Rosselkhozbank deposits for individuals: how to get a favorable percentage? Deposits of the Russian Agricultural Bank Deposits of the Russian Agricultural Bank for individuals in


Rosselkhozbank offers deposits for 2016 on fairly favorable terms, and a large selection of programs makes the bank's products even more attractive. unstable economic situation last year forced Russians to look for ways to save, and deposits in reliable organizations remain one of the most right ways save money from depreciation. In the article, we will analyze term deposits of Rosselkhozbank, and compare the conditions for placing funds in the bank with the offers of competitors.


In this bank you can find deposits for individuals for every taste in rubles and foreign currency: with the possibility of withdrawing funds, replenishing the deposit, with preferential termination and maximum profitability. A social product for pensioners and programs for wealthy clients are also presented. For VIP, as part of premium packages, special conditions on deposits with higher rates. Deposits "Classic", "Cumulative" and "Gold" can be issued remotely

SSB programs are distinguished by a low down payment (3,000 rubles, 100 US dollars and euros) and a flexible interest calculation scheme (in this they are similar to the conditions of Sberbank): the client independently decides to withdraw interest or add to the account amount. Bank deposits are distinguished by high rates combined with the advantages of competitors. However, I would like to note that Sberbank wins by offering high early termination rates for almost all programs and accrues maximum interest to pensioners when making any deposit.

The yield on deposits with maximum rates is the highest in Rosselkhozbank, according to programs with replenishment, it is slightly inferior to Gazprombank in rubles, and in US dollars to Alfa-Bank. At the same time, for deposits with the possibility of withdrawing funds, the rates are slightly higher for Gazprombank.

Overview of offers

Maximum income

Igor Pyatigorets Rosselkhozbank

The “Classic” deposit accounted for 30% of the total volume of deposits attracted in 2014. Demand for it is due to attractive conditions. This is one of the Bank's highest ruble deposits in terms of profitability.

The “classic” deposit is suitable for investors who want high profits. It is not allowed to withdraw money or replenish the account before the end of the term, but you can choose the interest payment scheme (at the end of the term, monthly to a separate account or capitalization). You can place money for a period of 31 days to 1460 days, and the highest rate is set subject to payment of interest at the end of the term. Pleases and the size of the first installment, everything basic programs open in the amount of 3000 rubles, 100 US dollars and euros. It is possible to make a deposit through an ATM or Internet banking.

How about others?

In Sberbank, similar conditions apply with a down payment of 1,000 rubles, 100 US dollars and euros, but the rates are much higher in the Russian Agricultural Bank. In VTB 24, the maximum rate is provided for the Profitable deposit with an individual term and the same interest payment scheme as in the Russian Agricultural Bank, however, it focuses on wealthy clients, so the amount of the first installment here reaches 200,000 rubles, 3,000 US dollars and euros, while that the yield is much better than in RSB.

For the “Perspective” product, interest is accrued at the end of the year and the placement period, the amount of the first installment is quite small (15,000 rubles, 500 dollars and euros), and the yield is lower than in Rosselkhoz. On the Pobeda deposit from Alfa-Bank, the rate is slightly higher than here, however, subject to capitalization and an amount of 1,500,000 rubles or more. The advantage of RSB is that the rate does not depend on the placement amount, and interest can be withdrawn monthly.

Optimal accumulation

For depositors who want to regularly replenish their account, the “Cumulative” deposit is suitable, which can be issued not only at the branch, but also remotely for a period of 91 to 730 days. When replenishing the balance and moving to the next amount range, the rate increases. Interest is capitalized every month or transferred to a separate account.

The Save for a Dream program may be of interest to clients who are saving money to buy a car or real estate. Upon confirmation of the transaction, the termination of the deposit is made on preferential terms. The deposit term is fixed - 730 days, interest is capitalized every month, increasing the final profit.

How about others?

Offers similar conditions. The amount of the additional contribution in Sberbank is slightly less than in Rosselkhozbank, but Rosselkhozbank wins in terms of profitability. On the Accumulative deposit from VTB 24, the yield in rubles is almost the same as in RSB, but in foreign currency it is an order of magnitude lower. Gazprombank offers the “Cumulative” deposit, for which interest in rubles is higher, but in foreign currency it is lower than in RSB. In Alfa-Bank, the Premier deposit is presented with a growing rate, the profitability in rubles on the deposit is higher in the Russian Agricultural Bank, and Alfa wins a little in foreign currency.

Free access to money

The Managed deposit allows you to withdraw money and replenish your account at any time, however, the amount of the first installment under this program is higher than under the previous ones and amounts to 10,000 rubles, 300 US dollars and euros. Interest is also capitalized once a month or paid to a separate account. You can withdraw funds within the minimum balance, which is determined by the client himself.

How about others?

The placement amount is higher than in Rosselkhoz, and the yield is lower, with the exception of programs in US dollars, where the placement amount must be taken into account. In VTB 24 on the “Comfortable” deposit, the rates in rubles are much lower than in RSB, in dollars the yield is the same, and in euros VTB 24 is slightly inferior. In Gazprombank, interest is accrued on the Dynamic deposit at the end of the term and each year, but the rate is higher. In Alfa-Bank, on the “Potential” deposit, the yield in foreign currency is the lowest, and the amount of the additional contribution, on the contrary, is high.

For pensioners

For investors of retirement age, the bank offers deposit "Pension-Plus", which can be issued for a minor child. It is distinguished by flexible conditions, because you can replenish your account in the amount of 1 ruble, and withdraw money is allowed within the minimum balance (at the same time the minimum amount of placement) - 500 rubles. However, when early termination all income will be lost, so it is better to stick to a fixed time period (365 and 730 days).

Sberbank has special rates for pensioners for all products, but if we compare the pension program, then Sberbank is inferior in terms of profitability to Rosselkhozbank. VTB 24 and Alfa Bank there are no special programs for pensioners, but Gazprombank has a Pension deposit with a quarterly capitalization. The rest of the placement conditions are approximately the same, but in terms of profitability, RSB wins a little.

For wealthy clients

For wealthy investors, the bank offers programs with the ability to withdraw, replenish and receive maximum income with a first installment of 1,500,000 rubles, as well as deposits within the Ultra and Premium service packages.

The “Golden” deposit can be issued at the bank office or remotely for a period of 91 to 1460 days, interest in rubles is accrued either at the end of the term or capitalized monthly, or transferred to a separate account, on deposits in foreign currency income is paid at the end of the term. Withdrawing money or replenishing the account is not allowed.

"Maximum savings" in rubles is characterized by a growing rate when moving to the next amount range. Interest is capitalized or paid to the client on a monthly basis. You can open an account for a period of 180 to 730 days. The Platinum deposit is interesting for clients who want to freely manage their finances. It can be issued for a period of 91 to 1095 days, replenishment is possible in the amount of 30,000 rubles, and withdrawal within the minimum balance.

The most favorable conditions and maximum rates can be obtained by issuing premium service packages. For example, the program "Your income" with the highest profitability is available to the owners of the "Ultra" package. It can be opened in the amount of 500,000 rubles, 20,000 US dollars and euros for a period of 91 to 1095 days. Interest is paid monthly or capitalised. “Your Savings” is an account for regular replenishment. Money can be placed for a period of 180 to 730 days, and when making additional contributions interest rate increases.

The product "Your Opportunities" is also available to the owners of the "Premium" package. Interest is paid monthly or capitalized, it is allowed to replenish the account and withdraw funds from the deposit. But the program "Your conditions" is interesting in that it is issued only within 30 days after the conclusion of the contract for the "Ultra" package. The deposit amount is only 50,000 rubles, the term is 31 days, replenishment and withdrawal of part of the funds is allowed. In addition, in case of early termination of the contract, the rate does not change.

Sberbank also has higher rates as part of premium packages, however, the profitability of individuals is higher in Rosselkhozbank. Gazprombank offers a Premium service package, but the conditions can only be found in offices. VTB 24 also presents the Privilege package, within which a line of deposits has been developed, but the conditions can be obtained from your personal manager. In Alfa-Bank, wealthy clients are offered an A + deposit with preferential terms termination, but its yield is inferior to RSB.

Deposits of Rosselkhozbank for individuals today have favorable interest rates: up to 6.6% in rubles and 1.6% in dollars. See updated conditions and deposit rates for the population of Russia, including pensioners, in 2020. The calculator will help you calculate your income.

Today, the deposits of Rosselkhozbank already have updated interest rates!

In 2020, the Russian Agricultural Bank (RSHB) has already managed to update rates on several deposits for individuals. They were reduced by 0.05 - 0.25 percentage points. This is associated with a decrease key rate Central Bank. However, the yield remains quite high today, compared, for example, with Sberbank.

Therefore, if you are planning to invest in reliable bank With a good percentage, then Rosselkhozbank may be exactly the place you are looking for. Why?

Firstly, it is a reliable organization that is 100 percent owned by the state and is one of the systemically important banks in Russia. ( Detailed information See below for details of this bank.

Secondly, today the bank offers a wide range of deposits for individuals for a period of 1 month to 4 years with a variety of savings storage conditions. Provided special programs.

Thirdly, the interest rates of deposits in Rosselkhozbank today are very favorable and quite competitive compared to other banks from the top 10.

What deposits are there today in Rosselkhozbank

In this review, we will compare the interest rates and terms of all RSHB deposits for individuals. Let's just list them first to make it easier for you to navigate. This comparison table shows the names and rates in rubles, dollars and euros. To make it easier for you to choose a suitable RSHB savings program for yourself, the site correspondents divided them into 4 groups:

Below we will detail the features of each deposit and compare their conditions and interest rates.

Deposit calculator

The most profitable deposits of Rosselkhozbank today

It is no secret that most clients choose a deposit based on the interest rate. Therefore, profitability is a key indicator. But high-interest deposits, as a rule, also have their drawbacks: they cannot be replenished, as well as partially withdraw money without losing interest. This has to be put up with.

To date, Rosselkhozbank has 4 such deposits: "Profitable", "Reliable Future", "Investment" and "Amur Tiger".

Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Profitable"

This deposit involves receiving high percentage even when a small amount money. Can be opened through remote service channels. If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan.

Advantages and disadvantages

High interest rate.

No refill.

No partial withdrawal no loss of interest.


  • Amount: from 3,000 rubles. / 50 USD or EUR;
  • Term: 31 - 1460 days;
  • Replenishment: no ;
  • Expenditure operations: no;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: at the end of the term or monthly.

Interest rate

When applying online with payment of interest at the end of the term.

Rubles Dollars Euro

Amount / Term

from 15,000 to 25,000

Amount / Term

from 15,000 to 25,000

Calculate the possible income on the deposit

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Reliable future"

Opening this deposit is possible with the simultaneous purchase of the policy investment insurance of life (LIS) of one of the insurance companies - partners of the bank. The amount of the ILI policy must be equal to the down payment on the deposit.

Advantages and disadvantages

Increased interest rate.

Mandatory purchase of an ILI policy.


  • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
  • Term: 180 and 395 days;
  • Replenishment: no ;
  • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: no;
  • Interest payment: at the end of the term.

Interest rates

Amount / Term 180 days 395 days
from 50 000 ₽ 6,10% 6,50%

See at what percentage today you can open a deposit in Sberbank -

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Investment"

Rosselkhozbank's deposit for individuals "Investment" provides an opportunity for clients to receive income both from the money placed on the deposit, and through investments in mutual funds (UIFs). When opening a deposit, a free card is issued with the tariff plan "Amur Tiger - card for deposit".

Advantages and disadvantages

Maximum interest rate.

Mandatory placement of funds in mutual funds.


  • Term: 395 and 730 days;
  • Minimum size: 50,000 rubles. / 1,000 USD;
  • Replenishment: no ;
  • Debit transactions with preservation of interest: no;
  • Interest payment: end of term.

Interest rates

Rubles Dollars

Amount / Term 395 days 730 days
from 1,000 to 25,000 1,40% 1,50%
from 25,000 to 80,000 1,45% 1,55%
from 80 000 1,50% 1,60%

Look at the percentage of deposits in VTB Bank today -

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Amur Tiger"

This is a deposit of Rosselkhozbank with monthly payment percent on a card with the tariff plan "Amur tiger - card to deposit".

Advantages and disadvantages

High interest rate.

No deposits and partial withdrawals without loss of interest.


  • Term: 395, 540 and 730 days;
  • Amount: from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Replenishment: no ;
  • Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: no;

Interest rates

395 days 540 days 730 days
5,20% 5,25% 5,25%

Deposits of Rosselkhozbank with replenishment

These deposit programs will be of interest to those who have the opportunity to save money for any major purchase, or simply, as they say, "for a rainy day." To date, there are only two such deposits in the RSHB: “Replenished” and “Save up for a dream”. The possibility of replenishment is theirs main feature and advantage. But the profitability of these deposits will be somewhat less than that of the previous ones.

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Replenished"

This deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank may be suitable for those who wish to accumulate funds for a specific event or date. If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan. Please note that when making this deposit, the client can choose what to do with the accrued interest: withdraw or monthly add to the amount (capitalization). In case of early termination of the deposit agreement, interest is paid at the rate "On Demand".

Advantages and disadvantages

Possibility of replenishment of the account.

Choice of interest payment method.

Increased profitability when opening online.

Low interest rate.


  • Term: from 91 to 1095 days;
  • Min. amount: 3 000 rub. / 50 USD or EUR;
  • Maximum amount: 10,000,000 rubles. / 300,000 USD or EUR;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • The amount of the additional contribution: from 3,000 rubles. / 50 USD or EUR;
  • Expenditure operations: no;
  • Capitalization: yes;
  • Interest payment: monthly.

Interest rates

When applying online

Rubles Dollars Euro

Amount / Term

from 5,000 to 15,000

from 15,000 to 25,000

Amount / Term

from 5,000 to 15,000

from 15,000 to 25,000

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Save for a Dream"

This deposit with preferential early termination is suitable for clients who plan to purchase a property or a car on credit. It has two main differences from the previous "Replenished" deposit.

  1. Firstly, the interest accrued monthly cannot be withdrawn, but can only be capitalized.
  2. Secondly, even in case of early withdrawal of the deposit, interest can be accrued for the actual time the funds are in the bank, and at the rate of the deposit. True, for this it is necessary that a certain condition is observed: at least 90% of the deposit amount must be sent as down payment on a mortgage or a car loan taken from the Russian Agricultural Bank.

If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan.

Advantages and disadvantages

Possibility of replenishment of the account.

Preferential conditions for early termination.

No partial withdrawals without loss of interest.


  • Deadline: 730 days.
  • Amount: from 3,000 rubles / 100 US dollars;
  • The minimum amount of the additional contribution: 3,000 rubles. / 100 USD;
  • Replenishment: yes;
  • Expenditure operations: no;
  • Interest payment: monthly capitalization.

Interest rates

Rubles Dollars Euro

Deposits with partial withdrawal without loss of interest

These deposit programs are convenient primarily because they allow the client to freely manage the money in the bank. They can be replenished, but the main thing is that it is possible to partially withdraw funds if they are suddenly needed without losing the accrued interest. True, for all these conveniences you have to pay with your income. Their interest rate is much lower than those that do not provide for the possibility of debit transactions.

Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Comfortable"

This deposit may be of interest to clients who are willing to put up with a low interest rate in exchange for the ability to withdraw money if they suddenly need it urgently. It can be safely opened on long term and then use like online wallet. The main thing is not to spend every penny, but to leave a certain amount on deposit - the so-called "minimum balance". At the same time, the profitability of this deposit will be higher than that of another similar product of the RSHB - Savings account.

If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan. Can be opened through the Internet Bank and Mobile bank.

Advantages and disadvantages

With replenishment.

With partial withdrawal.

Increased rate when opening online.

Low interest rate.


  • Term: from 91 to 1095 days.
  • Amount: from 10,000 rubles. / 150 dollars or euros;
  • The amount of the additional contribution: from 5,000 rubles. / 100 dollars or euros;
  • Deposit replenishment: yes;
  • Debit transactions: are allowed provided that the minimum balance of the deposit is maintained;
  • Interest payment: monthly to the account or capitalization.

Interest rates

When applying online

Rubles Dollars Euro

Amount / Term

Amount / Term

Savings account Rosselkhozbank

This savings product can be called a deposit with some stretch, but the correspondents of the site included it in this review. Its main advantage is the ability to replenish the account and withdraw money to zero balance at any time. In this case, the rate will remain unchanged. And interest will accrue daily on the balance Money On account.

Please note that interest is charged not on the minimum account balance that was fixed during the month, but on a daily basis! But interest is paid monthly on the last business day of the month by crediting it to the account.


  • Term: indefinitely;
  • Amount: not established;
  • Replenishment: no restrictions;
  • Expenditure transactions: no restrictions.

Interest rates

See percentages for savings account VTB Bank -

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Poste restante"

Can be opened via Internet Banking and Mobile Banking.


  • Amount: from 10 rubles / 5 dollars;
  • Replenishment: no restrictions;
  • The amount of additional contributions: no restrictions.
  • Debit transactions: allowed up to a minimum balance of 10 rubles / 5 dollars.
  • Interest payment: quarterly.

Interest rates

Contributions for pensioners

In the line of bank deposits today there are special deposits of individuals for pensioners at preferential interest. Rosselkhozbank opens them only upon presentation of a pension certificate or a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the establishment and (or) appointment of an insurance pension.

But for women over 55 years old and for men over 60 years old, and also when no more than two months are left before the old-age pension, the provision of the corresponding document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation is not required.

Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Profitable pension"

This is a modification of the “Profitable” deposit, but on more favorable terms. If in the original contribution the rate depends on the amount, then the RSHB made a benefit for pensioners. By investing only 500 rubles, you can get a decent percentage. But, of course, it makes no sense to open a deposit of 500 rubles. Because you can't replenish it later. To get the maximum income, you need to invest more.

Interest rates

395 days 730 days 1095 days
4,8% 4,9% 5,0%

See which special deposits offer pensioners the most reliable

How to open deposits of Rosselkhozbank

Deposits for individuals in Rosselkhozbank today can be arranged in several ways:

  1. in the RSHB office;
  2. in the Internet Bank;
  3. Through mobile banking.

Money can be deposited within 10 calendar days from the date of signing the application for deposit placement.

With a deposit amount of more than 50,000 rubles, the RSHB, as a rule, offers to issue a free card with the tariff plan "Amur Tiger - card to deposit" of the international payment MasterCard systems or National payment system"WORLD". The client will receive additional income on the balance of the account and protect nature: from each payment for a purchase with a card, Rosselkhozbank will transfer part of its income to the Center for the Study and Conservation of the Amur Tiger Population.

Conclusions: which of the deposits in Rosselkhozbank is the most profitable?

Interest rates vary by term and amount. Therefore, to answer this question, let's bring them to the same denominator. Suppose you plan to invest 100,000 rubles for 1 year and not withdraw interest until the end of the term. In this case, the bank will most likely offer you the following rates:

Comparative table of deposits of the Russian Agricultural Bank

Maximum interest rates for an amount of 100,000 ₽ and a term of 1 year.

Without replenishment and withdrawal


"Reliable future"




"Amur tiger"

With replenishment


"Save for a Dream"

cannot be opened for 1 year

With partial withdrawal


"Savings account"


"Profitable pension"

« Retirement income»


"Pension Plus"

As you can see, the most profitable deposits in Rosselkhozbank today are "Reliable Future" and "Investment". But, please note that they can only be issued together with the purchase of other investment products of the bank.

Rosselkhozbank is a fairly popular bank in Russia, a branch of which can be found in any major city. It was created for the development of financial and credit systems. Its leading activity is concentrated in the agrarian direction.

Deposits in Rosselkhozbank for individuals in 2016 in rubles and foreign currency

Offers for depositors in this bank provide an opportunity to protect own funds from inflation. Along with this, there is an opportunity to earn.

Rosselkhozbank expects to receive high interest on deposits. So, opening a deposit account in national currency possible for a fixed period - from 1 month to 5 years.

The entire line for individuals consists of 10 deposits, and all of them have their own characteristics and conditions.

The interest rate on deposits depends on such factors as currency, period of placement, non-reducible balance plus the amount of the deposit. Average rates of interest on deposits are 6% - 8% per annum. However, you can get an accurate calculation by opening an online calculator on the official website page.

Rosselkhozbank offers a line of deposits for individuals for 2015-2016, we pay special attention to the promotion with increased percentage(up to 13% per annum in rubles), one of the best offers to date among Russian banks.

Almost all products have monthly payments, but those who like to profit from capitalization will not be disappointed either.

Foreign currency deposits of Rosselkhozbank also occupy a worthy place in the line of deposits, the dollar can be invested with maximum profit up to 3.45% per year, euro up to 2.65% per annum.

Half of all types of deposits can be opened via the Internet or an ATM, which is very convenient, the bank keeps pace with the latest technologies- this is very pleasing, and leaves an optimistic imprint.

I would like to open the review with the novelty and “hit of the season” - the “Fabulous Interest” deposit, which has already earned universal popularity.

1 . Deposit “Fabulous Interest”- maximum in rubles

Please note that this deposit is valid during the promotion period from October 2015 to February 2016, so hurry up and invest your savings very profitably.

It is opened only in rubles, the rate is from 9 to 13% per annum, and depends on the term of the deposit.

A deposit can be opened for a period of 180 to 540 days, if you withdraw money ahead of schedule, then the deposit amount is recalculated at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

You can open a deposit through the Internet bank or ATM.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to replenish, the deposit amount is from 3000 rubles, there are no maximum restrictions. Interest is capitalized and paid at the end of the term.

2. Deposit “Classic”– stable “classic”

This product is characterized by the presence of a huge deposit period, the maximum you can invest your savings is up to four years.

The most favorable rate in rubles for a deposit for 1 year, it is equal to 10.30% per year.

Payment of interest at the choice of the client: monthly or at the end of the term.

Capitalization is possible, in other words, you transfer monthly interest to the deposit amount.

It is impossible to replenish, the minimum amount is from 3 thousand rubles, there is no maximum limit.

3. Deposit “Pension Plus”– only the best, to our Dear pensioners

What differences can be named to characterize this product.

Firstly, the minimum deposit amount is very low - from 500 rubles.

Secondly, the contract can be drawn up for a minor child (grandson or granddaughter).

You can replenish your deposit during the entire period, the monthly capitalization of interest is also a plus.

Upon opening, you need to present a Pension Certificate or a document that can confirm that you are a pensioner (from the Pension Fund).

4. Deposit “Golden”– for large investments

Only for depositors who have the following amounts: 1.5 million rubles, 50 thousand dollars or euros ( maximum amount not limited) .

When drawing up the contract, you can choose the type of interest payment: monthly, at the end of the term with capitalization.

The deposit can be opened for a period of 3 months to 4 years. This type of deposit is non-replenishable.

In case of early termination, interest is paid under the “On Demand” program - the rate is 0.01% per annum.

Rates can be seen in the table below...

IN this product the highest rates for the dollar, maximum percentage– 3.45% per annum, term 2 years.

All the deposits for individuals of Rosselkhozbank included in our selection for 2015-2016 have excellent conditions and the maximum percentage.

Information about the rates and products of the Rosselkhozbank deposit is updated periodically, come to our portal, stay tuned for new promotions - “MONEY SHOULD WORK FOR YOU” .

Rosselkhozbank's deposits for individuals today have favorable interest rates: up to 8.5% in rubles and 3.0% in dollars. The bank is completely state-owned: 100% of the bank's shares are owned Federal agency for the management of state property. Rosselkhozbank has a large branch network, which includes 78 branches. There are representative offices of the bank in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. See updated conditions and deposit rates for the population of Russia, including in 2020.

Interest on deposits of the Russian Agricultural Bank for 2020.

The bank offers its clients more than 10 deposit products for different categories citizens, for example: “profitable”, “replenished”, “Amur tiger”, “pension income” and others, which we will consider in this article.

The minimum term for placing deposits in Rosselkhozbank is 1 month, the maximum is 5 years. If speak about target audience bank, then deposits are available to everyone. The minimum amount varies from 3000 rubles, for pensioners the minimum is 500 rubles. All deposits can be capitalized at the client's choice. the contributor can also choose at their discretion.

You can calculate the yield and benefit on the deposit directly on the bank's website inconvenient online calculator (as always, profitability is affected by 3 main conditions: amount, term, deposit currency)

Rosselkhozbank deposit calculator - calculate online 2020

  • before 7,50%

    from 50 000 R.

    term: from 181 days

    • Capitalization: No
    • Interest payment: at the end of the term
    • Refillable: No
    • Partial withdrawal: impossible
    • Early dissolution: at demand rate



    • before 7,30%

      from 50 000 R.

      term: from 180 days

      • Capitalization: No
      • Interest payment: at the end of the term
      • Refillable: No
      • Partial withdrawal: impossible
      • Early dissolution: at demand rate



      • before 7,20%

        from 3 000 R.

        term: from 31 days

        • Capitalization: No
        • Interest payment: at the end of the term
        • Refillable: No
        • Partial withdrawal: impossible
        • Early dissolution: at demand rate



        Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Profitable" up to 8.5%

        • Amount: from 3,000 rubles. / 50 dollars or euros;
        • Term: 31 - 1460 days;
        • Expenditure operations: not provided;
        • Capitalization: provided;
        • Interest payment: at the end of the term or monthly, to the account or capitalization.

        This deposit involves receiving a high percentage even with a small amount of investment. It is possible to open through remote service channels. If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan.

        From the pros:high interest rate, increased profitability when opening online.

        Minuses:there is no possibility of replenishment of the account and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.

        The contribution of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Reliable Future" 7.55% and 8.1%

        • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
        • Term: 180 and 395 days;
        • Replenishment: not provided;
        • Partial withdrawal without loss of interest: not provided;
        • Interest payment: at the end of the term.

        Opening this deposit is possible with the simultaneous acquisition of an investment life insurance (ILS) policy of one of the bank's insurance partners. The amount of the ILI policy must be equal to the down payment on the deposit.

        Plus: high .

        Minuses:there is no possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest, the mandatory purchase of an ILI policy.

        Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Amur Tiger" up to 7%

        • Term: 395, 540 and 730 days;
        • Amount: from 50,000 rubles;
        • Deposit replenishment: not provided;
        • Interest payment: monthly to the account of the card with the tariff plan "Amur tiger - card to deposit".

        Short-term deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank with monthly interest payment on a card with the Amur Tiger - card to deposit tariff plan.

        From the pros:high interest rate

        Minus:no possibility to replenish the account

        Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Replenished"

        • Term: from 91 to 1095 days;
        • Minimum amount: 3,000 rubles. / 50 dollars or euros;
        • The minimum amount of the additional contribution: 3,000 rubles. / 50 USD or EUR;
        • Replenishment: provided no later than 30 calendar days before the end of the deposit term;
        • Maximum amount: 10,000,000 rubles. / 300,000 USD or EUR;
        • Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: not provided;

        This type of contribution of the Russian Agricultural Bank in 2020 may be suitable for those who wish to accumulate funds for a specific event or date. Please note that when making this deposit, the client can choose what to do with the accrued interest: withdraw or monthly increase capitalization. In case of early termination of the deposit agreement, interest is paid at the rate "On Demand".

        From the pros:there is the possibility of replenishment, the choice of the method of paying interest, increased profitability when opening online.


        Deposit of Rosselkhozbank "Comfortable" up to 6.05%

        • Term: from 91 to 1095 days.
        • Minimum amount: 10,000 rubles. / $150;
        • The minimum amount of the additional contribution: 5,000 rubles. / 100 USD;
        • Replenishment of the deposit: provided no later than 30 days before the end of the deposit period;
        • Maximum amount: 10,000,000 rubles. / $300,000;
        • Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: are allowed provided that the minimum balance of the deposit is maintained;
        • Interest payment: monthly to the account or capitalization

        This type of deposit may be of interest to clients who prefer partial withdrawals, even at the expense of the interest rate. It can be fearlessly opened for a long time, and then used as an electronic wallet. The main thing is to maintain a "minimum balance" without spending every last penny from the account. The profitability of this deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank will be higher than that of another similar product - the Savings Account.

        If there is a deposit of more than 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan. Can be opened through Mobile Banking.

        Pros:there is the possibility of replenishing the account and partial withdrawal of money without losing interest, increased profitability when opening online.

        Minus:relatively low interest rate.

        The contribution of the Russian Agricultural Bank "Pension income" up to 6.5%

        • Term: 395, 540 and 730 days.
        • Amount: from 500 to 2 million rubles.
        • Deposit replenishment: provided.
        • The minimum amount of the additional contribution: 1 ruble.
        • Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: not provided.
        • Interest payment: monthly to the account or capitalization.

        This RSHB contribution for individuals is intended directly for people, . It is opened in the name of the depositor, including for a minor child, upon presentation of supporting documents.

        Pros:the possibility of replenishing the account, choosing the method of paying interest.

        Minus:there is no possibility of partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.

        Deposit of the Russian Agricultural Bank "On Demand" with a rate of 0.01%

        • Minimum amount: from 10 rubles / 5 dollars or euros;
        • Replenishment: no restrictions;
        • The amount of additional contributions: no restrictions.
        • Debit transactions: allowed up to a minimum balance of 10 rubles / 5 dollars or euros.
        • Interest payment: quarterly.

        A deposit that is great for modern and novice investors - you can easily open it through the Internet Bank and Mobile Bank, having the smallest amount. Learn to manage your own savings.

        Plus:it is possible to replenish the account and partial withdrawal of money without loss of interest.

        Minus:low interest rate.

        Savings account of Rosselkhozbank 5% (unlimited)

        • Term: indefinitely;
        • Minimum amount: 0 Russian rubles / 0 US dollars;
        • Replenishment: no restrictions;
        • Minimum amount of additional contribution: not established;
        • Debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate: no restrictions.

        This investment and savings product is not a direct representative (because it has a term for your funds in the account), but nevertheless, we decided to cover it in this article. The main advantage of such an account from the Russian Agricultural Bank, even in 2020, is the ability to replenish and withdraw money from the account at any time up to zero balance. At the same time, your actions will not affect the size of the bet in any way. Interest is accrued daily on the account balance (and not on the minimum account balance that was recorded during the month). Interest is paid monthly on the last business day of the month by crediting it to the account.

        Plus:the possibility of replenishment and partial withdrawal of money from the account without loss of interest.

        Minus:relatively low interest rate.

        Promotion* "Lock your income" at 7.5%

        • Deposit term - 1095 days
        • The minimum amount of the down payment is 10,000 rubles.
        • Interest is paid:
          - on the expiration date of the deposit by adding the amount of interest due to the amount of the deposit
          - on the expiration date of the deposit by transferring the amount of interest due to the depositor's account opened with the Bank
        • The deposit is opened in the name of the depositor, as well as in favor of a third party

        Increased rate when opening a deposit for a period of 1095 days with interest paid at the end of the term. When opening a deposit from 50,000 rubles, a free card is issued with the Amur Tiger - card for deposit tariff plan. The deposit can be opened through remote service channels.

        Pros: high income with a relatively short placement period, unlimited maximum deposit amount

        Minuses: replenishment/withdrawal of funds from the account is not provided, in case of early demand of the deposit, interest is paid at the rate of the “On Demand” deposit

        Investment deposit up to 7.75%

        • The contribution can only be in the name of the contributor.
        • The term of the deposit is 180 and 395 days.
        • The minimum initial deposit is 50,000 rubles / 1,000 dollars
        • The maximum deposit amount is not limited
        • Interest is paid at the end of the term

        Receiving income both from the placed funds in the deposit, and through investments in mutual funds. Free card with the tariff plan "Amur Tiger - card to deposit" with a deposit of 50,000 rubles or more

        Pros: high yield

        Minuses: opening a deposit is possible subject to the simultaneous acquisition of a share (s) of shares investment funds under the management of RSHB Asset Management LLC for an amount equal to the down payment on the deposit, the deposit agreement is concluded in the same bank division in which the client pays for the shares, prolongation is not provided, replenishment and debit transactions with the preservation of the interest rate are not provided

        Deposit "Save for a dream" up to 6.10%

        • Deposit term - 730 days
        • The minimum initial deposit is 3,000 rubles / 100 dollars / 100 euros
        • Interest is capitalized monthly
        • Maximum deposit amount RUB 10,000,000 / USD 300,000 / EUR 300,000

        Pros: the possibility of replenishing the deposit (minimum 3,000 Russian rubles / 100 US dollars / 100 euros), automatic prolongation (for the same period, on conditions and at an interest rate in the relevant currency, effective in the bank on the date of prolongation)

        Minuses: debit transactions on the account are not provided, in case of early demand of the deposit, interest is paid at the rate of the deposit “On Demand” (except for cases when the client plans to apply for a mortgage or a car on credit)

        Deposit "Pension Plus" at 6%

        • The deposit can be opened for a minor child
        • Deposit term: 395/730/1095 days
        • The minimum initial deposit is 500 rubles
        • The maximum deposit amount is 10,000,000 rubles
        • The minimum amount of an additional contribution to the deposit is 1 ruble
        • Minimum deposit balance of 500 rubles

        It opens upon presentation of a pension certificate or a document from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the establishment and / or appointment of an insurance pension or a document on the appointment of a monthly life allowance from the courts that are part of the judicial system of the Russian Federation. In case of reaching the retirement age established by law Russian Federation, as well as when no more than two months are left before the old-age pension, the provision of an appropriate document from pension fund The Russian Federation is not required.

        Pros: monthly capitalization of interest, replenishment of the deposit, debit transactions are provided (while maintaining the minimum balance), automatic prolongation

        Minuses: in case of early demand of the deposit, interest is paid at the rate of the “On Demand” deposit in the relevant currency

        Which Rosselkhozbank deposit to choose in 2020

        It is worth paying attention to the fact that RSHB is a reliable partner bank with state participation, which means that your savings will be in a safe place. In 2020, Rosselkhozbank has more than a trillion rubles in its deposit portfolio, and every day the public's confidence in this bank is only growing.

        The main thing that people pay attention to when choosing a certain savings product is the final interest rate in order to safely count on the increase in invested funds. If we talk about rates, then the most profitable option contribution of the Russian Agricultural Bank - "Reliable Future". Based on the figures on rates, it is also worth paying attention to the deposits “Profitable” and “”.

        Don't forget about additional requirements for individuals, which must be performed in order to save their money exactly with the agreed percentage. For example, you will need to issue an additional bank product or there will be no possibility of partial withdrawal, etc.

        For a visual choice of a suitable deposit in Rosselkhozbank for today, use the comparative table:

        Deposit Minimum amount (in RUR) Interest rate Contract duration
        Investment 50000 7.05 180 or 395 days
        Amur tiger 50000 6.6 395 or 730 days
        refillable 3000 6.2 From 3 months to 3 years
        Save up for a dream 3000 5.55 730 (you can withdraw money ahead of schedule)
        Comfortable - 6.05 From 3 months to 3 years
        pension 500 6.15 395 or 730 days
        pension plus 500 6.15 395 or 730 days (you can withdraw money early)
        Poste restante 10 0.01 1