Mortgage rating for secondary housing. Where can you get a mortgage at a low interest rate now? Comparative analysis of mortgage programs


How much loan can I expect?

The bank always approves maximum amount, which can be issued to the borrower and co-borrowers specified in the application form. However, the loan amount cannot be more than 85% of the value of the property you have chosen.

I was denied a loan. Why? What to do?

The bank does not explain the reasons for the refusal, as this would lead to the disclosure of the borrower assessment system, which is a trade secret. There are potentially about twenty parameters of the borrower and co-borrowers that this system can rely on.

If the bank refuses you, you can reapply for a loan within the period specified in the accompanying text of the refusal. In some cases, you can reapply immediately.

How to increase your chances of getting a mortgage with a small official salary?

For example, you can apply for a loan with a certificate in the bank form instead of a 2-NDFL certificate. An income certificate in the form of a bank is an alternative document that is accepted by the bank as confirmation of the borrower’s income, but in which additional earnings can be taken into account.

I am an elderly person, will they give me a mortgage?

You can take out a mortgage until you turn 75 years old. For example, if you are 65 years old, you can take out a 10-year mortgage.

If I receive a salary on a Sberbank card?

Salary clients of Sberbank, depending on other loan conditions, may receive additional benefits. At the same time, benefits are available if any of the co-borrowers is a salary client.

· If over the past two months you have had at least one salary deposited onto your Sberbank card or account, you can receive a discount on your rate.

· If you have had your salary credited to your Sberbank card (account) in at least 4 of the last 6 months, you will not need to additionally upload an income certificate and a copy of your work record book.

How can I find out the overpayment on my future loan?

You can see the amount of overpayment by registering in personal account . After registration, click on the calculation panel and you will see the overpayment diagram in the calculator.

Is it profitable to buy a life and health insurance policy for the borrower?

Life and health insurance in the insurance company Sberbank Life Insurance LLC or other companies accredited by Sberbank allows you to reduce the loan rate by 1%.

Considering the purchase of the policy, you will actually save about 0.5 percentage points on the rate. In addition to saving on the rate, the policy fulfills its immediate purpose - the insurance company will pay the bank the balance of the debt on your mortgage loan when insured event(disability or death).

I am a citizen of another country, can I get a mortgage?

Mortgages from Sberbank are issued only to Russian citizens.

Who can be a co-borrower?

Most often, co-borrowers are relatives of the main borrower - spouse, parents, children, brothers and sisters. In total, you can attract up to 6 co-borrowers. If you are married, your spouse must be a required co-borrower. Exceptions are possible if a marriage contract is concluded between the spouses.

For example, to increase the chances of receiving a larger amount upon approval, you can attract co-borrowers - participants in salary projects. And when applying for a loan, you can note that you do not want to take into account the solvency of the co-borrower. This will reduce the list of required documents, but may reduce the maximum approved amount.

How to use maternity capital for a mortgage?

You can use maternity capital funds in whole or in part as down payment when receiving a mortgage. You can use only maternity capital or the amount of maternity capital and own funds. For the minimum down payment amount, we recommend using the DomClick calculator.

When using funds maternity capital it is important to agree with the seller on the procedure and deadline for receiving it Money maternity capital, since this amount is transferred from Pension Fund not right away.

Also, maternity capital funds can be used for early repayment of an existing loan.

What additional costs will there be when applying for a mortgage?

Depending on the type of property and the selected set of services, when applying for a loan you will need to pay:

· Evaluation report – from 2,000₽ depending on the region and appraisal company (required for assessing the collateral);

· Insurance of the collateral (for the purchased apartment) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· Life and health insurance of the borrower (not mandatory, but reduces the loan rate) - directly depends on the size of the loan;

· The state fee for registering a transaction in Rosreestr is 2,000₽ at independent registration or 1,400 ₽ for electronic registration istration (is additional service and is paid separately);

· Rentals safe deposit box and payment for access to it (when buying a secondary home for cash) or payment for a secure payment service - from 2,000₽ .

The cost of services is approximate. Check the exact cost on the websites of the relevant services.

Which is better: new building or resale?

As a rule, an apartment or apartments in a new building are purchased directly from the developer, while resale apartments are purchased from the previous owner.

No one lived in the new building before you, the price per square meter is less than that of an apartment of the same class in the secondary market, there are promotions from developers, more modern layouts, however, you will not be able to quickly register at your place of residence, the elevator and gas will not be turned on until Most of the residents will not move in; most likely, they will have to wait for the development of infrastructure and the completion of repairs from the neighbors.

As a rule, you can move into a secondary property and register immediately after purchase; the infrastructure around it is already developed, however, most likely you will have to be content with a standard layout, worn-out communications, and you will need to check the legal purity of the property and the parties to the transaction.

What is the processing time for a loan application?

Review of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

How does the process of obtaining a mortgage from Sberbank through DomClick work?

Depending on the type of property and other parameters, the process of obtaining a mortgage may vary.

However, the first stage is the same for everyone - submitting an application for a loan. To apply, calculate the loan using the DomClick calculator, register on the website, fill out the form and attach Required documents. Review of the application does not exceed two days, but most clients receive approval on the day of application.

If you have not yet selected a property, you can start doing so immediately after receiving approval from the bank, when you find out the maximum loan amount for you.

When the property has been selected, upload the necessary documents in your DomClick account.

Within 3-5 days you will be informed about the approval of the property you have chosen. You can choose a convenient date for the transaction, which is carried out in the center mortgage lending Sberbank.

The last stage is registration of the transaction in Rosreestr. Congratulations, you're done!

Why register on DomClick?

After registration, you will have access to a consultant’s help in the chat and a borrower’s questionnaire. Registration allows you to save your data so that you can return to filling out the application at any time. After receiving loan approval in the borrower’s personal account, you will be able to communicate with your manager, send documents to the bank online and receive the services necessary to obtain a mortgage.

How do I find out the bank's decision?

Immediately after consideration of your application, you will receive an SMS with the bank's decision. A bank employee will also call you.

What you need to know about mortgages? Taking out a mortgage is not as difficult as it seems. For many citizens, this is a completely acceptable way to purchase housing with a minimal investment. But taking out a loan must take into account a huge number of nuances. In this case, this will be a real cost savings.

What should you pay attention to first when taking out a mortgage?

First of all, it is recommended to study the Federal Law, which regulates relations when taking mortgage loan. This is the law “On Mortgage”. Lending is carried out both in the secondary market and in new buildings. When is it better to take out a home mortgage depends on the specific conditions of solvency and economic situation from the borrower.

The borrower also needs to distribute in this way family budget so that there is enough money for monthly payments. Experts advise distributing budget finances in such a way that from the total family income No more than 40% was spent on monthly payments. Among other things, you need to soberly assess your capabilities and decide how much the down payment will be. How large sum is entered initially, the less it will become monthly payment.

Each credit institution offers its own lending conditions. To figure out how to profitably take out and apply for a mortgage, you will need to review a large number of information on credit institutions. Before submitting documents for provision credit services It is necessary to study the terms and conditions of many lenders. These may include requirements for the age of secondary housing, technical condition, as well as liquidity. This is why banks often refuse to lend to Khrushchev-era buildings, basements, basements and communal apartments. Such housing cannot be used as collateral, and therefore credit institutions do not consider it.

Instructions on how to profitably take out a mortgage

Deposits are more readily issued for new buildings, especially from trusted developers who cooperate with a specific bank. When purchasing, you should pay attention to the following points:

  • The down payment amount should be as large as possible. The larger the down payment, the less you pay each month and you won’t have to overpay.
  • Minimize the period of time required to apply for a loan so that the overpayment is a minimum amount.
  • Buy an apartment according to your real possibilities without expecting top-class housing. Of course, such properties are also given a mortgage, but the conditions there are completely different.

If you take your time and analyze everything, then it is quite possible to take a property that will cost less than renting a house.

Mortgage term

What's the best way to get a mortgage?

The benefit of a mortgage depends on what property is being borrowed. How to choose a property for a mortgage depends on the availability of funds and the value of the property. Many people believe that an apartment should be purchased at the construction stage. Most often, housing becomes more expensive since construction and at the foundation pit level you can buy a property at a minimal price.

How to take out a mortgage for a secondary home

Resale housing usually costs more than new housing. Especially if it has undergone high-quality repairs or legal, convenient redevelopment with an expansion of area. The cost of a resale depends on the area of ​​the city, the quality of repairs, the number of owners who have changed the apartment and the presence of encumbrances. There are a number of advantages when taking out a mortgage on a secondary property:

  • Banks are more loyal to this real estate market. There are credit institutions that issue mortgages only for the purchase of secondary real estate.
  • Lower interest rates.
  • The down payment becomes smaller.
  • A competent borrower can use his home immediately after applying for a loan, and not after a while, as in the case of new buildings.
  • The infrastructure already exists, not just promises to build it.

All these advantages point to the obvious benefits of purchasing housing on the secondary market, especially since credit institutions are more loyal to such apartments and houses. Approve a loan for secondary housing credit organization easier and less risk. Therefore, experienced specialists give advice on mortgages in the secondary market. Step-by-step loan processing contains fewer documents than when applying for a new building.

New building

To complete the transaction, you need to request the following documents from the developer:

  • Project declaration.
  • Project declaration with state examination.
  • Investment contract.
  • Constituent documents of the developer.
  • Insurance contract.
  • Construction permit.
  • Documents ownership of the land plot.
  • Extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate.

A huge advantage in registering a new building is that employees of the credit institution who are involved in the examination will be able to check the housing being financed and the developer. This will protect the borrower from the subsequent resale of the property or other fraudulent activities construction organizations. But in any case, the borrower must understand that he will have to pay a mortgage for an apartment in a new building even if the buyer is deceived by contractors or the construction company turns out to be fraudulent. This main feature new housing market.

Preferential mortgage

Brokers who provide mortgage advice claim that the most profitable terms for those who fall under the terms of a preferential mortgage. There are several such groups:

  • Young teachers and successful scientists.
  • Military personnel and their families.
  • Large and young families.
  • Persons who received maternity capital.

Young family

Each group has its own conditions, but in any case it is necessary to find banks that provide mortgages on preferential terms and participate in this program. The following are considered preferential conditions:

  • The state provides a subsidy for the down payment.
  • The mortgage is issued against low percentage, it is important to decide which banks provide such a mortgage.
  • Monthly payment of a certain amount within the framework of a state certificate (free mortgage).
  • Using maternity capital to repay the down payment or part of the loan.

It is important to understand that a reduced interest rate does not cancel the bank’s requirements for the borrower’s solvency. The monthly payment should not exceed 45% of the borrower’s total budget; many make a mistake and hope for a future increase in wages, income and standard of living.

Where is the best place to get a mortgage for an apartment?

To find out where it’s best to get a mortgage, you need to run around more than one bank. If there is time and the future borrower understands this, then he can act independently, but in most cases it is better to hire a mortgage broker. The overpayment will be minimal, but a real specialist will be able to advise and offer profitable option mortgage offer for a specific client.

In order to determine which bank is better to take out a loan for real estate, it is better to focus on the following simple conditions:

  • Down payment amount.
  • Interest rate.
  • Loan terms.
  • Requirements for borrowers.

It would also be nice to use online calculator, which is now provided by any bank. It is also better to control the situation by special offers. For example, Gazprom Bank has a “New Building” offer. It provides favorable conditions for purchasing real estate in housing under construction.

If there are conditions for receiving preferential loan, then you need to refer to the list of banks that participate in government programs. There is an opportunity to get approval for a mortgage under a state program with subsidies or a reduced interest rate.

When concluding an agreement and approving a loan, you should carefully read all the papers that you have to sign so as not to take on unnecessary obligations. Experienced Brokers It is advised to take out life and disability insurance to reduce your mortgage interest rate. The bank will thus have guarantees that in the event of force majeure, the money will be returned in full.

  • Currency. You only need to take out a loan in the currency in which you receive income. This way you can protect yourself from surges in the foreign exchange market.
  • The less money the monthly payment takes from the family's income, the better. You shouldn’t take risks and hope for a bright future, you are guaranteed to eat what you have now and the payment should not eat up more than 40% of the budget, and ideally 30%.
  • It's better to take more money than is needed directly to purchase a home, since you will also need repairs, furniture and other expenses, and consumer loan costs more.
  • Carefully evaluate the cost of housing so as not to overpay.
  • Buy a home so that it can be sold. This is just in case, the property must be liquid, then the borrower will have less risk.

These are not many tips on how to take out a mortgage correctly. But they are the ones who will help you purchase treasured items on credit as profitably as possible. square meters. Even 1 percent per annum for a 10-15 year mortgage can cost half a million rubles.

Buying real estate with a mortgage is a serious step that should be taken only after weighing and calculating everything. The first step is to decide on a bank, and then specifically choose the terms and amount of the loan. Only in this case is there a guarantee that the mortgage loan will not result in many problems.

Greetings! In this post, on a regular basis, we will write at what percentage they give a mortgage at Sberbank. There are a huge number of articles on mortgages, but lending programs change, interest rates change, etc. Let's look at what the mortgage rate is today at Sberbank and a number of other questions within the framework of our topic today.

We will start our educational program with the secondary market. Rates for finished housing Let us remind you that the apartment must be free from encumbrances, in other words, not be mortgaged, under arrest, from the rights of third parties, etc.

For secondary housing, the mortgage rate at Sberbank is now:

From 08/06/2019 there was a reduction in rates for all programs. It also works, which allows you to further reduce the mortgage interest rate.

Another interesting amendment: if the house in which you have chosen an apartment was built with the participation of credit funds Sberbank, then there will be no increase in interest by half a percent, even if you do not receive a salary from the Bank.

  • According to 2 documents, the rate will be increased, in order to protect yourself to the maximum, the contribution in this case will be at least 50%.

An increase in interest will occur in the case of:

  • +1% - in case of failure of life insurance;
  • + 0.8% - when applying for a mortgage using two documents.

Interest will be reduced in the following cases:

  • By 0.5% - if you have a Sber salary card;
  • By 0.3 - if the apartment is decorated under the “Showcase” promotion;
  • By 0.2 - if the down payment is less than 20%;
  • 0.4% - for promotions for young families.

The minimum amount you can count on for resales is 300,000 rubles, and the maximum should not be higher than 80% of the value of the collateral.

The mortgage rate for finished housing has also been reduced if the apartment is purchased through the Sberbank DomClick website. The discount is 0.3% of the current rate.

To the construction site

InterestBid, %Allowances
Base rates8,7 + 0.3% if PV is from 15-20%;

Subsidized rates for up to 7 years6,5 + 0.3% if PV is from 15-20%;
+1% if you refuse insurance;
+ 0.5% if you don’t have salary card Sberbank;
+ 0.3% if the mortgage is based on two documents.
Subsidized rates for a period of 7 years 1 month. up to 12 years old.7,2 + 0.3% if PV is from 15-20%;
+1% if you refuse insurance;
+ 0.5% if you do not have a salary Sberbank cards;
+ 0.3% if the mortgage is based on two documents.
Subsidized rates for a period of 12 years 1 month. up to 30 years old.7,7 + 0.3% if PV is from 15-20%;
+1% if you refuse insurance;
+ 0.5% if you do not have a Sberbank salary card;
+ 0.3% if the mortgage is based on two documents.

There is a promotion for new buildings until the end of the year, the main requirement of which is the purchase of an apartment from a seller accredited by the Bank ( legal entity). As part of the promotion, you will receive a reduced interest rate.

Well, if you use it before the end of this year, i.e. register ownership of mortgaged apartment in the Bank, and you enter into a PDU with the Developer, and then the Bank handles all the paperwork; you will only be needed to pick up the ownership documents. Agree, a very convenient service for our busy lives and busy work.

Another short-term promotion is in effect today at the Bank, it also runs until the end of the year inclusive, and it consists in the fact that the Bank is reducing interest rates under the Developer subsidy program. You can find the list of Developers on the Sberbank website; it is published in all regions of Russia.

If your chosen apartment does not qualify for this promotion, then you will need to find a Guarantor so that his income can cover your monthly mortgage payment. In general, your Guarantor's solvency should be the same as yours. Once you have secured title to yourself, the Guarantor can be removed.

The amount available to you here will be from 300 thousand rubles and up to 85% of the value of the collateral.

For mortgages on new buildings, the down payment today is the lowest compared to other programs and is 15%.

For building a house

The interest here is slightly higher than for apartments, but this is understandable, because this is easily explained by the fact that apartments have higher liquidity on the real estate market. Bank increased interest rates covers the risks of the loan, and they will amount to 9.7%.

The amount you can count on will also be from 300 thousand and up to 75% of the collateral value; the down payment will have to be at least 25%. But here too there is standard conditions, increasing the rate: +1% - if life insurance is refused; +1% - if you provide other property as collateral, then before registering the mortgage with Rosreestr, after registration this percentage will be removed. But do not confuse a mortgage for the construction of a residential building with a mortgage for country real estate, let's move on to it.

The 0.5% discount for salaried employees remains.

country estate

Here you can buy or build not only a dacha, garden house etc., but also buy land plot, on which in the future you will be able to build a summer house and a garden with a vegetable garden. Here you will need to enter minimum size contribution - 25%, and the available amount will be over 300 thousand rubles and no more than 75% of the deposit.

Interest rates on loans for country real estate are quite acceptable and range from 9.2%. Well, and the notorious surcharges: +1% - all with the same lack of life and health insurance; +1% - if you provide collateral, then this percentage is before registering the mortgage. Plus 0.5% if income is credited from the employer to a Sberbank card.

Mortgage + maternity capital

Do you have maternity capital and would you like to use its funds for housing?

No question, it’s your right, but take out a mortgage specifically for maternity capital, i.e. You can use it as a down payment or part of it only when purchasing a finished home or a new building. But you have the right to partially or fully repay an existing mortgage loan with maternity capital funds under any program. And again, we remind you that the decision to transfer funds via mat capital is made within two months, so you need to worry about this in advance.

Discussed in detail in a special post.

Military mortgage

Main mortgage terms of this program - to be a military personnel, to participate in the savings-mortgage system and have the right to receive a targeted housing loan based Federal Law dated 08/20/2004 No. 117-FZ. Let's now decipher these arcane legal terms.

According to the above Law, any military serviceman, after three years of participation in the savings-mortgage system, without waiting for the end of his service. Here you have the opportunity to buy not only finished housing, but also housing under construction. True amount military mortgage for finished housing is limited to 2,629,000 rubles and the maximum period for which you can take out a loan is 20 years. But the interest rate here is quite attractive and amounts to 8.8%.

The interest on housing under construction is the same as on a military mortgage on the secondary market, the conditions are also the same, the difference is that before handing over the house and registering ownership, you will have to formalize the assignment of rights, this means that the rights of the participant shared construction will be in collateral.

Pivot table

Let's summarize and analyze all of the above, and compile the results into a summary table so that it is more convenient for you to see what the mortgage percentage is at Sberbank and under what program it operates today. The data in the table is based on what you receive wages to a Sberbank account and agree to insure their life and health.

ProgramsMaximum amount, thousand rubles.Bid, %Duration, yearsDown paymentNote
Ready housing15 000 8,9 30 15 +0.3% if PV is from 15-20%,
+ 1% if you refuse insurance; +0.8% on mortgages according to two documents:
+ 0.3% if you refuse to purchase an apartment through the domclick website;
Promotion young family - base rate 8,5 %
Constructionup to 85% of the property value8,7 30 15 +0.3% if PV is from 15-20%,
+ 0.5% if you don’t have a Sberbank salary card,
+ 1% if you refuse insurance; +0.3% on mortgages according to two documents:
Construction of a residential buildingup to 75% of the value of the collateral9,7 30 25

country estateup to 75% of the value of the collateral9,2 30 25 +0.5% if the borrower does not receive salary on a Sberbank card;
+1% in the absence of a life insurance policy;
+1% if the mortgage is issued after registration of the property with the Rosreestr authorities
Military mortgage2 629 8,8 20 20
Non-targeted loan secured by real estateup to 60% of the cost11,3 20 + 0.5% - if not a salary employee;
+ 1% - if you refuse life insurance.
Mortgage for garage and parking space 9,7 30 25 + 0.5% if not salary project, +1% if you refuse insurance.
Family mortgageup to 6 million in the regions and up to 12 million in Moscow, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region.5 30 20
Mortgage refinancing 9 30
Promotion "Your turnkey home"up to 8,000,000 ₽ for properties in Moscow and the Moscow region
up to 5,000,000 ₽ for objects in the Lipetsk region
10,9 30 20 Before registering a mortgage, the rate is 12.9%

So, we looked at mortgage rates today at Sberbank, and they are very attractive. We will be glad if our information is useful to you. Therefore, consider, compare, choose and make the only right decision for you. You can calculate the interest rate on a mortgage at Sberbank yourself, use our

Deciding to take out a mortgage is one of those decisions that can affect your entire life. Positive or negative - it all depends on how balanced and thoughtful your decision will be, regarding how convenient it will be for you to make monthly payments on loan. Therefore, it is recommended to always look for a low interest rate on a mortgage, without reducing the quality of the services provided by the lender. But how can this be done correctly with such a variety of offers on the primary and secondary lending markets? Read more about this in our review.

Where to get a mortgage at a low interest rate

So, you have decided to take out a mortgage. Now you have to choose a bank with the most favorable financial conditions and the lowest interest rate on loan. Absolutely all borrowers are looking for such conditions, because no one wants to overpay in vain. But here it is worth keeping in mind that banks can often reduce the quality of the services provided in order not to lose money. Banks can also deliberately provide real estate with obviously worse properties under “special promotional programs”. living conditions than those available in standard offers at a higher interest rate. Therefore, try to borrow only from reliable, verified lenders to avoid the risk of being defrauded a large sum.

In case a low mortgage interest rate is your priority, we will consider all current Russian mortgage programs.

Which bank has the lowest mortgage interest rate in 2018?

Let's take a look at the list of promising Russian banks, where the interest rates on mortgage loans are the lowest, thanks to their current offers and development strategies for 2018:

  • Gazprombank: “Mortgage in a house under construction (Gazprombank Invest);
  • Tinkoff Bank: mortgage intermediation;
  • Raiffeisen Bank: “Apartment in a new building”;
  • Deltacredit: “Apartment or share”;
  • VTB Bank of Moscow: “New buildings”;
  • Moscow Credit Bank: “Loan based on one document.”

It is recommended to cooperate with these banks on issues of mortgage financing for the population in 2018. True, it is important to remember that the bank may refuse due to bad credit history from the borrower, so it is recommended to first check the debts with banks. All about how to do it

Lowest mortgage percentage 2018 for secondary housing

If for some reason the conditions offered on the primary real estate market do not suit you, then you can always use the services of the secondary market. In this market, the limits of minimum-maximum interest rates are wider and housing prices are lower. Secondary mortgages at the lowest interest rates can now be purchased from the following banks:

  • DeltaCredit: from 10.75%;
  • Tinkoff Bank: from 10.75%;
  • Slavia: from 10.75%;
  • RaiffeisenBank: from 11.5%;
  • Gazprombank: from 11.5%.

The conditions offered by these banks differ from each other and may change frequently, so it is recommended to separately consult with the bank employees regarding your specific case. However, your visit to the bank will be much more effective if you make it after consultation with a realtor.

Where to get a mortgage at a low interest rate without a down payment

IN last years The number of financial institutions providing loans for the purchase of housing without a down payment has significantly decreased. All banks significant for the Russian economy have completely refused to provide housing loans without the borrower paying a down payment. Today only small financial institutions offer mortgage loans with no down payment. However, they do this on conditions that are unfavorable to the borrower.

However, there is still a way to do this on fairly favorable terms. In order to take out a mortgage without a down payment, you must be a member of one of the following preferential social groups:

  • Employees of budgetary organizations;
  • Military personnel;
  • Russian Railways employees;
  • Large families;
  • For young families.

The most advantageous social group for obtaining a real estate loan on preferential terms is precisely the latter. Let us consider it in more detail, since it is the most accessible for the population of the Russian Federation.

Mortgage for a young family

If you are going to start a family or have already started one and you are not yet 35 years old, then you fall under the conditions of the social state benefit program. In this case, you will be able to take out a mortgage at a low interest rate and with much more favorable conditions, intended exclusively for young families. Today, this is the most popular and most profitable lending option for the purchase of real estate. According to its terms, the bank can pay you from 35% to 40% of total cost purchased housing. Also, under the terms of the state social program, you will be able to take " credit holidays» in case of the birth of children or the loss of the main source of income by the head of the family.

An absolute fact: real estate prices in the Russian capital are showing a steady upward trend. Nevertheless, the need for their own housing among Muscovites and citizens who want to become one is also growing naturally. Therefore, it is quite natural that mortgages in Moscow are gaining popularity day by day. A logical response to the growing demand in the field of mortgage lending was the variety of relevant credit programs from Moscow banks. To study them all and choose the option that is optimal for all the required parameters requires an enormous amount of time, during which housing prices in Moscow will rise even higher. We can avoid these difficulties, save your time and, as a result, your money!

A profitable mortgage for a large amount is a reality!

If you are interested in a mortgage for an apartment, then a huge number of mortgage loans from Moscow banks. They all differ from each other in a number of the following ways: the loan amount, the duration of the period for which the loan is issued, the amount of the down payment, the amount of overpayment mortgage rate, requirements for the borrower and the like.

Of course, every potential borrower wants to find a mortgage loan that offers the most favorable conditions for each of these parameters. In other words, the ideal mortgage in Moscow is a loan for a large amount with a minimum interest rate, issued without a down payment and without draconian requirements for the number of documents presented about the borrower’s status. Of course, such ideal mortgage loans do not exist (they are simply not profitable for banks), but choosing the optimal combination of all requirements and finding the best mortgage offer for yourself is within the power of anyone using the website.

How does the service work?

So the site is large base of these loans, combining all available offers for mortgage loans in Moscow. Convenient system navigation coupled with an intuitive interface will allow everyone to easily choose from the entire mass of banks the right proposal according to the specified parameters. Thus, you yourself determine those mortgage offers that are not suitable for you for any reason ( high rate, big size down payment, the requirement to collect a hefty package of documents before receiving a loan), and you study only those that you might really want to use. In addition to the actual mortgage offers, on our project you will find important information about the history of each of the lending banks, their reputation, and the features of their loan programs, which will help you make the right decision without significant time investment.

Why is choosing a mortgage from a website so convenient?

Choosing a mortgage offer for a room or apartment that is suitable in all respects using our service gives you the opportunity to minimize current costs when applying for a mortgage. In addition, thanks to the site, you will benefit from paying off your mortgage loan by choosing the most reasonable mortgage rates. Finally, with the help of our project you will save time, which, as we know, is successfully converted into money: if you have chosen several suitable offers for yourself, simply fill out an online application for each! No unnecessary trips credit institutions- your presence will only be required in one bank, where you will already sign all the necessary documents for the purchase of your new home!