Euro exchange rate for next week. Euro exchange rate forecast for the week. Video: Dollar and Euro exchange rates in Russia


Depends on many factors. It is determined at MICEX trading. According to this information, the official rate set by the euro against the ruble for the next day becomes known approximately always at the same time. This data is used in:

  • accounting calculations,
  • taxation,
  • official calculations.

The decisions of the ECB have a decisive influence on the indicators. It uses the interest rate as the main mechanism for controlling inflation processes and the speed of economic development. In anticipation of its increase, the euro rises against the ruble.

Factors influencing the growth of the euro

The euro exchange rate for tomorrow may change by several points at once. This depends on the demand for the US national currency. Economic news is also important. When transferring Money investors from one currency unit another indicates an increase or decrease in the price of a currency. It is noted that when demand for the dollar falls, demand for the euro increases. This increases its cost.

Among the factors influencing the exchange rate is the ECB's decision on problem states that are members of the Commonwealth and have large debts. Especially it concerns:

  • Portugal,
  • Greece,
  • Spain,
  • some other countries.

All of them rose to a higher level of development through loans.

GNP growth, industrial production and unemployment rate.

Leadership Statement financial institutions about the business expectations index. For example, the receipt of information from the manager about the development of ways to stabilize the euro strengthens his position on foreign exchange market.

Elections and political crises. These points often negatively affect the dynamics of the euro exchange rate due to their uncertainty. Geopolitical confrontations lead to a decrease in the speed of development, so the currencies of all parties to the conflict begin to “sag.”

Why know the euro exchange rate?

Many businessmen, heads of state and municipal entities closely monitor the ratio of the ruble to the euro. Based on this data, analysts make a forecast that allows them not only to make profitable transactions, but also to invest money. The graph shows how the current state of affairs is changing at the present time.

Our service offers to study the purchase or sale of euros at the most favorable prices, and . The best offers from presenters are highlighted in yellow. The euro exchange rate online changes in the current time mode. But users can always:

  • explore the archive,
  • see what changes are happening on the stock exchange,
  • make your own forecast.

The observations of leading banks and investment funds. The market's reaction to them may be different, regardless of how reliable the forecasts are.

Knowing the euro to ruble exchange rate is important not only for those who are looking for the most profitable option to invest money or to decide to take out a loan. This information is useful for political scientists, economists or financiers. At the macroeconomic level, this knowledge makes it possible to fight inflation, reduce interest rates. This promotes production growth and eliminates the consequences of unemployment.

We suggest finding out the euro exchange rate for today in Russia. The information is provided in a convenient table that allows you to comparative analysis. All data is provided by banks and exchange offices. If you need to draw up a chart yourself, you can look into the archive yourself and see how the ruble-euro ratio has changed recently.

Euro(English Euro) is the official currency of 19 countries of the Eurozone (Austria, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Finland, France, Estonia). The euro is also the national currency of 9 other countries, 7 of which are located in Europe. However, unlike eurozone participants, these countries cannot influence the monetary policy of the European central bank and send its representatives to its governing bodies. Thus, the euro is the common currency for more than 340 million Europeans. As of November 2013 in cash circulation was 951 billion euros, which made this currency the owner of the highest total value of cash circulating throughout the world, ahead of the US dollar in this indicator.

1 euro is equal to 100 cents (or eurocents). Banknote denominations in circulation: 500, 200, 100, 50, 20, 10 and 5 euros. Coins: 2 and 1 euro, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 cent. The name of the currency comes from the word “Europe”.

Eurocurrency is printed by the central banks included in the European system central banks. All issued banknotes have one standard design. The front side depicts windows, gates, bridges - as symbols of openness and interconnection. They are made in the form of typical examples of the main styles of European architecture: classical, Romanesque, Gothic, Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, “metal and glass”, Art Nouveau. At the same time, euro banknotes differ in color palette: 500 are purple, 200 are yellow, 100 are green, 50 are orange, 20 are blue, 10 are red, and 5 are gray.

Unlike banknotes, coins only have a common front side, on which the denomination is placed against the background of a symbolic map of Europe. The reverse side is considered “national” - each issuing central bank has its own for each denomination.

Despite the fact that the non-cash euro was officially introduced on January 1, 1999, and cash was issued on January 1, 2002, the history of the single European currency is older. Before the euro came into being, from 1979 to 1998 the European currency system The unit of account used was the ECU (European Currency Unit), which was a conventional basket of national monetary units of a number of countries. The ECU was subsequently exchanged for euros at a one-to-one rate.

Trading in the euro on the international foreign exchange market officially began on January 4, 1999. In order to save investors from currency risks, quotes of national currencies were fixed. Thus, the exchange rate of the German mark was 1.95583 per euro, the French franc - 6.55957, and the Italian lira - 1,936.21. At the same time, the initial exchange rate of the euro against the dollar was determined at approximately $1.17.

During 1999, the euro quotes steadily declined, eventually reaching the so-called parity - the equality of 1 euro and 1 dollar. At the end of September 2000, the European Central Bank, the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan, the Bank of England and a number of European banks conducted a joint intervention in support of the single euro currency. However, this did not prevent it from reaching an absolute historical minimum, which amounted to $0.8230 per euro in October 2000.

It was recognized that a further decline in the single currency could harm the European economy. At the same time, by the end of 2000, the US Federal Reserve, in order to cope with the upcoming recession, set a course for easing monetary policy, cutting, in particular, discount rate up to 2%. Since interest rates were higher in Europe, the euro became more attractive for investment than the dollar. In addition, in 2001, the American economy experienced a shock caused by the September 11 terrorist attack. By the end of the year, the euro was trading at 0.96 per dollar, and by July 2002 it had returned to parity. It finally became more expensive than the dollar after December 6 of the same year. And in 2003, it began to confidently grow in price against the backdrop of the US entry into the war in Iraq.

The rate reached its initial value of 1.1736, recorded on the first trading day, on May 23, 2003, and its absolute maximum - 1.5990 - in 2008. This became possible due to global financial crisis, which this time originated in financial system U.S.A. Economists believe that the euro's strength was due mainly to the weakness of the American economy, and not to the strength of the European one. This assumption is also supported by the fact that the aggravation of problems in the eurozone subsequently led to a stop in the growth of currency quotes. In the summer of 2011, the euro exchange rate fluctuates between 1.41 and 1.45 dollars.

Nevertheless, during its existence, the euro confidently took second place in the world in terms of government reserves. This is due to the fact that the total gross domestic product countries in the eurozone exceeds even the GDP of the United States, which ranks first in the world.

The euro/dollar currency pair is the most traded on Forex market and financial derivatives – futures. Today, Europe represents a real alternative to the United States in terms of investment opportunities. At the same time, the choice of investors is influenced primarily by a comparison of macroeconomic indicators of the two regions, such as the inflation rate, prevailing interest rates, GDP, trade balance, etc.

At the same time, the biggest problem of the euro area remains the difference in the level of the economies of the participating countries. The strongest are Germany, Italy, and France. Those experiencing difficulties include Greece, Ireland and a number of others.

For Russian investors, the euro is traditionally interesting as an alternative American dollar. The European currency is used to diversify risks associated with exchange rates, and as an independent investment direction during times of rising quotes.

In addition, it should be taken into account that settlement in euro area countries by debit or credit cards It is more profitable to produce in this currency in order to avoid unnecessary conversion.

Today I decided to tell you the latest euro forecast for 2017. Currently, the Russian economy is not experiencing the best better times, financial position the state is very unstable.

The country's solvency largely depends on market conditions, or more precisely on the price of black gold. And as we all know, recently the price of oil has been at a low level. It is for this reason that the Russian economy is not in the most favorable position. European sanctions have also had an impact negative impact on the state economy.

The economic condition of the state can improve only if the internal/external situation normalizes and the price of oil increases, which will accordingly lead to higher prices Russian ruble. And if sanctions are lifted, then this will significantly improve the state’s economy.

Over the past two years, there has been a sharp depreciation of the ruble, which, in turn, has caused unrest among domestic citizens. Today, almost all domestic citizens are interested in exchange rates, including the forecast for the euro exchange rate for 2017.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2017 from the Central Bank

The leadership of the Central Bank stated that a slight reduction in price can be expected soon national currency, accordingly, the euro will rise against the ruble. But after Brexit, the euro/dollar pair began to show a stable downward trend, that is, the euro has been falling in price against the dollar for six months.


Let me remind you that many experts predicted that the euro would become cheaper regardless of the referendum decision, which is exactly what happened.

The euro exchange rate forecast for 2017 suggests that euro quotes will fall in the future. So, the euro/dollar pair will be dominated by a downward trend next year.

So, the euro will become cheaper in the future, but in order to determine the future ratio of the euro to the ruble, it is worth finding out what will happen to the ruble in 2017. Unfortunately, a sharp improvement in the situation in the Russian Federation is not expected in the near future. Many analysts assume that next year the national currency rate will maintain a downward trend.

What is the best way to store currency in 2017?

Due to the fact that next year the domestic currency will become slightly cheaper, many Russian citizens are wondering where to store their savings in 2017. If you cannot choose what is better to buy: dollars or euros, then experienced financiers advise purchasing dollars.

I would like to note that the euro/ruble quotes are influenced by the euro/dollar pair quotes. Bank Credit Suisse, which is located in Switzerland, assures that in 2017 the value of the dollar and the euro will be equal. Even if they are not quoted 1:1, the price of the dollar will significantly approach the value of the euro.

The opinion of Morgan Stanley employees is somewhat different from that presented above; they assume that in 2017 the value of the EU currency will be 90 rubles. You should not blindly trust their forecasts, as they are often mistaken and change their forecasts.

Employees of the Ministry of Economic Development assure that an increase in oil prices can lead to stabilization of the Russian economy. And if oil remains at $40, then the government will have to cut budget spending.

Some experts suggest that the government will not be able to cut spending, which will soon lead to a sharp collapse of the ruble. China actively trades with Russia. If in the future the PRC does not improve its position, this will contribute to a further reduction in the price of black gold, which will accordingly lead to a depreciation of the ruble.

In order to improve the situation in Reserve Fund, you can take the following measures:

  1. Reduce expenses.
  2. Use funds from the Welfare Fund.
  3. Activate issue financing.

Experienced specialists consider the use of the second point inappropriate, as this will increase the debt. The best option is to reduce costs. Thus, the Russian leadership plans to reduce expenses by 3 trillion rubles in 2017. It is not yet clear what measures will be taken for this.

The most accurate euro exchange rate forecast for 2017

You can see the euro forecast for 2017 in Russia below.

January 2017

At the beginning of the new year, the euro will cost 73.4. The maximum exchange rate in January 2017 was 73.4, and the minimum was 70.5. The monthly average is 72.2.

February 2017

In the first days of February, the value of the European currency will be 71.6. The maximum exchange rate in February 2017 will be 74.4, and the minimum will be 71.5. The average for the entire month is 72.74.

At the beginning of March 2017, the price of the European currency will be 73.3. The maximum rate value will be 73.3, and the minimum 70.4. The average value for the month of March is 72.1.

April 2017

At the beginning of April 2017, the euro will cost 71.5. The maximum exchange rate will be 71.6, and the minimum 69.5. The average value will be around 70.6.

At the beginning of May 2017, the euro will cost 70.6. The maximum price will be 70.7, and the minimum will be 68.6. average price EU currency will be 69.9.

In June 2017, the euro will cost 69.6. The maximum price in June 2017 will be 69.6, and the minimum will be 66.9. The average value of quotations in June is 68.5.

In July, the European currency will cost 67.9. The maximum rate in July 2017 will be 68.99, and the minimum 66.95. The average value of European currency quotes will be around 67.97.

August 2017

In August, the European currency will cost 67.97. The maximum rate in August 2017 will be 70.7, and the minimum 67.9. The average price will be around 69.05.

September 2017

This month the European currency will cost 69.7. The maximum rate in September 2017 will be 72.5, and the minimum 69.7. The average cost in September will be 70.8.

October 2017

This month the price of the euro is 71.4. The limit quotes will be 72.08, and the minimum quote will be 69.95. The average cost in October will be 71.5.

November 2017

At the beginning of November 2017, the euro will cost 71. The maximum rate in November 2017 will be 71, and the minimum 67.2. The average cost in November will be 68.9.

December 2017

At the beginning of December 2017, the euro will cost 69.3. The maximum quotes will be around 71.7, and the minimum 69.3. The average cost in December will be 70.2.

Euro exchange rate now 80.1697 rubles for 1 Euro. Range of changes: 79.9384 - 81.1019. The previous day's rate: 83.7731. Change: -3.6034 rubles, -4.30%. Reverse rate:

Euro exchange rate forecast for tomorrow, week and month.

Euro exchange rate forecast by day

date Day Min Max Well
16.03 Monday 76.77 79.11 77.94
17.03 Tuesday 77.96 80.34 79.15
18.03 Wednesday 79.94 82.38 81.16
19.03 Thursday 81.92 84.42 83.17
20.03 Friday 83.04 85.56 84.30
23.03 Monday 84.69 87.27 85.98
24.03 Tuesday 87.21 89.87 88.54
25.03 Wednesday 86.89 89.53 88.21
26.03 Thursday 86.97 89.61 88.29
27.03 Friday 87.34 90.00 88.67
30.03 Monday 88.00 90.68 89.34
31.03 Tuesday 90.20 92.94 91.57
01.04 Wednesday 90.45 93.21 91.83
02.04 Thursday 90.57 93.33 91.95
03.04 Friday 92.43 95.25 93.84
06.04 Monday 92.85 95.67 94.26
07.04 Tuesday 93.58 96.43 95.00
08.04 Wednesday 93.28 96.12 94.70
09.04 Thursday 93.05 95.89 94.47
10.04 Friday 93.40 96.24 94.82
13.04 Monday 93.17 96.01 94.59
14.04 Tuesday 93.53 96.37 94.95
15.04 Wednesday 92.92 95.74 94.33
16.04 Thursday 91.92 94.72 93.32

Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 16th: 77.94 rubles, maximum 79.11, minimum 76.77. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 17th: 79.15 rubles, maximum 80.34, minimum 77.96. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, March 18: 81.16 rubles, maximum 82.38, minimum 79.94. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, March 19: 83.17 rubles, maximum 84.42, minimum 81.92. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, March 20th: 84.30 rubles, maximum 85.56, minimum 83.04.

A week later. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 23: 85.98 rubles, maximum 87.27, minimum 84.69. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 24: 88.54 rubles, maximum 89.87, minimum 87.21. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, March 25: 88.21 rubles, maximum 89.53, minimum 86.89. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, March 26th: 88.29 rubles, maximum 89.61, minimum 86.97. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, March 27: 88.67 rubles, maximum 90.00, minimum 87.34.

In 2 weeks. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, March 30th: 89.34 rubles, maximum 90.68, minimum 88.00. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, March 31st: 91.57 rubles, maximum 92.94, minimum 90.20. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, April 1st: 91.83 rubles, maximum 93.21, minimum 90.45. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, April 2: 91.95 rubles, maximum 93.33, minimum 90.57. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, April 3: 93.84 rubles, maximum 95.25, minimum 92.43.

In 3 weeks. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, April 6: 94.26 rubles, maximum 95.67, minimum 92.85. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, April 7th: 95.00 rubles, maximum 96.43, minimum 93.58. Euro exchange rate forecast for Wednesday, April 8: 94.70 rubles, maximum 96.12, minimum 93.28. Euro exchange rate forecast for Thursday, April 9: 94.47 rubles, maximum 95.89, minimum 93.05. Euro exchange rate forecast for Friday, April 10th: 94.82 rubles, maximum 96.24, minimum 93.40.

In 4 weeks. Euro exchange rate forecast for Monday, April 13th: 94.59 rubles, maximum 96.01, minimum 93.17. Euro exchange rate forecast for Tuesday, April 14: 94.95 rubles, maximum 96.37, minimum 93.53.

Euro exchange rate forecast for 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and 2024.

Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
Mar 73.75 73.13-92.94 91.57 24.2% 24.2%
Apr 91.57 91.57-95.73 94.32 3.0% 27.9%
May 94.32 94.32-98.61 97.15 3.0% 31.7%
Jun 97.15 97.15-100.75 99.26 2.2% 34.6%
Jul 99.26 95.74-99.26 97.20 -2.1% 31.8%
Aug 97.20 95.00-97.90 96.45 -0.8% 30.8%
Sep 96.45 95.66-98.58 97.12 0.7% 31.7%
Oct 97.12 92.80-97.12 94.21 -3.0% 27.7%
But I 94.21 94.21-98.50 97.04 3.0% 31.6%
Dec 97.04 93.86-97.04 95.29 -1.8% 29.2%
Jan 95.29 91.82-95.29 93.22 -2.2% 26.4%
Feb 93.22 92.91-95.73 94.32 1.2% 27.9%
Mar 94.32 91.38-94.32 92.77 -1.6% 25.8%
Apr 92.77 89.84-92.77 91.21 -1.7% 23.7%
May 91.21 89.85-92.59 91.22 0.0% 23.7%
Jun 91.22 88.68-91.38 90.03 -1.3% 22.1%
Jul 90.03 90.03-93.25 91.87 2.0% 24.6%
Aug 91.87 88.43-91.87 89.78 -2.3% 21.7%
Sep 89.78 85.90-89.78 87.21 -2.9% 18.3%
Oct 87.21 87.21-91.18 89.83 3.0% 21.8%
But I 89.83 87.94-90.62 89.28 -0.6% 21.1%
Dec 89.28 88.52-91.22 89.87 0.7% 21.9%
Jan 89.87 85.86-89.87 87.17 -3.0% 18.2%
Feb 87.17 87.17-91.14 89.79 3.0% 21.7%
Mar 89.79 89.79-93.39 92.01 2.5% 24.8%

Month Open Min-Max Closed Months,% Total,%
2022 Continued
Apr 92.01 89.22-92.01 90.58 -1.6% 22.8%
May 90.58 90.00-92.74 91.37 0.9% 23.9%
Jun 91.37 89.50-92.22 90.86 -0.6% 23.2%
Jul 90.86 90.86-94.49 93.09 2.5% 26.2%
Aug 93.09 91.67-94.47 93.07 0.0% 26.2%
Sep 93.07 90.12-93.07 91.49 -1.7% 24.1%
Oct 91.49 87.95-91.49 89.29 -2.4% 21.1%
But I 89.29 89.29-93.35 91.97 3.0% 24.7%
Dec 91.97 91.97-96.15 94.73 3.0% 28.4%
Jan 94.73 94.73-98.48 97.02 2.4% 31.6%
Feb 97.02 97.02-101.43 99.93 3.0% 35.5%
Mar 99.93 95.73-99.93 97.19 -2.7% 31.8%
Apr 97.19 92.86-97.19 94.27 -3.0% 27.8%
May 94.27 93.54-96.38 94.96 0.7% 28.8%
Jun 94.96 90.73-94.96 92.11 -3.0% 24.9%
Jul 92.11 88.52-92.11 89.87 -2.4% 21.9%
Aug 89.87 87.09-89.87 88.42 -1.6% 19.9%
Sep 88.42 84.48-88.42 85.77 -3.0% 16.3%
Oct 85.77 83.59-86.13 84.86 -1.1% 15.1%
But I 84.86 84.86-88.72 87.41 3.0% 18.5%
Dec 87.41 83.52-87.41 84.79 -3.0% 15.0%
Jan 84.79 83.73-86.29 85.01 0.3% 15.3%
Feb 85.01 81.43-85.01 82.67 -2.8% 12.1%
Mar 82.67 78.99-82.67 80.19 -3.0% 8.7%
Apr 80.19 79.04-81.44 80.24 0.1% 8.8%

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 73.75 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.94, the minimum is 73.13. The average rate for the month is 82.85. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 91.57, change for March 24.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 91.57 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.73, the minimum is 91.57. The average rate for the month is 93.30. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 94.32, change for April 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 94.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.61, the minimum is 94.32. The average rate for the month is 96.10. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 97.15, change for May 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 97.15 rubles. The maximum rate is 100.75, the minimum is 97.15. The average rate for the month is 98.58. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 99.26, change for June 2.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 99.26 rubles. The maximum rate is 99.26, the minimum is 95.74. The average rate for the month is 97.87. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 97.20, change for July -2.1%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2020.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 97.20 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.90, the minimum is 95.00. The average rate for the month is 96.64. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 96.45, change for August -0.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 96.45 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.58, the minimum is 95.66. The average rate for the month is 96.95. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 97.12, change for September 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 97.12 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.12, the minimum is 92.80. The average rate for the month is 95.31. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 94.21, change for October -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 94.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.50, the minimum is 94.21. The average rate for the month is 95.99. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 97.04, change for November 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2020.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 97.04 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.04, the minimum is 93.86. The average rate for the month is 95.81. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 95.29, change for December -1.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 95.29 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.29, the minimum is 91.82. The average rate for the month is 93.91. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 93.22, change for January -2.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 93.22 rubles. The maximum rate is 95.73, the minimum is 92.91. The average rate for the month is 94.05. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 94.32, change for February 1.2%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 94.32 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.32, the minimum is 91.38. The average rate for the month is 93.20. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 92.77, change for March -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 92.77 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.77, the minimum is 89.84. The average rate for the month is 91.65. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 91.21, change for April -1.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 91.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.59, the minimum is 89.85. The average rate for the month is 91.22. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 91.22, change for May 0.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 91.22 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.38, the minimum is 88.68. The average rate for the month is 90.33. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 90.03, change for June -1.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 90.03 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.25, the minimum is 90.03. The average rate for the month is 91.30. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 91.87, change for July 2.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 91.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.87, the minimum is 88.43. The average rate for the month is 90.49. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 89.78, change for August -2.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 89.78 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.78, the minimum is 85.90. The average rate for the month is 88.17. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 87.21, change for September -2.9%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 87.21 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.18, the minimum is 87.21. The average rate for the month is 88.86. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 89.83, change for October 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2021.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 89.83 rubles. The maximum rate is 90.62, the minimum is 87.94. The average rate for the month is 89.42. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 89.28, change for November -0.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2021.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 89.28 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.22, the minimum is 88.52. The average rate for the month is 89.72. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 89.87, change for December 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 89.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.87, the minimum is 85.86. The average rate for the month is 88.19. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 87.17, change for January -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 87.17 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.14, the minimum is 87.17. The average rate for the month is 88.82. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 89.79, change for February 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 89.79 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.39, the minimum is 89.79. The average rate for the month is 91.25. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 92.01, change for March 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 92.01 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.01, the minimum is 89.22. The average rate for the month is 90.96. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 90.58, change for April -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 90.58 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.74, the minimum is 90.00. The average rate for the month is 91.17. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 91.37, change for May 0.9%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 91.37 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.22, the minimum is 89.50. The average rate for the month is 90.99. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 90.86, change for June -0.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 90.86 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.49, the minimum is 90.86. The average rate for the month is 92.33. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 93.09, change for July 2.5%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 93.09 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.47, the minimum is 91.67. The average rate for the month is 93.08. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 93.07, change for August 0.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2022.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 93.07 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.07, the minimum is 90.12. The average rate for the month is 91.94. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 91.49, change for September -1.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 91.49 rubles. The maximum rate is 91.49, the minimum is 87.95. The average rate for the month is 90.06. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 89.29, change for October -2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 89.29 rubles. The maximum rate is 93.35, the minimum is 89.29. The average rate for the month is 90.98. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 91.97, change for November 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2022.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 91.97 rubles. The maximum rate is 96.15, the minimum is 91.97. The average rate for the month is 93.71. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 94.73, change for December 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 94.73 rubles. The maximum rate is 98.48, the minimum is 94.73. The average rate for the month is 96.24. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 97.02, change for January 2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 97.02 rubles. The maximum rate is 101.43, the minimum is 97.02. The average rate for the month is 98.85. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 99.93, change for February 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 99.93 rubles. The maximum rate is 99.93, the minimum is 95.73. The average rate for the month is 98.20. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 97.19, change for March -2.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 97.19 rubles. The maximum rate is 97.19, the minimum is 92.86. The average rate for the month is 95.38. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 94.27, change for April -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for May 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 94.27 rubles. The maximum rate is 96.38, the minimum is 93.54. The average rate for the month is 94.79. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 94.96, change for May 0.7%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for June 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 94.96 rubles. The maximum rate is 94.96, the minimum is 90.73. The average rate for the month is 93.19. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 92.11, change for June -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for July 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 92.11 rubles. The maximum rate is 92.11, the minimum is 88.52. The average rate for the month is 90.65. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 89.87, change for July -2.4%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for August 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 89.87 rubles. The maximum rate is 89.87, the minimum is 87.09. The average rate for the month is 88.81. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 88.42, change for August -1.6%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for September 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 88.42 rubles. The maximum rate is 88.42, the minimum is 84.48. The average rate for the month is 86.77. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 85.77, change for September -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for October 2023.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 85.77 rubles. The maximum rate is 86.13, the minimum is 83.59. The average rate for the month is 85.09. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 84.86, change for October -1.1%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for November 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 84.86 rubles. The maximum rate is 88.72, the minimum is 84.86. The average rate for the month is 86.46. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 87.41, change for November 3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for December 2023.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 87.41 rubles. The maximum rate is 87.41, the minimum is 83.52. The average rate for the month is 85.78. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 84.79, change for December -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for January 2024.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 84.79 rubles. The maximum rate is 86.29, the minimum is 83.73. The average rate for the month is 84.96. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 85.01, change for January 0.3%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for February 2024.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 85.01 rubles. The maximum rate is 85.01, the minimum is 81.43. The average rate for the month is 83.53. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 82.67, change for February -2.8%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for March 2024.
The exchange rate at the beginning of the month is 82.67 rubles. The maximum rate is 82.67, the minimum is 78.99. The average rate for the month is 81.13. Forecast for the euro exchange rate at the end of the month is 80.19, change for March -3.0%.

Euro exchange rate forecast for April 2024.
The rate at the beginning of the month is 80.19 rubles. The maximum rate is 81.44, the minimum is 79.04. The average rate for the month is 80.23. Euro exchange rate forecast at the end of the month 80.24, change for April 0.1%.

Here you will always find latest forecast for the euro and ruble exchange rate. The forecast is updated and refined by APECON experts daily, taking into account the latest events and changes in market data.

Please note that installed central bank Exchange rates do not change on weekends! In the table below you can see the dollar and euro exchange rates for today, tomorrow and the week ahead. If you are interested in the future fate of currencies, follow the news and monitor quotes updates.

Dollar exchange rateEuro exchange rateRuble's exchange rate
There will be an official course for
03/17/2020 (we will find out through 1 day 16 hours)
? ? ?
Current official rate as of 03/14/2020
the best rates in banks
-84 kop.
1 rub. 80 kop.
went up in price a lot
+ 1.62%
Register and trade on Forex without investment - you will receive starting capital as a gift!
If you trade successfully, you can withdraw your money!
Since the last definition official rate as of 03/14/2020 decreased significantly
-74 kop.
dropped a lot
-1 rub. 38 kop.
went up in price a lot

(oil during this time:
+1.51% )

In the last hour did not change without changes without changes

Current exchange rates on the InstaForex exchange

Monthly dollar and euro exchange rate forecast

Exchange rate forecast for March
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
10.03.2020 Tuesday 71.65 72.72 70.58 83.70 84.96 82.44
11.03.2020 Wednesday 73.14 74.24 72.04 86.19 87.48 84.90
12.03.2020 Thursday 73.13 74.23 72.03 85.87 87.16 84.58
13.03.2020 Friday 72.99 74.08 71.90 85.95 87.24 84.66
16.03.2020 Monday 72.56 73.65 71.47 86.32 87.61 85.03
17.03.2020 Tuesday 72.97 74.06 71.88 86.98 88.28 85.68
18.03.2020 Wednesday 73.93 75.04 72.82 89.15 90.49 87.81
19.03.2020 Thursday 74.13 75.24 73.02 89.41 90.75 88.07
20.03.2020 Friday 74.05 75.16 72.94 89.53 90.87 88.19
23.03.2020 Monday 75.58 76.71 74.45 91.37 92.74 90.00
24.03.2020 Tuesday 75.44 76.57 74.31 91.78 93.16 90.40
25.03.2020 Wednesday 76.18 77.32 75.04 92.50 93.89 91.11
26.03.2020 Thursday 75.83 76.97 74.69 92.21 93.59 90.83
27.03.2020 Friday 75.95 77.09 74.81 91.99 93.37 90.61
30.03.2020 Monday 76.19 77.33 75.05 92.33 93.71 90.95
31.03.2020 Tuesday 76.06 77.20 74.92 92.10 93.48 90.72
Exchange rate forecast for AprilDollar exchange rate forecast for the week and monthEuro exchange rate forecast for the week and month
dateDay of the weekWellMax.Min.WellMax.Min.
01.04.2020 Wednesday 76.57 77.72 75.42 92.45 93.84 91.06
02.04.2020 Thursday 76.41 77.56 75.26 91.85 93.23 90.47
03.04.2020 Friday 75.55 76.68 74.42 90.87 92.23 89.51
06.04.2020 Monday 75.47 76.60 74.34 90.50 91.86 89.14
07.04.2020 Tuesday 76.50 77.65 75.35 91.44 92.81 90.07
08.04.2020 Wednesday 77.01 78.17 75.85 91.87 93.25 90.49
09.04.2020 Thursday 76.91 78.06 75.76 91.38 92.75 90.01
10.04.2020 Friday 76.04 77.18 74.90 90.21 91.56 88.86

What determines the dollar exchange rate, factors influencing exchange rates

If you are interested in buying or selling euros or dollars, the exchange rate is for you important indicator every day. Today both monetary units show significant volatility. This is primarily due to political factors.

What affects the exchange rate between the US dollar and the euro:

  • decisions made by diplomats within the framework of international cooperation. Yesterday Angela Merkel announced her readiness to reach an agreement with Russia - the euro fell slightly against the ruble. Tomorrow Donald Trump will release a new package of sanctions - the dollar exchange rate will skyrocket. Therefore, if you want to play on the currency exchange or make money by buying/selling currencies, you need to follow political news;
  • economic situation in the country and in the world. Yes, even economic changes within Russia affect the position of the ruble, and, accordingly, the exchange rate foreign currencies to him;
  • decisions of the Central Bank. It is known that at the beginning of the aggravation of relations with Europe and the United States, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation tried to balance the jumps in exchange rates against the ruble with the help of own resources. Today, the volatility of the dollar and euro has decreased slightly, and the system of containment of the Russian banking network played a significant role in this.

Previous rate forecasts

We all remember the times when the dollar exchange rate did not exceed 35 rubles, and the euro remained at the level of 39-45 rubles. Unfortunately or fortunately, these courses have not appeared on the display boards in banks for several years now. exchange offices. Below is our forecast of exchange rates a few days before the rapid fall of the ruble. This information is presented just like that, as a keepsake...

Dear visitors to the site “Currency exchange rate forecast for tomorrow”, please note that the forecast for the dollar and euro exchange rates is given for informational purposes only and cannot be regarded as a guide to action! We are not responsible for the accuracy of these forecasts, because... exchange rates depend on a huge number of factors and even the most experienced trader