Dangerous Dutchman. Ex-banker Matvey Urin was released from prison. He was imprisoned for beating "Putin's son-in-law" Matvey Urin


Banker Matvey Urin, convicted of beating a young Dutchman - according to one version, a friend of Vladimir Putin's daughter - was given new term. Another 7.5 years were added to the 4.5 years in prison.

After the sensational case of a fight on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway, the investigation became interested in banking activity Urine. It turned out that he was part of an organized criminal group and was engaged in fraud with banking transactions. About Urin's new case - Anton Zhelnov.

Zhelnov: The decision regarding Matvey Urin was made today by the Zamoskvoretsky Court of Moscow. The verdict states that from 2009 to 2010, Urin created several fictitious banks, on behalf of which he issued securities and sold them to other operating banks. From fraudulent activities 5 companies were affected, and the total damage was 16 billion rubles.

People started talking about the banks managed by Urin immediately after the financier’s first arrest. Then they immediately reported: Urin is a co-owner of Breeze Bank and Trada Bank, which included such organizations as Slavyansky Bank, Coin House and Don Bank. Then even the Chairman of the Central Bank, Sergei Ignatiev, commented on the fraudulent scheme of the organizations. He stated that part of the assets in these organizations was stolen, and the deposit insurance agency then complemented Ignatiev: the new owners bought up banks for one purpose - to withdraw money from them.

The fraud case began to be promoted in parallel with another case, thanks to which the banker became known. Three years ago, Urin and several of his guards from an escort car took revenge on Dutch citizen Jollet Faassen for allegedly cutting off their motorcade on Rublevo-Uspenskoye Highway in the Zhukovka area. According to investigators, the banker and his guards were outraged that the Dutchman simply did not give way to them at the intersection. As a result, Urin’s security guards blocked the young man’s car and then beat him with bats. According to Vedomosti, then the head of the Central Internal Affairs Directorate, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, personally went to detain Urin, and FSO officers took part in the special operation to detain the banker.

How can we explain such speed and such status of the Dutchman? 33-year-old Jollet Faassen worked as a top manager of structures affiliated with Gazprom and, according to unconfirmed reports, is friends with one of Vladimir Putin’s daughters. After the incident, it was reported that Putin’s daughter was even in the same car with Faassen at the time of the incident. Dmitry Peskov commented on the situation at the time and denied the fact that Putin’s daughter and Faassen knew each other. But if we discard this version, the young man’s career is still amazing. In Moscow, a little-known Dutchman worked in senior positions in companies affiliated with Gazprom: Gazprombank Invest, Gennady Timchenko's Stroytransgaz and Gazprom International. According to ROD, Urin, convicted of beating a Dutchman, spent the last three years in the Lefortovo pre-trial detention center, now he will be transferred to one of the colonies general regime. It has not yet been possible to contact the banker’s lawyer, Vladislav Musiyaka.

Big business This is not only a lot of money, but also criminal cases. Why are banking oligarchs imprisoned? After reading this article, you can discover a lot of interesting things.

3rd term: banker Matvey Urin was sentenced to 8.5 years in September 2015 for fraud on an especially large scale. In 2010, he managed to withdraw about 1.3 billion rubles from the Slavyansky and Multibank banks. This is the amount that is officially included in the case and proven by the investigation.

M. Urin is not a single participant in billion-dollar transactions. Romanov and Rodionov, who were involved in this case, testified that 1.2 billion rubles were withdrawn from Multibank, and up to 7 billion rubles from Slavyansky. Simple arithmetic - and the question arises involuntarily: “Where are the rest?”

This loud scandal was preceded by two others.

Urin received his first term (4.5 years) in 2011 for a robbery against Dutch citizen J. Faassen, who in the past worked at Stroytransgaz and.

Thus began the collapse of the Urin Empire. It is necessary to make a special mention about some participants in the process: the head of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who stopped M. Urin’s car, will go from his position to the position of Minister of Internal Affairs in just a few months.

Who did Urin offend so much - an ordinary citizen of Holland? No. J. Faassen, according to some sources (LeidschDagblad newspaper), lived with one of Putin’s daughters.

Urin received his second term (7.5 years) for financial embezzlement. According to fraudulent schemes, five banks were bought up in favor of Ivan Lyubimtsev.

There is very little biographical information about Matvey. It is known that M. Urin was born in 1976, his father was closely associated with the Main Intelligence Directorate. There are publications that refute such information about the father. But that’s what the GRU is for, to veil the biography of any employee. As usual, M. Urin inherited the business from his father. In 1991, the President of the Union of Military Intelligence Veterans Yu. Babayants and Roman Urin became co-owners of Brizbank. Later, Urin Jr. joined the board of directors.

The press once called Sergei Pugachev “the Kremlin banker.” The surname itself sounds common.

At one time he was Putin's best friend. But here’s the problem: at one point their views diverged radically and, as a result, Mezhprombank went bankrupt.

Anticipating criminal prosecution In connection with the bankruptcy case, Pugachev travels to the UK. Russia sends a request there for the extradition of the businessman. Then Pugachev leaves for France, which does not extradite its citizens to other countries.

Back in 2012, the businessman renounced Russian citizenship and is now a French citizen. Judging by the photos of gossip columns, he feels great abroad.

A few interesting biographical events from the life of a banker, if these are taken as fact.

He earned his first money at the age of 11-12 using a simple, but illegal method in the USSR - currency exchange.

Since 1985, a cosmic hole has formed in Pugachev’s biography. There are quite a lot of opinions on this matter, and it is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff: a prison sentence of 3 years for fraud and the opening of at least 10 cooperatives for repair, construction and restoration, through which shadow schemes. Truly, St. Petersburg is the center of geniuses, those in power and bandits.

In 1991, the Northern Trade Bank was registered. In 1995, he went bankrupt, and Pugachev created a new empire called Mezhprombank. The institution's major projects began in the 2000s, after Putin's election victory. The structure of the bank was built in such a way that Pugachev had only a formal relationship with it.

In 2015, Sergei Pugachev filed a lawsuit against Russia for $10 billion for the illegal expropriation of his assets in the Hague court. It will not be easy for both sides to prove anything in court, and the case will drag on for a long time.

Banker Lebedev is a prisoner of conscience and do bankers have a conscience?

If history has dubbed Pugachev a “banker of the Kremlin,” then Platon Lebedev can be called a “hostage of the Kremlin.” Chapter largest bank Menatep still does not have the opportunity to travel abroad. Also, the claims of the tax service, which amount to more than one billion, have not been removed. Russian rubles, therefore, the banker does not have the right to officially work in business.

In 1996, Lebedev became first deputy chairman of the board of Rosprom, and two years later - deputy chairman of Rosprom-YUKOS. YUKOS is part of the Menatep Limited (GML) group. In the 1990s, the Menatep group began large-scale privatization. In order to diversify business risks and obtain even greater income, management used foreign capital to the maximum.

51% of the shares of the Avisma Titanium Plant were sold to an Austrian bank. The largest share in this business belongs to French capital. 10 French citizens became top managers of YUKOS. The oil and metallurgical business threatened to come under the monopoly of the Menatep group...

But Platon was charged with the theft of shares of the Apatit OJSC enterprise in the amount of 280 million rubles. The investigation into this case was conducted under the heading “secret”. In 2005, Lebedev was involved in the same case with Khodorkovsky. The long-term trial regarding the Menatep group has come to an end. After the verdict in the Apatit OJSC case, Lebedev was sentenced to 10.5 years for tax evasion and illegal legalization of stolen property. cash. In January 2014 he was released.

In order to understand the essence of the arrest of Lebedev and Khodorkovsky, it is worth going back to the time of the beginning of the privatization of Avisma. This is an enterprise with a long history, which began in 1933. Avisma has been the main supplier of strategic materials (aluminum alloys and titanium producer) since Soviet times. Transition of main enterprises the most important industry economy in private business was unacceptable.

Avisma became part of the Rostec state corporation, which is headed by Sergei Chemezov, one of Putin’s best friends. The starting point for subsequent accusations against Lebedev was the privatization of OJSC Apatit. Vyacheslav Kantor (owner of AKRON OJSC) has long dreamed of owning a major stake in Apatit. He also became the main consultant-informant for the Prosecutor General's Office in the YUKOS case. At the same time, there was an agreement that during the privatization of Apatit, Kantor would contribute 51% of the shares, the state - 20% of the shares, and the new structure would have to be managed by AKRON managers. Most likely, a political decision was first made about the “harmfulness” of Lebedev and Khodorkovsky, and then the matter acquired economic implications.

Also for your attention is a diagram from which it is interesting to see the involved offshore companies of YUKOS.

1989 - the beginning of the computerized era. Stolichny Bank increases capital through trading operations for the supply of computers. By the way, the capital of Menatep Bank originates from the same business. That's what computers are!

They are actively used, and the opening of the bank is facilitated by Vadim Bakatin himself, the Minister of Internal Affairs.

Mr. Smolensky, an Austrian by birth, diligently creates the image of an ideal banker: charitable events, financing cultural events, developing a program for the return of historical property to Russia. As a result - the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

Judging by the photo, any psychologist will say: “You’re lying, Mr. Smolensky. Your image is your surroundings.”

No matter how hard you try, you can’t hide the sewing in the bag. The image of an ideal banker is spoiled by information about a criminal past in the 1970s and 1980s. As a senior foreman of the HOZU of the Ministry of Industry and Construction and a commodity expert at the Vesna company, Alexander Smolensky was accused of theft of state property. Got 12 years. Alexander Pavlovich was released with a “clear conscience” already in 1983, most likely agreeing to cooperate with the KGB. The term was replaced with a suspended sentence. In the archives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs there is a certificate dated September 27, 1990, which testifies to Smolensky’s criminal past.

For the second time (1992), Smolensky was accused of money laundering through bank branches. The case was closed. The ability to maintain a balance among various political trends yielded the necessary connections.

God loves a trinity! In 1993, they tried to accuse him of trafficking in weapons and drugs, as well as sending $25,000,000 abroad. Whoever doubted it, the case was not allowed to proceed!

Matvey Urin born in 1976. Until 2005, he headed Brizbank. Between 2009 and 2010 Matvey Urin headed the financial and industrial group, which included Trado-Bank, Slavyansky, Uralfinprombank and others. He was the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Klyavlinsky Oil Refinery. In November 2010, he found himself at the center of a scandal in connection with the beating of Gazprom top manager Faassen Jorrit Joost.
In April 2011, the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow Matvey Urin sentenced to 2 years in prison
In June 2011, the Moscow City Court overturned the verdict of the Kuntsevo court “due to the injustice of the imposed punishment due to its excessive lenience” and sent the case materials for a new trial.
In November 2011, the Kuntsevsky District Court of Moscow sentenced M. Urina to four years in prison.

Law enforcement agencies opened a new criminal case against the banker Matveya Urina, whose security guards beat up a BMW driver on Rublevskoye Highway in the fall. The banker, already arrested as part of a hooliganism case, was suspected of using counterfeit bills.
Media correlate pursuit of Urin and the rapid collapse of his banks with the fact that the beaten driver turned out to be connected with Gazprom and, according to some sources, with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
34 year old Matvey Urin- the son of a well-known businessman in St. Petersburg, 64-year-old veteran of the Main Intelligence Directorate Roman Urin. In the list of outstanding residents northern capital Urin Sr. is named an entrepreneur, philanthropist and member of the Union of Military Intelligence Veterans.
In 1999, Roman Urin Together with Lieutenant General of the GRU, head of the Union of Military Intelligence Veterans Yuri Babayants, he became a member of the board of directors of Brizbank and co-founder of Zarubezhstroymontazh OJSC. According to media reports, soon after this, rumors began to circulate in business circles that Breezbank engaged in money laundering. In 2005, the bank’s license was revoked, and in 2009 it was liquidated by decision of an arbitration court. However, the bank's documents were not transferred to the Deposit Insurance Agency. As a result, the agency announced that
cannot reveal the circumstances of bankruptcy and hold anyone accountable.

Only at the end of December 2010 did the Central Bank oblige Russian banks publish on their websites information about beneficiaries - people who in one way or another benefit from the bank’s activities. After New Year's holidays Banks have begun to bring their websites into compliance with the new rule, but they are doing it very slowly. Therefore on at the moment It is impossible to say with absolute certainty which banks Matvey Urin actually owns. There is only unofficial information in the media that he heads a financial group that includes the Moscow Trado-Bank and Slavyansky Bank, the Rostov Donbank, the Chelyabinsk Bank "Monetny Dom" and the Yekaterinburg Uralfinprombank. Moreover, some sources claim that Slavyansky Bank and 58 percent of Donbank were allegedly purchased in 2010 with money
disappeared during the bankruptcy of Breezbank.

Only one thing can be said with confidence - Matvey Urin did not have to live in poverty, and he was not accustomed to be modest. On November 14, 2010, a businessman and his accompanying motorcade of seven security guards were driving along Rublevskoye Highway in Moscow in two cars - a Mercedes and a Volkswagen. On the way, they had a conflict with a BMW driver who was driving without any security. According to some sources, the BMW cut off one of Urin’s cars; according to other sources, the driver simply did not allow the Mercedes and Volkswagen to overtake him. Anyway, the guards Urine forced the BMW to stop, after which they beat the driver with baseball bats and damaged the car. The driver suffered a closed head injury. The material damage from the attack, according to the victim’s own assessment, amounted to 500 thousand rubles.
The criminals fled the scene, but the injured driver remembered the license plates of their cars. And I must say that this driver turned out to be quite influential
human. Until the spring of 2010, 30-year-old Dutch citizen Jorrit Faassen was a member of the board of Stroytransgaz, a structure affiliated with Gazprom. In addition, information appeared in the media about Faassen’s connection with the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Some publications call him a friend of Vladimir Putin’s family, some call him a friend, some raise his status to fiance, and in some places the Dutchman is even called the husband of the prime minister’s daughter. It's unclear, oh

which of the two daughters we're talking about- Mary or Catherine. Some sources give the name

24-year-old Ekaterina, and some write about “Putin’s eldest daughter” (which is 25-year-old

As you might guess, law enforcement agencies did not ignore the incident with

involving an influential foreigner. Within a few hours, the Mercedes and Volkswagen were

stopped at Novy Arbat. Urin and all his guards were detained, and, according to some

According to reports, weapons and drugs were found in the cars. Soon a case of hooliganism was opened. By

were sentenced to imprisonment (this information has not yet been officially confirmed).

Also in early December, information appeared in the media that the Bastion private security company, in which

these security guards were listed as having their license revoked. True, now on the private security company website you can see

But it is known for sure that soon after Faassen’s beating, the bank’s licenses were revoked "Coin House", Uralfinprombank, Slavyansky Bank, Donbank and Trado-bank. In a strange way

Coincidentally, the Central Bank has now discovered that the Coin House provides

false reporting, Uralfinprombank is financially insolvent, Donbank - and

provides incorrect reporting and is financially insolvent, and Slavyansky Bank and

Trado-Bank places fictitious deposits.

unidentified persons who forged Trado-Bank bills totaling 214 million rubles.

Soon the media wrote that Matvey Urin became a defendant in this case. As it became known

journalists, investigators believe that Urin left counterfeit bills as collateral for payment in


Article 213 of the Criminal Code (“Hooliganism”) provides for a maximum penalty of

seven years in prison. The second part of Article 186 of the Criminal Code (“Manufacture, storage, transportation

or sale of counterfeit money or securities V large size"), on which it was initiated

Urin’s second case allows a person to be deprived of his liberty for a period of seven to 12 years. Moreover

It is likely that this case will not be the last. Firstly, it has not yet been reported how

law enforcement agencies responded to the discovery of weapons and drugs in Urin’s cars.

Secondly, after the revocation of licenses from Slavyansky Bank and Trado-Bank, the Central Bank announced that

Some of the assets of these organizations have been stolen and will soon be sent to the Prosecutor General's Office

appropriate treatment. Thirdly, some media write that during a search in Urin’s house there was

a plan for bribing arbitration court judges and other incriminating documents were found...

Thus, there is a possibility that within a few months Matvey Urin will

Most publications will call him not a “banker” or “businessman”, but a “criminal”

(It remains to be seen how this story will come back to haunt Urin Sr.).

All about: Putin (3634) Russia (11732) scandal (2400)
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01/11/11 23:52 Putin’s son-in-law was beaten on Rublyovka. The offender is banker Matvey Urin, son of a general.

GRU, lost all business and faces 10 years in prison. PHOTO report.
The Moscow City Court recognized the legality of the arrest of one of the owners of deprived licenses

Slavyansky Bank and Trado-Bank Matvey Urin, who is accused of hooliganism.
Matvey Urin (34 years old) - owner of as many as 5 banks - Slavyansky, Trado-bank, bank

"Coin House", Uralfinprombank and Donbank. His dad is Roman Matveevich Urin, 64 years old

member of the Union of Military Intelligence Veterans, Major General of the GRU. When there is such a roof - life

beautiful. Therefore, Matvey lived on Rublyovka, and traveled with a whole motorcade and security. He was driving

BMW. Matvey Romanovich gave the order and the guards first cut off the BMW and then beat him a little

beat the driver and his car. Everything is as usual - taught a lesson and forgotten.

Photo of the battered car of Putin's probable son-in-law

But this time everything went differently and how it turned out! Step one - beaten Jorrit Faassen

turned out to be a Dutch citizen. Step two - and a former member of the board of Stroytransgaz -

one of the largest construction companies Russia. Step three - Joorit is possible

met with a modest Russian girl Ekaterina Vladimirovna Putina. Step four -

Ekaterina Putina complained to her dad Vladimir Vladimirovich that her boyfriend was beaten.

That same Putin's son-in-law - Jorrit Faasen

The next day Federal service security detained seven employees of the Bastion private security company and

Matvey Urin himself on Novy Arbat with weapons and drugs in his cars. Urin was sent to

FSB pre-trial detention center "Lefortovo". Security officers went to the businessman’s house with a search and

We found many interesting documents. As follows from the publications, in particular, it was found

bribe plan for judges Arbitration Court Moscow. The Central Bank revoked everyone's licenses

banks of Urina. Urin is now accused of hooliganism (up to 7 years), then apparently there will be more

charges of bribery, fraud, etc. Will get about 10 years as a planer - with

confiscation of property.

A former member of the board of Stroytransgaz was beaten on Rublyovka
Because of an incident on the road, the Dutchman was attacked with bats by the guards of the ex-head of Breeze Bank, Matvey Urin.
Original of this material
© Life.Ru, 11/14/2010, Gazprom manager was beaten by banker’s security, Photo: Life.Ru

Matvey Urin
["Vek", 11/15/2010, "Former member of the board of Stroytransgaz was beaten on Rublyovka: Dutchman Faassen Jorrit Yoolet, former member board of the Gazprom-affiliated company Stroytransgaz, was attacked by several young men who turned out to be security guards of the owner of one of the banks in Moscow. - Insert K.ru]

The incident occurred on Sunday on Rublevskoye Highway. 30-year-old citizen of the Netherlands and top manager of Gazprom Faassen Jorrit Yoolet was moving along Rublevskoye Highway in his BMW.

In the area of ​​the Europark entertainment center, he was cut off by two cars at once - a Mercedes and a Volkswagen.

Several people jumped out of the cars and attacked me with bats,” the Dutchman told the police. “They broke both side windows, beat me, and then, jumping back into their cars, disappeared towards the center of Moscow.

Ioole, with abrasions and bruises to the head, went to a local emergency room for medical care. In addition, a citizen of the country of tulips called the police and reported the attack. According to him, it was not accidental. Doctors diagnosed the Dutchman with a closed craniocerebral injury. Already at the police station, Ioolet estimated the damage caused to him at 500 thousand rubles.

The victim remembered the license plates, and both cars were stopped a few minutes later on Novy Arbat. All eight people in the car were taken to the Arbat district police station.

As it turned out, banker Matvey Urin and his guards were in the Mercedes. He is known as former head"Breeze-Bank", whose activities ended with the revocation of its banking license. Now Urin is a co-owner of Trado-Bank.

Investigators found four bags of nasvay, a gas pistol, two combat pistols and a dummy Kalashnikov assault rifle in the cars.

According to the detainees, the conflict occurred due to a routine incident on the road.

["Marker", 06/07/2010, "The publisher Rodionov sold the Slavyansky Bank to the Ural businessmen, who are followed by a series of bankruptcies": The owner of the publishing house Sergei Rodionov sold the Slavyansky Bank that he owned. The buyer is a financial and industrial group, which already includes several regional banks. Participants in the transaction do not disclose it financial conditions, but, most likely, the bank went to the new owners at par. And the group, which already unites several banks, is controlled by entrepreneurs from the Urals. As Marker learned, one of them is former owner Brizbanka Matvey Urin. [...]
Urin is the ex-owner of the capital's Brizbank, who tried to self-liquidate back in 2005. But the liquidation procedure was subsequently suspended by the authorities. The bank, having assets in the amount of 560 thousand rubles, owed 40.5 billion rubles. According to the Deposit Insurance Association, the liquidator and bankruptcy trustee were not provided with an electronic database of documents, seals, stamps, property, accounting and other documentation of the bank. Urin’s assets also included the recently bankrupt Klyavlinsky Oil Refinery in Samara. - Insert K.ru]

["Samara Review", 09/21/2010, "The owner of the Klyavlinsky Oil Refinery becomes his creditor": The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bankrupt Klyavlinsky Oil Refinery CJSC, Matvey Urin, is trying to get into the register of creditors of a controlled enterprise with a claim of 100.05 million rubles. According to SO sources, these actions may be taken by Urin in order to gain control over the bankruptcy of the plant. - Insert K.ru]

The court found the former co-owner guilty banking group in organizing the beating of a car driver who dared not let his motorcade pass. The victim was ex-member of the board of Stroytransgaz, citizen of the Netherlands Jorrit Joost Faassen

The Kuntsevsky Court of Moscow rendered a verdict former co-owner banking group to Matvey Urin and his guards, who a year ago brutally beat ex-member of the board of Stroytransgaz, Dutch citizen Jorrit Joost Faassen. Urin, as the organizer of the beatings, received 4.5 years in prison. His subordinates range from two to four and a half years.

This is already a repeat trial of the businessman. On April 15 of this year, 34-year-old Urin, who was previously a co-owner of a banking group that included Slavyansky Bank, Trado-Bank, Donbank and Uralfinprombank, Coin House (all of them lost their license), was sentenced to 3 years in prison. However, the prosecutor's office and the victim considered this decision too lenient. For this reason, this summer the Moscow City Court overturned the verdict and returned the case for a new trial.

The incident that formed the basis of the trial occurred on November 14, 2010, near the village of Zhukovka. It follows from the verdict that Joost Faassen’s BMW refused to give way to the Mercedes in which Matvey Urin was traveling, and the accompanying Volkswagen car with private security company employees.

The banker gave instructions to catch up with the offender and sort it out. At the turn to the Central Clinical Hospital, security guards overtook and blocked the victim's car. Waving pistols and using profanities, they beat Faassen and broke the windows of his car.

Faassen remembered the car numbers. A little later, Matvey Urin’s motorcade was detained in the New Arbat area. The banker and his bodyguards were charged under Part 2 of Article 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“hooliganism”), Part 2 of Article 116 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Battery”) and Part 2 of Article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“deliberate destruction or damage to property "). Some of the guards were also charged with Part 1 of Article 203 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“exceeding the powers of private security services”). Everyone, without exception, was arrested.

According to some media reports, the incredibly rapid excitement is due to the fact that 30-year-old Jorrit Jost Faassen is close to the Kremlin - he is allegedly the common-law husband of one of the daughters of the current prime minister. However, Vladimir Putin’s press secretary denies that the prime minister’s daughter knows the Dutchman.

During the trial, most of the defendants did not admit their guilt. Some agreed with the accusation in part. The latter stated that they actually blocked Faassen’s car and struck him several times in the face. This was done after Matvey Urin’s personal bodyguard Sergei Karpov radioed the private security company with the command “Trunk-200,” which indicates the highest degree of danger. The security guards also did not deny that they had broken out two windows in the BMW. The latter was allegedly provided for by official instructions - the windows in the foreigner’s car were tinted, and the bodyguards needed to find out if there were other passengers in the car who could pose a danger to their client.

The defendants' version

According to the defendants, the conflict on the road arose after the BMW overtook Matvey Urin's motorcade. The car allegedly drove into the oncoming lane at high speed and scratched the Mercedes.

The main person involved in the case denied any involvement in the incident. According to Matvey Urin, he did not see what his guards were doing, who left the car for several minutes. The ex-banker insisted that he did not instruct the guards to stop the BMW and teach its driver a lesson.

Urin’s lawyer Vladislav Musiyaka told BFM.ru that his client acquired security from employees of the Blaster-M private security company only three weeks before the incident, as he began to receive threats from unknown persons. They were associated with the professional activities of a banker. “Knowing that he was being hunted, he avoided any conflicts,” the lawyer claims.

It is noteworthy that during the investigation, private security company employees stated: Urin, through his personal bodyguard, offered them to take all the blame on themselves in exchange for a monetary reward and lawyers’ fees. However, later the defendants in the case refused this testimony, saying that they gave it under the dictation of the investigator, who promised that they would be free within a day.

However, the court still did not believe the defendants, agreeing with the victim’s version. By the way, the latter never appeared in court - neither during the first nor during the second trial. BMW owner Natalya Shekalinskaya, whose car was driven by proxy by Jorrit Jost Faassen, also did not come to court. She billed the defendants for car repairs in the amount of 16 thousand rubles. Lawyer Alexander Kulik, who represented the interests of the victims, said that he could not explain the whereabouts of his clients.

As a result, the defendants were found guilty of the crimes charged. The court found Matvey Urin's driver Sergei Uperenko, among other things, guilty of using a knowingly forged document (Article 327 of the Criminal Code), which gave the right to drive without checking. And private security officer Alexey Kuznetsov also had to answer for the robbery that occurred in April last year near the Calypso entertainment center in the Moscow region.

Including military awards

When imposing the punishment, the judge took into account that many of the defendants had young children as their dependents; most of the private security company employees took part in hostilities on the territory of Chechnya and have state awards.

The fact that Matvey Urin was actively involved in charity work before his arrest was not ignored, providing financial assistance hospitals and clinics.

However, the sentence was still harsh. The ex-banker was sentenced to 4.5 years in prison, and his guards received sentences from 2 to 4.5 years. The court banned four bodyguards from engaging in security activities for two years after their release. Two more were given a fine of 20 and 30 thousand rubles as an additional punishment.

Alexander Kulik, who represented the interests of the victims in court, told BFM.ru that he does not yet know whether his clients will appeal the court’s decision and refused further comments.

In turn, Matvey Urin’s defenders, Vladislav Musiyaka and Alexey Semenov, called the sentence “unprecedented in its cruelty, unfair and unreasonable.” They declared their intention to seek the overturning of the verdict “all the way to the European Court of Human Rights.” “The victims called the damage of 19 thousand rubles significant, but when the defendants offered to make amends for the damage caused by paying thousands of times more - 2-3 million rubles, the representative of the victims refused to take the money and did not say where it could be sent,” Musiyaka said.

New case of ex-banker Urin

Let us note that this is not the only case regarding Matvey Urin. According to his lawyers, in May of this year, the Main Investigation Department of the Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate charged their client with “fraud” (Part 4 of Article 159 of the Criminal Code). “In accordance with it, unidentified persons, with the knowledge of Urin, withdrew more than 100 million rubles from the accounts of Trado-Bank,” Vladislav Musiyaka reported to BFM.ru the details of this criminal case. At the same time, he stated that the defense knew nothing about the initiation of a case against Urin under the article “sale of obviously counterfeit securities,” namely 14 Trado-Bank promissory notes with a total nominal value of more than 214 million rubles. “Our client was not charged in this regard; apparently, this case was dropped,” the defense lawyer said.

Matvey Urin

Matvey Urin received, beat a foreigner Matvey Urin, Matvey Urin, Matvey Urin video of beating, Matvey Urin, imprisoned, Matvey Urin sentence, Matvey Urin imprisoned 4, Matvey Urin trial, Matvey Urin photo

How did things go? Let's figure it out.

In 2010, on November 14, the wealthy motorcade of Urin Matvey, who is a famous Moscow banker, is moving along Rublevskoye Highway.

The cortege is accompanied by security, which is in a Volkswagen car.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, the Mercedes in which Matvey was was cut off by some BMW, which was boldly walking in the same direction.

The banker, seeing that the BMW was driving alone, without any security, decided to teach the upstart a lesson.

Brave guys with bats jumped out of the Volkswagen and simply destroyed this very BMW. Well, the driver got it pretty bad.

And the driver turned out to be Jorrit Faassen, a man with Dutch citizenship. Is your name familiar?

And God be with her, with this surname. But there was one girl in the back seat of the car, whom the thugs didn’t even notice.

And this girl's name was Maria. They called her by different names. Maria Vorontsova. Maria Faassen. And finally, Maria Putina.

Do you understand what line Matvey Urin crossed?

On Novy Arbat his trip was again suddenly interrupted.

And this time not by some dashing BMW, but by Police General Vladimir Kolokoltsev, who currently occupies the chair of the Minister of Internal Affairs.

On the same day, Urin ended up in the Lifortovo pre-trial detention center, and his banks were subjected to a thorough inspection, during which many violations were revealed.

Soon all his organizations were completely deprived of their licenses.

Those thugs who so diligently hit the BMW with bats got real terms.

And Urin himself spent about four years in a pre-trial detention center, which was the first case in judicial practice Russia.

After this stay, he received a sentence of almost eight years in prison. His term is coming to an end in 2020, but will he be able to be released with a clear conscience?

Checks regarding former banker continue and he has the opportunity to stay behind bars for a long time.

There is not much information about the daughters of Vladimir Vladimirovich in the public domain. And that's right.

After all, you and I cannot even guess what kind of attacks the head of state is subjected to and how many attempts have been made on his person.

Therefore protection personal life and information about the family - this is one of the primary tasks of the FSO, which is engaged in the protection of top officials of the state.

What is known is that the president’s eldest daughter spends a lot of time in Holland, because that’s where her husband comes from.

And their relationship seems to be serious, since Vladimir Putin has long been a grandfather, for which we congratulate him!