Top banks: the largest banks in the world by assets. The largest bank Capitalization of the world's largest banks


For many people who don't work on Wall Street or don't regularly read the Financial Times, any information about the banking industry will be of little interest.

More than half of people, as a rule, deal with banking transactions only when they need to check their account, pay off loans, change a credit card, etc.

And if the questions are of a deeper nature, then everyone is accustomed to turning to specialists for help. This is a very difficult world to understand, the world is full of numbers, different terms, concepts, etc.

Moreover, after 2008, people are already very distrustful of any information that is in one way or another connected with investment companies.

Banks force the entire financial world to work without stopping, since they control a considerable part of the capital. Today there are many ways in which you can evaluate a bank. The easiest way is to find out the value of everything the bank owns and thus understand the approximate value of the bank itself.

However, due to the fact that they keep records of their own in different ways, disagreements may arise in the assessment. One of the most flexible ways to determine the size of a bank is market capitalization. The exact value of an OJSC is determined based on its market capitalization. It is by this method that the ranking of the richest banks in the world is presented today.

Rating of the richest banks in the world

- Market capitalization: $131.53 billion

This privatized and international Australian bank was founded in 1911. Commonwealth Bank of Australia is the second largest private company in Australia and is registered on . In today's ranking, Bank of Australia ranks 10th.

An interesting fact is that this bank was not among the 20 largest banks by total asset value.

- Market capitalization: $115.92 billion

Bank of China is the oldest bank in China, founded in 1912. It was created to replace the Imperial Bank and, according to 2013 financial statements, its profits increased by $26.4 billion. Bank of China has a large number of branches around the world.

- Market capitalization: $126.41 billion

It is the largest agricultural bank in China (by total assets). 320 million individual clients, 3 million corporate clients and 24 thousand branches around the world - these are impressive statistics that speak of the power of this company. In 2013, profits increased to 15%.

- Market capitalization: $144.63 billion

Their headquarters is located in Manhattan, New York. Citigroup is America's second largest bank in today's rankings. During the 2008 crisis, Citigroup suffered greatly, but then regained its high position.

- Market capitalization: $160.83 billion

China Construction Bank is in second position as the largest lender in China and 6th in the ranking. In 2013, net profit amounted to $34.98 billion.

- Market capitalization: $181.77 billion

Bank of America often suffered from lawsuits. For example, in August 2014, the bank paid a fine of $17 billion to the US Department of Justice. The essence of the accusation was fraud with assets on the stock exchange before the 2008 crisis. In any case, today the bank is among the wealthiest.

- Market capitalization: $191.43 billion

- Market capitalization: $196.21 billion

A large commercial bank whose asset value in 2014 was $3.1 trillion. The bank's IPO, which at one time became the best, can also boast high positions.

- Market capitalization: $229.90 billion

The company was born out of the merger of Chase Manhattan Corporation and JP Morgan & Co in 2000. The bank has millions of customers throughout the United States.

- Market capitalization: $261.72 billion

This international bank is engaged in banking and financial services and ranks fourth in the United States in terms of total assets, despite the fact that it is not even among the ten largest banks in terms of the number of these same assets.

A banker is a person who will lend you an umbrella when the weather is sunny, only to pick it up when it starts to rain.

© Robert Frost

Where are major financial forces concentrated? The emergence of new banking systems and branches is primarily due to consumer demand for financial services and banking products. If you count the names of banks in the world, the list will be very long and possibly almost endless. Exactly the same as with the concept of a successful bank. Unfortunately or fortunately, a global financial enterprise has not yet been created that would be the first in all areas of financial activity.

Therefore, the rating of banks is based on one specific parameter. For example, market capitalization. This factor affects absolutely all banks and is a financial indicator that was created to evaluate any market instrument, that is, its totality. There are three types of markets. cap., the first is the market capitalization of the joint-stock company. This is an indicator that determines the total cost of all enterprises. The second type includes stock market capitalization, which is the total value of all securities that are currently in circulation. And the third is capitalization of securities - the total value of all securities of a certain type that are in circulation. Based on capitalization, we can distinguish the 10 largest banks in the world.

So, the TOP 10 largest banks in terms of market capitalization.

Tenth step of the largest banks occupied, oddly enough, by a Brazilian bank Itaú Unibanco his market capitalization indicator in monetary terms for the past year amounted to 94.45 billion USA. This position was achieved only after the merger of two financial structures Itaú and Unibanc, which were the largest in the entire Brazilian financial services market. Together, these banks have created a powerful, forward-looking financial group.

Ninth place belongs Bank of America,

which at one time absorbed the Merrill Lynch bank and became one of the largest in the United States, and as for its market capitalization, its equivalent in the 10th year was $133.38 billion USA, which provided this bank with such a position.

Place number eight goes to Agricultural Bank of China, 135.26 billion dollars.

This bank is very impressive in scale. He owns 23 thousand branches throughout China. The institution also serves Singapore and Hong Kong, and in terms of the number of clients, it is considered one of the largest in the world. In total, this organization serves individual clients - more than 320 million individuals, and more than 2.5 million legal entities and corporate clients.

On seventh there is a bank there, 140.30 billion.

These are the highest indicators for this institution. taking into account that. that the bank was created only in 1998 with the merger of two financial organizations, Citicorp and Travelers Group. At the moment, this bank is also represented as a primary dealer in United States securities.

Sixth The Chinese took the place again. Bank of China with indicator 142.64 billion.

This is the oldest bank in China, its headquarters are located in Beijing.

On fifth line - JPMorgan Chase.

This is not just a financial company, it is the largest and oldest financial institution not only in the United States, but also in the world. This organization influences all global financial processes. And the level of its market capitalization for 2013 was 163.31 billion. Which is a fairly high figure, considering that the corporation itself is not particularly keen on hitting the charts.

Fourth the Americans rightfully took their place again Wells Fargo with indicator 164.84 billion US dollars.

The institution in the form in which we know it now was formed back in 1998, the reason for this was the merger of two Wells Fargo & Co. organizations. and a Minneapolis company called Norwest. However, it was decided to leave the name Wells Fargo itself, as a trademark and logo (carriage), since it is a brand with more than 150 years of history. In total, the company currently serves more than 23 million clients, and their ownership is spread over more than 6 thousand branches and offices.

The bronze medal for last year, according to market capitalization data, went to far from those whom one might think; oddly enough, the United States remained on the sidelines.

This position is rightfully taken HSBC Holdings plc. 184.98 billion dollars

This is a UK bank. It was founded back in 1865, and its main task was to establish good market relations and financial contacts between Great Britain and China. Initially, even the bank's headquarters were located in Hong Kong, but after the organization absorbed the British bank Midland, the headquarters were moved to London. At the same time, the bank remained second in the world in 2006. It also received the title of the largest financial group of 2008.

I took the silver China Construction Bank225.89 billion dollars.

Such positions in the global financial services markets once again prove that the economy in China continues to gain momentum and increase the pace of development.

First place - Industrial and Commercial Bank of China - $ 233.69 billion

is an industrial and commercial bank; over its 27-year history, this financial company has taken a place among the “Big Four” of the largest state-owned banks in China. In terms of market capitalization, China's performance is simply stunning.

Unfortunately, among the entire ten largest banks, according to one indicator, Russia did not get a place. Yes, and other countries were not particularly complaining, but what can you do, the financial market is cruel and only those who operate with detailed, accurate and high numbers, in any indicator, win. It should also be noted that the level of market capitalization is not a general indicator for a bank, since there are a number of other factors by which one can evaluate the performance of financial systems and draw conclusions or collect them into a single list with certain places. For example, Citigroup, which ranks seventh in the parade of market capitalization, took first place in terms of profitability last year, earning $22.13 billion in net profit.

That is why banks are not given one overall rating, but are given only one specific indicator. It must be said that all of the above banks survived the financial crisis well in 2008 and continue to survive its consequences, without losing their abilities in the financial sector, and some of them even strengthen their previously occupied positions. By and large, the general economic situation of states depends on these banks, because they are all international and finance many projects around the world. And it must be said that the collapse of one of them could pose a significant problem for the entire global financial market. Because it is banks of this type that have the lion’s share of all funds. That’s why they stay afloat, and at the slightest unfavorable financial wind, they merge or crush smaller institutions, thereby increasingly strengthening their position in the market.

In the future, each of us who strives to competently manage our finances will have successful activities, small and large businesses, and obscenely large bank accounts. In the best banks.

So it's time to think about which bank to give preference to. The ranking includes only the largest banks in the world.

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Created in 1870 in Berlin. Deutsche Bank (Deutsche Bank)- the core of the financial group, which includes the following concerns: Siemens, Mannesmann, Klöckner, Haniel, Hesch, Henkel, Remtsma, Horten, DEMAG, BASF, Bayer, Alliance, Glanzstoff. This group includes leading electrical, metallurgical, engineering, chemical and mining concerns, the largest trade and insurance monopolies.

Deutsche Bank is closely linked to financial groups Morgans, Rockefellers, Warbergs, Kuhns And Leba in the USA, by the Rothschild group in a number of Western European countries. The main office is in Frankfurt am Main. President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Bank Josef

HSBC bank operates under the slogan “Your bank around the world.” Founded in 1865 to finance trade between China and Europe. Original title Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in 1991 it was downsized and its headquarters moved from Hong Kong to London.

HSBC Topped the list of 1000 best banks in the world according to the magazine's annual research "The Bankers". The bank is the first non-U.S. organization to top the list in terms of total capital and pre-tax earnings since 1999.

HSBC Holdings plc serves more than 128 million customers in 84 countries in Europe, Asia, the Pacific, North and South

Bank of America National Trust and Savings Association (now Bank of America) is the largest banking monopoly in the United States. Founded by Italian Amadeo Giannini in 1904 in San Francisco under the name Bank of Italy. Giannini was one of the first to focus on serving the “middle class”.

He opened a large number of bank branches (by 1927 more than 100), and in 1929 he merged his bank with the Californian Bank of America of California and changed its name to Bank of America. Since 1958, Bank of America began issuing credit cards, from which modern VISA cards grew.

Bank of America has close ties to the companies Kaiser(automobile, steel and aluminum plants,

UBS (Union Bank of Switzerland), Swiss bank has received worldwide recognition and awards and is a world leader in private wealth management. UBS has three main international business areas: investment services, asset management and private wealth management.

The bank, headquartered in Zurich and Basel, has been providing various financial services worldwide since 1998. "UBS" is the abbreviation of the predecessor company ( Union Bank of Switzerland). UBS's motto is "You and us".
UBS is known for its strictness: the menu and even the color of underwear are regulated for bank employees.
Headquarters addresses in

Citigroup founded in 1998 as a result of a merger Citicorp And Travelers Insurance Group and serves approximately 200 million customers in 139 countries. Citigroup, the world's largest company, is a primary dealer of U.S. Treasury securities.

The bank has representative offices in many countries around the world and is a major issuer of credit cards; they are issued even in countries without their own branches. True to the tradition of diversification of financial services, Citigroup constantly expanding and increasing turnover by absorbing other companies. The corporation is divided into Citicorp who works with legal entities and individuals, and Citi Holdings– group of non-core

One cannot help but admire the speed and dynamism of development that Islamic banks demonstrate, and their rapid entry into the global banking system, where they withstand the fierce competition that the world's largest banks pose to them.

There are several leading banks: CIMB Islamic, Jordan Islamic Bank, SABB, Al Rajhi Bank, Kuwait Finance House, Falcom, Al-Salam Bank. The specificity of organizations is that Sharia laws restrict certain transactions (for example, interest is considered a source of injustice and exploitation).

Bank of Dubai wins regional and international awards and finds the right balance between

Mizuho Financial Group was founded in 2000 as a result of the merger of Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, Fuji Bank and Industrial Bank of Japan, as well as Mizuho Trust & Banking. The company serves more than 30 countries around the world and, with its strategic decisions, adorns bank news. Translated from Japanese, Mizuho means “golden ears of rice.”

Economy of Japan – this is a special case, and the largest banks in the world are trying in every possible way to compete with local Japanese banks.

After MUFG and SMFG, Mizuho Financial Group Japan's third-largest bank by market value and the country's second-largest financial services group. The company is located in Otemachi Ward, Tokyo. There are 4 main ones in MFG

Bank Credit Agricole (Credit Agricole) was formed in 1894 from regional agricultural credit institutions. As the French economy developed, so did the bank's sphere of interest. To date Crédit Agricole S.A. is the second in Europe and the largest retail banking group in France.

Banks have long been a complex part of the global economy. The largest of them may have assets equal to the annual budget of a small country. And no financial crisis can break the giants of the banking sector.

€ £ ¥ $

Japan Post Bank Country: Japan
Assets: $2.12 trillion.

Literally translated as "Japan Post Bank". The bank is part of a large company Japan Post Holdings, which is engaged in both postal and financial activities. The bank was created on September 1, 2006 as part of the reorganization of Japan Post.

As of November 2008, the bank was the largest deposit holder in the world. The bank is focused mainly on the domestic market. In Japan it has the widest network of ATMs.

€ £ ¥ $

A country: China
Assets: $2.36 trillion.

China Construction Bank is one of the largest banks in the world. The bank was founded in 1954. China Construction Bank currently has approximately 13,629 branches within the country alone. The bank employs more than 348 thousand employees.

The bank's shares are listed on many major stock exchanges. China Construction Bank boasts more than 26 million customers worldwide.

€ £ ¥ $

JPMorgan Chase & Co Country: USA
Assets: $2.39 trillion.

This bank was founded back in 1799 in the USA. It is currently a leader in the global commercial and investment banking industry.

€ £ ¥ $

Barclays PLC Country: Great Britain
Assets: $2.41 trillion.

- one of the oldest banks in the world. Its history goes back more than 300 years; it was founded in 1690 in London. Currently, this bank is widely known to the public. He was involved in a scandal related to illegal financial fraud in the summer of 2012.

Is the official sponsor of the English football Premier League.

€ £ ¥ $

6. MUFG (Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group)

MUFG Country: Japan
Assets: $2.49 trillion.

MUFG is a huge financial group in Japan, which is one of the largest in the world. As of March 2010, the total amount of deposits in all banks MUFG was approximately $1.6 trillion.

The bank was founded on October 1, 2005 after the merger of a Tokyo bank Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group with Osaka bank UFJ Holdings.

They say that banks make the earth go round because they control money. Which world banks “spin” the planet the most?

Every year, rating agencies, analysts and financial companies compile ratings of the most reliable, profitable and successful banking companies, but the filtering criteria are very specific in order to confidently identify the largest bank in the world. That is why ratings are formed according to different parameters, and the same bank can be a leader in one criterion and lag behind in another. We analyzed banks in different countries according to key characteristics: the sum of all assets, market capitalization, capital, number of employees, brand value, countries of operation and number of years on the market - and identified the ten most significant, in our opinion, world banks.


Beijing, China)

Year of foundation

$3.42 trillion

Market capitalization
$224.08 billion

$274.43 billion

The number of employees
466,000 people

Jiang Jianqing,
Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the bank

Chinese banks remain the largest corporations on earth. In 2016, the bank topped the Global 2000 ranking of the largest public companies, published annually by Forbes, for the fourth year in a row. ICBC controls a fifth of China's banking sector. More than 70% of the company is owned by the state. ICBC serves 4.11 million corporate customers and 282 million individual customers through 16,648 retail outlets throughout China, 239 overseas subsidiaries and a global network of more than 1,600 correspondent banks, as well as internet banking, telephone banking and self-banking services.

ICBC held its initial public offering at the end of October 2006 and raised a record $22 billion, making it the largest IPO in world history until 2010. ICBC's revenue for 2016 was $166.8 billion, net profit was $44.2 billion. In 2017, ICBC became the world's highest-ranked banking brand in The Banker magazine's annual Brand Finance Banking 500 ranking. This is the first time a Chinese bank has topped the Brand Finance Banking 500 in the history of the ranking. As of February 1, the value of the ICBC brand was $47.8 billion. The bank's representative office in Russia under the name Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (CJSC) has been operating since 2003.


New York, USA)

Year of foundation

$2.5 trillion

Market capitalization
$234.2 billion

$200.48 billion

The number of employees
240,000 people

James Dimon
President, Chairman of the Board of Directors

One of the oldest and most influential financial companies on the planet with more than 200 years of history. A rapidly growing conglomerate in the US banking sector. On the one hand, this is an international company providing banking and financial services - JP Morgan, working in the field of investments, assets and wealth management. On the other hand, there is Chase, which deals with credit cards and personal banking. The bank's branches operate in more than 100 countries around the world. Global GDP, according to The Economist, is $65 trillion. JP Morgan Chase has $70 trillion in derivative liabilities, the equivalent of the entire global economy. Based on the results of 2016, JPMorgan's assets supplanted the Bank of China as the world's fourth largest bank and rose to the top 5 in the Forbes Global 2000 ranking of the world's largest companies. Traces of JP Morgan Chase can also be found in Russian brands. In particular, the company invests in the Lamoda online store, owns a stake in the media company STS Media, the largest food retail chain Magnit, and shares in OJSC Bank Vozrozhdenie. As JP Morgan Chase & Co. has been present on the Russian market since the early 70s: Chase Bank opened a representative office in Moscow in 1973.


London, Great Britain)

Year of foundation

$2.41 trillion

Market capitalization
$133 billion

$153.3 billion

The number of employees
235,000 people

Stuart Gulliver
general executive director

London-based HSBC is one of the largest financial conglomerates in the world and the largest banking group in Europe by capitalization. The bank, originally founded to finance trade between Europe and China, today has over 10 subsidiaries that are engaged in all possible operations in the banking industry. Through a global network of more than 9,500 offices in more than 85 countries, HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to nearly 125 million customers, including individuals, SMEs, large institutions, banks and high net worth individuals. clients. The company that was listed in the first ledger entry is still a customer of the bank today. In the Forbes Global 2000 ranking of the world's largest public companies in 2016, HSBC took 14th place. In 2016, the company's net profit amounted to $7.1 billion. In 2017, HSBC entered the TOP 10 most valuable banking brands in the world according to The Banker magazine in the annual Brand Finance Banking 500 ranking. As of February 1, the value of the HSBC brand was $20.7 billion. The company has a subsidiary bank in the Russian Federation - HSBC Bank (HSBC).


Tokyo, Japan)

Year of foundation

$2.64 trillion

Market capitalization
$73.5 billion

$131.75 billion

The number of employees
108,153 people

Nobuyuki Hirano,
president and

The emergence of a bank that can compete with world leaders certainly means a lot for the entire Japanese banking sector. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc (better known as MUFG) was created as a result of the merger of Japan's second and fourth largest banks by assets, Mitsubishi Tokyo Financial Group and UFJ Holdings. It is one of the main companies in the Mitsubishi Group and one of the most diversified financial groups in the world.

MUFG is Japan's largest financial group, with total deposits of approximately $1.6 trillion. Today the bank serves 400 million client accounts in 40 countries, its network includes almost 1,400 branches. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group shares are traded on the New York and Tokyo stock exchanges, as well as on the Osaka Securities Exchange. At the end of 2006, the largest bank in Japan, Mitsubishi UFJ, announced the creation of a subsidiary bank in Russia, which will primarily focus on providing foreign exchange transactions and issuing loans to Japanese companies operating or starting to operate in Russia. According to Global Finance magazine, it became the “Best Corporate Bank” in 2015.

Paris, France)

Year of foundation

$2.51 trillion

Market capitalization
$66.8 billion

$98.55 billion

The number of employees
189,000 people

Jean-Laurent Bonnaffet,
chief executive officer

Financial conglomerate, European leader in the global banking and financial services market. In Europe, the Group has four domestic markets (Belgium, France, Italy and Luxembourg), where it ranks first in corporate cash management segments, and also has banking licenses in 12 Asian countries and a deposit base of €57 billion. In Asia, the bank received €3.2 billion in revenue, showing 65% growth over the three-year period. BNP Paribas Personal Finance is a leader in the field of consumer lending (more than 20 million active clients). The bank began operating in Russia in 2002, primarily focusing on financing the energy and raw materials sectors. In 2012, the consumer lending division was restructured and removed from BNP PARIBAS BANK JSC to create a joint venture with Sberbank in the field of POS lending - Cetelem Bank. In addition, the bank also owns 84.99% of the shares of the Ukrainian UkrSibbank. Today the bank operates in 80 countries around the world, serving a total of almost 32 million people. In 2016, according to Euromoney magazine, it won the most prestigious category “Best Bank in the World”, receiving the “Awards for Excellence” award. Also in 2016, BNP Paribas became the biggest mover in the industry, showing how in one year you can grow from 344th to 24th place in the Forbes Global 2000.


Toronto (Canada)

Year of foundation

$1.18 trillion

Market capitalization
$90.67 billion

$107.9 billion

The number of employees
80,000 people

David Mackay
CEO, President, Director

A strong financial institution with more than 150 years of history, Canada's largest bank, which is also Canada's largest company. One of North America's leading diversified financial institutions. The bank serves 16 million private, corporate, government and institutional clients through offices in Canada, the United States and 35 other countries around the world. The bank's corporate culture is characterized by a strong focus on gender equality, which means a call to action to ensure an increase in the proportion of women in the workforce. As a result, Royal Bank is consistently recognized as one of Canada's Best Workplaces. From 1902, when the first woman was hired at the bank, until today, the proportion of female employees has reached 75%. The bank's logo, with its recognizable lion and globe, is one of Canada's most famous symbols. The lion symbol was brought to life as a mascot in the 1970s and continues to appear at all internal and company-sponsored events around the world to this day. In the 2016 Forbes Global 2000 list of the world's largest public companies, Royal Bank of Canada was ranked 52nd, including 33rd in assets, 50th in net income, 79th in market capitalization and 256th in turnover


Santander (Spain)

Year of foundation

$1.43 trillion

Market capitalization
$71.25 billion

$105.96 billion

The number of employees
194,000 people

Jose Alvarez,
chief executive officer

Grupo Santander is the largest and main financial and credit group in Spain. In addition to Spain, Santander occupies a leading position in the UK and several Latin American countries, and also plays a significant role in Germany, Portugal, Poland and the north-east of the USA. Based on a business model that focuses on retail banking products and services for private clients and small and medium-sized enterprises, the bank currently serves more than 100 million customers through a global network of 14,700 branches. The bank has more than 3.3 million shareholders, and Banco Santander shares are the most liquid in Eurostoxx. In the 2016 Forbes Global 2000 list of the world's largest public companies, Banco Santander was ranked 37th, including 20th in assets, 66th in net income, 108th in market capitalization and 149th in turnover. In 2017, Banco Santander entered the TOP 10 most valuable banking brands in the world according to The Banker magazine in the annual Brand Finance Banking 500 ranking. As of February 1, the brand value was $15.9 billion.


Sydney, Australia)

Year of foundation

$0.873 trillion

Market capitalization
$120 billion

$99.2 billion

The number of employees
45,948 people

Ayen Narev,
chief executive officer (CEO)

The financial conglomerate operates in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Asian countries, the USA and the UK. Australia's leading provider of integrated financial services and one of the best-known brands in the Australian financial industry. The bank operates through six business segments: retail banking, corporate banking, services for large institutional clients, Private Banking, international financial services and asset management, including insurance. It has the largest service network among Australian banks, consisting of more than 1,000 branches and 4,000 ATMs. Its businesses include New Zealand's largest bank, Australia's leading wealth management company, Australia's largest brokerage firm and a retail financial services company in Indonesia. As of 2016, it is the largest private company on the Australian Securities Exchange with over 800,000 shareholders. The Bank is known for its multiple environmental initiatives in developing marine science and reducing environmental pollution. In 2017, Commonwealth Bank was named the most resilient bank in Australia. According to Global Finance magazine, it became the “Best Corporate Bank” in 2015.

Sergio Ermotti,
Chairman of the Board (CEO)

The largest Swiss financial conglomerate, with more than 300 branches in Switzerland and representative offices in 54 countries. UBS is the abbreviation of its predecessor company, Union Bank of Switzerland. In 2011, UBS was named one of the world's 29 systemically important banks by the G20 Financial Stability Board, making UBS subject to special scrutiny and more stringent equity capital criteria. UBS plays a key role in preserving the Swiss banking tradition and is one of the first foreign banks to operate in the Russian market. In 1996, a representative office was officially opened in Moscow, and in 2006, the Russian subsidiary bank of UBS AG, UBS Bank LLC, was registered. The bank provides banking services to approximately 2.6 million private and 143,000 corporate clients, including institutional depositors, public corporations and charitable foundations in Switzerland, as well as 3,000 financial institutions worldwide. In 2016, UBS became a leader in three categories: “Best Investment Bank”, “Best Bank in the Equity Capital Market”, “Best IPO Bank”.
The number of employees
94,800 people

Roberto Egidio Setubal,
chief executive officer (CEO)

The bank operates in 21 countries: the largest of them are Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Great Britain, Portugal, USA, Japan and China. Currently, it has more than 32,000 service points, more than 5,000 bank branches and almost 46,000 ATMs in Brazil and in the world. The Bank is actively developing mobile services and more than 3.5 million users install them on mobile devices every month. Thanks to more than 90 years of history, today the bank serves about 60 million customers and more than 95,000 shareholders. It is a leader in private banking, transportation finance, and the credit card market (more than 1 million credit cards in Latin America). The Itaú Unibanco brand was chosen by Interbrand as the most valuable in the country. In the Global Finance ranking, the bank was named the best investment bank in Latin America, as well as the best bank in the field of mergers and acquisitions. Itaú is actively involved in social and cultural projects, in particular, it owns one of the largest private art collections in Brazil.