Pawnshop loans. The subtleties of obtaining a pawn loan The basis and security of a pawn loan


A pawnshop loan is a loan in a firmly fixed amount provided by a lender (bank) to a borrower for a certain period of time secured by property or property rights (including goods, documents of title, precious metals, securities, etc.). Currently, pawn loans secured by collateral are very widely used. valuable papers . A “pure” pawnshop loan is

short term loan, with a repayment period of up to a year (mostly it is provided for a period of three months).

When a bank provides a loan against any collateral, it usually receives from the client a collateral obligation (see the approximate form of the client’s collateral obligation - appendices 6.7), in which the client provides the bank with a collateral right to all property transferred and transferred in the future, the right to demand from him additional security, the right to sell the property pledged to the bank in the event of the client’s failure to fulfill his obligations, without resorting to court or arbitration, and to use the proceeds to repay the client’s debt to the bank. This obligation states that if the client fails to fulfill the obligation, the bank can sell the pledged property on conditions determined by it, including acting as a buyer during the sale. The client undertakes to reimburse not only the amount of the debt with interest, but also all costs associated with storing collateral, collecting the debt, etc. In this case, the client (mortgagor) continues to be responsible for paying the debt and other obligations, despite the bank’s retention of collateral. The client provides the bank with a lien on all property, all valuables, all property rights, balances on current and deposit accounts and other amounts held by the bank. Some obligations provide for the right of the bank to re-pledge the property provided to it by the client.

If a pawnshop loan is provided against securities (and not goods), the pledgor transfers to the lender not the right to the securities, but the securities themselves. Moreover, when pledging registered securities, the pledge agreement specifies the conditions and moment of transfer of ownership of these securities from the debtor to the creditor.

Banks provide loans primarily against securities that are officially quoted on stock exchanges and (or) which are accepted for accounting or as collateral with the Central Bank. These are primarily government securities and government-guaranteed securities, first-class commercial bills and bankers' acceptances (with a maturity of no more than three months), publicly traded shares and bonds of large industrial companies and banks, savings and deposit certificates, and certificates investment funds.

The loan amount depends on the “quality” of the collateral: the type of securities, the complexity of their sale on the market, repayment terms, the possibility of their re-discounting or obtaining a loan against them from the Central Bank. | For example, in relation to government securities, as well as first-class commercial bills A pawn loan can be provided for an amount of up to 80% of the market (or nominal) value of securities. For stocks and bonds of publicly traded industrial companies and banks, the loan amount usually does not exceed 60% of their market value; and in relation to savings certificates, credit can be provided for the entire amount of their face value.

The difference between the value of the collateral and the loan amount for - | called margin. In the event of a decrease in the margin (as a result of a fall in the market value of securities), the debtor undertakes, at the request of the bank, either to repay part of the debt so that the amount of the debt is brought into line with the new market value of the securities, or to provide additional security.

If the securities are not quoted on the stock exchange, the assessment of their value and, accordingly, the size of the loan provided on them (the size of the margin) is made by the bank itself on the basis of data from balance sheets and reports published in the press; certificates from organizations specializing in collecting such information, including government ones; publications in the specialized press;

assessing the quality of management, company development prospects, etc.

However, banks generally tend to avoid lending against unlisted securities.

When providing a pawnshop loan secured by bills of exchange, the loan term cannot exceed the payment term of the bill of exchange, and usually such a loan does not exceed one year in terms of terms. In addition, in most cases, banks set a limit for lending to their clients secured by bills of exchange (as well as other securities), since the larger the amount and term of the bill of exchange, the greater the risk the bank bears when purchasing such bills of exchange and providing a loan against them.

It should be noted that the bank can provide a pawn loan also on the security of documents of title.

; goods, such as warehouse receipts, warrants, safety deposits

I letters, bills of lading, railway waybills, etc., which

A warehouse certificate is a document issued by a warehouse confirming its acceptance of goods for storage. It must be executed in two copies, each of which contains the same details (instructions), but one copy serves for disposal of the goods, and the other for collateral. When a client pledges goods to a bank, the ownership of the goods remains with him, and the bank only has a lien right. These different rights are embodied in two different documents. The document serving as collateral is called a warrant. It is transferred to the bank, and on another (administrative document) the bank makes a note about the loan issued and its amount. Both documents constitute a single whole, and in order to receive the goods from the warehouse, both documents must be presented. The owner is mortgaged-

When selling the goods, he transfers a document to the buyer, having received from him the amount of the cost minus the loan and interest on it, and the buyer redeems the warrant from the bank. In case of failure to repay the loan on time, the bank can protest the warrant and present it to the warehouse for forced sale of the goods.

A bill of lading is a document issued by the shipowner or his authorized person (master) on acceptance of goods for transportation. This is a document for the disposal of goods; its owner has the right to the goods.

Bills of lading can be registered (issued in the name of a specific person); warrants (issued in the name of a specific person or to his order) and to the bearer.

Safekeeping receipts are issued by the borrower to the bank in the case when the pledged goods remain in his custody.

Lombard loans for goods and documents of title are provided by the bank, usually in the amount of 50-70% of the market value of the goods. The client receiving a loan against documents of title transfers to the bank the right, in case of failure to repay the loan on time, to sell the goods and repay florir from the proceeds (including interest on the loan). In addition, banks usually charge an additional commission for documents of title.

At the same time, it should be noted that at present, a pawnshop loan in its “pure” form is used quite rarely. In general, securities are accepted as collateral when providing a contract loan. And issuing funds in hand. Required condition A pawn loan is the provision of easily realizable collateral. For example, products from and stones, equipment, securities. In the case of securities, the deadline for issuing money on the security cannot be earlier than the end of the pawn loan agreement.


The term of these loans is chosen by the client, the maximum loan term is indicated by the lender. In other words, loan agreement can be valid for one day, a week or a month.

Pawnshop loans have average interest rates, on the one hand, due to the presence of easily liquid collateral, on the other hand, short terms and express delivery. The estimated value of the collateral is almost always significantly lower than the real value of the goods, products or securities. The maximum loan amount does not exceed 50-80% of the appraised value and depends on the loan term. The amount of accrued interest, storage fees, etc. change. The difference between the estimated value of the collateral and the loan issued is called the margin. It usually includes all expenses: interest, fees for storing collateral, collateral for the appraised value, etc. Often, the recipient, after some time, can “get” the loan to the maximum possible. This is available if at first he took only part of the offered amount. In this case, a new contract is drawn up, automatically the old one.

When the loan period established by the agreement has expired, the so-called penalty period continues for 7-30 days. Return of the collateral is possible, but in addition to payment of the required amount, fines and (or) penalties established by the agreement will be assessed.

If the borrower fails to fulfill its obligation, the collateral becomes property or credit organization and may be implemented or used differently at the discretion of the organization.

A pawn loan is also often referred to as a bank loan secured by motor vehicles. At the same time, the collateral is often located on a special penalty area throughout the lending period. And the owner does not have access to it.

In addition to small “retail” loans, a pawnshop loan also means a large loan from state bank commercial. It is issued on the security of securities, etc. With this interpretation of a pawn loan, the amount changes. The principle of lending itself is similar to that described above.


The demand for pawnshop services is constantly growing, because, like a pawnshop loan, you can get money for urgent needs in a matter of minutes, starting with large equipment and ending with food and essential goods, so to speak, before payday. There is no need to collect packages of documents, come to the bank several times, or indicate how the received loan funds will be spent.

Many people argue which loan is better, pawnshop or. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. To take consumer loan Often no deposit is required. You can get a pawnshop without collecting documents and hassle. The loan term and amount at the pawnshop directly depend on the collateral and can significantly exceed maximum amount consumer, and make up a mini-sum at the level. The interest rates for these types of loans are approximately equal. Except if the pawn loan is taken out for a period of up to 14 days.

People often have situations when money is needed urgently, but there is no one to borrow it from. If you are sure that financial position If you get better, you can use pawn loans for this. You just need to have an item that will be provided as collateral.

The loan transaction has its own characteristics. Before applying for it, you should familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of the procedure. It is also important to choose the right organization to receive money from. Nowadays there are pawn shops in almost all cities. Only each organization may accept different things.


Lombard loans are short-term loans issued against property with a high level of liquidity. If the money is not returned, the items will be used for sale. The collateral is considered a guarantee for the lender. They can be:

  • Securities.
  • Jewelry.
  • Antiques.
  • Household appliances and electronics.
  • Cloth.
  • Real estate.
  • Transport.

Pawn loans are usually repaid in one lump sum. Such loans are similar to bank loans. If jewelry is usually accepted at pawn shops, then banks deal with real estate.

Pawnshop work

The pawnshop is the lender. Its work is regulated on the basis of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 196 “On Pawnshops”. According to the approved rules:

  • Pawnshops cannot dispose of client property.
  • Employees must maintain professional secrecy regarding collateral.
  • The item is valued according to market value and agreement.
  • The transaction is drawn up in writing.

Features of receiving

Pawnshop loans are not issued for all items. The company must be insured against the difficulty of selling the pledged property in the event of non-repayment of funds. Therefore, only special valuables are accepted.

Property is accepted upon presentation of the client’s passport who is over 18 years old. People under the influence of drugs or alcohol cannot be borrowers. Otherwise, there are no restrictions on obtaining loans.

Principles of assessment

This procedure does not take place full price goods. The assessment has the following features:

  • Precious metals are valued by net weight and fineness.
  • Household appliances and electronics are valued at appearance, condition, release date.
  • Clothes - according to wear.

The collateral value will be less than the market value. People often complain that they were given little money for a valuable item. But the transaction is carried out according to these rules.


A pawn loan against real estate or other valuable property has the following advantages:

  • There will be no complexity in the solvency check procedure.
  • Simplicity of design.
  • There is no need to provide information about your place of work or income, so the list of documents is small - a passport and a security deposit.
  • If the borrower does not have the means to pay the loan, the property is sold and the client is released from payment.

  • The purpose of lending can be any.
  • There are no penalties for early payment.
  • A pawnshop is analogous to renting a safe deposit box at a bank, but this service will be cheaper.
  • The pawnshop decides to issue a loan without taking into account your credit history.
  • It is possible to extend the contract term, and the number of extensions is not limited.
  • Anyone can receive loans, including pensioners.


A pawn loan also has disadvantages:

  • Jewelry is valued at scrap value.
  • There are restrictions on the collateral provided.
  • For getting large sums Valuable property must be provided.
  • The high rate of a pawn loan is about 0.3% per day, and 9-13% per month.
  • Large fines.
  • The term of the pawn loan is no more than 1 year.
  • There is a risk of things disappearing (during a pawn shop robbery).

If you need money for a short period, then best choice there will be a pawn loan. Banks do not provide such services; they are arranged in special organizations. The funds received will help you out at any time.

Lending terms

There are some conditions that must be met in order to apply for a pawn loan. Real estate or other valuable assets can be used for a transaction after they have been analyzed. This procedure is performed by a specialist. Usually it is carried out in the pawnshop itself, but sometimes an invitation from a highly specialized specialist is required.

A feature of lending is the lower value of the property than its real price. Usually it is no more than 50% of the real price. But even this rarely happens. Many people are quoted prices in the range of 20-30%. The pawnshop insures itself against financial losses. For example, the client will not be able to pay the loan on time, so the institution must independently sell the collateral.

This type of loan has another feature - interest is calculated at the daily rate. It is usually 1-3% per day. The interest is transferred not on the balance of the debt, as is the case in banks, but on the entire amount.

Registration procedure

After the property is assessed, the client is issued a loan secured by real estate. A pawn loan is issued using a pawn ticket. This is a document that contains an agreement, an act of agreeing on the price of the collateral.

  • Borrower's passport details.
  • Pawnshop details.
  • Issue amount.
  • Description of the collateral.
  • Estimated value of the collateral.
  • Maturity.
  • Details of the bank through which the loan payment will be made.

When the information is verified, the document is signed. Then the pledge is transferred to the pawnshop. It will remain there until the funds are returned. The client is also given a ticket. At the cash register they give him money. It takes about 15-30 minutes to complete the registration.

Repayment features

If the client has paid money and interest, then the item is given to him. To do this, you need to provide a passport, receipts and ticket. But there are often situations when timely payment is impossible. There are several such cases:

  • If the client does not have money, then he can extend the security ticket. Then you will have to pay more money.
  • If the client does not pay the loan, employees will contact him and offer to pay the loan. But then fines are charged, which are indicated on the ticket. If the client does not pay the loan within the specified period, the collateral becomes the property of the financial institution. The pawnbroker should list the difference between the sale price and the debt, but usually they don't.

Gold loan

Before you take out a loan for jewelry, you should consider some nuances. It is necessary to carefully approach the issue of choosing an institution. This is necessary in order not to fall for scammers and insolvent companies, and also not to lose money on bets. It is best to choose those organizations that you personally or your friends have already contacted.

A pawnshop must have a license for its work from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and a registration certificate. The contract must include the employee’s signature and seal. If gold is given away without return, then a purchase and sale agreement is drawn up. And when applying for a loan - a security ticket.

Gold can be sold at scrap price. Usually coins, jewelry, and orders are accepted. The purity of gold may not be indicated; it will be determined by a specialist. You must have your passport with you. Refunds also take place based on your passport. Citizens under 18 years of age are prohibited from entering into such transactions.

It must be taken into account that the item must be permitted for sale. It is necessary to try to return the funds in the required amount as soon as possible, since large interest rates are charged for such services. This service is suitable as a short-term loan. Pawn shops also accept other valuables. Sometimes they take silver, antiques, and equipment. In large cities there are pawn shops where you can donate various things.

Loan against securities

A loan against securities is also issued. But you need to take into account the circumstances related to the subject of the pledge. Lenders have certain requirements for the securities with which you can take out a loan. They must be liquid. These include the following:

  • Government securities.
  • Securities backed by a government guarantee.
  • Commercial bills, bankers' acceptances.
  • Shares and bonds of large companies.
  • Savings and certificates of deposit.
  • Investment fund certificates.

Establishing the amount for securities is more difficult than for property. Its size is influenced by the quality of the collateral, the type of securities, complexity and timing of implementation. The loan amount can be between 50-80 percent of the appraised value.

A pawn loan is one of the fastest methods of getting money, but you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons. It is important to carry out calculations, compare the service with bank loans and only then should a decision be made.

Recently, procedures for obtaining loans from both individuals and legal entities have become more frequent.

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The procedure for obtaining a loan secured by securities began to be considered as an alternative to lending against property collateral.

A loan provided against securities, famous among large investors, banks, and organizations in Russia. As you know, collateral is often used when applying for a loan.

The collateral can be, like real estate, the borrower's car, or securities, which has become quite common lately, especially among corporate clients, large financial transactions.

Basic information

Securities are objects such as bills, shares, bonds of enterprises, savings certificates, shares, investment funds citizens of Russia.

When using this type of lending, using securities as collateral, lenders can provide more long terms, than usual.

But in practice, what happens is that Russian banks try not to issue long-term loans secured by securities due to the fact that in the investment market securities are most often subject to fluctuations in value and value.

For this purpose, short-term loans are more common, no more than a year. A separate set of requirements for legal entities who want to take out a loan secured by securities.

The banks' requirements are as follows:

  • the company has been operating for more than six months (no less) at the time of submitting the application to the bank;
  • positive credit history(preferably in the bank where the application is submitted);
  • absence of debts to the tax authorities of the Russian Federation;
  • lack of card index;
  • lack of other loans from other banks.

The borrower is obliged to provide and attach a register listing the availability of securities.

When approved by a banking organization for a loan, the borrower signs a loan agreement with the bank and a pledge agreement, an act of acceptance and transfer of securities.

The loan amount is assigned based on the price of securities at the time of signing the agreement; it proportionally depends on the liquidity of the securities (the more, the higher the loan percentage).

Dividends that come from the shares will be sent to the client's account. The issued loan is not allowed to be used for the purchase of new securities.

The repayment of a loan against securities is carried out with regression of payments. It is possible, at the request of the borrower, ahead of time, if it was agreed in advance during the execution of the contract. And also at the request of the lender - with notification to the borrower in advance.

What it is

Securities are a common way to secure a loan. To find out what a loan secured by securities is, let's go through a little terminology of concepts, for example, what is:

The collateral must comply with the following: it must belong to the borrower by right of ownership, be liquid, have monetary value exceeding the loan amount and its interest.

The following is taken into account:

  • quality of securities, because they are very susceptible to price fluctuations economic market and their behavior is difficult to predict;
  • nature of liquidity;
  • issuer and type of securities;
  • securities risks.

Design methods

In order to obtain a loan secured by securities, the borrower must have good collateral.

Banking organizations accept property assets in the borrower’s possession as collateral, housing assets as collateral, vehicles, recently the practice of pledging securities and shares with increased liquidity has been practiced.

On-call credit is used only for verified companies. Large organizations, regular customers with a good reputation, confirmed over long-term cooperation.

For such clients, a banking organization can offer more profitable terms lending with reduced interest rates.

How to get such a loan

In order to receive a loan secured by securities, you must submit an application to the banking organization with a number of shares and bonds that will be transferred as .

The list should be compiled as follows: name of the share and issuer, number, price, price exchange rate on the day the contract was signed.

Lending terms

Terms of lending secured by securities:

  • state currency (rubles);
  • loan size (determined as a percentage of the value of securities and can be up to 70%. Determined by the degree of risk for each security);
  • rate from 11% per annum;
  • lending for a period of six months to a year.

Package of necessary documents

A standard package of documents might look like this:

  1. Questionnaire for the client.
  2. Personal documents of the client (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, registration, driver’s license, etc., all documents that can confirm the client’s identity).
  3. , and tax reporting client.
  4. Questionnaire filled out by the client.
  5. Pledge agreement.

The complete package of documents may differ depending on the bank (company) the borrower applied to, the status of the application, and the client’s income level.

The bank may require additional certificates to verify the client’s solvency and issue a loan to him.

List of banking institutions


Sberbank uses the OTS-REPO program as an alternative to securities lending.

This program allows you to quickly get financial resources at your own expense for the cost of the papers, spending a short period of time and a small number of documents.

Transactions take place in two stages. Through an over-the-counter repo, it is possible to attract from 400 thousand rubles for a period of 35 to 105 days, a long-term loan lasts up to 10 years.

The most liquid shares are accepted. This allows clients to enter into long-term loans.

List of securities that are considered as collateral under repo transactions for individuals, has seven papers - ordinary and preference shares himself Savings Bank, shares of VTB, Gazprom, LUKOIL, Rosneft and RusHydro.

The size of the loan, its period and goals, collateral, and loan repayment schedules are specified. commercial bank, and the bank – Central Bank Russia.

The main condition for obtaining loans is the bank’s compliance with the assigned economic standards, taking into account the receipt of a loan from the Central Bank.


When applying for a loan secured by securities, borrowers often ask the following questions:

If without minimum volume

Collateral in the form of securities, the price of which is determined by the minimum volume of their price, allows a loan to be issued no more than their value. Applies to each type of security according to its own valuation formula.

Can they issue a consumer certificate?

Security secured by securities is not common. Credit institutions that issue such loans carefully check the papers.

Unlike banking product, getting such a loan is much easier and faster, but the interest rates are higher and the repayment period is shorter.

Collateral and loan terms

Almost any property can be pledged. The main condition is the liquidity (quick sale) of the collateral. The exception is thematic pawnshops (for example, only items made of precious metals can be pawned at a jewelry pawnshop). In other cases, the pawnshop issues cash on bail:

  • valuable assets (shares, bonds, bank certificates);
  • any real estate (apartments, dachas, land plot, garage, house);
  • movable property (cars);
  • household appliances, electronic gadgets, computers;
  • antiques;
  • jewelry, precious metals;
  • expensive clothes (for example, a mink coat).

Evaluation collateral property carried out by an accredited specialist. The main feature of a pawnshop loan is that the collateral property is always valued below its real price. Typically, the appraiser names an amount from 50 to 80% of the market value of the collateral.

Lending conditions in a pawnshop are much stricter than in a bank:

  • Lombard loans are short-term, issued for a period of 2 to 12 months;
  • Interest on such a loan is much higher - they are accrued daily, within 1-3% per day, not on the remaining debt, but on the entire loan amount. As a result, the overpayment for the loan can exceed 150% per annum.

In each case, loan conditions are determined individually. Despite the strict limits, the demand for pawnshop services is growing, since to obtain a loan you do not need to collect an impressive package of documents, fight off the imposed insurance or wait a long time for approval. The speed of processing such a loan is also attractive - you can get money in your hands within 20-30 minutes. You can use a loan from a pawnshop if you need to urgently receive funds.

Design rules

A pawn loan is issued after a specialist has assessed the collateral. The client is invited to familiarize himself with a special document, a pledge ticket, and sign it. It combines the collateral and loan agreement and contains the following information:

  • pawnshop details;
  • information proving the client’s identity (passport number, driver’s license);
  • name of the collateral and its detailed description;
  • estimated value of the collateral;
  • the amount of the amount given to the client;
  • interest rate for the loan;
  • date of issue and repayment terms of the loan;
  • details of the banking institution through which loan payments will be made.

After signing the agreement, the collateral remains in the pawnshop. The pledged property can be returned only after the loan has been repaid and interest has been paid. If force majeure circumstances arise and the client cannot repay the loan within the agreed period, the security ticket can be extended. However, the pawnshop has the right to apply penalties. In a situation where the client is unable to pay the debt, the collateral becomes the property of the pawnshop.

The high cost of lending at a pawnshop is a significant disadvantage. Therefore, it is recommended to resort to such loans only in exceptional case and conclude an agreement for a period of no more than 1-2 months. If unforeseen situations arise, you need to inform about it credit institution and jointly seek ways to restructure or remortgage opportunities.