Features and nuances of determining the actual value of the property. The insured value of property is its actual value at its location on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract.


Often, when carrying out safety actions, one has to come across such a term as real. Having an idea about the features of such a concept, there are high chances not to get confused and correctly arrange insurance.

Actual value of property, general concept

The actual value of the property - for insurance

The actual, actual value of the property, in other words, is used for insurance purposes. Such a concept is endowed with special significance in situations where it is required to make a determination regarding the sum insured in the insurance contract for property objects.

As for the sum insured, it cannot be higher than the sum insured. When it comes to, then such a concept as the actual value will have to be forgotten, because it loses its meaning. This is due to the fact that there is no objective assessment of the cost of human health or life.

Often, to establish the insurance value, the balance sheet (inventory) is used. This is typical, first of all, for enterprises whose fixed assets are insured in accordance with their full book value (at the same time, depreciation is also taken into account). It follows that in the event of the complete destruction of the designated property objects, the insured value will coincide with the total amount and insurance compensation.

Features characteristic of the actual value of property objects

Actual value may vary

The actual value of the property is characterized by changes, both downward and upward. In cases where this amount is indicated as understated to the insurance amount, the further development of the situation is determined by the nuances of Art. 951 GK.

Exceptions are possible, which include those moments when the amount of the insured value in the contract is fixed. The actual value of the property should be determined in accordance with its location at the time when it was produced.

Insurance at a cost called recovery, which at the time of the onset of an insurance situation, may significantly exceed that indicated in the concluded agreement, is not allowed.

If the actual value of the property has a tendency to increase, and the amount of the sum insured will not change upwards, and there will be no payment of additional insurance premiums, you can refer to paragraph 4.5 of paragraph 4 of the Civil Code.
Since the establishment of the value of property objects is carried out at their location on the day when it is concluded, the address must be clearly indicated in this agreement.

As a rule, the sum insured cannot exceed the actual value of the property object. However, most types of property insurance assess damage less than its actual value, in cases where the object is not destroyed, but only fairly damaged as a result of an insurance event. The name of such damage is partial.

The value fixed in the contractual agreement is the actual value of the property. If the amount of insurance indicated in the contract is higher than the insurance value, then the document is invalidated in the part exceeding the actual value.

If we are talking about an underestimated amount of insurance value, then the issue with the amount of insurance compensation is resolved by reducing the insurance amount to the insurance value in proportion.

Actual cost, methods of determination

actual value and market price are different concepts

The concept of "real value" is far from being identical to the term "market value". Therefore, in order to determine the true value, it does not make sense to use methods designed to establish a market price.

Various methods are used to determine the insurance value. In each country, they differ, depending on what kind of legislation operates and what is the object of insurance. In case of equality of the sum insured and the insured value, the property is recognized as fully insured.

If the amount is less, then the share of responsibility lies at the insured's own risk. Among the main methods for determining the actual sum insured are:

  1. The insured value of the property as the purchase price.
  2. insurance value as its book value.
  3. Insured value as an average market value.
  4. Insurance value as replacement.

However, none of these techniques is perfect, and many of them cannot be applied in their pure form to establish true value.

Ways to establish the actual value of the property

A professional will help you appraise your property.

To resolve the issue of determining the value of the property after the fact, you can resort to the following actions:

  • Apply information from directories or reports of independent appraisers. After all, in other words, it is necessary to determine the assessment in financial terms of the direct subject of insurance. As for the property, the insured value for it will be determined directly, by the actual price established at the time of conclusion of the insurance agreement.
  • In cases of real estate insurance, in order to determine the size of the insured value of the insurance object (whether it be a house), it is allowed to accept an amount equal to the market value of the premises under study, but only if it is similar to the insured one. In other words, in order to determine the value of the insured value of an apartment, one should calculate the market price of apartments located in the same area, having a similar area with the same number of rooms, and located on the same floor.

Thus, to calculate the actual value of the property, are used various ways economic evaluation. It is important to remember that this value is crucial in establishing the sum insured.

Opinion of a legal expert:

For a general understanding of the situation with the valuation of property for the purposes of its insurance, the article is quite useful. You gain some knowledge in this problem. However, this knowledge alone is not enough to make the right decision.

It consists in agreeing or not with the amount of insurance indemnity if your property perishes or major repairs are required. There can be only one criterion. This money is enough to bring the property to its original state. Enough, then it's all right. If not, look for why it happened. Who screwed up, you or the appraiser? Find the cause, eliminate the consequences. After that, make a decision.

To this process should be added the cost of the insurance itself, in other words, the amount of the insurance premium. Here you will get the full calculation. It is up to you to draw a conclusion about the appropriateness of such an assessment. Accept right decisions according to our recommendations.

About property valuation - in the thematic video:

The actual, actual value of the property, in other words, the insurance value, is used for insurance purposes. Such a concept is endowed with special significance in situations where it is required to make a determination regarding the sum insured in the insurance contract for property objects. As for the sum insured, it cannot be higher than the sum insured. When it comes to personal insurance, the concept of true value will have to be forgotten, because it loses its meaning. This is due to the fact that there is no objective assessment of the cost of human health or life. Often, to establish the insurance value, the balance sheet (inventory) is used. This is typical, first of all, for enterprises whose fixed assets are insured in accordance with their full book value (at the same time, depreciation is also taken into account). It follows that in the event of the complete destruction of the designated property objects, the insured value will coincide with the total amount of damage and insurance compensation. The actual value of the property is characterized by changes, both downward and upward. In cases where this amount is indicated as understated to the insurance amount, the further development of the situation is determined by the nuances of Art. 951 GK. Exceptions are possible, which include those moments when the amount of the insured value in the contract is fixed. The actual value of the property should be determined in accordance with its location at the time when the operation of concluding a contractual agreement was carried out. Insurance at a cost called recovery, which at the time of the onset of an insurance situation, may significantly exceed that indicated in the concluded agreement, is not allowed. If the actual value of the property has a tendency to increase, and the amount of the sum insured will not change upwards, and there will be no payment of additional insurance premiums, you can refer to paragraph 4.5 of paragraph 4 of the Civil Code. Since the establishment of the value of property objects is carried out at their location on the day when the contract is concluded, the address must be clearly indicated in this agreement. When insuring property, the amount of insurance, as a rule, cannot exceed the actual value of the property object. However, most types of property insurance assess damage less than its actual value, in cases where the object is not destroyed, but only fairly damaged as a result of an insurance event. The name of such damage is partial. If we are talking about an underestimated amount of insurance value, then the issue with the amount of insurance compensation is resolved by reducing the insurance amount to the insurance value in proportion. The concept of "actual value" is far from identical to the term "market value". Therefore, in order to determine the true value, it does not make sense to use methods designed to establish a market price. Various methods are used to determine the insurance value. In each country, they differ, depending on what kind of legislation operates and what is the object of insurance. In case of equality of the sum insured and the insured value, the property is recognized as fully insured. If the amount is less, then the share of responsibility lies at the insured's own risk. Among the main methods for determining the actual sum insured are: The insured value of property as the purchase price. insurance value as its book value. Insured value as an average market value. Insurance value as replacement. However, none of these methods is ideal and many of them cannot be used in their pure form to establish the actual value of the property. After all, in other words, it is necessary to determine the assessment in financial terms of the direct subject of insurance. As for the property, the insured value for it will be determined directly, by the actual price established at the time of conclusion of the insurance agreement. In cases of real estate insurance, in order to determine the size of the insurance value of the insurance object (be it an apartment or a house), it is allowed to accept an amount equal to the market value of the premises under study, but only if it is similar to the insured one. In other words, in order to determine the value of the insured value of an apartment, one should calculate the market price of apartments located in the same area, having a similar area with the same number of rooms, and located on the same floor. Thus, in order to calculate the true value of the property, various methods of economic valuation are used. It is important to remember that this value is crucial in establishing the sum insured.

The amount, conditions and method of insurance compensation for loss in property insurance depend on the system of insurance liability.

The insurance liability system determines the ratio between the sum insured of the insured property and the actual loss, i.e. the degree of compensation for the resulting damage. The following system of insurance liability is applied: the system of actual value; proportional liability system; first risk system; fractional system; system replacement cost; system of ultimate responsibility.

1. When insuring at the actual value of the property, the amount of insurance compensation is determined as the actual value of the property on the date of conclusion of the contract. The insurance indemnity is equal to the amount of damage. Full interest is insured here.

Example. The cost of the insurance object is 5 million rubles. As a result of the fire, property was destroyed, i.e. the loss of the insured amounted to 5 million rubles. The amount of insurance compensation also amounted to 5 million rubles.

2. Insurance under the system of proportional liability means incomplete insurance of the value of the object. The amount of insurance compensation under this system is determined by the formula:

CB = SS*U/CO, where CB is the amount of insurance compensation, rub.;

SS - sum insured under the contract, rub.;

Y - the actual amount of damage, rub.;

CO - valuation object of insurance, rub.

Example. The cost of the insurance object is 10 million rubles, the sum insured is 5 million rubles. Loss of the insured as a result of damage to the object - 4 million rubles. The amount of insurance compensation will be: 5x4: : 10 = 2 million rubles.

When insuring under the system of proportional liability, the participation of the insured in compensation for damage is manifested, i.e., the insured takes part of the risk. The greater the compensation for damage at the risk of the insured, the lower the degree of insurance compensation. In other words, partial interest is insured here.

3. Insurance under the first risk system provides for the payment of insurance compensation in the amount of damage, but within the sum insured. Under this system, all damage within the sum insured (the first risk) is compensated in full.

Damage in excess of the sum insured (second risk) is not indemnified.

Example. The car is insured under the first risk system in the amount of 50 million rubles. The damage caused to the car as a result of the accident amounted to 30 million rubles. Insurance compensation is paid in the amount of 30 million rubles.

Example. The property is insured under the first risk system in the amount of 40 million rubles. Insurance compensation is paid in the amount of 40 million rubles.

4. When insuring under the fractional system, two

Sums insured:

Sum insured;

Show value.

At the apparent cost, the insured usually receives risk coverage, expressed in natural terms or as a percentage. The liability of the insurer is limited to the size of the fractional part, so the sum insured will be less than its apparent value. The insurance indemnity is equal to the damage, but cannot exceed the sum insured.

In the case when the apparent value is equal to the actual value of the object, insurance under the fractional part system corresponds to insurance of the first risk.

If the apparent value is less than the actual value, the insurance indemnity is calculated according to the formula:

SV=P*U/SO, where SV - insurance indemnity, rub.;

P - apparent cost, rub.;

Y - the actual amount of damage, rub.;

SO - valuation of the insurance object, rub. Example. The cost of the insured property is shown in the amount of 4 million rubles, the actual value is 6 million rubles. As a result of the theft, the damage amounted to 5 million rubles. Insurance indemnity is paid in the amount of 3.3 million rubles.

5. Insurance under the replacement cost system means that the insurance indemnity for an object is equal to the price of a new property from the corresponding type. Depreciation of property is not taken into account. Insurance at replacement cost complies with the principle of completeness of insurance coverage.

6. Insurance under the system of ultimate liability means that there is a certain limit on the amount of insurance compensation. Under this security system, the amount of damages compensated is determined as the difference between a predetermined limit and the level of income achieved. Limit liability insurance is usually used for large risk insurance, as well as for income insurance. If, as a result of an insured event, the level of income of the insured is less than the established limit, then the difference between the limit and the income actually received is subject to compensation.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 1998 No. 1399 "On state regulation insurance in the field of agro-industrial production "J found that:

Crop crop insurance contracts are concluded for a period of at least 5 years;

The insured value is determined annually based on the area under crops, the yield that has developed over the previous 5 years, and the predicted market price of agricultural crops for the corresponding year, and the insured amount is 70% of the insured value;

Insurance premium rates for crop insurance are set for 5 years, taking into account the prevailing fluctuations in crop yields over the years, depending on weather and other natural conditions;

The excess of insurance premiums over the amount of insurance indemnity for state-supported crop insurance (including the costs of conducting insurance business) remain at the disposal of insurers and are used only to pay insurance indemnity to agricultural producers in subsequent years, if the payments of the current year are not enough. When indemnifying crop losses, it is considered that its loss in the amount of 30% (i.e., over 70%) is not related to the insured event, but is a violation of the production technology by the insured.

Example. The average cost of a carrot harvest in comparable prices amounted to 320 thousand rubles. from 1 ha. The actual yield is 290 thousand rubles. The damage is compensated in the amount of 70%. Calculate the loss from the harvest: 320 - 290 \u003d 30 thousand rubles. Hence the amount of insurance compensation is 21 thousand rubles. from 1 ha.

In a personal insurance contract, the sum insured is set by the insured by agreement with the insurer.

The sum insured is paid to the insured or a third party, regardless of the amounts due to them under other insurance contracts, as well as under social insurance, social security and in the order of compensation for harm. Wherein insurance coverage for personal insurance, due to the beneficiary in the event of the death of the insured, is not included in the composition of hereditary property.

Various clauses and conditions can be introduced into the insurance contract, which are called a clause (Latin clausula - conclusion). One of them is a franchise.

Franchise (French franchise - benefit, privilege) is the release of the insurer from compensation for losses that do not exceed a certain amount. The deductible means the part of the loss that is not subject to reimbursement by the insurer. This part of the loss is determined by the insurance contract. Franchise can be established:

In absolute or relative terms to the sum insured

Or assessment of the object of insurance;

As a percentage of the damage. Franchise is of two types:



A conditional or integral (non-deductible) deductible is understood as the release of the insurer's liability for damage not exceeding the amount established by the deductible, and its full coverage if the amount of damage exceeds the deductible.

The conditional deductible is entered into the insurance contract using the entry "free from X%", where X is the percentage of the sum insured. If the damage exceeds the deductible, the insurer is obliged to pay out the insurance indemnity in full, regardless of the stipulation made.

Example. The insurance contract provides for a conditional deductible "free from 1%". The sum insured is 100 million rubles. The actual damage amounted to 0.8 million rubles. It is less than the deductible amount, which is equal to 1 million rubles, and therefore is not reimbursed.

Example. The insurance contract provides for a conditional deductible "free of 1 million rubles." The actual damage amounted to 1.7 million rubles, i.e. more than the deductible. Therefore, insurance compensation is paid in the amount of 1.7 million rubles.

An unconditional, or excess (deductible) franchise means that this franchise is applied unconditionally without any conditions. With an unconditional franchise, the damage is in all cases compensated minus the established franchise.

An unconditional deductible is drawn up in the insurance contract with the following entry: “free from the first X%”, where X is 1,2,3, etc. percent, the amount of which is always deducted from the amount of insurance compensation, regardless of the amount of damage.

With an unconditional deductible, the insurance indemnity is equal to the amount of damage minus the amount of the unconditional deductible.

Example. The insurance contract provides for an unconditional deductible in the amount of 1% of the amount of damage. The actual damage amounted to 5,000 thousand rubles. The franchise amount is: 1x5000/100= 50 thousand rubles. Insurance indemnity will be paid in the amount of 4950 thousand rubles. (5000 - 50).

Actuarial Calculations and Methods of Determination tariff rates

The cost of services provided by the insurer to the insured is determined using actuarial calculations.

Actuarial calculations got their name from the word "actuary".

An actuary (eng. actuara, lat. actuarmiis - scribe, accountant) is an insurance specialist who develops scientifically based methods for calculating tariff rates for long-term life insurance: calculations related to the formation of insurance premium reserves, redemption amounts and reduced insurance amounts.

Reduction (German reduktion - reduction, reduction) is a reduction in the amount of the initial sum insured under a long-term life insurance or pension contract. It is associated with the early termination of the payment of monthly contributions, when the insured has the right to the redemption amount.

The redemption amount is the part of the premium reserve formed under the long-term life insurance contract payable to the policyholder as of the date of termination of payment of monthly insurance premiums. If the policyholder stops paying monthly premiums during the term of the contract, the contract shall cease to be valid. At the same time, he has the right to receive a part of the accumulated reserve of contributions under the agreement for the past period of time, which is the redemption amount.

The amount of the redemption amount depends on the duration past period insurance and the period for which the contract is concluded. So, with a five-year term of insurance, the redemption amount after 6 months of insurance will be 75% of the premium reserve formed under the contract, and after 4 years 6 months - 98.5%. Actuarial calculations are a system of statistical and economic-mathematical methods for calculating tariff rates and determining the financial relationship between the insurer and the insured.

Actuarial calculations reflect the mechanism of formation and spending insurance fund in long-term insurance operations related to the life expectancy of the population (i.e., in life insurance and pensions).

On the basis of actuarial calculations, the share of participation of each insured in the creation of the insurance fund is determined (i.e., the size of tariff rates, the amount of the reserve of contributions for each life insurance or pension contract, the total reserve of the insurance company, the amount of payable redemption, reduced sums insured), recalculation is made insurance premiums when changing the terms of the life insurance contract.

The form by which the cost of services provided by the insurer to the insured is calculated is called actuarial costing.

Actuarial costing allows you to determine insurance payments to the contract. The amount of insurance premiums to be paid involves the measurement of the risk taken by the insurer. The actuarial calculation also reflects the amount of expenses for maintaining the case for servicing the insurance contract.

Actuarial calculations are made taking into account the specifics of insurance. These include: - the events that are evaluated are of a probabilistic nature. This is reflected in the amount of insurance premiums presented for payment; - determination of the cost of the service provided by the insurer to the insured is carried out in relation to the entire insurance aggregate; - the need to allocate and determine the optimal size of the insurance reserves of the insurer; - forecasting the reversal of insurance contracts and expert assessment of their value; - study of the rate of interest and trends in its change over time; - the presence of a complete or partial damage associated with an insured event, which predetermines the need to change the value of its distribution in time and space using special tables; - observance of the principle of balance between the insurance premiums of the insured and the insurance coverage provided by the insurance company due to the received insurance premiums; - allocation of risk group within the given insurance totality.

The tasks of actuarial calculations are: - the study and classification of risks according to certain characteristics (groups) within the insurance population; - calculation of the mathematical probability of the occurrence of an insured event, determination of the frequency and severity of the consequences of causing damage both in individual risk groups and in the whole insurance population; - mathematical justification of the necessary expenses for the organization of the insurance process; - mathematical justification of the necessary reserve funds insurer and sources of their formation; - study of the capital investment rate (interest rate) when the insurer uses the collected insurance premiums as investments and trends in their change in a specific time interval, determining the relationship between interest rate and the tariff rate.

Insurance reserves are assets to cover or secure stocks. Placement of insurance reserves refers to assets accepted to cover (secure) insurance reserves. They are placed on the basis of the Rules for the Placement of Insurance Reserves by Insurers, approved by order Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation dated February 22, 1999 No. 16.

Assets accepted to cover insurance reserves must meet the conditions of diversification, repayment, profitability and liquidity.

The following types of assets are accepted to cover insurance reserves: 1) government securities Russian Federation; 2) government securities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 3) municipal securities; 4) bills of banks; 5) shares; 6) bonds; 7) housing certificates; 8)investment shares of shares investment funds; 9) bank deposits(deposits), including those certified by certificates of deposit; - certificates of equity participation in common funds banking management; - shares in the authorized capital of limited liability companies and contributions to the share capital of limited partnerships; - real estate; - share of reinsurers in insurance reserves; - depot of premiums on risks accepted for reinsurance; - accounts receivable policyholders, reinsurers, reinsurers, insurers and insurance intermediaries; - cash; - cash in bank accounts; - foreign currency on bank accounts; - ingots of gold and silver.

Real estate is accepted to cover insurance reserves, with the exception of individual apartments, as well as air and sea ​​vessels, inland navigation vessels and space objects.

Shares, contributions and shares in the deposited or authorized capital of insurers are not accepted to cover insurance reserves.

Assets accepted to cover insurance reserves cannot serve as a subject of pledge or a source of payment to the creditor of monetary amounts for the obligations of the guarantor (guarantor).

To cover insurance reserves, only: - contributions (deposits) to banks that have a license (permission) to carry out banking operations issued by the respective authorized body; - securities that meet the following requirements:

a) approved for issue and circulation on the territory of the Russian Federation, which have passed state registration in bodies determined by laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, and received in the prescribed manner a state registration number, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

b) issued by foreign issuers and admitted to circulation on stock exchanges or other organizers of trade on the market valuable papers who have a license (permission) to carry out activities for organizing trading in the securities market, issued by the relevant authorized body; - bills of banks that have a license (permission) for banking operations issued by the relevant authorized body; - investment shares of mutual investment funds, the prospectus for the issue of investment shares and the rules of which are registered by the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, the composition of the assets of which is determined by the rules and the prospectus for the issue of investment shares; - certificates of deposit of the bank, the terms of issue and circulation of which are approved by the issuing bank and registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; - receivables of policyholders, reinsurers, reinsurers, insurers and insurance intermediaries, payments on which are expected within three months after reporting date, which is not overdue and has arisen as a result of insurance and reinsurance operations; - certificates of equity participation in general funds of banking management duly registered with the Central Bank of the Russian Federation; - shares in the authorized capital of limited liability companies and contributions to the share capital of limited partnerships, the constituent documents of which do not provide for any legal grounds preventing the withdrawal of funds within a reasonably short time; - gold and silver bars located on the territory of the Russian Federation; 10) the share of reinsurers who are residents of the Russian Federation and have a license to conduct insurance activities and who are not residents of the Russian Federation and have a representative office in the territory of the Russian Federation.

On the basis of actuarial calculations, tariff rates are determined, which, with the help of long-term financial studies, are underestimated in advance by the amount of the income that will be received by the insurer from using the accumulated contributions of policyholders as investments.

In actuarial calculations, the theory of probability is used, since the size of tariff rates primarily depends on the degree of probability of an insured event.

Insurance can be carried out only in the case when it is not known in advance whether this or that event will occur in a given year or not.

The concept of probability as applied to insured event characterized by two features.

First, the probability is established by counting the number of adverse events for the insured and the insurer (fires, floods, theft, etc.).

Secondly, when insuring, there is a certain number of objects, some of which are subject to an insured event, i.e., the insured risk is realized.

The probability of an insured event in property insurance reflects the frequency of insured events for the previous period, i.e. the ratio of objects affected by an event to their total number.

Example. If in a given area over a number of years, on average, 100 houses out of 10,000 were damaged by fire, then the probability of an insured event is 0.01 * (100: 10,000).

The probability of disability due to accidents is calculated on the basis of the reporting data of insurance companies.

IN personal insurance to determine the probability of an insured event, indicators of mortality and life expectancy of the population, calculated according to the mortality table, are used. At the same time, tariff rates are differentiated according to the age of the person.

Differentiation of tariff rates according to the age of the insured in life insurance and pensions is carried out using information and methods of demography, i.e., the science of population and its change. So, on the basis of statistical observations on the mortality of the population (demographic statistics), the probability of life and death for people of different ages is calculated, on the basis of which a mortality table is built.

The mortality table contains calculated indicators that characterize the mortality of the population at certain ages and survival in the transition from one age to the next. It shows how the generation of people born at the same time (conventionally taken as 100,000) gradually decreases with increasing age.

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Sum insured and insured value

The issue of determining the insurance value and establishing it in the insurance contract is relevant for both policyholders and insurers. Indeed, both with incomplete and with excess insurance, the insured incurs losses, the cause of which, in the end, is the incorrectly established insurance value of the property. In the first case, the insurance payment will not be enough to compensate for damage caused to property in the event of an insured event, in the second case, part of the insurance premium is paid excessively. As for insurers, the result of a systematic reassessment of insurance costs and overstatement of sums insured may be an unreasonably high unprofitability of insurance, the risk of financial losses, a decrease in financial stability and solvency of insurers. On the contrary, an underestimation of the insured value of property and, accordingly, the establishment of insurance amounts in a smaller amount are fraught with conflicts with insurers, the loss of real insured clients.

In practice, the insurance value can be determined:

- in the amount of the balance sheet(residual) value on the basis of an extract from the balance sheet of the policyholder (respectively, only if the policyholder is the balance holder of the property accepted for insurance). This method it is not recommended to apply for property (equipment) put on the balance sheet in a non-new condition, as well as if the life of the property exceeds 50% of its useful life, because in this case, the value of the property, taking into account the depreciation accrued by the accounting department, is much lower than the actual (insurance) value;

- based on the valuation report of an independent appraiser;

- in the amount of the value specified in the contract of sale, supply and similar contracts, bills of lading, sales receipts, balance sheets and other documents.

It should be noted that the insurance value is not included in the list of essential terms of the property insurance contract (clause 1, article 942 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Assessment of the actual (insurance) value of the property accepted for insurance is only the right, but not the obligation of the insurer (clause 1, article 945 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). Also, the provisions of Articles 948 - 951 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation do not in themselves make the assessment of the insurance value mandatory.

The condition limiting the sum insured to the insurance value (clause 2, article 947 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) does not oblige the insurer to evaluate and indicate it in the contract.

At the same time, in accordance with Art. 948 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the insured value of the property specified in the insurance contract cannot be subsequently disputed, except for the case when the insurer, which did not use its right to assess before the conclusion of the contract insurance risk, was deliberately misled about this value.

If, by agreement of the parties, when concluding the insurance contract, the insured value of the insured property was not determined and was not indicated in the insurance contract, then the insurer shall have the right, upon the occurrence of an insured event, to determine the actual value of the insured property as of the date and place of conclusion of the insurance contract, and, if necessary, to attract for this purpose independent expert organization.

As a rule, for the following types of property, the actual value is considered:

For buildings and structures - the cost of construction in a given area of ​​an object similar to the insured one in terms of its design characteristics and quality building materials, reduced by the percentage of depreciation corresponding to the operational and technical condition of the insured building (structure);

For objects under construction in progress - the amount of actually incurred material and labor costs as of the date of conclusion of the insurance contract, based on average prices, norms and rates for this type of work and materials used at a given time in a given area;

For equipment, machines, tools, inventory, devices, computer equipment, furniture, interior items - the cost of acquiring new property similar in purpose and performance characteristics (including the cost of delivery to the place of insurance, installation, payment of customs duties and fees, other mandatory payments), reduced by the percentage of depreciation corresponding to the operational and technical condition of the insured property;

For products manufactured by the insured (both unfinished and finished) - the cost of re-manufacturing these products by the insured (including the costs of production itself, the purchase of raw materials, semi-finished products, transportation costs), but not higher than the cost of manufacturing these products as of the date of conclusion of the insurance contract ;

For goods traded by the insured, as well as for raw materials purchased by the insured - the cost of these goods at the minimum market prices necessary for their repeated purchase, including the costs of their transportation, packaging, customs duties and other fees, but not higher than the prices at which they could have been purchased by the insured on the date of conclusion of the insurance contract;

For other property accepted for insurance - the actual value of the property at the place of insurance on the day of conclusion of the insurance contract, which can be determined on the basis of the opinion of a professional appraiser, documents financial statements, sales contracts, deliveries, etc. contracts, bill of lading, checks and other documents.

The problem of assessing the insurance value in property insurance becomes especially acute when insuring objects. real estate. As a rule, the policyholder orders an assessment of the market value of property (real estate) for lending purposes. The market value is determined taking into account the location of the object and the cost of rent land plot. Often, with this approach, the market value of the insurance object does not correspond to the real replacement value that meets the goals of insurance.

If the declared actual value of the property subject to insurance is indicated in the application for insurance, then it must be determined by one of the methods indicated in this section, dated and documented. The relevance of documents confirming the actual value and their adequacy for insurance purposes is assessed by the insurer (underwriting department) in each specific case individually at the stage of pre-insurance preparation of the contract.

In the event that the relevance and adequacy of the declared actual value (documented) is accepted by the underwriting department, this value is indicated in the insurance contract as an insurance value.

Thus, in view of the foregoing, the following should be used as the insurance value:

- the declared actual value of the property indicated in the application for insurance (regardless of whether this value is specified in the insurance contract or not), - if this value is accepted by the insurer; or

- the cost determined by the insurer by appointing the appropriate expertise, - if the value declared by the insured is not accepted by the insurer; or

- the cost determined by the insurer independently using professional knowledge and experience conclusion of insurance contracts for property similar to that declared for insurance - if the actual value of the property is not indicated in the application for insurance.

If there are doubts about the adequacy of the declared insurable value for insurance purposes or in the absence of confirming given cost documents, the actual cost in the application for insurance may not be indicated.

The sum insured is determined by the insurance contract sum of money, on the basis of which the amount of the insurance premium and the amount of the insurance payment in the event of an insured event are established. When insuring property, the sum insured cannot exceed its insured value.

The sum insured can be set:

-equal to the insurance value(property insurance for the full value);

-below insurance value(incomplete property insurance).

The amount of the sum insured is established by agreement of the parties at the conclusion of the insurance contract.

In the event that the property is insured only in part of the insured value, the insured has the right to carry out additional insurance, including with another insurance organization, but so that the total insured amount under all insurance contracts does not exceed the insured value.

If the sum insured specified in the insurance contract exceeds the insured value of the insured, the contract is void in that part of the sum insured which exceeds the insured value. The part of the insurance premium paid in excess is non-refundable in this case.

If the insured amount exceeded the insured value as a result of insuring the same object with two or more insurers (double insurance), then the amount of insurance compensation payable in this case by each of the insurers is reduced in proportion to the decrease in the initial insured amount under the relevant insurance contract.

The same property may be insured against different insurance risks both under one and under separate insurance contracts, including contracts with different insurers.

After the insurance payment is made, the sum insured is reduced by the amount of the insurance payment, unless otherwise provided by the insurance contract. The sum insured is reduced from the date of occurrence of the insured event. After the restoration or replacement of damaged property, the policyholder has the right for an additional insurance premium restore the original sum insured.

The insurer bears the obligation to make an insurance payment upon the occurrence of an insured event within the limits of the sums insured established in the insurance contract.

In addition to the total sum insured under the insurance contract, sums insured may be established in relation to:

Separate positions (units, elements) of the insured property;

Separate nomenclature groups of the insured property;

Individual insured events (insurance risks, for example, the risk of a terrorist attack).

Cleanup expenses.

The sum insured is maximum amount, which can be paid by the insurer for each and every insured event under the insurance contract. This condition applies to insurance amounts established for individual units of property, risks, expenses.

During the validity of the insurance contract, by agreement of the parties, the previously established amounts of insurance sums may be changed due to changes in the value, quantity, and condition of the insured property.

Depending on the insured value of the property, the amount of the premium and compensation will be calculated. But obligatory types already have their own price base.

When signing a policy, it is important to know in advance how much the company requires from the client and whether it corresponds to the realities of the market.

Types of insurance

Insurance today is a separate area of ​​the economy. The client of the company pays for the fact that the latter undertakes to assume his risks. Then the insured can sleep peacefully and not worry about possible troubles.

Anything can be insured.

  • real estate;
  • jewelry;
  • cars;
  • life and health;
  • business and financial risks;
  • travel insurance;
  • intangible values ​​(works of art);
  • land, other.

The insured and his client have mutual benefit from the transaction. And if the company complies with the "rules of the game" in its market, more and more customers will invest in it. The main thing is to reach a consensus between both parties regarding the amount of compensation. In order to calculate it correctly, it is necessary to assess the property, that is, to determine the insurance value.

Concepts of insurance cost and sum insured. Differences

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, upon the occurrence of the specified in the policy, the insurer is obliged to issue a certain amount to the client. This amount is key moment the conclusion of the contract, it is calculated by the company and, after agreement with the client, fits into the contract of personal or property insurance. This is the sum of the insurance.

However, the sum insured and the insurance value are not identical concepts. The insured value may be equal to the amount, however, in practice, the amount of money that the client can receive on hand is less than the real market value of the object. The amount of insurance cannot exceed the cost, which is established by paragraph 2 of Art. 10 of the Law on Cases, since insurance is designed to compensate for damage, and not to contribute to an increase in capital.

What is the insurance value? It is determined after assessing the property or assessing the risk that the Insurance Company. In most cases, this is the market value.

It must be taken into account that only voluntary insurance compensation amount is negotiable. In the event that the signing of the policy is mandatory, the amount will be established by law.

The sum insured is sometimes fixed size. And sometimes, it is set on the basis of a certain percentage of the cost.

Types of insurance cost

The most common insurance is property insurance. The cost of property insurance, as already mentioned, is calculated using different methods. Based on the choice of this method, the following types of insurance value are distinguished:

  • Full insurance. The value of the insurance object is equal to the indemnity.
  • proportional.
  • Replacing the object with a new and working one. It is used in the sale of household appliances.
  • The amount that is needed to repair the object is reimbursed.

Depending on the features of the tariff calculation, individual insurance risk and mass risk are distinguished. Under the mass type of risk, we mean insurance against natural disasters. The insurance value here is calculated according to separate tariffs.

To determine the cost of insurance, you must first choose a method for assessing the object of insurance. It can be comparative, income or expense. In most cases, the comparative method is used. The cost is derived based on the analysis of previous transactions and the market situation. After that, the amount of compensation is determined.

The formula for calculating the insurance indemnity when using the proportional calculation system is the same everywhere. Only the rate changes.

The formula is as follows: Q = T · S/W.

  • S - insurance amount;
  • W is the real value of the property;
  • T is the coefficient chosen for this type of risk.

Cost of property insurance. Risks

Real estate appraisal is usually carried out at a branch of Rostekhinventarizatsiya or at any private property appraisal firm that has a license.

Several factors affect the cost estimate:

  • risk category;
  • real value;
  • the duration of the insurance;
  • the type of the insured object.

A very important point is the category of risk. will not work at a loss. All risks associated with the conclusion of the transaction are checked by the highest professionals - underwriters. These are the people who are responsible for. They classify the types of risks and decide which ones to accept and which ones to reject. The main risk categories are as follows:

  1. theft of property;
  2. damage to property by intruders;
  3. accidents of a different nature;
  4. natural disasters (floods, landslides, etc.).

In this regard, many parameters are analyzed. If real estate is insured, then the location and the degree of deterioration of this building are checked. When calculating the insurance value, the appraiser will also analyze the inventory and cadastral value real estate.

Enterprise insurance assessment

When insured entity, the tariff is selected based on the size of the enterprise. For medium-sized enterprises, one tariff applies, for large - others. During the valuation, everything is taken into account: fixed assets, working capital, warehouse stocks, and even the cost of those buildings that are not completed.

When analyzing risks, all available information is used, since the amounts in this type of insurance are large. Be sure to take into account all the statistics available from other companies.

Not very common in Russia. The unstable state of the economy makes it unattractive.

Can I change the price after signing the policy?

After signing the policy, its terms cannot be changed. But there are some nuances. Sum insured can be challenged by the company itself or the tax office, if there is doubt about the correctness of the calculation of the insurance value. And when the insurer manages to prove in court that he was deceived, he has the right to reduce the amount of compensation.

Another nuance is acceptance - an internal check in the insurance company. If during the inspection it is found that the amount of indemnity is too high, the insurer informs the client of acceptance and the contract will be rewritten and renegotiated.

Undoubtedly, there are advantages to concluding a policy. Insured individual or the organization receives a reimbursement guarantee Money. But the calculation principles are too confusing, and most insurers cannot understand this system. Therefore, the state should control insurance.