, and the person who discovered the treasure, have the right to receive together a reward in the amount of fifty percent of the value of the treasure. The remuneration is distributed among these persons in equal shares, unless otherwise established by agreement between them. If such a treasure is discovered by a person who carried out excavations or searches for valuables without the consent of the owner of the property where the treasure was hidden, remuneration to this person is not paid and goes entirely to the owner. 3. The rules of this article do not apply to persons whose work or official duties included carrying out excavations and searches aimed at discovering treasure. If you don’t hand it over to the state, then catch it Article 191. Illegal trafficking in precious metals, natural precious stones or pearls 1. Conducting a transaction related to precious metals, natural precious stones or pearls, in violation of the rules established by law Russian Federation, as well as illegal storage, transportation or shipment of precious metals, natural precious stones or pearls in any form, condition, with the exception of jewelry and household products and scrap of such products, committed in large size, - shall be punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or by imprisonment for the same term with a fine in the amount of up to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to three years or without it. 2. The same acts committed by an organized group or a group of persons by prior conspiracy are punishable by forced labor for a term of up to five years or imprisonment for a term of up to seven years with a fine in the amount of up to one million rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person. for a period of up to five years or without it. Article 192. Violation of the rules for the delivery of precious metals and precious stones to the state. Evasion of the mandatory delivery for refining or the mandatory sale to the state of extracted from the subsoil, obtained from secondary raw materials, as well as recovered and found precious metals or precious stones, if this act is committed on a large scale, - shall be punishable by a fine in the amount of up to two hundred thousand rubles, or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to eighteen months, or by forced labor for a term of up to five years, or by arrest for a term of up to six months, or by imprisonment for a term of up to five years.

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Gold is actually a universal world currency. Metal is valued in any country; you can always sell it and get cash in your hands, or keep it as an asset as a long-term investment. Gold is used to make jewelry and is used in the electrical and space industries. The stability of the national currency largely depends on the gold reserves.

Most people have gold in their home. Most often in the form of jewelry - chains, bracelets, pendants, pendants, earrings and other men's and women's trinkets. Some products are not used in any way for various reasons, for example, things are broken, have defects, are out of fashion or do not suit the style. Sometimes gold jewelry is not worn because it is associated with bad memories.

All this precious scrap should not lie dead weight. It can be sold or exchanged for new beautiful products. How and where to sell old gold? There are enough options, you just need to choose the most profitable one.


The first thing that comes to mind is a pawnshop. The advantage of this type of return is that you can return your jewelry if you wish. That is, pawn them for a while, and then pay at the pawnshop every day you use the money. In a difficult life situation, when you urgently need to borrow cash for a short time, such a scheme can be a great help.

The disadvantage of a pawnshop is that they offer the lowest price. Sometimes the cost of 1 gram of 585 grade metals is less than 1000 rubles. In addition, not a single pawnshop evaluates the stones in the product and you can either take them out yourself or give away the entire jewelry for the cost of one metal. If you ask the receiver to remove the stones, he will charge a certain amount for this procedure.


It is much more profitable to sell gold to collectors and antique lovers. But the method will only work if there is something worth selling. For example, watches, jewelry inherited from a great-grandmother, figurines and other valuable rarities. Things made in the USSR are in good demand among collectors - they are interesting in themselves, plus they are made according to GOST, and with a high content of pure metal in the alloy.

So if a gold product has at least some history, then it makes sense to show it to antique dealers and collectors. They can also be found on the Internet, on various Internet sites, so even residents of the outback can profitably purchase goods. The price will depend on the cost of the metal, plus a premium for the product itself, plus artistic and historical value. But antique dealers and collectors are not interested in the remake.


The next place to donate gold is banks. However, there are some nuances here. Banks do not accept scrap jewelry; they only purchase gold bars and coins legally purchased from banks. And if everything is clear with bullion, then there are two types of gold coins: collectible and investment.

Collectible Russian gold coins are products of limited editions, of different mintage and design. They are sold at a price higher than the cost of the metal, as they are of artistic value. But they will be accepted back only if they are in perfect condition. The slightest defect will mean that the coin will be bought at the price of the metal.

It’s easier with investment gold coins. They are minted in large quantities, and their price always depends only on the weight of the metal. Of course, banks always buy a little cheaper than they sell, but their exchange rate is good - about 2400 per year.

It is important to remember that after selling the bullion you must pay 13% income tax. Investment coins are not subject to such tax.

Purchase of precious metals and currency exchange offices

Where is the best place to donate gold? If you need to quickly and profitably sell gold jewelry that has no historical or artistic value, then you should go to the purchase of precious metals. They usually offer good conditions, and the cost of one gram of 585 gold starts from 1200-1300 rubles. If you monitor offers, you can find a more profitable rate.

Currency exchange offices can also be the answer to the question of where to donate gold. Not all exchangers provide this type of service. But in some you can sell scrap jewelry for a relatively low price. favorable exchange rate.

Commission shop

Where is it profitable to donate gold if the jewelry is in perfect condition? If the chains, earrings and bracelets are beautiful enough, have no defects and are polished to a shine, then they can be sold through a consignment store.

Plus this method The selling point is that you can get the value not of scrap gold, but of a full-fledged piece of jewelry. Of course, a certain percentage will have to be discounted for the fact that the item is second-hand, and besides, the store will take its own commission. However, in some cases this option will be more profitable, although the process will take a long time.

Jewelry stores and salons

Another option for where to donate gold is jewelry stores and factories. Their prices are at the level of purchases, plus there is additional service- exchanging old gold for new. All jewelry is accepted by weight, and in return you can choose any product with an additional payment. Moreover, the additional payment can be from both the buyer and the seller.

Panned gold

People often ask about where to take the panned gold? The fact is that gold mining was banned in Russia for a long time. individuals. Today, according to latest edition The draft law “On Subsoil” of 2016 allows it, however, with a number of conditions: a license is required, an area of ​​a certain size is rented, blasting operations cannot be carried out and digging deeper than 5 meters is prohibited. All mined gold is handed over only to the state, and you cannot keep a stock of metal worth more than 1 million rubles.

Failure to comply with this law results in real criminal punishment, approximately the same severity as for selling drugs. That is, for trying to hand over panned gold in the form of nuggets, you can get about 5 years in prison. The buyer who bought the precious metal in this form will also be punished.

That is why pawnbrokers and pawnshops willingly buy gold jewelry, but will never accept washed-up sand and nuggets. They are also prohibited from accepting elements of dental prosthetics, technical gold parts, and weapons decorated with precious metals.

  1. When selling gold you need a passport.
  2. You can sell precious metals from the age of 18.
  3. You should not contact resellers on the street. They almost always use gray schemes, artificially lower the price, can deceive with weight and purity, or pay the buyer counterfeit bills.
  4. You should always remove stones from jewelry, since there are practically no salons or pawn shops that will undertake the evaluation of stones. If you manage to find it, then you should remember that the service is paid.
  5. In order to find the most profitable proposition, you need to contact several points. Perhaps a pawn shop will be able to offer a better price, rather than a thrift shop or jewelry store.

The department also reported that the man fully admitted his guilt and repented, and also actively cooperated with the investigation. Taking into account mitigating circumstances, the court sentenced the Amur resident to two years of suspended imprisonment, with a probationary period of 2 years. He also imposed an additional penalty in the form of a fine in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. Seized gold, by court decision, is subject to transfer to the state.

What to do if you find a gold nugget?

In this case, the owner of the land plot or other property where the treasure was hidden, and the person who discovered the treasure, have the right to receive together a reward in the amount of fifty percent of the value of the treasure.

The remuneration is distributed among these persons in equal shares, unless otherwise established by agreement between them.
If such a treasure is discovered by a person who carried out excavations or searches for valuables without the consent of the owner of the property where the treasure was hidden, remuneration to this person is not paid and goes entirely to the owner.
3. The rules of this article do not apply to persons whose work or official duties included carrying out excavations and searches aimed at discovering treasure.
If you don’t hand it over to the state, then catch it Article 191. Illegal trafficking in precious metals, natural precious stones or pearls 1.

Found a gold bar - you have to pay for it

In this article:

  • What will the story tell?
  • How to search and where?
  • How can you mine Au?

How to look for gold and where can you find it? This question still interests gold miners today.

The current topic of searching for precious metals and a gold mine, which will solve all material problems in one hour, worries people all over the world.

Despite the fact that reserves of metal in nature have been greatly depleted, this does not prevent people from looking for gold and finding it in the form of nuggets or sand.

In Russia, with its vast territory and rich mineral resources, finding metal is not so easy; geologists and amateurs are engaged in the search.


It is difficult to say which of them will be lucky, but the excitement around gold does not subside, but, on the contrary, is gaining momentum.


What will the story tell? How to find gold and where to look for it? Ivan III was the first of the kings of Rus' to ask this question.

What to do and what to do if you find gold?

Do you like to stand in lines and sign dozens of others to get one paper? And what awaits you:

  • verification of documents;
  • whether an expert assessment has been made, etc.

Many have heard of cases where treasure hunters received their money only after a couple of years.

How to proceed? The solution is simple - you need to go to lawyers.

What happens if you don't turn over the jewelry you find to the state? Yes, criminal liability for this no. But the law does not apply to treasure that is of cultural or archaeological value. If you don't know what to do with it, just give it to the state.

Further actions will already be explained to you. Finding various ancient treasures is very difficult.

It all depends on what technological equipment you have.

Plus, a little luck doesn't hurt.
In such places, Au is searched for in dumps. The prospect of detecting metal in such deposits is higher. You can also find gold next to the vein itself, which was previously under development. Eluvial ones can be found while exploring mountains, especially if they are surrounded by a body of water. If rivers, mountains and plains are not enough, then you can take into development the territory where gold was found, or the territory that is actively being explored by geologists. Many people find precious metals nearby industrial enterprises, which are focused on ore mining. There is one more trick. Searchers may be exploring an area that geologists have previously explored but found nothing. Finding metal in such a place is difficult, but anyone can get lucky. There is no guarantee that when a person goes looking for gold, he will find something.

On average, research and development takes at least a year.

After this time, it is possible to find Au, but not everyone is lucky.

What to do if you find jewelry?

IN Soviet years They looked for gold in the mountains and on river banks.

The work of geologists was so extensive that it led to successes.

The metal was found in Siberia, the Urals, as well as in other regions of our country.

Even in the Moscow region, a deposit was discovered that was considered promising. The troubled 90s cooled the ardor of individual seekers, since the deposits were guarded and had connections with the criminal world. But today the situation has changed, the search for gold is carried out by people who have an idea of ​​where it can be found and to whom it can be sold. Certain skills, knowledge of the area, as well as the study of maps and archival documents - all this will not harm the conduct of search procedures.

Now, if I found 20 kilograms of gold, for example, the question is inside

    But sooner or later the question arises, what to do with this nugget? Hand over to the state? Few people would probably agree with this, even realizing that by keeping the nugget they are breaking the law.

    But on the other hand, selling such a piece precious metal it is very difficult, you need to know where and to whom, and again, few ordinary people imagine this procedure.

    The easiest way is to keep the nugget for yourself - as a memorable souvenir that you can show off to your friends on occasion. And by the way, first of all you need to make sure that it is gold, and not, say, pyrite.

  • In theory, we all know that if you find a treasure (and in our country, if you find something, it’s a treasure in any case) then you are obliged to give 75% to the state. Therefore, I would not advertise this news.

If you accidentally find gold: what to do and what to do

Treasure found on private property will be divided between the finder and the owner of the property in equal shares, unless there was another agreement between them. If the search for the treasure took place without the knowledge of the owner, then all the jewelry found is transferred to the owner of the land plot or building. If luck smiles and the treasure is discovered on your own plot of land or in the wall of your house, everything found belongs entirely to the finder. It must be remembered that when conducting “treasure hunting” surveys, you need to be careful about historical monuments and ancient buildings. Important! Article 243 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation states that a person who damaged or destroyed historical, cultural monuments, natural complexes and other objects protected by the state during excavations may be brought to criminal liability.