How much will OSAGO policies rise in price. New OSAGO tariffs: should we expect a rise in price? Changes in the basic OSAGO rate


09:06 — REGNUM Starting from September 1, 2019, insurers in Russia can get the right to set the cost of a compulsory motor third party liability policy 30% higher or lower than the base rates. The corresponding bill with the final amendments of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has already been sent for consideration to the Russian government, Vedomosti writes.

Already on September 1, 2020, according to the amendments, auto insurers will be able to set the cost of an OSAGO policy above or below the base rates within 40%. But all this on the condition that the maximum price does not exceed the maximum base rate.

At the same time, the Ministry of Finance proposes to cancel the power factor and the regional factor.

The price of the policy will be influenced by such indicators of the driver as the frequency of violations of the rules, the sharpness of braking and rebuilding, the frequency and duration of the use of the car. In addition to everything, motorists will be able to purchase OSAGO for three years at once.

As reported IA REGNUM, according to amendments to the law on OSAGO, previously prepared by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, it is assumed, in particular, that insurers themselves will monitor the driving style of a motorist using a special device attached to the vehicle. Driving style, as well as the number of traffic violations will be one of the factors that will affect the final cost of the OSAGO policy.

Also, the document on the liberalization of OSAGO provides for the introduction of three types of policies - with insurance amounts from 400 thousand to 2 million rubles. At the same time, it is proposed to abandon the existing coefficients tied to engine power and the place of registration of the vehicle in favor of new ones - in particular, the coefficient of traffic violations by the driver.


Compulsory third party liability insurance (OSAGO) first appeared in the United States - in the 1920s as a new type of insurance. Already in 1940-1950 it gained popularity in Europe. In Russia, the OSAGO law came into force on July 1, 2003, although there were prerequisites for it in the USSR, the idea of ​​introducing such a law was discussed back in the 1960s.

In mid-July 2019, it became known that the government of the Russian Federation had submitted a draft law on the liberalization of OSAGO to the State Duma. They are invited to cancel a number of coefficients, as well as allow the insured to "use a telematic device that captures the nature of driving." Such a gadget will give the driver who installed it a discount on OSAGO if he is careful while driving.

Also in Russia, a phased abolition of power and territory factors is planned: the first - from October 1, 2020, the second - from January 1, 2020. From the beginning of 2020, an increase in the insurance amount for harm to life and health is expected - from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles. And in June 2019, a bill was submitted to the deputies for consideration, significantly increasing the fines for drivers not having OSAGO.

Question Answer
For the reason that insurers will apply the maximum rates, judging by the experience of previous years.
The minimum value of CBM is 0.5, and the maximum is 2.45.
In this case, the CBM will be equal to 1.
Within three business days.
Oh sure.
FAC is the coefficient of age and seniority.
KO is a coefficient depending on the number of persons who are allowed to manage.

Insurance companies have long been demanding the liberalization of prices for their services, such measures have not yet been applied, but this year the Central Bank is ready to make significant concessions.

So, on June 15, a draft was published on changes in the maximum size of the coefficients of insurance rates.

CMTPL policies may rise in price from August 31

What are the changes? In recent years, the number of insurance companies issuing auto citizenship has more than halved, companies claim that they only receive losses from this type of activity. The last time an increase in the price of policies was observed in 2015, when the boundaries of the “tariff corridor” were revised by the regulator.

The project has not yet been approved, tentatively the adoption is scheduled for August 31, the document will enter into force 10 days later. However, the exact date is not indicated anywhere. The increase in OSAGO tariffs will be associated with a change in the range of base rates, as well as coefficients. The expansion of the corridor is envisaged by 20% up and down, the exceptions are passenger motorcycles owned by legal entities.

Experts predict that OSAGO will rise in price, because judging by the experience of past years, insurance companies will not miss the opportunity to make a profit, so they will apply maximum rates.

The PCA argues that prices will remain at the same level due to competition.

"Good drivers won't pay for bad ones"?

According to the project, the procedure for calculating the Bonus-Malus coefficient is subject to change, this indicator can both increase and decrease the cost of the policy:

  1. The minimum value of CBM will be - 0.5. This means that the cost of accident-free driving insurance can be reduced by up to 50%.
  2. The maximum value is 2.45. This coefficient is applied if the client had 3 or more insurance indemnities during the period of validity of the previous OSAGO.

Accordingly, the more disciplined the driver, the cheaper the policy costs him. In addition, a single insurance history is now compiled for the KBM, in cases where the driver (individual) is included in several policies, then the smallest indicator is selected. Established according to the calculations of the KBM, it will be applied for one year, earlier this period was limited to the period of validity of the autocitizen. The indicator is unchanged for a period of up to 12 months and will be applied to all contracts being drawn up.

Information about the number of issued policies and insurance payments is stored in the automated system AIS OSAGO. CBM is determined based on these data. You can find out your coefficient yourself on the PCA website.

If there is no information regarding the owner of the vehicle (individual) in the AIS OSAGO database, then the KBM will be equal to 1.

Also, the cost is significantly affected by the FAC (coefficient of age and length of service). For young inexperienced motorists aged 16 to 21 with no driving experience, the maximum indicator of 1.87 is used for calculation. The minimum FAC - 0.96 will be available to persons in the age category - from 30 years old, with an experience of 10 years or more. Moreover, the countdown starts from the date of issuance of the first driver's license, regardless of whether OSAGO was issued for a motorist earlier or not.

According to the current rules for calculating insurance in 2019, the cost of a policy for different cars fluctuates, but for beginners and drivers who have been in an accident, upward deviations do not exceed 10-20%.

According to the current project, the cost of OSAGO will be significantly lower for experienced drivers over 30 years old who have not had insured events.

Table of new OSAGO tariffs for 2019

The size of the base rate can be determined independently by the UK within the established "corridor". Each company approves the insurance rate and sends a notification to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation about it within three working days.

There is a price limit for OSAGO, its cost cannot exceed three times the base rate multiplied by the territorial coefficient. If the formula includes KN (coefficient of violations), then no more than three times the size.

By insurance companies

In fact, the innovations have not yet come into force, at the moment the old tariffs are in effect. However, the project already has a table of maximum base rates "Appendix No. 1". Moreover, "Appendix No. 5" determines the amount of KBM in the period up to January 1, 2019, and "Appendix No. 6" from January 1 to December 31, 2019.

Although insurers are required to disclose their base rate in the media, it is difficult to know this figure without visiting the company in person. To get a preliminary calculation, you need to go to the UK website and use the online calculator. There are no official price statistics for various insurance companies, since the calculation is individual depending on the insured and the type of car.

By region

The amount of the insurance premium payable upon purchase of OSAGO also depends on the region where the car is used. For example, in the Moscow Region, for vehicles with the exception of tractors, self-propelled road-building machines, CT is 1.7.

It is noteworthy that for sparsely populated areas the coefficient is reduced from 0.5 to 0.9.

You can read the instructions of the Central Bank on the maximum size of the basic rates of insurance tariffs on our website.

For legal entities

OSAGO will rise in price for everyone. There are a lot of nuances. First of all, fleet owners, as before, are required to issue a policy for each vehicle, however, MBM will now be a single value applied to all vehicles. The indicator for the current year is calculated as the arithmetic mean to the second decimal place.

Quote: “The CBM coefficient of the owner of a vehicle of a legal entity for the current year is determined based on the value of the CBM coefficient, which was determined for the previous year, and the number of insurance claims for this vehicle registered in 22 AIS OSAGO during the previous year after the date of determining the CBM coefficient in the previous year."

The formula for calculating the size of the insurance premium remains the same. However, for legal entities, the KVS indicator (age and length of service coefficient) is excluded.

The cost also fluctuates taking into account the fact that the insured can issue a policy with a limit on the number of persons admitted to management. KO is a coefficient depending on the number of persons admitted to management; for legal entities, its value is 1.8.

Quote: “If more than one person admitted to driving a vehicle is indicated in the compulsory insurance contract, the maximum KVS coefficient determined in relation to persons admitted to driving a vehicle is taken into account for calculating the insurance premium.

It can be summarized that for legal entities OSAGO will cost even more. In addition to the need to undergo technical inspection more often, increasing coefficients are also set for them. In fact, KBM will grow even if one owner's car has been in an accident, and the rest have not. In addition, maximum KO and FAC are set.

An increase in OSAGO tariffs is an increase in the total cost of a compulsory motor third party liability insurance policy, and it can rise in price both in the whole country and for each individual driver. The price of this document is influenced by many factors. In particular, each car owner can independently calculate the planned increase in the price of OSAGO if he understands various coefficients. Thus, the growth in the cost of the policy is closely related to the experience of driving a motorist, his age, as well as the accident rate in the city where he lives. The most significant impact on the final price is how often the driver gets into an accident.

How much does OSAGO insurance increase after an accident?

It should be said that even after a single accident, OSAGO will rise in price. We need to wait for an even greater increase in its price if the driver fled the scene of the accident. Violations of traffic rules that did not lead to an accident are also taken into account by insurers.

During the initial issuance of the policy, the insurance company determines the class of the driver. Initially, this is a level 3 class, for which the insurance price is 100% of the default value. Careful drivers receive a 5% discount for each accident-free year. After 10 consecutive years without an accident, drivers achieve a 50% discount on insurance.

For novice drivers, one accident will mean an increase in the price of an OSAGO policy by almost 50%. For experienced drivers, the sanctions are not so harsh: one accident will only cancel the discount accrued for the previous year of accident-free driving. If you want to know exactly your OSAGO multiplier after an accident, the online table will be the most convenient tool.

Did OSAGO rise in price in 2019

The question of whether OSAGO will rise in price in 2019 has been worrying all motorists since last year. The Central Bank of Russia changed the calculation of some coefficients and tariffs this year.

It is impossible to say exactly how much OSAGO has risen in price in 2019, since this parameter is calculated individually for each driver. The rise in prices is planned to be carried out in several stages. It started in 2018 and will continue in 2019 and 2020.

When OSAGO insurance rose in price in 2019, this affected primarily those whose driving experience is less than 3 years, and those who are under 22 years old. For them, new multipliers have appeared. Those who are over 22 years old and drive a car for more than 3 years did without promotions, but also without demotions.

When will OSAGO become more expensive in the new year?

According to media reports, a new increase is expected in 2019: OSAGO may become more expensive by a third. Under the new bill, insurance companies will be able to set prices for a document 30% higher or lower than the base rate. The price of OSAGO will be influenced by the frequency of traffic violations, the sharpness of braking and rebuilding, the frequency and duration of the use of the car. Legislators propose to monitor the driving style of motorists with the help of a special device that will be attached to the car body.

Despite the fact that OSAGO has risen in price in 2019, a new increase in the cost of policies across the country may happen as early as 09/01/2019.

In addition, a detailed 50-step classification has already been developed, according to which the mandatory car insurance rate can be reduced throughout life. For experienced and cautious drivers, the price of the policy will decrease in 2019, and for beginners it will increase by 4.5%.

Thus, constantly changing, it becomes more expensive for novice drivers and those who are still quite young. However, accident-free driving will help to significantly reduce the cost of the policy.

New tariffs 2019: table

Previously, insurance with a coefficient of 1 for a passenger car was 3432-4118 rubles, after January 9 it expanded: 2746-4942 rubles. Add 20% on both sides.

vehicle type base rate
Minimum cost, rub Maximum price, rub
Vehicles of category "A", "M": motorcycles, mopeds, other 694 1407
Passenger vehicles of drivers (individuals), categories "B" and "BE" 2746 4942
Passenger vehicles of legal entities, category "B" and "BE" 2058 2911
Passenger vehicles of categories "B" and "BE", if it is a taxi 4110 7399
Freight vehicles of category "C" weighing up to 16 tons 2807 5053
Freight vehicles of category "C" weighing over 16 tons 4227 7609
Bus category "D", "DE" (less than 16 passenger seats) 2246 4044
Bus category "D", "DE" (more than 16 passenger seats) 2807 5053
Bus category "D", "DE", if it works as a taxi or in the transportation of people 4110 7399
Tractor and other road construction equipment 899 1895

Who will not be affected by the rise in OSAGO prices

Some motorists will be able to pay even less for an OSAGO policy. These are those who:

  • over 30 years old;

and wherein

  • have a driving experience of 10 years.

The coefficient on the insurance policy for them will be 0.96 against 1 before. The coefficient of 0.99 for OSAGO will be valid for drivers aged 35-39 with 3-4 years of experience. With more than 4 years of experience - 0.96. The same coefficient is accepted for those who are 40-59 years old and whose experience is from 3 years. The lowest coefficient - 0.93 - is for those who are over 59 years old and whose experience is from 3 years.

Important announcement: the experience will now be considered for a specific category, whereas previously any driving experience was considered. Those who switched to cars after 10 years of motorcycle driving will now be considered rookies. It does not make sense to hide this, since everyone is checked before receiving OSAGO.

Insurance companies can always set the base value as the maximum, so it is worth counting on the fact that the prices for OSAGO for everyone will increase by 20%.

In the near future, a new increase in tariffs for compulsory civil liability insurance is expected, that is, the cost of an OSAGO policy will increase. It has already become a tradition to increase the price of OSAGO tariffs. There is even a periodic pattern of this phenomenon. As for the last rise in price, it dates back to April 2015. It was then that it increased by as much as 40%.

Despite the fact that from September 1, 2018, the increase in the cost of OSAGO will not become so significant, but on average, its cost will increase by 20%. The change in the total cost of the OSAGO policy was influenced by the decision of the Central Bank to change a number of coefficients and the insurance rate. So far, there is no direct talk of any rise in price. On the contrary, there are rumors about some price reduction for insurance organizations. But if we proceed from the indicators of basic tariffs before and after the changes, they will increase significantly.

In general, it is planned to liberalize OSAGO within a few years, and this initiative is only confirmation of this. The authorities have long been faced with the question of transferring all powers related to the Pole to insurance companies, which will set the rules themselves. They will also determine its value. It is not necessary to talk about whether this is good or bad, due to the fact that this issue is controversial.

The vast majority will face an increase in the cost of insurance, although for a certain contingent of citizens it may become slightly cheaper. They will not cut off the shoulder and will carry out all the changes in stages in the period from 2018 to 2020. What is planned to be done and in what period of time - read on.

Stage 1 of changes - autumn 2018: change in coefficients for age and length of service

Already in the fall of 2018, 50 categories will be introduced that will affect the age and experience of drivers. Particular attention should be paid to this innovation, as it will significantly affect the cost of the OSAGO policy. Depending on age and driving experience, the Central Bank has proposed a whole grid of coefficients.

The coefficient indicators, depending on age and length of service after the changes, will take on the following values:

How will it be

Age / experience No experience Experience 1 year Experience 2 years Experience 3-4 years Experience 5-6 years Experience 7-9 years Experience 10-14 years More than 14 years experience
Age 16-21 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,66 1,66
Age 22-24 1,77 1,77 1,77 1,04 1,04 1,04
Age 25-29 years 1,77 1,69 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,04 1,01
Age 30-34 years 1,63 1,63 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,01 0,96 0,96
Age 35-39 years 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,99 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
Age 40-49 years 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
Age over 49 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
With no restrictions 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,87

The conclusion is this: if the driver has a small driving experience and is young in age, then OSAGO will slightly rise in price for him. But for the category of persons over the age of 35 and a driving experience of 3 years, the policy, on the contrary, will become cheaper.

For example, the age of a car enthusiast is in the range from 25 to 29 years, his driving experience is 9 years, then the established coefficient for this person will be 1.04. This means that the base cost of the policy will increase by 4%.

Beginning young drivers are the most expensive to buy, as they have a multiplier of 1.87 (an 87% increase in base cost).

Stage 2 of changes - summer 2019

Change in the base rate of OSAGO

At the moment, for a passenger car, it fluctuates between 3432 rubles. — 4118 rubles. And this is without any coefficients. It is up to the insurers to choose the base cost themselves.

In the summer of 2019, the boundaries of the base cost of 2746 rubles will be expanded. - 4942 rubles. The final decision on the base cost of the policy will again be made by the insurers themselves.

According to V. Chistyukhin, who holds the post of deputy chairman of the Central Bank: "Expanding the boundaries will lead to the fact that in some cases insurance will rise in price, and in others, on the contrary, it will become cheaper."

The financier also stressed that this innovation will benefit first of all the owners of motorcycles and those residents in whose regions of residence OSAGO is not unprofitable. Moscow is such a region. But if we take the Murmansk, Chelyabinsk regions, Krasnodar Territory, then here the base cost of the policy will undoubtedly increase, because. there are significant problems in the regions and the cost-income ratio in insurance companies is not in favor of the latter.

Change in the bonus-malus coefficient

In case of accident-free driving, the price of insurance will be reduced by 5% per year. If an accident occurs, then the price of the subsequent policy will be higher. This price policy is called MBM - Bonus-Malus Ratio.

According to V. Chistyukhin, drivers are now faced with a doubling of the KBM, that is, 2 bonus-malus coefficients appear at once, but they are different. This is due to the fact that often the insurance history was assigned to the OSAGO policy, and not to the driver. As soon as the car got into an accident, the penalty bail began to apply to all persons included in the insurance. This misunderstanding is to be eradicated.

2020: cancellation of the basic cost of insurance

This item is under discussion. Bankers are interested in the fact that insurers have an individual contract with each driver, without any basic settings and at their own discretion. There is a fear that insurance companies will wring prices. In this case, the mechanism of punishment by the Central Bank will be launched. It turns out that this moment will not remain without supervision.

For a careful driver who lives in a prosperous region that is not unprofitable for insurers, the OSAGO policy should definitely become cheaper. But motorists who live in problem areas and have previously been in accidents more than once will have to prepare for an increase in the cost of an insurance policy.

What else do they want to change?

Other factors can also affect the calculation of the cost of insurance. The final decision on their introduction has not yet been made. But they are still on the agenda.

  • The number of penalties. With frequent violations of traffic rules, the car owner's insurance can also rise significantly in price.
  • Car model. There is no consensus on this topic. How to tie the insured car to the cost of OSAGO is still being discussed by the Central Bank.
  • Features of telematics. Often, insurers take into account the driving style of the car owner when calculating the cost of the CASCO policy. This is done using special sensors. A sharp start, constant speeding, frequent rebuilding only increase the cost of the policy. Everything is exactly the opposite, and this is a smooth start, moderate speed when moving, reduce its cost. This practice can be applied in the design of OSAGO.

How much will insurance cost after the price increase?

Following the preliminary results, we can say that the base tariff and some coefficients will be subject to change.

Compare changes in the cost of the policy

OSAGO cost factors How many now? How much after the price hike?
Base rate (for cars) 3432 - 4118 rubles 2746 - 4942 rubles.
Bonus-malus ratio 0,5-2,45 There will be no changes. There will be no doubling of the KBM.
Territorial coefficient 0,5-2 Not yet known, but will be changed.
Age and driving experience 1-1,8 1,04 — 1,87
Insurance period 0,3-1 There will be no changes.
car power 0,6-1,6 There will be no changes.
Increased coefficient for accidents and fines It is going to be introduced, but has not yet been applied.

So, changes will occur in the following points that make up the cost of the policy:

  1. . A rise in price is expected in 2018, although we are talking about an increase in the rate corridor, which is determined by the insurers themselves;
  2. . Definitely will grow everywhere;
  3. motorists included in the policy. Significantly affect the cost of the policy of young drivers with little driving experience.

Yes, at the base rate they only expanded the range. But as practice shows, insurers never work at a low base rate, especially now, when prices for everything are rising. They will again work at the maximum rate, which will eventually affect the final price of the policy not in our favor.

Why will OSAGO become more expensive in 2018?

Now insurance companies are complaining about losses in the amount of 15 billion rubles. And when they practically got the opportunity to increase the base price of the policy, of course, they will not refuse it.

Yes, and the authorities themselves are confident that OSAGO will rise in price. The Central Bank has long known how much an OSAGO policy that has risen in price will cost. It will look like this:

  • for an average motorist, a policy will cost from 5,800 to 7,000 rubles;
  • to a young driver from Chelyabinsk with little driving experience, who has a 150 hp car. and above from 24,900 to 31,000 rubles;
  • village pensioner in a car with a power of less than 50 hp. from 1500 to 1700 rubles.

The final price depends only on the insurers.

Russian motorists do not want to be victims of collusion by insurers who can act to their own advantage and set rates to the maximum even for the most impeccable drivers. Dodging, they also find loopholes to limit the implementation of the poles, despite the fact that a lot has been done to increase the accessibility of OSAGO.

Insurers will expand the OSAGO tariff corridor, and will also be given the opportunity to set the values ​​of the coefficients by which the tariff will be multiplied. These are the first steps towards the so-called liberalization of auto citizenship.

The Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank are now developing a "road map" according to which this will be implemented. Insurers expect this card from day to day. It will describe all the stages of the long journey of the auto citizen. And the fact that the liberalization will be phased has long been beyond doubt. For motorists, this document is just as important as for insurers: it will become clear to whom and how much more the new policy will cost.

What is included in this map - so far we can only assume with some degree of certainty. No one will let the tariffs go free at once. This could come as a shock to the market in general and motorists in particular. After all, insurers claim that the tariff is greatly underestimated. But the tariff corridor can be expanded. So, for example, now the insurer sets the base rate itself. For cars owned by individuals, ranging from 3432 rubles to 4118 rubles. The run is small. And this fork can be increased.

Another important point is the coefficients. Now we are accruing a territorial coefficient, a coefficient by age and length of service, and by car power. These coefficients are fixed and set by the Central Bank. So it is proposed to give these coefficients at the mercy of insurers. So that they themselves establish which ones to use and with what value.

At the same time, the bonus-malus coefficient, that is, for accident-free driving, will remain fixed. As well as the coefficient for violation of the Rules of the road, if it is introduced.

Also, at the first stage, an upper limit of the insurance premium will be set in order to appease the appetites of insurers. That is, that amount, more than which the policy for the car owner cannot cost by any means.

But the lower bar will be added to the upper bar. It is needed to prevent some unscrupulous insurers from collecting money from as many customers as possible at the expense of a very attractive price, and then disappearing with them. This has already happened in the "childhood" of the auto citizen.

After the first stage, the second will begin. Then the upper limits will disappear altogether. But this stage is still far away. Initially, it was about the implementation of the liberalization of OSAGO in 4 years.

It is easy to assume that, as a result, the cost of a motor vehicle policy will rise significantly. However, the Russian Union of Motor Insurers argues that the increase in cost will be a temporary phenomenon. And then the price even falls. And as an example, the experience of Germany is cited.

Free OSAGO rates on the German market have been established since July 1, 1994. At the same time, liberalization was feared there just as in our country. Car owners were sure that the tariffs, which were not restrained by the control and supervisory body, would begin to grow. But in fact, everything happened exactly the opposite. So, by the time of liberalization in 1994, the average price of an OSAGO policy in Germany was the equivalent of almost 300 euros. After the deregulation, the average price went down sharply, reaching about 250 euros in 1999 and just over 200 euros in 2010. In the free market, prices are quite volatile - in 2015, the average cost of a policy was 248 euros, but the price has not risen above 260 euros after liberalization.

After liberalization, the average amount of compensation for damage to the life and health of a victim in an accident has increased significantly: from about 11,000 euros in 1994 to 16,529 euros in 2015. At the same time, the average amount of compensation for material damage remained practically unchanged and is in the region of 2400-2500 euros.

On the other hand, the release of tariffs and the subsequent reduction in the average premium affected the business of German auto insurers: the technical result of insurance companies on OSAGO after 1994 began to fall sharply, falling to almost minus 1.7 billion euros by 1999. But then the market adapted to changes in regulation, and already in 2002, the technical result of insurance companies on OSAGO went into the positive zone. And according to the results of 2003, it amounted to 0.5 billion euros, which was the maximum technical result for compulsory auto insurance since 1980.

Liberalization of OSAGO in Russia is long overdue, international experience shows this - for example, Germany has been living with free tariffs for 24 years, - said Igor Yurgens, President of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

The domestic OSAGO market differs from the German one. The main concern is that liberalization will cause a sharp increase in tariffs in regions where auto lawyers and scammers are active. However, insurers have already noticed a positive effect from the priority of in-kind compensation in OSAGO - the amount of payments for insured events of a motor citizen in January-March 2018 decreased by 30 percent compared to the same period last year and amounted to 33.5 billion rubles. Therefore, according to the PCA, the growth of tariffs in problem regions will not be so significant.

The liberalization of tariffs is needed not only by insurers to balance the unprofitability of OSAGO, provoked by criminal auto lawyers. Free OSAGO tariffs mean fair tariff setting for consumers. Now, in the conditions of strict regulation of tariffs by the state, all car owners - both young, and experienced, and neat, and reckless - pay the average price for insurance.

At the same time, the insurer cannot set a price commensurate with the risk under the conditions of tariff regulation. And this means that experienced and careful drivers are forced to overpay for the policy, compensating for the underpayment for the risk on the part of young and emergency drivers. Free tariff setting will allow you to set the price for each driver individually. Most likely, most of the drivers will pay less - after all, 81 percent of drivers use the discount for accident-free driving, - Igor Yurgens said.

However, Russian drivers fear otherwise. Namely, the conspiracy of insurers, when they set the maximum possible rates even for those who have never been in an accident. After all, they find ways to limit the sale of OSAGO policies even after all the measures that were supposed to make autocitizen available.