What does Thai money look like? How and what money to take to Thailand. Where is the best exchange rate


The bulk of Thailand's resorts are concentrated on the coasts of the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea. The most famous and popular Thai resorts among Russians are Phuket and Pattaya. Pattaya is located on the mainland of Thailand, 140 km from Bangkok. Pattaya is a holiday city. There are beaches, thousands of clubs, bars, restaurants and discos. Young people come here to sweat

Thailand is a large country located on the peninsulas of Indochina and Malacca. The territory of the state is very elongated: in the north there are mountains covered with jungle, and in the south - luxurious sandy beaches. The shores of Thailand are washed from the east by the Gulf of Thailand of the South China Sea, and from the west by the Andaman Sea. In addition to the mainland, islands are of particular interest to tourists. Most

Many travelers, having visited Thailand for the first time, come here again and again. The gentle warm sea, natural beauty and the hospitality of the locals make an indelible impression on tourists. There are at least five reasons to go to the "land of smiles". Some things you can only do here! Take a swim to the sound of airplanes Try street food Posm

Strong diplomatic relations have been established between the Kingdom of Thailand and the Russian Federation. The question "Do I need a visa to Thailand?" for most Russian tourists is not worth it. If your trip will not exceed 30 days, you do not need to worry about a visa to Thailand. All you need to freely get into Thailand is a passport and a completed migration card. card

Thailand has a national system of hotel standards. Most of all in the country there are hotels of categories 2 and 3 stars, which are comparable in terms of level with European hotels. These are hotels with a number of rooms from 20 to 50 rooms. As a rule, the rooms have a private bathroom, a balcony or terrace, air conditioning or a fan. The territory near the hotels is usually small and surrounded by greenery, many

How much we live in Pattaya, tourists ask us so much: “What currency to take to Thailand?” We answered differently, depending on the economic situation. But times have changed, and for 2020 we can give clear advice on what currency to take to Thailand - rubles, dollars or euros. Of course, the final decision with which currency to go to Thailand is yours. But we advise you to listen to our opinion. This will help you save, if not money, then nerves. Isn't that the most important thing on vacation?

From bad to worse and back

With what currency to go to Pattaya? What currency to take to Thailand? What is more profitable to take to Thailand: dollars, rubles or euros? Perhaps these are the main questions that confront all tourists who are going on vacation to the land of smiles. Previously, it was not so easy to answer this question - especially if you are going to Pattaya or Phuket, where there are many exchangers with the market rate of the dollar, euro and ruble. But now, thanks to the purposeful and consistent actions of the Russian authorities, there is no more need to think about the answer! And that's why.

Before you is a graph of the change in the exchange rate of the Thai baht to the Russian ruble for 2019-2020. Actually, to be precise, this is how the course changed dollar to the ruble But since the rate of the Thai baht against the dollar has not changed much over the year, the dynamics of the ruble against the baht looks the same. Yes, friends, this is true: I’m already tired of explaining that it’s not the dollar or the baht that has grown - it’s the ruble that has fallen. For those who still believe in the fairy tales of Uncle TV and spend a lot of time on Odnoklassniki, I advise you to read the article with the magical effect of clearing the eyes:

As we have the misfortune to observe on the chart, the ruble exchange rate has been changing very strongly lately - from bad to very bad and back. Yes, sometimes it grows, as in late 2019 - early 2020. But it falls with no less constancy. In general, the ruble is very unstable. And if we turn to common sense, as well as the statements of Russian and foreign economists, then all the forecasts say that stability in the Russian economy should not be expected in the near future. And all this directly affects our opinion about what currency to take to Thailand in 2020.

What currency to take to Thailand in 2020? Only not rubles!

Until recently, when the ruble exchange rate did not change so rapidly, I answered the question “What currency to take to Thailand”, depending on the situation. They say that there are many exchange offices in the city where you can exchange rubles for baht at the market rate, but keep in mind that this rate may change, etc., etc. But times have changed, and in the current economic situation, my advice is clear : You only need to bring dollars to Thailand. And that's why.

Imagine the situation. You came to Pattaya with rubles. Yes, there are many exchange offices in the city where you can exchange rubles for baht at the market rate. Here are some of them (keep in mind that the heading in the photo is not the same, but the addresses remain the same):

So, you checked into a hotel, changed money - for example, at the rate of 0.55 baht for 1 ruble. In a few days, come to the exchanger - and the rate is already 0.48! And nowhere to go, money is needed, you have to change. Pass the same exchanger every other day - and there is already 0.5 (or 0.6, or 0.4).

American tourists in Pattaya watch in horror as their currency depreciates against the Thai baht.
Joke. Not American.

I'm not even talking about lost money: do you need this hassle on vacation? So that every morning, waking up to the singing of birds and the lapping of the sea wave, you don’t think about which ones to go to or where to go to, but run to the exchange office or open the news to find out what’s going on with the ruble?

Therefore, friends, do not wind your nerves on vacation! What is the best currency to take to Thailand in 2020? My advice is unequivocal - only a dollar! Or another stable currency, but not the ruble. And then you will know exactly how much money you have at the moment. No need to spoil your nerves with worries about exchange rates. You are on vacation!

Don't beat your head! Fill your pockets! dollars

There is one more question that tourists ask no less often than "What currency to take to Thailand." It sounds something like this: “And if I exchange rubles for yuan (tenge, Swedish krona, etc.), and them for Thai baht, will I win?” The answer is no. Because the exchange rate of the ruble fell against all world currencies without exception: the dollar, the yuan, the Swedish krona, and even the Ukrainian hryvnia. Don't try to cheat reality. We have all been deceived for a long time. So relax, buy dollars and have fun. As long as it's not banned.

Money of Thailand: Thai baht, its history, currency and banknotes of Thailand.

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The Thai baht (THB) is the official currency of Thailand, which is divided into 100 satang and denoted as ฿.

The monetary unit of the country is Baht (THB), in 1 baht there are 100 satangs. Current exchange rate: 1 THB = 2.43 RUB (1 USD = 32.45 THB, 1 EUR = 36.25 THB).

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The history of the Thai baht is rather straightforward. The designation "bat" came from a measure of silver, equal to about 15 grams. Together with the history of the country, the currency of Tai was stormy and thrown from side to side. For example, after silver lost its value, the baht was pegged to the gold standard and the pound sterling. Indeed, in those days, Thailand was very friendly with the British Empire, adopting a lot of good and bad from it.

Then, having made friends with Japan, or rather their Nazi bloc, it was decided to tie the baht to the Japanese yen. Of course, after the end of the war, a change in the forward currency was unavoidable. In the fifties of the 20th century, it became the American dollar. After that, the rate of the Thai baht was revised more than once, only in 1984 it “settled down” and came to a rigid pegged rate of 25 THB per 1 USD. Today there is no hard link, but the course has not gone far from its original version. As of June 2011, it is approximately 30 THB per 1 USD.

Banknotes and coins

Today, banknotes are in circulation in denominations of 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 baht, as well as coins 1 (white), 2 (white and yellow), 5 (white) and 10 (bimetallic) baht. Satang, in turn, is equal to 1/100 baht and comes in the form of banknotes with a face value of 50 USD. and in the form of coins in 50, 25, 20, 10, 5, 1 and 1/2 satangs.

According to the results of the previous half year, the Thai baht is one of the most stable currencies in the region. According to Bloomberg, this is due to the general stabilization of the economic and political situation in the country. As for the ratio of the ruble to the baht, the picture is expected against the background of the fall of the Russian currency. Nevertheless, the Russian Foreign Ministry reached agreements on the direct exchange of Russian and Thai currencies in a number of areas. This is noticeable not only at the level of market players, but also for tourists who can pay in rubles, for example, in the Tesco Lotus hypermarket chain.

Where to exchange rubles for baht in Thailand

In large cities and resorts, you can exchange Russian money for Thai money at bank branches. The rate differs slightly, however, you can choose the most profitable one (use the links to the pages of Thai banks rates at the top right of the current page). In Pattaya, Phuket, there are many small exchange offices along the coastline. Some allow you to exchange "rubles for baht". Before the exchange, find out the current rate on this page. In exchange offices, it varies within 10%, which is normal.

Are you going on vacation and have chosen Thailand (Phuket) for yourself? The money of this country is something that every tourist will have to deal with. And this applies not only to Phuket and other popular places. The extremely respectful, even reverent attitude of the Thais to their own currency and the extreme unwillingness to make payments in the euros or dollars that are so quoted in our country are known. That is why, once at the Bangkok airport, foreigners have to immediately start exchanging part of the cash for local currency units. Since 1928, these are the Thai baht.

The international classification code for Thai money is ISO - 4217, the Thai currency is abbreviated as THB.

What kind of money will you meet in Thailand?

Today, paper banknotes of only five specific denominations are in circulation in the country: 20 baht each (a bill with a predominance of green in design), 50 baht (mostly blue), 100 baht (red), 500 baht (purple). The largest is the "money" worth 1000 baht, decorated in brown tones.

The metal money of Thailand is represented mainly by Thai baht in denominations from 1 to 10. One and five baht are minted in silver, but the second of them is larger and, thanks to the original form of coinage, at first glance looks like faceted. A two-bat coin (made of yellow metal) can be found much less often than a denomination of 1 baht.

The largest in thickness and diameter is a coin of 10 baht. It is bimetallic - a silver ring running along the edge borders the central yellow circle.

About Thai little things

Each is equal to one hundred satang - Thai "penny". Small coins of 25 and 50 satang can be found in circulation. Both of them are bronze-red. The probability of getting acquainted with such money to the average tourist during a normal short trip to this country is not too great. This is due to the fact that both in stores and in the markets, prices have long been rounded to baht.

Occasionally, a small change can be received as change, but it is unlikely that it will be possible to use it as money - you won’t be able to buy anything with it, you just have to throw it as alms on the street or keep it as a keepsake.

Coins were minted in Thailand like American ones - you can look at the reverse side by turning it upside down (vertically), and not horizontally, as in Europe. And it can be confusing at first.

Get used to the bats

When going to Thailand, get ready to spend money only in the national currency, and therefore information about its current exchange rate is always up to date. This data is constantly updated by SCB Bank, one of the largest in the country.

In resorts, when you go to the exchange office of some other bank, you may encounter a slight discrepancy in rates, but the differences are not so great as to cause serious damage to the tourist budget.

You can also exchange our Russian rubles for Thai money, but in recent years such an exchange has not been very profitable. Although relatively recently, their mutual exchange rate was 1:1.

Where is the best place to exchange currency

The exchange rate is not the same everywhere. As in any country actively visited by tourists, changing money right at the airport is the most unprofitable business for foreigners. Any bank knows that a tourist needs local banknotes immediately upon arrival. If, for example, the purpose of your trip from the airport through Thailand is Pattaya, you need money both for the bus and just to have a bite to eat on the way. And therefore, the exchange rate for buying a dollar or euro at airports is always artificially low.

It is not very profitable to change currency in exchange offices located in hotels and guesthouses. On the exchange of a 100-dollar bill, a tourist loses an average of 80 to 100 baht, which is equal to the cost of lunch at a local cafe or a couple of bottles of beer. Exchange rates may differ even in two neighboring points, since all banks in Thailand dictate their own conditions to their branches located in resorts. Those wishing to save money are advised to go around several such points in a row and choose where Thailand's money is offered the cheapest. Fortunately, there are enough exchangers in the country, especially in tourist places. Many of them, for example, in Pattaya, work until late in the evening.

Dollar exchange features

Those who are going on vacation to this country should remember about the stable exchange rate of the Thai baht in recent years, but its slight fluctuations occur literally every day. You can save a little more by bringing money (especially US dollars) in large bills. The exchange rate displayed by banks on the board exists, as a rule, in three versions:

  • for one- and two-dollar bills (the least profitable for the dealer);
  • for banknotes in denominations of 5, 10 or 20 units (a little more expensive);
  • for dollars in the form of banknotes of 50 and 100 units (the most optimal from the point of view of a tourist).

Oddly enough, with respect to other world currencies, including the euro, there is no such gradation. Also know: old American dollars (year of issue earlier than 1966) will not be accepted in a street exchanger, you should take care in advance to bring newer banknotes with you.

Important nuances

Russian citizens should not have any problems with exchanging rubles for Thai money lately - such a procedure is quite affordable in most places popular among tourists. Sometimes the direct exchange rate on the information board may not be displayed, but this does not mean that the procedure is impossible - you just need to contact the operator.

An important nuance! Do not forget that any money in Thailand, both banknotes and coins, contain the image of the king. Its own monarch enjoys great respect among the inhabitants of the country, and therefore any manifestation of a dismissive attitude towards the royal person is fraught with severe retribution for desecration - from attacks by an angry mob on the street to a criminal charge.

That is why never show disrespectful attitude to Thai banknotes - do not crumple, do not throw on the ground and in any case do not step on them!

A little excursion into the past

The history of the Thai baht (THB) dates back to ancient times. The concept of “bat” was used by the population of Indochina to denote the so-called tikal, which also served as a unit of mass. From 1350 until the 19th century, Siam, the most powerful and powerful Thai state, minted silver and gold ingots of non-standard convex shape, large in weight (1.215 kg). Since 1861, the English mint began to produce ordinary, European-looking round coins for the needs of Siam.

At that time, banknotes were also issued, called tikals and tamlungs. They finished printing them in 1918. The Thai baht as an independent national monetary unit was "born" on April 15, 1928 and remains in this capacity to this day.

About small coins

The name of the satang - a small token Thai coin - is translated from the Pali language as "one hundredth", which is true. The satang has been minted since 1898, that is, it officially appeared before the baht. 25 such small coins are called "salueng" in the vernacular.

Thai coins have always been distinguished by a variety of weights and shapes. The largest in value are those that are 10 baht each. Small - 25 satang. Each of the coins, as already mentioned, is issued with the image of a royal portrait. It is printed on the front side, and on the back there may be various mythological characters, etc. Often there are reverses with embossed temples, the significance of which can hardly be overestimated.

Russia - Thailand: money (rate, local features, etc.)

In a sense, our tourist is easier than, say, a Frenchman or a German. You do not have to make difficult calculations if you are going to Thailand. Money (it’s difficult to name the exchange rate against the ruble, since it constantly fluctuates, albeit slightly; for example, at the beginning of April 2017, about 163.2 Russian rubles are asked for 100 baht) here they cost about the same, and the Thai currency is converted into close ones in value to our ruble figures. Thus, when calculating the future expenses for a vacation in this country, our tourist can operate with prices in the usual monetary units. In addition, many goods and services here are much cheaper than Russian ones.

You can cash out Thai currency at a huge number of ATMs that work with most standard bank cards, such as MasterCard or Visa. The commission in them is fixed (150 baht), cashout limits are from 20,000 to 30,000 baht. Without a commission, you can withdraw money from a card through a bank by presenting a scan of your passport.

With what money to go to Thailand? Going to the country for a long time, it is worth stocking up with dollars, since in the process of cashing out, banks initially convert rubles, euros, and other money into US dollars. If the trip is going to be short, you can carry a card with rubles on it. If you are importing more than $10,000, you will need to declare it at Russian customs.

On the question of tips

They are accepted in the service sector of any country, and Thailand is no exception. Their size is usually kept within reasonable limits. Throwing away money is not accepted here, at the same time, having received a handful of little things, the staff may feel offended. The amount of the tip cannot exceed the cost of the service itself. Taxi meters are simply rounded up. Although this is not always the case.

In hotels, "extra" money is left for maids and luggage porters. Tipping in dollars is not accepted.

Attempts to "pay off" from retribution for something forbidden (such as smoking in the wrong places) are better not to do - it will definitely not work to avoid a fine.

If you follow these simple rules, then you can relax in this beautiful country at a very reasonable cost, wisely spending the planned budget and getting the most excellent impressions.