Consumer credit - how and in which bank it is better to take it at a low interest rate without certificates and guarantors. What banks do Requirements for the borrower


Banks have penetrated deeply into our lives. With their help, we get a salary, take loans, save for retirement and pay for an apartment. But we do not always know how they are arranged.

In fact, banks are ordinary companies. They are less different from a store or a car service than we used to think. In banks, one thing is difficult - this is the product with which they work. Money changes value every second, they always want to steal it, and everyone needs it.

Let's understand how banks work with money and keep everything under control. Let's start with the very basics: what they actually do. And banks do three things: store money, issue loans and make payments.


Deposits are when you give money to a bank. He temporarily takes them into circulation, and then returns them with interest.

When there were no banks, money was hidden under the bed or in a safe. But if thieves came to the house or there was a fire, people lost everything.

At first, banks acted as guards - they kept other people's money under lock and key. For this they took a commission. If the client did not return for the money, the bank could pocket them. But this was more of an exception.

Then the banks realized that it was stupid to sit on bags of gold. These are free funds, and while no one needs them, it is more profitable to invest them. For example, lend and repay with interest.

Banks love deposits. After all, the more money he has, the more he will lend, the more he will earn. To attract more customers, banks began to share with them the profit that he receives from their money.

Each depositor is an "investor": with his money, the bank conducts operations and issues loans. Clients earn on their investments. Today it is the safest way to benefit from money that is lying around.


Loans are when you borrow money from a bank and then gradually repay it. As a result, you return more than you took. You are paying for the use of money.

Previously, people borrowed from usurers under harsh conditions and high interest. Non-payers fell into slavery or ended up in debtors' prisons. But banks have left usury in the past. Loans have become understandable and relatively safe products. And the bank has become a "money store": it accumulates them, repackages them and sells them at a higher price. Like a supermarket, but instead of bread, yogurt and dishes - money.

The pawnbroker Shylock, the protagonist of Shakespeare's play The Merchant of Venice. The Painter John Hamilton Mortimer 1776.

Loans are good way earn, but only if they are later returned. Therefore, banks punish non-payers: they impose fines, prohibit travel abroad and take away everything they can reach - except for health, freedom and housing.

Bringing to such a bank is unprofitable. After all, his business is to manage money, not to knock out debts. Therefore, before issuing a loan, the bank looks at the client under a microscope. Even if there is no doubt, the bank will think in advance how to return the money if something happens. For example, it will require a deposit or guarantee from relatives.

Everyone needs loans: consumers, businesses and the state. With loans, they solve their problems: people buy refrigerators and cars, companies renovate offices and buy raw materials, governments pay pensions and build hospitals.

Payments and cards

Transfers and cards - this is when you come to the bank and draw up remittance relatives in another city. Or you pay in the supermarket with a card - as if transferring money from your account to the account of the supermarket. Or when you pay for the phone - transfer money from your account to the account of the operator.

People used to pay in gold or cash. If it was necessary to send money to another city, they hired couriers or carried the package themselves. The salary was given out of the safe, and to go to the store you had to have a wallet full of money. It was great by medieval standards, but uncomfortable.

To simplify monetary relations, banks have learned non-cash payment. Money from coins and banknotes has turned into electronic signals, which are no different in meaning from cash.

Banks have built infrastructure and learned how to exchange "digital money" with each other. To carry out the operation, mail and couriers are no longer needed. Sending money to another continent became a matter of a couple of minutes, not months.

The bank makes sure that each payment goes quickly and safely. It guarantees that money will not be lost or disappear from client accounts. And if something goes wrong, he will take the risks.

Today, money can be transferred from person to person - this is a money transfer. It is possible from a person to a company - for example, pay for purchases with a card. It is possible from a company to a person - for example, to calculate a salary.

An article on how to get a loan to buy a car - how to choose a bank for a car loan, different types loans, auto insurance, important points and tips. At the end of the article - a video on how to avoid fraud when obtaining a car loan!

The content of the article:

Today, buying a car is becoming more and more commonplace. For many families, a car becomes a necessity in everyday life. According to Autostat, almost every second car in Russia is purchased for borrowed funds. A car loan is getting more affordable year by year.

If the borrower meets the requirements of a credit institution, it will not be difficult to get a loan to purchase a car. There are almost always three requirements:

  • Registration or registration on the territory of the Russian Federation and the availability of documents confirming it;
  • Permanent and regular income in an amount sufficient for a monthly payment;
A potential borrower must have a constant and stable income. The salary presented in supporting documents plays an important role. The planned monthly payment cannot exceed 50% of the income received. However, a loan can also be obtained with a small personal income by attracting a co-borrower (a close relative, for example, a spouse).

Getting a loan is easy. Let's discuss how to properly take a loan to buy a car, so that later you do not regret the concluded agreement.

Different banks - different requirements

Today, if you try, you can get a loan for almost any car - brand new and used, domestic or imported. Various credit organizations provide loans for all types of transport. In order not to receive unpleasant surprises later, before concluding a transaction, you should carefully read all the details of the document being signed.

A stable pattern is noted - stringent requirements for the selection of a creditor are combined with favorable conditions. Conversely, softer requirements are always combined with a high interest rate, additional costs from the groan of the car buyer.

For example, VTB and Sberbank consider applications only with official paper (2-NDFL) confirming the solvency of the borrower. The extended package of documents provided will allow you to count on a more favorable percentage.

The opposite position is taken by CreditEvorBank and Russian Standard. A loan can be issued to almost any citizen of the Russian Federation, while the percentage will be higher than the average. The use of such tactics allows banks to compensate for losses from defaults.

The tactics of banks in relation to sellers also differ. More conservative lenders prefer to work with official regional dealers. Others take this criterion into account little, but subject to the completion of the transaction with the intermediary of a car dealership, which in this case acts as a kind of thrift store. This option of the transaction will require additional time to carry out full diagnostics and inspection of the car.

The most conservative lenders are ready to issue funds exclusively for the purchase of new cars; used vehicles are not considered by them. Others lend to deals on 3-5 year old cars. With some diligence, you can find a credit organization for the purchase of a car with 10 or more years of experience. Benefit from such a deal is very doubtful.

Getting a loan approved for a brand new or older car is two big differences. A car is considered new without a run, the last 2 years of production. Banks are willing to lend for the purchase of a new car. The whole procedure of five successive stages will take a few days or hours, depending on the type of loan:

  • In the salon, choose your favorite model;
  • We conclude contracts for the sale and purchase and insurance;
  • We go through the procedure for obtaining a loan and sign a pledge agreement;
  • We transfer money to the car dealer's account;
  • We pick up your car according to the act of acceptance and transfer.
If you plan to purchase a used car, the lender makes additional requirements. Firstly, not every used car will be accepted by the bank as collateral. Among the traditional requirements for vehicles: mileage up to 100 thousand km, age by the time the loan payments are completed - up to 8 years. For imported cars additional requirement: confirmation of importation into the country by official dealer center and availability of documents for customs clearance.

If the goal is a loan to purchase a car from a private person, then an intermediary is required - entity. The transaction will include additional stages associated with the need to hand over the car before buying it in a specialized car thrift store. His role can be played by a car dealership.

The bank takes 2-3 days to consider the application. The next three to four months is the approval period, if necessary, it can be extended. Usually, this requires bringing fresh documents confirming solvency - a certificate of income, etc.

Advantages of transactions through a bank and a car dealership

Modern technologies allow you to get a loan at the place of purchase vehicle. This significantly saves time and saves the buyer from additional running around the banks. However, most car loan buyers prefer to apply directly to banks. The final decision is determined by the degree of satisfaction of the needs of the borrower.

If only the lowest rate is important at this stage, then a direct appeal to a credit institution will allow you to get a loan at a 1-1.5% lower percentage, but in combination with an expansion of the requirements for a package of documents and, possibly, with a larger down payment.

Car dealerships usually cooperate with several banks. If you look patiently, you can find promotions during which car dealers offer certain brands on credit at a rate lower than usual by 3-5%. No other bank can offer such conditions. It is a pity that such actions are rare.

Impatient and economical can take advantage of express loans and loans without insurance from banks. The former save time, the latter save money. But. If you look closely at the conditions, then the benefit received does not look so attractive.

Almost any car dealership has the possibility of obtaining an express car loan. Half an hour to an hour after the presentation of two identity documents (one must be a passport), a loan is issued for the required amount, and you can go home in your own car.

Due to the increased risk on the part of the bank (the solvency of the borrower is checked superficially), the bank increases interest rate from the standard by 0.5-2%. Also, the requirement for the initial contribution increases by 10-20%. The maximum loan amount and repayment period may be reduced.

If there is no time to collect documents confirming solvency, you can calculate the amount of overpayment.

Car loan insurance

Auto lending is a mortgage operation. The purchased car remains a pledge until the full repayment of the amount taken. The passport for the vehicle after registration with the traffic police is transferred for storage to the bank until the loan is paid. In case of improper fulfillment of obligations by the debtor, the car can be seized and sold to pay off the debt on the loan.

However, cars break down, suffer in road accidents, and are stolen. Therefore, many credit organizations prescribe the mandatory registration of CASCO insurance. The insurance policy gives advantages to both the bank and the new car owner. In case of damage to the car, the car owner receives payments for repairs. If after the accident the car cannot be restored, then the insurance company will pay part of the outstanding debt.

The disadvantage is often a strong recommendation by the creditor of an insurance company with suboptimal conditions. It comes to statements by bank representatives about the possibility of signing an agreement only if the partner company has insurance. The legislation of the Russian Federation stipulates the consumer's right to choose a company for CASCO. Knowing your rights will save you money on insurance.

You should not hastily refuse the recommended insurance company. Preview the offers of competitors. Conditions in fact can be not only competitive, but also the best. Some banks include insurance payments in the body of the loan, but often this is combined with an increase in the down payment.

A group of banks provide loans without a mandatory insurance policy. The only requirement is the presence of 30% of the cost of the purchased car and annual percentage increases by 5% (18.5% versus 13.5% with insurance).

It should be borne in mind that car repairs without insurance in full will fall on the shoulders of the owner. The dubious benefit of saving on refusing to take out an insurance policy for a credit car can result in significant financial losses later.

If the buyer does not have the funds for insurance, the bank may offer a loan that includes the payment of insurance. The loan amount may include CASCO and OSAGO payments for the entire loan term or only for one year. Banks usually provide such an opportunity with an increase in the down payment by 10%.

"Interest-free loan

Following the loan without insurance, "interest-free loans" become another trick. At its core, an auto loan at 0% is an installment payment. Relatively recently, banks traded with such proposals. Now this trick is used by many car dealerships.

Care should be taken when entering into a free loan agreement with conditions similar to a traditional loan. Any trade must bring benefits to someone. After signing the installment plan, the car does not belong to the buyer. Until full settlement, the car is the property of the lender. Any minimal violation of the terms of the contract may serve as a reason to take the car from the borrower.

Such a loan can be provided by an official dealer for a car without mileage. In this case, the size of the down payment can reach up to 30-40%. Bid compulsory insurance also usually overestimated by 2-3%.

Attractive from the outside, a free auto loan, when checked, turns out to be far from a fairy tale. If you have not yet decided on an installment scheme, then consider the possibility of installment payment as a last resort.

buy-back system

Still unusual is the car loan system with deferred repayment and the possibility of repurchase (buy-back). In this case, the entire loan amount is divided into two parts:
  • The first is subject to monthly redemption in the same parts according to the annuity scheme;
  • To extinguish the second, there are additional possibilities.
When concluding a loan agreement with a dealer, a preliminary agreement purchase and sale. After the end of the loan repayment, the borrower sells the vehicle to the dealer on the terms and conditions previously drawn up. The funds received are used to pay off the debt on the loan.

When concluding such an agreement, the dealer usually clearly specifies the requirements for the returned car. If any condition is violated, the dealer has the right not to buy the car.

The borrower, if he does not want to part with his car, has the right to pay the entire missing amount.

With this form of loan, deferred debt can reach 20-50%, monthly payments less than with a car loan with basic conditions. However, interest costs are higher because standard credit they decrease as the remaining amount decreases, and in the buy-back system, the payout amount is up to last month remains the same.

Such a car loan system is attractive for constantly changing cars. Under this system, only the purchase of foreign cars is available and not in all car dealerships.

Car lending has a lot of subtleties and pitfalls. A few tips will help you go from getting a loan to buying a car with a minimum of emotions and finances:
  • Assess objectively your financial capabilities, decide on the maximum amount that you are willing to transfer monthly to pay off the debt;
  • Study all available sources of information about the conditions of loans provided: banking programs, promotions and offers from car dealerships. Before making a final decision on concluding a deal, you need to carefully study the maximum number of offers on the market. The more information you have, the more suitable offer you will choose;
  • First you need to calculate the cost of processing a loan agreement. It includes: initial payment, the cost of issuing funds, insurance payment, Unexpected expenses;
  • Particular attention at the conclusion of the contract deserves sections written in small. If there are points that you do not understand, do not sign the documents until the unclear places are clarified. It is better to move the conclusion of the deal a little, than to bite your elbows for years later.
Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to enjoy your purchase. The right loans for you to buy a car!

Video on how not to fall into the clutches of scammers when applying for a car loan:

How to correctly and competently Today, living "in debt" has become so fashionable that any person should know the answer to this question. This question should worry even those who are firmly "against" bank loans.

No one is immune from force majeure circumstances, when a large amount of money is urgently needed, which simply may not be available, and for which there is absolutely no time. Therefore, everyone should know the rules for taking and applying for a loan at a bank, regardless of their life position, status in society and financial situation.

Necessary conditions for a borrower before applying for a loan

Before you start applying for a loan at a bank, the borrower, for his part, must necessarily fulfill some conditions, which we will consider below.

Conditions 1. Determine how much you can pay for the loan each month

Before you start applying for a loan while still at home, determine how much you can afford to pay monthly on the loan. Usually, this amount is about 20 - 30% of your monthly income. If a monthly payment on the loan will "fit" into this amount, then you can afford it. And, if not, then this loan is better not to take. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for you to complete it.

Condition 2: Availability of a financial airbag

When applying for a loan, it will be best if you have available. So you will save yourself from force majeure circumstances that will lead to the fact that you will not be able to pay monthly loan payments. If you don’t have such a pillow, then it’s better to create it first, and only then go to the bank for a loan.

Conditions 3. Choose the right type of loan

Before, get as much information as possible about all types of loans from banks that you have chosen. Evaluate all their advantages and disadvantages, calculate its price in advance and how much it will cost you. You can do this yourself, on the bank's website, or use a special online calculator. As a rule, interest rates on directed loans are lower and they end up costing the borrower less.

Condition 4. Availability of down payment

Condition 5. Correctly determine the amount of the loan

Take as much credit as you really need. And for this, make the necessary calculations in advance, and indicate in the loan application how much money you really need.

Condition 6. Choose the currency of the loan

Do not "be fooled" by the persuasions of banks, and take a loan in the currency in which you receive your income. Otherwise, you risk not only overpaying very much, but also depriving yourself of the opportunity, in general, to pay off the loan.

Condition 7. Insure your life and health

About 50% of loan defaults and delinquency are due to health problems.

What to consider when applying for a loan

Getting a loan from a bank is not the end, it is just the beginning. It is not enough just to take it, you will still have to pay it for a rather long period of time, which will have a significant impact on your financial well-being. As the saying goes: "We think ten times and act only once." Therefore, never rush into this matter, and when applying for a loan, be sure to consider the following facts.

  1. Requirements for the borrower

The more requirements the bank makes to the borrower, the more reliable it is and the lower the interest rate on the loan. So if you want to get a loan for favorable conditions, wait a little with registration and collect the maximum number of certificates and documents.

You can read how and where you can get a loan without an income certificate and guarantors, but with a bad credit history - from this one.

  1. Loan interest rate

The interest rate on the loan displayed on the websites of banks is just a basic one, which can be increased depending on several factors: the loan term, insurance, and the borrower's income.

  1. Loan terms

The longer the loan term, the lower the monthly payment. And than longer term loan, the greater the overpayment on it.

  1. Credit cards

Credit cards, as often happens, end up costing their owners much more than cash loans. This happens because:

  • firstly, when paying with cards, a person spends more than when paying in cash;
  • and secondly, interest rates on credit cards are much higher.
  1. Additional services when applying for a loan

In addition to the official interest rate, banks often wind up a commission for various kinds of services. For example, for issuing a loan, for monthly service loan, consulting and other payments. Each bank sets its own fees for additional services.

  1. Loan repayment terms

Each type of loan and loan program has its own conditions for repayment of the loan, which must be reflected in the agreement. Therefore, when signing it, be sure to carefully and carefully read everything.

The loan can be repaid in two ways:

  • in equal parts;
  • differentiated payment (interest is calculated on the residual amount of the loan, respectively, the payment decreases every month).

When concluding an agreement, specify the method of repaying the loan, and, of course, it is better to choose one that can be repaid ahead of schedule.

True, some banks have a condition: not to return credit funds ahead of schedule until a certain time has passed since the conclusion of the contract.

  1. Loan security

The provision of collateral that belongs to the borrower, or a guarantor with high solvency in the form of loan security - determines the interest rate on the loan, as well as the fact of issuing or refusing to lend.

As a rule, if a credit institution does not require loan security, then in this case it sets a higher interest rate than for a loan with collateral and guarantee. This way they simply reinsure themselves against possible risks.

And, if the loan requires collateral in the form of collateral and surety, then banks may require to insure mortgaged property. This, too, is just for them to insure.

You can read about how you can take an individual entrepreneur loan without collateral and a guarantor, and for a small business -.

  1. Difficulties with returns

Any borrower always faces the risk of delay or non-payment of his debt, for which banks charge fines and penalties.

Even before signing a loan agreement, carefully read all the conditions of the bank and realistically assess your financial capabilities. Otherwise, a loan, instead of a lifeline, will become an unbearable bondage. The main thing to remember is that you should not take out a loan if the monthly payments on it exceed 40% of your income.

And, if, God forbid, of course, you suddenly have certain difficulties with paying off the loan, then be sure to let the bank know about it. They are not monsters and there is no need to be afraid of them. You should always have a dialogue with them, and they will definitely meet you.

How to get a bank loan. Step-by-step instruction

What needs to be done, and what to pay attention to, before applying for a loan, we discussed above. Now we will analyze how to get a bank loan in just six steps.

Step 1. Choose the type of loan and the loan program

It is necessary to choose the type of loan and the loan program, based on the goals for which you are going to take it. It is more profitable if you take a targeted loan designed specifically for issuing a loan for your purpose.

Today, banks for each type of loan are developing many lending programs with different conditions for obtaining and requirements for the borrower. Therefore, try to get as much information as possible on a variety of loan programs, and choose from this huge list with the most favorable conditions.

Step 2. Choose a bank for a loan

is a bank that:

  • located across the road;
  • has a license to carry out this type of activity;
  • is reliable and occupies the highest places in the ranking of the best banks;
  • and where the most advantageous lending programs are available.

The bank "across the road" means that it should be in close proximity to you, and in order to get there, you did not need to travel to another city.

The availability of a license to issue loans can be checked on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. In the same place, you can see the rating of banks.

In order to attract customers, banks regularly develop new lending programs with more favorable conditions, from which you can choose the most suitable one for yourself. You just need to search.

Step 3. We agree with the bank all the conditions for obtaining a loan and submit an application to the bank

You will need to make sure that you have studied all the conditions of the bank before getting a loan. Do not be shy and ask as many questions as possible, even on things that are obvious at first glance, find out about all potential loan payments, possible fines, restrictions, special conditions etc.

If everything suits you, you can fall, which is a mandatory form, where all the necessary data is entered. The application can be submitted in two ways: either personally come to the bank branch, or do it via the Internet on the bank's website. After that, you will need to wait for the bank's response.

Step 4. Collection and submission of necessary documents to the bank

Regardless of the chosen loan product, you will need to collect the necessary documents to obtain a loan. Each bank has its own list required documents, which still depends on the type of loan and the lending program.

Usually the list standard documents for a loan is as follows:

  • original passport and photocopy of all its pages;
  • a copy of the work book certified by the personnel department or any other document that confirms the employment of the client - a certificate from the employer, contract, extract from the work book;
  • income statement for standard form 2-NDFL or in the form issued by the bank. If, in addition to wages, a bank client has a third-party source of income (from renting out real estate, pensions, etc.), then documents confirming it are provided - such papers can significantly increase the chances of obtaining a loan;
  • documents that confirm the existence of a delay from military service- military ID, registration certificate and others. Required only if the borrower is under 27;

Many financial institutions in addition to the documents listed above, they may also require additional documents.

  • vehicle registration certificate or driver's license;
  • TIN;
  • insurance certificate of the pension fund;
  • international passport - if available;
  • all insurance policies- CASCO, OSAGO, CHI and others;
  • original certificate confirming that the borrower is the owner of the property, or a copy thereof;
  • bank statements, any documents confirming the existence of these accounts or securities;
  • photocopies of papers about the education received: certificates, diplomas, certificates, certificates.
  • account statements, copies of previously executed loan agreements, certificates from credit institutions confirming the absence of debts;
  • copies and originals of birth certificates of children, marriage or divorce.

In any case, you will need to clarify all required list documents and prepare them in advance.

Step 5. Conclusion of the contract

In the case of a positive decision of the bank to grant you a loan, you will need to come to the bank branch to apply for a loan. In the presence of guarantors and a pledge of property, a guarantee agreement and a pledge agreement are also concluded.

Before signing the contract, check whether all its conditions correspond to those that you agreed with the bank in advance. Carefully read the text marked with an asterisk or small print: the bank may include in the contract its right to change the interest rate, terms and other conditions.

And most importantly, pay attention to the fact whether the bank has the ability to change the terms of the contract at its discretion. And, if they can, then discuss this issue with a bank employee in advance, and only after that sign the contract.

Step 6. We receive money

After the conclusion of the contract, you will only receive the money. They will either be given to you at the box office, or they will issue you bank card and send money there. In any case, you yourself can decide how you will receive them.

If you decide to transfer money to a bank card of this bank and decide to connect Internet banking to it, be careful with your phone. And then, in case of any circumstances, your SIM card will get to another person, or another person can use it, then your credit money can easily be used.

About how to take consumer credit at a minimum percentage, you can read.

Now you know what you need to know and consider in order to get a loan from a bank. And, the above instructions for applying for a loan will help you do everything correctly and competently. And, if for some reason you were not approved for a loan, then you should know that you can always go to special specialized organizations.

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Hello, friends!

Statistics show that every year the volume of lending to the population in our country is gaining momentum. I would like to hope that this is due not to the deterioration of the financial situation of most families, but to an increase in the general financial literacy and the ability to meet their obligations. But who am I kidding?

I continue to make attempts to acquaint the readers of our blog with the basics of finance and economics. How to get a loan is the topic of another article.

Banks offer various loan products for any purpose and budget. How to understand this diversity and choose exactly the offer that will not burden family budget decades ahead? What is the first thing you should pay attention to when applying for a loan? Read on for answers to these and some other questions.

Loan types

First of all, let's figure out what types of loans you can get today at the bank:

  • Consumer credit in cash. Recently, I examined in detail the varieties, conditions for obtaining and important points of the contract.
  • Car loan. Not all banks allocate a separate loan for the purchase of a car, but still it exists. For example, in VTB, UniCredit Bank, Rusfinance Bank, etc.
  • Mortgage. Its share in the structure of lending is growing, and in terms of growth rates, mortgages rank second after car loans (by 24% over the year).

The list of loans is not limited to this range, but these are the main types. In addition, there are:

  • Target, i.e. credit money, which must be reported to the bank. For example, for the development of subsidiary farming from Sberbank, for education.
  • Non-targeted. This is the same consumer that you can spend on anything.
  • On the security of property (apartment, land, car, house, etc.)
  • Without collateral and guarantors (a standard package of documents is enough).

Separately, you can get borrowed money, which provide for a simplified procedure for obtaining a passport. For example, without certificates of income, without official employment.

Requirements for the borrower

It is clear that each credit institution has its own requirements, but in general the following picture emerges:

  1. Age ranges from 18 (sometimes 21) to 65 (rarely 70 and above) years. This requirement must be met not only at the time of receipt, but also the repayment of the loan. If at the age of 61 you take out a loan, for example, for 5 years, you will be refused (in the case of an age limit of up to 65 years).
  2. Work experience from 3 to 6 months, rarely up to 1 year. This applies to your current job. If you constantly change it, you may get rejected.
  3. Russian citizenship. This is a requirement for lending. But there are exceptions. For example, to obtain a mortgage on real estate, the borrower may be a person without Russian citizenship.
  4. Some banks require a landline and a mobile phone.
  5. Registration and residence in the territory where the bank branch is located. But this is not the case for all credit institutions. For example, Tinkoff Bank arranges everything online, without the personal presence of the borrower.

Some banks immediately prescribe minimum income at which the application will be considered. For example, in Alfa-Bank it is 10,000 rubles.

If we are talking about a secured loan, then to standard requirements requirements are added, for example, to the guarantor or pledged property.

Documents to receive

Credit organizations strive to attract as many customers as possible, luring them with loyal requirements for a package of documents. There are advertisements where they offer to quickly get a loan on a passport. But we are literate people and we must understand that a reasonable bank is unlikely to take such a risk. Is it a scam then?

No, it's just that all the risks will be included in the interest rate. With your money, you provide the bank with a solid reward for not bothering to collect the necessary documents.

Credit is received not only for current needs individuals but also for business. For example, when I wrote, I gave a list of documents for entrepreneurs. It differs from the list for individuals.

The list of documents depends on the type of loan received. The simplest list for consumer lending:

  • a passport proving your identity;
  • documents confirming your income;
  • additional documents (for example, driver's license, SNILS, passport, etc.)

The set is much larger if you take a loan secured by property. In this case, documents are added to the list that somehow describe the subject of pledge (certificate of state registration housing, vehicle passport, property valuation report, etc.) Banks even provide several months after loan approval so that you can assemble a complete set.

What does it take to get a loan for the unemployed? No matter how paradoxical the question sounds, banks are ready to work with such citizens as well. Moreover, this category includes everyone who is not officially registered (for example, freelancers, self-employed workers, individuals working for individual entrepreneurs, etc.). Unfortunately, this is a widespread phenomenon in our country.

Under what conditions do banks lend money to people without official work:

  • if you have previously had experience in obtaining and successfully repaying a loan;
  • if the client is ready to provide a deposit;
  • if it is possible to attract a solvent guarantor;
  • if you need to get a small amount for a short time.

Of course, getting a loan for the unemployed is much more difficult. Yes, and lending conditions will be tougher than with documents on income and employment.

Registration procedure

The process of applying for a loan becomes easier every year. All banks have websites, many provide the opportunity to fill out an application online to get approval and only then go for money with a package of documents.

How to correctly approach the issue of design? Before starting the application process:

  • Find out what criteria to choose a bank.
  • Check how many years the loan has been issued (it is clear that not everyone will have this question).
  • Spend comparative analysis credit terms in different banks.
  • Objectively assess your ability to repay the loan not only for the next year, but also in the future.

In my opinion, this is the most difficult and responsible stage. Please do not overestimate your strength and financial capabilities. Not all banks provide a loan deferral in case of problems on your part.

  • Analyze required package documents, on which not only the approval itself, but also the terms of credit will largely depend.
  • Once again return to the 4th paragraph and only then proceed to the registration procedure.

The main stages of obtaining a loan:

  1. Filling out an application form, which looks different in banks, but its idea is the same. This is information about you, your work, income, loan received, etc. As already mentioned, you can issue it on the website or visit the bank in person.
  2. Banks within a short period of time (from a couple of minutes to a couple of days) make a decision on the preliminary approval of a loan for you.
  3. Next, you must collect the necessary set of documents, which can be found on the site.
  4. The last stage is a visit to the bank (in case Tinkoff Bank- this is the expectation of the courier) to sign the contract and receive money.

Often, credit organizations write that you can get borrowed money in cash (for example, with consumer lending). But in most cases, it means that you are issued debit card to which the money is being transferred. You can easily withdraw cash from it if necessary.

What to pay attention to?

This is a very important section of my article, in which I will pay attention to what you need to know in order to properly apply for a loan. What points need to be clarified before signing a loan agreement? Banks do not always point to them, and sometimes they purposefully ignore them.

Here is my personal list of important points:

  1. Insurance. I have repeatedly drawn the attention of my readers to this clause in the contract. Wrote a separate article about. I highly recommend reading. A study of the reviews of loan users showed that it is the inclusion of insurance in the contract that is the problem number 1. And it can be easily avoided.
  2. The full cost of the loan. It may differ from the interest rate stated on the advertising poster. In addition to the loan itself and interest on its repayment, the full cost also includes all bank commissions.
  3. Points, under "*". It is in them that credit conditions that are not always favorable for you are hidden. A person rarely reads written in small print, banks skillfully use this.
  4. Conditions for early repayment. By law, banks do not have the right to apply penalties for early repayment of the loan. But conditions may vary. Therefore, if you are planning to reduce the debt burden, then study them carefully.
  5. Repayment scheme. There are annuity (the same amount after the same period of time) and differentiated (different amounts) payments. In the first option, the debt burden is distributed evenly over the entire loan term. In the second, you first repay large amounts, and then they decrease.
  6. Preferential terms of crediting. Many banks practice the gradation of borrowers into payroll clients and ordinary ones. Loan terms will vary. Therefore, it makes sense to first look at the bank in which you are served.
  7. . Analyze the conditions for obtaining borrowed money on credit cards. They always have Grace period lending and a revolving line of credit. Maybe this will be enough for you to not pay interest on the loan at all?

Reasons for refusing a loan

Despite the high loyalty of banks to borrowers, they often refuse to issue a loan. Banks are not required to explain the reasons for refusal.

But there are obvious points that you can rule out even before applying:

  1. bad credit history. This is a very important point, which must be approached with all responsibility. It is better in advance to understand why banks may refuse you.
  2. Insufficient level of income. Not all banks publish the minimum income limit, so it is sometimes difficult to navigate the right amount.
  3. Inappropriate age of the borrower. Too young and old people find it more difficult to get a loan. Please note that at the time of loan repayment, age must also meet the requirements.
  4. Frequent job changes. Banks welcome continuous seniority 3 months and up.
  5. Having a criminal record and mental illness. Here, in my opinion, you can do without comments.
  6. Untidy appearance, confused speech, excessive nervousness. If you have noticed such sins before yourself, then try to apply online.

Please note that not only a bad credit history can cause a refusal, but also its complete absence. If you have never taken a loan in your life, then you have no history. And for the bank there is no information about you as a reliable payer.


The answer to the question at the beginning of the article, how to get a loan, at first glance, is simple. But this is only at first glance. Any responsible borrower will miss the flood of promotional sweets that banks diligently feed us. This is not for us. We will set aside a couple of hours to find out what credit institutions hid from us, what they did not agree on, and what they embellished. Then we will give ourselves a couple more days to understand if we need a loan at all. After all, this is how we will act, right?

Interest rates on loans have recently increased by about 2-3%, this is due to the expectation by banks of the second wave of the crisis.

But, nevertheless, banks are in a rather tough competition, they are interested in attracting more customers. This is reflected in the variety of credit programs among which you can choose the most suitable one.

However, banks, widely advertising their services, often mention low interest rates and favorable conditions without overpayment. It is not always worth believing such advertising, but it is better to make sure that the offer is profitable by studying in detail the conditions of the proposed loan. This article will provide various tips that will help you make your choice, understand some of the tricks and "pitfalls" of lending.

It is worth remembering that interest on a loan and interest on a deposit should not be considered as equivalent amounts, since they are calculated according to a different principle. Interest on a loan is usually higher, but they are charged on the balance of the debt, which gradually becomes less. Therefore, by taking a loan of 100 thousand rubles at 23% per annum, you will overpay about 12.5 thousand rubles per year, and by making a deposit at 12.5% ​​per annum (some banks offer such conditions), you will receive the same amount as arrived.

Almost any bank can offer several lending programs. They can be roughly divided into two groups:

  • loans to those who need to receive funds in the shortest possible time, while there is no way to prove their financial income;
  • loans for those who have some time and the ability to collect the necessary documents.

Express loan is the fastest way to get money, but the percentage here is, of course, very high. In this case, if the bank does not have time to check the reliability of the borrower, all risks are included in the high rate. Ordinary loans, when the bank checks the documents provided by the client and makes a decision within a few days, are more profitable in terms of overpayment.

Since the choice of loan programs offered is very wide, it is worth choosing for yourself several suitable ones in different banks, and applying for a loan in each, and then finally choosing the most profitable option. You can use the Internet by visiting the websites of banks. Often on such sites you can calculate upcoming payments using special loan calculators.


When choosing, consider the following points:

  1. First of all, pay attention to your payroll bank. Banks offer additional benefits if the client receives wages to the card of this bank. If the conditions do not suit you, then consider the offers of large banks. It is better if it is a state or foreign bank, the rates of such banks are lower due to lower risks.
  2. Be sure to ask what effective rate, or the total cost of the loan. For you, this is the most important indicator by which you can compare the offers of different banks. The effective rate will include the nominal rate and various commissions charged by the bank when processing and servicing the loan. It is worth noting here that for advertising purposes, banks often offer interest-free loans, but they compensate for the lack of interest with various commission payments. As a result, it turns out that interest-free loan- not the most profitable.
  3. For most borrowers, it is easier to navigate the various offers by comparing the amount of the overpayment. This indicator is even more visual than interest rates and will let you know if you are choosing an expensive or cheap loan.
  4. Amount, term and currency of the deposit. The amount should be the one that you really need, it is better to choose the shortest term, but so that the monthly payments are about 20-30% of your income - experts consider these conditions the most comfortable. It is better to take a loan in rubles, so as not to depend on changes in the exchange rate.
  5. If possible, you should always take insurance, especially if the loan is a large amount. An insurance policy, at a low cost, will reduce your risks.
  6. Carefully study the terms of the contract, especially the clauses marked with an “*” and having explanations in the form of a footnote in small print. Sometimes you can find rather veiled transcripts and explanations in these footnotes, in some “magical” way turning 0% per annum into 15%, or masking large one-time commissions, but they always need to be reduced to three important indicators: effective annual rate, one-time commission, monthly commission.

The conditions for early repayment of the loan are very important, as this allows you to reduce the final costs. Banks are required by law to allow early repayments, but since they do not want to lose their interest income, various sanctions apply.

For example, there are moratoriums on early repayment of a loan for a certain period from the moment the loan is issued. This is introduced so that the bank can receive a certain guaranteed benefit from lending. For consumer and auto loans, this period can be equal to 3 months, for mortgages - from six months.

In case of early repayment of a loan, the bank may provide for various commissions, but since 2011 they have been considered illegal, and you have every right to file a lawsuit. If the loan is a small amount, then the commission will also be small, but in the case of a mortgage, the amount will be significant.

Find out the size and procedure for making the minimum amount of early repayment of the loan. If additional free funds appear, you will be able to reduce the debt base on the loan, and, thereby, reduce the percentage of overpayment on it. But there is a certain peculiarity here: banks, as a rule, set a lower limit on the amount of early payment.

Please note that the bank first deducts the amount from your account, and then compares the balance of funds with the size of the minimum early repayment amount. If you applied for early repayment, and the amount of the account balance exceeds the required minimum amount, then early repayment will take place. If the account balance is less than the indicated amount, then it will simply lie on your account until the next payment.

There are two loan payment schemes. The annuity scheme involves the payment of equal amounts over the entire repayment period of the loan. First, interest payments prevail, then the principal amount is paid. This scheme is convenient in that the funds are deposited fairly evenly.

With a differentiated payment scheme, the initial amounts repay the principal debt, their size is large enough, which is far from acceptable for everyone. Such a scheme is more beneficial for those who would like to. It will reduce the amount of payments by reducing the principal amount of the debt, in accordance with which interest is charged. Naturally, the smaller the balance of the debt, the smaller the amount of interest on it. As a result, the amount of interest for differentiated payments is less than for annuity payments.

You can significantly reduce the interest rate on a loan (sometimes up to 10%) by submitting documents confirming your income to the bank (certificate 2-NDFL). Also of some importance is a positive credit history, work in the last place for at least a year, the presence of guarantors, as well as whether you were previously a client of this bank.

For large amounts of debt, such as mortgages, it may be wise to seek the advice of a specialist broker. In this case, the payment for his services may be much less than the amount of savings, both time and money.