Grain cleaning and drying complexes. Grain cleaning and drying complexes Why does a farm need a grain cleaning complex


Post-harvest processing allows you to get high-quality grain that meets the requirements of the market and, under certain conditions, can be stored for a long time. This is achieved on a set of machines, which has a common name - a grain cleaning and drying complex (GLC).

How Grain Cleaning and Drying Complexes (GLC) work

Grain cleaning and drying complexes can be used at various facilities. They may differ in power and functionality.

KZS cleans and dries various types of grain (seed, fodder, food).

Immediately after the harvest, all agricultural crops are promptly sent to special lines for post-harvest processing of elevators and granaries. In the KZS, the grain is cleaned from impurities and the grain is dried to storage standards. Modern equipment can perform both complex and individual operations.


Our company builds various facilities for agricultural enterprises engaged in the processing of cereals.

Today we offer the construction of a turnkey complex with a capacity of 50, 100 and 200 tons / hour and guarantee the quality, reliability and durability of the facilities built by our specialists and the installed equipment.

We fully take into account the needs and financial capabilities of customers in the design and preparation of technical specifications for the construction of facilities. Our company builds high-tech GLCs based on equipment for drying and cleaning grain from leading European manufacturers.


A typical complex consists of the following elements:

  • Truck unloader, dump pit with a scraper conveyor, which are located under a canopy and covered with a grate;
  • Norias installed on supporting structures;
  • The machine for pre-cleaning and primary cleaning is placed on supporting structures with built-in bins for collecting waste of various categories;
  • Grain dryer of direct heating or with a heat generator, working on gaseous or liquid fuel;
  • Hoppers for wet and dry grain;
  • Several silos for storage of grain crops (complete according to the customer's request);
  • Mechanical and gravity transport, automated computer system for control, visualization and control of all the above elements.


  • Acceptance of contaminated and wet grain crops for pre-cleaning, drying and loading onto road transport or their storage;
  • Reception of cleaned and wet grain crops for drying, storage and loading onto road transport;
  • Acceptance of contaminated and dry grain crops for cleaning, storage and loading onto road transport.


  • Grain is unloaded from the machine installed on the unloader into the pit;
  • the elevator feeds the grain to the pre-cleaning machine, where coarse, strawy impurities are separated from the grain mass;
  • The cleaned mass, if necessary, enters the grain dryer, and the rest of the grain goes to the active ventilation silos for storage;
  • Cereals that have reached standard humidity in the grain dryer are subjected to cleaning from impurities in the primary cleaning machine;
  • Net grain mass and waste by gravity flow into the silos or loaded into vehicles;

Seed crops, if additional processing is required, are cleaned and sorted by secondary cleaning machines.

Construction of the GLC

GRAIN TECHNOPARK VMS carries out the whole range of works on the turnkey construction of complexes for cleaning and drying grain. Complexes of 50 and 100 t/h are being built on the basis of ZAV-50 and ZAV-100 with the installation of a mine grain dryer with a capacity of 50 or 80 tons per hour. Complexes 200 t/h - on an individual project.

Complexes 50 and 100 t/h have all the advantages inherent in ZAV-50 and ZAV-100, but at the same time they are additionally equipped with modern grain drying equipment. This makes it possible to use these complexes for the complete preparation of grain mass for storage and further processing.

Key indicators for complexes Complex-50 Complex-100

Productivity (cleaning of food and fodder grain mass), in tons per hour

Single drying of the grain mass with a decrease in moisture content by 5%, productivity in tons per hour

Modern business and farm managers are interested in making good profits. After all, the harvested crop must be cleaned, processed and preserved with high quality. To achieve this goal, entrepreneurs must have high-quality modern equipment capable of cleaning heavily contaminated wet or dry grain of cultivated crops.

The profitability and reputation of the agricultural producer depends on how well the grain is processed. As a result, cost-effective management Agriculture implies the mandatory presence of a grain cleaning complex in the farm.

Why does a farm need a grain cleaning complex?

The grain cleaning complex allows the agricultural enterprise to be competitive in the market. The main purpose of the grain complex is grain cleaning, which determines its quality.

Various types of agricultural crops for food and fodder purposes, such as cereals, legumes, cereals and other crops, are cleaned of impurities that differ from grain in their size and aerodynamic properties. Grain cleaning is carried out with the help of special machines.

Impurities are of several types:

  • Grain impurities - contain immature, damaged and sprouted grains, as well as grains spoiled by pests.
  • Weed impurities - contain earth, stems and leaves, sand, pests.
  • Harmful impurities - contain hazardous substances that are harmful to humans and animals. These include poisonous plants and other impurities.

Grain cleaning increases its shelf life, reduces moisture content and the number of microorganisms in it, and improves grain quality.

Grain cleaning machines included in any grain complex allow the grain to go through several stages of cleaning:

  • Preliminary;
  • Primary;
  • Secondary.

Preliminary stage of grain cleaning is an auxiliary operation. Pre-treatment cleans the grain from large impurities, due to which its flowability increases and the movement of grain in the grain dryer becomes easier. Machines for pre-cleaning of grain are called vorokhoochistki.

Pre-cleaning is carried out immediately after harvesting. This operation must not be delayed, because self-heating of the grain may occur, which increases its moisture content and reduces quality.

The primary stage of grain cleaning is to separate from the main grain the maximum amount of impurities, both large and small. Here, the grain is separated in air screen machines according to its aerodynamic properties, width and thickness. Grain sorting by length is carried out using trieres. Primary processing of grain is carried out at its maximum moisture content (18%).

Secondary stage of grain cleaning carried out by complex air-sieve machines. These machines process seed material. Cleaning of seeds after such treatment should correspond to the purity of the 1st and 2nd class.

Secondary cleaning machines distribute the grain mass into four fractions:

  • Grain of the 1st grade;
  • Grain 2nd grade;
  • Large impurities;
  • small impurities.

For secondary cleaning, the machines operate in three tiers, as a result, small impurities are separated almost completely, and the grain at the outlet is of very good quality.

However, there are some types of impurities (sprouted or underdeveloped seeds, seeds of some types of weeds, smut grains) that are not removed by air screen machines. These hard-to-separate impurities are similar to valuable grain both in terms of aerodynamic properties and size.

To separate such impurities, special purification methods are used. As a rule, grain finishing, or sizing, is done by separators.

Grain cleaning complexes ZAV

The ZAV complex is used for processing the harvested grain crops, cereals, oilseeds. This complex includes a whole set of machines and equipment, which are connected in one technological line, which consists of two departments.

First branch It is intended for preliminary cleaning of the grain mass from impurities, both large and small. Here the grain is temporarily stored in ventilated bunkers. This section contains a truck unloader, a pit, an intermediate conveyor, two bucket elevators, and a section for storing grain mass. This also includes a pre-cleaner.

Second branch is intended for final cleaning of grain, distribution of fractions to different bunkers, as well as for their further unloading into vehicles. This section includes a windscreen cleaning machine, screening blocks, grain pipelines and an aspiration system.

The principle of operation of the grain cleaning complex ZAV

The grain mass first falls into the pit. From there, she moves to the conveyor, which redirects her to the elevator. Then the grain is pre-cleaned in the machine.

At the next stage, the grain enters the mesh conveyor. Here, large impurities, such as straw, spikelets and other debris, are separated from the main grain mass.

Further, the grain is subjected to air-wind cleaning, where it is cleared of light impurities. Impurities are brought outside, where they are moved to the waste bin. The main grain mass is poured along the bucket elevator into the department for temporary storage.

From the temporary storage department, the grain is moved to the grain cleaning machine along the conveyor and bucket elevator for its final cleaning. With the help of air flow and sieves, the grain is divided into three fractions: refined grain, intermediate fraction and waste. The intermediate fraction is sent for trimming. If the grain mass is slightly clogged, then it is divided into clean grain and feed waste. If the seed material is processed, then the entire grain mass is supplied for triering.

Before you start working on the ZAV grain cleaning complex, you need to draw up a diagram of the unit. This is done so that a whole set of machines and equipment included in this complex can work autonomously. When drawing up a scheme, it is necessary to take into account not only the type of cultivated crop, but also its moisture content, weediness, as well as the ultimate goal of processing.

Grain cleaning complexes KZS

Grain cleaning complex KZS, as well as ZAV, is a set of machines and equipment, balanced in terms of performance.

The use of the grain drying complex KZS allows you to get a quality product that is stored for quite a long time. The harvest taken away from the fields undergoes preliminary cleaning and drying of the grain and is transported for further processing or storage.

Grain complexes KZS consist of a receiving department, which is a blockage pit with a conveyor and bucket elevators. The complexes also have a grain cleaning department, which includes pre- and primary cleaning machines, trier blocks and conveying devices, a drying department, conveyors, grain pipelines, aerated temporary storage bins, a computer control system and a control system for all equipment.

How the grain drying complex KZS works

The grain mass, after harvesting, falls into the pit, from where it is fed into the machine for preliminary cleaning by a noria, where large impurities, straw and other residues of plant stems are separated.

Next, the wet grain enters the grain dryer, and the dry part of the grain is stored in special compartments of aerated bunkers. From the grain dryer, the bulk of the grain, which has conditioned moisture, is sent to the machine for primary cleaning, then to the trier block.

The next stage is the bunker compartment, from where already clean grain is loaded into vehicles.

Seed grains undergo another additional processing, including cleaning and sorting on secondary cleaning machines.

Grain drying complexes KZS provide an opportunity to carry out complete preparation of grain for subsequent processing and storage.

The modern equipment of the KZS grain cleaning complex is designed to perform both complex and individual operations. Cereals are dried on the KZS only when the grain does not need to be cleaned.

Grain is loaded into the GLC that already has the moisture level necessary for storage, but needs to be thoroughly cleaned from impurities.

The grain loaded into the GLC is dried with hot air flows supplied by fans. Further, the already finished grain is sent for storage or production, where flour is ground from it or compound feed is prepared for livestock.

Features of ZAV and KZS complexes

Grain cleaning complex ZAV is a closed production line, where preliminary, primary and secondary cleaning of both grains and legumes and oilseeds takes place.

Grain cleaning complex KZS is a combination of a grain cleaning complex with a productive drying unit. This combination makes it possible to process crops in a full cycle until they are ready for wholesale sales.

The ZAV grain cleaning complex is designed to perform both preliminary and primary cleaning of grain after harvesting from large and small impurities in grain cleaning and grain drying lines, trieres, and other equipment.

These complexes are completed with vibrocentrifugal and flat screen separators, conveyors.

The KZS grain cleaning-drying complex is designed to perform the following modes:

  • Cleaning without drying;
  • Drying without cleaning;
  • Drying after cleaning;
  • Cleaning after drying;
  • Cleaning before and after drying.

This complex has two sections: cleansing and drying.

The cleaning department is a typical 3-bunker plant, and the drying department has grain dryers and additional equipment for communication with the cleaning department: bucket elevators, conveyors.


Grain cleaning complexes are designed for post-harvest processing, preliminary cleaning and drying of grain, as well as for its preparation for further storage. Grain complexes transport grain both inside and outside, moving it to production or storage tanks.

Such complexes are good because they are used both in small farms and in large agro-industrial complexes.

Depending on the moisture content of the grain and its purpose, complexes for cleaning and drying grain are equipped with additional equipment. The choice of equipment is determined by two main criteria: the scale of the enterprise and its objectives.

Thus, any farm can use any ZAV or KZS grain cleaning complex, at its own discretion and purpose, and choose the best equipment for itself.

Grain processing is a multi-stage business and consists of the following stages: preliminary cleaning, temporary grain storage, drying, secondary cleaning, sorting. With poor-quality grain cleaning, you can lose up to 20% of the harvest. To avoid losses, you need a high-quality ZAV grain cleaning complex, which contains a set of equipment and machines installed and connected in a common technological line, consisting of two departments.

  1. The grain mass enters the first compartment, where it is cleaned from large and small impurities, as well as temporary storage in ventilated bunkers.
  2. In the second section, the grain mass undergoes final cleaning and the grain fractions are distributed to bunkers with further unloading of grain into vehicles.

From the dam pit, the grain enters the conveyor, which directs the grain mass to the elevator. Next, the pre-cleaner is connected. After that, the grain mass enters the mesh conveyor, where the process of separating the remains of spikelets and straw from the grain takes place. After that, the grain undergoes air-wind cleaning. As a result, light impurities enter the waste bin. And the grain enters the temporary storage chamber along the bucket elevator.

Because the standard project ZAV was originally designed according to the principle of modules, then there are several options for the execution of ZAVs. Veles LLC offers you the manufacture of three types of modules: ZAV-10 (consists of two bunkers), ZAV-20 (includes three bunkers), ZAV-40 (of four bunkers) and ZAV-100 (includes six bunkers).

ZAV grain cleaning complex is designed for primary processing of grain crops. A whole chain of equipment is installed in the ZAV complex, combined into one technological line. The ZAV complex carries out three stages of grain cleaning: preliminary, primary and secondary.

KZS is intended for receiving grain with their subsequent cleaning and drying. GLC consists of two parts: a grain cleaning complex (ZAV) and a dryer. The main unit of the KZS is a dryer, where grain enters after primary processing. Depending on the technology, the KZS provides for several variations of grain processing: parallel, sequential, re-drying. The construction of the KZS is carried out in the shortest possible time - the design is an assembly of metal parts with installed drying equipment.

Our company offers turnkey production of ZAV/KZS complexes in any region of Russia. The most common options in Russia are the ZAV-10 complex with two bunkers and ZAV-20, which includes 3 bunkers.


The ZAV-10 grain cleaning complex consists of 6 columns and two bunkers, each of which can hold 20 tons. One of the bunkers is divided into two parts. One of the bunkers is divided equally into two parts. One part is intended for dust and large waste, and the second is for fodder. Cleaned grain is stored in the second bunker.

Above the bunkers installed milking size 10x6 square meters. The structure of the grain cleaning complex ZAV-10 includes a pit. To protect against precipitation, the pit is covered with a roof.

The ZAV-10 complex is suitable for small farms with up to 3 tons of grain per season.


The ZAV-20 grain cleaning complex consists of three bunkers with a capacity of 20 tons each. One part is intended for dust and large waste, and the second is for fodder. Cleaned grain is stored in the second and third bunkers. The height of the passage under the bunker is 3.6 meters, which will be sufficient for almost all existing grain carriers.

The grain cleaning complex also includes a pit covered with a lid, which is designed to protect against precipitation.

The ZAV-20 complex is suitable for small farms with up to 5-6 tons of grain per season.

Advantages of ZAV-20 over ZAV-10

  • ZAV-20 holds 40 tons of grain at the same time, which is twice the capacity of the ZAV-10 grain cleaning complex;
  • simultaneous loading of grain into the car and into the trailer;
  • ZAV-20 has a more rigid and therefore reliable design;
  • it is possible to install additional equipment, for example, for seed preparation.

We work WITHOUT ADVANCE! FACT PAYMENT! SRO permit! We build in 30 days or installation is free!

Specialists of the company "AgroEngineering" professionally and on time will carry out the construction of grain cleaning complexes ZAV with a capacity of 25 to 100 tons.

COMPLEX ZAV is designed for complex cleaning of grain crops with mechanization of loading and unloading operations. One-time processing of grain in the ZAV complexes allows cleaning it to a high quality. ZAV complexes are mechanized and equipped with a grain transport system.

The construction of new ZAV complexes includes:

-Construction of the ZAV building with a span height of up to 3.8 m under the bunkers, which makes it possible to load vehicles with high sides such as KrAZ, KamAZ, MAZ.

Installation of a closed dump pit with a volume of 10 to 45 cubic meters for frontal and side unloading of any dump trucks. *Installation of grain cleaning equipment for all stages of cleaning (preliminary, primary, secondary, final calibration) with a capacity of 25 to 100 t/h.

Installation of a grain transport system with a capacity of up to 100 t/h.

Installation of the aspiration system.

Electrical wiring and installation of control cabinets.

Adjustment of the complex operation in all modes and its launch. Depending on your wishes and specifications ZAV are equipped with bucket elevators, screw and scraper conveyors. On all delivered equipment the guarantee is given.

In our work, we use only Russian-made metal according to GOST!

Reconstruction ZAV

Depending on the state of your grain complex, the specialists of AgroEngineering will offer ways to improve their productivity and reliability, optimize the operation of grain cleaning equipment, and also carry out professional tuning and adjustment of grain cleaning equipment.

Reconstruction and modernization of ZAV includes:

Lifting of the supporting building;

Increasing the height of the spans under the unloading hoppers for loading KamAZ, MAZ and KrAZ vehicles without dismantling the installed equipment;

Dismantling of worn-out equipment of the grain complex;

Repair of machinery and equipment with wear not exceeding 50% and dismantling of worn-out equipment;

Replacement of the electrical network, grain pipelines, valves, sectors, seals;

Restoration of dump and grain receiving pits, ventilation systems of bunkers, power supply systems, aspiration systems;

LLC "RZS" supplies and installs the following equipment manufactured in Russia:

1. Metal silos with a flat bottom and a conical funnel;

2. Transport equipment (bucket elevators, belt and scraper conveyors) of any capacity;

3. Car unloaders hydraulic and mechanical, single-track and platform, side and front;

4. Gravity-flowing equipment (grain pipelines, changeover valves, rack and pinion manual and electric gate valves);

5. Aspiration systems (battery installations of cyclones BBTs, UTs, TsOL, air ducts);

6. Sluice gates SHU-6, SHU-15, SHU-30

7. Samplers.

8. Grain cleaning equipment.

Our company also carries out the following types of work:

1. Reconstruction of grain dryers DSP-32, DSP-50, SP-30, SP-50, SP-75;

2. Construction and reconstruction of feed mills;

100,000 - 10,000,000 rubles / set

AgroPostavka LLC is an expert in the field of acceptance, cleaning and drying of grain.

We specialize in the construction, reconstruction and re-equipment of grain cleaning complexes (ZAV, KZS).

Works performed by us:

Construction and equipping of turnkey grain cleaning complexes;

We carry out the installation of modern grain cleaning equipment on the existing ZAV and KZS complexes;

We repair grain cleaning complexes;

We carry out installation of equipment and metal structures for KZS and ZAV;

We build mini-elevators with a storage volume of 100 to 10,000 tons.

Universal grain cleaning complex

It serves as the basis for the creation of a grain sorting and grain drying complex with the necessary parameters for the quality and quantity of the passed material. This complex contains all the necessary elements and is designed for loads to install equipment up to 100 t/h.

Features of the complex:

The foundations for the installation of the complex are simple in terms of design features ...

from 150,000 rubles / service

Construction, installation, reconstruction, automation of ZAV, elevators, grain cleaning complexes, feed mills, agro-industrial complexes for the cleaning, drying and storage of grain crops on a turnkey basis!

Our company LLC "AGROSTROYSERVICE" not only sells agricultural equipment for agro-industrial purposes, but also provides:





Accompanying work!


We are the official representatives of the largest foreign and domestic companies producing grain processing equipment (Petkus, Dehsetiler, Tanis, Melinvest, etc.)


LLC "Agrostroyservis" offers you its services for the sale, installation, automation and repair of the following agricultural equipment:

The company "AGROTEK - SERVICE", which is part of the holding structure "ZAVODA AGROTEK", specializes in providing a full range of services for the design and construction of post-harvest grain processing facilities - grain cleaning complexes ZAV and KZS, including engineering and consulting services of a research, design, calculation and analytical nature , services for the preparation of feasibility studies for projects

from 1,000,000 rubles / piece

Demolition and reconstruction of old buildings;

territory preparation and marking;

development of a project, a layout of a future design;

concreting of the site prepared for work;

manufacturing and installation of metal structures of the cleaning complex;

connection and commissioning of equipment;

diagnostics of the system, checking the coherence of all mechanisms.

Ros-Agro LLC offers you turnkey construction and installation of ZAV, repair, restoration, reconstruction of ZAV-10, ZAV-20, ZAV-40, ZAV-50, ZAV-100, KZS, mini-elevators.

Ros-Agro LLC holds a strong position in Russian market construction and reconstruction of ZAV, KZS and offers modern complex solutions in post-harvest processing of grain.

Thanks to the rich experience and accumulated knowledge, the wide geography of work, our own full-cycle production, the introduction of new trends in the field of agricultural engineering, the customer can always count on us as reliable partners. It is important to know that the client is provided with a full range of services: from production, installation, to the service of the supplied complex.

Constantly developing, we have come to the optimal combination of a set of equipment depending on the technical task, which reduces the financial and time costs of the customer.


We have mastered the production of the main elements of a grain cleaner...

The production enterprise 000 "Agro-Center" Belgorod is engaged in the construction and reconstruction of ZAVov 20, 25, 50, 100, 150 t / h, elevators, feed mills. Erection of the ZAV building on a prepared site with the possibility of deepening at least 1.5 meters. The height of spans under the bunkers is up to 3.5 meters for loading vehicles with high sides. Installation of a closing pit for frontal and side unloading of any vehicles, both hydraulically and from a flyover. Construction of a drive-through pit and construction of a canopy over the pit. Installation of grain cleaning equipment for all stages of cleaning with a capacity of 1 to 150 t/h. Increasing the productivity of ZAV-20 up to 50 t/h, ZAV-40 up to 100 t/h. Professional setup and adjustment of grain cleaning equipment. Replacement of the mains. Replacement of grain pipelines, valves, sectors, seals. Restoration of debris pits, repair of bunkers.

3,500,000 rubles / piece

LLC "Agromechanika-34" specializes in the construction and reconstruction of grain cleaning complexes (ZAV), complexes for drying and storing grain

Agromechanika-34 LLC builds new and modernizes existing ZAV, KZS and their modifications with the installation of modern technological equipment, which allows to ensure high productivity and quality of grain cleaning and drying.

Installation and turnkey construction

1. Erection of the ZAV building on a prepared site with the possibility of deepening at least 1.5 meters. The height of the spans under the bunkers is 3.80 meters for loading vehicles with high sides.

2. Installation of a closing pit for rear and side unloading of any vehicles, both by a hydraulic unloader and from a flyover.

3. Construction of a travel pit.

4. Construction of sheds over the pit.

5. Installation of grain cleaning equipment for all stages of cleaning (primary, secondary, calibration) with a capacity of 25 to 100 t/h.