State program for the improvement of playgrounds. How to equip your yard at the expense of the federal budget. Instructions for tenants and management companies. Powers of the municipal administration


The governor's program "Our Moscow Region", within the framework of which municipalities are installing, has already been almost half completed, the press service of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region reports.

As recalled in the press service, an extensive program of Governor Andrei Vorobyov "Our Moscow Region" is being implemented in the Moscow Region to install modern.

“Today, 82 children's play complexes out of 101 have been installed as part of the first stage, work is being completed at another 16 playgrounds, and we can say that almost half of the program has already been implemented. Now we have begun to implement the second stage of the program, within which three out of 76 have already been installed, the program has gained serious momentum, we are opening several playgrounds a day, ”the Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region Yevgeny Khromushin was quoted in the message.

This year, there are five suppliers of playgrounds, so, according to Khromushin, there is a wide choice of themes and a set of play elements.

“By the way, the production of all elements of playgrounds, from bolts and rivets to rubberized shockproof coating and complex geometry of plastic slides and swings, is located in our suburbs,” the minister added.

According to the press service, the priority areas for the implementation of the program are the installation of such complexes in subsidized municipalities, science cities, closed administrative-territorial formations, former military camps, which were transferred to the ownership of municipalities from the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

“As part of this gubernatorial program, we have installed play complexes for the first time, including those adapted to the needs of children with disabilities. Such sites already exist in Ivanteevka, Balashikha, Mozhaisk, ZATO Vlasikha and in a number of other municipalities. All such children's playgrounds use shock-absorbing, safety, rubberized coating, which minimizes the risk of injuries and bruises in children. All elements of the playgrounds are made of modern materials that have all the necessary certificates, and also comply with all the requirements of GOST, and are absolutely safe for children. After installation, the adjacent territory of all playgrounds is landscaped by public utilities, illuminated, video surveillance is installed, then the playground is transferred to the balance of the municipality,” Khromushin noted.

As noted in the material, Governor Andrey Vorobyov recently decided to expand this year's program by increasing the number of sites to 200 sites (initially it was planned to install 190 sites).

The Governor's program for the installation of new playgrounds has been implemented in the Moscow Region for the fourth year in a row. In the period from 2013 to 2016, almost 320 modern playgrounds have already been installed as part of the Our Moscow Region program. In addition, more than 3.5 thousand playgrounds were installed, replaced and repaired by the municipalities under the program for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas, the report says.

Reading time: 8 minutes

Any apartment building (MKD) is adjacent to a territory called house adjoining. According to the housing legislation, it should be kept in proper condition and improved: sports and playgrounds should be laid out, plants should be planted, and parking spaces allocated. In addition, regular maintenance of courtyard areas is provided. apartment buildings. In this regard, it is worth discussing who is responsible for the condition of the adjacent plots and is obliged to carry out work related to the restoration of the objects located on them.

  • the land on which the building is built;
  • sports and playgrounds;
  • landscaping and landscaping elements;
  • clothes dryers;
  • collective car parks;
  • thermal points;
  • fire lanes;
  • transformer substations;
  • other facilities that ensure the normal operation of the house.

Yard borders

All MKD infrastructure facilities should be located within the local area. They, like the area and other parameters, are reflected in the cadastral passport. The dimensions of the adjoining allotment are set taking into account:

  • the number of floors in the house;
  • density of surrounding buildings;
  • availability of public roads;
  • norms of the area established for the given region.

Based on this information, the management company calculates the cost of cleaning the site.

All information about the territory and its boundaries is stored in several databases:

  • in the State Real Estate Cadastre. All information is reflected on the public cadastral map, which is posted on the official website of Rosreestr. More detailed data can be found in the cadastral passport kept by the chairman of the house, administration or UK;
  • in the Unified Register of Real Estate Rights. The register contains data on the entitlements to the site, its area, the date of registration and the method of establishing boundaries.

Who is responsible for the repair and maintenance of the yard

It depends on whether the site has passed the procedure for registration and registration with the cadastral register, who is responsible for the local area apartment building, its content and service.

When forming a plot of a house built before the adoption of the Housing Code (before March 1, 2005), apartment owners can apply for land cadastral registration and registration of ownership of it to state authorities or local self-government.

During the construction of new houses, the land under them immediately becomes the property of equity holders.

It is important to clarify whether a house adjoining site has been formed with elements of infrastructure and landscaping. If not, apartment owners have the right to formalize ownership of it.

When transferring to common shared ownership, the territory on which the MKD is located, the real estate objects included in it and the yard must go through the procedure of formation land plot and be registered with the cadastre.

At the general meeting, tenants can decide whether to become owners of the adjacent plot or leave it in municipal ownership.

Powers of the municipal administration

Not always the territory on which MKD and related infrastructure facilities are located belong to residents. Until a corresponding entry appears in the state cadastre and the boundaries of the yard are not established, the municipality is considered the owner of the land plot. It is he who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the site, regardless of the method of managing the MKD.

In this case, it is easy to determine who is responsible for lighting in the courtyard of an apartment building or asphalting paths - all this is the responsibility of the municipal administration.

When the Criminal Code or Homeowners' associations answer

If all legal formalities are met and the adjacent territory is owned by the owners of apartments in the MKD, they can independently improve it, monitor its maintenance and carry out repairs.

If an apartment building is managed by an HOA or a management company, tenants usually delegate these powers to them.

Find out in more detail what kind of improvement and repair there are.

In the event that homeowners in an MKD have signed a service agreement with management company, she carries out the necessary restoration work. This is due to the fact that monthly payments include the costs of paying for services to maintain order within the local area.

The legislative framework

The issues of establishing ownership of the adjacent territory, and, consequently, responsibility for its maintenance and repair, are regulated by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation (Articles 153, 154, 158) and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 210).

The fact that the site belongs to the common property of the owners and their obligation to finance work related to its improvement is stated in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491. This document put into effect the Rules for the maintenance of the local area in an apartment building.

The list of works on improvement and repair is established in the rules and norms for the operation of the housing stock, legalized by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 170 of September 27. 2003 .

What kind of work is carried out in the local area

Homeowners in MKD, who pay monthly maintenance costs for common property, are usually interested in what is included in the maintenance of the adjacent territory of an apartment building.

According to the law, such works include:

  • installation of playgrounds;
  • cleaning of parking lots, yard territories;
  • gardening of yards;
  • installation of waste collection tanks;
  • installation of enclosing structures around the yard area;
  • painting of landscaping elements;
  • repair of MKD territories.

Residents can initiate landscaping work by submitting an application to the Criminal Code.

What is included in the cleaning

The concept of “cleaning the local area” includes seasonal cleaning of snow and leaves from it, sprinkling of footpaths with anti-slip compounds during ice.

Also, the managing organization must control the timely removal of MSW from the territory.

Maintaining cleanliness and proper sanitary and hygienic conditions in the entrances and on the sites is the responsibility of the Criminal Code.

Cleaning of intra-quarter roads is carried out by specialized organizations, and sidewalks and footpaths are first cleaned of debris, and then the roadway.

Yard gardening

Green spaces play an important role in the design of the yard. They give an attractive appearance to the site and improve the environmental performance.

The rules for the technical operation of the housing stock contain the fundamental principles of landscaping activities:

  • work is carried out only after clearing the site from construction debris and other waste;
  • without special permission, it is strictly forbidden to cut down trees growing on the territory of the yard;
  • when planting poplar, mulberry, it is not recommended to choose female individuals, which cause more active clogging of areas;
  • every year, planned processing of green spaces from pests is organized.

With regard to green spaces, there are special rules that are required to be followed by both employees of the Criminal Code and residents. A large list of prohibitions is aimed at preventing damage to plants and preserving the yard area.

Asphalt paving

The poor condition of intra-quarter roads and sidewalks always raises the question among residents who should repair the asphalt in the yard of an apartment building. The decision on the need to restore the asphalt pavement should be made by the residents of the MKD at a general meeting.

As a rule, the management company creates a special fund, into which apartment owners contribute funds based on the calculated cost of the proposed work.

The additional collection of funds for these purposes is due to the fact that the contractor, the organization chosen by the management company, will repair the roads in the courtyards of apartment buildings.

Road repairs should be carried out in compliance with the recommendations of SNiP on:

  • the minimum allowable thickness of the asphalt layer is 0.15 m;
  • the minimum width of the asphalt around the house is 1 m;
  • the use of fine-grained compositions;
  • obligatory covering of the paths leading to the entrances, and car parking.

With the help of the fund, it is also possible to repair the sidewalk in the yard of an apartment building.

Barrier installation

The decision to install a barrier in the yard is made by the general meeting of the owners of the premises, since the tenants have the right to limit the use of the adjacent territory.

For a comprehensive restoration of structures or their complete replacement, a major overhaul is required. It is carried out as needed or upon request. The list of works of the UK on overhaul includes:

  • restoration of fences;
  • restoration of playgrounds;
  • refurbishment of places of rest and others.

Find out how often it is carried out and what is included in.

Who sets the rates for yard maintenance

Tariffication of services for the maintenance of land plots adjacent to the MKD is carried out by communal organizations that provide them, and in some cases - by local governments.

The regulatory role in this matter is assigned to the state. It participates in pricing by the adoption of regulatory legal acts:

  • Federal Law "On the basics of regulation of tariffs of organizations of the communal complex";
  • individual government decrees.

Market factors have a significant impact on the cost of services: the level of inflation, fuel prices, wages, and others. Tariffs may be reviewed annually.

Residential area maintenance fee is charged for square meter taking into account the share of the tenant in the common property. If the tariff rate is 10 rubles per 1 m2, and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe adjacent territory is 200 m2, then with a share of 3%, the monthly fee for its maintenance is 60 rubles.

Who to complain about bad service

The quality of services for the maintenance of the local area should always remain at a high level. This is especially true in the winter, when snow drifts sometimes do not even allow you to get out of the house.

But service companies do not always cope with clearing yards and sidewalks from snow, removing household waste, or timely cleaning the site in the summer. In this case, the MC is obliged to revise the tariffs for payment.

The owners of the site send a written application for the revision of tariffs no later than 6 months from the date of fixing the violation.

If the officials of the Criminal Code do not respond to the claim with appropriate actions, homeowners in the MKD have the right to contact the Housing Inspectorate, the municipal administration, and even.

Litigation in cases of contesting cleaning fees

The courts often receive claims from the owners of apartments in MKD regarding the contestation of the established fee for cleaning the local area in connection with the poor quality of the service. When making decisions, the courts, guided by the norms of the Housing Legislation and the decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation on this issue, often take the side of the plaintiffs.

As the judicial practice in the adjoining territories of MKDs shows, there are many controversial issues related to the establishment of boundaries, the lawful use and maintenance of courtyards. In each case, the court examines the arguments, evidence and other relevant information.


The adjacent territory is an integral part of the common property of the owners of premises in the MKD. It includes the house itself, infrastructure elements and green spaces. Responsibility, including material, for the maintenance and repair of the yard is borne by the owners of the apartments, who, by decision of the meeting, can transfer their duties to the company managing the house. Her area of ​​responsibility includes works on the improvement of the local area, current and major repairs.

Lawyer. Member of the Chamber of Advocates of St. Petersburg. Experience more than 10 years. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University. I specialize in civil, family, housing, land law.

The landscaping of courtyards and adjacent territories is carried out as part of the extensive state program “Formation of a comfortable urban environment”. This program began in 2018 and is expected to be completed by 2022. The bulk of work to improve the courtyard infrastructure is planned for 2019-2020. Important detail program lies in the fact that the future appearance of their yards is determined by the inhabitants of the yards themselves. To do this, you must submit an application.

The essence of the program

The beginning of the 21st century, Russian courtyards met in a deplorable state. Sports and playgrounds for children were badly worn out, did not comply with these GOSTs and posed a certain danger to the life and health of children. In many yards, they simply did not exist. Already by that time, these complexes were obsolete. The main reason for this state of the yard infrastructure was the lack of funds, and as a result, only limited work was carried out to maintain and develop the yard areas.

Until 2018, the improvement of courtyards was carried out only at the expense of the local budget. But due to the presence of large public expenditures, there were few funds left for improvement. It was with the aim of solving this problem that the federal program " Formation of a comfortable urban environment". As part of this program, adjacent and public areas will be rebuilt in accordance with new projects. At the same time, in accordance with the program, 2 types of work are provided: minimal and additional.

Minimum work:

  • Installation modern systems lighting
  • Repair of roads, sidewalks within the yard
  • Installation of trash cans and benches

Additional work are carried out at the request of the residents of the yards, and in accordance with the space of the yard, one or another solution is chosen:

  • Installation of playgrounds
  • Animal walking area equipment
  • Organization of places of rest for adults
  • Parking space equipment
  • Landscaping of adjacent territories

Important detail! If the residents of the yard want to carry out additional work, then it is necessary to make a personal contribution to these works, either through monetary subsidies or labor participation. For example, painting fences, planting trees. Financial participation does not necessarily mean that you need to specifically collect money from all residents to finance the project. You can use the previously accumulated funds from the overhaul fund.

How to become a member of the program

In order to become participants in the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment", certain conditions must be met. Firstly, participation is possible only for residents of apartment buildings. Secondly, only settlements with a population of at least 1,000 people can participate in the program. Thirdly, for the participation of a specific application, it is necessary that a collective application of the residents of the yard be signed. Consent to beautification under the program "Formation of a comfortable urban environment" implies that the residents are ready to co-finance the costs of arranging the territory and provide its maintenance in the future.

The project for the improvement of courtyard areas should be proposed by the local administration, and the residents should choose its specific direction. To get into state program necessary:

  • Familiarize yourself with the plans for improvement for the desired period. This can be done on the official website "urban environment" - Applications are formed in the current year for the next one. That is, in order for the work to be completed in 2020, it is necessary to submit an application before the end of 2019.
  • Contact the local administration, with an application for joining the program or a complaint about the disorder in the yard. Usually, in response to an appeal, an official letter arrives with a proposal to take part in federal program.
  • Organize a meeting of residents of those houses to which a particular territory belongs. By voting, citizens decide to participate in the program or not. In case of a positive decision, it is necessary to select a group of people who will be able to deal with organizational and “paper” work. Together, residents must decide on the amount of funding.

  • The initiative group draws up a sketch plan of the future place of rest. At the same time, it is important, if possible, to take into account all the wishes of the tenants expressed at the first meeting. In the draft design, it is necessary to schematically outline a new courtyard, with existing objects and new ones planned for construction. Most often, residents turn to specialized companies for drawing up a sketch. Well, if the tenants choose a responsible citizen who agrees to work on the approval of the project.
  • As the draft plan is being prepared, activist tenants collect a complete package of documents to send it to the administration. In addition to the scheme, it includes: an inventory passport of the yard, information about the collection utilities, budget calculation, minutes of the meeting of the meeting of residents.
  • If the project is approved by the commission, then the next step is to choose the company that will perform the work. The competition for the selection of a contractor is usually held by the management company. Most often, they choose the company with the smallest amount for the work.
  • During the work, residents are advised to control their quality. In case of detection of shortcomings, it is important to indicate them in the act of acceptance of the work performed.

As a rule, the construction work takes no more than one month. In the future, residents need to keep the new yard in order. Recall that the yards repaired under the federal program after 2022 will be transferred to the balance of residents. You can serve public areas on your own or conclude an agreement with a specialized company.

For information. Applications for participation are considered by the construction department of a particular region. At this stage, the completeness of the package of documents and the correctness of execution are checked. After that, the applications that have passed the selection are sent to the competition of the public commission for the district. Evaluation is made on a 100-point scale. The evaluation criteria are as follows: the percentage of co-financing of citizens, the number of objects (the more, the better), the absence or presence of debts to pay for services.

The state of Russian cities has left much to be desired for many years. Yards are being turned into spontaneous parking lots, green spaces are being destroyed, and pedestrian infrastructure is falling into disrepair. But not everything is so bad - for the third year in the country, the implementation of a priority project to create a comfortable urban environment has been ongoing, and residents of almost all apartment buildings can take part in it.

The first serious attempt to turn the tide in terms of the improvement of Russian cities was the development in 2016 of a priority project "Formation of a comfortable urban environment". The main principle of the project is that the state allocates money at the federal level, and in the regions and cities residents decide, to which objects of improvement to direct them.

The implementation of the project began on November 17, 2016, and it is designed for 5 years - until 2022. To finance the work on the project, 20 billion rubles are allocated each year from the federal budget, and another 7.5 billion will be allocated from regional budgets.

In practice, it is possible to master even large amounts - in 2017, 25.6 billion rubles were spent on the project from the federal budget and 16.7 billion from regional budgets.

For 2019, instead of 20 billion, the federal budget will allocate twice the amount for the project - 40 billion.

Financing of the project is carried out in different proportions - for some subjects of the Russian Federation, the federal and regional budgets allocate amounts equally, in others - the project is paid in full with "federal" money.

The main features of the project are:

  • 2/3 of the amount is allocated for the improvement of courtyard areas, and 1/3 of the amount is allocated for other public spaces (parks, squares, recreation areas);
  • Only the residents themselves can decide where to send the money. For this in cities, local authorities should organize voting for priority improvement projects;
  • the beautification program concerns cities and towns with a population of more than 1,000 inhabitants. But it is possible to improve public spaces according to the project in rural areas, with certain restrictions;
  • there is a possibility of co-financing of the work by residents - for additional elements of improvement that are not included in the project.

The landscaping project is being actively implemented in the country - in 2017 alone, about 19,000 Russian courtyards were repaired.

What landscaping awaits the yard

Through federal funding under the program, you can only get a certain "set" of improvement:

  • repair (most often - asphalting) of intra-yard roads and driveways. If parking is part of the driveway, its arrangement will also be financed;
  • repair and arrangement of sidewalks;
  • installation of small forms - benches, lanterns and urns;
  • repair of entrances (the part that belongs to the yard).

These amenities guaranteed at the federal level. In other words, the contractor will not "forget" to pave the driveway or install and connect the lights.

However, yards usually need other elements of improvement. As a rule, residents do not have enough parking spaces, playgrounds and green spaces. These elements are financed differently everywhere, depending on local legislation.

Some regions and cities are asked to pay a certain part of the cost of additional improvement - from 1 to 20%. Money can be taken, for example, from the amounts collected by the management company for Maintenance Houses. For example, in the Sverdlovsk region it is 5%, and in the Chelyabinsk region it is only 3%.

Other settlements fully pay for additional elements of improvement. In such a situation, everything needs to be coordinated with local authorities.

It is important that after February 9, 2019, co-financing from the owners cannot be less than 20% of the cost of performing work on additional improvement elements. This applies only to those projects that will be agreed after this date.

The general procedure for participation in the project for apartment owners is established by local authorities. However, there are still general rules. For example, municipalities give priority to yards in the most "deplorable" condition - with broken driveways and lack of other amenities.

When deciding whether or not to include the yard in the improvement program for the planning year, local authorities also take into account other criteria - the level of payment of residents for housing and communal services (if they do not pay, then they will not take care of the improvement object after repair), as well as the date the house was built - in Russian realities, there are often cases when there was no repair in the yard at all.

Finally, there is a list of criteria under which the administration will not include the yard in the program at all landscaping for the year:

  • among the houses that are adjacent to the yard, there are emergency ones - to be demolished in the coming years;
  • similarly - if new buildings are adjacent, which are under the guarantee of the developer - as a rule, the guarantee period is about 5 years;
  • plans for the next year include repairing communications in the yard - it makes no sense to lay asphalt if it is destroyed in a few months during the repair of the water supply;
  • behind budget resources the yard has already been repaired (either the contractor did his job poorly, or the residents managed to ruin everything again).

Since there are a lot of conditions for participation in the yard improvement program, experts recommend asking the local administration whether landscaping is required for the yard. Perhaps, for the planned year, all the money under the program has already been distributed to other households, then we will have to wait for the next year.

What needs to be done to improve the yard

Residents of most Russian apartment buildings (with the exception of those listed above) can organize the participation of their yard territory in a project to create a comfortable urban environment.

To do this, you need to go through a number of stages. These stages are regulated by the rules of the project, so it will not work to “get around” them - in order to achieve your goal, you need to follow them clearly.

Stage 1- decide that the yard needs improvement, and is still included in the current program. You can check this on the local government website. It is not uncommon for other residents of the house to have already done all the work, but were unable to convey this information to everyone.

Lists of courtyard areas to be renovated this year are posted on the websites of municipal administrations. You should open the section “Formation of a comfortable urban environment” on the website, there should be information about plans for the current year.

In addition, on the site of the administration, you can usually vote for public areas that will be landscaped - parks, squares, streets, etc.

Stage 2. If the house is not found in the list for improvement, then you need to create an initiative group tenants of the house (and other houses that have a common yard). It is the initiative group that organizes all the work - convenes a meeting of residents, draws up a work plan, and communicates with the administration.

The easiest way to resolve the issue with the initiative group is for residents of houses in which the HOA is organized, then the chairman, accountant and other participants in the partnership can be included in the group.

The work of including the yard in the beautification plan will take time, so those who work from morning to night without days off are unlikely to be able to do anything.

Stage 3- Development of a beautification scheme. Although it seems to be something complicated, in fact - everything is quite simple. You need to decide what the yard lacks and draw up a diagram.

It is not necessary to have drawing skills, the scheme can be drawn directly on the map of the yard taken from a satellite imagery site (Yandex, Google, Bing and other services). The diagram should show:

  • how the houses are located relative to the yard;
  • a place that will be given for intra-yard driveways, sidewalks and parking lots;
  • the location of landscaping objects - lanterns, benches, trash cans, a playground;
  • landscaping scheme - where to place trees, lawn, flowers;
  • location of other objects.

Everything must first be measured and indicated on the diagram. You need to specify colors, materials and other parameters. For example, sidewalks can be made of tiles, or rolled into asphalt - each option has supporters and opponents.

Stage 4- holding a general meeting of residents. You need to collect the inhabitants of the houses to which the house belongs. At the meeting of residents, the improvement plan is agreed upon, the amount of co-financing is approved (if it is provided for by local regulations), the initiative group agrees on the collection of signatures.

This stage is quite difficult - not all residents will agree with the proposed project, as well as with the fact that the yard will be improved for several months. Motorists will be opposed to prohibiting parking on the lawn. There are also separate category tenants - who do not agree with any initiatives at all.

To be approved for a plan, you need to achieve that 2/3 of the residents voted for the participation of the yard in a programme. The decision of the tenants is documented in the appropriate protocol. The protocol can be drawn up according to the templates that are offered to be downloaded on the website of the local administration. The minutes indicate the address of the house, the chairman of the meeting, the improvement plan, co-financing of the work, and the person responsible for the project.

For those who did not attend the meeting, there is a door-to-door voting for participation in the project. The initiators go around all the apartments and ask them to fill out a ballot (the template should also be on the administration's website).

In the ballot, you need to indicate passport data, answer questions from the meeting and put your signature. This can only be done by the owner of the apartment.

Stage 5- submitting an application to the local administration. The application template must also be on the administration website. All documents available at this time are attached to the application:

  • improvement plan (scheme drawn up by the initiative group);
  • a copy of the minutes of the general meeting of tenants;
  • ballots filled in at the door-to-door voting.

Further, a special commission is created in the administration of the municipality - it considers applications and chooses which yards will be repaired in the planned year. If the budget for the improvement of the city is small, and there are many applications, then the plan will include the yards most in need of repair, and the rest will be transferred to subsequent years.

If the application is accepted, the administration staff will contact the chairman of the initiative group and inform him of the decision.

stage 6- Coordination of the final design project. Unlike the landscaping scheme, the design project is carried out at a more professional level. It is a detailed scheme of improvement with all the details.

The one who was chosen to be responsible for the project will have to coordinate the design project with the administration. It is necessary to ensure that important elements such as benches or a playground do not “disappear” from it.

Stage 7- carrying out landscaping work. Here the person responsible for the project must supervise the work of the contractor. About any deviations from the approved project must be reported to the administration immediately.

After completion of the work, the representative of the tenants accepts the work performed as part of a group of administration employees. If the work is done with violations, then the act of delivery is not signed until they are corrected.

Stage 8 - ensure the safety of the property. The program will not allocate money for the same yard twice. Most likely, they will not be allocated for a decade and other programs. Therefore, the tenants must keep what they have received - not to allow cases of vandalism in relation to the yard, sometimes go out on subbotniks and not throw garbage past the bin.

What problems may arise

Project implementation problems can arise at any stage. So, due to limited funding in some cities and regions, far from all courtyards fall under the project. Since priority is given to the most needy courts, the relatively preserved ones will wait their turn for a long time.

Short deadlines are also a disadvantage, this is caused by bureaucracy: the yard improvement program is approved before April 1 of each year, and the design project is agreed before July 1. The contractor is obliged to complete the landscaping work before the end of the year - and less than 6 months remain for this. Therefore, the peak of work falls at the end of the year, which affects their quality.

Experts have complaints about typical design projects for landscaping yards. All repairs come down, as a rule, to “filling” most of the yard with asphalt and installing standard benches, lanterns and playgrounds. As a result, the repaired yards are quite similar to each other. Although for many, even such improvement is a huge step forward.

In most cases, there are complaints about the quality of the work being done. Builders deviate from the plan without warning - they move the locations of some elements, instead of tiles they fill the sidewalks with asphalt, "forget" about landscaping. Some contractors also do not remember sidewalks.

When agreeing on a plan with residents, it will be difficult to take into account the interests of everyone - if pensioners need benches and trees, then young parents need playgrounds, and motorists need parking spaces. Yards are not endless, so find a compromise solution.

The project website has a handbook of best landscaping practices where you can find answers to many questions and eventually find a solution that everyone will like.

October 11, 2018, Moscow region. In the Moscow region, a comprehensive landscaping of courtyard areas, scheduled for 2018, is being completed. As of the beginning of October, the program for the comprehensive improvement of courtyard areas was completed by 91%. This was announced by Yevgeny Khromushin, Minister of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region.

“According to the instructions of the Governor of the Moscow Region A.Yu. Vorobyov, we have increased the pace of work on the improvement of courtyards,” said Yevgeny Khromushin. Improvement of 1,440 courtyard areas is planned for this year, work has already been completed at 1,310 sites, which is 91% of this year's program. In 45 municipalities, the landscaping program has been completed by 100%, in three municipalities by 100 percent or more, the landscaping of the remaining yards is in varying degrees of readiness from 75% to 95% and will be completed on time.”

It should be noted that the city districts of Reutov (122.2% overfulfillment), Elektrogorsk (114.3% overfulfillment) and Lyubertsy (101.5% overfulfillment) can be called leaders in the program for the comprehensive improvement of courtyards in the Moscow Region, with overfulfillment of the plan. Most of the municipalities have completed the program by 100%, including Mytishchi, Podolsk, Balashikha, Shchelkovsky, Kolomensky, Shakhovskaya, Bronnitsy, Roshal, Pushchino, etc. There are also outsiders in the implementation of the program that are now in the red zone, including Protvino, Krasnoarmeysk, Dubna and Fryazino.

Recall that in the Moscow region there are about 12.8 thousand yard territories, at least 10% of yard territories are landscaped every year. The landscaping includes six required elements: new or modernized children's playground with tamper-proof coating, landscaping, lighting, parking pockets, information stand, container area for solid domestic waste.

“In just four years since the start of the improvement program in the Moscow region, we have comprehensively landscaped more than 5.68 thousand (almost half of the courtyard areas), more than 6 million residents have received renovated courtyards. It is important that the sequence, scope of work and the address list of the yard area improvement program are determined by the residents themselves based on the results of Internet voting. Today, the Government of the Moscow Region, together with the municipalities, is solving the most important task so that each owner, as a result of the address-by-address intersection of all programs implemented in the region, feels an improvement in the quality of his life and receives a comfortable urban environment, including a clean and renovated staircase in his entrance, insulated and reliable the facade of the house with a reliable roof, a serviceable elevator, a functional playground that is pleasing to the eye, its own parking lot and a lighted courtyard. All this has been implemented in the suburbs for more than a year now, these programs are in great demand by residents. We see a positive reaction from the public through social networks, as residents see the result in real time, and not on TV,” Evgeny Khromushin concluded.