Deputy in silks and billions in debt. Artur Oganov "leaked" $40 million for Alfa Group's bank account sells illiquid assets

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The Moscow deputy and owner of the Fili shopping center was arrested in absentia for the deliberate bankruptcy of the company after the withdrawal of Alfa-Bank loans from it

The original of this material
© "Kommersant", 07/19/2018, Filevsky deputy gave himself loans for a bank account, Photo:

Vladislav Trifonov

Artur Oganov
As it became known to Kommersant, the Babushkinsky Court of Moscow arrested in absentia the deputy of the municipal district Filevsky Park Artur Oganov, who was recently put on the international wanted list. He is a defendant in a criminal case on the deliberate bankruptcy of Akvarel LLC owned by a deputy, which officially owned the Fili and Filevsky shopping centers. In 2012, the ex-deputy took $40 million from Alfa-Bank, allegedly to replenish the working capital of his company, but did not repay the loan, and gave the money received to himself as an individual under loan agreements, after which he disappeared.

Employees of the investigative department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Eastern District of Moscow, who are investigating the circumstances of the theft of a loan from Alfa-Bank, recently charged Artur Oganov in absentia under Art. 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional bankruptcy that caused large damage). Since the investigation failed to establish the exact location of the municipal deputy, the accused was put on the wanted list, and then the Babushkinsky court of the capital arrested him in absentia.

As it turned out during the investigation, the accused was the beneficiary of Akvarel LLC, whose main asset was two shopping centers in the west of Moscow: the Fili shopping center with an area of ​​2.8 thousand square meters. m, located on Barclay Street, 10, as well as the Filevsky shopping center with an area of ​​3.9 thousand square meters. m (Bolshaya Filevskaya, 3). In addition, since December 1, 2010, Mr. Oganov has been the owner of Aquarelle LLC and the “sole executive body” of the company, the main activity of which was the leasing of premises in the mentioned shopping centers. The business of the 56-year-old native of Yerevan flourished, moreover, a few years ago, having gained 55% of the vote, the businessman became a member of the council of deputies of the Filevsky Park municipal district.

According to the materials of the investigation, on December 11, 2012, Alfa-Bank and Akvarel signed an agreement on opening a credit line for the company in the amount of $33 million, calculated until December 4, 2019. It was assumed that the borrower would use the money to refinance previously taken loans from other banks, as well as to replenish the company's working capital. However, a week later, the bank and Akvarel signed one additional agreement, and on September 2, 2013, another. According to them, the credit line was already increased to $40 million, which were transferred to the borrower's foreign currency account opened with Alfa-Bank. According to the signed documents, $15.1 million of this amount should have been used to replenish working capital, and the rest of the money - to close the company's debt obligations.

However, according to the investigators, “to the detriment of the interests of creditors” and in order to “get material benefits”, the owner of Akvareli, using his official powers, developed and launched a fraudulent scheme. Starting from December 11, 2012, “having reliable information about the financial condition” of his company, Mr. Oganov began to withdraw credit funds from it using fictitious loan agreements. They were concluded between "Watercolor" and its owner as an individual. According to the first of them, the LLC transferred 124 million rubles to its beneficiary. at 6.5% per annum for 11 months. Starting from January 23, 2013, Aquarel transferred this amount in several tranches to the personal account of the deputy, after which Artur Oganov, already as the general director of Aquarel, signed an additional agreement with himself to extend the contract.

Then several more similar contracts followed - for 18 million rubles, 20 million rubles. etc. In total, according to the materials of the investigation, 276.7 million rubles migrated to the businessman’s personal account in this way. At the same time, Aquarelle began transferring funds to Art-Style LLC, which the investigation considers to be a one-day business. More than 229 million rubles were transferred to this company under contracts that the investigation considers fictitious.

In 2017, the bankruptcy procedure for Akvareli was launched, and on December 18, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared it bankrupt.

Meanwhile, representatives of Alfa-Bank filed a complaint with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, intending to seek the return of their funds. The result was an arrest in absentia and a wanted list for the Filevsky deputy. “We are satisfied with the fact that the criminal acts of Artur Oganov received a proper assessment from the investigating authority, and we also hope that his search and extradition will take a short period, after which he will appear before a Russian court and suffer a well-deserved punishment,” Kommersant said. Andrey Kurbatov, head of the security block of Alfa-Bank.

[Vedomosti, 01/15/2016, "The owner of the Fili shopping center may lose real estate": A representative of Alfa-Bank said that Aquarelle stopped servicing the loan back in 2014. "Moreover, according to the bank, part of the loan was used not for its intended purpose, in particular for the construction of a country house in New Riga with an area of ​​​​about 4000 square meters. m, as well as for the purchase of a premium car, etc. On this issue, the bank turned to law enforcement agencies, the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case,” he says. [...]
The cost of collateral today does not cover the amount of the loan, admits a representative of Alfa-Bank. As follows from the lawsuit, the initial sale value of real estate and land lease rights (0.4 hectares on Bolshaya Filevskaya and 0.007 hectares on Barclay Street) is 830 million rubles. with a debt of about 3.5 billion rubles. Blackwood Managing Partner Konstantin Kovalev says that the court-approved sale price of the properties is close to the market.
Since Oganov acted as a guarantor for loans, the bank plans to "use the mechanisms provided for by law to recover the entire amount of debt from him and from Aquarel," says a representative of Alfa-Bank. - Inset]

The Babushkinsky Court of Moscow has arrested in absentia Artur Oganov, a deputy of the Filevsky Park municipal district, recently put on the international wanted list. He is a defendant in a criminal case on the deliberate bankruptcy of Akvarel LLC owned by a deputy, which officially owned the Fili and Filevsky shopping centers. In 2012, the ex-deputy took $40 million from Alfa Bank, allegedly to replenish the working capital of his company, but did not repay the loan, and gave the money received to himself as an individual under loan agreements, after which he disappeared.

Employees of the investigative department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for Northeastern District Moscow, investigating the circumstances of the theft of a loan from Alfa-Bank, recently charged Artur Oganov in absentia under Art. 196 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (intentional bankruptcy that caused large damage). Since the investigation failed to establish the exact location of the municipal deputy, the accused was put on the wanted list, and then the Babushkinsky court of the capital arrested him in absentia.

As it turned out during the investigation, the accused was the beneficiary of Akvarel LLC, whose main asset was two shopping centers in the west of Moscow: Shopping center "Fili" area of ​​2.8 thousand square meters. m, located on Barclay Street, 10, as well as the Filevsky shopping center with an area of ​​3.9 thousand square meters. m (Bolshaya Filevskaya, 3). In addition, since December 1, 2010, Mr. Oganov has been the owner of Aquarelle LLC and the “sole executive body” of the company, the main activity of which was the leasing of premises in the mentioned shopping centers. The business of the 56-year-old native of Yerevan flourished, moreover, a few years ago, having gained 55% of the vote, the businessman became a member of the council of deputies of the municipal district Filevsky Park .

According to the materials of the investigation, December 11, 2012 Alfa Bank and Akvarel signed an agreement on opening a credit line for the company in the amount of $33 million, calculated until December 4, 2019. It was assumed that the borrower would use the money to refinance previously taken loans from other banks, as well as to replenish the company's working capital. However, a week later, the bank and Akvarel signed one additional agreement, and on September 2, 2013, another. According to them, the credit line was already increased to $40 million, which were transferred to the borrower's foreign currency account opened with Alfa-Bank. According to the signed documents, $15.1 million of this amount should have been used to replenish working capital, and the rest of the money - to close the company's debt obligations.

However, according to the investigators, “to the detriment of the interests of creditors” and in order to “get material benefits”, the owner of Akvareli, using his official powers, developed and launched a fraudulent scheme. Starting from December 11, 2012, “having reliable information about the financial condition” of his company, Mr. Oganov began to withdraw credit funds from it using fictitious loan agreements. They were concluded between "Watercolor" and its owner as an individual. According to the first of them, the LLC transferred 124 million rubles to its beneficiary at 6.5% per annum for 11 months. Starting from January 23, 2013, Aquarel transferred this amount in several tranches to the personal account of the deputy, after which Artur Oganov, already as the general director of Aquarel, signed an additional agreement with himself to extend the contract.

This was followed by several more similar contracts - for 18 million rubles, 20 million rubles, etc. In total, according to the investigation, 276.7 million rubles migrated to the businessman's personal account. At the same time, Aquarelle began transferring funds to Art-Style LLC, which the investigation considers to be a one-day business. More than 229 million rubles were transferred to this company under contracts that the investigation considers fictitious.

In 2017, the bankruptcy procedure for Akvareli was launched, and on December 18, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared it bankrupt.

Meanwhile, representatives of Alfa-Bank filed a complaint with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, intending to seek the return of their funds. The result was an arrest in absentia and a wanted list for the Filevsky deputy. “We are satisfied with the fact that the criminal acts of Artur Oganov received a proper assessment from the investigative body, and we also hope that his search and extradition will take a short period, after which he will appear before the Russian court and suffer a well-deserved punishment,” said the head of the security unit Alfa Bank Andrey Kurbatov.

As reported by the agency "Ruspres", the other day, three municipal deputies withdrew their signatures for the candidate for mayor of Moscow Mikhail Balakin, after which Balakin was removed from registration and will not be able to run for election.