Where is the best cash loan? Where is the best place to get a cash loan? Eastern Bank - low interest and high odds


You can take a loan at 12% per annum or lower in Renaissance, Tinkoff Bank, "Vostochny", the advantage of these banks will be that they consider applications without providing a certificate of employment. Sovcombank and UBRD also do not require confirmation of income, but their minimum bar is from 12% per annum. Get money under relatively not high percent 15% is quite realistic in Alfa-Bank.

Loan at low interest

Home Credit Bank - loans up to 50,000 rubles from 10.9%!

Home Credit Bank is the market leader consumer loans at points of sale. For clearance online applications and obtaining a loan, you only need a passport.
A wide range of products for customers of different social status. For regular customers additional favorable conditions. Client deposits are insured.
The Bank is actively involved social life society.

Summary: Home Credit Bank ranks first in the consumer loan market due to low interest rates, customer focus and modern services and services.

Low interest cash loan

Renaissance Credit - up to 700,000 rubles at 11.3%

Bank with low interest rates, where you can apply consumer credit on two documents. Works in almost all major cities of Russia, gives out cash on the day of circulation for up to 5 years, has special program for pensioners.

Summary: "Renaissance Credit" is a bank with the lowest interest rates, where you can get a loan on two documents.

Low interest cash loans

"Raiffeisen Bank" - a single rate of 10.99% for a loan amount up to 2 million rubles

The bank follows the highest quality standards in its work, so customers trust it and agree to long-term cooperation.
To apply for a loan up to 300,000 rubles, you only need a passport; up to 1,000,000 rubles - a passport and proof of income; up to 2,000,000 rubles - a passport, proof of income and employment. The term of use is from 1 year to 5 years.
The decision on the online application is made in 2 minutes. You can get an approved loan at the branch or with free courier delivery.

Summary: "Raiffeisen Bank" issues loans for large amounts at a reduced interest rate.

Loans at low interest

Eastern Bank - low interest and high odds

In our opinion, in Eastern Bank»there are not the smallest rates, but here the maximum chances for approval of the application are even for borrowers with poor credit history. In this bank, you can take a loan on a passport, without a certificate of income and any additional documents. Applications are accepted online, and are considered within 5-10 minutes.

Summary: Bank "Vostochny" - not the smallest interest, but the maximum chance of approval of the application.

The lowest loan interest

"SKB-Bank" - simple and convenient lending.
SKB-Bank issues consumer loans in the amount of up to 300 thousand rubles without a certificate of income, up to 1.3 million rubles with a certificate. Interest rate from 9.9%. Loan term from 1 to 5 years. The application for a loan is considered up to 2 working days. Early repayment is possible without commissions and penalties.
Convenient, modern and free internet banking and mobile app.
Instant transfers money between cards of any banks.

Summary: "SKB-Bank" - low interest on loans for any purpose; universal online service.

Take out a small loan

Sovcom Bank is in the top 10 banks with the most profitable loans in 2018.
In "Sovkom Bank" you can take a loan in the amount of 5 thousand to 1 million rubles for a period of 1 to 5 years. Interest rate - from 12% per annum. For a loan of up to 40 thousand rubles, you only need a passport. The best offer is a loan of 100,000 rubles for 1 year at 12% per annum. You can apply online in 2 minutes.
There are special credit programs for pensioners. A large amount can be obtained on the security of a car or real estate.
If you have a bad credit history, the bank offers the "Credit Doctor" program.

Summary: Sovcom Bank is a large financial institution with attractive conditions for consumer lending.

Take a consumer loan at a minimum interest

Tinkoff Bank is a modern and practical bank with a full range of financial services.
A loan of up to 2 million rubles for 1-3 years is issued without certificates, guarantors and a visit to the bank. The interest rate on the loan is from 12%.
All applications are processed online, the card will be delivered by courier from 1 to 7 days to any place. Perhaps partial early repayment - at any time by phone. Free replenishment at 300,000 outlets in Russia. There are mortgage lending programs.
The first Russian bank who completely abandoned branches. Banking transactions are instantly carried out by phone or via the Internet.

Summary: Tinkoff Bank is the best online retail bank with a variety of credit and debit cards for any need.

Consumer loan the most favorable conditions

Post Bank is a new retail bank with branches in Russian post offices.
In Post Bank, you can get a loan of up to 1.5 million rubles for a period of 1 to 5 years. All you need is a passport and SNILS. With payments from 10,000 rubles per month, the interest rate is reduced from 12.9% to 10.9%. The decision on the application is made in 1 minute.
The Element 120 bank credit card allows you to make purchases with payment within 120 days. The bank has special conditions for loans for education and.

Summary: Post Bank is a universal retail bank with affordable loans for various purposes.

Banks consumer credit

Rosbank is part of the Societe Generale group, the leading universal European bank.
The Bank offers a loan "Just Money" without collateral in the amount of 50,000 to 3,000,000 rubles with an interest rate of 13.5% to 19.5% for a period of 13 to 84 months. A passport and a certificate of income are required, if the amount exceeds 400,000 rubles, then the bank requests additional data. The credit limit can be increased upon presentation of information about additional income. Offers more attractive terms for borrowers receiving wages to an account with Rosbank, employees of partner companies, pensioners, state employees, etc.
Rosbank approves 8 out of 10 submitted loan applications.

Summary: "Rosbank" offers credit programs at rates above average.

Profitable loan

"OTP Bank" is a universal credit institution, a member of the international financial group OTP (OTP Group).
In "OTP Bank" you can get a loan in the amount of 15,000 to 4,000,000 rubles. Rates vary from 10.5% to 14.9%, determined by the bank, taking into account the client's risk level. Loan term up to 7 years. Application processing time from 15 minutes to 1 business day. There is payable service Postponement of payment date.
Bank offices in 3700 settlements of the country. In addition to individuals, the bank cooperates with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, develops credit solutions for corporate clients, a reliable partner for financial institutions.

Summary: "OTP Bank" provides loans to corporate clients and individuals, the interest rate is determined individually.

Get a loan from a bank at a low interest rate

"UBRR" - largest bank in Russia, offering quality service and simple financial solutions.
The bank offers three types of loan products:
● "Affordable" loan - up to 200,000 rubles with an interest rate of 11% without certificates and guarantors only by passport;
● Loan "Open" - up to 1,500,000 rubles, the rate is from 11%, you need a passport and income statement;
● "120 days" - from 30,000 to 299,999 rubles for 3 years. Interest for using the loan is not charged for the first 120 days, after the expiration of the grace period, the rate is 28-31%. For registration, you need a passport and a certificate of income.
Fee for maintaining a card account and withdrawing funds. Early repayment - free of charge.

Summary: UBRD provides loans for various requests at affordable interest rates.

Best cash loans

Alfa-Bank is the largest Russian private bank, one of the top 10 most significant credit institutions.
A universal bank that carries out all major types of banking operations, serving private and corporate clients, investment banking, trade finance, etc.
A cash loan in the amount of up to 3,000,000 rubles is issued at Alfa-Bank with an interest rate of 11.99% for a period of 1 to 5 years.
A consumer loan up to 1,000,000 rubles is issued at a rate of 14.99%, the first 100 days do not accrue interest for the use of money. Only a passport is needed.
Alfa Bank has a huge selection of credit and, mortgage lending and deposit options, free savings services, programs and loans secured by property.
The application approval rate is the highest.

CV: Alfa-Bank - reliable bank, holding leadership positions and offering various services on favorable conditions.

How to get a consumer loan at a low interest rate?

Start with "your" bank. If you receive a salary on a card, apply for money to the bank that issued this card. You're probably waiting for lower interest rates and minimum requirements to the package of documents. For example: a standard consumer loan at Alfa-Bank is 15.99%. And if you receive a salary on a card, then the interest rate is reduced to 13.99%

To increase your chances of finding the best deals, consider several options. Apply to two or three places at the same time, find out your individual rate and choose the bank that offers the most favorable conditions.

Collect documents. Many banks issue cash loans without a certificate of income, and sometimes simply on the basis of a Russian citizen's passport. This is convenient, but if you are counting on low interest, try to confirm your financial situation with some documents. Best of all - a certificate in the form of 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book.

Currently, interest rates on consumer loans have begun to decline significantly. If earlier money was issued at huge interest rates, today you can get a loan at a rate of fifteen percent per annum. So where can you get the cheapest consumer loan and what is needed for this?

What determines the interest rate

Many people who have taken or are just about to take a loan are interested in the question of which bank to get the cheapest consumer loan. Before you start choosing a lender, you should analyze your own capabilities. Here it is important to take into account the level of your income, whether it is possible to leave property as a pledge. The credit history of the borrower is also very important. The better it is, the easier it is to get a loan at a favorable rate.

The level of reliability and solvency of the borrower has a very strong influence on the decision of the bank and the attitude towards it in general.

Also, an important role in determining the bank rate on the loan is played by:

  • Is the borrower a payroll client of the bank.
  • Does he have a bank account?
  • Has he taken loans before?

At the same time, most potential borrowers consider the loan that will be issued at the lowest possible rate to be profitable, without taking into account its term and insurance payments.

The rate for each client is considered individually and depends on:

  • Wage level.
  • The social status of the borrower.
  • Work experience in last place.
  • Borrower's credit history.

Who can get a loan

Where to get the cheapest consumer loan? Which bank? It's not easy to choose. But before doing this, you need to find out which category of citizens the bank can issue a loan.

To qualify for a loan, the borrower must meet the standard banking requirements. These include:

  • A potential borrower must have Russian citizenship and a place of permanent registration in any of the regions of Russia.
  • The age of the client must not be less than eighteen years. For retired people, separate program lending.
  • The borrower must have a permanent, preferably confirmed, source of income.
  • The length of service at the current place of work should not be less than three months, and the total - at least six months.

If the borrower meets all the above conditions, then he can start looking for a bank where you can get the cheapest consumer loan.

What documents are required

To obtain a loan in any financial institution, you must submit a certain package of documents. It will help to study the credit history of the borrower and determine the individual loan rate.

Such documents are:

  • Valid passport of the potential borrower.
  • Certificate of state pension insurance of a citizen.
  • Certificate confirming the client's income. For non-working pensioners, it will be replaced by a pension certificate.

In addition to these basic documents, the bank may require employment history, which will be certified by the seal and signature of the employer. A driver's license and title may also come in handy. For individual entrepreneurs binding document is the TIN. If the loan is issued with a pledge of property, then you need to present to the bank a certificate of ownership of the property that is left as a pledge.

Who can get a loan at a reduced rate

The cheapest consumer credit may be available to certain borrowers. Most profitable offer the bank makes to borrowers who are its payroll clients. In this case, no proof of income is required. The bank will be confident in the solvency of a potential borrower.

A borrower who has previously taken a loan from a bank can count on more loyal conditions. Having a positive credit history also helps you get the cheapest personal loan.

The cheapest consumer loan in Rostov

Where to get a loan in Rostov and the region the minimum rate a borrower with a good credit history? To do this, you can contact banks such as:

  • "Sberbank";
  • "VTB 24";
  • "OTPbank";
  • "Rosselkhozbank";
  • "Alfa Bank";
  • "Home Credit Bank";
  • Rosbank.

In addition, any borrower can get the most favorable loan rate from a bank whose payroll client he is.

Pledge of movable and immovable property, as well as the presence of guarantors, will help to reduce the loan rate.

The cheapest consumer loans in Moscow

Such a large city is rich in the presence of banks. There is a lot of competition among them. For this reason, each financial institution, trying to attract customers, offers more and more favorable lending conditions.

So, for example, in "Alfa-Bank" you can get a loan at a rate of only 14.9 percent per annum. But for this you need to have an excellent credit history, and you will also need to confirm the source of your income.

Those customers who receive wages on the cards of VTB24, Sberbank or Rosselkhoz Bank can also count on more loyal lending conditions.

If the borrower has previously applied to the Bank of Moscow or Tinkoff, then the loan rate may be reduced upon re-application. Home Credit Bank offers its former and current borrowers credit cards on favorable terms.

But it should be borne in mind that for all new credit customers, the loan rate is set at an average of 27-35%.

Where is the cheapest consumer loan, it is definitely difficult to say. This is influenced by many factors, but you can always choose the right conditions.

Hello, friends!

You have come a long way from thinking that you cannot do without a loan to deciding that you simply need it right now. I hope that you approached this issue thoroughly and with full responsibility for the consequences of your decision. Can't you be persuaded to think again? Then let's find the answer, where to get a loan on favorable terms.

Before looking for an answer to the question posed in the topic of the article, it is necessary to decide on what criteria we will choose the most profitable loan:

  • Minimum loan interest.

This is the main requirement that borrowers make for a loan. Who does not dream of getting money at a low percentage? But in this case, you need to be especially careful when concluding a contract. Often a loan with a low rate hides benefits that are received not by you, but by the bank (commissions, short loan term, collateral, etc.)

  • No imposed additional services.

These primarily include different kind insurance (life and health, job loss, property). I wrote in a separate article.

  • High speed of application approval.

Now this is practically no problem. When applying for a loan online, the approval process can take only a few minutes. Sometimes only passport data is enough to get a positive decision from the bank.

  • A large number of payment methods.

Even the most conservative bank develops a network of affordable loan payment options: offices, ATMs, Internet banking, etc. And it does it very quickly. For example, a couple of years ago, Sberbank was famous for its extensive office structure, but a disgusting mobile bank. Everything has changed today.

  • The minimum set of documents.

The ideal option is the approval of a loan on a passport. And this is possible, but often on unfavorable terms for you. It is practiced in stores where bank representatives sit and catch “warm” customers who are already on fire with buying something new and expensive. They take them into circulation right away, because, having come home, many still allow themselves to look on the Internet and find out loan offers in several banks. Don't be so malleable, don't just accept the first offer.

Each borrower should have their own list of requirements for the loan and the bank that issues it. But we have identified the most significant selection criteria. You can easily remove those that are irrelevant to you and add your own additional conditions.

Stages of choosing a loan product

Which bank is more profitable to take a loan? The main steps you need to follow to answer this question are:

Stage 1. Determine the purpose of the loan: for the purchase of housing, expensive goods or a car, vacation, wedding, education, etc.

Stage 2. Determine the loan amount. The interest rate and, of course, your debt burden depend on its value.

Stage 3. Choose a loan term. The longer you expect to pay off the loan, the more willingly banks will cooperate with you. After all, you are their "hens that lay golden eggs." The term can be from several months to several decades (for a mortgage, for example).

Stage 4. Visit sites that offer to compare loan products of several banks (Banki.ru, Sravni.ru, etc.) Study the reviews of borrowers. Select several banks that suit your requirements.

Start the selection procedure with the bank where you receive your salary. For these categories of borrowers, preferential terms. Pay attention to stocks. For example, when preparing material for an article, Gazprombank had a promotion.

Stage 5. Visit the branches of selected banks or their official pages on the Internet. Ask managers or carefully study the information on the website for all loan offers.

Stage 6. Almost all banks offer to use loan calculator, in order to roughly calculate the monthly amount due, in some cases you can immediately see the amount of the overpayment on the loan.

Stage 7. Compare the information received and make a final decision on the choice of a bank and a loan offer.

Stage 8. Fill out an application online or at the bank office.

Some experts suggest applying to several banks at once in order to get approval from at least one. But there is one caveat. Applying to several banks at the same time can ruin your credit history.

I expect your question: “Which banks work almost without failure?” For example, where should an unemployed person or a client with bad credit go? On the Internet you will find many articles on this topic. The "experts" give a list of the best banks that lend money to everyone. I do not consider myself to be such an expert, because I work only with official and verified information. But there is none. Therefore, I can not provide you with a magic list.

But we will study lending options in the most popular banks according to customer reviews. Maybe they are right for you. If not, you'll have to do your own research.

The best loans according to borrowers' reviews

The most popular loan is consumer. financial portal Banki.ru made the following rating:

  1. More documents, lower rates - from Renaissance Credit.
  2. The first mail is from Post Bank.
  3. Consumer - Gazprombank.
  4. Cash - from Alfa-Bank.
  5. Cash - from Tinkoff Bank.

I will not take the liberty of making my own rating. In any case, it will turn out to be biased. I propose to consider the main lending conditions for these five banks in the table and compare them with each other.

Bank / Name of loan Bid Amount / Term Requirements for the borrower The documents
Renaissance Credit / More documents, lower ratesFrom 11.3%Up to 700,000 rubles. / up to 60 monthsFrom 20 to 70 years old.

Income from 8,000 rubles.

Passport of the Russian Federation.

Identification document (optional).

Additional documents.

Post Bank / First postalFrom 12.9%Up to 1,000,000 rubles / up to 60 monthsFrom 18 years old. Availability of mobile and landline phones.Passport of the Russian Federation.

No proof of income.

TIN of the employer.

Gazprombank / ConsumerFrom 11.4%Up to 3,500,000 rubles. / up to 7 yearsFrom 20 to 70 years old.

6 months experience at current job.

No negative credit history.

Passport of the Russian Federation.
Alfa-Bank / CashFrom 11.99%Up to 3,000,000 rubles / up to 5 yearsFrom 21 years old.

3 months experience at current job.

Availability of mobile and landline phones.

Income from 10,000 rubles.

Passport of the Russian Federation.

2nd document to choose from.

3rd document to choose from.

Document confirming income.

Tinkoff Bank / CashFrom 12%Up to 1,000,000 rubles / up to 3 yearsFrom 18 to 70 years old.Passport of the Russian Federation with permanent or temporary registration on the territory of the Russian Federation. No proof of income.
  1. Rates fluctuate in tenths and hundredths of a percent.
  2. Tinkoff Bank issues a loan on very loyal terms, but the loan term is the shortest (3 years).
  3. Gazprombank is ready to issue a loan for the largest amount for up to 7 years at the lowest interest rate.
  4. The package of documents in each bank is standard and not too burdensome for the borrower. Instead of a certificate of income, Post Bank requires the TIN of the employer.
  5. The requirements for the client have more differences. The lower age limit is from 18 to 21 years, and the length of service at the current place is from 3 to 6 months.

The preposition “From”, which we see at the interest rate, indicates that the figure indicated in the table is not guaranteed. You need to go to the website of a particular bank and read the terms of the loan very carefully.

No expert can answer the question of which bank is better to take a loan. The choice depends, as always, on you and only on you.

What to do if they refuse everywhere?

Despite the high loyalty of banks to borrowers on issues of issuing loans, there are frequent situations when they refuse. If this is repeated more than once or twice, then it is worth considering why. The most possible reasons (no one will explain the real ones to you, because they are not obliged to):

  1. Bad credit history.
  2. Low income.
  3. Inappropriate age (too young or too old).
  4. Convictions, various diseases, etc.

I analyzed these points in more detail in an article about.

What to do if they refuse everywhere? Possible courses of action:

  1. . Most recently, I described the main reasons for her poor condition. You can try to correct the situation on those points on which it is still possible to do something. For example, errors caused by banks. But this will take time.
  2. Check whether you have submitted all the documents confirming your income to the bank. In some credit institutions there is an extended list of required certificates, extracts, etc. Therefore, it is not necessary to have a certificate of income in the form 2-NDFL.
  3. Apply for a secured loan (collateral or guarantor). In this case, banks are more willing to meet the borrower, even the unemployed. I don't think it's necessary to explain why.
  4. Submit an application online. I already wrote a little higher that the bank will not be able to evaluate your appearance and your state of mind. He will check your profile against all available sources, and that will be enough.
  5. Order a credit card. I have already devoted many articles to this issue. For example, you can read, or. The conditions for obtaining credit cards are much simpler. It is especially convenient if you need money urgently and there is no way to collect a set of documents. But keep in mind that the interest rate will be higher. But there is Grace period And you can do without paying interest at all.
  6. Contact a microfinance institution. The interest rate there, as a rule, is indicated per day. This is probably done so as not to scare away the client with a three-digit value for the year. Of the documents - only a passport.

And, finally, the best way, in my opinion, is to refuse the loan altogether.


I read comments on my previous articles that with a salary of 20,000 rubles, you can only live on credit. I believe that only very wealthy people can afford to live on credit.

And immediately to such commentators the question arises, what have you done to increase your income? The answer, as a rule, comes down to dissatisfaction with the government, the employer and the general injustice of life.

I really want my articles to help you. Someone consciously approach the decision to take a loan on terms that will not become a heavy burden for the whole family, and someone to refuse borrowed money and learn how to save and save.

Many people want to take a profitable cash loan. If a own funds their use is insufficient or not possible, and the money is needed now, then a loan from the bank will help in solving this problem.

Pitfalls of various banks

There are also pitfalls in various credit organizations. The most common of them are waiting for a bank decision on a loan application, and then refusal, and a high percentage of overpayment. The speed of issuing loans and the almost absence of requirements often contain huge interest rates.

We will figure out where it is more profitable to take a cash loan.

Bank selection algorithm

When choosing a bank, you should answer the following questions:

  1. Does the bank recognize you as a solvent borrower? You need to find out all the requirements for obtaining a loan.
  2. Will a down payment be required or not for targeted lending, is it possible for you to pay it?
  3. What amount will be available to you with your credit history, interest rate in the selected bank?
  4. Extradition procedure borrowed money, necessary commissions for the issuance of money and their size?
  5. Loan repayment schedule?
  6. Is early repayment possible without additional fees?
  7. Which bank to choose?

To answer the question of where it is more profitable to take a cash loan, we will present the most favorable conditions at the moment. It can be immediately noted that the excellent reputation of the borrower has a positive effect on the decision to issue a loan. The length of service in the same place is also taken into account.

"UniCredit Bank"

The largest bank in Russia with foreign participation, provides complete list consumer loans. You can take out a cash loan, a car loan, including a supported one, a mortgage, and if you are denied all applications, you can take a credit card or a standard consumer one.

The bank offers loans to the population up to 3 million rubles at a rate of 14%. 84 months is the maximum loan term. Partial and early repayments are possible and will not be charged. There is also a bonus for customers: debit card with 1% cash back on purchases, also a reduced interest rate. With a positive credit history, it is possible to issue a loan on a passport, additional documents are not required for this.

The only bank where you can take a loan for a used car: express option (from 16.4% per annum), for a used car up to 5 years (from 19% per annum). Participates in an agreement with Jaguar Land Rover - you can get a profitable loan for this car on favorable terms with an initial payment of 11%.

Included in the program of state preferential lending (from 6.6% per annum). Refinancing a mortgage taken from another bank. The rate on a primary mortgage is from 11%, with a refinanced one - from 12%. The term for which a home loan is issued cannot exceed 30 years.

Benefits of this bank

The advantages of this bank are as follows:

  • participant government programs lending;
  • interests of any citizens are taken into account, providing a wide range of loans;
  • passport with a positive reputation of the borrower;
  • low mortgage interest rate;
  • Mobile Bank service is free;
  • website loan calculator
  • cards with cashback and bonus programs;
  • the possibility of obtaining a loan with state subsidies.

Where is the best place to get a cash loan? You can contact a large well-known bank. Such as Alfa-Bank, for example.

"Alfa Bank"

Basically this portfolio financial organization consists of consumer loans. The rate is determined separately for each client. The loan is issued for a period of 8 months to five years.

With a total amount from 701 thousand rubles to 999 thousand rubles, the rate is 12-22.50%, from 251 thousand rubles to 699 thousand rubles - 15-22.50%, from 50 thousand rubles. up to 249 thousand rubles - 17% -25%. Applications are processed online, which is very convenient for the client.

Credit cards. The possible limit on them is up to 999 thousand rubles. The minimum rate is 24%. Distinctive feature- a long interest-free period (about 100 days), a solid return of amounts when making transactions with cards - up to 10%.

Car loans. Loans are issued for amounts from 150 thousand rubles. up to 2 million rubles, subject to a 15% down payment. Rates vary from 16-20.50%.

Mortgage. The housing loan rate starts from 10.40%, the term is 360 months. Maximum amount- 60 million rubles.


The advantages of this bank are as follows:

  • consideration of applications takes from 15 minutes for small loans, two days for large loans;
  • own insurance company;
  • commission for services is low from 0.15 to 0.36% per month of the amount requested by the borrower;
  • the loan is repaid via the Internet, mobile bank, ATMs and terminals, as well as by prior arrangement with the accounting department at work.

Where it is more profitable to take a loan in cash, not everyone knows.

Russian Standard Bank"

Popular among the population, the bank operates in the field of consumer loans and credit cards. It specializes in a simplified scheme for issuing loans in stores, as well as in online stores. Loan amount from 4 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles. The application is considered within 1-2 minutes, and 15 minutes are enough for the final decision.

The maximum loan terms are up to 24 months. This period depends on the store and products. Early repayment does not require any additional fees. The rate on credit card accounts is 21%, the limit is 1.4 million rubles (in reality, 299 thousand rubles), the grace period in cash- 60 days.

Why is it beneficial?

The benefits of lending will be:

  • the loan can be paid everywhere: through bank terminals, Qiwi, CyberPlat, Russian Post, bank transfer;
  • for repayment of the delay within two days from the moment of its occurrence, no commission is charged, and the payment will be considered paid on time.

Which bank gives a consumer loan at a low interest rate?


The main borrowers are elderly clients, couples, residents of remote settlements. Citizens who are usually not given loans in other banks can get a soft loan in this bank. Now the bank offers several profitable consumer loans to choose from.

  • Express plus. The rate is 24-33.9%, the amount is 5 thousand - 40 thousand rubles, issuance for a period of up to 20 months. Special conditions: work experience of 5 months continuously in last place or this item is replaced by the presence of a pension, a landline phone number is required. The age of the borrower is from 21 to 85 years.
  • "Superplus". A loan without specific purposes from 201 thousand rubles to 999 thousand rubles with a term of 12 months to five years. The rate is 19%.
  • "For responsible plus." The amount is 40 thousand-299 thousand rubles, the rate is 20-30%, the term is from 1-3 years. Issued to clients who have a higher education diploma, as well as to married couples who have a marriage certificate.
  • Pension Plus is a loan for pensioners. The amount reaches 300 thousand rubles (in the case of a working pensioner), up to 200 thousand rubles ( non-working pensioner), up to 3 years, rate from 16.5-26.5%.
  • "Money 12 Plus". Issuance only upon confirmation of the borrower's income according to the 2-NDFL certificate. The amount is 99 thousand rubles, the rate is 12%.

There are programs for mortgage and car loans.

Benefits of a loan from this bank

Benefits of this organization:

  • special conditions for couples;
  • the borrower's age has been increased to 85 years.

To find out where it is better to take a cash loan, you need to study the conditions in the maximum number of banks.

"Eastern Bank"

The main portfolio is consumer loans. There are several popular programs for them.

  • "Smart wallet". It is issued only according to the passport, a decision is made within 5 minutes. The amount is 300 thousand - 4.99 million rubles with a period of one to five years. Interest - 19.5-20%.
  • "Seasonal" - 15% rate, amount - 499 thousand rubles, term - 1-4 years.
  • "Big money". Amount up to 499 thousand rubles. Issuance of a loan at a rate of 15%. Terms from 1 to 3 years. Mandatory certificate 2NDFL.
  • "Equal payment" - credit card with credit limit 200 thousand rubles, issued according to the passport. Borrowers from 21-76 years old, 3 months required work experience in the last organization.
  • "Bailed by real estate." You can get up to 30 million rubles, issuance for up to 20 years. The rate is 10%.
  • "Bail car." Issuance - 1 million rubles, a rate of 20%, a loan period of 1 to 5 years.
  • "Pension". Loan size from 30 thousand to 99 thousand rubles, loan term from 1 to 4 years, mandatory payment from 2500 rubles per month.

What are the benefits of lending?

The advantages of this bank are as follows:

  • for some types of loans, only a passport is needed;
  • decrease in interest rate during the term of the loan agreement;
  • making a decision in 5 minutes.

"Bank of Moscow"

Where is the best place to get a cash loan? According to reviews in 2017, the Bank of Moscow turned out to be the most popular.

Specializes in consumer cash loans without intended use. The amount is from 101 thousand to 2.99 million rubles, for a period of six to sixty months, the rate is from 14%. The decision is issued in the database within 15 minutes if the borrower has a certificate of income for 6 months. Credit holidays available.

What is the benefit for the client?

The advantages here are:

  • specialist. refinancing terms loan agreements from other banks for civil servants, doctors, teachers;
  • 1% refund on card purchases;
  • possible repayment of loans from accounts in other banks.

So, where is it more profitable to take a cash loan in 2017? What other suggestions are there?


Consumer cash loan. Only working clients receive it in the amount of up to 2.5 million rubles and for a period of up to 60 months, pensioners can also take a loan in the amount of up to 1999 thousand rubles for a period of up to 30 months. Interest rates are different: for working citizens of non-pension age - from 12%, for pensioners - from 15%. The age of the borrower is from 23 to 68 years.

Borrower Benefits

The advantages here are:

  • concessional lending for employees of partner organizations;
  • financial risks are insured in the bank itself;
  • repayment is made through an electronic Internet bank.

People often ask where is it more profitable to take a cash loan? According to reviews in Sberbank, it is not so easy to get a loan. More on this later.

Sberbank of Russia

The largest domestic bank, the main advantage is lending to military personnel. Issuance of consumer loans without collateral.

Credit without purpose. The maximum amount is up to 2.99 million rubles. for up to 5 years. Interest - from 14%.

Loan secured. The most common bank product. Amount up to 5 million rubles. At the same time, the rate is from 13% (only for pensioners through plastic cards or savings books of Sberbank, as well as payroll clients).

Military personnel. It is possible to issue a loan without security up to 499 thousand rubles at a rate of 14% per annum and with security it is possible to issue 999 thousand rubles at 15% per annum. The term is 60 months.

What are the advantages?

The benefits are as follows:

  • specialist. conditions for all customers whose payments are received on the bank's plastic cards;
  • low rates.

Where else can you get a profitable consumer loan?

"VTB 24"

The largest bank in Russia specializing in issuing mortgage loans. At the same time, applications are processed quickly.

You can also get cash here.

  • "Mortgage bonus" - a loan from 400 thousand to 4.99 million rubles, with a loan rate of 14%, for a period of 6-36 months. It is provided only to those borrowers who have issued a mortgage and who do not have overdue payments.
  • "Large" - issuance of amounts from 400 thousand to 4.99 million rubles, for a maturity of 6-36 months. The rate is from 15.5%.
  • "Convenient" - loans from 100 thousand to 399 thousand rubles with interest from 16.5% and for a period of 6 months to 5 years.

Age of borrowers - from 23 to 70 years. Life insurance is a must.

Credit cards are issued with a limit of up to 1 million rubles.

Auto loans. Issued only for new cars. The rate is from 11.5%, the repayment period is up to 7 years, the amount is 7 million rubles. You will need to have a down payment of 20% of the loan amount.

Advantages of lending at VTB24

To understand where to get a profitable loan, consider the advantages:


In order to decide where it is more profitable to take a cash loan, you need to consider the offers of all banks. To begin with, determine your status, which you want to use, whether you are a pensioner, a military man, or an employee of government agencies. Next, you need to see through which bank you receive your salary, consider the available offers, perhaps choose loan product, created specifically for the payroll project.

Determine exactly for what purpose you need a loan, the actual terms of its repayment and the balance of funds from all income after making a monthly payment.

If you take a loan to buy a car, you need to ask if it is possible to lend to used cars and interest rates on them.

It must be remembered that when mortgage lending, as well as when applying for a car loan, you will definitely need sum of money in the form of a down payment. The more money you pay at once, the correspondingly lower the annual interest rate will be.

The cheapest cash loan - which bank to get the cheapest consumer loan in 2019

Possibility to get a cheap loan in cash or on bank card only borrowers with a good credit history have it - this is an important condition, this is how the lending system in banks is arranged. If you have never had large delinquencies on loans or at least there are no current delinquencies in other banks, then you can significant savings on interest on loans, having issued it in one of the banks from this rating.


Each of those listed in this ranking banks issue loans only citizens of the Russian Federation with a civil passport. In addition, any bank may request from the borrower any additional documents that are not on the list. This is necessary for the bank to assess the risks it takes, and for the borrower to get a loan at the cheapest rate. The more documents, the lower the rate.

Don't stop at one bank, submit an online application to as many banks as possible (click on the button or the name of the bank to go to its official site) . The interest rate in most cases is calculated individually, and then you will surely be able to choose the bank that will offer the cheapest loan.

Important! Beware of various offers to get a cheap bank loan through third parties (bank employees, friends of bankers, brokers, etc.) - these are scammers! Take care of your money - apply for loans only on official websites or at bank offices.