Questionnaire-application for a loan: the order of filling. How to fill out an application for a loan online? How to apply for a loan correctly


What is a loan application?

An application is filling out a questionnaire that will reflect basic information about a potential borrower, namely:

His passport details;

Data of other documents presented for registration;

Information about marital status;

Information about the place of work and income;

Contact Information;

Information about the property of the applicant;

Other aspects.

Based on the information provided by the applicant, the bank will decide whether to approve or reject the application. It is better for the borrower to immediately analyze what information about himself he will tell the bank, prepare for the survey.

Very often, applicants do not know the fixed work number or legal address of their organization, and during the survey they begin to urgently look for this information. So, write down information about your work on a piece of paper and take it with you when going to the bank.

How to apply online for a loan?

Be sure to check what documents are needed to apply. In one bank, this is a passport and a secondary document, in another, a package of documents is supplemented by a certificate of income. Be sure to bring everything the bank requires with you.

You can apply at any branch of the bank of your choice. A bank manager will work with you in the office, who will be in charge of accepting an application for a loan. To begin with, your needs and opportunities will be clarified, in accordance with them, an appropriate loan program is selected.

After your application will be sent for consideration, during which the bank may call you, your job and contact persons. The terms of consideration depend on the bank itself and the loan program you have chosen. If a positive decision is made, you will again be invited to the bank to sign the contract and issue funds.

Applying for a loan online

Many banks have long introduced into their work the process of accepting applications from citizens via the Internet. Apply for a cash loan online application, definitely helps, it makes the process easier for the borrower himself, who can go to the website of the selected bank at any time and calmly leave an application for a loan.

In the case of applying online, a citizen chooses a bank, determines the loan program and the parameters of the loan he needs. As a standard, on the page with a description of the program, there is immediately an online application form for this loan. Here it should be filled out, indicating how much and for how long you want to receive.

The standard online questionnaire is the same questionnaire that would be filled out in a bank with a manager. Only in the case of registration via the Internet, the applicant enters the information himself. This is more convenient, since there is no excitement, the application is filled out in conditions that are comfortable for the citizen.

If the answer is positive, the borrower is invited to the bank's office for further processing. You need to take with you all the documents that were mentioned in the questionnaire or were originally meant as mandatory for issuing a loan. If the bank initially said that a certificate of income is mandatory, then it should be brought to the bank, without it the offer will be canceled.

If the bank makes sure that you are exactly who you say you are, that your documents are genuine, and the information in the application form is up-to-date, then the registration process comes to an end. You sign a loan agreement and withdraw money.

Questionnaire* is a statement in writing about the desire to take a loan. Approval of a cash loan at a bank depends on how accurately and correctly you complete the application.

First, carefully read the questionnaire and the main columns. Try to fill in 70% of the information yourself. If you don't understand, ask the manager.

Let's analyze the main points when filling out the questionnaire:

1. Fill out the questionnaire accurately and competently. If the handwriting is bad, it is better to write in block letters. Made a mistake - ask the manager how to fix it. You may need to rewrite the application. If corrections are allowed, you need to carefully cross out and write the correct information on top.

2. Filling in passport data. The data is filled in in strict accordance with the passport.

  • series - the first four digits, number - the next six digits.
  • in the column "who issued the passport" you can apply acceptable abbreviations (for example, abbreviation of the name of the department that issued the passport).
  • the column "registration address" is filled in in accordance with the data indicated on page 5 of the passport. The address of actual residence may not coincide with the registration and must be indicated in a separate column.
  • marital status is filled in if there is a stamp on page 14 in the passport. If for some reason the stamp is missing, attach a marriage certificate. If you are not married, but live with a common-law wife, such a column is also present in the questionnaire.
  • The presence of children is indicated if they are not yet 18 years old. It is necessary to indicate children, even if the information is not in the passport.

3. If you changed your last name, first name or patronymic. Common cases of changing a surname are marriage. In this situation, the maiden name, or the previous one, is indicated. But there are cases of changing the name or patronymic. This should also be reflected in the questionnaire.

4. If there is no home phone number. Now banks are loyal to the indication of a mobile number. And usually, this does not serve as an obstacle to obtaining a cash loan. Check with the manager if the absence of a home phone number is prerequisite to apply. It may be worth writing the contact phone number of a close relative.

5. Do not include the phone number of neighbors or work colleagues. List your spouse or parents. When calling from the bank, the husband / wife / parents must confirm that they know that you are taking out a loan, give a positive reference and be aware of the purpose of the loan.

6. Attitude towards military service. This column is filled in by men. A cash loan is issued to the following citizens:

  • not liable for military service (before reaching the age of 27, it is required to provide a military ID, which states that the citizen is exempt from conscription into the army);
  • persons who are in the reserve or retired (document is not required);
  • persons with a deferment from conscription (certificate from the military registration and enlistment office indicating the date of deferral);
  • military personnel, subject to their service under the contract (a certified copy of the contract is required)

7. Specify the available property. The presence of property indicates your status and adds points to your assessment. The property must be registered in your name in whole or in part. For example, an apartment in fractional ownership The car is completely your property.

8. Don't hide your credits. The bank checks your credit history, so it makes no sense to hide information about existing loans. In addition, the availability of loans is not a "stop factor" if they are repaid in a timely manner. If you took the goods on credit or have credit card, a bank specialist may ask for the following information:

  • loan amount;
  • amount of monthly payments;
  • credit term;
  • the approximate amount of the remaining debt.

You will find this information in the completed documents. It is more convenient to immediately take papers with you.

9. Indicate permanent income. The bank assesses your ability to repay the loan on a monthly basis. Indicating irregular earnings will overestimate wages but will not save in severe financial situations.

10. Specify consent for the bank to receive credit reports on credit history and processing of information in the questionnaire. Without this, the bank does not have the right to verify the accuracy of the data. And that means a cash loan.

Modern economic situation in the country increases the need of people for lending, both consumer and mortgage. For example, 80% of real estate transactions take place with the participation of mortgage lending.

Consumer loans today are issued for almost everything, from large needs to small household and digital appliances. But, unfortunately, not everyone receives approval when requested.

Reason for loan refusal

Sometimes a loan is not approved even by those who have a stable income, high solvency and a “white” credit history.

So what's the reason?

Unfortunately, a potential borrower will not be able to find out the reason on his own, since banks are not required to explain the reason to individuals. But many on their own begin to look for reasons.

As a rule, the reason for the most part is one - the incorrect execution of an application for lending.

How to fill out an application for a loan to get approved?

First stage of application

Initially, it is important to clearly define the purpose of lending. This will allow you to calculate the specific amount that is necessary to achieve the desired.

But it is important to remember that the bank will give out no more than the amount that, in its opinion, the borrower is able to pay.

Of course, bank employees may not know about all the income of their clients, which is why it is necessary to calculate their own capabilities in order to exclude later default on loan repayment.

Having decided on the amount and purpose, you can begin to select a bank and a specific lending program that will be acceptable and most profitable.

Before contacting the bank directly, you can immediately prepare a package of documents. Its composition can be found on the official website of the selected financial institution. As a rule, these are scans of a passport, SNILS, a 2-NDFL certificate or a bank statement of income individual etc.

During the registration process, the bank may request additional information.

At this stage, it is important to pay attention to the legal literacy of the drafting of documents, the absence of errors and corrections in the text, the correct dates.

Second stage of application

An employee of the selected financial institution provides a questionnaire form that must be filled out - this is the same application for lending.

All information must be current and correct. It is especially important to provide real information about the place of work and persons who can confirm the income.

Also, special attention should be paid to the absence or presence of current loan obligations that have not been fulfilled at the moment.

If the information provided is false, the bank will most likely refuse to issue a loan.

When the bank employee makes sure that all the information specified in the questionnaire is true, the application is sent for consideration by the credit commission.

If there are no obvious obstacles to issuing a loan, most likely, a loan will be issued.

Online application

In addition to the usual way of applying for a loan, online application has become widespread in recent years.

The advantage of this method is obvious: without leaving home, you can get information about the approval or refusal of lending. Especially this way common in people with high employment.

So, to send an application for a loan via the Internet, as a rule, it is necessary to fill out an electronic version of the questionnaire.

It contains the basic data about the borrower: full name, date of birth, gender, contact details, place of residence or registration, loan amount and term, passport details, information about the change of surname, previous loans, information about marital status, number of members family, additional information about parents, spouse, children, information about the place of work and income.

1. Particular attention should be paid to the accuracy of filling in the data. Any misprint or inaccuracy may result in rejection of the application. This happens because the system considers the data to be unreliable and rejects the application at the stage of preliminary consideration.

2. It is necessary to provide truthful information about the place of work, family composition, etc. Every financial institution has its own security system. Before approval of the application, all data is subject to rigorous verification.

And if it is revealed that the information provided in the questionnaire is false, in addition to the usual rejection of the application, this may lead to the addition of the client to the black list. In the future, getting a loan from this bank becomes almost impossible.

Sep 21, 2011

Credit organizations are steadily expanding their line: today, the borrower is offered to receive funds for almost any purpose, from buying a home or a car to a seaside vacation or a luxurious wedding. However, in order to safely take a loan, you need to correctly fill out an application at the bank.

Based on the data of the application or questionnaire for a loan, bankers decide on the possibility of lending to a particular person. You can apply for a loan in the following ways:

By personally entering data into the application form at the bank branch;

Dictating all the necessary information to credit specialists;

By filling out an electronic form on the bank's website.

In order for the borrower to be able to successfully take, the application or questionnaire must be filled out correctly. Only in this case the bank will consider the application potential client and decide on the possibility of lending. If a loan is possible, the borrower will need to provide the bank with a package of documents necessary for drawing up a loan agreement.

How to fill out an application for a loan?

The appearance of applications offered by banks can vary significantly, but they always contain several standard columns. In particular, a borrower who wants to take a loan must correctly indicate all personal data: full name, passport details, citizenship, gender, home address and contact numbers. The second mandatory column is an item that reflects the parameters of the requested loan: required amount, loan term, intended use funds. Almost always, bankers are interested in the solvency of the client, so they ask for information about the place and length of service. To successfully take a loan, you need to correctly indicate the name and address of the employer, as well as contact phone numbers. In this case, in addition to the application, it is desirable to submit a photocopy of the work book.

As a rule, an application for a loan will also contain other items in which it is necessary to indicate the borrower's marital status, income level, outstanding loans and criminal records, and some other data.

100 experts believe that in order to get a loan correctly, the borrower needs to carefully read not only the loan agreement, but also the loan application. So, the questionnaire can be simultaneously a contract of a public offer. In this case, when the bank makes a positive decision on the possibility of lending, the borrower will automatically have to fulfill the obligations under the loan, even if during the consideration of the application he changed his mind about borrowing funds from the bank.

Questionnaires of different banks may differ in terms of the number of points. If you have a small online form consisting of one page, then you will complete the questionnaire by phone or at the bank office. A complete application for a loan normally contains the following fields and sections:

  1. Information from the borrower's passport: series, document number, by whom and when it was issued, the date of birth of the applicant, his full name, address of registration and residence. This part of the application must be filled out very carefully. Do not make mistakes, do not make abbreviations, rewrite the information exactly as indicated in the document. There may also be a section for filling in information about a secondary document (SNILS, TIN, rights, etc.).
  2. Information about marital status, number of children. If the applicant is married, the bank may ask for the spouse's phone number. When calling, if it will be made, the second half of the applicant must confirm awareness of the submitted application.
  3. Job details: full name of the employer, work address, position of the applicant, his general length of service and length of service at the current place of work. The bank will also ask you to provide a fixed work phone, some credit organizations require the phone number of the direct supervisor of the potential borrower. Here is the size monthly income the applicant after all required deductions (taxes, alimony, etc.). If the program assumes, income is confirmed by certificates.
  4. Information about contact persons. These are 1-2 people (relatives, friends) who can confirm information about the borrower. The bank can call these citizens, they must be warned about this.
  5. Information about current and repaid credit obligations. You need to indicate the banks whose lending services you used before. Here the applicant talks about his existing debts. It is useless to hide the amounts, as they are reflected in the credit history. Moreover, the concealment of this information will be regarded as data forgery, so the loan will be denied.

Filling out the questionnaire online

The procedure for submitting an online application for a loan differs from the standard process when applying to a bank office. Almost all credit organizations have switched to the method of receiving applications from citizens through the Internet. This makes lending programs more accessible, and the bank itself saves its own resources.

How to complete and apply for a loan online:

  1. You should choose the appropriate loan program by studying the websites of banks. In doing so, you can use online loan calculator, which will help you navigate the optimal loan parameters and choose the best offer.
  2. There is an application form on the bank's website. Usually a link to it is on the product description page. Fill in all fields and wait for the decision. An answer to a potential borrower may come in a few minutes, but so far the decision will be preliminary. Usually, soon the applicant will receive a call from a bank employee who conducts a full telephone survey.
  3. If the bank issues an affirmative answer, it invites the applicant to its office. Here the borrower is identified, his documents are checked. If everything is in order, the funds are issued.

Remember that even if the loan is pre-approved, the decision may change at the office. Perhaps the bank will suspect data forgery. In addition, if the applicant incorrectly indicated the details of his passport in the application form, the approval will also be canceled.

The procedure for filling out an application at the bank office

For convenience, you can pre-print an application for a loan from the bank's website and fill it out in a relaxed atmosphere. Or you will fill out a paper version of the questionnaire in the office credit institution. Applying directly to the office looks like this:

  1. The client comes to the office of the bank of interest, where there is a lending department (information can be clarified by hotline this institution). Here the manager will provide a paper version of the questionnaire to fill out or will conduct a survey orally.
  2. After filling out the application, it goes for consideration. The time for data analysis depends on the type of loan requested. For applications for standard programs, a decision is made within 1-3 days, for express products within a day or even an hour. In the process of checking information, the borrower can be called and asked various questions. Contact persons can also be called.
  3. The applicant is informed about the decision by the phone number indicated in the questionnaire. If this is an approval, a citizen with a passport again visits the bank's office, where the direct receipt of the loan will already take place.

When filling out an application at the office, keep in mind that the manager also evaluates you. You should behave appropriately, you should not have problems providing information about yourself. If you behave rudely, suspiciously, if your appearance does not match personal data, you will be denied a loan.