Minimum home loan. Conditions for providing a cash loan at Home Credit Bank. Credit card "Quick purchases"


The goods (services) you like can be purchased (ordered) even without having large cash savings, having issued consumer loan Home Credit in cash or non-cash form. Let's figure out what conditions it imposes Home Credit Bank to its clients, from how many years they give loans, and what nuances you need to know about.

Consumer loans from Home Credit Bank are issued only to individuals and are intended for any purpose (purchase of a car or telephone, building materials, household appliances, travel, etc.). Home Credit Bank does not exercise control over the use of the issued loan.

The loan is issued without providing real or movable property as collateral; no guarantors are required. Among the documents you must present a citizen's passport Russian Federation and SNILS (optional).

If a consumer loan is issued by a citizen who has stopped labor activity and retired, then in addition to the passport, it is necessary to attach a pension certificate to the application (if it is not available, a certificate of pension accrual).

Requirements for clients

Get a consumer loan in Russian bank Home Loan is available to individuals who meet the following requirements:

  • Age. From 22 to 64 years (maximum age determined at the time of full repayment debt);
  • Official employment. The length of service with the last employer must be at least 90 days;
  • Permanent registration. If the borrower is registered in the subject of the Russian Federation where the bank branch is located, then there will be no problems.

Before making a final decision on applying for a consumer loan, determining its size and interest rate, Home Credit Bank specialists request information from the BKI about the citizen’s credit status.

A damaged credit history (credit history) is a basis for refusing to issue a loan to individuals. What can ruin your credit history? Several other unpaid loans, delinquencies and litigation with other creditors.

Credit programs

By contacting Home Credit Bank, you can get not only a pos loan, but also a consumer loan for personal needs. There is no need to inform the bank in advance about the purpose of spending the funds. You decide for yourself how and what to spend the money on.

Today Home Credit Bank offers two loan products that differ in terms of provision:

Note! A special offer from the credit institution is valid for deposit holders and reliable borrowers - they are provided with a consumer loan at the minimum rate.

Verified borrowers include citizens who previously took out a consumer loan from Home Credit Bank and paid it off on time without delays. If you are a holder salary card Home Credit, then the lending conditions will be many times more profitable. To select a program, we recommend using an online calculator.

How to get a loan in 3 steps?

To apply for a consumer loan from Home Credit, you don’t need to collect a large set of documents and wait several days for a response; you just need to follow 3 simple steps:

1) Fill inonline application and click the “Complete” button.

You must specify:

  1. full name,
  2. address Email(in the presence of),
  3. date of birth,
  4. passport details,
  5. Mobile phone number.

Note! By submitting an application for consideration, you consent to the processing of the entered information, as well as making a request in your name to the BKI (Credit History Bureau).

2) Find out what decision Home Credit Bank made(it is displayed instantly), and if you have received approval, then select the most suitable lending conditions at a time convenient for you.

3) Wait for the money to be transferred. You will receive funds on the same day you use online banking.

The main thing is to provide reliable information when filling out the online form, since the entered data without visiting the office influences the decision to issue a consumer loan. An SMS message with a verification code will be sent to the specified phone number.

Debt repayment methods

The credit organization Home Credit offers not only simple conditions for obtaining a consumer loan, but also simple conditions for repaying debt. The loan taken out is repaid in equal payments, with interest paid first and then the principal.

Please note that once during the validity period of the loan agreement, the bank management agrees to change the date of payment monthly payment. An excellent opportunity for those who are paying off several loans at once.

Debt repayment methods:

  • Through the official website of Home Credit Bank using personal or credit office(Internet banking);
  • At cash desks located in branches credit institutions(offices are located in absolutely all regions of the Russian Federation);
  • When transferring wages (you must submit an application to the accounting department at your place of work);
  • Other methods are using cash-in ATMs and through the cash desks of other banks, but a commission may apply.

In addition to the listed methods, the borrower can use electronic payment systems and Russian Post services to transfer payments to repay a consumer loan.

In the article:

Volumes consumer lending, still remain high. The interest rate in 2018, as in the previous one, is not always convenient for the client. However, the consumer is ready to take out a loan, no matter what it is, because different situations happen. Home Credit Bank offers consumer loans to solve immediate needs. The interest rate for borrowers will depend on several factors. Do you want to know what interest rate will it work for you? Try the online calculator on the Home Credit Bank website.

How to get a loan from Home Credit Bank in 2018

Home Credit offers you to choose from several of its loan offers the most convenient for you. Designed for each of them credit calculator. Its purpose is more to introduce and guide the client on possible payments. Nevertheless, do not neglect the online loan calculator service. By making the calculation yourself, you can determine how acceptable the conditions in general and the interest rate in particular are for you. So, available lending programs and an online loan calculator at Home Credit Bank.

Please note that the loan calculator on the site calculates where the interest rate is programmed at 27.9% per annum

Special offer

A special offer or Express loan is available to existing clients of Home Credit Bank who have already established themselves as a solvent and reliable borrower. The bank forms for them is formed special offer for more favorable conditions. Applying for an express loan occurs without visiting the bank. You just need to fill out an online application on the company’s website.

Becoming the owner of this loan is easy. You must have Internet access and mobile phone at hand. Having indicated all the data required by the financial institution and the amount of income, submit the application. In a few minutes, a bank employee will contact the potential borrower and clarify all the details of the transaction.

A stable source of income, citizenship of the Russian Federation, the presence of a home landline telephone and permanent registration in the region where the bank operates are standard requirements to a person who wants to get a loan. The interest rate for a consumer loan from Home Credit Bank will depend on the totality of all the parameters provided.

Credit per hour

The interest rate is relatively low, which means Home Credit will try to prevent its risks and the credit department employees will check the borrower more carefully. However, the number of documents is not that huge. Two documents proving the identity of the potential borrower are required. Mandatory - a certificate confirming the amount and stability of his income (for example, a 2-NDFL certificate from his place of work). This data will determine what rate will be relevant for this offer for you.

The loan term ranges from one to five years. The advantage of this type credit product consists in the speed of document verification and registration. By the way, you can calculate the amount of a consumer loan using the Home Credit loan calculator, which is available on the company’s official page, in the application section.

Credit card

It is worth considering here that a credit card is a special credit product. Its advantage lies precisely in the possibility non-cash payment– in this case, interest will not accrue during the entire grace period.

The interest rate on a credit card is at least 27.9% per annum. The exact rate that will apply to you depends on the type of card and the transactions performed with it.

When filling out an online application for a card, you need to fill out all the required fields in the form and indicate the required amount credit limit. The bank will not require collateral or guarantors, as well as income certificates. The truth may increase the interest rate.

Skillful use of the card will turn it into a very effective financial instrument, which when used properly can be extremely beneficial.


Home Credit Bank is ready to provide a consumer loan at a favorable interest rate in 2018 if the client provides a document confirming his income. The advantage of bank loan products is their accelerated processing and execution. Before submitting an application through the website or by contacting the Home Credit Bank office, use the loan calculator on its official website. It will give an approximate idea of ​​what interest rate will be used for the specified loan amount, and what monthly payment possible given the given parameters.

What interest rate awaits borrowers on a consumer loan or mortgage in 2018 is not yet known exactly. Discussions are ongoing on this issue at the level of the country's leadership.

To obtain a consumer loan at Home Credit bank a minimum of documents and time is required. Let's look at the features of the programs and the online application form in 2019.

Home Credit Bank loans

In 2019, the bank offers five programs:

  • loan for repairs;
  • cash loan for any purpose;
  • to buy a car;
  • for pensioners;
  • refinancing.

Programs differ in terms and conditions.

Thus, as part of a loan for repairs, up to 1,000,000 rubles are issued at an interest rate of 9.9% for a period of up to 5 years. No collateral or guarantors are required, and all borrowers are offered a bonus - discounts of up to 10% from partner companies. The decision on a submitted loan application is announced to current bank clients instantly, and to new clients within a few minutes.

A cash loan for any purpose, in addition to an instant solution, provides for the transfer of a loan issued by a bank to a card of any bank. Money is provided in the amount of up to 1,000,000 rubles with a repayment period of up to 5 years. Annual fees depend on the amount and term. The minimum tariff is 10.9%.

A targeted loan “For the purchase of a car” is also issued in cash on the day of application. Home Credit does not place restrictions on the model, make and age of the purchased vehicle, which distinguishes the program from similar offers in third-party financial institutions. The possibility of waiving Casco and placing a lien on the purchased car is also attractive. Another plus is that you can consider not only options with dealerships, but also used cars sold individuals. Maximum amount loans - 1,000,000 rubles, term - up to 60 months, rate - from 10.9%.

Pensioners under the age of 70 are offered preferential conditions:

  • per annum - from 9.9%;
  • pledge and surety are not required;
  • repayment - in 5 years;
  • maximum limit - 1,000,000 rubles.

Home also offers refinancing for up to 3 loans and cards with a rate of 11.9%. As part of on-lending, up to RUB 1,000,000 is available. with payment over 5 years, and in addition you can take up to 500,000 rubles. for personal needs.

It is worth noting that the currency in which the loan can be provided is Russian ruble. Home Credit does not issue loans in foreign currency.

We will calculate a cash loan for any purpose under the following conditions: loan amount -115,000 rubles; term -1 year or 12 months; percent, set by the bank- 10.9% per annum. The calculator presented on the Home Credit Bank website allows you to see that:

  • monthly payment amount - 10,163 rubles,
  • the overpayment for the year will be 6951 rubles.

This example illustrates well the real interest rate. According to the given parameters, it is 6.04% per annum, and not 10.9%. The bottom line is that the interest is calculated on the balance of the debt, which decreases monthly.

Requirements for clients

The requirements for a potential borrower are quite standard:

  • age from 22 to 70 years;
  • presence of a main place of work with official registration;
  • length of service at your last place of work from 3 to 6 or more months, depending on the loan amount;
  • availability of permanent registration at the location of the bank's offices;
  • positive credit history either.

In addition to the above, the client must have a valid passport of the Russian Federation.

To increase your chances of getting a loan, you can submit additional documents:

  • SNILS;
  • international passport;
  • driver's license;
  • pensioner's ID.

How to apply in the office and online

You can submit an application at a bank office in Moscow (or another city) under the offer of Home Credit. In this case, you must provide a package of documents and fill out an application form. The questionnaire contains basic information about the client, his credit history, documents, as well as information about work and contact phone numbers.

Please note that the bank reserves the right to request additional documents. This often happens when applying for a loan in excess of 300,000 rubles. As well as contact numbers. They will not be liable under the loan agreement, but in unforeseen situations the bank may turn to these persons to find the borrower.

Since 2015, Home Credit Bank allows clients to submit an application online. Such an application through the official website is more of a trial nature, since it contains only contact and passport information about the client. The scoring service of a financial institution checks the client for the presence of negative banking history. If the borrower previously had problems with repaying debt amounts, then such an application will be refused, and this will significantly save time for both the borrower and the banking specialist. Only current clients of the financial institution can immediately receive approval for a request and sign an agreement online, while “newbies” need to visit the office to conclude a transaction.

Loan insurance

The bank offers insurance from partners in two options: “Combo+” and “Active+”. The client has the opportunity to choose an insurer to ensure his financial security. It is worth noting that insurance is not mandatory, but plays a big role in approval of the application. Therefore, the specialist always includes it in the cost of the loan.

The amount of the insurance premium is determined based on the loan amount; in general, it is 3,000 rubles per year. Insurance must be taken out only for the first year of using the loan, even if it is expected to be repaid within 5–7 years.

In some cases, the bank may approve the application without insurance. These include:

  • regular customers,
  • clients receiving wages to a bank account.

Important: Cancellation of insurance can be made within 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract. You need to contact the bank with an application, and a specialist will recalculate the payment schedule, reducing the loan amount by the insurance amount.

Thus, a consumer loan from Home Bank is quite convenient. Regular customers receive greater benefits, but the annuity calculation of payments allows you to pay the rate on the balance of the debt, which significantly affects future overpayments.

Just a couple of decades ago in Russia there was no such thing as a loan. People could only, if necessary, ask to borrow money before payday from friends or relatives. However, after some time, Russians were able to appreciate all the delights of taking out a loan from a bank.

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One of the most popular financial institutions, which lends money at low interest rates, is Home Credit Bank.

Of course, unlike a loan taken from relatives or friends, a loan from Home Credit Bank will have to be repaid strictly on time, adhering to a certain schedule monthly payments. However, this bank service allows you to take out the necessary amount on credit without postponing long-awaited purchases until later.

You can apply for a loan without visiting a bank branch and without having to present a large package of documents.

Now, in order to borrow money from a bank, you do not need any certificates; the loan is issued without guarantors, which is very convenient.

If we talk directly about Home Credit Bank, they do not require that you have a certain length of work experience; you will not be asked for a certificate confirming your income and solvency.

However, before going to the bank for advice and applying for a loan, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the current offers from Home Credit. Below is detailed information about loan products, loan terms, terms, interest rates, in general, everything that interests every potential borrower. But first, let's look at the requirements that the bank puts forward to consumers.

Requirements for borrowers

Despite the fact that at Home Credit Bank you can get the necessary amount of funds for any needs and on favorable terms, not everyone can use this service. Like any other financial institution, this bank aims to select only those borrowers who can repay the loan on time and have good solvency.

But there is also a list of other requirements, among them:

  • The borrower's age must be from 23 to 64 years;
  • the borrower must have a permanent place of residence and be registered in the region where there is a loan issuance point from Home Credit;
  • you must be officially employed and receive a fixed salary, only in this case your chances of getting a loan will be increased;
  • work experience must be at least 6 months;
  • The bank can guarantee the issuance of loans to pensioners, military personnel, law enforcement officers and hired employees.

If you meet all these bank requirements, you can be sure that the loan will be approved for you, and you will receive the money as soon as possible.

To understand what the terms of a cash loan are at Home Credit, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the favorable credit offers and compare them.

Cash loan programs and conditions at Home Credit

If you want to take no a large amount in debt until payday or for your own needs, now you don’t need to go to every branch of Russian banks. To make your choice easier, you can now use the Internet; this will help you evaluate all available loan programs and choose the most suitable product for you.

But, in this article we will look at current offers from Home Credit Bank, we’ll talk about the features of each product and get acquainted with the lending conditions:

Big Money 400 The Bank offers this loan program to everyone in need of financial assistance.

In order to get a loan, you do not need to explain what purposes it will be used for cash. In addition, you can also apply for a loan online. To do this, the bank offers remote cooperation; you just need to fill out online questionnaire borrower on the official website.

So, what is special about this loan program? Firstly, to obtain the necessary sum of money you do not need to pay an initial deposit. Secondly, there is no need for personal insurance. Thirdly, to apply for a loan you will need a minimum of documents.

The loan product “Big Money 400” is provided on the following terms:

  • the minimum amount of borrowed funds is 50 thousand rubles, the maximum you can borrow is 400 thousand rubles;
  • proposed terms - from 12 months to five years (you can choose the terms within this limit yourself);
  • the interest rate on the loan is 29.9%;
  • there are no commissions;
  • You can pay off the loan before the end of the repayment period;
  • You must provide a certificate from your place of work about your monthly income.

Among the positive aspects of such a loan is a long term for using the loan (up to 5 years) without the need for insurance or collateral; you can confirm your income in several convenient ways.

The group of potential borrowers who can be confident of loan approval includes pensioners, military personnel, law enforcement officers and those who are bank employees and employees.

But, as with everything, there are also disadvantages. Firstly, the borrower must be registered as a resident in the region where Home Credit Bank has a branch. Secondly, the period for consideration of your application for a loan can take up to five working days, which is quite a long time. Thirdly, additional documents may be required to confirm your solvency.

If you are not sure that you can cope with repaying the loan on time, or cannot decide on the loan amount you want to take out, you can use a convenient tool - online calculator. It is on the bank's website.

In order to calculate how much you will need to pay each month, indicate the initial loan amount. This will help you determine in advance whether you will be able to make monthly payments towards the loan in the future.

Big Money 700 This option of a loan offer from the bank is also provided on favorable terms. You can get the necessary amount for any need, without guarantors, an initial deposit, insurance or the need for security.

More detailed characteristics of the loan product are as follows:

  • you can take out a cash loan in the amount of 250 thousand, but not more than 700 thousand rubles;
  • interest on the loan is 22.9% (less than in the first option);
  • loan terms similar to the loan product “Big Money 400” – from 12 months to five years;
  • need for proof of income.

As you can see, the positive aspects of this product are similar to the advantages of the first loan offer from Home Credit. Among the disadvantages, one can only consider the processing time of the application, which ranges from three to five days; weekends and holidays do not count.

Quick Money 75
  • If you need small amount in debt and short time, then this loan offer from the bank will suit you perfectly. Peculiarity of this product The advantage is that you can get the desired amount very quickly, and you don’t have to confirm your income. What are the conditions for providing a loan under this program?
  • Firstly, Home Credit offers to take an amount in the range of 10-75 thousand rubles. Secondly, the loan is provided for short periods - from six months to three years. Thirdly, the interest rate on the loan is 69.9%. The required amount will be given in cash, you will not be required to provide any proof of employment, you may not have any official employment, no one will check.
  • What are the advantages? It can be noted that a loan up to 75 thousand rubles is issued without guarantors, there is no need for insurance. Money is issued to any resident of Russia for any purpose and without security. There are no additional fees, and you can repay the debt early. Another advantage is the speed of receiving a decision - the application is reviewed within one day, and sometimes the client receives approval after just 30 minutes.
  • Among the minuses, we highlight only the very high interest rate on the loan. Also, the borrower must be registered in the region where Home Credit Bank has a representative office. This is where the negative aspects are exhausted. If you need a small amount, you can get a loan not only through the cash desk at the institution’s branch, but also on a plastic card.
Quick Money 150 A slightly larger amount than 75 thousand rubles is offered by this credit program. The loan is issued for more than long term, and the interest rate is slightly lower. But first things first.

So, the terms of a cash loan at Home Credit are as follows:

  • You can receive funds in the amount of up to 150 thousand rubles;
  • interest rate on borrowed funds – 49.9%;
  • the minimum period for which a bank can issue a cash loan is 6 months, the maximum is 4 years;
  • there are no additional fees for using the loan;
  • not required personal insurance, security and certificates confirming your income.

The advantages in favor of this loan product include quick receipt of a decision (from 30 minutes to one business day), issuance of money in cash immediately after the conclusion of the agreement.

As for the shortcomings, everything is similar here with the “Quick Money 75” credit program - high interest rates for a loan, permanent registration is required at the location of the bank branch.

Quick Money 250
  • This loan program differs from previous ones in the maximum size of the loan product. The interest charged for using the loan is even less than in the first two, but all other conditions are the same.
  • More specifically, the loan is issued in cash, without guarantors or collateral. There is no need to present documents or income certificates, including a work book.
  • There is also no need for insurance; the loan is issued without collateral. Just like in other programs, there are no additional fees for the services provided by the bank.
  • The interest on the loan is 39.9%, the minimum amount of borrowed funds is 100 thousand rubles, the maximum you can take is 250 thousand rubles. Terms – from 6 months to four years.
  • Among the positive aspects, we can only note the timing of the decision to issue a loan, which does not exceed one business day. The disadvantages are the same as in the last two lending options.

Credit card "Quick purchases"

You have probably already heard from various banks such an offer as issuing an instant card. It's not just ordinary plastic card, A handy tool obtaining a cash loan. What is special about this card? The fact is that, unlike ordinary plastic cards, such a card is issued very quickly and is issued on the spot on the day of application.

Most banking institutions are trying to attract customers with new credit offers, including instant credit cards.

Each bank has its own conditions and requirements for borrowers, but one thing remains unchanged - the interest rate is more or less the same for everyone.

In more detail, the conditions for issuing and using a credit card instant release Most banks have the following:

  • Unlike other analogues, the cost of registration is the same credit card very high;
  • interest on borrowed funds much higher than the interest rate charged on conventional loan products;
  • large commission for services provided by banking institutions;
  • credit lines are lower than on regular cards.

Of course, many banks are trying to introduce changes to the terms of use of such a loan product. Someone is trying to attract customers additional bonuses, high quality of service, while others offer a minimum of time spent on paperwork, but for many consumers all this is far from news.

Home Credit Bank tried to develop its strategy for attracting customers and created more favorable conditions. Unlike other financial institutions, here you can get an instant credit card without visiting a branch. This means that you can apply for such a card via the Internet on the bank’s website.

Today anyone can get a credit card " Quick shopping" What are its features? First of all, you need to highlight the minimum time spent on designing this product. The registration procedure does not take even half an hour.