Casco only damage. Full and partial casco: how to choose the right policy? Types of hull insurance risks


Since the introduction of "autocitizenship", a lot of companies have appeared that offer their services in this area. At the same time, CASCO, which is included in the insured event, describes very vaguely, and the lists of leading insurers are very different from each other.

Controversial points related to this lead people to court, where the proceedings can drag on for a long time. From our experience we know what insured events are included in CASCO insurance, and which ones you may be denied. At the same time, it is recommended to pay attention to additional options that significantly increase the attractiveness of insurance.

What is included in CASCO for cars

The insurance system is quite complex and has a number of specific subtleties. Most companies offering such services allow the client to choose independently, assuming a specific percentage of compensation for this or that damage. That is why the insurance contract must be approached very responsibly, even if it is the so-called "full CASCO". It may have its own additions that are not available in similar documents of other companies.

Everything that is included in the CASCO for a car can be presented in the form of a specific list. However, it must be remembered that there are several insurance programs even for one company, which means that some items may change or be missing.

  1. Road traffic accident (RTA). This is a general concept that considers a specific situation. Some types of damage during an accident are specially taken out to separate points, since other insured events occur on them.
  2. Collision with another vehicle. We are talking about road users on vehicles of various types.
  3. Hitting or hitting an object that can be in either a static or moving state. This item also includes animals and birds.
  4. Vehicle overturning. A separate insurance item that involves a specific type of damage in an accident.
  5. Fire. Even a fire as a result of an accident falls under this clause.
  6. Falling objects on the vehicle. This refers to trees, ice, snow, etc.
  7. Crash under the ice.
  8. Fall into the water.
  9. Ejection of gravel. A separate type of damage resulting from the ingress of stones or other objects from under the wheels of another car.
  10. Illegal actions of third parties. Asking the question of what is included in CASCO for a car, this item interests people the most. It includes a range of activities that could be considered illegal or infringing on private property rights.
  11. Explosion.

Important! It should be noted that all these items usually have a standard contract. However, their presence and the percentage of compensation must be negotiated separately, so that later there are no controversial issues.

What is not an insured event

In order for the program to start working, an insured event must occur. Legislatively, there are a number of factors that correspond to the type of damage, but at the same time, money is not paid for them. They should be considered separately.

Cases of theft

  • radio theft or damage;
  • theft of a license plate, as well as its damage;
  • loss or theft of additional equipment outside the vehicle;
  • car theft with open doors, windows and deactivated alarm;
  • theft of a vehicle with documents, ignition keys, alarm key fobs.

No harm to the car itself

  • point damage to the paintwork, these include small scratches and chips;
  • damage to the tire, decorative cap;
  • theft of any type, if the car is not affected;


  • breakdown of parts of units and assemblies;
  • detection of factory defects;
  • malfunction of electrical equipment;
  • failure of the braking system.

External factors

  • fraud or extortion;
  • exposure to a nuclear explosion or radiation;
  • war activities;
  • non-return from leasing or rent.

Negligence of the insured

It is this point that is very important to consider when studying what is included in CASCO insurance.

  1. Use of the vehicle outside the territory of insurance.
  2. When using a fire to heat a machine or engine.
  3. Damage caused by the transport of dangerous goods, unless it is a special vehicle.
  4. Use of the machine in racing, testing, competition or driving instruction.
  5. Damage caused by loading or transport by other means.
  6. Careless handling of fire or cigarettes resulting in interior damage.
  7. Infliction of intentional damage, both by the driver and passengers.
  8. Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  9. The transfer of the vehicle to a third party who is not included in the policy, does not have a driver's license of the corresponding category, drives the car illegally (without the relevant documents).
  10. Leaving the scene of an accident.

Additional CASCO options

Considering what is included in CASCO insurance, it is very important to take into account the additional benefits of certain programs offered by the company. Some of them simply increase the attractiveness of the offer, but there are those whose presence is sometimes considered mandatory.

Additions include: tow truck services, roadside assistance, collection of documents and certificates, replacement car, for repairs from the scene of an accident, delivery of a referral for repairs, free taxi, 5% payment without certificates, replacement of glass and headlights without certificates and much more. Each option has certain conditions of use and is selected individually.

The CASCO process looks quite simple. However, there are many subtleties, additional options and other factors that not only complicate the choice of a particular policy, but also increase its cost. Therefore, sometimes it is better to use the services of professionals who will tell you how profitable and easier it is to purchase what is necessary specifically for your purposes.

The CASCO policy has long become the same integral element of car protection as an alarm or an anti-theft device. In case of troubles, including those that occurred due to the fault of the insured, he can receive monetary compensation. Having decided to issue a policy, it is important not only to choose a company, but also to decide on the list of insurance risks that must be included in the contract. The choice of insurance coverage must be approached especially seriously, because it determines in which cases the car owner will be entitled to an insurance payment. There are two types of CASCO policies: full and partial.


Such insurance provides protection against a full range of risks: damage and theft. Full CASCO gives the car owner the opportunity not to worry about receiving compensation for damages in various situations, from damage as a result of an accident or actions of third parties to the loss of a car as a result of theft. It must be remembered that the full CASCO agreement does not cover damage caused by a breakdown of the vehicle due to violations of operating conditions.

Full CASCO suits you if you:

  • Driver without experience / with little experience;
  • Frequently use the car;
  • We bought a car on credit.

With us you can issue a policy on full CASCO terms for a car of almost any make and model (not older than 10 years). The insurance contract will cover the damage caused to the car or its parts, declared in the manufacturer's equipment. Therefore, if your car has equipment installed independently, it must be included in the policy.

Partial CASCO

Such a policy provides coverage for one type of risk: only damage, or only theft.

Under the "Damage" risk, the car is insured against damage due to an accident, fire or spontaneous combustion, transportation, illegal actions of third parties, natural phenomena. When these events occur, the owner receives damages regardless of the fault or condition of the car (including complete structural loss). Insurance payment calculated minus depreciation, i.e. taking into account the depreciation of damaged parts.

Under the "Theft" risk, the car owner is insured against damage due to unlawful possession of the vehicle by third parties.

Partial CASCO is suitable for you if you:

  • Drive the car frequently and store it in a parking lot or garage (insurance against the risk "Damage");
  • Rarely drive a car, but own a frequently stolen brand of car (theft risk insurance).

How to calculate the cost of insurance?

The cost of a CASCO policy depends on the selected list of risks. The wider it is, the higher the price of insurance. Although here it is also necessary to take into account such factors as the model and brand of the car, the year of manufacture, the presence of an anti-theft device, the driving experience and age of the car owner, as well as the number of drivers included in the insurance.

On our website you can calculate the cost of CASCO insurance specifically for your car and taking into account your individual requirements. When applying for a policy through an online calculator, you get a 5% discount. In addition, you can save on insurance by signing a franchise agreement (up to 72%), using the Smart insurance service (up to 30%), receiving a discount for accident-free OSAGO (up to 12%), or choosing the "Repair at an unofficial dealer" option (up to twenty%).

Cooperation with us is a high quality of service, round-the-clock support in the event of an insured event, operational terms for the consideration of a case and insurance coverage in Russia and countries of near and far abroad. Entrust the insurance protection of your car to us!

Casco insurance has been popular with motorists for many years. And today it is difficult to find a driver who has not dealt with this type of vehicle protection. However, despite all the benefits, many continue to refuse to buy such a policy, considering it an unnecessary waste of money. But the benefits of this type of insurance are difficult to dispute.

Buying a CASCO policy means insuring yourself against possible large expenses and even ensuring the approval of a car loan at a bank. We will tell you about what is included in the policy, what are its advantages and how to save on its execution, we will tell further.

What is CASCO?

CASCO is an international legal term that is used to refer to any vehicles - land, water or air. The term came to Russia from Europe, and the name itself goes back to the Italian word "casco", which means "board" or "shield".

By purchasing this policy, you can insure the vehicle not only against damage and theft, but also protect other expensive equipment in the car - radio, alarm, etc. And the benefits of insurance do not end there:

  • Compensation for damage in an accident - it does not matter who caused the accident, you, third parties or a natural disaster. The insurance company will cover the restoration of the car in any case.
  • Insurance only against theft of a car - or only against damage. Or all together. If your vehicle is in the top of the most stolen vehicles, and at the same time you are confident in your driving skills, select one option. If the car is in a guarded parking lot, then it is worth abandoning the risk of "Theft" in favor of insurance against damage.
  • The insurance amount can be set by agreement of the parties, while it will not decrease throughout the entire validity of the document.
  • You can choose the method of compensation for damage yourself: paying it in cash or paying in full for restoring the car at a service center.
  • Minor damage can be compensated without providing certificates from the traffic police.
  • Additional options - settlement of insured events in a service center, vehicle evacuation, roadside assistance, etc.

What can be said about the cons? According to the drivers themselves, it is only one - this is the price. It is very difficult to buy a policy and save money, so many insurers decide to refuse to issue this document. However, when applying for car loans, many banks require, among other things, to buy a CASCO policy, which is rarely cheap. And the desire of drivers to save money is only understandable.

How to save on insurance?

In order to save your money when applying insurance policy, you need to know what is included in its cost. First of all, this is data about your vehicle - brand, model, equipment, year of manufacture, engine size and others. general information. Further - the options included in the policy. What applies to them?

    • Insurance option. Partial and full insurance cost differently. So, you can insure a car only against damage, and save an average of 20-40% of the cost of a full policy.
    • Availability and size of the franchise. The deductible is part of the insurance that is not covered by the UK. That is, you take on a certain percentage of the cost of restoring the car. The larger the franchise, the cheaper the policy.
    • Sum insured. It can be "aggregate" - reduced, and "non-aggregate" - irreducible. In the first case, with each subsequent risk sum insured decreases. Aggregate insurance will cost you less.
    • way to recover damages. This may be the service station of the insurer, the service station of the policyholder's choice, or - cash payment. Contacting the service center of the insurance company will be more profitable.
    • Payments with or without depreciation of maintenance. Choosing the second option will increase the cost of insurance by 15-20% on average.
    • Age and experience of drivers. The less seniority and age - the more expensive insurance.

In addition, the number of drivers included in the insurance, the insurance period, payment by installments, as well as your insurance history- its breakeven part. Do not forget about the tariffs: in each UK they are different for each region. Therefore, before choosing insurance in a company that you constantly hear about, do your little research.

Another way to save money is to apply for a CASCO insurance policy online. Often, an online policy is much cheaper than when applying at a branch of the company - due to discounts and special offers.

CASCO from popular insurers

Which insurance companies offer the best rates? To compare prices, you can use the online calculator. Online services for quick comparison of SK products allow you to quickly compare at least approximate prices.

However, some difficulties may arise here as well. The fact is that each insurance company tries to offer several profitable programs and tariffs so that each consumer can find something for himself. In addition, regional amendments, which we talked about earlier, are also taken into account. It is worth taking into account the specialization of insurance companies: often insurers specialize only in a certain class of cars.

The following companies are popular among insurers:

        • Tinkoff Insurance,
        • Rosgosstrakh,
        • RESO,
        • Renaissance Insurance,
        • Sogaz,
        • VTB Insurance,
        • Insurance company MAKS,
        • intouch,
        • Alliance.

Many motorists turn to Rosgosstrakh. The online service of this company allows you to calculate the cost of insurance, taking into account individual needs. In addition, the company offers a variety of programs, including a policy for beginners or insurance that covers payments not included in OSAGO.

The calculation of insurance in RESO allows you to get three amounts: the cost of the full policy, insurance against damage and insurance only against theft. At the same time, in RESO, non-payment of the next installment will not lead to instant termination of the contract - customers have 15 grace days during which they can make a payment.

A quick calculation of the cost of insurance is not the only plus of online calculators. You can apply for a CASCO insurance policy online without even going to another page. The transfer of many transactions to the Internet allows car owners not to worry about the time spent on trips to the offices of insurance companies and make payments on time to avoid difficulties on the road.

On the portal you will find the addresses of 126 insurance companies where you can apply for CASCO in Moscow. Also on the site there is a CASCO calculator - a tool with which you can calculate CASCO for a car of your chosen brand. The calculation of CASCO insurance is carried out according to the official rates of the selected insurance company online without contacting this company. Having received a full CASCO calculation from different organizations, you can compare the results and mark the company whose tariffs and conditions you found the most suitable. After consulting the rating of companies that offer CASCO insurance in Moscow presented on the website, you can finally decide.

What is the maximum allowable age of a vehicle for CASCO insurance?

Currently, cars up to 7 years old are accepted for insurance.

If the driver has an OSAGO policy, is there a need for CASCO insurance?

The decision to buy a CASCO policy is made by each driver at his own discretion, since this insurance is voluntary for everyone. The fundamental difference between OSAGO and CASCO insurance plays an important role in making a decision. Thus, the OSAGO policy provides insurance of the insured's civil liability to victims in an accident through his fault (with the restoration of his own vehicle at his own expense). At the same time, with the help of CASCO, you can protect yourself from the risk of significant expenses in case of traffic accidents, theft, illegal actions of third parties, various objects falling on cars, and natural disasters. It is advisable to have both policies.

Is it possible to check the CASCO policy by number

Each insurance company has its own database of CASCO policies. You can check the CASCO policy by number by calling hotline companies or on the Internet: Is there a single PCA database to verify the authenticity of the CASCO policy? If the OSAGO policy number can be checked in a single PCA database, there is no such database for CASCO policies. The fact is that this is a voluntary type of insurance, respectively, PCA does not check CASCO policies.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Drivers know what CASCO is, but not everyone uses this insurance due to its high cost. Unfortunately, no one is immune from inattentive and inexperienced drivers who can cause an accident. Therefore, in order to somehow neutralize the consequences of an accident, drivers are advised to use incomplete insurance. In this article, we will look into next question: CASCO only from damage - what is it.

Varieties of CASCO

CASCO refers to voluntary types of insurance. This type of insurance has two types:

  • complete;
  • partial or incomplete.

Full CASCO provides for car insurance against the risks of damage, theft and theft. With this form of insurance, people often meet when applying for car loans. After all, it is precisely such insurance that banks require from borrowers, since it covers all possible risks that vehicle owners may face.

Partial insurance differs from full insurance only in the absence of protection for the car against the risks of theft or theft.

That is, a driver who has purchased an incomplete CASCO policy receives insurance coverage for the car only against the risk of various kinds of damage. The amount of payments and the sum insured depend on the contractual terms. But we can say unequivocally that such a policy will cost much less than insurance under the full CASCO program.

In addition to these main types, there are also CASCO insurance:

  • aggregate - provides for a decrease in the amount of insurance payments after each insured event;
  • non-aggregate - the amount of payment does not depend on the number of insured events that occurred earlier.

What is an incomplete CASCO

Incomplete CASCO provides for car insurance against damage and complete destruction. The more risks are spelled out in the agreement, the more expensive the insurance will cost. The cost of the policy is also affected by:

  • the market value of the car;
  • insurance rate.

The sum insured cannot exceed market value vehicle. If the insurer promises to pay out more, you should not trust him. All insurance companies indemnify losses only within the real price of the vehicle, and in various ways they try to reduce it in order to reduce payments.

The amount of the insurance payment is calculated by multiplying the sum insured by the insurance rate. The latter depends on the number of risks specified in the agreement. That is, what is included in it depends on the terms of the contract. The contract starts from the next day after payment of the insurance premium.

CASCO insurance against damage justifies itself if:

  • the make and model of the car are not included in the list of the most stolen;
  • the car is mostly in a guarded parking lot;
  • the owner of the car uses anti-theft protection.

What damage is covered by incomplete CASCO

Typically, insurance companies offer to insure the car against damage resulting from:

  • hitting with stones, diving under water, falling through ice;
  • fire, flood, lightning strike, damage resulting from other natural disasters;
  • explosion;
  • falling on the car of foreign objects, for example, trees;
  • injuries received from the actions of animals;
  • illegal actions of third parties.

The text of the agreement depends on the agreements between the client and the insurer. The latter may include in the contract all the risks on maximum amounts compensation, but whether the car owner agrees to pay them is the second question. After all, most drivers do not really hope for compensation for losses.

Where can I buy a policy

It is possible to conclude an incomplete CASCO agreement with all companies that operate in the car insurance market. For example, contact the insurer who issued the OSAGO policy. By the way, in this case, the driver, as a regular customer, can ask for a discount.

When looking for an insurance company for future cooperation, the car owner should pay attention to its reputation. No one wants to deal with an irresponsible insurer who does not pay out. You can get the necessary information about the company on the Internet at specialized automotive forums. You should also ask what rating of the insurance company is set by the Expert RA agency. It is desirable that it be not lower than A.

How is CASCO issued for damages

The procedure for concluding an agreement on partial CASCO is no different from signing other insurance contracts. You can apply to an insurance company:

  • by directly contacting the office of the insurer;
  • by submitting an online application from the company's official website.

The last option is very convenient, as it saves time. The client receives the finished policy on his e-mail box or on hard copy through a courier.

The list of documents required for registration is standard:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • passport or other identity document;
  • vehicle registration certificate;
  • contract of sale, donation or other document confirming the right of ownership.

Before concluding a contract, an employee of the insurance company must inspect the car, take pictures of it from all sides, record the mileage and chassis number.

How much does an incomplete CASCO policy cost?

Car owners choose partial CASCO insurance because of the high cost of a full policy. But, in addition to the number of risks included in the contract, the price of insurance is influenced by:

  • Driver's age. If he is under 21 years old or over 65 years old, insurers usually apply multiplying factors, since drivers in these age categories are at risk.
  • Year of manufacture of the vehicle. According to this parameter, the rule applies: the older the car, the more expensive its insurance is.
  • Driving experience. In this case, driving experience is considered in favor of the driver - the more it is, the lower the insurance premium. But the insurance company also takes into account the quality of the ride - the absence of accidents and other violations.
  • The price of spare parts for the car, as well as repair services.
  • The presence in the franchise agreement (the amount of losses that is not reimbursed). The higher the deductible, the cheaper the policy. In this case, the motorist should find the best solution for himself in order for the insurance contract to work effectively.
  • Additional services. If the contract provides for the call of an emergency commissioner, the services of a tow truck, it is quite logical that its cost will be higher.

Alternative insurance options in case of shortage of funds

The execution of a partial CASCO agreement is dictated by the desire of the driver to save money. Insurance companies are ready to offer car owners affordable alternative insurance options, but with a higher level of protection. This is about:

  • a full CASCO agreement with a franchise;
  • purchase of CASCO in installments.

The first option allows the client to receive insurance protection not only against damage, but also against theft and theft. But here one should take into account the presence of a franchise - an amount that is not subject to reimbursement by the UK. The larger it is, the lower the cost of the contract. The deductible can be set as a percentage (for example, 1% or 5% of the sum insured) or fixed at a certain amount (for example, 10,000 or 20,000 rubles). Therefore, when concluding such an agreement, the driver should make calculations and decide how much damage you can cover at the expense of own funds and how much are ready to transfer to the "shoulders" of the insurer.

CASCO insurance in installments is available due to the fact that it does not immediately involve large expenses - the cost of the policy is divided in equal parts for a certain period. This option allows you to insure the car to the maximum, against all risks, on favorable terms. But the client is required to make payments on time.

The disadvantage of this scheme is a larger amount of insurance premium than in the case of a contract on standard terms.


The main and, perhaps, the only advantage of the partial CASCO agreement is its price. It will cost less than a full insurance policy. The lower cost of incomplete CASCO is achieved due to the absence of such insured events as theft and theft. We are talking only about compensation for damage due to an accident, illegal actions of third parties, natural disasters, etc. At the same time, an incomplete list of insurance situations is a disadvantage of partial CASCO. In any case, the choice is up to the client.

What is CASCO insurance and what are the basic insurance rules? What determines the price of car insurance for CASCO? Who offers profitable terms CASCO insurance online?

Hello everyone who visited our Internet resource! Insurance expert Denis Kuderin is in touch.

The topic of the publication is CASCO insurance. The material will be useful to everyone who is interested in the effective protection of their vehicle.

And now - in detail and in detail on each item.

1. What is CASCO insurance?

In the Russian Federation, there are two main types of auto insurance - OSAGO and CASCO. The first option is the protection of civil liability. The policy comes into effect if, through your fault, damage has been caused to third parties as a result of an accident. Such insurance is mandatory for every car owner.

The second variety is voluntary insurance designed to protect your vehicle. CASCO insurance protects against any type of damage, including theft and complete loss of the car in a serious accident.

The peak of popularity of voluntary auto insurance in the Russian Federation fell on the last 5-10 years. First, more and more citizens have realized the need to protect their property. Secondly, for people who wish to purchase a car on credit, CASCO insurance is a necessary condition for a positive decision on issuing a loan.

Acquiring a CASCO policy is not a cheap pleasure, but this is the only way car owners can secure their finances and property. Each driver makes his own choice - either to repair the damage at his own expense, or - at the expense of the insurance company.

Obviously, in the first case, in order to quickly and fully eliminate serious damage, you will need free cash sometimes quite significant.

If you don’t care about your own expenses, then everything is fine, you don’t need insurance. If you are responsible for your finances, then the CASCO policy is The best way protect the budget from sudden spending.

In the event of an insured accident, compensation for damage is carried out in one of the following ways:

  • repair or restoration is carried out in a workshop that belongs to the insurer or has a partnership agreement with him;
  • the victim is given money for repairs, which the insured spends at his discretion.

You can insure any vehicles- cars and trucks, motorcycles, buses, tractors and other special equipment, even trailers.

By the way, "CASCO" is not an abbreviation and not an abbreviation (unlike OSAGO). The word is borrowed from Italian and translated as “board”, since only vehicles are protected, and not cargo and people’s health. So writing CASCO in capital letters is just an established tradition. You can also write "casco" - it will be even more literate.

More information about the protection of vehicles - in the article "".

2. What does CASCO insurance provide - TOP-5 benefits of insurance

Experts consider CASCO to be the most effective way to protect the interests of car owners today. Let's take a look at why and identify the top 5 benefits of voluntary auto insurance.

Advantage 1. Insurance of a large number of risks

Almost all the reasons why your "iron horse" may suffer, if desired, can be included in the insurance contract. Some companies offer VIP programs for very expensive and new cars, others sell economical insurance options.

We list the main insurance risks that are covered by full CASCO insurance:

  • accident damage;
  • breakdowns requiring professional repair;
  • theft;
  • theft;
  • damage associated with natural disasters;
  • damage caused by vandalism, criminal actions of third parties.

It is clear that the increase in the number of risks is reflected in the cost of the insurer's services, but the level of calmness of the car owner also increases. You feel much more confident behind the wheel when you know that you are under reliable protection.

For clarity, we present the factors influencing the price of insurance in the form of a table:

Factors Impact on the cost of the policy
1 Term of insuranceIt is more profitable to insure a car for a long period
2 Number of risksThe more risks, the higher the price
3 insurance historyDrivers with good insurance history pay less
4 The presence of an anti-theft systemModern theft protection tools reduce insurance rates
5 Age and experience of the driverThe more experienced the driver, the lower the rates.

4. How CASCO insurance works - 5 main stages

The process of purchasing insurance is not particularly difficult for drivers who have complete order with personal and technical documents.

Most modern insurance companies offer to issue a policy online without leaving home. To do this, you just need to go to the website of the insurer and fill out the form. The finished policy will be delivered to your home or even sent by e-mail as a printable file.

Buying CASCO will be even easier if you follow the step-by-step guide.

Stage 1. Choosing an insurance company

Each of the hundreds of companies operating in the auto insurance market offers users their own exclusive conditions and programs. Clients can only choose the most profitable option for themselves.

When making a choice, customers should pay attention to the following parameters:

  • company experience;
  • solvency indicators (amounts of payments for insurance situations, company assets);
  • company reputation;
  • rating from reputable and independent agencies;
  • real user reviews.

Do not contact the office, the name of which you hear for the first time. It is better to deal with an eminent and well-known partner.

Stage 2. Tariff selection

Decide in advance for yourself what risks you want to insure your transport against. Usually you have to choose between full CASCO insurance and partial.

The first option involves covering all possible risks, the second one works in case of damage during an accident and other breakdowns, but does not protect against theft.

Stage 3. Preparation of documents

It does not matter how you draw up the contract - in the office or through the website - you will have to fill out a form and provide the insurer with a package of documents.

You will need passport data, driving license, car registration certificate, registration certificate. I think there is no need to mention that you need to enter information as carefully as possible.

If you accidentally make a mistake or provide knowingly false information, you will either not be issued a document or it will be invalid.

Here you can calculate the cost of a Casco policy for your car in several insurance companies at once and choose the most beneficial option for yourself. The algorithm of actions is simple and intuitive: you enter the details of your car in the proposed form, and the program itself calculates the CASCO tariff for different insurers. You choose the most favorable insurance conditions and immediately draw up a policy.

6. For what they will not pay for CASCO - the main reasons for the legal refusal to pay

Insurance companies are commercial, not charitable organizations. If by law they can refuse to pay a client, they do it in good conscience.

Consider the main reasons for the legal refusal of insurers to compensate.

Reason 1. Serious violation of traffic rules by the insured

Despite the fact that CASCO insurance guarantees compensation to the insured, regardless of who was responsible for the accident, a gross violation of traffic rules can result in denial of payments.


The driver drove onto the railroad tracks at a forbidding traffic light signal, as a result of which his car was damaged. For such a serious violation, the company has the right not to pay compensation to the victim.

Other examples are driving a broken car, speeding, running a red light.

Reason 2. Errors in the actions of the insured in the event of an insured event

Each insurance situation must be fixed according to the rules specified in the contract. For example, the policyholder is given a certain time to notify the company about the incident. If this time is missed, the insurer has the right to refuse compensation.

It is impossible to repair a damaged car until the representatives of the company conduct an assessment of the damage. Otherwise, you may be suspected of fraud and no payments will be made.