When is the minimum tax calculated for the simplified tax system? Minimum tax simplified tax system. How to reflect the minimum tax in the Income and Expense Book


Organizations and individual entrepreneurs - individual entrepreneurs using the simplified tax system with the taxable object INCOME minus EXPENSES (USN D-R) must calculate the amount of the minimum tax based on the results of the tax period (year). There is no need to calculate the minimum tax based on the results of reporting periods.

Minimum tax is paid if for the tax period the amount of tax calculated in the general manner is less than the amount of the calculated minimum tax, i.e. a loss was incurred. Therefore, it is beneficial for income to be slightly higher than expenses, so that there is no loss under the simplified tax system D-R.

The minimum amount of tax under the simplified tax system for an object of income minus expenses is calculated using the following formula:

Minimum tax = Taxable income received during the tax period × 1 %.

The minimum tax under the simplified tax system 2020 should be paid to the budget if at the end of the tax period it turned out to be more than the “simplified” tax calculated at the regular rate (15% or less).

For example, a company applies the simplified tax system with the object of taxation being income minus expenses:

  • For 2020, the company received income in the amount of RUB 28,502,000.
  • Reflected in expenses amounted to RUB 28,662,300.
Let's calculate what tax the company must pay at the end of 2020.

Since the recorded expenses are greater than income, this means that at the end of the year there will be a loss in the amount of 160,300 rubles.
(RUB 28,502,000 – RUB 28,662,300). Therefore, the tax base and single tax at the regular rate are zero. It is in this case that the minimum tax must be calculated. It will be:

RUB 285,020 (RUB 28,502,000 × 1%)

The minimum tax is greater than the single tax, so at the end of 2020 you will have to pay a minimum tax to the budget.

In case of combining the simplified tax system with another tax regime, for example with patent system taxation, the amount of the minimum tax is calculated only from income received from “simplified” activities (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 6, 2013 No. ED-4-3/3776@).

It must be remembered that The minimum tax is paid only at the end of the year, and only if the “simplified tax” loses the right to the simplified tax system within a year, then the minimum tax (if it is payable) must be transferred based on the results of the quarter in which the right to the simplified tax system was lost. There is no need to wait until the end of the year.

It would be a mistake if an organization pays the minimum tax during the year, citing the fact that I will still be subject to it for the year, or that at the end of the quarter the tax turns out to be zero, but something needs to be paid. You need to pay, but advance payments according to the simplified tax system.

Deadlines for payment, BCC minimum tax

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not establish special deadlines for paying the minimum tax. This means that it must be listed in the general manner no later than the deadline established for filing tax return:

  • legal entities pay minimum tax no later than March 31.
  • entrepreneurs - no later than April 30 of the year
(clause 7, letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 10, 2010 No. 3-2-15/12@).

KBC minimum tax for 2020, credited to the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

182 1 05 01021 01 1000 110.

The “simplified” people will transfer the minimum tax for 2016 to another KBK

The Ministry of Finance published a comparative table of the BCC for 2016-2017. For tax transfers based on the results of 2016, “income-expenditure” simplifications were left with one general BCC, both for the minimum tax and for those calculated at the regular tax rate.

In the payment slip for the transfer of “simplified” tax (including the minimum) you will need to indicate the code budget classification 182 1 05 01021 01 1000 110 .

Minimum tax offset under the simplified tax system

Is it possible to offset already paid advance payments for the simplified tax against the payment of the minimum tax? Theoretically, it is possible, but tax authorities often refuse to offset and demand to pay the entire amount of the minimum tax, citing the fact that “simplified” and minimum taxes have different BCCs and offset is impossible for organizational reasons. But that's not true. The minimum tax is not a special tax, but just minimum size a single tax under “simplification”, and all offset rules can be applied to it. This means that the advance payments you paid during the year under the “simplified” tax can be offset against the minimum tax (). Arbitration practice also confirms the expediency of such actions (Resolution of the FAS VSO dated July 5, 2011 No. A69-2212/2010).

In order to offset advance payments against the minimum tax, you need to submit the appropriate one. And attach to it copies of payment orders confirming the payment of advance payments.

If it still fails to make an offset and the organization pays the minimum tax in full, then the advance payments will not be lost. They will be offset against future advance payments for the “simplified” tax (clauses 1 and 14). The credit can be made within three years.

Accounting for the minimum tax in expenses under the simplified tax system

The difference between the minimum and simplified taxes for last year the taxpayer can take into account in (clause 6). Including increasing losses by the difference (clause 7 of Article 346.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). It is possible to take into account the difference between the minimum and single taxes under the simplified tax system only at the end of the year (letter of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated June 15, 2010 No. 03-11-06/2/92). Thus, at the end of 2020, the organization can include in expenses the difference between the minimum and simplified taxes paid at the end of last 2019.

You can include this difference in expenses (or increase the amount of loss by it) in any of the subsequent tax periods (paragraph 4, paragraph 6, article 346.18 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Moreover, the Russian Ministry of Finance clarifies that the difference between the amount of the minimum tax paid and the amount of tax calculated in the general manner for several previous periods can be included in expenses at a time (letter dated January 18, 2013 No. 03-11-06/2/03).


  1. What expenses and in what order are taken into account under the simplified tax system in the form of income minus expenses. Determining expenses for purposes tax accounting when using the simplified tax system.

The minimum tax is paid only under the simplified tax system “income minus expenses”. Since under the simplified tax system there is “income”, the expenditure part is not taken into account when paying tax. And the entrepreneur can only receive a loss actually, and even with this outcome he will have to pay tax in
in the amount of 6% of the revenue received.

Minimum income paid at the end of the year. Its rate is set at 1% of the amount of income. It is paid if the amount of the minimum tax is higher than that calculated in the general case. For example, the company received income in the amount of 30 million rubles for the year, expenses for the same period - 29 million rubles. The tax base in this case will be equal to 1 million rubles. Accordingly, the tax amount at a rate of 15% is 150 thousand rubles. Whereas the minimum tax is 300 thousand rubles. (30,000,000 * 0.01). It is this amount, and not the 150 thousand rubles received under the standard payment scheme, that will need to be transferred to the budget.

A similar situation arises with losses received for the year. On a general basis, the amount of tax payable will be zero, and tax will need to be paid in the amount of 1% of turnover. If the loss was received based on the results of a quarter, half a year or three quarters, the minimum tax is not paid. In this case, advance payments are simply not transferred. There are situations when the single tax turns out to be equal to the minimum. Then you need to pay a single tax.

It is worth noting that the BCC for the minimum tax is different (182 1 05 01050 01 1000 110). The purpose of the payment must also indicate that this is the minimum tax.

Procedure for reducing the minimum tax

The minimum tax can be reduced on advance payments. If at the end of the year it becomes clear that it is necessary to pay the minimum tax, then it is paid in the amount of the difference between the payments made during the year and the calculated tax. Sometimes the tax office requires you to submit an application to offset advance payments against the payment of the minimum tax.

For example, a company received revenue of 5 million rubles per quarter, its expenses amounted to 4.8 million rubles. Accordingly, she made advance payments in the amount of 30 thousand rubles three times. (total - 90 thousand rubles). At the end of the year, its income amounted to 20 million rubles, expenses - 19.2 million rubles. On a general basis, a tax of 120 thousand rubles was calculated. (800,000 *0.15). Consequently, she needs to pay a minimum tax of 200 thousand rubles. Advance payments in the amount of 90 thousand rubles are deducted from this amount, i.e. the balance of 110 thousand rubles is transferred to the budget.

If it turns out that the advance payments exceeded the amount of the calculated minimum tax, then you do not need to pay it. And the excess amount can be offset in the future, or you can apply to the tax office for a refund.

There are no other ways to reduce the minimum tax. Thus, it cannot be reduced by the amount of insurance premiums paid for employees. Since these payments are already included in the amount of expenses incurred.

The simplified tax system is gaining popularity to this day, although among owners of small and medium-sized businesses it is already the most frequently chosen system when registering new enterprises and when changing one type of taxation to another. The simplicity of filling out reports and maintaining accounting and tax records is captivating. In this article we will tell you how the simplified tax system rate is calculated in 2020 and give examples of calculations.

Information about the simplified tax system

On “Simplified”, the taxpayer is expected to pay a single tax (UT) instead of separate taxes on property, profit and value added.

Rates of the simplified tax system vary depending on the selected taxation object: (click to expand)

  • 6% (at preferential terms this is 1%), when the object of taxation is the total Income of the enterprise;
  • 15% (on preferential terms this is 5%) when the object is the difference between Income and Expenses.

Advantages and disadvantages of using the simplified tax system:

Advantages: Flaws:
Not much reportingRevenue limit (from 2017 this is 150 million rubles)
No VAT, property and profit taxNumber of employees no more than 100
Not many tax registers, easy control over company lossesPart of the funds in the authorized capital of third-party companies is not higher than 25%
In the “Revenue” mode, you don’t have to keep track of all expensesNo right to open branches (only representative offices and separate divisions are allowed)
Low rate on insurance payments (20% for certain areas of activity)Inability to have OS in an amount above the income limit
More than 70 regions enjoy benefits (1% under the “Income” regime and 5% under the “D – R” system)Reluctance of some potential partners who need to account for VAT on transactions to enter into a cooperation agreement
Two-year tax holiday for individual entrepreneurs (0% rate), who registered an enterprise after the adoption of the law, and those engaged in production, social, scientific activities or household services
It is possible to combine “STS and ENDV”, “STS and patent”, this can help increase profits

Who is not entitled to switch to the simplified tax system?

Below is full list enterprises that do not have the right to be taxed under the “simplified tax”:

STS rate 6% and 15% – calculation features

By switching to the simplified tax system, an organization or individual entrepreneur can choose the income of their enterprise or the difference between income and expenses as the object of taxation. Both systems have their advantages, and you need to approach your choice based on data accounting individual company. Read also the article: → “. Conditional equality can help you make your choice:

Income x 6% = (Income - Expenses) x 15%

It can be noted that the tax amounts in both cases will be the same if the costs amount to 60% of the company’s revenue. As expenses increase, the amount of tax payable decreases; accordingly, if incomes “left and right” are equal, it is advantageous to prefer the simplified tax system “D-R”. The formula does not reflect some essential criteria:

  1. Unproven expenses cannot be deducted from tax. To confirm them, you need to keep documents confirming payment (receipts, checks, etc.) and confirmation of the issue of goods or completion of work (invoice, act).
  2. The list of expenses is strictly regulated; not all expenses can be taken into account for tax purposes.
  3. Exists special order recognition of certain expenses. For example, in order to write off the costs of purchasing goods for resale, you will have to document their payment and the fact of the sale (issuance of ownership, payment is not required).

STS “Income”, rate 6%

STS “Income minus expenses”, rate 15%

In this mode, it is possible to take into account the insurance paid by the organization when recalculating the tax. contributions. Their amount cannot be deducted from the tax itself; they are included in the list of expenses for the reporting period.

  • If there are no employees in the organization, the entire insurance amount can be included in expenses. contributions;
  • If you have employees, then you can take into account no > 50% of payments for yourself and employees.

If you have chosen the simplified tax system “D - R”, the concept of the minimum tax (1% of all revenue) is relevant for you, which you will transfer if the tax amount for the NP is general order the calculation will be lower than the amount of the calculated minimum tax.

Losses under the simplified tax system “Income-Expenses”

  • can be deferred for any of the next 10 years;
  • transferred in the sequence in which they were received;
  • are documented;
  • are taken into account when paying the annual tax, they cannot be reflected in advance deductions.
(65 pages)


1. Separate accounting when combining simplified tax system and UTII: features and rules of accounting
2. Deadlines for submitting a declaration under the simplified tax system
3. The procedure for calculating and paying income tax under the simplified tax system
4. Real estate accounting under the simplified tax system
5. Features of application tax regime USN for legal entities in the form of CJSC
6. Features of accounting simplified taxation system policies
7. Advantages of applying the tax regime of the simplified tax system for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs
8. Features of selling an LLC using the simplified tax system
9. Combining simplified taxation system and PSN
10. How to conduct accounting for an LLC using the simplified tax system?

STS rate 10% – advantages and disadvantages

This EN rate is classified as differentiated. In order to take advantage of the benefits that it implies, you must register your enterprise in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which already has a law establishing the simplified tax system rate at 10%. In addition to the fact that you need to fall under the preferential category of taxpayers, it may also happen that a constituent entity of the Russian Federation has adopted a corresponding law, but there are restrictions for those wishing to pay taxes at this rate:

  • by amount of income;
  • by the number of employees in the state;
  • by salary, etc.

If in the region there are several preferential “simplified” rates for different categories of taxpayers, and an enterprise (or individual entrepreneur) falls under several of them, it chooses the most favorable rate for itself.

Today, a 10% rate is offered to “simplified” residents of Moscow who are engaged in:

  • manufacturing industry,
  • exploitation of non-residential stock,
  • science,
  • social services,
  • sports activities,
  • growing cultivated plants, breeding animals, or both at the same time (revenue from such work is at least 75% of total income).

Rate of the simplified tax system by region (table)

Different regions apply different rates:

The subject of the Russian Federation Normative act Tax rate Categories of taxpayers
MoscowMoscow Law of October 7, 2009 No. 4110%

1) manufacturing industries;

2) management of the operation of residential and (or) non-residential stock for a fee or on a contractual basis;

4) care activities with provision of accommodation and provision of social services without provision of accommodation;

5) activities in the field of sports;

6) crop production, livestock production and provision of related services in these areas.

Saint PetersburgLaw of St. Petersburg dated May 5, 2009 No. 185-367%
Leningrad regionLaw of the Leningrad Region of October 12, 2009 No. 78-oz5% All organizations and entrepreneurs applying simplification, if the object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses
Republic of CrimeaLaw of the Republic of Crimea dated December 29, 2014 No. 59-ZRK/20144% All taxpayers, if the object of taxation is income
SevastopolLaw of Sevastopol dated November 14, 2014 No. 77-ZS5%
Law of Sevastopol dated February 3, 2015 No. 110-ZS10%
3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out activities that are included in the following sections and classes of OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) class 01 “Crop and livestock farming, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas” of section A “Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming” (with the exception of activities included in subclass 01.7 “Hunting, trapping and shooting of wild animals” , including the provision of services in these areas");

2) subclass 03.2 “Fish farming” of section A “Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming”;

3) section P “Education” (except for the types of activities included in subclasses 85.22 “Higher Education”, 85.3 “Professional Training”, 85.42 “Additional Professional Education”);

4) section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services” (with the exception of activities included in subclass 86.23 “Dental practice”);

5) section R “Activities in the field of culture, sports, organization of leisure and entertainment” (except for the types of activities included in subclass 92.1 “Activities for organizing and conducting gambling and betting")

Astrakhan regionLaw of the Astrakhan region of November 10, 2009 No. 73/2009-OZ10%

2) production of beverages;

4) clothing production;

5) production of leather and leather products;

7) production of paper and paper products;

8) printing activities and copying of information media;

11) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

12) metallurgical production;

13) production of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment;

14) production of computers, electronic and optical products;

15) production of electrical equipment;

16) production of machinery and equipment not included in other groups;

17) production of other Vehicle and equipment;

18) production vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers;

19) furniture production;

20) production of other finished products;

21) construction

Belgorod regionLaw of the Belgorod Region of July 14, 2010 No. 3675% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, who have the largest specific gravity in income for the corresponding reporting (tax) period was income from the activities specified in Appendix 3 to the law
Bryansk regionLaw of the Bryansk region of October 3, 2016 No. 75-Z12% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out activities in the following industries in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

4) construction

3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out activities in the following industries in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) extraction of other minerals (related to common minerals in accordance with the law);

2) manufacturing industries;

3) provision of electrical energy, gas and steam, air conditioning, water supply and sanitation;

4) construction

Vladimir regionLaw of the Vladimir region of November 10, 2015 No. 130-OZ4% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014, which are listed in Appendix 1 to the law
5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014, which are specified in Appendix 2 to the law:

– 01 Plant and animal husbandry, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas (except for group 01.15);

– 02 Forestry and logging (except for subclass 02.2 and subgroup 02.40.2);

– 03 Fishing and fish farming;

2) Section 2. Section C. Manufacturing:

– 62 Computer software development, consulting services in this area and other related services;

– 63 Activities in the field information technologies;

3) Section 5. Section M. Professional, scientific and technical activities:

– 72 Research and Development

8% – provision of social services without providing accommodation
10% 1) Section 1. Section A. Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming:

– 02.2 Logging – tax rate;

– 02.40.2 Provision of services in the field of logging;

– 10 Food production;

– 11.07 Production of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters;

– 13 Production of textile products;

– 14 Clothing production;

– 15 Production of leather and leather products;

– 16 Wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture, production of straw products and weaving materials;

– 17 Production of paper and paper products;

– 18 Printing activities and copying of information media;

– 20 Production of chemical substances and chemical products (except for subgroup 20.14.1 and group 20.51);

– 21 Production of medicines and materials used for medical purposes;

– 22 Production of rubber and plastic products;

– 23 Production of other non-metallic mineral products;

– 24 Metallurgical production;

– 25 Production of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment (except for subclass 25.4);

– 26 Production of computers, electronic and optical products;

– 27 Production of electrical equipment;

– 28 Production of machinery and equipment not included in other groups;

– 29 Production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers;

– 30 Production of other vehicles and equipment;

– 31 Furniture production;

– 32 Production of other finished products;

– 33 Repair and installation of machinery and equipment;

2) Section 3. Section E. Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities:

– 37 Collection and treatment of wastewater;

– 38 Collection, processing and disposal of waste; processing of secondary raw materials;

3) Section 4. Section J. Activities in the field of information and communication:

– 59 Production of films, videos and television programs, publication of sound recordings and notes;

– 60 Activities in the field of television and radio broadcasting;

4) Section 5. Section M. Professional, scientific and technical activities:

– 71 Activities in the field of architecture and engineering design; technical testing, research and analysis;

– Veterinary activities;

5) Section 6. Section P. Education:

– 85.4 Additional education;

6) Section 7. Section Q. Activities in the field of health and social services:

– 86 Activities in the field of health care;

– 87 Residential care activities;

– 88 Providing social services without providing accommodation;

7) Section 8. Section R. Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment:

– 90 Creative activities, activities in the field of art and entertainment;

– 91 Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural objects;

– 93 Activities in the field of sports, recreation and entertainment;

8) Section 9. Section S. Provision of other types of services:

– 96 Activities for the provision of other personal services (except for groups 96.04 and 96.09)

Volgograd regionLaw of the Volgograd region of February 10, 2009 No. 1845-OD5% Taxpayers paying a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, for whom the largest share of income for the reporting (tax) period was income from the following types economic activity:

- construction;

– manufacturing industries.

The share of income from these types of activities for the reporting (tax) period must be at least 70% of total income.

Entrepreneurs have the right to apply a preferential rate if they carry out the types of activities listed in the appendix to the Law. The conditions for applying benefits for entrepreneurs are specified in paragraphs 2, 3 of Article 1 of the Law

Voronezh regionLaw of the Voronezh region of April 5, 2011 No. 26-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

– section C “Processing industries”, except for class 19 “Production of coke and petroleum products”, class 20 “Production of chemicals and chemical products”;

– section D “Providing electricity, gas and steam; air conditioning";

– section E “Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities” (grades 37, 38, 39);

– section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities” (class 72).

The conditions for applying the reduced tax rate are given in paragraph 2 of Article 1 of the law


– Section C “Manufacturing” (subclasses 10.1, 10.3; groups 10.51, 10.71, 13.91, 14.12, 14.13; subgroups 10.41.1, 10.41.2, 13.99.1, 32.99.8);

– section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities” (class 72);

– section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services” (subclasses 87.9, 88.1, 88.9);

– Section S “Provision of other types of services” (Class 95; Group 96.01).

The conditions for applying the reduced tax rate are given in paragraph 2 of Article 1.2 of the law

Jewish Autonomous RegionLaw of the Jewish Autonomous Region of December 24, 2008 No. 501-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) 37.20.1 Treatment of waste rubber;

2) 37.20.2 Processing of waste and scrap plastics;

3) 37.20.3 Processing of waste and scrap glass;

4) 37.20.4 Treatment of waste textile materials;

5) 37.20.5 Processing of waste paper and cardboard;

6) 85.3 Provision of social services

8% 1) 01.42 Provision of services in the field of animal husbandry, except veterinary services;

2) 80.1 Preschool and primary general education;

3) 85.2 Veterinary activities

10% 1) 01.2 Livestock;

2) 01.3 Crop production in combination with livestock production (mixed Agriculture);

3) 05.02 Fish farming;

4) 10.3 Extraction and agglomeration of peat;

5) 15.1 Production of meat and meat products;

6) 15.2 Processing and canning of fish and seafood;

7) 15.3 Processing and canning of potatoes, fruits and vegetables;

8) 15.4 Production of vegetable and animal oils and fats;

9) 15.5 Production of dairy products;

10) 15.6 Production of flour and cereal industry products, starches and starch products;

11) 15.7 Production of prepared animal feed;

12) 15.8 Production of other food products;

13) 15.98 Production of mineral waters and other non-alcoholic drinks;

14) 18.2 Production of clothing from textile materials and clothing accessories;

15) 19.3 Shoe production;

16) 26.4 Production of bricks, tiles and other building products from baked clay;

17) 36.1 Furniture production;

18) 40.3 Production, transmission and distribution of steam and hot water(thermal energy);

19) 41.0 Collection, purification and distribution of water;

20) 45.2 Construction of buildings and structures;

21) 45.3 Installation engineering equipment buildings and structures;

22) 45.4 Finishing work;

23) 51.21 Wholesale trade of grain, seeds and feed for farm animals;

24) 51.32 Wholesale trade of meat, poultry, products and canned goods from meat and poultry;

25) 51.38 Wholesale trade of other food products;

26) 51.39.1 Non-specialized wholesale trade in frozen food products;

27) 60.21.1 Operation of automobile (bus) passenger transport, subject to a schedule;

28) 60.24.1 Activities of specialized road freight transport;

29) 63.1 Cargo handling and storage;

30) 70.32 Management real estate;

31) 74.20 Activities in the field of architecture; engineering design; geological exploration and geophysical work; geodetic and cartographic activities; activities in the field of standardization and metrology; activities in the field of hydrometeorology and related areas; types of activities related to solving technical problems, not included in other groups;

32) 74.5 Employment and personnel selection;

33) 74.7 Cleaning and cleaning of industrial and residential premises, equipment and vehicles;

34) 85.12 Medical practice;

35) 85.14.1 Activities of nursing staff;

36) 90.01 Collection and treatment of wastewater;

37) 90.02 Collection and processing of other waste;

38) 90.03 Cleaning of territory, restoration after pollution and similar activities

Law of the Jewish Autonomous Region of May 25, 2016 No. 916-OZ1% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and are engaged in construction in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2001
4% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2001, which are specified in the appendix to the law
Transbaikal regionLaw Trans-Baikal Territory dated May 4, 2010 No. 360-ZZK5% A reduced rate applies if the object of taxation is the difference between income and expenses, and taxpayers carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1. a) subsection DA “Production of food products, including drinks, and tobacco”: 15.1 “Production of meat and meat products”, 15.5 “Production of dairy products”;

b) subsection DB “Textile and clothing production”;

c) subsection DC “Production of leather, leather goods and footwear production”;

d) subsection DK “Production of machinery and equipment”, except for 29.6 “Production of weapons and ammunition”;

e) subsection DM “Production of vehicles and equipment”

2. 90.00.2 “Removal and treatment of solid waste”;

3. taxpayers – residents of industrial parks;

4. taxpayers - subjects of state support and stimulation of innovation activities that implement priority innovative projects in the Trans-Baikal Territory

Ivanovo regionLaw of the Ivanovo region of December 20, 2010 No. 146-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

3) section E “Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities”;

4) section F “Construction”;

5) subclass 45.2 “Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles” of section G “Wholesale and retail trade; repair of vehicles and motorcycles";

6) section H “Transportation and storage”;

7) section I “Activities of hotels and catering establishments”;

8) Section J “Activities in the field of information and communications”;

9) section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities”, with the exception of classes 69, 70;

10) section N “Administrative and related activities Additional services", with the exception of class 77;

11) section P “Education”;

12) section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services”;

13) section R “Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment”, with the exception of class 92;

14) section S “Provision of other types of services”;

15) section T “Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated activities of private households in the production of goods and provision of services for their own consumption.”

4% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) section A “Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming”;

2) section C “Manufacturing”, with the exception of groups 11.01–11.06, classes 12, 19;

3) section F “Construction”;

4) section P “Education”;

5) section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services”;

6) groups 93.11 “Activities of sports facilities”, 93.12 “Activities of sports clubs” of section R “Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment”;

7) group 96.02 “Provision of services by hairdressers and beauty salons”, 96.03 “Organization of funerals and provision of related services” of section S “Provision of other types of services”.

The share of income from carrying out as the main one of the above types of economic activity for the reporting (tax) period is at least 70% of total income

Irkutsk regionLaw of the Irkutsk region of November 30, 2015 No. 112-oz5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) classes 01 “Crop and livestock production, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas”, 03 “Fishing and fish farming” of section A “Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming”;

2) section R “Education”;

3) section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services”;

4) section T “Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated activities of private households in the production of goods and provision of services for their own consumption"

7,5% 1) section C “Manufacturing”;

2) section F “Construction”;

3) section I “Activities of hotels and public catering establishments”;

4) subclass 62.0 “Development of computer software, consulting services in this area and other related services” class 62 “Development of computer software, consulting services in this area and other related services”, subclass 63.1 “Data processing activities, provision of services in placement of information, activities of portals on the information and communication network Internet" class 63 "Activities in the field of information technology" section J "Activities in the field of information and communications";

5) group 95.11 “Repair of computers and peripheral computer equipment”, subclass 95.1 “Repair of computers and communication equipment”, class 95 “Repair of computers, personal and household items”, section S “Provision of other types of services”;

6) class 72 “Scientific research and development” of section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities”

5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses are residents of industrial parks, subject to the conditions specified in Article 4 of the law.

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, subject to the simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions:

– revenue from sales of products (works, services) for the reporting (tax) period is at least 30 million rubles;

– the average number of employees exceeds 20 people and the average wage per employee is not lower than the average wage in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

7% – for all other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Kaluga regionLaw of the Kaluga Region of December 18, 2008 No. 501-OZ5%

1) carry out the main types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014 from sections:

– C “Manufacturing”;

– P “Education”;

– Q “Activities in the field of health and social services”;

– from class 75 section M OKVED;

2) registered after January 1, 2015 (except for cases of reorganization) and entrepreneurs carrying out main activities in accordance with class 72 “Scientific research and development” of OKVED

The main type of activity is understood as the type of economic activity defined by the taxpayer in the tax return for the single tax when simplified

7% carry out the main activities in accordance with section F “Construction” (except for the development of construction projects)
10% carry out main activities in accordance with sections:

– B “Mining” (except for the provision of services in the field of mining);

– D “Providing electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning” (except for trade in gaseous fuel supplied through distribution networks);

– E “Water supply, sanitation, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities”;

– R “Activities in the field of culture, sports, income management and entertainment” (except for class 92);

– classes 94, 96, section S “Provision of other types of services”

Kamchatka KraiLaw of the Kamchatka Territory of March 19, 2009 No. 24510% All taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses

2) forestry and other forestry activities;

3) production of other wooden products;

5) waste treatment and disposal

2% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities:

1) fish farming;

2) processing and canning of fruits and vegetables.

The conditions for applying the rate are given in Part 2 of Article 1.2 of the Law

3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities:

1) production of dairy products;

2) production of bread and flour confectionery products, cakes and pastries for short-term storage;

3) development of computer software, consulting services in this area and other related services;

4) activities in the field of information technology;

5) repair of computers and communication equipment;

6) education;

7) provision of social services without providing accommodation.

The conditions for applying the rate are given in Part 3 of Article 1.2 of the Law

4% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities:

1) processing and canning of meat and meat food products;

2) production of textile products;

3) clothing production;

4) production of leather and leather products;

5) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture, production of straw products and weaving materials, with the exception of the production of other wooden products;

6) activities of hospital organizations;

7) collection and treatment of wastewater;

8) waste collection;

The conditions for applying the rate are given in Part 4 of Article 1.2 of the Law

5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities:

1) production of cellulose, wood pulp, paper and cardboard;

2) publishing activities;

3) printing activities and provision of services in this area;

4) production of chemicals and chemical products;

6) metallurgical production;

7) production of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment;

8) production of computers, electronic and optical products;

9) production of electrical equipment;

10) production of machinery and equipment not included in other groups;

11) production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers;

12) production of other vehicles and equipment;

13) maintenance and repair of vehicles;

14) repair of personal and household items;

15) activities of hotels and other places for temporary residence;

16) activities of water transport;

17) rent and leasing, with the exception of lease of intellectual property and similar products, except copyrights;

18) general medical practice;

19) special medical practice;

20) washing and dry cleaning of textiles and fur products;

21) physical education and health activities;

22) activities in the field of sports.

The conditions for applying the rate are given in Part 5 of Article 1.2 of the Law

Karachay-Cherkess RepublicLaw of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic of December 2, 2005 No. 86-RZ9% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses:

1) residents of a tourist and recreational special economic zone on the territory of Zelenchuksky and Urupsky municipal districts;

2) organizations and entrepreneurs carrying out business activities in the field of:

– education;

– health care and social services;

– manufacturing industries.

Sales revenue from the above types of economic activities for the last tax (reporting) period must be at least 75% of the total revenue

Kemerovo region5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, carrying out the following types of economic activities:

3) textile production;

8) production of medicines;

Law Kemerovo region dated November 26, 2008 No. 101-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses:

1) subjects of investment activities implementing investment projects included in the List investment projects in accordance with the law of the Kemerovo region “On state support of investment, innovation and production activities in the Kemerovo region.” The conditions are given in paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 1 of the law;

2) subjects of innovative activity implementing innovative projects included in the List innovative projects in accordance with the law of the Kemerovo region “On state support of investment, innovation and production activities in the Kemerovo region.” The conditions are given in paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 2 of the law;

3) managing organizations of technology parks and basic organizations of technology parks included in the register of technology parks of the Kemerovo region (see Article 3 of the law);

4) tax residents technology parks (see Article 4 of the law);

5) management companies of economically favored zones. The conditions are given in paragraph 3 of part 1 of Article 5-1 of the law;

6) participants in economically favored zones. The conditions are given in paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 5-2 of the law

Law of the Kemerovo region of November 26, 2008 No. 99-OZ3%

1) agriculture, hunting and provision of services in these areas;

2) forestry and provision of services in this area;

3) textile production;

4) clothing production; dressing and dyeing of fur;

5) production of leather, leather goods and footwear production;

6) production of plastics and synthetic resins in primary forms;

7) production of paints and varnishes;

8) production of medicines;

9) soap production; detergents, cleaning and polishing agents; perfumes and cosmetics;

10) production of chemically modified animal or vegetable fats and oils (including drying oils), non-edible mixtures of animal or vegetable fats and oils;

11) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

12) production of finished metal products;

13) production of machinery and equipment;

14) production of electrical machines and electrical equipment;

15) repair of household products and personal items;

16) rental of household products and personal items;

17) production of other basic inorganic chemicals;

18) provision of social services.

Income for the reporting (tax) period must be at least 80% of income

6% All other taxpayers are simplified with the object of taxation “income”
Kirov regionLaw of the Kirov Region of April 30, 2009 No. 366-ZO6% Taxpayers paying a single tax on the difference between income and expenses:

– residents of park areas who in the current tax period attract employees By employment contracts and pay an average monthly salary per employee in the amount of at least two minimum wages established federal law, and have no tax debts

Kostroma regionLaw of the Kostroma Region of October 23, 2012 No. 292-5-ZKO10%

2) fishing, fish farming;

3) manufacturing industries (except for the production of jewelry and technical products from precious metals and precious stones, coins and medals).

Income from the main activity constitutes at least 70% of income from entrepreneurial activity

Kurgan regionLaw of the Kurgan region of November 24, 2009 No. 50210% Taxpayers paying a single tax on the difference between income and expenses who carry out the following types of economic activity:

1) sawing and planing of wood, wood impregnation;

2) production of wooden building structures, including prefabricated ones wooden buildings, and carpentry;

3) production of other products made of wood and cork, straw and weaving materials;

4) production of ceramic tiles and slabs;

5) production of bricks, tiles and other building products from baked clay;

production of cement, lime and gypsum;

6) production of products from concrete, gypsum and cement;

production of steam and hot water (thermal energy) by boiler houses;

7) activities to ensure the operability of boiler houses;

8) activities to ensure the operability of heating networks;

9) collection, purification and distribution of water;

10) disposal of sewage, waste and similar activities.

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in paragraph 1 of Article 3 of the law

15% All other taxpayers are simplified with the object of taxation “income minus expenses”
Kursk regionLaw of the Kursk region of May 4, 2010 No. 35-ZKO5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and:

1) were created after January 1, 2010 and carry out their activities according to the types of economic activity of section P “Education”: subclass 85.1 “General education”, group 85.21 “Secondary vocational education”, subclass 85.3 “Vocational training”, group 85.41 “Additional education for children” and adults", subgroup 85.42.9 "Activities for additional vocational education other, not included in other groups" OKVED OK 029-2014, the share of income from which is at least 70% of total income.

2) established as business entities (partnerships) by budgetary and autonomous scientific institutions. Provided that the activities of such societies (partnerships) consist in the practical application or implementation of the results of intellectual activity (computer programs, databases, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, breeding achievements, topologies of integrated circuits, production secrets (know-how) ), exclusive rights which belong to the specified scientific institutions(including together with other persons)

5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out their activities according to the types of economic activity of section C “Manufacturing”, section M class 72 “Scientific research and development” OKVED OK 029-2014
Lipetsk regionLaw of the Lipetsk Region of December 24, 2008 No. 233-OZ5%
5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income carrying out the following types of economic activities:

1) food production;

2) production of soft drinks, production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters;

3) production of textile products;

4) clothing production;

5) production of leather, leather products;

6) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture, production of straw products and weaving materials;

7) production of rubber and plastic products;

8) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

9) production of machinery and equipment not included in other groups;

10) production of computers, electronic and optical products;

11) production of electrical equipment;

12) furniture production;

13) production of sporting goods;

14) production of games and toys;

15) production of medical instruments and equipment;

16) production of brooms and brushes;

17) production of folk arts and crafts;

18) scientific research and development;

19) care activities with provision of accommodation;

20) provision of social services without providing accommodation;

21) preschool education;

22) activities in the field of sports

Magadan RegionLaw of the Magadan Region of July 29, 2009 No. 1178-OZ7,5% Taxpayers paying a single tax on the difference between income and expenses who carry out certain types of economic activity in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014
3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income for whom, for the corresponding tax period, at least 70 percent of the total income from the sale of goods (work, services) was income from one of the closed types of business activity
Murmansk regionLaw of the Murmansk region of March 3, 2009 No. 1075-01-ZMO5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out at least one of the following activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) section A “Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming” (types of economic activities established by classes 01, 02 and 03);

2) section C “Manufacturing” (types of economic activity established by classes 10 and 11);

3) section E “Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities" (types of economic activities established by class 37, subclasses 38.1 and 38.2 of class 38 and class 39);

4) section J “Activities in the field of information and communications” (types of economic activities established by classes 59, 60 and 63, with the exception of types of economic activities established by subclass 59.2 of class 59 and subclass 63.1 of class 63);

5) section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities” (types of economic activities established by class 75);

6) section N “Administrative activities and related additional services” (types of economic activities established by subgroups 81.29.2 and 81.29.9 of group 81.29 of class 81);

7) section P “Education” (types of economic activities established by class 85);

8) section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services” (types of economic activities established by classes 86–88);

9) section R “Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment” (types of economic activities established by classes 90, 91 and 93);

10) section S “Provision of other types of services” (types of economic activities established by classes 94 and 96)

10% from sections:

1) C “Manufacturing” (types of economic activity established by classes 12–20, 22–32);

2) E “Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities" (types of economic activities established by subclass 38.3 of class 38)

15% – other types of economic activities provided for by OKVED OK 029-2014.

When a taxpayer simultaneously carries out several types of activities for which tax rates are set in different amounts, the lowest tax rate is applied

Nenets Autonomous OkrugLaw of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug of February 27, 2009 No. 20-OZ5% Taxpayers paying a single tax on the difference between income and expenses who:

b) fishing and fish farming;

d) clothing production;

j) furniture production;

p) education;

10% – for the corresponding reporting (tax) period, at least 60% of the income was income from the following types of economic activity according to OKVED 029-2007:

a) construction;

b) activities of hotels and catering establishments;

c) activities of inland water transport and other land transport;

d) activity travel agencies and other organizations providing services in the field of tourism;

e) cleaning and tidying activities;

f) activities in the field of health care and the provision of social services;

g) activities in the field of culture, sports, organization of leisure and entertainment, with the exception of activities for organizing and conducting gambling and betting, organizing and conducting lotteries

15% All other taxpayers paying a single tax on the difference between income and expenses

– for the corresponding reporting (tax) period, at least 60% of the income was income from the following types of economic activity according to OKVED 029-2007:

a) crop and livestock farming, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas;

b) fishing, fish farming;

c) food production;

d) clothing production;

e) production of leather and leather products;

f) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture, production of straw products and weaving materials;

g) printing activities and copying of information media;

h) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

i) production of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment;

j) furniture production;

k) collection, processing and disposal of waste, processing of secondary raw materials;

l) repair of household products and personal items;

m) rental of household products and personal items;

o) activities related to the use of computer technology and in the field of information technology;

n) scientific research and development;

p) education;

c) provision of personal services, with the exception of the provision of other personal services not included in other groups;

r) provision of housekeeping services;

s) production of folk arts and crafts;

t) professional, scientific and technical activities;

x) provision of other types of services, with the exception of the activities of political and religious organizations, provision of other personal services

3% Taxpayers paying a single tax on income who:

– for the corresponding reporting (tax) period, at least 60% of the income was income from the following types of economic activity according to OKVED 029-2007:

a) fishing, fish farming;

b) construction;

c) activities of hotels and catering establishments;

d) activities of inland water transport and other land transport;

e) activities of travel agencies and other organizations providing services in the field of tourism;

f) cleaning and tidying activities;

g) activities in the field of health care and the provision of social services;

h) activities in the field of culture, sports, organization of leisure and entertainment, with the exception of activities related to organizing and conducting gambling and betting, organizing and conducting lotteries

6% All other taxpayers paying a single income tax
Novgorod regionLaw Novgorod region dated March 31, 2009 No. 487-OZ10% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out activities that, according to OKVED OK 029-2001, relate to:

1) class 01 section A;

2) subsections DA, DB, DC, DG, DH, DI of section D;

3) section F;

4) class 60 section I

Orenburg regionLaw of the Orenburg Region of September 29, 2009 No. 3104/688-IV-OZ10% All taxpayers are simplified with the object of taxation “income minus expenses”
5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income when carrying out certain types of activities (see appendix to the law)
Oryol RegionLaw of the Oryol region of September 5, 2015 No. 1833-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) in section A “Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming”;

2) in section C “Manufacturing”;

3) in section E “Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities”;

4) in section F “Construction”;

5) to class 58 “Publishing activities”; class 59 “Production of films, videos and television programs, publishing of sound recordings and notes”; group 62.01 “Computer software development” of subclass 62.0 “Computer software development, consulting services in this area and other related services” class 62 “Computer software development, consulting services in this area and other related services”; subgroup 63.11.1 “Activities for the creation and use of databases and information resources” of group 63.11 “Data processing activities, provision of information placement services and related activities” of subclass 63.1 “Data processing activities, provision of information placement services, activities portals in the information and communication network Internet” class 63 “Activities in the field of information technology” section J “Activities in the field of information and communications”;

6) in subclass 72.1 “Scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences” of class 72 “Scientific research and development”; class 75 “Veterinary activities”, section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities”;

7) in section P “Education”;

8) in section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services”;

9) to class 90 “Creative activities, activities in the field of art and entertainment”; class 91 “Activities of libraries, archives, museums and other cultural objects”; class 93 “Activities in the field of sports, recreation and entertainment”, section R “Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment”.

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in paragraphs 2–5 of Article 1 of the Law

Penza regionLaw of the Penza region of June 30, 2009 No. 1754-ZPO 5% When applying the simplified tax system, if the object of taxation is income reduced by the amount of expenses, for the following categories of taxpayers:

1) organizations created:

a) graduates of general educational organizations, professional educational organizations or full-time university courses within one calendar year immediately after graduation;

b) students during the period of study in general educational organizations, professional educational organizations or full-time studies at universities;

2) entrepreneurs:

a) graduates of general education organizations, professional educational organizations or full-time university education within one calendar year immediately after graduation;

b) students during the period of study in general educational organizations, professional educational organizations or full-time studies at universities;

3) entrepreneurs and commercial organizations(except for unitary enterprises registered with resident status of the center regional development Penza region

Perm regionLaw of the Perm Territory of April 1, 2015 No. 466-PK 5%

2) section R “Education”;


3) section F “Construction”

1% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) class 72 “Scientific research and development”, section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities”;

2) section R “Education”;

3) section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services”

4% 1) section I “Activities of hotels and public catering establishments”;

2) section C “Manufacturing”, with the exception of groups 11.01–11.06, classes 12, 19;

3) section F “Construction”

Pskov regionLaw of the Pskov region of November 29, 2010 No. 1022-oz 5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities, according to OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) section A Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming (class 01 (except for group 01.15), subclass 02.3, class 03);

2) section C Manufacturing (class 10, group 11.07, classes 13–31, subclasses 32.2–32.9, class 33);

3) section I Activities of hotels and public catering establishments (class 55);

4) section L Activities for operations with real estate (subgroup 68.32.1);

5) section Q Activities in the field of health and social services (groups 86.10, 86.21, 86.22, classes 87, 88)

10% 1) section A Agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming (class 02 (except for subclass 02.3);

2) section B Mining;

3) section D Supply of electrical energy, gas and steam; air conditioning;

4) section E Water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities (class 36);

5) section F Construction;

6) section H Transportation and storage (classes 49–52);

7) section I Activities of hotels and public catering establishments (subclasses 56.1, 56.2)

Altai RepublicLaw of the Altai Republic of July 3, 2009 No. 26-RZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2001:

1) production of food products, including drinks;

2) production of clothing, dressing and dyeing of fur;

3) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture;

4) publishing and printing activities, replication of recorded media;

5) production of rubber and plastic products;

6) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

7) production of machinery and equipment;

8) production of electrical machines and electrical equipment;

9) production of equipment for radio, television and communications;

10) production of furniture and other products not included in other groups;

11) production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water;

12) construction;

13) forestry and provision of services in this area.

Income from these types of economic activities amounted to at least 70% of the total income received

The Republic of BuryatiaLaw of the Republic of Buryatia dated November 26, 2002 No. 145-III5%

a) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

b) production of finished metal products;

c) production of machinery and equipment;

d) production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment;

e) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture;

f) production of food products, including drinks, with the exception of alcoholic products (drinking alcohol, vodka, liquor, cognac, wine, beer, drinks made from beer, other drinks with an alcohol content of more than 1.5% by volume);

g) publishing activities;

h) printing activities and provision of services in this area;

i) production of folk arts and crafts;

j) agriculture (except for organizations and entrepreneurs that have switched to the Unified Agricultural Tax), hunting and the provision of services in these areas;

k) construction;

l) furniture production;

m) processing of secondary raw materials;

o) activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology.

10% a) textile and clothing production;

b) production of leather, leather goods and footwear production

3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities:

1) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

2) production of finished metal products;

3) production of machinery and equipment;

4) production of electrical equipment, electronic and optical equipment;

5) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture;

6) production of food products, including drinks, with the exception of alcoholic products (drinking alcohol, vodka, liquor, cognac, wine, beer, drinks made from beer, other drinks with an alcohol content of more than 1.5 percent by volume);

7) publishing activities;

8) printing activities and provision of services in this area;

9) production of folk arts and crafts;

10) agriculture, with the exception of organizations and individual entrepreneurs that have switched to a taxation system for agricultural producers (unified agricultural tax), hunting and the provision of services in these areas;

11) construction;

12) furniture production;

13) processing of secondary raw materials;

14) activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology;

15) textile and clothing production;

17) preschool education;

18) additional education.

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in Part 2 of Article 8.3 of the Law

The Republic of DagestanLaw of the Republic of Dagestan of May 6, 2009 No. 2610% All simplified taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Republic of KalmykiaLaw of the Republic of Kalmykia dated November 30, 2009 No. 154-IV-Z5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) section D Manufacturing;

2) section M Education: 80.10.1. Pre-school education (preceding primary general education)

10% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Republic of KareliaLaw of the Republic of Karelia dated December 30, 1999 No. 384-ZRK5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses:

– engaged in the production of folk arts and crafts

10% 1) Organizations and entrepreneurs that are engaged in the production of agricultural products, provided that the proceeds from the sale of agricultural products are 50 percent or more of the total proceeds from sales;

2) organizations and entrepreneurs that are engaged in wood processing and the production of wood products, provided that the proceeds from the sale of products produced by them from this type of activity are at least 70% of the total proceeds from sales;

3) organizations and entrepreneurs who are engaged in fish farming, provided that the revenue from this type of activity is more than 70% of the total revenue from sales;

4) organizations engaged in landscaping and landscaping, including floriculture, provided that the proceeds from the sale of their products from these types of activities are at least 70% of the total proceeds from sales;

5) organizations operating in the field of physical culture and sports, provided that the revenue from this type of activity is more than 70% percent of the total revenue from sales

12,5% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Komi RepublicLaw of the Komi Republic of November 17, 2010 No. 121-RZ10% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the types of activities specified in the appendix to the Law.

The share of income from these types of activities for the reporting (tax) period must be at least 85% of total income

Mari El RepublicLaw of the Republic of Mari El dated October 27, 2011 No. 59-Z15%
The Republic of MordoviaLaw of the Republic of Mordovia dated February 4, 2009 No. 5-Z5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and whose main activity is:

1) transport and communications;

2) production of products, provided that this production is carried out by residents of the Technopark in the field of high technologies of the Republic of Mordovia;

3) practical use(implementation) of the results of intellectual activity (computer programs, databases, inventions, utility models, industrial designs, breeding achievements, topologies of integrated circuits, production secrets (know-how), provided that these activities are carried out by business companies whose founders are universities – budgetary institutions located on the territory of the Republic of Mordovia.

The conditions for applying the reduced rate are given in paragraph 6 of clause 2 of the law

15% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
1% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income whose main activity is research and development.

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in Article 1.1 of the law

6% All other taxpayers who pay a single income tax
The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)Law of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of November 7, 2013 1231-Z No. 17-V5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities:

1) agriculture, hunting and forestry;

2) fishing, fish farming;

3) manufacturing industries

10% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
6% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out economic activities:

– in the territory of Group 1 of municipalities specified in Part 1.1 of Article 7 of this Law, as well as organizations and entrepreneurs engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, retail sale of alcoholic products

4% – in the territories of groups 2–4 of municipalities specified in Part 1.1 of Article 7 of this Law, with the exception of organizations and entrepreneurs engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, retail sale of alcoholic products
2% – on the territory of Group 5 of municipalities specified in Part 1.1 of Article 7 of this Law, as well as organizations and entrepreneurs engaged in the purchase, storage and supply of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, retail sale of alcoholic products
Republic of North OssetiaLaw of the Republic of North Ossetia–Alania of November 28, 2013 No. 49-RZ10% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the types of activities specified in Appendix 1 to the Law.

The share of income from these types of activities for the reporting (tax) period must be at least 75% of total income

Republic of TatarstanLaw of the Republic of Tatarstan dated June 17, 2009 No. 19-ZRT5% For taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses:

– for whom during the reporting (tax) period at least 70% of their income came from income from the following types of economic activities:

a) manufacturing;

b) production and distribution of electricity, gas and water;

c) construction;

– for whom during the reporting (tax) period 100% of their income was income from parking services for motor vehicles in multi-level and underground parking lots (parking lots) put into operation from January 1, 2011 to July 1, 2013 with the number of parking spaces according to technical documentation at least 150 units

10% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Tyva RepublicLaw of the Republic of Tyva dated July 10, 2009 No. 1541 VH-25% For taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, for whom during the reporting (tax) period at least 70% of their income came from income from the following types of economic activities:

– tourism activities


d) textile production;

i) furniture production;

m) publishing, printing industry and reproduction of printed materials;

o) activities in the field of sports

4% For taxpayers who pay a single tax on income for which during the reporting (tax) period at least 70% of their income came from income from the following types of economic activities:

a) agriculture, hunting and the provision of services in these areas;

b) fishing, fish farming and the provision of services in these areas;

c) production of food products, including drinks, with the exception of the production of distilled alcoholic beverages and the production of ethyl alcohol from fermented materials;

d) textile production;

e) clothing production; dressing and dyeing of fur;

f) production of leather, leather products and footwear;

g) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

h) production of finished metal products;

i) furniture production;

j) services for wastewater and waste disposal, improvement sanitary condition and similar services;

k) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture;

l) activities related to the use of computer technology and information technology;

m) publishing, printing industry and reproduction of printed materials

The Republic of KhakassiaLaw of the Republic of Khakassia dated November 16, 2009 No. 123-ЗРХ5% For taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses who carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:
15% 1) wholesale and retail trade (section G);

2) rent and management of own or leased residential real estate, rent and management of own or leased non-residential real estate (subgroups 68.20.1, 68.20.2 of section L)

12% All other types of activities with the object “income minus expenses”
2% For taxpayers who pay a single tax on income who carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) agriculture, forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming (section A);

2) preschool education, general primary education (groups 85.11, 85.12 section P);

3) waste collection, waste treatment and disposal (subclasses 38.1, 38.2 section E);

4) street sweeping and snow removal (subgroup 81.29.2 of section N)

5% manufacturing industries (section C)
Rostov regionLaw Rostov region dated May 10, 2012 No. 843-ZS10% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, who are small businesses in accordance with federal legislation
5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income, carrying out investment activity on the territory of the Rostov region
Ryazan OblastLaw of the Ryazan region of July 21, 2016 No. 35-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and receive government support in accordance with the Law of the Ryazan Region dated April 6, 2009 No. 33-OZ for the period established by the investment agreement
Samara RegionLaw of the Samara Region of June 29, 2009 No. 77-GD10% For taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, for whom at least 80% of sales proceeds consisted of sales proceeds from the following types of activities according to OKVED:

1) production of food products, including drinks (class 15);

2) textile production (class 17);

3) production of clothing, dressing and dyeing of fur (class 18);

4) production of leather, leather goods and footwear production (class 19);

5) production of cellulose, wood pulp, paper, cardboard and products made from them (class 21);

6) chemical production (class 24);

7) production of rubber and plastic products (class 25);

8) production of finished metal products (class 28);

9) production of machinery and equipment (class 29);

10) production of office equipment and computer equipment (class 30);

11) production of electrical machines and electrical equipment (class 31);

12) production of electronic components, equipment for radio, television and communications (class 32);

13) production of medical devices, including surgical equipment, and orthopedic devices (subclass 33.1);

14) production of cars, trailers and semi-trailers (class 34);

15) production of ships, aircraft and spacecraft and other vehicles (class 35);

16) production of furniture and other products not included in other groups (class 36);

17) research and development (class 73)

Saratov regionSaratov Law of November 25, 2015 No. 152-ZSO5%

1) 62.01 Computer software development;

2) 62.02 Advisory activities and work in the field of computer technology;

3) 63.11.1 Activities for the creation and use of databases and information resources;

4) 71.1 Activities in the field of architecture, engineering surveys and providing technical advice in these areas (except subgroups 71.12.2, 71.12.5, 71.12.6);

5) 71.2 Technical tests, research, analysis and certification (except for subgroup 71.20.5, type 71.20.61);

6) 72 Research and Development

6% 1) 14.19.11 Production of knitted or crocheted clothing and clothing accessories for young children;

2) 14.19.21 Production of clothing and clothing accessories for young children from textile materials, except knitted or knitted;

3) 32.40 Production of games and toys;

4) 85.11 Preschool education;

5) 85.41 Additional education for children and adults

7% 1) code designations included in section C “Manufacturing industries” (with the exception of types 14.19.11, 14.19.21, group 32.40, as well as types of economic activities for the production of excisable goods provided for in Article 181 Tax Code RF);

2) 43.31 Production of plastering works;

3) 43.32 Carpentry and carpentry work;

4) 43.33 Work on installation of floor coverings and wall cladding;

5) 43.34 Production of painting and glass work;

6) 43.39 Production of other finishing and finishing works;

7) 43.9 Other specialized construction works


1) 16.29.12 Production of wooden tableware and kitchen utensils;

2) 16.29.13 Production of wooden figurines and decorations made of wood, mosaics and inlaid wood, boxes, cases for jewelry or knives;

3) 23.41 Production of household and decorative ceramic products;

4) 23.49 Production of other ceramic products;

5) 32.99.8 Production of folk arts and crafts;

6) 72 Research and development;

7) 85.11 Preschool education;

8) 85.41 Additional education for children and adults;

9) 88.10 Providing social services without providing accommodation for the elderly and disabled;

10) 88.91 Provision of day care services for children

Condition for applying all reduced rates: income from the relevant type of economic activity for the tax (reporting) period is at least 70 percent of the taxpayer’s total income

Sakhalin regionLaw of the Sakhalin Region of February 10, 2009 No. 4-ZO10% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, for whom for the reporting (tax) period at least 70% of the total sales revenue is revenue from the following types of economic activity:

1) crop production;

2) livestock farming;

3) fishing;

4) reproduction of fish and aquatic biological resources;

5) production of food products, including drinks, with the exception of the production of excisable goods;

6) construction;

7) production, transmission and distribution of steam and hot water (thermal energy);

8) collection, purification and distribution of water;

9) management of the operation of a residential building;

10) collection of wastewater and waste;

11) construction materials industry;

12) timber processing;

13) logging

3% Taxpayers paying a single tax on income for whom during the reporting (tax) period at least 70% of total sales revenue is revenue from the following types of economic activity:

1) crop and livestock farming;

2) forestry and logging;

3) fishing (the reduced rate applies only to fishery enterprises of the Sakhalin region included in the register of participants in the project “Regional Product “Affordable Fish”);

4) fish farming;

5) manufacturing industries (except for the production of excisable goods);

6) provision of excursion tourism services

Sverdlovsk regionLaw of the Sverdlovsk Region of June 15, 2009 No. 31-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, for whom during the tax period at least 70% of their income was income from one or more types of economic activities specified in paragraph 2 of Article 2 of the Law
7% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Smolensk regionLaw of the Smolensk region of April 30, 2009 No. 32-z15% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and are engaged in activities that, according to OKVED OK 029-2001, are included:

1) in subclass 50.5 “Retail trade in motor fuel” of section G;

2) to subgroup 51.51.2 “Wholesale trade in motor fuel, including aviation gasoline” of section G;

3) to group 92.71 “Gambling activities” of section O

5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, carrying out any types of activities other than those indicated above
Stavropol regionLaw of the Stavropol Territory of April 17, 2012 No. 39-kz5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, for whom the share of income from the types of economic activities specified below is at least 80 percent:

1) according to OKVED OK 029-2014:

a) section C “Manufacturing”, with the exception of types of economic activity for the production of excisable products;

b) class 72 “Scientific research and development”, section M “Professional, scientific and technical activities”;

c) section P “Education”;

d) section Q “Activities in the field of health and social services”;

2) Residents of regional industrial, tourist, recreational and technological parks in accordance with the Law of the Stavropol Territory of December 29, 2009 No. 98-kz

Tambov RegionLaw of the Tambov region of March 3, 2009 No. 499-Z5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) provision of electrical energy, gas and steam; air conditioning;

2) mining;

3) construction;

4) water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities;

5) crop and livestock farming, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas;

6) scientific research and development;

7) development of computer software, consulting services in this area and other related services;

8) activities for the creation and use of databases and information resources

4% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities in accordance with OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) cultivation of vegetables, melons, root and tuber crops, mushrooms and truffles;

2) breeding of dairy cattle, production of raw milk;

3) breeding of other breeds of cattle and buffaloes, sperm production;

4) breeding of poultry;

5) manufacturing industries (with the exception of OKVED codes related to groups 11.01–11.05, classes 12 and 19);

6) water supply; drainage, organization of waste collection and disposal, pollution elimination activities;

7) scientific research and development;

8) education;

9) care activities with provision of accommodation;

10) provision of social services without providing accommodation;

11) activities in the field of culture, sports, organization of leisure and entertainment (with the exception of OKVED codes related to class 92).

Tomsk regionLaw of the Tomsk Region of April 7, 2009 No. 51-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses in the following cases:

– residents of a special economic zone of technology-innovation type, created on the territory of the city of Tomsk

7,5% – organizations and entrepreneurs whose main activities according to OKVED are:

1) fishing and fish farming;

2) food production;

3) production of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters;

4) production of textile products;

5) clothing production;

6) production of leather and leather products;

7) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture, production of straw products and weaving materials;

8) production of paper and paper products;

9) production of chemicals and chemical products;

10) production of medicines and materials used for medical purposes;

11) production of rubber and plastic products;

12) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

13) production of profiles using cold stamping or bending;

14) production of wire by cold drawing;

15) production of finished metal products, except for machinery and equipment;

16) production of computers, electronic and optical products;

17) production of electrical equipment;

18) production of machinery and equipment not included in other groups;

19) production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers;

20) production of other vehicles and equipment;

21) furniture production;

22) production of musical instruments;

23) production of sporting goods;

24) production of games and toys;

25) production of products not included in other groups;

26) provision of electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning (except for trade in electricity and trade in steam and hot water(thermal energy));

27) collection, purification and distribution of water;

28) collection and treatment of wastewater;

29) provision of services in the field of liquidation of the consequences of pollution and other services related to waste disposal;

30) construction;

31) activities of land passenger transport: intracity and suburban transportation of passengers;

32) taxi activities;

33) activities of road freight transport;

34) development of computer software, consulting services in this area and other related services;

35) activities in the field of information technology;

36) management of the operation of the housing stock for a fee or on a contractual basis;

37) scientific research and development;

38) repair of computers and communications equipment

10% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
4,5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities according to OKVED:

1) crop and livestock farming, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas;

2) collection and procurement of food forest resources, non-timber forest resources and medicinal plants;

3) fishing and fish farming;

4) food production;

5) production of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled drinking waters;

6) production of textile products;

7) clothing production;

8) production of leather and leather products;

9) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture, production of straw products and weaving materials;

10) production of paper and paper products;

11) production of chemicals and chemical products;

12) production of medicines and materials used for medical purposes;

13) production of rubber and plastic products;

14) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

15) production of profiles using cold stamping or bending;

16) production of wire by cold drawing;

17) production of finished metal products, except machinery and equipment;

18) production of computers, electronic and optical products;

19) production of electrical equipment;

20) production of machinery and equipment not included in other groups;

21) production of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers;

22) production of other vehicles and equipment;

23) furniture production;

24) production of musical instruments;

25) production of sporting goods;

26) production of games and toys;

27) production of products not included in other groups;

28) provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons;

29) washing and dry cleaning of textiles and fur products;

30) provision of electricity, gas and steam, air conditioning (with the exception of trade in electricity and trade in steam and hot water (thermal energy));

31) collection, purification and distribution of water;

32) collection and treatment of wastewater;

33) provision of services in the field of liquidation of the consequences of pollution and other services related to waste disposal;

34) research and development

Condition for applying the reduced rate: the share of income from the sale of products or services provided for this type of activity is at least 70 percent of the total income

Tula regionLaw Tula region dated September 26, 2009 No. 1329-ZTO5% Organizations that pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, first registered after May 20, 2015 (except for organizations engaged in wholesale or retail trade). The rate is valid in the region until January 1, 2017

Entrepreneurs who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, first registered after May 20, 2015 (except for those who carry out activities that are subject to simplified tax holidays, or are engaged in wholesale or retail trade)

7% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses, carrying out the following types of activities according to OKVED:

1) agriculture, hunting and provision of services in these areas;

2) forestry and provision of services in this area;

4) textile production;

6) production of leather, leather goods and footwear production;

9) chemical production;

10) production of rubber and plastic products;

11) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

21) construction;

22) research and development.

10% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and who are engaged in wholesale or retail trade, as well as combine trade with other activities
3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income, carrying out the following types of activities according to OKVED:

1) agriculture, hunting and provision of services in these areas;

2) forestry and provision of services in this area;

3) production of food products, including drinks;

4) textile production;

5) clothing production; dressing and dyeing of fur;

6) production of leather, leather goods and footwear production;

7) wood processing and production of wood and cork products, except furniture;

8) production of cellulose, wood pulp, paper, cardboard and products made from them;

9) chemical production;

10) production of rubber and plastic products;

11) production of other non-metallic mineral products;

12) metallurgical production;

13) production of finished metal products;

14) production of machinery and equipment;

15) production of office equipment and computer equipment;

16) production of electrical machines and electrical equipment;

17) production of equipment for radio, television and communications;

18) production of medical equipment, measuring instruments, optical instruments and equipment, watches;

19) production of furniture and other products not included in other groups;

20) processing of secondary raw materials;

21) construction;

22) research and development

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in Part 3 of Article 1 of the Law

1% Organizations that pay a single tax on income first registered after January 1, 2016 (except for organizations engaged in wholesale or retail trade)

Entrepreneurs who pay a single tax on income first registered after January 1, 2016 (except for those who carry out activities that are subject to simplified tax holidays or are engaged in wholesale or retail trade)

3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and who are engaged in wholesale or retail trade, as well as combine trade with other types of activities, first registered after January 1, 2016
Tyumen regionLaw Tyumen region dated November 21, 2014 No. 925% All taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses

Law of the Tyumen region dated March 31, 2015 No. 21 introduced a moratorium on increasing interest rate until December 31, 2020 inclusive. This law applies to legal relations arising from January 1, 2015. Thus, in the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020, the tax rate is 5 percent.

By Law of the Tyumen Region dated June 11, 2015 No. 61, the article establishing a 5 percent rate was excluded from the Law of the Tyumen Region dated November 21, 2014 No. 92. However, this change does not have any tax consequences. This is a technical amendment that prohibits duplication of the same norm in different laws.

Udmurt republicLaw of the Udmurt Republic of December 22, 2010 No. 55-RZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities according to OKVED:

1) agriculture, hunting and forestry;

2) manufacturing industries;

3) construction;

4) education;

5) healthcare and provision of social services;

6) provision of other communal, social and personal services.

The share of income from the above types of activities in the total amount of income must be at least 70% for the tax period

10% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Ulyanovsk regionLaw of the Ulyanovsk region of March 3, 2009 No. 13-ZO5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses:

1) being small businesses in accordance with federal legislation. The benefit is applied during the first tax period from the date state registration and the following tax period;

2) for whom during the reporting (tax) period at least 70% of the total income from sales was income from sales from the following types of activities according to OKVED OK 029-2001:

a) 01, 02, 05, 10, 14, 15, 17–19 (except for cases when the corresponding type of economic activity is carried out on the basis of orders from citizens);

b) 20, 21, 25–28, 45 (except for the type of economic activity provided for by group 45.11.2);

c) 73, 80.10.3, 85.11.1, 85.12, 85.14.1–85.14.4 and 85.32

10% – for whom during the reporting (tax) period at least 70% of the total income from sales was income from the sale of goods for the following types of activities according to OKVED OK 029-2001:

a) 22, 36–37, 71, 72, 74.20.1, 74.30.7 (except for cases when the corresponding type of economic activity is carried out at service stations);

b) 74.4 (except for cases when the relevant type of economic activity is related to the placement and distribution of outdoor advertising), 74.5–74.6, 74.70.1, 74.82, 74.84, 74.87.4–74.87.5;

c) 90, 91.11, 92.1 (except for cases when film production is carried out on the basis of orders from citizens), 92.2–92.6, 93.01 (except for cases when the corresponding type of economic activity is carried out on the basis of orders from citizens), 93.04

1% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income if they:

1) carry out activities in the field of information technology and have received a document on state accreditation, provided that the income from the sale of goods (work, services) during the relevant reporting (tax) period includes the share of income from the sale of preferential goods (work, services) by group 72 according to OKVED OK 029-2001 was at least 70 percent;

2) registered for the first time as legal entities or individual entrepreneurs after January 1, 2016 - during the tax period in which their state registration was carried out and the tax period following it

Khabarovsk regionLaw of the Khabarovsk Territory of November 10, 2005 No. 308 8% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses:

1) whose income in the tax period was received exclusively from the following types of activities:

forestry and logging


waste collection

street sweeping and snow removal

food and beverage activities

management of the operation of housing stock for a fee or on a contract basis

research and development


health activities

residential care activities

provision of social services without providing accommodation.

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous OkrugLaw of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra dated December 30, 2008 No. 166-oz5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and are micro-enterprises, small enterprises
5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and whose main economic activities are activities included in the following groups of OKVED OK 029-2014:

1) crop and livestock farming, hunting and the provision of related services in these areas (class 01);

2) forestry and logging (class 02);

3) fishing and fish farming (class 03);

4) manufacturing industries (classes 10–33);

5) collection and treatment of waste water (class 37);

6) collection, processing and disposal of waste (subclasses 38.1–38.2);

7) street sweeping and snow removal (subgroup 81.29.2);

8) activities of hotels and other places for temporary residence (subclass 55.1);

9) veterinary activities (class 75);

10) education (class 85);

11) activities in the field of health and social services (grades 86–88);

12) production of films, videos and television programs, publication of sound recordings and notes (class 59);

13) activities in the field of television and radio broadcasting (class 60);

14) activities of news agencies (group 63.91);

15) other booking services and related activities (group 79.90);

16) activities in the field of culture, sports, organization of leisure and entertainment (grades 90–93);

17) repair of computers, personal consumption and household items (groups 95.21–95.23, 95.25, 95.29);

18) provision of other types of services (classes 94, 96)

Chelyabinsk regionLaw Chelyabinsk region dated December 25, 2015 No. 277-ZO10% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities:

1) manufacturing industries (except for the production of excisable goods);

2) construction of buildings and structures;

3) research and development;

4) agriculture, hunting and the provision of services in these areas (except for hunting and breeding of wild animals, including the provision of services in these areas);

5) fishing, fish farming;

6) healthcare and provision of social services;

7) education;

8) housing and communal services provided to the population:

a) production, transmission and distribution of electricity, gas, steam and hot water;

b) collection, purification and distribution of water;

c) disposal of sewage, waste and similar activities;

d) management of the operation of the housing stock;

e) management of the operation of non-residential assets;

9) activities of travel agencies;

10) activities in the field of sports;

3% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities:

1) agriculture, hunting and the provision of services in these areas (except for hunting and breeding of wild animals, including the provision of services in these areas);

2) fishing, fish farming;

3) manufacturing industries (except for the production of excisable goods);

4) research and development;

5) preschool education(preceding primary general education);

6) activities of medical institutions;

7) provision of social services with provision of accommodation;

8) provision of social services without providing accommodation;

9) activities of concert and theater halls;

10) activities of libraries, archives, club-type institutions;

11) activities of youth tourist camps and mountain tourist centers;

12) activities of children's camps during the holidays

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in parts 4–6 of Article 1 of the law

Chechen RepublicLaw Chechen Republic dated November 27, 2015 No. 49-RZ1% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income if the average number of employees for the tax (reporting) period:

– does not exceed 20 people

2% – ranged from 21 to 40 people inclusive;
3% – ranged from 41 to 60 people inclusive;
4% – ranged from 61 to 70 people inclusive;
5% – ranged from 71 to 85 people inclusive;
6% – ranged from 86 to 100 people inclusive
5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Chuvash RepublicLaw Chuvash Republic dated July 23, 2001 No. 3812% All categories of taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses (except for residents of industrial parks)

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in Part 1 of Article 39.1 of the law

5% Residents of industrial parks in relation to economic activity carried out on the territory of the industrial park

The conditions for applying the preferential rate are given in Part 2 of Article 39.1 of the Law

Chukotka Autonomous OkrugLaw of the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of May 18, 2015 No. 47-OZ5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities (see Appendix 2 to the law)
10% All other taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
2% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities (see Appendix 6 to the law)
4% All other taxpayers who pay a single income tax
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous OkrugLaw of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of December 18, 2008 No. 112-ZAO5% All taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses
Yaroslavl regionLaw of the Yaroslavl region of November 30, 2005 No. 69-z5% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on the difference between income and expenses and carry out the following types of activities:

b) fishing, fish farming;

c) manufacturing industries;

d) construction;

e) activities in the field of radio broadcasting and television

10% a) repair of vehicles, motorcycles, household products and personal items;

b) transport and communications;

c) provision of other communal, social and personal services, with the exception of the provision of other personal services and activities in the field of radio broadcasting and television

4% Taxpayers who pay a single tax on income and carry out the following types of activities:

a) agriculture, hunting and forestry;

b) manufacturing industries;

c) construction;

d) palliative care services

Example of tax calculation for the simplified tax system “Income”

  • IP Ivanov chose the simplified taxation system “Income”. There are no employees.
  • In the first quarter, income was 150 thousand rubles. Size fear. contributions - 6998 rubles, paid in March.
  • In the second quarter, income was 220 thousand rubles. Insurance premiums were transferred to 6997 rubles.
  • During the third quarter, 179 thousand rubles were received, and fear. contributions paid - 8 thousand rubles.
  • By the end of the year, IP Ivanov received 243 thousand rubles and paid the remaining amount due. contributions 10915 rubles.

Since 2017, fear. contributions of individual entrepreneurs without employees are equal to 27,990 rubles plus 1% of revenue over 300 thousand rubles. This 1% can be transferred at the end of 2017, before April 1, 2020. In the example, let’s consider the case when an individual entrepreneur pays the entire amount of contributions during the current year, since this will allow him to reduce the EUR for 2017.

  • Advance payments for the first quarter:

(150 t. x 6%) – 6998 = 2002 rubles (transfer before 25.04)

  • Income for the 1st half of the year:

150 t. + 220 t. = 370 t. rub.

  • Advance payment for the 1st half of the year:

(370 t. x 6%) – 6998 – 6997 – 2002 = 6203 rubles

  • Income for 9 months:

150 t. + 220 t. + 179 t. = 549 t.

  • Advance payment for 9 months:

(549 t. x 6%) – (6998 + 6997 + 8000) – (2002 + 6203) = 2740 rubles

  • Income for the whole year:

549 t. + 243 t. = 792 thousand.

  • Annual EUR:

792 t. x 6% = 47520 rub.

  • Annual advance payments:

2002 + 6203 + 2740 = 10945 rubles

  • Annual fear. contributions:

6998 + 6997 + 8000 + 10915 = 32910 rub.

  • Total EN USN for the year:

47520 – 10945 – 32910 = 3665 rubles

An example of tax calculation for the simplified tax system “Income minus Expenses”

  • The company pays taxes according to the simplified tax system “D-R”.
  • For the first quarter, revenues amounted to 1 million rubles, and expenses – 0.8 million rubles.
  • For the second quarter income 1.2 million rubles, expenses – 0.9 million rubles.
  • For the third quarter income 1.1 million rubles, expenses – 0.84 million rubles.
  • For the fourth quarter income 1.4 million rubles, expenses – 1 million rubles.

1) Advance payments for the first quarter:

(1 million – 0.8 million) x 15% = 30 thousand rubles

2) Advance payments for six months:

[(1 million + 1.2 million) – (0.8 million + 0.9 million)] x 15% – 30 thousand rubles = 45 thousand rubles (transferred before July 25)

3) Advance payments for 9 months:

[(1 million + 1.2 million + 1.1 million) – (0.8 million + 0.9 million + 0.84 million)] x 15% – (30 thousand rubles + 45 thousand rubles) = 39 thousand roubles

4) EN at the end of the year:

  • Income in the amount: 1 million + 1.2 million + 1.1 million + 1.4 million = 4.7 million rubles
  • Total expenses: 0.8 million + 0.9 million + 0.84 million + 1 million = 3.54 million rubles
  • Tax base: 4.7 million – 3.54 million = 1.16 million rubles
  • EUR at the end of the year: (1.16 million x 15%) – (30 thousand + 45 thousand + 39 thousand) = 60 thousand rubles

5) In the “D-R” mode, you need to calculate the minimum tax:

4.7 million x 1% = 47 thousand rubles

In our case min. the tax turned out to be less than the EN paid (174 thousand rubles), which means there is no need to pay the minimum tax instead of the usual one.

Comparison of the “Income” and “Income minus Expenses” modes using an example

The enterprise “Best Books” on the simplified tax system “D-R” (regional rate 5%) had an income of 300 thousand rubles and the following expense items:

  • Rent of space for a bookstore – 30 thousand rubles
  • Buying a printer – 40 thousand rubles
  • Buying books – 3 thousand rubles
  • Salary to sellers – 20 thousand rubles
  • Insurance deductions – 6 thousand rubles
  • Mobile communications – 6 thousand rubles
  • Expenses on fuel and lubricants for delivery service vehicles – 15 thousand rubles
  • Banner at the entrance – 40 thousand rubles.

1) Tax base:

300 thousand rubles – 160 thousand rubles = 140 thousand rubles

2) Advance payment (USN “D-R”):

140 thousand rubles x 5% = 7 thousand rubles

3) If the company had chosen the “Income” mode, advance payment would be:

300 thousand rubles x 6% – 6 thousand rubles = 12 thousand rubles, which would be unprofitable for the company.

Regulatory acts on the topic

You should study the following documents in advance:

Answers to common questions

Question No. 1. I received an advance payment of 10 thousand rubles from my client at the end of the reporting quarter, but did not have time to send money from it to the supplier in the amount of 9 thousand rubles. What should I do now?

At the end of the quarter, you will have to pay an advance payment (at a rate of 15%, in this case it is 1.5 thousand rubles). After correct registration in the future, this amount will be deducted when recalculating the Unified National Tax for the entire year.

Question No. 2. What could be the consequences for late reporting, non-payment of tax or delay in sending a payment under the simplified tax system?

If you are late in sending your reports, you will be fined 5-30% of the tax not sent to the budget for each non-full month of delay (in any case, not less than 1000 rubles). For non-payment of tax - a fine of 20-40% of the amount of taxes. You will be subject to penalties for late payment.

Question No. 3. How to reduce tax on the amount of insurance. contributions of individual entrepreneurs on the “simplified” (“Income”), if there are employees on staff, and the revenue is 200 thousand rubles per year?

You are only allowed to reduce taxes by half the amount of insurance premiums for yourself and your employees. If, for example, insurance deductions amounted to 20 thousand rubles. You will pay 12 thousand rubles. taxes (200 thousand x 6%). You can deduct only 6 thousand rubles from tax.

Question No. 4. Annual income of individual entrepreneurs on “simplified” 6% – 800 thousand rubles. The amount of all contributions is 20 thousand rubles. How to legally reduce your taxes?

Special conditions have been determined for your case, since your income is more than 300 thousand rubles. The income tax will be (800 thousand x 6%) = 48 thousand. And you are also required to pay 1% of revenue over 300 thousand to the Pension Fund. Let's calculate: (800 thousand - 300 thousand) x 1% = 5 thousand. Total insurance contributions are 25 thousand rubles. But you have the right to reduce the tax by only 24 thousand (48 thousand x 50%).

Question №5. Is it possible to reduce taxes using the “simplified tax” on 1% income over 300 thousand rubles? to the Pension Fund?

Yes. The Ministry of Finance recognizes this amount as fixed, which means that this type of insurance premium can be deducted.

To learn how you can compare taxation systems in order to legally reduce payments to the budget when doing business, read the article ". And for those who still have questions or for those who want to get advice from a professional, we can offer free consultation on taxation from 1C specialists:

Benefits of using the simplified tax system 2019

Simplified tax system, simplified tax system, simplified tax system - these are all the names of the most popular tax system among small and medium-sized businesses. The attractiveness of the simplified tax system is explained both by the low tax burden and the relative ease of accounting and reporting, especially for individual entrepreneurs.

In our service you can prepare a free notification of the transition to the simplified tax system (relevant for 2019)

A simplified system combines two different options taxation, differing in the tax base, tax rate and procedure for calculating taxes:

  • USN Income,

Is it always possible to say that the simplified tax system is the most profitable and easiest taxation system for accounting? This question cannot be answered unequivocally, since it is possible that in your particular case the simplification will not be very profitable and not very simple. But we must admit that the simplified tax system is a flexible and convenient tool that allows you to regulate the tax burden of a business.

It is necessary to compare tax systems according to several criteria; we suggest briefly going through them, noting the features of the simplified tax system.

1. Amounts of payments to the state when conducting activities on the simplified tax system

We are talking here not only about payments to the budget in the form of taxes, but also about payments for pension, medical and social insurance workers. Such transfers are called insurance premiums, and sometimes salary taxes (which is incorrect from an accounting point of view, but understandable for those who pay these contributions). amount on average to 30% of the amounts paid to employees, and individual entrepreneurs are required to transfer these contributions also for themselves personally.

Simplified tax rates are significantly lower than tax rates common system taxation. For the simplified tax system with the object “Income”, the tax rate is only 6%, and since 2016, regions have the right to reduce tax rate on the simplified tax system Income up to 1%. For the simplified tax system with the object “Income minus expenses,” the tax rate is 15%, but it can also be reduced by regional laws down to 5%.

In addition to the reduced tax rate, the simplified tax system for income has another advantage - the possibility of a single tax due to insurance premiums transferred in the same quarter. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs-employers operating under this regime can reduce the single tax by up to 50%. Individual entrepreneurs without employees on the simplified tax system can take into account the entire amount of contributions, as a result of which, with small incomes, there may be no single tax payable at all.

On the simplified tax system Income minus expenses, you can take into account the following insurance premiums in expenses when calculating the tax base, but this calculation procedure also applies to other tax systems, so it cannot be considered a specific advantage of the simplified system.

Thus, the simplified tax system is undoubtedly the most profitable tax system for a businessman if taxes are calculated based on the income received. Less profitable, but only in some cases, a simplified system may be compared to UTII system for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs and regarding the cost of a patent for individual entrepreneurs.

We draw the attention of all LLCs to the simplified tax system - organizations can pay taxes only by non-cash transfer. This is a requirement of Art. 45 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which the organization’s obligation to pay tax is considered fulfilled only after presentation of a payment order to the bank. The Ministry of Finance prohibits paying LLC taxes in cash. We recommend that you open a current account with favorable conditions.

2. Labor-intensive accounting and reporting on the simplified tax system

By this criterion, the simplified tax system also looks attractive. Tax accounting in a simplified system is maintained in a special Book of Income and Expenses Accounting (KUDiR) for the simplified tax system (form). Since 2013, simplified legal entities have also kept accounting records; individual entrepreneurs do not have such an obligation.

So that you can try outsourcing accounting without any material risks and decide whether it suits you, we, together with the 1C company, are ready to provide our users with a month of free accounting services:

Reporting on the simplified tax system is represented by only one declaration, which must be submitted at the end of the year by March 31 for organizations and by April 30 for individual entrepreneurs.

For comparison, VAT payers, enterprises on the general tax system and UTII, as well as individual entrepreneurs on UTII submit declarations quarterly.

We must not forget that under the simplified tax system, except for the tax period, i.e. calendar year, there are also reporting periods - the first quarter, half a year, nine months. Although the period is called a reporting period, based on its results it is not necessary to submit a declaration according to the simplified tax system, but it is necessary to calculate and pay advance payments according to the KUDiR data, which will then be taken into account when calculating the single tax at the end of the year (examples with calculations of advance payments are given at the end of the article).

More details:

3. Disputes between simplified taxation system payers and tax and judicial authorities

An infrequently taken into account, but significant advantage of the simplified tax system for income, is that in this case the taxpayer does not need to prove the validity and correct documentation of expenses. It is enough to record the income received in KUDiR and submit a declaration according to the simplified tax system at the end of the year, without worrying that, based on the results of a desk audit, arrears, penalties and fines may be accrued due to the non-recognition of certain expenses. When calculating the tax base under this regime, expenses are not taken into account at all.

For example, disputes with tax authorities over the recognition of expenses when calculating income taxes and the validity of losses bring businessmen even to the Supreme Court. arbitration court(just look at the cases of non-recognition by tax authorities of expenses for drinking water and toiletries in offices). Of course, taxpayers using the simplified tax system Income minus expenses must also confirm their expenses with correctly executed documents, but there is noticeably less debate about their validity. Closed, i.e. a strictly defined list of expenses that can be taken into account when calculating the tax base is given in Article 346.16 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Simplified people are also lucky in that they are not (except for VAT when importing goods into the Russian Federation), a tax that also provokes a lot of controversy and is difficult to administer, i.e. accrual, payment and return from the budget.

The simplified tax system leads to much less often. This system does not have such audit risk criteria as reporting losses when calculating income tax, high percent expenses in the income of an entrepreneur when calculating personal income tax and a significant share of VAT to be reimbursed from the budget. Consequences of away tax audit for business do not relate to the topic of this article, we only note that for enterprises the average amount of additional accruals based on its results is more than one million rubles.

It turns out that the simplified system, especially the simplified tax system for income, reduces the risks of tax disputes and on-site inspections, and this must be recognized as an additional advantage.

4. Possibility of work of simplified taxation system payers with taxpayers in other modes

Perhaps the only significant minus the simplified tax system is to limit the circle of partners and buyers to those who do not need to take into account input VAT. A counterparty working with VAT will most likely refuse to work with a simplified tax unless its VAT costs are offset by a lower price for your goods or services.

General information about the simplified tax system 2019

If you find the simplified system beneficial and convenient for yourself, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with it in more detail, for which we turn to the original source, i.e. Chapter 26.2 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Let's start our acquaintance with the simplified tax system with the one who can still apply this system taxation.

Can apply simplified tax system in 2019

Taxpayers under the simplified tax system can be organizations (legal entities) and individual entrepreneurs ( individuals) unless they are subject to a number of restrictions set out below.

An additional restriction applies to an already operating organization, which can switch to a simplified regime if, based on the results of 9 months of the year in which it submits a notice of transition to the simplified tax system, its income from sales and non-operating income did not exceed 112.5 million rubles. These restrictions do not apply to individual entrepreneurs.

  • banks, pawnshops, investment funds, insurers, non-state pension funds, professional participants in the securities market, microfinance organizations;
  • organizations with branches;
  • state and budgetary institutions;
  • organizations conducting and organizing gambling;
  • foreign organizations;
  • organizations - participants in production sharing agreements;
  • organizations in which the share of participation of other organizations is more than 25% (except for non-profit organizations, budget scientific and educational institutions and those in which authorized capital consists entirely of contributions public organizations disabled people);
  • organizations whose residual value of fixed assets is more than 150 million rubles.

They cannot apply the simplified tax system in 2019

Organizations and individual entrepreneurs also cannot apply the simplified tax system:

  • producing excisable goods (alcohol and tobacco products, cars, gasoline, diesel fuel, etc.);
  • extracting and selling minerals, except for common ones, such as sand, clay, peat, crushed stone, building stone;
  • switched to a single agricultural tax;
  • having more than 100 employees;
  • those who did not report the transition to the simplified tax system within the time limits and in the manner prescribed by law.

The simplified tax system also does not apply to the activities of private notaries, lawyers who have established law offices, and other forms of legal entities.

To avoid a situation in which you cannot apply the simplified tax system, we recommend that you carefully select OKVED codes for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs. If any of the selected codes corresponds to the activity above, then report on it to Tax simplified tax system won't allow it. For those who doubt their choice, we can offer a free selection of OKVED codes.

Object of taxation on the simplified tax system

A distinctive feature of the simplified tax system is the possibility for the taxpayer to voluntarily choose the object of taxation between “Income” and “Income reduced by the amount of expenses” (more often called “Income minus expenses”).

The taxpayer can make his choice between the objects of taxation “Income” or “Income minus expenses” annually, having previously notified tax office until December 31 about the intention to change the object from the new year.

Note: The only limitation on the possibility of such a choice applies to taxpayers who are participants in a simple partnership agreement (or joint activity), as well as an agreement trust management property. The object of taxation under the simplified tax system for them can only be “Income minus expenses.”

Tax base for the simplified tax system

For the object of taxation “Income” the tax base is the monetary expression of income, and for the object “Income minus expenses” the tax base is the monetary expression of income reduced by the amount of expenses.

Articles 346.15 to 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation specify the procedure for determining and recognizing income and expenses in this regime. The following are recognized as income under the simplified tax system:

  • income from sales, i.e. revenue from the sale of goods, works and services of own production and previously purchased, and revenue from the sale of property rights;
  • non-operating income specified in Art. 250 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, such as property received free of charge, income in the form of interest under loan agreements, credit, bank account, securities, positive exchange rate and amount differences, etc.

Expenses recognized under the simplified system are given in Art. 346.16 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Tax rates for the simplified tax system

The tax rate for the simplified tax system Income option is generally equal to 6%. For example, if you received income in the amount of 100 thousand rubles, then the tax amount will be only 6 thousand rubles. In 2016, regions received the right to reduce the tax rate on simplified taxation system Income to 1%, but not everyone enjoys this right.

The usual rate for the simplified taxation system “Income minus expenses” is 15%, but regional laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation may reduce the tax rate to 5% to attract investment or develop certain types of activities. You can find out what rate is in force in your region at the tax office at your place of registration.

For the first time, registered individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system can receive, i.e. the right to work at a zero tax rate if a corresponding law has been adopted in their region.

Which object to choose: simplified taxation system Income or simplified taxation system Income minus expenses?

There is a fairly conditional formula that allows you to show at what level of expenses the amount of tax on the simplified tax system for Income will be equal to the amount of tax on the simplified tax system for Income minus expenses:

Income*6% = (Income - Expenses)*15%

In accordance with this formula, the amount of the simplified tax system will be equal when expenses amount to 60% of income. Further, the greater the expenses, the less tax will be payable, i.e. with equal incomes, the simplified tax system Income minus expenses option will be more profitable. However, this formula does not take into account three important criteria that can significantly change the calculated tax amount.

1. Recognition and accounting of expenses for calculating the tax base on the simplified tax system Income minus expenses:

    Expenses for the simplified tax system Income minus expenses must be properly documented. Unconfirmed expenses will not be taken into account when calculating the tax base. To confirm each expense, you must have a document confirming its payment (such as a receipt, account statement, payment order, cash receipt) and a document confirming the transfer of goods or provision of services and performance of work, i.e. invoice for transfer of goods or act for services and works;

    Closed list of expenses. Not all expenses, even correctly documented and economically justified, can be taken into account. A strictly limited list of expenses recognized for the simplified tax system Income minus expenses is given in Art. 346.16 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    Special procedure for recognizing certain types of expenses. So, in order for the simplified tax system Income minus expenses to take into account the costs of purchasing goods intended for further sale, it is necessary not only to document the payment of these goods to the supplier, but also to sell them to your buyer (Article 346.17 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Important point- sales do not mean the actual payment for the goods by your buyer, but only the transfer of the goods into his ownership. This issue was considered in Resolution of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation No. 808/10 dated June 29. 2010, according to which “... it does not follow from tax legislation that the condition for including the cost of purchased and sold goods in expenses is their payment by the buyer.” Thus, in order to offset the costs of purchasing a product intended for further sale, the simplifier must pay for this product, capitalize it and sell it, i.e. transfer ownership to its buyer. The fact that the buyer paid for this product will not matter when calculating the tax base on the simplified tax system Income minus expenses.

Another one a difficult situation possible if you received an advance payment from your buyer at the end of the quarter, but did not have time to transfer the money to the supplier. Let’s assume that a trading and intermediary company using the simplified tax system received an advance payment in the amount of 10 million rubles, of which 9 million rubles. must be transferred to the supplier for the goods. If for some reason you did not manage to pay the supplier in the reporting quarter, then based on its results you must pay an advance payment based on the income received in the amount of 10 million rubles, i.e. 1.5 million rubles (at the usual rate of 15%). Such an amount can be significant for the simplified taxation system payer, who works with the buyer’s money. In the future, after proper registration, these expenses will be taken into account when calculating the single tax for the year, but the need to pay such amounts at once may become an unpleasant surprise.

2. Possibility to reduce the single tax on the simplified tax system Income from paid insurance premiums. It was already said above that in this regime it is possible to reduce the single tax itself, and by simplified tax system mode Income minus expenses and insurance premiums can be taken into account when calculating the tax base.

✐Example ▼

3. Reducing the regional tax rate for the simplified tax system Income minus expenses from 15% to 5%.

If your region adopted a law establishing a differentiated tax rate for taxpayers using the simplified tax system in 2019, then this will be a plus in favor of the simplified tax system Income minus expenses option, and then the level of expenses may be even less than 60%.

✐Example ▼

The procedure for switching to the simplified tax system

Newly registered business entities (individual entrepreneurs, LLCs) can switch to the simplified tax system by submitting their application no later than 30 days from the date of state registration. Such a notification can also be submitted to the tax office immediately along with documents for registering an LLC or registering an individual entrepreneur. Most inspectorates request two copies of the notification, but some Federal Tax Service Inspectors require three. One copy will be given back to you with a tax office stamp.

If, at the end of the reporting (tax) period in 2019, the taxpayer’s income on the simplified tax system exceeded 150 million rubles, then he loses the right to use the simplified system from the beginning of the quarter in which the excess was made.

In our service you can prepare a free notification of the transition to the simplified tax system (relevant for 2019):

Already operating legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can switch to the simplified tax system only from the beginning of the new calendar year, for which they must submit a notification no later than December 31 of the current year (notification forms are similar to those indicated above). As for UTII payers who have stopped conducting a certain type of activity on imputation, they can submit an application for the simplified tax system within a year. The right to such a transition is given by paragraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 346.13 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Single tax for simplified tax system 2019

Let's figure out how taxpayers should calculate and pay tax using the simplified tax system in 2019. The tax paid by simplifiers is called single. The single tax replaces the payment of income tax, property tax, etc. for enterprises. Of course, this rule is not without exceptions:

  • VAT must be paid to simplifiers when importing goods into the Russian Federation;
  • Enterprises must also pay property tax using the simplified tax system if this property, according to the law, will be assessed according to cadastral value. In particular, since 2014, such a tax must be paid by enterprises that own retail and office space, but so far only in those regions where the relevant laws have been adopted.

For individual entrepreneurs, the single tax replaces personal income tax on business activities, VAT (except for VAT on imports into the territory of the Russian Federation) and property tax. Individual entrepreneurs can receive an exemption from paying tax on property used in business activities if they submit a corresponding application to their tax office.

Tax and reporting periods on the simplified tax system

As we have already discussed above, the calculation of the single tax differs between the simplified tax system Income and the simplified tax system Income minus expenses in their rate and tax base, but they are the same for them.

The tax period for calculating tax on the simplified tax system is the calendar year, although this can only be said conditionally. The obligation to pay tax in parts or in advance payments arises at the end of each reporting period, which is a quarter, half a year and nine months of a calendar year.

The deadlines for paying advance payments for the single tax are as follows:

  • based on the results of the first quarter - April 25;
  • based on the results of the half year - July 25;
  • based on the results of nine months - October 25.

The single tax itself is calculated at the end of the year, taking into account all quarterly advance payments already made. Deadline for paying tax on the simplified tax system at the end of 2019:

  • until March 31, 2020 for organizations;
  • until April 30, 2020 for individual entrepreneurs.

For violation of the terms of payment of advance payments, a penalty in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is charged for each day of delay. If the single tax itself is not transferred at the end of the year, then in addition to the penalty, a fine of 20% of the unpaid tax amount will be imposed.

Calculation of advance payments and single tax on the simplified tax system

Calculated based on a single tax, increasing, i.e. summing up the total from the beginning of the year. When calculating the advance payment based on the results of the first quarter, you need the calculated tax base multiply by the tax rate, and pay this amount by April 25.

When calculating the advance payment based on the results of the six months, you need to multiply the tax base received based on the results of 6 months (January-June) by the tax rate, and from this amount subtract the advance payment already paid for the first quarter. The balance must be transferred to the budget by July 25.

The calculation of an advance for nine months is similar: the tax base calculated for 9 months from the beginning of the year (January-September) is multiplied by the tax rate and the resulting amount is reduced by advances already paid for the previous three and six months. The remaining amount must be paid by October 25.

At the end of the year, we will calculate a single tax - we multiply the tax base for the entire year by the tax rate, subtract all three advance payments from the resulting amount and make the difference by March 31 (for organizations) or April 30 (for individual entrepreneurs).

Tax calculation for simplified tax system Income 6%

A special feature of calculating advance payments and the single tax on the simplified tax system for income is the ability to reduce calculated payments by the amount of insurance premiums transferred in the reporting quarter. Enterprises and individual entrepreneurs with employees can reduce tax payments by up to 50%, but only within the limits of contributions. Individual entrepreneurs without employees can reduce tax on the entire amount of contributions, without the 50% limit.

✐Example ▼

Individual entrepreneur Alexandrov on the simplified tax system Income, who does not have employees, received an income of 150,000 rubles in the 1st quarter. and paid insurance premiums for himself in March in the amount of 9,000 rubles. Advance payment in 1 quarter. will be equal to: (150,000 * 6%) = 9,000 rubles, but it can be reduced by the amount of contributions paid. That is, in this case the advance payment is reduced to zero, so there is no need to pay it.

In the second quarter, an income of 220,000 rubles was received, a total for the six months, i.e. from January to June, the total income was 370,000 rubles. The entrepreneur also paid insurance premiums in the second quarter in the amount of 9,000 rubles. When calculating the advance payment for the six months, it must be reduced by the contributions paid in the first and second quarters. Let's calculate the advance payment for six months: (370,000 * 6%) - 9,000 - 9,000 = 4,200 rubles. The payment was transferred on time.

The entrepreneur’s income for the third quarter amounted to 179,000 rubles, and he paid 10,000 rubles in insurance premiums in the third quarter. When calculating the advance payment for nine months, we first calculate all income received since the beginning of the year: (150,000 + 220,000 + 179,000 = 549,000 rubles) and multiply it by 6%.

The amount received, equal to 32,940 rubles, will be reduced by all paid insurance premiums (9,000 + 9,000 + 10,000 = 28,000 rubles) and by advance payments transferred at the end of the second quarter (4,200rubles). In total, the amount of the advance payment at the end of nine months will be: (32,940 - 28,000 - 4,200 = 740 rubles).

By the end of the year, IP Alexandrov earned another 243,000 rubles, and his total annual income amounted to 792,000 rubles. In December, he paid the remaining amount of insurance premiums 13,158 rubles*.

*Note: according to the rules for calculating insurance premiums in force in 2019, individual entrepreneurs’ contributions for themselves amount to 36,238 rubles. plus 1% of income exceeding 300 thousand rubles. (792,000 - 300,000 = 492,000 * 1% = 4920 rub.). At the same time, 1% of income can be paid at the end of the year, until July 1, 2020. In our example, the individual entrepreneur paid the entire amount of contributions in the current year in order to be able to reduce the single tax at the end of 2019.

Let's calculate the annual single tax of the simplified tax system: 792,000 * 6% = 47,520 rubles, but during the year advance payments (4,200 + 740 = 4,940 rubles) and insurance premiums (9,000 + 9,000 + 10,000 + 13) were paid 158 = 41,158 rubles).

The amount of the single tax at the end of the year will be: (47,520 - 4,940 - 41,158 = 1,422 rubles), that is, the single tax was almost completely reduced due to insurance premiums paid for oneself.

Tax calculation for the simplified tax system Income minus expenses 15%

The procedure for calculating advance payments and tax under the simplified tax system Income minus expenses is similar to the previous example with the difference that income can be reduced by expenses incurred and the tax rate will be different (from 5% to 15% in different regions). In addition, insurance premiums do not reduce the calculated tax, but are taken into account in the total amount of expenses, so there is no point in focusing on them.

Example  ▼

Let's enter the quarterly income and expenses of the company Vesna LLC, operating under the simplified tax system Income minus expenses, into the table:

Advance payment based on the results of the 1st quarter: (1,000,000 - 800,000) *15% = 200,000*15% = 30,000 rubles. The payment was paid on time.

Let's calculate the advance payment for the six months: income on an accrual basis (1,000,000 + 1,200,000) minus expenses on an accrual basis (800,000 +900,000) = 500,000 *15% = 75,000 rubles minus 30,000 rubles. (advance payment paid for the first quarter) = 45,000 rubles, which were paid before July 25.

The advance payment for 9 months will be: income on an accrual basis (1,000,000 + 1,200,000 + 1,100,000) minus expenses on an accrual basis (800,000 +900,000 + 840,000) = 760,000 * 15% = 114,000 rubles. Let us subtract from this amount the advance payments paid for the first and second quarters (30,000 + 45,000) and get an advance payment for 9 months equal to 39,000 rubles.

To calculate the single tax at the end of the year, we sum up all income and expenses:

income: (1,000,000 + 1,200,000 + 1,100,000 + 1,400,000) = 4,700,000 rubles

expenses: (800,000 +900,000 + 840,000 + 1,000,000) = 3,540,000 rubles.

We calculate the tax base: 4,700,000 - 3,540,000 = 1,160,000 rubles and multiply by the tax rate of 15% = 174 thousand rubles. We subtract the advance payments paid from this figure (30,000 + 45,000 + 39,000 = 114,000), the remaining amount of 60 thousand rubles will be the amount of the single tax payable at the end of the year.

For taxpayers using the simplified tax system Income minus expenses, there is also an obligation to calculate the minimum tax in the amount of 1% of the amount of income received. It is calculated only at the end of the year and is paid only in the case when the tax accrued in the usual manner is less than the minimum or is absent altogether (if a loss is received).

In our example, the minimum tax could have been 47 thousand rubles, but Vesna LLC paid a total single tax of 174 thousand rubles, which exceeds this amount. If the single tax for the year, calculated in the above way, turned out to be less than 47 thousand rubles, then the obligation to pay the minimum tax would arise.

At the beginning of their business, entrepreneurs often work at zero or even a loss. When expenses exceed income or are equal to them, the simplified tax system calculated according to general rules, turns out to be zero. The state decided that the tax cannot be less than 1% of income. This is the minimum tax that must be paid if expenses exceed or equal income.

How is the minimum tax calculated?

The minimum tax arises only at the end of the year. Every quarter you need to calculate and pay tax as usual: subtract expenses from income from the beginning of the year, multiply by the tax rate of the simplified tax system “Income - Expenses” in your region and get the tax that needs to be paid.

What to do at the end of the year:

  1. Calculate tax as usual.
  2. Compare the amount received with the minimum tax - 1% of annual income.
  3. If the tax calculated as usual is more than 1% of income or equal to this amount, you pay the usual tax under the simplified tax system. If the tax is less than 1% of income, then pay the minimum tax. The easiest way to understand the calculation is with a specific example.

BCC for minimum tax in 2020

Does not differ from the KBK of a regular tax under the simplified tax system “Income minus expenses” 182 1 05 01021 01 1000 110 . Only the minimum tax for 2015 and previous years was paid to a separate BCC.

Advance payments are taken into account towards the minimum tax

All year long, as usual, you transferred quarterly advance payments to the simplified tax system, and at the end of the year you received a minimum tax. Advance payments that you have already transferred are taken into account towards the minimum tax.

There is no need to submit an application to offset advance payments against the minimum tax. The tax office will understand this from your declaration under the simplified tax system.

You don’t need to deal with the calculation of the simplified tax system or compare the regular tax with the minimum one. Elba will calculate all payments in accordance with current legislation and remind you when you need to pay and report.