Bank intermediary operations with securities. Intermediary operations. Intermediation services in transactions with securities


Intermediary operations- these are banking services for placement securities issuers on the primary stock market, brokerage and dealer services in transactions with stock values, foreign currency, other types of transactions on money market, in which banks act as intermediaries, uniting the interests of different parties to financial agreements.

The securities market plays a vital role in the economic development of both individual business entities and society as a whole, providing liquidity and market mechanism pricing, facilitating the circulation of capital and its rational placement. The main task of the stock market is the mobilization and investment of financial resources in the most attractive types of business activities from the point of view of market efficiency. The free circulation of capital on the stock market is ensured through the circulation of securities, which are divided into three groups:

Equity securities for which the issuer is not obligated to return funds invested in its activities, but which provide their owners with the right to participate in the management of the issuer’s activities (shares);

Debt securities for which the issuer is obligated to repay the funds on time, but which do not give their owners the right to participate in the management of the issuer’s activities (government debt obligations, corporate bonds, savings certificates and bank bills);

Derivative securities (financial futures, options, swaps, etc.). monetary cash bank valuable

Securities are issued both for the purpose of creating new and developing existing industries, and to cover temporary needs for working capital. They can be registered or bearer, with a free or limited circulation. Direct commercial participants in the stock market as a separate sector of the economy in which business activities are carried out are:

Financial companies specializing in commercial and commission activities on securities, as well as operations on behalf of the issuer in the process of initial placement of securities issues and the provision of other services (investment consulting, management of securities portfolios, etc.);

Commercial banks that have received a license to conduct professional activities in the stock market and carry out transactions with securities specified by current legislation;

Investment companies, combining in one person the functions of a financial intermediary (broker, dealer) and an institutional investor. Mutual funds of an investment company accumulate the funds of small investors for joint investment in securities, acting for the account and in the interests of the persons purchasing them. Investment companies act as managers and consultants for other institutional investors, form their assets in securities, and organize the accrual and payment of income on securities.

Incidental (indirect) commercial participants in the stock market, who are obliged to act on the market only through direct participants, are:

Investment funds that organize joint investment in securities through the issue of their own non-voting securities;

Trust companies that carry out transactions on the stock market on behalf, at the expense, in the interests and on behalf of the principals;

Pension funds and insurance companies who have the opportunity, through the services of financial intermediaries, to carry out transactions on the stock market in order to form their own portfolios of securities and receive income from them.

The over-the-counter securities market is created and operates with the aim of ensuring maximum connection between the mechanisms of the stock market and the interests of investors and issuers in individual regions, facilitating the attraction of capital to medium and small enterprises, creating favorable conditions for development latest technologies and production, diversification of business activities in the regions, creation of a powerful stock infrastructure capable of reforming ownership in a short time by attracting a wide range of small and institutional investors. It is on the over-the-counter market that operations such as investment consulting and securities portfolio management are carried out. Commercial banks in modern conditions actively conduct stock transactions both on the exchange and over-the-counter securities markets.

IN general view a securities transaction is a legally formalized and completed action or sequence of actions on the stock market, the object of which is securities and cash.

All banking operations with securities can be divided into three main groups:

emission - passive operations carried out by issuing securities of its own debt;

investment - active operations for investing one's own and attracted financial resources in stock assets by purchasing relevant securities on the stock market on one's own behalf;

client - intermediary transactions with securities, which are carried out by banks on behalf, at the expense and in the interests of clients.

A commercial bank carries out one or another operation on the stock market depending on its specific goal. banking. So, to form and increase equity and attracting resources for use in active operations, the bank will carry out issuing operations:

Issue of shares and bonds;

Issue of bills;

Issue of deposits and savings certificates. In order to generate income from activities with securities, to ensure participation in the authorized capital of other enterprises and control over their property, the bank carries out investment operations:

Arbitrage dealer activity, that is, the execution of agreements for the purchase and sale of securities on one’s own behalf and at one’s own expense by setting one’s own purchase and sale prices with the obligation to purchase and (or) sell them at the stated prices;

Shares can be purchased for the purpose of holding them for a period of more than 1 year.

If the purpose of banking activities in the stock market is to generate income in the form of commissions from transactions with securities, then the bank will conduct client transactions:

Underwriting, i.e. guaranteed placement on the market of securities issues of issuing clients;

Brokerage activities, i.e. carrying out transactions with securities as an attorney or commission agent acting on the basis of an agency or commission agreement;

Securities management activities, i.e. carrying out, on one's own behalf and for a fee, for a certain period of time, trust management of securities owned by another person, in the interests of this or other persons;

Clearing activities: services for determining mutual obligations (collection, reconciliation, adjustment of information on transactions with securities and preparation of accounting documents) and their offset for the supply of securities and settlements on them;

Depository activities: provision of services for storing securities certificates and (or) accounting for the transfer of rights to securities;

Registrar activities: operations for collecting, recording, processing, storing and providing information that makes up the system for maintaining a register of securities owners;

Activities for servicing client transactions with securities: provision of consulting and information services that directly facilitate the conclusion of civil transactions with securities between stock market participants.

So, intermediary transactions with securities mean the execution of clients’ orders in the process of issuing or circulating securities by expressing the interests of the former by the bank, at their expense and with the right to control the implementation of transactions by clients. All intermediary operations of commercial banks with the Central Bank can be divided into two main groups: - emission-intermediary and trade-intermediary. The complex of issuing and intermediary operations of a commercial bank includes the provision of the following services to clients:

· Development of a feasibility study of investment projects, which includes assessment of the potential effectiveness and feasibility of the project, development of investment programs and preparation project documentation in accordance with international standards;

· Formation of optimal emission portfolios, i.e. development of programs for attracting investments by clients, selection of tools for attracting financial resources, drawing up schedules for the issue of debt and share securities with justification of the optimal relationship between them, assessing the possibilities of raising funds in different regions, justification of the rational level of profitability on securities that are issued.

· Underwriting (placement of securities of issuers on the market) is carried out by managing the issue of securities at their face value, that is, by determining the number of securities that are sold, taking into account the interests and capabilities of dealers, the capital structure and the reliability of partners. The underwriting operation is usually supplemented by an issue guarantee, which means the obligation to purchase the unrealized part of the issue of securities at a fixed price, thus to a certain extent freeing the issuer from the risk of non-sale of the issue. Under such conditions, a short-term combination of dealer and emission-intermediary operations of the bank takes place.

Underwriting provides for two options for the bank to operate: as a buyer or as an agent. Activities as an agent vary in three main ways:

1. Acceptance of the obligation to sell as many securities as possible for the issue, but without full financial responsibility;

2. Acceptance of obligations to sell as many securities as possible for the issue, but within a certain period;

3. Acceptance of the obligation to act as a backup channel for the sale of the issue upon the occurrence of certain conditions (conditional guarantee).

Trade and intermediary operations of commercial banks with securities include:

· Formation of optimal individual portfolios of securities for large investors based on an analysis of the current state of the financial market and construction of target investment functions for a given period or date;

· Brokerage services (carrying out civil transactions with securities as an attorney or commission agent), as well as dealer services (concluding transactions with securities on one’s own behalf and at one’s own expense by quoting securities with their subsequent immediate resale to clients);

· Providing short-, medium- and long-term loans in the process of intermediary activities.

Thus, when performing dealer services, a short-term combination of investment and trade and intermediary operations of banks takes place, and when providing loans for the purchase of securities, credit and trade and intermediary operations take place. These features open up significant opportunities for banks to develop trade and intermediary operations.

In accordance with the Federal Law “On the Securities Market,” commercial banks, being professional participants in this market, can facilitate the full completion of transactions for the purchase and sale of securities, both corporate and government, carrying out intermediary or clearing activities, and often both together.

Considering the procedure for conducting transactions for the purchase and sale of securities, we can distinguish the following stages of the transaction:

1) conclusion;

2) reconciliation;

3) clearing work;

4) execution of the transaction.

Let us dwell in more detail on the last two stages, since it is at these stages that a commercial bank takes part in trading transactions with securities.

The clearing activity of a commercial bank consists of collecting, reconciling, adjusting information on transactions with securities and preparing accounting documents for them for transaction participants.

There are three stages of clearing operations:

1) the procedure for analyzing the final reconciliation documents for their authenticity and correctness of execution;

2) accrual sums of money, which are subject to transfer and must be delivered at the end of the transaction;

3) preparation of settlement documents.

The clearing activities of a commercial bank are carried out on the basis of a concluded agreement with the client, which stipulates the rights and obligations of the parties, deadlines for execution, conditions and procedure for carrying out the said work. The bank performs these works as agency services and receives a special commission for them. As a transaction with securities proceeds, at its final stage - the execution stage - cash payment and delivery of securities occur. This is where the bank's depositary services are provided.

A commercial bank as a depository carries out its activities in accordance with the “Rules for maintaining records of depositary operations of credit institutions in the Russian Federation”, approved by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated July 25, 1996 No. 44.

Depository activities - provision of services for storing securities certificates and (or) accounting and transfer of rights to securities.

Securities in open or closed storage. With an open storage method, the depositor can give instructions to the depositary only in relation to a certain number of securities accounted for in the securities account without indicating their individual characteristics (such as number, series, category) and without indicating the individual characteristics of the certificates certifying them.

The closed storage method provides for the obligation of the depository to accept and execute the depositor’s instructions in relation to any specific security recorded in its custody account, i.e. securities held in closed storage must have individual characteristics, such as number, series, category, or be certified by certificates that have individual characteristics.

A commercial bank, as a depository, stores certificates of securities of its clients and services these securities (accounting, collection, distribution of dividends, etc.). The bank, as a depositary, enters into special depository agreements with clients (depositors) on the maintenance of securities accounts (custody account).

These agreements provide for the obligation of the depositary to accept clients' securities for storage, service accepted securities, issue securities certificates to clients upon their request, and also, at the request of the owners, to re-register ownership of the stored securities in favor of other persons.

The Federal Commission on Securities and the Stock Market under the Government of the Russian Federation has ordered commercial banks to maintain a register of shareholders to a specialized independent register holder who has a special license.

The regulations introduce a provision according to which the registrar is obliged to provide shareholders owning more than 1% of the ordinary shares of the joint-stock company with information about the persons registered in the register and the number of shares they own.

Commercial banks build their relationships with shareholders on the basis of a securities account agreement. The shareholder who transferred the securities for storage is excluded from the register. Instead, the depository that accepted the securities for storage is entered into the register as a nominal holder. Transactions with securities carried out within the depository are not reflected in the register. Certificates of shares transferred to the securities account are redeemed. The rights of the owner of securities are confirmed by a certificate of deposit of securities issued by the bank. When securities are removed from storage, the certificate is issued again.

The transfer of securities to the bank as a nominal holder does not mean the acquisition by the bank of ownership rights to them or the assignment to the bank of any rights certified by the securities.

The bank can dispose of securities only on behalf of the depositor. Deposited securities cannot be used to secure the obligations of a commercial bank to a third party.

Owners of securities accounts in a bank performing a depository function are guaranteed:

* safety of securities;

* implementation of all rights certified by securities;

* secrecy of the securities account;

* protection from abuse (all transactions with securities are carried out only when the depositor personally submits an order to the depository);

* timely payment of income on securities;

* withdrawal of securities from the securities account and their delivery to the hands or return to the personal account in the register at the first request of the depositor;

* registration of encumbrance of securities with collateral obligations and ensuring the rights of the pledgor and pledgee;

* the possibility of transferring securities to third parties, unless this is prevented by collateral or other obligations;

* unhindered brokerage service on the exchange over-the-counter market.

Task No. 1

Which economic standards are established by the Central Bank of Russia for commercial banks? Justify the answer.

In order to ensure economic conditions sustainable functioning banking system of the Russian Federation, protecting the interests of depositors and creditors and in accordance with the Federal Law “On the Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)”, Instruction No. 1 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for regulating the activities of banks” Instruction No. 1 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for regulating the activities of banks” dated 1.10 .97 ed. Instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 671-U dated November 2, 1999 established mandatory standards for the activities of banks.

Mandatory standards for banking activities

Name of the standard

Limit values

N1 - capital adequacy

H2 - instant liquidity

N3 - current liquidity

N4 - long-term liquidity

N5 - ratio of liquid assets and total assets of a credit organization

Н6-max amount of risk per 1 borrower

H7-max size of large credit risks

Н8-max amount of risk per 1st creditor

Н9-max amount of risk for 1st loan-share.

N9.1-max amount of risk for the total amount of loans issued to shareholders

Н10-max risk per 1 insider

Н10.1-max risk for all insiders

Н11-max size of attracted cash deposits

Н11.1-max size of attracted cash deposits

H12-use of own funds of one legal entity

H12.1 - use of own funds of all legal entities

H13-risk own. bill obligations

The bank's own funds (capital) adequacy ratio (N1) is defined as the ratio of the bank's own funds (capital) to the total volume of risk-weighted assets, minus the amount of created reserves for the depreciation of securities and for possible losses on loans of 2-4 risk groups .

Bank liquidity refers to the bank's ability to ensure timely fulfillment of its obligations.

In order to control the state of the bank's liquidity, liquidity standards are established (instant, current, long-term and general, as well as for transactions with precious metals), which are defined as the ratio between assets and liabilities, taking into account the timing, amounts and types of assets and liabilities, and other factors.

The instant liquidity ratio (N2) is defined as the ratio of the amount of the bank's highly liquid assets to the amount of the bank's liabilities on demand accounts.

The bank's current liquidity ratio (N3) is defined as the ratio of the amount of the bank's liquid assets to the amount of the bank's liabilities on demand accounts and for a period of up to 30 days.

The bank's long-term liquidity ratio (N4) is defined as the ratio of all debt to the bank over a year to the bank's own funds (capital), as well as the bank's obligations on deposit accounts, received loans and other debt obligations with a maturity of over a year.

The general liquidity ratio (N5) is defined as the percentage of liquid assets and total assets of the bank.

The maximum amount of risk per borrower or group of related borrowers (N6) is set as a percentage of the bank's own funds (capital).

The maximum size of large credit risks (N7) is established as a percentage of the total amount of large credit risks and the bank’s own funds (capital).

The maximum amount of risk per creditor (depositor) (N8) is established as a percentage of the amount of deposits, deposits or received bank loans, account balances of one or related creditors (depositors) and the bank’s own funds (capital).

The maximum amount of credit risk per shareholder (participant) (H9) is defined as the ratio of the amount of the bank's claims to the borrower or group of related borrowers for loans in relation to shareholders whose contribution to the bank's authorized capital exceeds 5% to the bank's own funds (capital).

The maximum amount of credits, loans provided to its insiders (N10), as well as guarantees and sureties issued in their favor in addition to the bank’s own funds (capital).

The maximum amount of the bank's liabilities to non-resident banks (N11) is established as a percentage of the amount of the bank's liabilities to non-resident banks and non-resident financial organizations and the bank's own funds (capital).

The standard for using the bank's own funds (capital) to acquire shares (shares) of other legal entities (N12) is established as a percentage of the bank's investments in shares (shares) acquired for investment and the bank's own funds (capital).

The risk standard for own bill obligations (N13) is defined as the percentage ratio of bills issued by banks and bankers' acceptances and the bank's own funds (capital).

Task No. 2

A bill with a face value of 25 thousand rubles, which provides for interest accrual at a rate of 14% per annum, must be paid in 120 days. It was taken into account by the bank after 90 days at a discount rate of 13% per annum. What amount will the bill holder receive? The number of days in a year is 360.

The amount of the bill of exchange before maturity is calculated using the formula:

D = 25*(1-90/360*0.13) = 25*0.97= 24.25 + 25,000 = 25,024.25

The holder of the bill will receive 25,024.25 thousand rubles.

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Intermediation services in transactions with securities

Mediation in transactions with securities the bank carries out on behalf of the client.

Issue services These are services related to the issue and placement of securities.

The issuer instructs the bank to issue and sell securities on a commission basis or guarantee the client the placement of securities with the investor within a certain period at a set price. Guarantee of placement can be achieved by:

  • purchases from the client of the entire issue or an agreed part of the issue of securities and their further resale;

  • acquisition of unplaced securities from the issuer.
^ Bank income for intermediation in securities transactions is formed due to the difference in the prices of their acquisition and sale in the form of commissions due to placement.

^ In the bank, intermediary services for transactions with securities are provided by stock management and corporate finance management.

Fund management The bank offers clients services for the formation of controlling or blocking stakes in Ukrainian enterprises transformed into joint-stock companies during the privatization process. Based on vast experience in conducting campaigns to form large blocks of shares in enterprises, the Stock Management specialists will develop an optimal strategy for forming a package, taking into account the specifics of placing shares during the privatization process, as well as the possibility of repurchasing part of the shares during trading on stock exchanges, in the PFTS, and in the over-the-counter market. Thanks to a widely branched network of branches, the bank is able to organize the purchase of shares from individuals throughout Ukraine with minimal costs. As part of the program for the formation of large packages, the Bank undertakes all negotiations with the registrar of shares, with regulatory and tax authorities. If necessary, the Bank provides advice on holding Meetings of Shareholders and participation in the work of regulatory authorities at enterprises.

The Bank offers brokerage services for the purchase and sale of securities, such as shares and bonds of corporate issuers. The Bank, on its own behalf and on behalf of the Client (commission agreement) or on behalf and on behalf of the Client (agency agreement), can execute your application for the purchase or sale of shares and bonds on any of the stock exchanges, in the PFTS system, as well as on the unorganized (over-the-counter) ) market. Brokerage services imply not only the implementation of an operation for the purchase or sale of securities, but also the preparation of all documents necessary for the operation, providing the client with information about current quotes, advising the client regarding the tax and legal aspects of the operation.

Bank clients who wish to take part in privatization competitions and auctions can entrust the preparation and implementation of such a process to specialists Stock management, which involves performing the following work:

1.Analysis of the investment attractiveness of the enterprise.

2.Capital structure analysis.

3.Development of proposals for the further direction of the program:

  • the feasibility of acquiring a block of shares for subsequent sale;

  • the need to strengthen the acquired stake (formation of a controlling, and therefore more liquid, stake) by organizing the purchase of shares from shareholders;

  • recommendations for support ( corporate governance), the acquired block of shares until the moment of sale (participation in General Meetings of Shareholders, election of their representatives to the executive and supervisory bodies of the company, etc.).
4. Preparation and submission of documents necessary for participation in the competition (supporting documents).

5. Preparation of a plan for long-term interests in the development of the enterprise.

6. Preparation and submission of documents to obtain consent to purchase shares to the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine.

7.Direct participation of Bank representatives in the competition (submission of documents, signing of protocols).

8. Preparation and approval of the purchase and sale agreement for a block of shares with the State Property Fund ( operations/Fund management).

Main services Corporate Finance Department bank are:

  • attraction financial resources to enterprises by organizing the issue and placement of securities;

  • attracting financial and strategic investors to enterprises;

  • placement of investors' funds in investment-attractive enterprises;

  • information and consulting services for raising funds ( Products/Investment Operations/Corporate Finance Department).

Intermediary services for currency transactions

Mediation of currency transactions carried out by the bank for the purpose of:

  • providing currency to customers to secure their payments and maintaining currency liquidity;

  • insurance against the risk of depreciation of funds due to exchange rate fluctuations;

  • obtaining speculative profit due to fluctuations in exchange rates.
Exchange rates are based on foreign exchange market(currency exchange). ^ According to the official rate all foreign exchange transactions of the state are carried out. At the free (cash) rate The bank carries out foreign exchange transactions. The cash rate depends on the solvency of the bank, business relations with sellers and buyers of currency. Currency is purchased at the buyer's rate, and currency is sold at the seller's rate. The difference between them (margin) is the income of a commercial bank.

The Bank buys foreign currency in circulation and authorized for purchase by the NBU, and sells foreign currency to citizens at the expense of their funds in hryvnia, in accordance with current legislation and in accordance with the instructions of the NBU. The purchase and sale of cash foreign currency is carried out at currency exchange points with the simultaneous performance of the functions of a registered cash desk, territorially isolated off-balance branches and foreign exchange offices of the bank. The purchase and sale rates of foreign currencies at exchange points are set by the bank daily before the start of the working day by order or instruction from the bank. At the bank's cash desk and at foreign currency exchange points, which are located at different addresses, different values ​​for the purchase (sale) rates of foreign currency can be established. At a currency exchange office in which several cashiers work simultaneously, several values ​​for the purchase (sale) rates of foreign currency cannot be established. During the operating day, the bank can change the value of the purchase (sale) rates of cash foreign currency at the cash desk, with mandatory registration each change in the purchase (sale) rate of foreign currency by a corresponding order or instruction. When carrying out a foreign currency purchase transaction resident individual pays a fee for compulsory state pension insurance to the cashier at a foreign currency exchange office in the amount of 1% of the amount of funds in hryvnias for which foreign currency is purchased. Individual - non-resident under reverse exchange operation unused cash currency Ukraine, which is carried out on the basis of the provision of a certificate (form 377), when exchanging foreign currency, does not pay a fee for compulsory state pension insurance. The sale of cash foreign currency is carried out in the presence of a foreign currency position. Conversion operations with cash foreign currency are carried out with currencies that belong to the group “Freely convertible currency” of the Classifier of Foreign Currencies. In the case of a conversion transaction with cash foreign currency, a cross rate is used, calculated through the hryvnia exchange rate officially established by the NBU to the corresponding currencies on the day of the operation. If, as a result of a conversion operation, an amount of foreign currency remaining for delivery to the client is less than the nominal value of the minimum banknote that is in circulation, then the bank buys this balance for national currency Ukraine by established by the bank purchase rate. The bank can carry out purchase and sale operations of cash foreign currency of the 2nd and 3rd groups of the NBU Classifier of Foreign Currencies (non-convertible) at the bank’s operating cash desks and at foreign currency exchange points if the bank has an agreement with foreign bank for collection of foreign currency for crediting it to a correspondent bank account, which is opened in a commercial bank of the state whose currency is exchanged on the territory of Ukraine. The agreement must be drawn up in accordance with the current legislation and in the manner established by the central or national banks of the states in whose territory the commercial banks that sign the agreement are located, and provide for the exchange of samples of foreign currency banknotes with a description of their differences. Each exchange office must be equipped with technical devices that guarantee the authenticity of foreign banknotes ( products/Services to individuals/Transactions with banking metals and non-trading operations/Non-trading operations/Purchase and sale of cash foreign currency to individuals).

Mediation in foreign exchange transactions The bank can carry out transactions on behalf of the client during the agreed period. The bank converts funds into foreign currency and back in order to obtain speculative profit due to exchange rate differences.

Consulting, trust, insurance services.

Consulting services These are services related to providing advice to clients.

The bank advises its clients on the following issues:

  • economic (financial) analysis and accounting;

  • analysis of the solvency of the client’s business partners;

  • organization of issue and secondary circulation of securities;

  • choice of investment directions, etc.
As a rule, this type of service is closely related to banking operations. The consultation fee is taken into account as part of the fee for the main type of operation, which is accompanied by consultation (see course "ENTERPRISE FINANCE", section 6.2.2).

Trust services is a type of activity of commercial banks in managing property, which, by agreement with the client, is transferred to the bank. Property management is associated with the implementation of accounting operations, safety of valuables, placement of funds, financial analysis. Bank guarantors are, as a rule, individuals and legal entities, charities and other foundations. Services provided to individuals:

  • disposal of inheritance(operations to obtain court decisions, collection and preservation of inheritance, payment of administrative expenses, settlements with creditors, payment of taxes, division of property);

  • management of personal trusts(operations for managing property that was transferred to the bank for management);

  • guardianship and preservation of property;
Agency services - this is a type of activity of commercial banks for property management, and the client does not lose the powers of the owner, but only authorizes the bank to conduct operations on his behalf.

Agency services for individuals include:

  • property insurance;

  • investment and commercial transactions on behalf of the owner;

  • paying bills;

  • payment of taxes.
Agency services for legal entities include:

  • disposal of assets;
Asset Management PrivatBank provides the following services for individuals and legal entities:

  • information and analytical on the stock market of Ukraine, Russia and far abroad;

  • development of the optimal structure of the securities portfolio,

  • consulting services for securities portfolio management ( products/Investment operations/Asset management).

  • agency operations;

  • liquidation of enterprises.
Agency intermediary operations arise in the process of accounting for securities issued by an enterprise in connection with the splitting of shares, the conversion of bonds into shares, and the reorganization of the enterprise.

Income from trust services is generated through commissions stipulated in the contract. Shelf life - from 1 day to 1 year, with the possibility of extending this period. Valuables are stored not in safe deposit boxes, but in a special storage facility (certified), equipped with the most modern security alarm systems.

Investment activities of commercial banks

Direct investments of banks - the contribution by banks of capital or mine to the statutory fund of a legal entity in exchange for corporate rights (shares, share certificates) issued by such legal entity.

Banks may have the right to make direct investments (for the exchange of financial assets and in the name of an authorized person) without the written permission of the National Bank, which is required in accordance with the rules established by relevant legal acts ami of the National Bank.

Banks may have the right to make an investment without written permission from the National Bank, if:

  • An investment in any legal entity is no more than 5 hundred rubles of the bank’s regulatory capital;

  • a legal entity in which the investment is made, including the provision of financial services;

  • The regulatory capital of the bank fully corresponds to the benefits established by this Instruction, and the opportunities for investment established by the regulatory legal acts of the National Bank.
The bank is prohibited from investing money in an enterprise, an institution, the statute of which has transferred the full responsibility of its rulers(Instructions on the procedure for regulating the activities of banks in Ukraine dated September 28, 2001 No. 368; R.VII, Chapter 1).

Investment activities in banking practice it is associated with investing in securities of enterprises (different forms of ownership) for a relatively long period of time.

Main goals of banking investments:

  • receiving income ( receiving the maximum possible dividends on shares and interest on debt obligations);

  • ensuring the safety of bank funds and their growth based on the increase in the market value of securities (relative level of risk and stability in income generation);

  • regulation and provision of bank liquidity (quick and break-even conversion of securities into cash);
Classification of banking investments:

1.By composition:

  • straight;

  • portfolio;
Investment- a government operation that transfers the addition of fixed assets, intangible assets, corporate rights and valuable papers in exchange for cash or money. Investments are divided into capital, financial and reinvestment.

Under capital investment a trace of the government's operation, which transfers the addition of booths, spores, other objects of indestructible power, other fixed assets and intangible assets that support depreciation throughout by the Law.

Under financial investment After understanding the government operation, which involves the acquisition of corporate rights, securities, derivatives and other financial instruments. Financial investments are divided into direct and portfolio

Under reinvestment It is necessary to understand the government operation that transfers capital and financial investments for the amount of income (profit) withdrawn from investment operations.

Direct investment - a government operation that transfers contributions of funds or money to the statutory fund of a legal entity in exchange for corporate rights issued by such a legal entity.

Portfolio investment - a government operation that transfers the addition of valuable securities, derivatives and other financial assets for money on the stock market (except for the operation of buying shares as a direct payer of the tax, as well as related to with him by persons, in obligations that exceed 50 hundred rubles of legal sum shares held by another legal entity that is subject to direct investment)(Law of Ukraine “On the subsidy of income from enterprises” No. 283/97-BP dated May 22, 1997 with amendments, Art. 1).

^ 2. By timing:

  • short-term;

  • mid-term;

  • long-term;
3.By types of securities:

  • investments in shares;

  • investments in bonds;

  • investments in other debt obligations.
The bank's investment activities are implemented through the development of an investment policy taking into account the following criteria: liquidity, profitability, risk and bank interest rates.

Banks carry out direct investments and transactions with securities in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine on securities, investment activities and in accordance with the regulations of the NBU.

The bank is prohibited from investing money in the enterprise, the establishment, the statute of which transfers the full responsibility of its rulers. Directly the fate of the bank from the capital of any enterprise is mediated, it is not necessary to transfer 15 hundred rubles of capital to the bank. The bank's total investment does not have to exceed 60 hundred rubles to the bank's capital size. This exchange does not stagnate if:

  1. shares and other valuable papers added by the bank to the exercise of the rights of the bailholder and the bank does not hold them for more than one term;

  2. a bank by creating a financial holding group by acquiring shares, the issuer of which is another bank;

  3. Valuable papers are in the hands of the bank for no more than one fate, which is taken away from the underwriting results;

  4. shares and other valuable papers added by the bank for the account and on behalf of its clients(Law of Ukraine “On banks and banking activities” dated June 20, 2001 No. 2740-III, art. 50).
Main investment risk factors:

  • credit riskcharacteristic of securities in the case when the financial capabilities of the issuer sharply deteriorate, which leads to the impossibility of repaying the debt on the securities;

  • market riskoccurs in the event of unexpected changes in prices on the securities market;

  • interest rate riskis associated with fluctuations in interest rates, which can lead to losses in investment activities.
Methods for minimizing investment risk:

  • diversification involves placing funds in securities of different clients and different types;

  • step method involves placing funds in securities of different maturities;

  • “barbell” method involves placing funds in securities with polar maturities;

  • reserve formation method involves the creation of reserves for compensation of losses from transactions with securities:
General reserve may be formed at the bank’s sole discretion. The NBU does not regulate the size of such a reserve. The reserve amount is formed from the bank's profit.

Special reserve formed in case of a fall in the market price of a group of securities. All groups of securities that have been in the bank’s portfolio for sale for more than 15 business days or in the investment portfolio for more than 30 business days are subject to reservation. The market price of securities is determined and a special reserve is formed as the difference between the book value and market price of a group of securities if the market price is less than the book price. The formation of a reserve is considered a bank expense and is used to cover losses upon the sale of securities or forced transfer.

The following are not subject to reservation:

  • securities of own issue (share and debt);

  • securities, the sale of which is agreed upon in the contract and prepayment has been received;

  • bills of exchange accounted for by the bank, which act as the object of reservation as an integral part loan portfolio;

  • funds invested in the authorized capital of subsidiaries and associated companies (except for cases of transfer from the investment portfolio to the sales portfolio);

  • investments in securities of institutions, and the bank’s goal is the ability to exercise other rights, and not to obtain economic income ( directions/Financial department/regulatory documents/“About the procedure for distributing the reserve for the recovery of cash flows from transactions with valuable papers” No. 446 dated 11/13/2000).

Formation and regulation of a securities portfolio

Securities portfolio – This is a set of securities acquired (received) by the bank from outside with the right of ownership, use and disposal.

In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Securities and stock exchange” the bank’s total balance sheet securities portfolio may include securities issued by residents and non-residents of Ukraine and admitted to circulation on the stock market of Ukraine:

  • shares of subsidiaries and associated companies;

  • securities of partial participation business companies (except for joint stock companies);

  • common and preferred shares of closed and closed joint-stock companies open type;

  • bonds of enterprises, subsidiaries and associated companies;

  • savings certificates;

  • domestic government loan bonds;

  • securities that are refinanced by the NBU;

  • bills of exchange of business entities;

  • own common and preferred shares.
Features of the formation of the bank's securities portfolio:

1. Securities derivatives (futures, forwards, options and others) are not included in the balance sheet securities portfolio.

2. The balance sheet securities portfolio is divided into a sales portfolio and an investment portfolio ( directions/Financial department/Regulatory documents/“About the procedure for distributing reserves for cash flow during transactions with securities” dated November 13, 2000, No. 446, clause 3.1., clause 3.2.).

3.When implementing portfolio investments accounting of securities is carried out in groups (securities of one issue of one issuer in one banking portfolio).

4. In case of changes in internal and external business conditions, the bank can transfer securities from one portfolio to another ( directions/Financial department/Regulatory documents/“On the procedure for the allocation of reserves for the recovery of cash flows from transactions with securities” dated November 13, 2000, No. 446, clause 3.3.).

5. Groups of securities in the banking portfolio are accounted for at market prices


  • free translation – this is the transfer of a group of securities from one portfolio to another based on a voluntary decision of the management of a commercial bank (from the sales portfolio to the investment portfolio);

  • forced transfer is the transfer of a group of securities from one portfolio to another according to the requirements of banking regulations (from the sales portfolio to the investment portfolio and from the investment portfolio to the sales portfolio)( directions/Financial department/Regulatory documents/“About the procedure for distributing reserves for the recovery of cash flows from transactions with securities” dated November 13, 2000, No. 446, p. 2.).
Operations of commercial banks with securities

Intermediary transactions with securities include:


1.development of feasibility studies for investment projects, development of investment programs and preparation of project documentation in accordance with international standards;

2.formation of optimal emission portfolios, selection of tools for attracting financial resources, drawing up emission schedules, assessing the possibilities of raising funds in different regions, justifying the rational level of profitability on issued securities;

3.underwriting- purchase of valuable papers on the primary market with their subsequent resale to investors; stipulation of the agreement on the guarantee of a permanent or partial sale of the issuer’s valuable papers to investors, on the repeated and partial purchase of them at a fixed price with an immediate resale or on the invoice on the purchase of both "languages ​​to work as best as possible in order to sell as soon as possible for more valuable papers, don’t take the crops and get them be some valuable papers that were not sold (Law of Ukraine “On Banks and Banking Activities” dated June 20, 2001 No. 2740-III, Art. 2).


Trust transactions with securities – This is the activity of commercial banks in the role of a trustee of their clients in managing securities on their own behalf with the obligation to preserve and increase the client’s capital for a certain fee (usually a percentage of the increase in the client’s assets).


Depository activities – implies the provision of services for the preservation (deposit) of securities and the execution of orders with the exercise of rights certified by securities(“Regulations on depository activity” No. 61 dated May 26, 1998.) Specialized divisions are created at banks to carry out such activities - securities depositories, which perform the following functions:

depository accounting of securities in two main forms:

  • by replacing securities with a single global certificate, which are stored with the depositary and a separate DEPO account is opened for each owner of the certificate;

  • issuance of securities in the form of electronic records using a computer system;
preservation of securities with the depositary, which could be:

  • separate (closed);

  • collective (open).
The bank registrar carries out professional activities in the securities market, including the collection, recording, processing, storage and provision of data that makes up the system of the register of owners of registered securities regarding both the registered securities themselves and the issuers and owners, as well as performing various functions provided for by the legislation of Ukraine ( Products/Investment Operations/Central Registrar Services).

Foreign exchange operations of commercial banks

One of the main forms of participation of commercial banks in foreign economic activity is conducting foreign exchange transactions regulated by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “On Currency Regulation and Currency Control” dated February 19, 1993.

Classification of subjects of foreign exchange transactions



  • individuals who permanently reside on the territory of Ukraine, including those who are temporarily abroad;

  • legal entities, business entities that do not have the status of a legal entity, on the territory of Ukraine, which carry out their activities on the basis of the laws of Ukraine;

  • diplomatic, consular, trade and other official representative offices of Ukraine abroad, which have immunity and diplomatic privileges, as well as branches and representative offices of Ukrainian enterprises and organizations abroad that do not carry out entrepreneurial activity.

· individuals who permanently reside abroad, including those who are temporarily on the territory of Ukraine;

· legal entities, business entities that do not have the status of a legal entity, located outside of Ukraine, created and operating in accordance with the legislation of a foreign state;

· foreign diplomatic, consular, trade and other official missions located on the territory of Ukraine.

Acting as intermediaries in transactions with securities, commercial banks provide a range of services:

1. raising funds for production development, incl. underwriting - subscription, initial placement of shares of issuing companies, and before that analysis, evaluation and establishment of the preliminary price of the issued security. If a bank client needs to obtain financial resources for a long period of time (for the reconstruction of an enterprise, or for developing a new type of business, or for the construction of a new enterprise), he can turn to the bank for help, since banks are engaged in professional activities in the financial market. In this case, the bank is a financial consultant (most corporations maintain contact with only one bank and prefer to negotiate the terms of sale of their new issues of securities only with it), helping the client to attract financial resources, i.e. decide what is more appropriate: the use of credit resources, the creation of venture enterprises or the placement of securities.

If a company decides to make a public offering of securities for sale, the bank assists the company in setting the price and assessing the timing of the offering of securities for sale. The bank may make an initial placement of securities on the basis of maximum conditions or on the basis of a guaranteed placement for the issue of securities. With a guaranteed subscription to an issue, the company actually receives a guarantee of placement of securities, since the bank agrees to buy the entire issue and then sell it in parts to its clients (this transaction is formalized by an underwriting agreement, which can combine agency agreements, guarantees, an agreement for consulting services, loan agreement etc.). This allows the issuer to plan the allocation of capital to be raised without fear that the entire issue of securities will be unsold. Some banks often act as large underwriters of securities, while others limit themselves to relatively small amounts.

2. transactions on mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of enterprises. Banks can be involved in these transactions through:

o participation in the organization of the merger;

o assisting target companies in developing and implementing defense tactics;

o conducting a target assessment of the acquired company,

o participation in the financing of the merger.

Target firms that do not want to be acquired usually enlist the help of banks and law firms that specialize in blocking mergers. Many mergers are financed by the acquiring company's free cash flow. Since this is not always possible, there is a need for sources of funds to pay for the target company. The bank prepares financial forecasts and estimates for the company in order to determine the amount of debt that the company is able to service; Together with the company, they develop a financing plan (the missing investments are made by the bank), i.e. in this case, the bank operates in two directions: traditional banking ( credit operation) and analytical work related to investments.

3. formation and management of investment portfolios of clients;

4. working with investor clients to provide information about the current market situation in order to make an informed investment decision;

5. brokerage and dealer operations. Brokerage is the activity of making transactions with securities as an attorney or commission agent. A broker, on behalf of his clients, buys and sells securities for them. The need for such mediation is due to the fact that the high professionalism of the broker should help achieve the best result for the investor and protect the latter from a number of risks inherent in the market. The broker performs its functions for a fee (commission).

As a rule, the broker provides the following set of services to the client:

· providing information about the issuer, the market situation, consulting;

· concluding transactions based on client instructions;

· execution of transactions (receipt of security certificates for the client, re-registration of rights in the register and depository in the name of the client or buyer, nominee holder).

The dealer carries out transactions with securities on the exchange on his own behalf and at his own expense by publicly announcing the purchase and/or sale prices of certain securities. The dealer works on the basis of an offer, i.e. an offer addressed to a potentially unlimited number of persons to conclude a transaction on the terms of the offer. Any person, expressing his consent to the offer, thereby concludes a transaction, and the dealer is obliged to fulfill it. Refusal to execute a transaction by a dealer on the terms announced by him is not allowed. The proposal (offer) must stipulate the essential terms of the transaction at the discretion of the dealer. As a rule, it includes the purchase and/or sale price, the minimum (maximum) volume of one transaction, the validity period of the offer, the procedure for transferring securities and payment. The dealer receives income from the spread, i.e. due to the difference in purchase and sale prices. As a rule, in a competitive environment, spreads are set at a fairly small level (a fraction of a percent), so the opportunity to generate income lies in increasing turnover. Dealer activity helps to increase market liquidity.

6. depository operations. Depository - an organization that stores the securities of its clients and services these securities (collection and distribution of interest, dividends, etc.). The bank's depository activities play a major role in servicing the securities market. . It consists of providing services for storage, guardianship, trusteeship of client securities certificates and/or accounting for the transfer of rights to them. The content of depository activities is to ensure ease of use and transfer of securities, reduce transaction risks, and simplify the processing of information about securities, the rights they provide and their owners. The relationship between clients and depositories is based on the transfer (issuance) of orders to them to carry out certain transactions with securities, including on the basis of documents confirming the implementation of purchase and sale transactions. Depositories receive a fee for their services.

39. An important source/element of bank capital is authorized capital/authorized fund . The authorized capital is formed and replenished, first of all, at the expense of funds, both in national and foreign currency.

Authorized capital– the value of issued ordinary and preferred shares. Partially, the bank's authorized capital can also be formed from the non-monetary part - from tangible assets (buildings, premises, computers, equipment, excluding unfinished construction - that which is directly related to the bank's activities). The share of tangible assets at the request of the Central Bank of Russia is no more than 20% of the share placement price.

In accordance with the regulation of the Central Bank of Russia No. 135, attracted sources of founders cannot be used to pay for the authorized capital of a newly created bank.

Replenishment of the management company

1) To comply with the requirements of the Central Bank of Russia (to obtain additional licenses)

2) To strengthen the financial stability of the bank

3) To expand activities

The main ways to replenish the capital account:

1) Add. issue of shares, raising funds from shareholders to pay for shares

2) Add. (repeated) issue of shares, when not shareholders’ funds are used to pay for them, but funds allocated from the bank’s property (capitalization of the management company); When capitalizing, the following sources can be used to pay for the management company:

a. Part of the reserve fund

b. Part of other funds

c. Part of retained earnings remaining at the end of the year

d. Funds from property revaluation

e. Share of share premium

The first method involves attracting external sources, the second - internal, and there is a redistribution of sources of capital.

A variation of the first method of increasing capital assets is IPO operations.

IPO is an initial public offering of shares on international markets.

IPO Features:

1) Mobilization of significant resources, because placed at market value

2) Shares are publicly placed among a wide unlimited range of persons

3) A costly operation, mainly for large banks (reporting, presentations).

Active Operations– operations related to the allocation of resources in order to obtain profit or other benefits. The results of active operations are reflected in the assets of the bank’s balance sheet as specific assets: loans, investments in securities, cash on hand, correspondent account balances, etc.

· Warranty

· Trusted

· Estimated

· Stock

Many of these transactions are accounted for separately from the underlying transactions on a separate balance sheet.

On volume, structure of active operations a particular bank is influenced by a variety of objective and subjective factors:

· The state of the economy is an external, most clearly influencing factor.

· Level of development of the financial market - external

o Foreign exchange

o Securities market

· Inflation rate - external

· The bank is provided with capital and its own sources

· Specifics of the resource base

· Bank specialization

Active operations can be classified according to various criteria:

· By economic content

o Accounting and lending operations (individuals, legal entities, short-term, long-term, + bill accounting - buys a bill with a discount until maturity. All credit operations) 60-70% is borrowed from each bank.

o Investment operations (not only long-term investments, but any investment for the purpose of generating income):

§ Investments in securities for various purposes

§ Participation in the capital of other structures

§ Investments in the bank’s own fixed assets

o Cash transactions (cash movement - receipt, storage, issue). They play a big role in regulating bank liquidity. They occupy a small share.

o Deposit operations (can be both passive and active). This is when a bank places funds in other banks, including the Central Bank - on correspondent accounts, deposit accounts)

§ Investments in foreign currency

§ Factoring

· By profitability:

o Income-generating active operations (“working assets”): the bank places its funds and after some time they are returned to the bank with increased value (%, dividends, exchange rate differences, profit from investing in another structure, etc.)

§ Credit operations

§ Investment operations (investment in securities, leasing, equity participation)

§ Factoring (accounting for bills of exchange, placing funds in correspondent accounts, deposits in other banks)

o Non-income generating, non-performing assets.

§ Cash assets (which do not increase their value like loans, deposits, etc.

§ Investments in fixed assets

§ Placement of funds in the Central Bank

· Depending on the degree of risk (probability of losses)

o Risk Free Assets

§ Cash assets

§ Funds placed in the Central Bank

§ Investments in government debt

§ Some types of the most reliable loans (secured by precious metals, guaranteed by the government, secured by government securities, etc.)

o Active operations with minimal risk (investments in debt obligations of federal subjects, funds in correspondent accounts, loans guaranteed by financially stable banks, etc.)

o High-risk assets (the main part of loans, with the exception of those that have already been named, investments, equity participation, factoring, etc.

· By liquidity level. In this case, assets are considered as a potential means of payment, or as a reserve. In this regard:

o Primary reserves (immediate means of payment) - cash, funds in correspondent accounts with the Central Bank and other banks, etc.

o Secondary reserves -various securities, loans as an exception (mortgage refinancing mainly)

o Loans – all types of loans

o Other reserves – illiquid long-term investments – investments, equity participation, leasing, investments in own fixed assets.

At the beginning of 2014, according to the report on the state of the banking sector in 2013 (as of January 1, 2014), in the structure of active operations of banks:

· Traditionally, as always, credit transactions prevail. They account for 65% of assets. This is traditional in any period (crisis, post-crisis, normal state), and in the total volume of loans issued, 40% are loans to non-financial organizations.

· In terms of share, loans to individuals are in second place – 17.3%

· Loans to banks – approximately 8% of all loans.

· As for investments in securities – their share is 13.6%

· As for other types of assets, they still occupy a small share. So, for example, accounts with the Central Bank - 4% -3.9%; correspondent accounts in other banks – 2.6%


means funds that are provided to the borrower on the terms of payment, security, target orientation, urgency and return.

The principle of payment means that any funds are provided to the borrower with the condition of payment for their use of a certain percentage. Depending on the terms of the agreement, the interest rate under the loan agreement can be floating or fixed. Fixed - the loan does not change throughout the entire term, floating - provides for the conditions for revising the amount interest rate according to the formula specified in the loan agreement.

Security – this principle provides for the obligatory provision by the borrower of security, which will guarantee the return of funds. This security can be all movable or immovable property, the criteria of which meet the requirements of the creditor or a guarantee of a legal or natural person.

If the client fails to fulfill his obligations under the loan agreement, the lender has the right to sell the collateral and cover his losses with the proceeds. Movable property includes vehicles, deposits, securities, goods in circulation, etc. Real estate can be residential or commercial, the first includes apartments, houses, the second includes offices, enterprise buildings, factory workshops, premises where production activities of legal entities are carried out.

Targeted - this principle provides for the use of loan funds for specific purposes.

Depending on the target focus, loans are:

  • mortgage – purchase of real estate;
  • car loans – car purchases;
  • current needs - purchase of household appliances, repairs, treatment, study, etc.;
  • for replenishment of working capital - provided to legal entities for carrying out their activities, for example, payments wages, payments for fuel, other materials necessary for carrying out activities, etc.;
  • investment – ​​provided to legal entities for the purchase of fixed assets, for example, commercial real estate, cars, equipment;

Urgency – all loan money is issued for a certain period. Depending on the period of use of borrowed funds, there are:

  • short-term – up to 6 months;
  • medium-term – up to 12 months;
  • long-term – more than 1 year.

Return – loan funds must be returned to the lender in full. Before concluding a loan agreement, the lender and the borrower agree on a repayment schedule for the loan debt. As a rule, the standard repayment schedule provides monthly repayment principal debt on the loan, but also depending on credit programs, repayment can be made at the end of the contract term in one amount or quarterly. Repayment terms are agreed upon in advance by the parties and are specified in the loan agreement.

The following types of loans are also distinguished:

1) Depending on the currency:

  • in foreign currency;
  • in national currency;

2) depending on the borrower:

  • for legal entities - lending to enterprises, firms or organizations;
  • for individuals – lending to the population;

3) depending on the security:

  • without collateral (blank);
  • wealthy;

4) depending on the subject of the credit transaction:

  • commercial – provides for the establishment by a legal entity that sells products or provides services of a deferred payment for its goods or services. The purpose of this type of lending is to accelerate commodity turnover. The client takes the product for sale and after the sale pays its cost to the manufacturer. The manufacturer does not stop its production and does not wait for the goods to be sold from the warehouse and revenue to arrive, but continues to work. A special feature of a commercial loan is that it is provided in commodity form. The subjects of the transaction can only be legal entities;
  • banking - provided by specialized financial institutions in cash to both legal entities and individuals;
  • state – one of the parties to the loan agreement is the state represented by executive authorities;
  • international – one of the participants in the credit transaction is an international financial institution eg International Monetary Fund, Paris Club, etc.

44. Measures to overcome risks m Can be divided into three groups: 1. risk avoidance. This method is the simplest, however, it means refusing some operations - for example, issuing loans in certain situations. The limitations of this method are obvious

2. risk reduction (regulation) is expressed in a number of methods: - checking the client’s solvency and current control; - use of forms of security (pledge, guarantees, sureties, etc.); - insurance (hedging) of risk – aimed at limiting the impact of unforeseen, unpredictable changes as much as possible, ensuring a minimum deviation of actual profit from the expected one; - risk sharing, diversification, risk dispersion; - limiting risk through the need to comply with the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation

3. provision for risk in the bank’s balance sheet (through sources of covering losses - reserves for possible losses on loans, for depreciation of securities, reserve fund, required reserve fund).

The types of securities are determined by law. Intermediary transactions with securities in the interests of the client in order to generate income are related to professional and exchange activities in securities<1>. Let us consider the main types of securities and intermediary transactions with them performed by professional participants in the securities market.

Types of securities

The main types of securities are determined by law. These are government bonds, bonds, bills of exchange, checks, deposit and savings certificates, bearer bank savings books, bills of lading, shares, and privatization securities. Securities may also include other documents that are classified as securities by legislation on securities or in the manner established by it.<2>. For example, this is a mortgage<3> .

Issue-grade securities include shares, government bonds, bonds, other types of securities (including derivative securities) classified as issue-grade securities in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Belarus on securities<4>. For some types of securities, see Table 1.

Table 1

Type of security Brief description
Government bond Issued (issued) on behalf of the Republic of Belarus by the Ministry of Finance<1>. They can be denominated in Belarusian rubles or in foreign currency. Bond owners can be legal entities and individuals - residents and non-residents of the Republic of Belarus<2> .

According to the circulation period, government bonds are divided into short-term - circulation period up to one year inclusive and long-term - circulation period over one year.<3> .

Issued in book-entry form<4>

Bond Certifies the right of its owner to receive from the issuer a bond within the period specified in it, its nominal value or other property equivalent. A bond may also certify the right of its owner to receive a percentage of the nominal value of the bond specified in it or other property rights. Bond income is interest and (or) discount<5>
Bill of exchange Refers to debt securities. Certifies the obligation of the drawer (promissory note) or another payer specified in the bill (bill of exchange) to pay upon the arrival of the period stipulated by the bill a certain amount to the owner of the bill (bill holder)<6>. In the Republic of Belarus, a bill of exchange is drawn up on paper<7>
Check Contains a written order from the drawer to the bank to pay the holder of the check the amount specified in it<8>
Certificate of Deposit Certifies the amount of the contribution (deposit) made to the depositor, and the rights of the depositor (organization, individual entrepreneur - certificate holders) to receive upon expiration deadline the amount of the deposit (deposit) and interest on it from the depositor who issued the certificate, or in any branch of this depositor<9> <10>
Savings certificate Certifies the amount of the contribution (deposit) made to the depositor, and the right of the depositor (individual - certificate holder, with the exception of an individual entrepreneur - certificate holder) to receive, upon expiration of the established period, the amount of the contribution (deposit) and interest on it from the depositor who issued the certificate, or in any branch of this depositor<11>. Can be registered or bearer<12>
Promotion Registered security. Evidence of a contribution to the authorized capital of the joint-stock company. Issued for an indefinite period in book-entry form and certifies a certain amount of rights of the owner depending on its category (simple (ordinary) or preferred), type (for preferred shares)<13> .

A simple share certifies the owner’s right to<14> :

— receiving part of the profit of the joint-stock company in the form of a dividend;

— participation in general meeting shareholders with voting rights;

— receipt of part of the property of a joint-stock company remaining after settlements with creditors, or its value upon liquidation of this joint-stock company.

A preferred share certifies the owner's right to<15> :

— receiving part of the profit of the joint-stock company in the form of a fixed amount of dividend;

— receipt in the event of liquidation of a joint-stock company of a fixed value of property or part of the property of the joint-stock company remaining after settlements with creditors.

A preferred share does not provide the right to participate in a general meeting of shareholders with voting rights, except in cases provided for by the legislative acts of the Republic of Belarus. Types of preferred shares differ in the volume of rights they certify, including the fixed amount of the dividend, and (or) the order of its payment, and (or) the fixed value of the property to be transferred in the event of liquidation of the joint stock company, and (or) the order of its distribution. Types of preferred shares and the scope of rights certified by these shares are determined by the charter of the joint-stock company

Privatization securities These are state registered privatization checks “Housing”, “Property”, which are secured by state property, indicating the right of their owner to a share in the privatized state property. Issued for a specific period. Issued in the form of a printed form on paper and accounted for in bank accounts. Privatization checks “Housing” are received only by citizens, not organizations<16> .

Intermediary transactions with securities

Professional activities in the securities market include, inter alia, entrepreneurial activities in carrying out intermediary transactions with securities (including derivative securities) in the interests of a client in order to generate income (with the exception of transactions made for the purpose of obtaining income in the form of interest and ( or) discount or dividend, including by professional participants in the securities market)<5>. Please note that derivative securities are securities that certify rights and (or) establish obligations to purchase or sell other securities<6>. For example, these are futures, options and issuer options<7> .

For intermediary transactions with securities, they usually turn to professional participants in the securities market who have a special permit (license) to carry out professional and exchange activities in securities, which specifies one or more types of professional activities: brokerage, dealer, activity on trust management of securities papers<8> .

The purchase and sale by organizations that are not professional participants of the securities market of securities through the mediation of a professional participant of the securities market (in accordance with an agency, commission or trust agreement) does not relate to professional and exchange activities in securities<9> .

For more information on intermediary transactions with securities, see Table 2.

Table 2

Intermediary name Activities of an intermediary Type of contract concluded by an intermediary Features of the terms of the agreement
Broker Transactions with securities:

on behalf and at the expense of the client or on its own behalf and at the expense of the client on the basis of paid commission or commission agreements with the client<1> .

Has the right to carry out transactions with all types of securities, including REPO transactions (for the sale (purchase) of issue-grade securities (the first part of the REPO) with the obligatory subsequent repurchase (sale) of issue-grade securities of the same issue in the same quantity (the second part of the REPO ) after a certain period established by the agreement when concluding the first part of such a transaction) (hereinafter referred to as REPO transactions)<2>

One of the paid public contracts:

- instructions;

- commissions. Only the commission agreement is used when concluding transactions in the stock exchange trading system

Established by law<3>
Dealer Conducting transactions with securities on one's own behalf and at one's own expense with the right to simultaneously purchase and sell securities<4> .

Has the right to make transactions with all types of securities, including repo transactions<5>

The specific type of contract is not defined in law. This is usually a contract for the purchase and sale of securities.

Can enter into an agreement on the terms of a public offer

The conditions of the public offer are established by law<6>. When concluding an agreement under the terms of a public offer, the dealer is obliged to buy securities at the price stated by him in the public offer
Trustee Trust management on one's own behalf for a fee within a certain period of securities transferred to him for trust management and belonging to another person (the principal) both in the interests of the principal and in the interests of third parties specified by him<7> Paid agreement on trust management of securities<8> Defined by law<9>

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1. Issue by the bank of its own securities

2. Investment operations of a commercial bank

3. Intermediary operations of a commercial bank with securities

1. Issuebankownvaluablepapers

investment valuable commercial bank stock

According to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 143), securities include: bonds, bills, checks, deposit and savings certificates, bank savings books bearer, bills of lading, shares, privatized securities, etc.

The activities of commercial banks in the stock market are regulated by the Law “On the Securities Market” and other laws and regulations.

Commercial banks in the securities market act as issuers of securities, investors and intermediaries in transactions with securities.

Bank issuing operations is the activity of issuing a bank's own securities. Current legislation allows commercial banks to issue the following types of securities: shares, bonds, checks, bills, certificates of deposit and savings, derivative securities.

By issuing bonds, commercial banks attract additional borrowed funds. By issuing bills, checks, deposit and savings certificates, commercial banks fulfill one of their main purposes - the accumulation of funds and the creation of means of payment.

The purpose of issuing shares is to form the authorized capital. Attraction of additional capital by joint-stock banks can be carried out by placing additional shares. The bank can issue registered and bearer shares. Ordinary and preferred shares may also be issued.

Release and placement bank shares regulated federal law“On Joint Stock Companies” and Instruction No. 8 of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 1996, according to which all issues of securities, regardless of the size of the issue and the number of investors, are subject to state registration.

2. Investmentoperationscommercialjar

Investments -- long-term investments in industry, agriculture and other sectors of the economy at home and abroad in order to make a profit. Direct investment is a direct investment of funds in production, the acquisition of real assets, portfolio investment is a form of purchasing securities (securities portfolio) or providing funds for a long-term loan (loan portfolio).

Investment operations of a bank are investments of cash and other bank reserves in securities, real estate, authorized capital of enterprises and other investment objects, market value which is capable of growing and generating income for the bank in the form of interest, dividends, and profit from sales.

Goals of the bank's investment policy:

1. expansion of influence, incl. beyond the scope of purely banking activities,

2. expansion and diversification of the bank’s revenue base,

3. the bank’s presence in the most dynamic market - the securities market,

4. downgrade general risk bank by expanding its activities,

5. expansion of the client base,

6. expansion of the types of services provided to clients.

The process of making investment decisions by a commercial bank in the securities market is the formation of a securities portfolio (planning, analysis and regulation of the composition of the securities portfolio, portfolio management while maintaining the required level of liquidity, risk and minimizing costs).

Portfolio investing consists of the following stages:

1. choosing and formulating your own strategy. Types of strategies:

Constant cost strategy. In this case, when managing the portfolio, the total value of the portfolio will be maintained at the same level, which is achieved either by withdrawing the profits received or by depositing additional funds in case of losses.

Constant proportions strategy. With this strategy, the same relationships between the individual components of the portfolio are maintained for a certain period of time. The portfolio structure by which proportions are established

It can be determined by the following criteria: the level of riskiness of securities, types of securities, industry or regional affiliation of the issuer of securities, etc. As a result of the movement of market prices for the securities included in the portfolio, the established ratio is violated, the bank sells securities whose share has increased, and with the proceeds buys securities whose share has fallen.

Floating proportions strategy. It consists of establishing varied (but not constant) relationships between the desired proportions of the portfolio.

Based on the degree of acceptable risk, the following types of strategies are distinguished:

Aggressive strategy. In this case, a high return on investment is allowed and high risk, the object of investment is usually stocks, high-yield bonds of unreliable issuers and other risky assets.

Balanced strategy. In this case, an even distribution of high-risk and low-risk assets is maintained, i.e. in the event of unforeseen difficulties, their sale on the secondary market is carried out with minimal losses.

A conservative strategy involves a minimum degree of risk with special attention to the reliability of securities.

2. determination of investment policy. Investment policy -- a set of measures aimed at implementing a strategy for selecting and managing an investment portfolio, achieving an optimal combination of investment instruments in order to increase the profitability of operations, maintaining an acceptable level of riskiness and liquidity. The bank’s choice of investment policy should be based on the following:

Determining a set of efficient investment portfolios that have the highest expected return for any degree of risk and the lowest level of risk for any expected return;

Selecting the best investment portfolio for a given bank;

Quick response to the appearance of new instruments on the investment market, active participation in both the exchange and over-the-counter markets;

Compliance of the bank's investment policy with the economic situation in the country.

3. comprehensive market analysis. Comprehensive analysis of the financial market consists of selecting financial instruments that meet the requirements of investment policy.

4. formation of a starting portfolio. Having decided on the strategy and the degree of acceptable risk, you should outline the range of assets that can be included in the investment portfolio. Based on the types of securities included, portfolios are divided into portfolios of shares (any), portfolios of ordinary shares, portfolios of preferred shares, portfolios of bonds (any), portfolios of municipal bonds, portfolios of government bonds, mixed portfolios.

5. portfolio restructuring. Portfolio restructuring carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the selected model, as well as taking into account real market conditions and restrictions. In addition, at this stage, if necessary, the portfolio model can be adjusted based on changes in the market and taking into account the current effectiveness of portfolio management.

When forming a portfolio, an investor should take into account a large number of risk factors, but it is important to divide them into two groups: market (this includes all the main risks that can change the overall situation on the market) and portfolio risks (inherent only in financial instruments included in the investor’s portfolio) risks . Ways to reduce investment risk are:

1. diversification, i.e. inclusion of the largest number of securities in the portfolio. The more different instruments are included in an investor's portfolio, the more the portfolio dynamics will be similar to the dynamics of the market as a whole. Thus, diversification is the simplest and most reliable way to reduce the specific risks inherent in individual investment portfolios.

2. hedging. Hedging -- risk insurance against unfavorable price changes, carried out through counter purchases (sales) of futures contracts.

In practice, an investor cannot reduce market risks; he can only choose the moment to enter the market when such risks are minimal, or hedge part of the risks through derivatives financial instruments. Specific portfolio risks can be regulated. So, if an investor seeks to reduce them, then the easiest way to achieve this result is the maximum possible diversification of investments.

The criteria for determining the structure of a bank's investment portfolio are the profitability and riskiness of operations, the need to regulate balance sheet liquidity and diversification of assets.

After selecting and forming a banking portfolio, a very important stage lies ahead, which consists in skillfully managing the set various types securities in order not only to preserve value, but also to obtain significant income that is not dependent on inflation. There are two main ways of managing investment portfolios: active and passive.

Active management is characterized by forecasting the size of possible income from invested funds, the ability to carry this out more accurately and quickly than the financial market, i.e. the ability to anticipate and get ahead of events. In this case, when the difference in expected income, caused by either a successful or an erroneous decision or due to changes in market conditions, disappears, the components of the portfolio or the entire portfolio are replaced by others.

Banks that use proactive tactics track and purchase the best-performing securities and try to get rid of low-yielding assets as quickly as possible. Such management has the international equivalent of “swaping”, which means constant exchange and rotation of securities through the financial market. The following main forms of active management are distinguished:

The selection of "net" income is a method when, for example, a bond with more low income, but is purchased with a higher one.

The substitution consists in the fact that neither similar, but by no means identical securities are exchanged, having the same yield, but a different circulation period (bonds).

Sector swap, with this method, bonds are moved from different sectors of the economy, with different durations, income, etc.

Discount rate anticipation is the effort to lengthen the portfolio's life when rates fall and shorten the portfolio's life when rates rise. Moreover, as the life of the portfolio increases, its price is more susceptible to changes in discount rates.

Passive control banking investment portfolio is based on the assumption that the stock market is quite effective when choosing securities or taking into account time. This tactic creates well-diversified portfolios with a predetermined level of risk and long-term holding of portfolios in an unchanged state. Their advantages include low turnover, minimal levels of overhead costs and investment risk. The benchmark for passive management is an index fund, acting in the form of a portfolio created to mirror the movement of the selected index, characterizing the state of the entire securities market.

3. IntermediaryoperationscommercialjarWithvaluablepapers

Acting as intermediaries in transactions with securities, commercial banks provide a range of services:

1. raising funds for production development, incl. underwriting - subscription, initial placement of shares of issuing companies, and before that analysis, evaluation and establishment of the preliminary price of the issued security. If a bank client needs to obtain financial resources for a long period of time (for the reconstruction of an enterprise, or for developing a new type of business, or for the construction of a new enterprise), he can turn to the bank for help, since banks are engaged in professional activities in the financial market. In this case, the bank is a financial consultant (most corporations maintain contact with only one bank and prefer to negotiate the terms of sale of their new issues of securities only with it), helping the client to attract financial resources, i.e. decide what is more appropriate: the use of credit resources, the creation of venture enterprises or the placement of securities.

If a company decides to make a public offering of securities for sale, the bank assists the company in setting the price and assessing the timing of the offering of securities for sale. The bank may make an initial placement of securities based on maximum conditions or based on guaranteed placement for the issue of securities. With a guaranteed subscription to an issue, the company actually receives a guarantee of placement of securities, since the bank agrees to buy the entire issue and then sell it in parts to its clients (this transaction is formalized by an underwriting agreement, which may combine agency agreements, guarantees, consulting services agreements, loan agreements, etc.). This allows the issuer to plan the allocation of capital to be raised without fear that the entire issue of securities will be unsold. Some banks often act as large underwriters of securities, while others limit themselves to relatively small amounts.

2. transactions on mergers, acquisitions and restructuring of enterprises. Banks can be involved in these transactions through:

Participation in the organization of a merger;

Assisting target companies in developing and implementing defense tactics;

Conducting a target assessment of the acquired company,

Participation in financing the merger.

Target firms that do not want to be acquired usually enlist the help of banks and law firms that specialize in blocking mergers. Many mergers are financed by the acquiring company's free cash flow. Since this is not always possible, there is a need for sources of funds to pay for the target company. The bank prepares financial forecasts and estimates for the company in order to determine the amount of debt that the company is able to service; Together with the company, they develop a financing plan (the missing investments are made by the bank), i.e. in this case, the bank works in two directions: traditional banking operations (credit operations) and analytical work related to investments.

3. formation and management of investment portfolios of clients;

4. working with investor clients to provide information about the current market situation in order to make an informed investment decision;

5. brokerage and dealer operations. Brokerage is the activity of making transactions with securities as an attorney or commission agent. A broker, on behalf of his clients, buys and sells securities for them. The need for such mediation is due to the fact that the high professionalism of the broker should help achieve the best result for the investor and protect the latter from a number of risks inherent in the market. The broker performs its functions for a fee (commission).

As a rule, the broker provides the following set of services to the client:

Providing information about the issuer, the market situation, consulting;

Concluding transactions based on client instructions;

Execution of transactions (receipt of security certificates for the client, re-registration of rights in the register and depository in the name of the client or buyer, nominee holder).

The dealer carries out transactions with securities on the exchange on his own behalf and at his own expense by publicly announcing the purchase and/or sale prices of certain securities. The dealer works on the basis of an offer, i.e. an offer addressed to a potentially unlimited number of persons to conclude a transaction on the terms of the offer. Any person, expressing his consent to the offer, thereby concludes a transaction, and the dealer is obliged to fulfill it. Refusal to execute a transaction by a dealer on the terms announced by him is not allowed. The proposal (offer) must stipulate the essential terms of the transaction at the discretion of the dealer. As a rule, it includes the purchase and/or sale price, the minimum (maximum) volume of one transaction, the validity period of the offer, the procedure for transferring securities and payment. The dealer receives income from the spread, those. due to the difference in purchase and sale prices. As a rule, in a competitive environment, spreads are set at a fairly small level (a fraction of a percent), so the opportunity to generate income lies in increasing turnover. Dealer activity helps to increase market liquidity.

6. depository operations. Depository -- an organization that stores the securities of its clients and services these securities (collection and distribution of interest, dividends, etc.). Big role servicing the securities market is played by the bank's depository activities . It consists of providing services for storage, guardianship, trusteeship of client securities certificates and/or accounting for the transfer of rights to them. The content of depository activities is to ensure ease of use and transfer of securities, reduce transaction risks, and simplify the processing of information about securities, the rights they provide and their owners. The relationship between clients and depositories is based on the transfer (issuance) of orders to them to carry out certain transactions with securities, including on the basis of documents confirming the implementation of purchase and sale transactions. Depositories receive a fee for their services.

So, bank Maybe perform V quality consultant client, V in particular relatively secondary emissions shares (private And public accommodation), release corporate bonds, restructuring assets, A Also V quality depository. Bank must give clients informational, legal, analytical service. All these operations directed on increase profitable parts jar, promotion financial sustainability And demotion general risk jar.


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