Yanchuk Mikhail Nikolaevich biography. Magomed Mukhiev, Mikhail Yanchuk and their organized crime syndicate. Former co-owner of Antalbank Mikhail Yanchuk put on international wanted list


The Bank of Russia discovered an informal banking group that was withdrawing depositors' funds, the regulator's press service said. Antalbank, Lada-Credit, Doris Bank, Greenfieldbank, Commonwealth Bank, Mezhregionbank, RBS (Regional Savings Bank), NST-Bank and Maximum Bank, despite the fact that they are not formally a banking group, acted in the interests of the same group of persons. This, according to the regulator, is evidenced by the fact that some banks of the group had common owners and management, and also performed financial transactions with each other. Banks (with the exception of Maximum) transferred funds raised from depositors through correspondent accounts and interbank loans to Antalbank, which, in turn, withdrew them in favor of controlled companies, the report says.

The Central Bank revoked the licenses of all these banks in September-November 2015. The total assets of the group as of July 1, 2015 exceeded RUB 47 billion. According to the Central Bank, the total amount of liabilities of the group's banks to depositors is 40 billion rubles.

All banks of the group were actively attracting money from citizens, offering high interest rates. The Central Bank notes that some banks that were part of the group accepted deposits in violation of existing prohibitions and restrictions. For example, NST-Bank reflected transactions on deposits in accounting retroactively in order to circumvent the order issued by the regulator to prohibit the receipt of money from the population. The Central Bank revoked the license from the bank on November 16, 2015, and filed a bankruptcy lawsuit in December credit institution. At that time, the bank's assets amounted to just over 2 billion rubles, while, according to Banki.ru, the amount of funds raised by citizens in the bank was 1.3 billion rubles.

As noted in the message of the Central Bank, the introduction of a ban on accepting deposits in some banks of the group led to the activation of other banks. For example, in November, Maximum Bank offered depositors of banks with revoked licenses to place funds at 14% per annum. At that time, the maximum average rate in the 10 largest credit institutions was 9.9% per annum. As the Kommersant newspaper wrote, such offers were received by clients of Doris Bank, whose license was revoked by the Central Bank on October 23, NST-Bank, which lost its license on November 16, and Antalbank.

The largest credit institution in the group was Antalbank, whose assets at the time of license revocation (September 24) exceeded 17.5 billion rubles. The DIA estimated the volume of insurance payments to Antalbank's depositors at 9.3 billion rubles. The message of the Central Bank said that with the unsatisfactory quality of assets, Antalbank inadequately assessed the loan portfolio and the risks taken in connection with this. "Proper evaluation credit risk led in the current year to the repeated occurrence of grounds for the bank to take measures to prevent insolvency (bankruptcy). At the same time, the credit institution did not comply with the requirements of the instructions of the supervisory authority aimed at restricting its activities,” the statement said.

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Internal Affairs disclosed the list of banks, included in the so-called Moldovan scheme, with the help of which Russian credit institutions withdraw funds from depositors. Antalbank was among these banks.

I can't say, - Akhmedov answered.

He can't tell! - the judge stood up for Akhmedov when Kheifets wanted to object.

During the interrogation of the witness, it turned out that the investigator Yudin, who was in charge of the case against Kheifets, Trusova and Volkov, was already familiar to Akhmedov, although he denied this at the current meeting. Akhmedov's earlier testimony to the court was read out, in which this investigator was mentioned in connection with Akhmedov's detention in Zelenograd - at the time when the issue of the loan was being decided. It turned out that Yudin also conducted a case against the former major shareholders of Nosta-Bank - Kuinzhi (most likely we are talking about Ivan Kuemzhi - IA "Ruspres") and Serezhkin.

Yes, everything is on stream here! - said Kheifets, who believes - and has said this more than once - that Yudin is in collusion with Akhmedov.

Defendant Volkov emphasized once again (He has previously testified about this) that with Akhmedov and Kheyfets, the option of a loan to EastLine was discussed on October 10 and 13.

Kheifets suggested that during the court session a peaceful agreement be reached, but Akhmedov objected that Ivanov was not present. Moreover, Akhmedov suggested that the option that Kheifets had previously proposed would hardly suit Diakta - to return 5 million rubles first, and the rest in 2015.

In the end, Kheifetz filed a motion that the meeting should not be scheduled for the 8th, since it is his birthday and "I would not like to spend it in a cage."

The next meeting is February 8, Friday, at 12 noon. Get ready for debate. At the meeting, we will congratulate you! the judge announced.

Ekaterina Selezneva

"Connections / Partners"


Bullets for the banker

According to open sources, Mikhail Yanchuk, the former co-owner and member of the board of directors of Antalbank, managed to escape across the cordon and was put on the international wanted list through Interpol with the aim of arrest and extradition to prosecute for crimes committed on the territory of Russian Federation. The former president of Antalbank, Magomed Mukhiev, was arrested as one of the alleged organizers of the embezzlement. Some other participants in the scandalous case also fell on the bunk

In Dagestan, the ex-head of the bank "Credo Finance" will appear before the court

In Ingushetia, the ex-president of Antalbank, Magomed Mukhiev, is preparing to appear before the court. According to law enforcers, he stole 30 billion rubles. Three criminal cases were opened against the businessman: organizing a criminal community (part 1 of article 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), especially large-scale fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) and embezzlement (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The investigation is completed, law enforcement officers have collected enough evidence.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs announced the transfer to the Investigative Committee of the case of fraud on an especially large scale against the former management of Antalbank. But the Investigative Committee has no information about the preliminary investigation.

The case was confirmed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

“The information you requested about the progress and results of the investigation of the criminal case under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation cannot be provided, since further investigation of the criminal case is entrusted to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Former co-owner of Antalbank Mikhail Yanchuk put on international wanted list

The former co-owner and member of the board of directors of Antalbank, Mikhail Yanchuk, has been put on the international wanted list through Interpol, the Russian Prosecutor General's Office told RNS.

“We inform you that according to the information (national bureau. - RNS) of Interpol of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated February 15, 2017, Yanchuk M.N., accused of committing three crimes under Part 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud), has been put on the international wanted list for the purpose of arrest and extradition to bring to criminal responsibility for committing criminal acts on the territory of the Russian Federation, ”the agency’s response signed by official representative Alexander Kurennoy says.

Profitable deposits disappeared in the chain of banks

The Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in Moscow has completed the investigation of the criminal case of the co-owner of Antalbank Magomed Mukhiev. According to investigators, Magomed Mukhiev and another co-owner of a credit institution, Mikhail Yanchuk, who is on the wanted list, organized a criminal community that, using a chain of controlled banks, stole 30 billion rubles. At the same time, Antalbank, according to law enforcement officers, was also one of the key links in the so-called Moldovan scheme for withdrawing funds abroad.

SK opened a case against another ex-co-owner of Antalbank

A criminal case has been initiated against the former chairman of the board of Antalbank, Mikhail Yanchuk, according to the DIA. He is accused of stealing bank money under the guise of issuing loans.

The Investigative Committee of Russia opened a criminal case against the ex-chairman of the board and one of the owners of Antalbank, Mikhail Yanchuk. It is reported by RNS with reference to the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA).

Its co-owner was taken into the Antalbank case

The criminal case on major fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in Antalbank was initiated by the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 10 last year. The first person involved appeared in it a week later, when GUEBiPK officers detained Magomed Mukhiev, who was about to fly from Moscow abroad on a rented business aviation aircraft. At the request of the investigation, the Tverskoy District Court took Mr. Mukhiev into custody. His defense offered to release the accused on bail in the amount of 10 million rubles, which increased to 80 million during the appeals.

According to Kommersant, the role of the former co-owner and member of the board of directors of Antalbank Mikhail Yanchuk in this case was also clearly visible from the very beginning: the investigation considers him, along with Mr. Mukhiev, the main organizer of the theft. However, it was not possible to detain the banker - he managed to go abroad. As a result, Mr. Yanchuk was put on the federal wanted list, and more recently, the Tverskoy District Court in absentia chose a measure of restraint in the form of arrest for him. The Moscow City Court, in which the banker's defense appealed against his arrest, upheld the decision of the court of first instance. Thus, in the near future, the accused Yanchuk will fall into the Interpol search base.

The DIA succeeded in initiating a criminal case against the ex-chairman of Antalbank

The Investigative Committee of Russia, at the request of the DIA, opened a criminal case against the former chairman of the board of Antalbank under Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (misappropriation or embezzlement committed by an organized group or on an especially large scale), the DIA told RNS. The Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigative Committee are already processing several criminal cases on the facts of embezzlement of funds from Antalbank and related banks. It is possible that another case will be initiated - the DIA sent the last statement to the UK in January of this year.

“On August 17, 2016, a criminal case was initiated by the SU for the South-West Administrative District of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow against the owner of a group of banks and the chairman of the board of the bank (Mikhail Yanchuk was the chairman of the board of Antalbank. - RNS) under Part 4 of Art. 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the fact of theft Money banks disguised as loans legal entities”, - told about another criminal case in the DIA.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs transferred the case of fraud in Antalbank to the UK, there is no case in the UK

A criminal case on large-scale fraud in Antalbank was initiated by the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 10, 2015. As the Kommersant newspaper wrote, the total amount of damage is estimated at 30 billion rubles. Its first defendant was the former president of Antalbank and the well-known Ingush businessman Magomed Mukhiev, who was detained by the investigating authorities at the airport while trying to leave the territory of Russia. He was taken into custody by the decision of the Tverskoy District Court. In April 2016, Kommersant reported that a second defendant appeared in the case - the former co-owner and member of the board of directors of the bank, Mikhail Yanchuk, who had already left Russia by that time. Yanchuk was put on the federal wanted list and arrested in absentia by the Tverskoy District Court. As RNS was told in court, Yanchuk's defense appealed against the arrest, but the complaint was rejected.

Ex-president of Antalbank arrested in the case of embezzlement of depositors' funds through a group of banks

The Ministry of Internal Affairs is investigating statements by the Bank of Russia about the identification of a group of nine banks that were actively withdrawing depositors' funds. According to Kommersant, the suspected organizer of the theft, the ex-president of Antalbank Magomed Mukhiev, was detained and arrested in this case. He has been charged with grand larceny.

Sources of Vedomosti in the banking environment said in December that the Central Bank had identified the so-called “Antalbank group”, which buys banks through nominees, begins to actively attract deposits and withdraw assets, and after the bank’s license is revoked, looking for the next victim. The group included Antalbank, Lada-Credit, Doris-Bank, Greenfieldbank, Sodruzhestvo, MRB, RBS, NST-Bank, Maximum - all of them had their licenses revoked from September 24 to November 23. In December, the Central Bank stated that they did not formally fit the definition of a banking group, but for a number of reasons they served the interests of the same persons.

Since the beginning of the year, 108 cases have been initiated in the Russian Federation against managers and employees of bankrupt banks

“The most significant criminal cases initiated over the past year include criminal cases against the heads of LLC CB Vneshprombank, owners and heads of credit institutions that were part of the LLC CB Antalbank group,” the DIA added.

The Central Bank revealed an informal group of banks withdrawing funds

The Bank of Russia discovered an informal banking group that was withdrawing depositors' funds, the regulator's press service said. Antalbank, Lada-Credit, Doris-Bank, Greenfieldbank, Sodruzhestvo Bank, Mezhregionbank, RBS (Regional Savings Bank), NST-Bank and Maximum Bank, despite the fact that they are not formally a banking group, acted in the interests of the same group of people. This, according to the regulator, is evidenced by the fact that some banks of the group had common owners and management, and also performed financial transactions with each other. Banks (with the exception of Maximum) transferred funds raised from depositors through correspondent accounts and interbank loans to Antalbank, which, in turn, withdrew them in favor of controlled companies, the report says.

The Tverskoy District Court of Moscow arrested Mikhail Yanchuk, former co-owner and member of the board of directors of Antalbank, in absentia. Together with Magomed Mukhiev, a well-known Ingush businessman and former president of Antalbank, who is in custody, he is accused of embezzling more than 30 billion rubles from this credit institution.

The criminal case on major fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in Antalbank was initiated by the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 10 last year. The first person involved appeared in it a week later, when GUEBiPK officers detained Magomed Mukhiev, who was about to fly from Moscow abroad on a rented business aviation aircraft. At the request of the investigation, the Tverskoy District Court took Mr. Mukhiev into custody. His defense offered to release the accused on bail in the amount of 10 million rubles, which increased to 80 million during the appeals.

According to Kommersant's information, the role of the former co-owner and member of the board of directors of Antalbank Mikhail Yanchuk in this case was also clearly visible from the very beginning: the investigation considers him, along with Mr. Mukhiev, the main organizer of the theft. However, it was not possible to detain the banker - he managed to go abroad. As a result, Mr. Yanchuk was put on the federal wanted list, and more recently, the Tverskoy District Court in absentia chose a measure of restraint in the form of arrest for him. The Moscow City Court, in which the banker's defense appealed against his arrest, upheld the decision of the court of first instance. Thus, in the near future, the accused Yanchuk will fall into the Interpol search base.

As Kommersant has already said, law enforcement agencies began stealing the money of depositors in Antalbank after representatives of the Central Bank applied to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to investigators, it was Mikhail Yanchuk who built the criminal scheme, picked up eight banks (Lada-Credit, Doris Bank, Greenfield Bank, Sodruzhestvo Bank, Mezhregionbank, Regional Savings Bank, NST-Bank and Maximum Bank), put headed them by his top managers and coordinated their activities. Moreover, as noted by law enforcement agencies, Mr. Yanchuk fled abroad, taking with him almost all of his proteges. The essence of the fraud was to attract funds from depositors under the high interest. For example, Greenfieldbank offered the Cornucopia deposit at 13.8% per annum, and Maximum Bank at 14%. Note that at that time the maximum average rate in the top ten largest Russian banks did not exceed 9.9% per annum. At the same time, as the regulator noted, "individual banks of the group accepted deposits in violation of existing prohibitions and restrictions." Thus, NST-Bank reflected backdated operations for the mass reception of funds from the population in accounting. Also, according to the Central Bank, all these banks "served the interests of the same persons," and some had common owners and management staff. The financial flows carried out within the group made it possible "to judge the close economic ties between them."

According to the case file, the money collected from depositors was transferred through correspondent accounts and interbank loans to the main financial structure of the group, Antalbank, for the purpose of embezzlement. From there, the money went either directly to the companies controlled by the owners, or was used to buy valuable papers, "the cost of which was artificially inflated." Another way to withdraw money from the country was the so-called Moldovan scheme, the author of which is the co-owner of the Western, Doninvest and Russian Land Bank Alexander Grigoriev, who is now in jail for fraud.

It should be noted that in total, more than 30 billion rubles were withdrawn and subsequently stolen from Antalbank by malefactors.

As it became known to Kommersant, the Tverskoy District Court of Moscow arrested Mikhail Yanchuk, the former co-owner and member of the board of directors of Antalbank, in absentia. Together with Magomed Mukhiev, a well-known Ingush businessman and former president of Antalbank, who is in custody, he is accused of embezzling more than 30 billion rubles from this credit institution.

The criminal case on major fraud (part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) in Antalbank was initiated by the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on December 10 last year. The first person involved appeared in it a week later, when GUEBiPK officers detained Magomed Mukhiev, who was about to fly from Moscow abroad on a rented business aviation aircraft. At the request of the investigation, the Tverskoy District Court took Mr. Mukhiev into custody. His defense offered to release the accused on bail in the amount of 10 million rubles, which increased to 80 million during the appeals.

According to Kommersant's information, the role of the former co-owner and member of the board of directors of Antalbank Mikhail Yanchuk in this case was also clearly visible from the very beginning: the investigation considers him, along with Mr. Mukhiev, the main organizer of the theft. However, it was not possible to detain the banker - he managed to go abroad. As a result, Mr. Yanchuk was put on the federal wanted list, and more recently, the Tverskoy District Court in absentia chose a measure of restraint in the form of arrest for him. The Moscow City Court, in which the banker's defense appealed against his arrest, upheld the decision of the court of first instance. Thus, in the near future, the accused Yanchuk will fall into the Interpol search base.

As Kommersant has already said, law enforcement agencies began stealing the money of depositors in Antalbank after representatives of the Central Bank applied to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to investigators, it was Mikhail Yanchuk who built the criminal scheme, picked up eight banks (Lada-Credit, Doris Bank, Greenfield Bank, Sodruzhestvo Bank, Mezhregionbank, Regional Savings Bank, NST-Bank and Maximum Bank), put headed them by his top managers and coordinated their activities. Moreover, as noted by law enforcement agencies, Mr. Yanchuk fled abroad, taking with him almost all of his proteges. The essence of the fraud was to attract these banks (the licenses of all were revoked in September-November 2015.— "b") funds of depositors at high interest rates. For example, Greenfieldbank offered the Cornucopia deposit at 13.8% per annum, and Maximum Bank at 14%. Note that at that time the maximum average rate in the top ten largest Russian banks did not exceed 9.9% per annum. At the same time, as the regulator noted, "individual banks of the group accepted deposits in violation of existing prohibitions and restrictions." Thus, NST-Bank reflected backdated operations for the mass reception of funds from the population in accounting. Also, according to the Central Bank, all these banks "served the interests of the same persons," and some had common owners and management personnel. The financial flows carried out within the group made it possible "to judge the close economic ties between them."

According to the case file, the money collected from depositors was transferred for the purpose of embezzlement through correspondent accounts and interbank loans to the main financial structure of the group - Antalbank. From there, the money went either directly to the companies controlled by the owners, or was used to purchase securities, "the value of which was artificially inflated." Another way to withdraw money from the country was the so-called Moldovan scheme, the author of which is the co-owner of the Western, Doninvest and Russian Land Bank Alexander Grigoriev, who is now in jail for fraud.

It should be noted that in total, more than 30 billion rubles were withdrawn and subsequently stolen from Antalbank by malefactors.