Shadow cash market: schemes and ways to identify them. Cash withdrawal: commission percentage What's wrong


The director of Crime Finance, a former “casher” and ex-employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, spoke about cash-out schemes and “second salaries” for bank managers

I studied at the Nizhny Novgorod police school, which specializes in the fight against economic crime. After that, he worked for several years in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the city of Ivanovo in the department for combating economic crimes, then went to work for the tax police, where he worked for several more years as an investigator.

In 2003, the tax police were disbanded, and I found myself on the other side of the barricades. While working in the tax police, I saw enough of how people made money from various scams and frauds, and I was tempted to do “cash out.” In this business, money is earned literally out of thin air - money from one of the companies arrives in a bank account, you withdraw it and return it (earning your percentage). At the same time, the client company avoids taxes (VAT or profit).

At first I had one or two clients who transferred through me small amounts about 100,000 rubles per month. At that time, my percentage was about 3.5%, and if we take into account that the bank took 1%, then from 100,000 rubles my earnings were only 2,500 rubles. But business grew. My clients began to recommend me to others, and there were more and more of them. I began to expand: I organized new LLCs, attracted employees and cashed out everything in large volumes. Then large wholesale companies began to contact me, cashing out money for Moscow end clients. They ordered huge amounts.

Today in Moscow the cost of “cash out” has increased to 8%. Cashing out has become more difficult; the capital has long rushed to the regions. Regional banks are more “sleepy” and it is easier to get “cash” from them. Now large Moscow companies buy money in the regions at 5-6% and sell it to end consumers at 8%. When I was doing this, I sold money to Moscow for 3.5%, and sold it to the final buyer for 5%.

In large banks, cash-out schemes go off with a bang, especially if the cash-out company finds a connection with the head of a local branch and pays him a “second” salary.

Bankers themselves give recommendations to their partners regarding “cash out”: “cash out, but not much” or “stop now, we have received a request from the Central Bank.” Basically, the entire cash market revolves around the three largest banks. Smaller banks, which have a risk of losing their license, are more worried and allow them to work less often and with small amounts. Although, if the owner of a bank understands that he is not making money from his bank or is incurring losses, then he “sells” it to cashers, or competes with them.

A typical apotheosis of the story with the banker-casher - a Central Bank inspection comes to him and points out violations. The owner of the bank estimates the timing of the verification and begins to “cash out” on a serious scale in order to earn the maximum amount of money and, in addition, also withdraws assets. He has nothing to lose, he will still lose his license and “the ship will sink.”

There are many interesting schemes, for example, the purchase of scrap metal was popular. Individuals hand over 50,000 rubles worth of scrap per day to a company that buys metal. The company must withdraw money from the bank to pay them. The latter asks to provide documents - copies of passports of people who handed over the metal. Fake or lost passports of people are provided to the bank and the amount of 1.5 million rubles is issued for them. The company submits an application to the bank for this amount and receives the money. Later, the cash is transferred to customers who have previously transferred a wire transfer to the scrap collection company.

Bankers often turn a blind eye or set the condition: “we will give you twenty a month, but no more.” The company agreed and cashed out 20 million rubles a month, while scrap metal was actually handed over for 500,000 rubles.

Companies that buy vegetables and fruits from farmers operate in a similar way, and buy honey or herbs from the population.

Do bankers always know about the schemes? Certainly. Although they agreed to work with us not only because of the “second salaries”. Some banks did not take money, but they worked because they officially received a large percentage from transactions. Although some credit organizations They basically didn’t work with us.

When working with banks, we also used the usual schemes: we withdrew from the plastic cards of individuals, from the accounts of legal entities, used promissory notes, and created for the banks the appearance of real activity. But the schemes have been modernized and have long gone beyond the limits banking system. For example, buying cash in retail networks. Many retail operators, large chains, shops, gas stations, and restaurants sell their cash.

Over the five years of working in this business, I have formed a network in more than ten regions, hundreds of companies, two hundred employees, very intricate cash flows. We cashed out up to 100 million rubles a day. But a lot was spent on salaries and security - people covering us in the criminal component of the business (“roof”).

Another of the biggest problems of the cash-out business is the theft of subordinates. The director of one of hundreds of scheme LLCs suddenly takes the money and flies off somewhere abroad. Typically, a special fund is set aside for crisis situations, and income covers losses. Situations with a risk to life also occur - raids and thefts. A friend of mine in Moscow had their collectors shot. This is a very dangerous business.

Trouble happened to me too. When the volume of cashed money went beyond billions of rubles, at some point I was arrested by FSB officers.

Why did this happen? Many in this business know how to negotiate with authorities, but by local standards, my case was resonant and large - the volumes were huge for a small town, both the Central Bank and law enforcement agencies already knew about me. In addition, it was not the police who dealt with me, but the FSB. They made me into a little show trial.

While the investigation was ongoing, I had to serve a year in a pre-trial detention center. As a result, I confessed, and the criminal case for me ended with the fact that I was given credit for the time I spent in the detention center. What conclusion did I draw? When I worked, I believed that since I didn’t steal from a specific person, then this was a normal business. But then I realized that it was still theft - taxes were not paid on cashed money. I didn't think about it or didn't understand it before.

Since the cash flow from the old business had ended and I was broke, I decided to create a company called Crime Finance. Now I encourage firms to identify illegal schemes. For example, I conduct master classes - I tell how cashing companies gain a foothold in banks, and how to identify them. I know these diagrams by heart, like a mason who has been laying bricks for 20 years and can build a house with his eyes closed.

Evgeny Vinogradov

Forbes, 04/08/14, “Money in a briefcase: how underground cash withdrawal networks are structured in Moscow”

Cashing systems cash Thousands of entrepreneurs use it in the capital. Forbes managed to find out how one of these networks works

Moscow businessman Oleg was sitting behind the wheel of a car parked on the outskirts of the city and nervously looking into the rearview mirror. Soon he saw an inconspicuous dirty crossover, which caught up with Oleg’s car and stopped. The crossover's tinted side window rolled down. Oleg also opened his window, and a few seconds later a bag of money fell into his lap. Meanwhile, the SUV quickly disappeared around the corner. Oleg, having picked up the money, also gave gas. He did not count the cash on the spot: the “delivery service” had not yet failed. In addition, he could file claims against the organizers of the underground cash-out network using special software.

This story, which took place in the fall of 2013, illustrates the operation of a cash withdrawal system, the services of which are used by thousands of entrepreneurs. Forbes managed to find out how one of Moscow’s underground cash-cash networks works. How does the system work, which, as Central Bank officials admit, has acquired a macroeconomic scale?

The lifeblood of the economy

Illegal business of turning non-cash money According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, hundreds of cashing organizations, including banks, deal with bundles of banknotes tied with rubber bands. Unaccounted cash is needed by entrepreneurs for bribes and kickbacks, for paying salaries to employees in envelopes and for tax evasion. Former Chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Ignatiev estimated the volume of the cash market at 500 billion rubles in 2012. The main interest in cash is shown by construction companies and small business. Recently, according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the center of illegal operations is moving from Moscow to the regions, and cash suppliers, as before, are clothing, construction and food markets and companies with large amounts of cash proceeds, such as transport and retail.

The Central Bank, Rosfinmonitoring, as well as the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies are fighting cashing with varying degrees of success. In 2013, the authorities launched an active offensive. “Five years ago I could order and immediately receive $10 million in cash, but now no more than $2 million,” says the financier, who has more than once acted as a link in the cash-out chain. The head of the federal information center “Analytics and Security”, retired police major Ruslan Milchenko, says that the number of cash-out sites and banks began to decline in 2009, when a political request appeared from the country’s leadership: intelligence services should take control of cash flows involved in dubious transactions . “Now you can’t just cash out a large sum,” says a financier on condition of anonymity. “You can’t hide such a transaction, because Rosfinmonitoring has learned to analyze the information coming to it and quickly tracking $10 million is no longer a problem for it.”

Net. Examination

Oleg owns a small agency for organizing corporate events and parties. One day - it was in the summer of 2011 - he needed cash - several hundred thousand rubles. For small businesses this is a very significant amount. He turned to his friends and, having secured two mandatory recommendations, went to a meeting with representatives of the cash-out network. The interview took place not at all in the spirit of spy films in an unnamed eatery on the outskirts of the city, but in a respectable office center in the north-west of Moscow. Here is located one of the offices of the company with a staff of several dozen people, headed by a representative general director. Oleg categorically refused to tell Forbes under what cover the company operates, but its main activities are in no way connected with the official ones. Cashing is a real business, bringing millions of dollars to the organizers of the underground network.

At the meeting, Oleg told two representatives of the network in detail about his business, showed standard contracts, named the main customers and contractors. He did not arouse suspicion, but at the first stage he received only the details of several companies similar in profile to his business. Their accounts were opened in a small bank, Oleg does not disclose its name, but this is the bank the network uses as its main one. On behalf of these companies, Oleg from time to time entered into contracts with his customers, they transferred him money for services rendered, and he withdrew them in cash. The commission for the service was slightly less than 10%.

At first, the organizers of the network kept an eye on the new recruit and didn’t trust him completely, so he received cash in someone else’s car, parked in a crowded place. “I got into the car, an unfamiliar man put a bag of money on the seat, without passing it from hand to hand,” says Oleg. “I just took the money and got out of the car.”

Cashing Master

Until recently, the flagship of cashing was Master Bank, which lost its license in November 2013, and before that it issued about 1 billion rubles per day. According to the deputy head of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Pavel Sychev, banks usually play a passive role in cash withdrawal cases, they only open current accounts at the request of shell companies, but in the case of Master Bank everything was much more complicated. "For last year the bank facilitated the cashing out of funds on dubious grounds in the amount of at least 200 billion rubles
and committed over 100 violations of current legislation,” Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Mikhail Sukhov told Forbes. Based on market estimates voiced by ex-Chairman of the Central Bank Sergei Ignatiev, it turns out that Master Bank’s share in this market reached 40%.

In essence, Master Bank was a holding structure and managed a network of smaller partner banks, where more than 200 companies had accounts. Special employees were engaged in opening and maintaining personal accounts of individuals, to which shell companies transferred money - supposedly “salaries”, “loans” and “proceeds from sales” securities" According to the Central Bank, the number of such accounts reached two thousand.

The main link in the cash withdrawal scheme through Master Bank was its extensive network of 3,500 ATMs (third largest in the country). “One-day companies transferred funds under loan agreements to the accounts of citizens - clients of Master Bank, and they cashed out these funds at the bank’s ATMs by the end of the same day,” says Mikhail Sukhov. According to Milchenko from the Analytics and Security information center, Master Bank ATMs at airports were loaded with €500 notes, and there may have been no limits for withdrawing salaries or cash loans.

Master Bank first came to the attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2007. Then a case was initiated against four employees of Master Bank and the Project Finance Bank (the license was revoked in December 2013). As a result, they were convicted of illegal banking activities, which was carried out from July to September 2006. Since then, the bank has become a defendant in six criminal cases. In two of them, sentences have been passed, two have been closed, and in two cases the investigation is ongoing.

Pyotr Rudenko, Elena Zubova

Andrey Sokolov

Articles written

Like many other tax and financial crimes, cashing out funds for the purpose of tax evasion exposes those involved in this scheme to severe penalties. Punishment for illegal cash withdrawals committed with the participation of individual- individual entrepreneur, specified in Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. If the cash transaction took place with the participation of a bank, private or government organization, then the degree of responsibility of the schemers will be determined under Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Cash withdrawal should not be confused with another similar article of the Criminal Code - money laundering (Article 174 of the Criminal Code). In this case, the financial transaction occurs in the reverse order: cash acquired by criminal means is legalized by being credited to a bank account. These fraudulent schemes have one thing in common - they all violate the law and cause damage economic security countries.

Cash withdrawal schemes

How exactly does cash withdrawal take place and why is it necessary for the company’s management? At first glance, it may seem that cashing out is carried out quite legally, because there is no fraud with borrowed funds. Director of the company or self employed has the authority to sign payment documents for withdrawal of money from the account. However, any transaction through a bank account must subsequently have a legal explanation. Cashing out is not intended to withdraw money from an account (this can be done without breaking the law), but to fictitiously increase the organization’s gross expenses.

By carrying out an operation to transfer money for performing non-existent services, the company's management unlawfully understates the profit of its enterprise. Accordingly, the tax base decreases.

The owner of a fly-by-night company, with whose participation the funds are cashed out, receives a significantly lower percentage for intermediary in the scam than the amount that the owner of the money would have to pay to the state in the form of taxes. In addition, some cash-out schemes allow transactions to be carried out without an intermediary, through the production of false documentation.

Cashing out occurs according to the following schemes:

  • through shell companies;
  • with the participation of the bank;
  • through individuals - individual entrepreneurs;
  • using stolen or false passports of individuals;
  • using certificates for receiving maternity capital.

Each of the listed schemes has characteristic differences. However, they also have common features- the fictitious nature of the transaction and a contradiction to the law. To understand the procedure for withdrawing money from a bank account, you should consider in detail the most commonly used schemes.

Through IP

Unlike using a specially registered shell company, cashing out through the involvement of individual entrepreneurs (IP) as participants in a fraudulent scheme will subsequently be more difficult to prove. Indeed, unlike a shell company, which is liquidated immediately after the operation is completed, a private entrepreneur does not disappear anywhere. And if necessary, he will be ready to confirm his words in court.

However, the risk here is higher. If the investigator proves that the transaction is fictitious and the fact of tax evasion, then not only the director of the company who carried out the cashing, but also the entrepreneur who was a fictitious partner in the transaction may end up in prison.

So, how does cashing out through an individual entrepreneur take place? Initially, an agreement for the provision of work or services is concluded between an individual entrepreneur and a company. Among the latter, those most often used are those that are difficult to track: setting up equipment, consulting, conducting training, transporting goods and similar work. One way or another, in the event of an inspection after two or three months, it will be almost impossible to determine whether the services specified in the contract were actually provided. Unless one of the parties to the transaction makes a mistake or there is a witness who will refute the fact that the work was performed.

For the provision of a non-existent service, money is transferred to the individual entrepreneur’s bank account. The entrepreneur cashes them out and gives them to the director of the company. The amount of commission for individual entrepreneurs is agreed upon in advance.

Through LLC

Cashing out funds within the company itself, without the participation of an intermediary, is a little more difficult, but such a scheme does not require the participation of an intermediary. This means that the director does not need to share with anyone.

Quite often, cashing out occurs by inflating the gross expenses of the enterprise. For example, for a company's fleet of non-cash payments purchased large number gasoline coupons. Of course, a significant portion of these coupons are then sold in cash. In this case, the tax base is reduced by several million rubles. The only drawback here is that such a scheme is well known to the fiscal authorities. Accordingly, the result of such an operation will be the accrual of a significant fine.

In terms of legality, the least dubious cashing out occurs by paying dividends to the company’s management. The law gives the founders of an LLC the right to pay themselves dividends. The amount of taxes paid will be less than when paying income tax.

Another way to minimize taxation is to issue a long-term loan to the head of the company. Formally, cashing out does not occur here, since the director issues a long-term loan to himself, usually under minimum interest or without payment at all.

Via debit cards

Cash withdrawal through debit cards of dummies occurs by purchasing valid bank cards or issuing cards through an accomplice in a bank using false documents (homeless, deceased, etc.). The meaning of this operation is to split the money converted into cash.

Current legislation provides that banks must report to Rosfinmonitoring any financial transactions, where the transaction size exceeds 600 thousand rubles. To remain unnoticed, the director of the enterprise uses a fictitious shell company with several dozen non-existent employees. After money is transferred from the enterprise’s account to a shell company, its director (who exists only on paper, since the company is open, most likely also on a stolen passport) pays salaries to the same fictitious employees. If cashing out occurs with the participation of 20 debit cards, in one day you can withdraw up to 10 million rubles in cash, after which the procedure can be repeated several times.

This method of cashing out does not always happen using purchased or counterfeit debit cards. Participants in the illegal scheme may well be real citizens with whom the agreement is concluded. civil contract. However, for this they must be individual entrepreneurs (IP).

Is it possible to legally cash out?

Illegal cash withdrawal, although it promises considerable profits, has one significant drawback - it threatens all participants in this scheme with criminal liability. In addition, the seized money will be confiscated, and this implies the loss of several million rubles for each transaction performed.

Can cashing out be made completely legal? If we are not talking about tax evasion of an organization, but about minimizing the amount of taxes, then this is quite possible.

On at the moment the least controversial, from the point of view of the law, cashing out can be carried out through a long-term interest-free loan followed by transfer of funds to a deposit account in a bank. It is not necessary to use dummies or family members for this. If we are talking about an organization with one founder, then issuing a loan to purchase an apartment or house for a period of up to 20 years will not be in conflict with the law. And since legally it will be credit funds deposited into a personal bank account, and not income subject to taxation, then pay 13% income tax they won't have to.

Of course, after 20 years the loan will have to be repaid. However, it is difficult to judge what the real value of this money will be by that time, taking into account inflation and the ruble exchange rate. In addition, within 20 years the company itself may go bankrupt or close for other reasons.

Responsibility for cash withdrawals

Illegal cash withdrawal through a shell company or in any other illegal way threatens the organizers and participants of the criminal scheme with liability under Article 198 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (for individuals) and Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (for legal entities). According to the provisions specified in paragraph 1 of Article 198 of the Criminal Code, tax evasion committed in large size(the amount of concealment exceeds 10% of the total amount of accrued taxes), provides for:

  • forced labor for up to 12 months;
  • arrest up to 6 months;
  • imprisonment up to 12 months.

The same actions, including cashing out an amount amounting to more than 20% of the total tax amount, increase the maximum fine to half a million rubles, and imprisonment to 3 years.

It is worth considering that paragraph 2 of this article of the Criminal Code allows for the release from punishment of participants in a criminal scheme if they first came to the attention of law enforcement officers while cashing out, and at the same time fully paid off all fines and taxes assessed to them.

Article 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which explains the punishment for cashing out money from organizations on a large scale, or any other fraud with tax reporting for the purpose of illegally concealing the amount payable to the state treasury, provides:

  • fine from 100 to 300 thousand rubles;
  • forced labor or imprisonment for up to two years;
  • arrest up to 6 months.

Experts unanimously pronounce their verdict: “cash out” is dying. Moreover, strict control today is also present from outside tax authorities, whose task is not to miss a single fictitious transaction. They also have the right to request comprehensive information about the company’s expenses, and today there is no need to say that there are schemes for obtaining cash for unaccounted transactions with a 100% guarantee. Businesses that rely on cash, experts say, will have to change or die.

"Let's say I received individual entrepreneur 100 thousand rubles, having provided services to a certain LLC. Of these 100 thousand, he paid 6% tax, and the cost of services amounted to 20 thousand, in total his expenses are 26%, and 74% an individual entrepreneur can easily withdraw and spend on his personal needs. This is all completely legal, and the amount by which the cost of services provided will be reduced depends on the talent of each individual entrepreneur, despite the fact that they must be of proper quality. This is practically the only remaining legal scheme that allows you to receive cash and which is now used by all enterprises,” an anonymous interlocutor told K.

Confession of a casher: how to make money out of thin air

While the investigation was ongoing, I had to serve a year in a pre-trial detention center. As a result, I confessed, and the criminal case for me ended with the fact that I was given credit for the time I spent in the detention center. What conclusion did I draw? When I worked, I believed that since I didn’t steal from a specific person, then this was a normal business. But then I realized that it was still theft - taxes were not paid on cashed money. I didn't think about it or didn't understand it before.

Why did this happen? Many in this business know how to negotiate with authorities, but by local standards, my case was resonant and large - the volumes were huge for a small town, both the Central Bank and law enforcement agencies already knew about me. In addition, it was not the police who dealt with me, but the FSB. They made me into a little show trial.

About banks and finance

6% - 10% is the price for cashing out small white or gray amounts on the free market. Here's how to agree! Small amounts - in most cases these are amounts up to 2,000,000 rubles. If the amount is more than 2,000,000 rubles, you have the opportunity to fully agree

Let me make a reservation right away: we are talking about the costs of cashing out on the territory of the Russian Federation, only when working with Russian receipts. England, Europe, America, offshores have conditions and their own price tags, we will talk about them in other articles. Someday we’ll chat about Panama, the homeland of the DarkMoney resource.

Will small businesses survive after problems with cashing out?

“The situation is as follows... Suppose we have a certain company that provides printing services. It pays with other organizations by bank transfer, accepts cash from individuals, but processes all checks through the online cash register.

“Cash out” schemes, as they are also popularly called, became widespread in the early 90s of the last century. Many accountants who worked in those years tell how they had absolutely ridiculous salaries(for example, 80 rubles a month), that they received most of the money not even in an envelope, but upon a very big request to the boss...

Three risks of the most popular cash-out scheme

This is how entrepreneurs find themselves in a difficult situation: you get scared and give a “clarification” - yeah, of course, “the stigma is in the cannon.” And then the inspector acts further: why not come with an on-site inspection and look for sins for three years at once. If an entrepreneur fails to submit an updated declaration, there is also a risk on-site inspection. If an entrepreneur cannot soberly assess reality or has poor understanding of the nuances of work tax office, then he may start losing money out of nowhere and without any reason.

The director turned to us, sent the above-mentioned documents and asked: what to do and what to do? When I studied all the specifics sent, I had a clear feeling that on the part of the tax authorities this is very similar to banal intimidation and, accordingly, no exit tax audit there is no question.

Cashing out for dummies: a frank story from a market participant

“These are some stores, large retailers, gas stations. Such schemes are more interesting for cashing companies because there is no need to conduct any accounting, no reporting, all this is done by the retailers themselves who sell money. They are simply transferred funds by bank transfer, and after collecting the proceeds, they simply bring this cash.”

“It’s easier to do this in large banks, because the sheer volume of cash transactions in a large bank is very large, and it’s easier to get lost there. By withdrawing, say, a million rubles a day from a large bank, you will be invisible, the same Central Bank will not see in this mass any players who withdraw so much. What if we're talking about O small jar, regional or having only a few branches, this is already a little resonant. That's why large banks It’s easier to work this way.”

Cashing out money or how to withdraw money from an LLC: methods and schemes for cashing out in 2019

  • Salary. Not a bad way, but you will have to pay 13% personal income tax and almost 30% contributions to funds.
  • Household needs. Stationery, tea, coffee, etc. You can collect checks and receipts from everything that may be useful, but large sums there's no way to get it out here.
  • Travel expenses. Also collect checks, receipts, tickets.
  • Entertainment expenses. Here it is important to prove that the expenses for restaurants, hotels, expensive accessories, etc. for the employee were of a business nature.
  • Issuance of accountable funds. This money remains “hanging” on the employees if they do not report on it, since it is transferred to them for temporary storage, and not into their ownership (and can be deducted from their salary).

A fairly common method is to conclude a loan agreement with the participant, under which no one ever returns anything. It has very important disadvantages - with an interest-free loan, the participant must pay personal income tax monthly (since taxable income arises in the form of no interest for using the loan); and with interest, the organization on OSNO will have to regularly accrue this interest and pay income tax on it. In general, you can’t do without an accountant.

on 2016-09-26

The percentage for cashing out or how much it costs to cash out. Working group for cashing out funds for Russian. market.

So, the article is dedicated to everyone who wants to know the price of cashing out, or to set a price, or to order a service, perhaps simply out of purely human curiosity. I hope there is no need to say that there are services that can cash out your money and they charge their own working group for cashing out the money.

Let me make a reservation right away: we are talking about the costs of cashing out on the territory of the Russian Federation, only when working with Russian receipts. England, Europe, America, offshores have conditions and their own price tags, we will talk about them in other articles. Someday we’ll chat about Panama, the homeland of the DarkMoney resource.

If it weren’t for this bright country, you wouldn’t be able to view this article.

But I digress from the main topic. Let's ask the all-knowing Google how much does it cost to cash out? We enter the request for cashing out interest in the search and what is the result? If you sit for several hours, study topics and articles on forums, you can conclude that the percentage for cashing out ranges from 3 to 70% of the amount.

This is a very vague answer, due to a very imprecise question, the correct question is what the interest rate for cash depends on.

There are three determining factors:

- origin of money

- amount of money

— pricing policy of the service

Let's look at the cash out price using examples.

— 3% given percentage undertakes to cash out very large amounts of white funds or gray funds, in most cases for regular customers. It’s not easy to find such a cash price on the market. In most cases this is called bank interest.

- 6% - 10% is the price for cashing out small white or gray amounts on the free market. Here's how to agree! Small amounts - in most cases these are amounts up to 2,000,000 rubles. If the amount is more than 2,000,000 rubles, you have the opportunity to fully agree

— Cashing out unclean money costs from 30 to 70%. This is affected by the amount, origin, finding funds, and working conditions. For example, do you want to take the amount on the same day or only the next day. But the amount still plays an important role.

Different services will be able to quote, all other things being equal, completely different percentages for cashing out money.

The cash prices that I have given here are not strictly established. You will be able to fully agree to cash out dirt for 20% with some young and inexperienced casher and save a lot of money with your own money. The price of cashing out from skilled and reliable services will always be higher, but the level of quality, reliability and speed, in my opinion, are worth it.

If you want the correct answer to the question how much does cashing out cost for your conditions, contact the services that provide this service. You will always find them on the DarkMoney portal, I remind you once again that a small percentage in this case is not always the best answer; there are other equally serious accompanying factors, such as, for example, reliability.

How does the cash withdrawal rate change over time? This good question, I will not give forecasts, I will only say that it is unlikely that there will be global transformations. As I do not forget the market, there were howling falls and temporary jumps, but I did not see a non-specialized trend of transformation.

And the last question, which could only appear to you if you are not very familiar with the matter. Why do they charge so much money? - for the risks. gentlemen. For the fact that they risk changing their place of residence for a couple of years because of your money, for a difficult, scary and nervous fate.

And, believe me, their case is not at all simple. At the end of the day, if you don’t want to pay them, do it yourself!

All rights to this material belong to For full or partial copying, a link to the resource is required.


Cashing out money

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