Children's savings deposits. Savings account for a child. Attached package of documents


The first deposits for children in their classical sense began to be offered by Sberbank back in the early eighties. Their popularity waned for a while. Today, again, many turn to the bank in order to open a deposit for a child. The purpose of such deposits is usually to provide the child with personal capital at the time of majority, a major purchase, such as housing, tuition fees, etc.

Design features

Any adult can make a targeted contribution in the name of a child. Often this is done by parents, as well as grandparents. For its registration, you must contact the bank with a passport and birth certificate of the child. The bank can offer both a regular savings deposit and a special program.

Programs until the age of majority of the child are not popular, except in situations where this date is no more than five years away. On average, deposits in the name of a child are concluded for a period of five to six years.

If the purpose of investing funds is to save up for some purchase or to pay for tuition, you should choose agreements with the possibility of replenishment and payment of interest at the end of the term. Also it is profitable to make deposits with auto-prolongation and interest capitalization. Before signing the contract, the investor should pay attention to the conditions for automatic prolongation. It is better to renew the contract at the rate that is current at the time of renewal, and not at the original rate. Otherwise, the depositor may find himself in a situation where the average market rate will be much higher.

A child can open a deposit on his own after reaching the age of 14. In addition to an identity document, written permission from the parent to open an account must be presented.

An additional advantage of opening a deposit in the name of the child is that these funds cannot become a subject of dispute in the event of dissolution of the parents' marriage.

Service features

The depositor himself or a child can replenish the account, provided that he is already 14 years old. If the deposit provides for a partial withdrawal, then a minor child can independently withdraw only those funds that he personally deposited.

How to close a deposit?

The procedure for receiving the deposit and interest depends on the age of the child on that date. The deposit is usually opened for such a period that the expiration date of the contract is later than the age of majority.

According to the Civil Code Russian Federation, the following age groups are distinguished: minors - up to 14 years old, minors - from 14 to 18 years old, adults - over 18 years old.

Up to 14 years of age the funds can only be disposed of by the person who opened the account. He can withdraw the funds on his own upon the expiration of the contract or ahead of schedule, if the deposit provides for such an opportunity.

After 14 years there comes a partial legal capacity and the child can to some extent manage the money. To receive money, he must apply with an identity document to a bank branch. Many credit institutions require written permission from the person who opened the deposit.

If the person who deposited the funds wants to terminate it until the age of majority, then in some banks he will be asked for permission from the guardianship and guardianship authorities. This norm is not directly spelled out in the Civil Code, but financial institutions do not want to take responsibility.

After reaching adulthood, the person in whose name the deposit was opened has the right to pick it up on his own. To do this, you must present a passport and contract.

Where to apply?

​Before placing funds, you need to make sure that the financial institution is included in the deposit insurance system. This will ensure that at the end of the contract the child will receive his funds. Just do not place in one bank, taking into account all the replenishment and capitalization of interest, an amount of more than 1,400,000 rubles.

Sberbank offers a deposit "Top up", which can be opened by the parent or legal representative of the child. You can issue it at a bank branch, and replenishment is available through the Sberbank Online Internet bank or mobile app. It is worth noting that online replenishment occurs according to the bank details, the account status is not displayed in the system. Full withdrawal of the deposit before the child reaches the age of majority is possible only with the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities. From the age of 14, the child has the right to replenish the deposit himself, as well as the accrued interest.

To date, the bank offers the following conditions:

  • Interest rate:
    • US dollars and Euro - from 0.01%;
    • rubles - from 5%.
  • Placement term - from 1 year.
  • Capitalization of interest is possible.

Coalmetbank offers clients who want to open a deposit in the name of a minor child, the Investment in the Future program. Money can only be placed in Russian rubles The conditions are as follows:

  • The minimum amount is 1000 rubles.
  • Interest rate - 9% per annum.
  • Additional contributions - at least 1000 rubles one-time (additions are not accepted if less than 90 days are left until the end of the contract).
  • The placement period is 369 days, while the contract can be automatically extended up to 10 times.

Zenit Bank has a "Children's" deposit. A deposit can be opened in favor of any person who has not reached the age of majority, with whom there is a family relationship. Relationship must be documented. The person who places the funds can determine the age of the child, after which he has the right to access the money (but not earlier than 14 years).

The bank accepts funds on the following terms:

  • The minimum amount is 15,000 rubles, 500 US dollars, 500 Euros.
  • Interest rate:
    • US dollars - 0.75%;
    • euro - from 6.5%;
    • rubles - from 5%.
  • Additional contributions - at least 3000 rubles / 500 US dollars / 500 Euros one-time (additions are not accepted if less than 30 days are left until the end of the contract).
  • Deposit term - from 181 to 731 days with the possibility of automatic prolongation.

A bank deposit in the name of a minor is becoming more and more popular. Banks are developing special conditions that allow parents to think seriously about the financial protection of children.

Basic moments

Deposits for children can be replenishable or non-replenishable. In the first case, a certain amount of money is transferred to the bank, and then there is a monthly replenishment of the account opened for the child.

In the second case, a certain amount of money is transferred to the bank, and it is impossible to replenish the account until the end of the contract.

A monthly replenished deposit is more profitable, because interest is charged not only on the initially deposited amount, but also on the monthly deposit. The amount of such contribution increases with progression.

Where to go

To open a deposit, you need to contact any financial and credit organization, having studied the conditions previously offered by the bank.

Banking programs that can be used for children's deposits vary somewhat. What you should pay attention to?

The contribution should not only be profitable, but also fully acceptable, so be sure to study the following points:

  • whether the current replenishment is possible;
  • what is the amount of interest paid on the deposit;
  • for how long the contract is concluded;
  • Are debit transactions possible?
  • Is there an extension?

Deposits for children offered by banks today have almost identical conditions, however, the terms and amounts of the annual rate may have some differences.

Row financial and credit organizations offer high interest rates on long-term (from one to five years) children's deposits. As a rule, they can be replenished, but debit transactions in some cases are not provided.

However, you need to pay attention not only to the benefits. To minimize the risk of losing money, you should contact institutions that have received a license from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation to attract cash deposits from individuals. Such banks are members of the deposit insurance system (DIS).

Is it possible to open a bank account for a minor child

Russian legislation allows you to open a bank account for a minor child, subject to certain simple conditions.

Such a deposit may differ somewhat from the traditional "adult" deposit:

A bank deposit is opened on the day of application, does not require the preliminary collection of a large number of papers.

Targeted deposits for children are very popular. Most often, the bank allows you to open a deposit for five years, although you can find special conditions that allow you to use this service until the child reaches the age of eighteen.

An excellent option is the possibility of prolonging the contract automatically. In this case, the agreement with the bank will be renegotiated at the time of the date specified in the document without any additional conditions.

Many banks offer targeted children's deposits to be opened for up to five years, but you can find offers with a deposit period of up to 18 years.

Income depends on the duration of the placement of money. The best option would be a deposit with the possibility of replenishment and providing for automatic renewal of the contract for a new term.

The necessary conditions

Operations with bank deposits are subject to Russian law.

The issue of opening deposits for children is primarily resolved from the point of view of determining the status of this category of citizens in accordance with, Civil Code Russian Federation.

These articles regulate the issue of deposits for minors as follows:

Indicators Description
Transactions for children before they reach the age of 14 can be made only parents or legal representatives of minors (guardians)
After obtaining a civil passport at the age of 14 the child can make banking operations, including opening deposits, with the written permission of the mother and father or guardian
From 18 years old the age of full legal capacity sets in - a young person can enjoy all civil rights, including regarding the use of banking services
Full legal capacity may occur before the age of 18 however, only by court order or decision of the municipal guardianship authority. The reasons for recognizing premature legal capacity are marriage or entrepreneurial activity (a minor has the right to work only with the consent of his mother or father)

Recognition of a minor as fully capable allows him to open a targeted or savings deposit completely independently from the age of 16.

Features of use

The conditions of the bank agreement must specify the conditions for using the deposit, including options for terminating the agreement. These conditions are fully consistent with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

So, if it became necessary to terminate the contract and withdraw the amount of money from the bank, you should prepare documents according to one of three options:

Indicators Description
If the minor has not yet celebrated the 14th birthday then the parent (relative, guardian) who opened the account must apply to the bank with a passport, savings book in the name of the minor, his copy of the agreement. In some cases, banks are asked to provide the consent of the municipal guardianship authorities
If the child has reached the age of 14 you will need his passport, savings book, for a minor child, that is, an official certificate of termination of the banking agreement, as well as the actual agreement with the bank. Sometimes a power of attorney is not requested by the bank, that is, a child immediately after receiving a passport, even before the age of eighteen, can, without notifying adults, terminate the contractual relationship with the bank, close the account and withdraw the funds along with interest
After the official 18th birthday a young man must provide a passport, a passbook, an agreement concluded with a bank

For debit transactions on the children's deposit:

In the age range from fourteen to eighteen years, banks adhere to the following rules:

Registration procedure

Making a deposit for a minor is carried out according to a scheme similar to opening an adult deposit. The only difference is a separate package of documents.

The stages of the conclusion of the contract are as follows:

Consideration should be given to the possibility of opening a foreign currency deposit, as well as a deposit in precious metals or the so-called CHI - in impersonal metals.

Is it possible to open a deposit for a minor child in dollars? Undoubtedly.

In the context of a sharp increase in the value of the American currency, it is precisely in such deposits that it makes sense, although predicting the situation on foreign exchange market in a rapidly changing political situation is very difficult.

In precious metals

A deposit in precious metals is opened in the same way as a regular ruble deposit. It contains either depersonalized metals (they must be purchased from the bank), or precious metal ingots.

Such a contribution will be beneficial for long-term placement of funds, at least for five years. The ideal option is a decade.

Precious metals are gold, palladium, silver, platinum. The benefit is that the cost of metals is slowly but surely rising. Therefore, it is worth withdrawing money on a deposit at the moment when the price tag for the precious metal reaches its maximum.

The procedure for opening a deposit in precious metals is exactly the same as described above.

Attached package of documents

The documents required to open a deposit for a minor vary somewhat depending on the age of the depositor.

If the child has not yet reached the age of fourteen and does not have a passport, then he does not have the opportunity to act independently.

To draw up an agreement, a bank employee will need documents according to the following list:

After the onset of the 14th birthday, the child is required to obtain a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Accordingly, the list of documents when opening a deposit will change:

If a child independently opens a deposit in his own name (and he has such a right after the age of 14), he presents his civil passport and the written consent of his parents (guardian).

Video: what you should pay attention to when opening a deposit

Special nuances

When closing or withdrawing a certain amount of a deposit that was opened for a minor under the age of 14, it is imperative to provide permission issued by the guardianship authorities.

The question arises of what relation the guardianship authorities have to the children's deposit opened by parents, grandmothers, legal representatives.

The fact is that banks strive to relieve themselves of responsibility as much as possible, and therefore are guided by the Civil Code, as well as the provisions of the Family Code.

Opening, management of such deposits, as well as the issues of their closing are regulated by Articles 26-37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Family code:

Civil Code:

Article Description
28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation determines as persons entitled to carry out transactions (open deposits) for young children under 14 years old, only parents, adoptive parents and guardians. The same article allows children under the specified age to make independent small transactions, as well as transactions that do not need to be notarized or registered in state institutions.
37 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation describes the right of the guardian to dispose of the income of a minor child only in his interests and with the permission of the state bodies of guardianship and guardianship. The law prohibits the guardian from taking any actions with the property of the ward that lead to a decrease in property (including sums of money contribution) child
31 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation establishes norms for protecting the interests and rights of both incapacitated and partially capable persons, which include minors under the age of 14 and at the time of their 14th birthday (until the age of majority)
the right to open an account for a child by grandparents

Opening a cash deposit or a bank deposit for a minor is one of the ways to take care of his future. You can choose one or another type of deposit based on the goals of saving money and the conditions provided by the bank.

    In order to open an account with Sberbank for a child, you must present your passport and the child's birth certificate to the bank. The contract is concluded for a period of 3 years with automatic renewal. The minimum deposit amount is 1000 rubles. This contribution is replenishable. The current interest rate is 6%. During the validity period interest rate does not change. The rate may change upon renewal. It should be noted that this contribution can only be received by a child upon reaching the age of majority.

    It is not clear what account we are talking about and how old the child is. If you open a current account, then most likely it will not work. If you put a deposit on a child, then if the child is under 14, you can, you need to come with your passport and his birth certificate. But he can only handle it with your permission, since at the age of 14 he is not fully capable. There are a number of nuances in each case.

    It depends on what kind of account you plan to open. If you mean a regular savings account (on demand or urgent), then you will need:

    • birth certificate (or passport for a teenager

      document of the parent (guardian) issuing the account.

      You can issue a card for a child in Sberbank for children who are already 7 years old. With this card, you will be able to fully control the expenses of the child, set limits for him and at the same time you will not have to worry that the child will sow money.

      In order for you to be issued a children's card at Sberbank, come to any branch, take your passport and birth certificate of the child. The card will be issued within 2 weeks.

      Deposit account for a child open any of parents, or his legal representative.

      To open an account, please contact with passport and birth certificate to the branch of the savings bank.

      Not only parents have the right to replenish this account.

      When a child reaches the age of 14, he will be able to replenish the account and withdraw interest on his own, without the permission of his parents.

      But the owner will be able to fully dispose of the deposit when he reaches 18 years of age.

      In order to open an account with Sberbank for an individual, you need to have an identity document, preferably a passport, and since you want to open an account for a child, then, of course, documents for a child.

      Opening an account is very easy. You need a child's birth certificate and an adult's passport. Such a need arises if the child, for example, is the recipient of a survivor's pension. Money is withdrawn from such an account with the permission of the guardianship authorities.

      And up to 14 years and after, all actions related to the withdrawal of money from the account of a minor occur through the guardianship authorities.

      If you mean opening a savings account for a child in a bank, then the opening procedure is no different from the usual one, but a birth certificate must be added to the documents. It can be opened by parents or grandmothers or other relatives.

      This service is available if your child is over seven years old.

      The card is an excellent option not only in case of loss of the wallet (after all, the card can always be quickly blocked and the amount saved on it, but you can’t return the lost paper money), but it will also allow you to control all the expenses of your child, if you also attach a debit notification to your phone.

      So, the card is issued fourteen days after the date of application. For filling necessary documents at the bank office, you must take your personal passport with you, as well as the birth certificate of the child for whom the card will be issued.

      If we are talking about an account not of a card, but of a deposit, then it is also available for opening. You will need the same documents as for a credit card and also your TIN.

      In Sberbank, you can open any deposit in the name of the child (for example, Replenish), except for the pension. Deposits do not need to be extended by yourself, because they prolong themselves. The child will be able to withdraw money from him when he reaches the age of 14 with your permission, and up to 14 years of age with the permission of the guardianship authorities. To do this, it is enough to come with identification documents to any branch of Sberbank.

      Also, before the child reaches the age of 18, you can, if you change your mind, withdraw money yourself, as a depositor.

This wonderful moment has arrived. The child has come into the world. Every moment and all attention is focused on the new family member. Among the questions related to birth, think about the financial security of the future. Which solution to choose?

The parent wants the best for the child. In order to provide children with a start to adulthood, parents make long-term savings or investment decisions. It is worth investing part of the money regularly and in the future the child will realize plans and dreams.

The role of parents does not end with the financial security of children - it is worth teaching how to manage financial resources by creating an account in the child's name. Banks have such accounts, institutions convince young clients to attract additional services. Parents open accounts for young people aged 14-18 or in the name of a child under 14.

Open a savings account for a child

Answer: yes open, it's worth it. In a dozen years, you will thank yourself for creating a savings account for a child. Entering adulthood involves costs that are not immediately covered.

By regularly depositing 1,000 per month for 10 years, you will set aside 120,000 + interest for savings.

By paying 2000, you will set aside 240,000 + interest. If you can spend 5,000 a month for the future, the capital will be 1,000,000.


An adult son or daughter will cover part of the fees when buying an apartment, buy vehicle, start a business, study finance or upgrade your property. The implementation of the plans of an eighteen-year-old person is costly, it is difficult to earn money at this age. If you provide capital, he will not have to give up his dreams.

The rules are simple and the first step is hard. The following is assumed: you deposit, and the kid receives, after 18 years. Banks allow owners to withdraw after their 14th birthday. It is worth agreeing that the money is not withdrawn until the age of majority. If you decide to create an account, keep regularity in mind. Then the accumulation will bear fruit.

The amounts will grow and allow the child to realize the plans of adults. The sooner you introduce him to the world of finance, the better in adulthood.

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For children aged 14-18

Depending on the policy of the bank, a youth account is opened by a teenager aged 14 to 18 with the consent of the parent (the parent is present at the signing) or on the parent himself - then the child has the right to use the funds.

The internal rules of the bank determine the extent to which adults dispose - the right to manage. Remember that parents create rules, transaction limits with payment card by controlling operations.

Financial institutions allow teenagers to open a savings account with a higher interest rate - you should make sure that the bank you choose can and at what cost.

Minimum interest rate

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The fees are lower than the fees for standard adult personal accounts.

When the child turns 18, the bank will convert the youth account to a standard account (with higher rates), it is worth checking the applicable fees and, if possible, take advantage of the offer of another bank.

Young customers can use a debit card as part of their account. The issue is not included in the payment, the cost of monthly card maintenance depends on the rules of the bank. Institutions do not charge for use debit card or multicards. Banks issue cards with contactless technology, which allows you to pay up to 1000.

Maximum interest rate

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In the name of a child under 14

Opening an account for young children raises many doubts. Progressives perceive this as overcoming certain limitations - skeptics believe that the small should not have access to a bank account.

You may think that I'm crazy, I recommend a cumulative product for a child. He barely managed to enter the world, but he needs to choose a financial product. Yes, I understand how much money was spent on clothes, accessories, medicines or toys, but you will certainly find at least 1000 per month stored in a child's open savings account.

Advantages and disadvantages

There are a number of benefits associated with creating:

  • Low costs. Banks do not charge a fee for opening and maintaining, issuing and maintaining a debit card (prepaid card). In banks, online transfers, withdrawals from ATMs or access to electronic banking services are free. Banks have a variety of policies in this area, it is worth reading the table of fees and commissions applicable at the bank before creating an account. The account is associated with additional bonuses - a discount on cinema and theater tickets, language courses, etc.
  • Parental control. In the case of children's accounts, banks apply various restrictions that increase the level of transaction security, allowing parents to monitor the actions of the child. Adults get access to the balance on the child's account, set daily limits for withdrawing funds from ATMs and payment limits.
  • Convenience. IN emergency situations Account provides access to cash. For this reason, it is a convenient option in case of a trip abroad. Parents replenish the account at any time with additional amounts, and the child does not have to worry that he will be left without money.
  • educational values. We teach children to manage their own mini-budget, with the responsibility of entrusted money to meet needs. The little owner is learning different financial instruments(the difference between a regular and savings account), acquires skills useful in adult life.

There are many guides on the Internet on how to introduce a child to the world of money. Below are practical tips:

  • Show the world of finance earlier (but without exaggeration) - a game in a store or a visit to a supermarket.
  • Enter the division into savings and expenses - this is the basis of children's financial education, with the money received from you, he can buy sweets.
  • Determine the purpose of conservation - so that the child sees the point of saving, can get the desired thing in the future.

Savings account in the name of the child

  • Opened in the name of a child aged 0 to 18 years.
  • Pay nothing for discovery and maintenance.
  • Interest rate of 3-5% annually.
  • No personal account required.
  • A son or daughter over the age of 14 manages cash on the Internet and by phone, deposits and withdraws funds at ATMs. This is a way to pay monthly expenses, pocket money. A way to store cash received for a birthday from grandma and deposited into a bank account.

Looking for motivation! By starting saving early, you will give your child a boost in adulthood. Work regularly. Missing a payment will result in losses. Do not miss it, investments in the future of children are needed!

To open an account for a child under 18, it is enough to visit the bank only by its representative. In this case, specific tripartite legal relations arise, and the conclusion of a transaction with a financial institution has some peculiarities.

Distribution of powers

In accordance with international norms and the legislation of the Russian Federation, persons under the age of 18 are recognized as children. Based on the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation:

  • minors under the age of 14 are incapacitated, therefore civil transactions with financial institutions on their behalf are concluded by adults:
  1. parents or individually one of them with whom, in accordance with a court decision, the child is left to live after a divorce;
  2. appointed in the prescribed manner by the guardianship authority or the court;
  • minors aged 14 to 18 have legal capacity, but to a limited extent:
  1. with the permission of the legal representative, they sign;
  2. enter into bank deposit agreements at their own discretion.

Let's clarify the last point. for a minor child for a deposit, both he himself and his trustees can. At the same time, the legal regime of funds in these cases is different:

  • if a minor child independently invested money, he will be able to dispose of them at his own discretion;
  • if the funds are contributed by an adult, his consent is required.


For the heir, it is enough for his representative to appear at the bank. in place. You need to have with you:

  • own national passport;
  • contributor's birth certificate;
  • if necessary - a document that certifies the authority (the right of the parents emerges from the birth certificate, the right of the guardian - from the decision of the guardianship or court).

Opening a current account for a child requires the mandatory presence of him and his representative. Another option is also possible. A minor applies to the bank on his own and submits it notarized.