Loan insurance in different banks. Consumer credit insurance. When loan insurance exempts the borrower from payment


When a person goes to the bank for cash loan, employees of a banking organization advise you to make an insurance payment. The matter is quite logical: anything can happen to the borrower. Who will return the money to the bank then? Then it is proposed to insure consumer credit. It is important to understand how to calculate the amount you will pay over the entire loan period.


A little about insurance

There is an opinion among borrowers that insurance is a waste of money. This is how banks try to extract an extra penny from the client. But banks must somehow protect themselves.

Attention! Insurance is a kind of proof of your solvency. We are primarily interested in the insurance policy banking organizations: only if it is available, the lender will be confident in the absolute return of the borrowed finances.

An insurance policy is a means of protection against unscrupulous borrowers. And this is every 3 in our country.

Agents assess the client’s solvency in their own ways and predict the person’s future financial behavior.

Important! Insurance is not a compulsory process. No one Russian bank does not have the right to refuse a loan simply because the borrower refuses to take out an insurance policy. This is the exclusive business of the client: if he does not want to insure, that is his right. Mandatory insurance is issued only when taking out a mortgage.

If you decide to take out a car loan from a bank, be prepared for the mandatory registration of a CASCO policy. In this case, everything will be legal.

A “protective” policy for a consumer loan is issued directly at the bank branch issuing the loan.

Insurance policy consumer loan remains with the borrower throughout the entire payment period.

Types of insurance policies

The bank offers to voluntarily insure oneself under several programs. What exactly to choose will be decided only by the client, since when consumer lending no mandatory insurance.

You can insure:

  1. Life, health. In some companies this is a single point, in others it is divided into two - separate life, separate health. The person died and became insolvent due to disability. These cases are covered by this type of insurance. Pensioners are especially recommended to draw up such an agreement.
  2. Risks of losing a job. The situation is unpleasant, but very realistic. We collected loans when we were good job, you have to give it back when this very work is no longer there. Only here it is important to understand that if you quit your job, no insurance payment will apply to you.

Cost of consumer credit insurance.

Each bank has its own protection program consumer loans. Insurance “remuneration” is different everywhere.

  • Most high percent exhibited by Sberbank. Today it is approximately 2 - 3%.
  • Rosselkhozbank - 1 - 3%
  • VTB 24 - 1%
  • Insuring yourself with Alfa Bank will cost 0.2% of the total loan amount.
  • The cheapest was Raiffeisenbank - 0.19%.

Attention! The percentage is set not by the bank, but by an insurance company cooperating with the banking organization.

It turns out the following. Taking out a loan of 200,000 from Sberbank with an insurance interest rate of 3%, then insurance payment on your part you will pay 6000.

Let's note an important thing. On average, the tariff for all banks is close to the same, amounting to 2.99%.

The situation with calculations is somewhat different if the client has chosen only one type of insurance:

  • The borrower only worries about his life - the interest rate on the insurance policy is reduced to 1.99%. Let's do the math. From a loan of 200,000 rubles, your insurance will be 3,980 rubles.
  • The client wants to insure life, health and the event of dismissal, but with the addition of his own conditions - the policy will cost 2.5% or more of the total loan amount.

Important! Consumer credit insurance is not a separate payment. It is included in your monthly loan payment. The exception is mortgages.

You may be asked to make a payment immediately if you are taking out an insurance policy for a credit card.

The following formula for calculating the loan is obtained:

insurance = amount of the requested amount * single insurance rate (2.99% in case of choosing a full insurance package)

The insurance policy is renewed every year. The client must be informed in advance about the increase in tariffs.

Benefits of insurance liability

Insurance has a whole range of advantages:

  1. By drawing up an insurance agreement, you can rest assured for your relatives - they definitely won’t have to bear the burden of paying for your debts if something happens to you.
  2. In case of insured event insurers will assume all obligations to repay the debt.
  3. A bankrupt but insured client will not owe anything to the creditor.

The advantages of voluntary consumer lending are obvious. There is one significant disadvantage - unscrupulous insurers, credit organizations, which unreasonably inflate insurance rates. In little-known organizations, insurance can reach up to 20% of the total loan amount.

Is it possible to refuse insurance?

You must notify the bank employee in advance that you are not going to overpay for the policy. When writing an application for a loan, immediately specify a waiver of voluntary insurance payment.

Attention! They impose a service on you, threaten you with refusal to issue funds, refuse to accept your application - contact the head of the bank. The actions of his employee are illegal!

Insurance is an additional service. If you couldn’t resolve the issue on the spot, call the bank’s hotline.


There are cases when a person seems to have voluntarily taken out insurance at first, but then changes his mind. In this case, you must submit an application for termination insurance contract to the bank or directly to insurance company.

You must indicate a request to return the money previously paid.

Important! Such a statement will be valid if another 3 years have not passed since the conclusion of the contract, otherwise the court will refuse to consider the case due to the expiration of the statute of limitations.

To avoid misunderstandings with the insurer regarding the return of money, when applying for an insurance policy, carefully read the contract. If there is a clause about the impossibility of recalculation or refund of funds, you are unlikely to be able to return your finances.

If you couldn't get your money back, don't despair. You can try to file a claim for a partial refund of the paid policy.

You can use a legal trick. If the contract states that you can refuse to pay the insurance a month before the end of the loan, then you can stop paying the premium and pay only on the last payment due on the loan.

When drawing up an insurance contract, be extremely careful. Don't be fooled!

Loans help fix temporary difficulties financial position. Arriving at the bank, it turns out that everything is not so simple. Almost all financial institutions offer credit insurance. The practice is relevant not only for Russia, but also for other countries.

What is credit insurance?

This is one of the ways to protect against credit risks. That is, the bank will receive its funds back, as well as interest on them, even if the borrower refuses to do so. In such a situation, all obligations are transferred to the insurance company. Such an event is beneficial not only to the bank, but also to the person who decided to get a loan. The fact is that this method allows you to protect the property of the policyholder, which can be used to compensate the insurance company for damages.

Credit is not valid in all cases, but they are specified in the agreement. It is usually relevant when:

  • loss of health,
  • risk of life,
  • loss of property rights,
  • dismissal,
  • fires, floods and other disasters.

The services of insurance companies are not provided free of charge. Consumer credit insurance is necessarily prescribed for the entire period until the money is paid. Wherein full cost can be covered immediately or as the loan is paid off. On the one hand, this is convenient because it does not require additional large investments from the borrower. On the other hand, it requires calculation own funds and consideration of additional financial burden.

Today, insurance is divided into compulsory or voluntary. The latter may be recommended, but if refused, the decision cannot be changed. In reality, it turns out that refusal voluntary insurance results in a negative decision when determining whether money can be paid to a person.

Some financial institutions do not even ask a person if they want to insure their loan. If you read the contract carefully, you may have noticed that this clause is already included in it. in fact, insurance clauses are required only if property is provided as collateral. In all other cases, loan insurance is not mandatory.

According to Article 935 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this type of service is a voluntary event. It cannot be forced. If, when financing, the bank imposes Additional services, you can refuse them without fear of losing anything.

  • The subtleties of credit insurance are as follows:
  • The amount of insurance significantly increases the money paid.
  • Even the monthly amount paid includes the insurance premium.
  • Under some conditions, such an agreement will have to be renewed every year.

The last point sometimes causes a lot of controversy, because if the borrower decides not to renew the insurance in subsequent years, the bank begins to demand its money back.

Waiver of credit insurance

We realized that refusal to insure a loan can lead to a negative situation on the part of financial institution. However, from June 1, 2016, the decision became relevant Central Bank, allowing you to refuse any imposed insurance. Such an agreement can be canceled within five days. In this case, the insurer is forced to return the money within 10 days after receiving a written application from the client. If the contract came into force, but you managed to write an application within 5 working days, then the insurance company may keep a certain amount of money.

Reimbursement of insurance for credit insurance can occur in two situations:

  • when a person fulfills his obligations to the bank ahead of schedule,
  • upon termination of the insurance contract.

You will return the full insurance only if the loan is repaid within the first month of the period specified in the official papers.

All that is required to get your money back is to write a statement. If no response is received within five working days, you have the right to complain to Central bank. There are situations when insurance cannot be returned:

  • with pension insurance,
  • if you take out insurance when traveling abroad,
  • the agreement concerns farming,
  • a contract is needed to obtain permission to engage in professional activities.
In conclusion, we note that sometimes communication with the bank occurs through the court. Then you will need to provide a package of documents, including a claim. Today, it rarely comes to court, since in most cases the situation turns out to be advantageous for the client, and not for the financial institution. Therefore, you have every chance to solve the problem peacefully.

When applying for a loan from a bank, people often come across such a service as insurance for the loan. Let's figure out what types of credit insurance exist and what credit insurance is.

What is credit insurance?

Loan insurance is protection of the financial institution issuing the loan from non-return of funds to the bank.

If an insured event occurs, the insurer compensates cash financial institution and client. The insurance begins to operate after signing the insurance policy and is valid during the validity period loan agreement or according to the terms specified in the insurance policy.

Types of insurance when applying for a loan

When applying for a loan, you must pay attention to the issue of protecting your responsibilities from various risks. There are several types of credit insurance.

Life and health insurance with a loan

The registration of a life and health insurance policy is done by the client of his own free will. Clients' financial institutions issue insurance. But most often it happens that if a policy is not issued, the bank limits the terms of the loan issued.

For example, if life is insured under a mortgage agreement, the loan rate will be several points lower (on average from 1 to 5).

It is also worth noting that insurance provides an opportunity to resolve issues related to loan repayment in the event of an insured event. If the policyholder loses his ability to work, the insurer itself fulfills the obligations under the loan taken by the policyholder.

Loan insurance against job loss

The essence of this type of insurance is that the insurance company pays the loan for the borrower, who is involuntarily deprived of work, for a certain number of months (most often from 3), in the amount of the payment under the loan agreement. This program not designed for long terms, but the time specified in the contract is usually enough to find new job or earnings.

It should be noted that if a client leaves due to at will, or he is fired for non-compliance with working conditions, by agreement of the parties, insurance will not be paid.

There are basic insurance cases, in which the insurer is obliged to pay insurance. These include:

  • job reduction;
  • cancellation of the contract upon liquidation or change of owner of the organization;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • reduction in a “maternity” position;
  • call for military service and etc.

You can insure yourself under this program for any type of loan - car loan, mortgage, consumer loan or credit card.

Most often, insurance is issued on the day the loan is issued. But also, if desired, you can do it yourself. To do this, the client must contact the lending branch.

Job loss insurance is very useful and has many benefits:

  • the loan is paid on time by the insurance company;
  • credit history does not deteriorate;
  • there is time to look for a new income or job;
  • responsibility for execution financial obligations loan repayment does not fall on relatives or guarantors;
  • obtaining insurance does not take much time and money (from 0.4% to 2% of the amount of the loan provided).

Loan default risk insurance

This type of loan insurance appeared to reduce various risks in the relationship between the lender and the loan recipient. The lending organization is not sure of the absolute repayment of the loan, just like the client receiving the loan. Therefore, for the bank this is the only guarantor of the return of money, even in the event of financial difficulties with the policyholder.

For the client taking out a loan, this type also has a number of advantages: the loan is taken without collateral or guarantee and is insured against non-payment.

It should be noted that part of the security will still need to be provided (applies to the amount).

You can get this insurance either from a bank or from an insurer. Typically, the bank itself insures the risks of non-repayment of the loan and explains to the client all the pros and cons of this type of insurance.

But the client can also insure himself. To do this, he first needs to find out the insurance conditions of the company, and if they suit him, provide a complete package of documents necessary to issue an insurance policy. Often it will coincide with what is submitted when applying for a loan, but the insurance company has the right to require the provision of any documents specified in the list of the insurer itself.

Strictly speaking, payment for loan insurance lies with the borrower, despite the fact that the organization that issued the loan is the insured. All fees are also paid by the bank client, for whom a loan taken under such conditions will obviously be more expensive. The insurance premium typically ranges from 1 to 10 percent.

Based on the loan size. The lower the deductible specified in the policy, the greater the insurance amount. The franchise is the part of the loan against which the client provides collateral.

The rate under the insurance contract will be lower under certain conditions:

  • the client has no other financial obligations;
  • availability of other insurances;
  • the period of existence of the legal entity.

Options for insured loans

There are several types of credit insurance. Let's take a closer look at them.

Consumer credit insurance

One of the main goals of consumer credit insurance is to reduce the risk of non-payment of a loan by a client for the financial institution that issued the loan.

More often insurance policies are issued by the bank itself upon receipt of a loan. And the insurer is an intermediary - a subsidiary or dependent institution of this financial organization.

There are several types of insurance when obtaining a consumer loan.

Life insurance

It includes disability of the first and second groups and the death of the borrower. In the event of death, group 1 or 2 disability due to an accident, in most cases the loan will be closed to the bank. And in case of disability of the 2nd disease group - by 50%, or the client will be provided with special conditions for payment.

Financial insurance

Works in case of involuntary loss of work (if an insured event is established, payments are credited to the client’s account).

Client's disability

If the client has a long sick leave (more than 15 days), the insurance company begins to pay for it from the 16th day. In most cases - up to 75 days. Typically, payment amounts range from 0.5% to 1.5% per day of the amount outstanding on the loan. This type of insurance is the most useful. After all, situations related to involuntary loss of ability to work occur quite often, and payments for sick leave are not always high. For example, a client broke his leg and therefore cannot go to work, but no one canceled the loan obligations. In this case, this type of insurance will greatly help him out.


The client has the right to use the services of doctors via the Internet.

Car loan insurance

One of the main types of insurance when applying for a car loan is. Most often, while the loan agreement is valid, the car is pledged to the financial institution that has entered into a loan agreement with the car owners. Accordingly, CASCO insurance is provided if it is specified in the contract.

It is also possible to get a car loan without CASCO, but the loan rate will increase by 1-5%. The policy itself is paid either out of the car owner’s pocket or included in the loan amount.

It is important to stipulate in advance and stipulate in the contract the possibility of including a franchise, a list of insurance risks, as well as possible exceptions. Previously, banks were reluctant to accept policies with a franchise, but now, due to the increase in CASCO prices, financial institutions are increasingly accepting such policies.

There is an opinion that it is cheaper to arrange CASCO insurance yourself from an insurance company, but today the entire range of services can be obtained at a car dealership, and often with large discounts and special offers.

Before applying for CASCO insurance, it is better to monitor this service market to find the most advantageous offer. Most often, this type of insurance is issued with a further extension for the duration of the loan agreement.

It is worth noting that the MTPL agreement, which is mandatory for execution, is best concluded in the same company where the CASCO agreement is signed. The insurer usually provides an additional discount on life insurance services.

Trade credit insurance

The purpose of trade credit insurance is to reduce credit risks between the policyholder and the financial institution. The goal is to provide banks with a repayment guarantor credit debt within the terms specified by the insurance, if the debtor is insolvent or does not pay the loan for any other reason.

There are several types of financial protection for trade loans. They are classified:

By insurance objects:

  1. bank loans;
  2. trade credits (from supplier to buyer).

By the nature of insurance risks:

  1. political risks (when carrying out foreign economic transactions);
  2. trading risks (refusal of payment, ruin, etc.).

The second option is carried out both to protect foreign economic activity and when drawing up agreements within the state.

Divided into insurance:

  1. risks of non-payment for products and services received;
  2. fabrication risks.

In most cases, insurance against economic risks is issued by a small number of commercial insurance firms, and in the case of political risks, by firms with government support.

Export credit insurance

The purpose of insurance is to guarantee timely payment for exported goods from a foreign party. The object of insurance is commercial loans or advance payments of the importer.

There are 2 types of financial protection:

  • bankruptcy of the exporter;
  • the risk of non-payment of the next installment before actual insolvency is established.

Due to the fact that the world market is saturated with different products, foreign companies use various methods to stimulate competitiveness. For example, the import of goods at commercial loan. These transactions most often involve the risk of not receiving payment for the goods. Increased reliability in such transactions is achieved through export credit insurance.

When issuing a loan, banks offer to take out insurance. Despite the fact that, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such a procedure is not mandatory (with the exception of loans secured in the form of real estate collateral), many financial organizations abuse this proposal and impose insurance. The client may refuse to formalize, citing Civil Code or defend your rights in court. If the policy has been issued, it is possible to return the premium. To do this, it is important to know how to return loan insurance.

Insurance when applying for a loan

Issuing a loan is accompanied by certain risks. The borrower may lose his job, become disabled, become ill, or die. In this case, there is a possibility that the money will not be returned. To exclude this, banks offer to take out insurance:

  • life;
  • loss of ability to work;
  • job loss;
  • property insurance.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, such insurance is not mandatory, with the exception of property insurance for collateral lending.

Taking out a policy is beneficial for banks, since the risks are insured at the expense of the borrower. They impose this program, even threatening to refuse the loan, or convincing borrowers that it is beneficial for them. Is this so?

Credit insurance pros and cons

An insured loan is beneficial for the bank because if an insured event occurs (loss of job, disability, death of the borrower), the insurance company compensates for the losses. Considering that clients pay for the policy, financial institution benefits without additional costs. Although there are programs that involve reducing interest rate by 1–2% for voluntary insurance.

The insurance company receives new clients and additional profits. Many of them are partners with banks or belong to the same owner as financial institutions. In such cases, insurance is a double benefit: risk reduction and the opportunity to earn money from the client.

For the borrower himself there are positive and negative sides. First of all, these are additional expenses that are not necessary and, in most cases, unjustified. But taking out insurance sometimes allows you to reduce the loan rate; in this case, there may be no additional costs or they will be minimal. In addition, the borrower’s risks are also insured during registration. If you lose your ability to work or lose your source of income, it becomes difficult to repay the loan, delays arise, fines and penalties are assessed, litigation and loss of property are possible. Insurance allows you to avoid this, although in practice this rarely happens.

There is one more positive point- if you repay the loan early, you can return part of the payments.

What to do if insurance is imposed

If insurance is imposed when applying for a loan, the borrower must find out whether the procedure is a mandatory condition of the contract. To do this, you need to contact your manager. structural unit or to the bank's hotline.

Most likely, this is not true, because Russian legislation prohibits this. Probably, this will resolve the problem and the loan will be issued without imposing an additional service. If not, you can file a complaint with the Central Bank and Rospotrebnadzor.

In such a situation, if there is a categorical refusal to issue a policy, the financial institution may not approve the loan. Whether to enter into litigation and prove one’s case, including in court, is everyone’s business.

Is it possible to get money back for insurance?

According to current legislation, an insurance contract can be terminated if there is no longer a need for the services that are the object of insurance. In such cases, the insurance company receives a portion of the funds, depending on the duration of the insurance. And for a period equal to the difference between the date early repayment and the expiration date of the insurance contract, the money can be returned to the client.

The legislation of the Russian Federation has introduced the so-called “cooling period”, which is equal to 5 working days. During this period, the borrower has the right to refuse the services of insurers and receive a refund of the premium.

How to return insurance

Is it possible to return loan insurance? Refund of insurance payments has a lot of nuances. You can get your money back for existing loans in some cases:

  • if the refusal was issued during the cooling-off period provided for by law;
  • if insurance was excluded from the package of services provided by the financial institution;
  • if so early dissolution insurance contract.

In case of early repayment, the client can demand the return of money for the period starting after the date of early repayment. The bank is considering the client's request. In case of refusal, you can try to resolve the issue in court.

To receive a refund, you must submit an application requesting the return of the insurance premium in connection with the full repayment of the loan. It must indicate all the details, refer to certain clauses of the contract or legislative acts RF.

If the case goes to court, the borrower can operate on the connection between the loan agreement and the insurance agreement (if any). After all, when full repayment debt insurance risks disappear. You can try to prove that the bank forced the borrower to take out insurance. But in practice this is difficult to do, because the client signs the terms of the contract, thereby agreeing with them.

Despite the fact that insurance companies tenaciously hold on to clients and are in no hurry to part with money, situations when borrowers return the premium are common. This depends on the policy of the bank and the insurance company as its partner. In some cases, the client is refused in a firm manner, with the expectation that he will not file a complaint or enter into litigation. Despite the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation in such situations clearly regulates the need for a refund, banks and insurance companies often win disputes.

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When issuing a loan, the bank seeks to minimize risks in the event that the financial condition the borrower does not allow him to fulfill his obligations to the bank. Insurance partially solves this issue.

What is loan insurance?

Insurance allows the bank to shift some of the risks to the borrower and the insurance company. The borrower is invited to enter into an insurance contract. The most commonly used types of insurance are:

  1. Life and health insurance. This can be one contract or several; life and ability to work are insured separately. In the event of the borrower's death, disability, illness, which leads to temporary loss of ability to work until the debt to the bank is repaid, the insurance company will repay the debt to the bank.
  2. Job loss insurance. In this case, the insurance company protects against cases when the borrower loses his job due to the fault of the employer (downsizing, liquidation of the company). The insurance does not apply to cases of voluntary dismissal.

As a rule, the bank offers to obtain insurance for loans issued according to a simplified scheme, without collecting and analyzing documents. Types of loans for which the borrower may be offered to enter into an insurance contract:

  • cash loan
  • loan issued using a passport without providing other documents
  • express loans
  • loans without collateral, guarantors, down payment

On the one hand, insurance protects not only the bank, but also the borrower. The problem is that you have to pay for everything. Insurance premiums may increase the cost of the loan by 1-10%. Considering that people are applying for a loan not because they have a good life, I would like to understand in what cases getting insurance required condition, and in which cases you can refuse the service.

Is it possible to take out a loan without insurance?

According to the Mortgage Law, the mortgagor is obliged to insure the property in full against the risks of damage and loss. The bank may also oblige the car loan borrower to purchase a CASCO policy. Thus, compulsory insurance Only loans for large amounts, for which the acquired property is the bank’s collateral for a loan:

  • mortgage
  • car insurance

The bank must be confident that the loan will be repaid on time and on time. Cancel insurance upon closing mortgage agreement impossible. But the borrower can voluntarily choose an insurance company. In practice, it is not uncommon for insurance companies with which the bank cooperates to offer not the most favorable conditions.

All other types of insurance, namely:

  • health insurance against temporary disability
  • life insurance
  • title insurance against repossession
  • loss of job (layoff due to employer's fault)

are concluded on a voluntary basis.

Algorithm of actions

If you do not want to buy insurance when concluding a consumer lending agreement, adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Notify about the refusal of insurance before drawing up the loan agreement.
  2. If the bank manager continues to insist on purchasing a policy, contact the head of the bank department.
  3. If the manager is absent, call hotline jar.

Forcing additional services on clients is contrary to the law on consumer lending. Nobody needs problems with the law, so the borrower should agree to a meeting.

How to cancel insurance?

You can also refuse insurance after concluding a loan agreement and purchasing a policy. To do this, you need to contact the bank and insurance company with an application, explain the reasons for the refusal with references to the relevant clauses of the law. If you receive a negative answer, you can continue to consider this issue in court.

If the answer is positive, the bank must provide a new repayment schedule excluding insurance payments.

Which bank can I get a loan from without insurance?

Many banks offer clients to take out insurance. If you are not ready to prove your rights, look for a bank that initially offers to take out a loan without insurance. For example, there are such programs in a bank Tinkoff Bank, Raiffeisenbank, VTB Bank of Moscow, Alfa-Bank, SKB Bank and other Russian banks.

Information about lending conditions is presented on the official websites of banks. Before you go for a loan, find out:

  • loan interest rate
  • Possibility of obtaining a loan without insurance
  • additional conditions for refusing to purchase a policy

The nuances of lending without insurance

The bank has no right to force the borrower to purchase additional services. If you refuse insurance, you are required to issue a loan. However, in this case the bank may reconsider the terms of the loan. Refusal of insurance may entail:

  • reduction of loan term
  • reduction in loan amount
  • interest rate increase
  • review of other terms of the loan agreement