The formula for the replacement cost of fixed assets. Calculation of the replacement cost of the property. Aggregated indicators of replacement cost


The replacement cost is the cost of creating an analogue object that completely repeats the object of assessment, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages present in it, and is determined as the cost of the object in prices at the date of construction of the analogue object. As an analogue object, a typical building is considered with the same as that of the evaluated object functional purpose, and the most similar space-planning and constructive solution.

The replacement cost of the construction of an analogue object was determined using the INVEST Interregional Information and Analytical Bulletin "Price Indices in Construction". This bulletin contains the cost indicators for the construction of a unit of measurement (1 sq. m. of area) for various standard buildings in the price level of the Moscow region (excluding VAT). Indicators of the cost of 1 square. m. of the total area are determined taking into account current indices prices for material resources consumed in construction, wages and other cost items. The indicators take into account the average costs in the volume of all chapters of the consolidated estimate calculation of the cost of construction, including: overhead costs and planned savings; costs associated with the production of work in the winter; other costs, minus amounts, such as: costs for temporary buildings and structures, street maintenance and garbage disposal, costs for the application of a progressive bonus system for remuneration of construction and installation workers (CEW) and the recruitment of workers, costs for design and survey work and author's supervision, for the maintenance of the customer's apparatus, the cost of unforeseen expenses, etc.

Indicators of the cost of 1 square. m. of total area in the price level of the Moscow region can be translated into the price level of other regions using regional INVEST coefficients by multiplying the estimated cost for the conditions of the Moscow region by the appropriate coefficient.

The cost of the object is calculated according to the following formula:


C - total replacement cost (PVA) of the object;

S - the cost of construction per unit of measurement (1 sq. m. area) for various standard buildings in the price level of the Moscow region (excluding VAT);

V is the area of ​​the object;

K - regional coefficient;

kPP - coefficient taking into account the profit of the enterprise. Acquisition land plot, making improvements on it and then selling it, is a business that requires remuneration. Entrepreneurial profit is the required amount of excess of revenue over total construction costs, which allows you to call this project financially justified for the developer. The profit of an entrepreneur reflects the costs of managing and organizing construction, expresses the contribution of the developer, who carries out the examination of construction and takes on the risks associated with construction, which are quite large in the market of the city of Zlatoust. An analysis of this segment of the real estate market showed that the level of profit for such firms ranges from 20% to 50%, depending on the volume and nature of the construction installation work. Based on the analysis and market research, the amount of entrepreneurial profit for the property being valued was determined at 45% (kPP=1.45);

kVAT - coefficient taking into account VAT in the amount of 18% (kVAT=1.18).

Calculation of the replacement cost of the object on the valuation date

Enterprises involved in the production process with a useful life of more than one year. Fixed assets wear out during use. The amount of OS wear is partially transferred to the cost of products.

To measure the value of the volume of fixed assets, only natural physical units are used. These are, for example, pieces of equipment, square meters etc. allows you to determine the degree of depreciation of fixed assets, gives the full dynamics of its practical use throughout its useful life.

Thus, the initial estimated cost is formed from the actual costs received at the time of acquisition. It remains unchanged and constant throughout its useful life and can only be revised when revalued, or changed in the event of modernization or production. overhaul.

The replacement cost is the quantitative amount of costs in the form of depreciation deductions, which is necessary for the restoration of worn-out objects, calculated taking into account all actually operating building codes, standard rates, and market value material resources and the necessary labor costs.

The replacement cost of fixed assets can be full or minus accrued depreciation. So, the full replacement cost is calculated based on the results, taking into account the accrued ones. It also takes into account both physical and moral obsolescence (wear and tear) of the OS. Physical depreciation provides for a decrease in the initial cost as a result of deterioration in physical characteristics or partial loss of characteristics under the influence of natural factors. This may range from 1 to 5% of the cost of the initial assessment of fixed assets. Obsolescence provides for a reduction in the initial cost of 3 to 5% due to the widespread introduction of new models of equipment and individual components in the manufacturing market.

Such an assessment is unified and comparable in different periods of use, allowing analysis for subsequent investment volumes. Money for their complete reproduction or renewal. Moreover, this also makes it possible to most accurately calculate the production costs for the release and subsequent sale of products, objectively calculate the cost of fixed assets in the event of their subsequent lease, and much more. In comparison with the original, the replacement cost can change both up and down. These changes depend on the direction of the price for the production of installation work, on productivity and transportation costs. The replacement cost minus depreciation is calculated by multiplying by the full replacement cost, taking into account the revaluation.

And the last. Residual value is the part of the cost that was not included in the cost of production in the form of depreciation.

Based on this, the replacement cost of fixed assets is equal to the cost of their subsequent renewal. Moreover, the amount of deviation of this cost from their initial estimate largely depends on the growth rate of scientific and technological progress, the introduction of innovations and the level of inflation.

When establishing the amount of damage caused to a public institution, one should proceed from the current replacement value of the assets. How is this value determined?

Mandatory General requirements to accounting for settlements on the amounts of identified shortages, theft of funds, other valuables, on the amounts of losses from damage to material assets, other amounts of damage caused to the property of the institution, subject to compensation by the guilty persons in the amount of damage, are determined Instruction No. 157n .

According to Art. 220 Instructions No. 157n the amount of damage caused by shortages, theft, is established on the basis of the current replacement cost of material assets on the day the damage was discovered, which means the amount of money necessary to restore the specified assets.

The procedure for determining the current replacement cost is not established by Instruction No. 157n. When developing such a procedure, the Ministry of Finance recommends using methods similar to those for determining the current appraised value ( Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation of December 23, 2016 No. 02-07-10/77576).
Recall that the current estimated value is the amount of cash that can be received as a result of the sale of assets at the date of acceptance for accounting. The procedure for its determination for the purpose of posting to the balance sheet of the establishment of objects non-financial assets installed clause 25 of Instruction No. 157n.

In particular, the determination of the current appraised value is made on the basis of the price (confirmed by documentary or expert means) in force on the date of acceptance for accounting (posting) of property for this or a similar type of property. When establishing such a value, the commission for the receipt and disposal of assets, created in the institution on a permanent basis, uses:

– price information for similar material values received in writing from manufacturing organizations;
- information on the level of prices available to the authorities state statistics, as well as in the media and specialized literature;
expert opinions(including experts recruited on a voluntary basis to work in the commission on the receipt and disposal of assets) on the value of individual (similar) objects of non-financial assets.

The procedure for determining the current replacement cost must be fixed in the local normative act institutions (for example, in accounting policies). How to reflect in the budget accounting operations to compensate for damage caused to the property of a public institution (shortage of non-financial assets) in the amount of the current replacement cost of assets?

The procedure for recording transactions in the accounting for the amount of damage caused to the property of a state institution subject to compensation by guilty persons is regulated Instruction No. 162n .
In terms of the identified shortage of non-financial assets, the following operations are reflected in budget accounting:

Contents of operation
DebitCreditProvisions of Instruction No. 162n

Missing property identified

The amounts of identified shortages of non-financial assets attributed to the guilty persons are reflected1 209 xx 5601 401 10 172 Item 86

Compensated for shortages by guilty persons

Compensation for shortages in cash is reflected: Items 86, 104 , 109
- at the cash desk of the institution1 201 34 510 1 209 xx 660
- to the budget revenue (the institution is empowered to administer cash receipts to the budget)1 210 02 xxx
– to the budget revenue (the institution is the recipient of budget funds, he is not assigned the authority to administer cash receipts to the budget)1 303 05 830
1 304 04 xxx
1 209 xx 660
1 303 05 730
Compensation for shortages in kind1 401 10 172 1 209 xx 660

Amounts of identified shortages written off

Objects of non-financial assets were written off as a result of shortages: Items 10, 13 , 26 , 27 , 29
a) fixed assets1 104 xx 410
1 401 10 172
1 101 xx 410
b) intangible assets1 104 39 420
1 401 10 172
1 102 30 420
c) inventories (including in excess of the norms of natural loss)1 401 10 172 1 105 xx 440
d) finished products1 401 10 172 1 105 37 440
e) trade margin on goods written off as a result of shortages (using the “red line” method)1 401 10 130 1 105 39 340

The amount of recovered damage is subject to transfer to the income of the relevant budget ( paragraph 3 of Art. 41 BC RF).

In a government institution, a shortage of a multifunctional device (MFD) was revealed. Its initial cost was 18,000 rubles, accrued depreciation - 100%. The replacement cost of the MFP is determined by the commission of the institution in the amount of 20,000 rubles. The employee guilty of causing the damage voluntarily compensated for the shortage by transferring funds to the budget revenue. The institution is not assigned the authority to administer cash receipts to the budget.

In budget accounting, these transactions should be reflected in the postings:

Contents of operation
DebitCreditAmount, rub.
The cost of the MFP was written off as a result of a shortage1 104 34 410 1 101 34 410 18 000
The shortage of the MFP was attributed to the account of the guilty person (at the replacement cost)1 209 71 560 1 401 10 172 20 000
Reimbursed missing MFP:
- reflects the transfer of funds by the guilty person as compensation for damage to the budget revenue1 303 05 830 1 209 71 660 20 000
- reflected settlements between a government institution and the administrator of budget revenues, exercising certain powers to administer cash receipts to the budget, issued by notices (f. 0504805)1 304 04 410 1 303 05 730 20 000

In a state-owned institution, a shortage of special clothing in the amount of 4,000 rubles was revealed. The replacement cost of overalls is determined by the commission of the institution, it is equal to the balance sheet (4,000 rubles). The amount of the shortfall is compensated by the guilty person in kind.

In the accounting of a public institution, these transactions will be reflected in the following correspondence accounts: state academies sciences, state (municipal) institutions, approved. Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 1, 2010 No. 157n.

During the period of operation of the main production assets, changes may occur related to the acceleration of the scientific and technical process, which reduces the cost of the manufacturing process of labor instruments, and in conditions of inflation, the initial cost of the produced labor instruments may increase. Therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the distorting influence of the price factor. For this, the main production assets valued at replacement cost.

replacement cost shows what funds would have to be spent at prices and rates existing at the moment in order to acquire or build basic production assets similar to those available.

To determine the replacement cost of fixed production assets, they are revalued using two main methods:

1) by indexing their book value,

2) by direct recalculation of the book value in relation to the prices formed on January 1 of the next year.

3. Residual value- this is the initial cost of fixed assets (book) minus depreciation, the amount of which is determined by the amount of depreciation for the entire past life of these fixed assets.

It allows you to judge the degree of depreciation of the means of labor, to plan the renewal and repair of fixed assets. There are two types of residual value:

1) it is determined at the initial cost, determined as depreciation is accrued,

2) at the replacement cost, determined by an expert in the process of revaluation of labor instruments.

The residual value can be calculated using the formula:

From the stop \u003d C n + C to * [(A n * C n * T) / 100]

where C n - the initial cost of fixed assets,

C to - the cost of major repairs for the entire life of fixed assets,

A n is the annual depreciation rate,

T - the period during which the fixed assets were operated, years.

4. Residual value- the cost of selling worn-out and written-off fixed assets and is regulated only by the state of fixed production assets and the further possibility of their use; may vary (for equipment) from full replacement cost to the sale of equipment at the price of scrap metal.

In the process of production, the main production assets are subject to moral and physical wear and tear.

Physical deterioration- the loss of fixed assets of their consumer value. Physical depreciation occurs both during the functioning of fixed assets, and during their inactivity.

Obsolescence of fixed assets- decrease in their cost under the influence of scientific and technological progress.

Moral depreciation of fixed assets occurs before the onset of complete physical depreciation.

Depreciation of fixed assets is carried out by one of the following methods of depreciation accrual:

1. linear;

With a linear ability, depreciation is calculated evenly based on the initial or replacement cost of an object of fixed assets and the depreciation rate calculated from the useful life of this object.

For example, an enterprise purchased equipment worth 120 thousand rubles, the useful life of which is 5 years, then the depreciation rate will be 100%: 5 = 20% per year. The annual amount of depreciation deductions = 120 thousand rubles. * 20% = 24 thousand rubles.

2. diminishing balance;

With the reducing balance method annual amount depreciation is determined based on the residual value of fixed assets at the beginning of the year and the depreciation rate, and sometimes using an acceleration factor established by law

The essence of the method used is that the share of depreciation charges attributable to the cost of production will decrease with each subsequent year of operation of the specified facility.

Residual sums are written off to the cost price. A direct write-off of this amount to cost or to financial results may worsen it. financial condition and the level of profitability. To a certain extent, these losses can be compensated by the sale of under-depreciated equipment.

Foreign practice of using non-linear depreciation methods (in particular, the USA) involves establishing the multiplicity of determining the declining balance. With the double declining balance method, the annual depreciation charge (A) will be determined by the formula:

A \u003d C o * N * 2,

C o - the residual value of the equipment for early years,

N is the depreciation rate for the entire period of operation of the equipment,

2 - the multiplicity of the calculus.

3. write-offs based on the sum of numbers of years of useful life;

When applying the method of writing off the cost by the sum of numbers of years of the useful life, the annual amount of depreciation is determined based on the initial cost of the fixed assets object and the ratio of the number of years, where the numerator is the number of years remaining until the end of the life of the object, and the denominator is the sum of the numbers of years of the term services. The salvage value is not used in this method, since the fixed asset transfers its value in full over the useful life.

From the point of view of financial planning, this method is preferable because it allows you to write off most of the cost of fixed assets at the beginning of operation. Further, the write-off rate slows down, which ensures a reduction in the cost of production.

From the point of view of accountants, the concept of fixed assets is primarily understood as financial indicators reflection of the property capital of the organization. If we talk about the material content of this term, then it is rather vague.

In reality, there is no strong difference in how many pieces of products on a particular machine will be produced. From the point of view of accounting, real indicators are only indicators that make it possible to personify this object. All possible procedures in relation to each of the objects occur strictly in value or financial terms.

It is for this reason that OS assessment has such great value in the work of accountants.

Varieties of OS assessments

From point of view management accounting any company has a fixed system of valuation of the value of organizational property. It is used for various cost measurement purposes, for example:

  • For keeping records;
  • To make forecasts;
  • To create accounting;
  • To create statistical records;
  • To create a tax account.

All possible special cases are conducted strictly on the basis of data obtained using these estimates, for example:

  • When selling;
  • When bartering;
  • When obtaining a loan with collateral;
  • When solving property issues in court;
  • Upon receipt of insurance compensation.

On the this moment There are three main types of valuation:

  1. Initial.
  2. Recovery.
  3. Residual.

There is also the term book value, which is used to refer to an estimate. But in practice, the concepts of book value and initial cost often mean the same thing. Although there is some difference between these concepts.

Often the difference can be noticed when re-evaluating the OS. The value of assets after the revaluation is now the replacement cost of fixed assets. It is on this basis that we now take into account these objects in the balance sheet.

At the same time, when we acquire objects after revaluation, the replacement cost of fixed assets corresponds to the original one. It is on the basis of the original that we take them into account. And those other assets can be considered book value. But if you focus on economic sense, then in one case, the book value should be considered replacement, and in the second, initial.

It is on the basis of such moments that the understanding comes that accounting is conducted in a mixed form of evaluation.

replacement cost

In reality, situations are possible when the indicated book value no longer corresponds to the real state of affairs in the organization and, in particular, to the economic state of the market. Once in a similar situation, the organization has the right to re-evaluate its OS. At the time of such revaluation, the balance sheet valuation of fixed assets will be updated taking into account current information on the market value for the acquisition of a similar fixed asset.

Based on the results of the revaluation, the replacement cost of fixed assets will be established. It is she who should be taken as the book value in the future. To understand the amount of a given object in relation to its replacement cost, completely different sources of information can be used, for example:

  • data of organizations-manufacturers of such objects;
  • information about similar prices in the state. organizations or in public sources;
  • expert evaluation by specialists.

The replacement cost of fixed assets is determined on the basis of the cash that can be paid for them at the time of their revaluation.

Replacement cost of fixed assets definition formula:

  1. With the help of a direct recalculation of the book value of assets at the prices that exist at the time of the revaluation for exactly the same fixed assets. Everything must be confirmed by expert data, documents and an appropriate conclusion;
  2. Multiplying the book value by the appropriate book value conversion factors.

Together with the revaluation of the book value, depreciation is charged, if after the revaluation of fixed assets the replacement cost turned out to be higher than the book value, then their amount (the amount of the difference) is sent as an increase in the value of this asset, an increase in fixed assets and additional capital. At the same time, a similar difference in the indexed amount of depreciation of fixed asset data is directed to reduce the cost of fixed assets.

In the future, already revalued objects can be revalued again. This is necessary to avoid price differences in the future.

How does it work in terms of tax accounting

It is important to consider that there is a slight difference between tax and accounting. Especially when it comes to revaluation.

In two types of accounting (accounting and tax), there is the same system for separating the categories of revaluation (initial, restoration, residual). But in the end, the final indicators of price formation can differ significantly from each other.

This is usually due to taking into account exchange rate (sum) differences. They arise after the purchase of assets, the value of which is recorded in relation to foreign money. The entire difference arises between the currency and ruble equivalent of paying the debt at the time of repayment. Differences are calculated at the official exchange rate of the Central Bank for a given number. All costs incurred by the enterprise when purchasing this OS can also be taken into account (for example, transportation, payment for workers involved in the installation process, etc.).