Chechen Republic. RBC listed the main facts about Kadyrov's Chechnya The population of Chechnya for the year is


Demographic situation. The Chechen Republic (until 1992 as part of the Chechen-Ingush Republic) throughout the last third of the 20th century had steady population growth trends, ranking second in terms of the number of inhabitants (after the Republic of Dagestan) among the national republics of the North Caucasus region . At the beginning of the 21st century, this trend continues, and in accordance with the last census of the population of the Russian Federation (2002), the share of the Chechen Republic in the total population of the Southern Federal District (SFD) was 4.8%, and among the national republics of the SFD. It also ranks second after the Republic of Dagestan (despite large population losses over the past decade) (see table)

The population of Chechnya steadily increased until 1990 - from 914.4 thousand people in 1969 to 1130.0 thousand people. in 1990 (by 216 thousand, or almost a quarter).

The downward trend in the population of Chechnya began in 1990: in 1991 - 1128.1, in 1992 - 1112.6, in 1993 - 1074.3 and in 1995 - 865.1 thousand people (at the end, assessment of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation).

For 5 years, 1991-1995, the population of the Chechen Republic decreased by 265 thousand people, or almost a quarter (that is, in five years the Republic lost the entire twenty-year population growth).

The reason for this demographic situation is well known, it is the mass exodus of the population from the Republic, the first war.

Since 1996, according to the estimates of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the population of Chechnya has been continuously decreasing, until 2001, and has decreased to 609.5 thousand people.

However, according to the All-Russian population census of 2002, the population of the Chechen Republic amounted to 1103.7 thousand people, that is, it practically reached the level before the war in 1993.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Chechen Republic, the population of the Chechen Republic at the beginning of 2007 amounted to 1183.7 thousand people, including men - 574.3 and women - 609.4 thousand people, respectively - 48.52 and 51 .48%.

Contrary to the general Russian trend, there is a clear trend in the Republic of an increase in the birth rate, a decrease in mortality, a positive natural increase population. The dynamics of natural population growth since 1997 has been consistently positive (according to both the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the State Statistics Committee of the Chechen Republic).

Features of the age structure of the population: at the base of its sex and age pyramid, young ages predominate. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Chechen Republic. As of the beginning of 2007, the children's group of the population of Chechnya aged 0 to 14 years is 31.4% of all residents of the Republic.

Another feature of the age structure of the population is the extremely low proportion of the age group of residents over 55: 9.2% of all residents of the republic.

The number of children and pensioners is about 480.4 thousand people.

Population estimates for the 1st half of 2007, carried out by specialists from the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, revealed the following:

The situation on the labor market of the Chechen Republic continues to be tense, although there have been minor changes towards an increase in the total population, as well as the number of employed people and the number of labor resources. (See the table "Consolidated calculation of the balance of labor resources of the Chechen Republic for the 2nd quarter of 2007")

It was said above that during the period 2001-2003, in general, the process of the mass return of the Chechen population to the territory of the Republic ended. For the period from 2004 to the 1st half of 2007, the migration increase amounted to 5725 people. From 2004 to the first half of 2007, the number of citizens who arrived in the republic amounted to 35,859 people, and the number of those who left was 41,550 people.

Reference: The exodus of the "non-indigenous" population began already in 1990 and in the 90s is estimated at about 250 thousand people. According to the data of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, the number of only registered forced migrants from the Chechen Republic for 1992-2001 amounted to 184.5 thousand people, of which more than 90% - from among the "non-indigenous" population, the vast majority of which settled not in neighboring regions, and there were no cases of mass return to the Republic. It should be added that not everyone received this status, and therefore this official figure is the lower limit of the number of former residents of Chechnya, whose mass return is practically impossible.

The exodus of the “non-indigenous” population is also characteristic of other national republics of the North Caucasus (in Ingushetia, for example, there are almost no Russians left).

According to the 1989 census, the national structure of the Chechen Republic was as follows: Chechens - 66%, Russians - 24.8%, Ingush - 2.3%, other nationalities - 6.9%.

The territorial concentration of various ethnic groups was characterized by the majority of Chechens living in the central foothill and mountainous parts of the republic, Russians - in the city of Grozny and its surroundings, in the Priterechny region, Ingush - in the west of the Central zone of the republic.

About the international Chechen diaspora

From the standpoint of the restoration of the Chechen Republic, an assessment of the scale of the Chechen diaspora (potential personnel, funds, business development) is of considerable interest.

The total number of Chechens in the world diaspora is estimated at 1.5-2 million people, incl. on the territory of Russia, outside the Chechen Republic - about 800 thousand people (data from the Moscow Chechen community), mainly in Moscow (about 100 thousand people), in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, the Yaroslavl region, Tver, Kostroma, Samara, Saratov , Rostov region (finally 2001 data).

According to the 1989 census, the number of Chechens in the USSR was 958.3 thousand. people, of which 734.5 thousand people - in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The largest group of Chechens outside the USSR lived in Jordan (about 5 thousand people).

This paper presents a variant of the estimated population of the CR, namely: for the period 2010, 2015 and 2020, and, in addition, the projected population of the CR for 2020, made using graphic design.

According to the calculations of specialists of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, based on the use of the classical demographic method of "advancement of ages" (taking into account many necessary factors), the population of the Chechen Republic will be:

In 2010 - 1265.0 thousand people
in 2015 - 1385.0 thousand people
in 2020 - from 1450 to 1480 thousand people.

In accordance with the forecast calculation of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, the increase in the population of the Republic will be:
in 2010

161.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 14.6%
- 143.0 thousand people by 2004, or 12.7% in 2015
- 281.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 25.5%
- 263.0 thousand people by 2004, or 23.4%. in 2020

For the first value:

346.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 31.4%

For the second value:

376.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 34%
- 358.0 thousand people by 2004, or 32%.

Thus, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, the population of the Chechen Republic is increasing from 1103.7 thousand people. in 2002, and 1122.0 thousand people. in 2004 to 1450-1480 thousand people. in 2020, or 1.3 times. At the same time, the average annual growth rate until 2010 is kept at the level of 2.0%, and for the period up to 2015 and up to 2020. - decrease to 1-1.4%.

In this paper, an attempt is made to determine the design population by graphical method for cities and rural areas, the Republic as a whole.

Project proposals

This section of the Project presents forecast indicators of the size, dynamics and structure of the population (urban and rural) for the Republic as a whole, as well as for urban areas, individual urban settlements (given in the base table of the “Population” section).

At the same time, the forecast of the number of urban and rural population is given in two versions (“A” and “B”), taking into account the implementation of the urban planning concept of the Project, the transition to a polycentric organization of the territory, the development of individual district and local centers, the growth of urban settlements and urban population, increasing the level of urbanization of the Republic.

The forecasting of rural settlement across the territory of the Republic is complicated by the still unstable demographic situation in certain administrative regions, the high degree of uncertainty of internal migration, the complete lack of information on the size of the present population, taking into account migrants, and therefore was not implemented in this work.

The predictive characteristics are given against a retrospective background, which allows appropriate comparisons to be made.

The forecast period is taken until 2020 as an estimated period in urban planning, as a long-term period for the implementation of the planned strategic directions of social economic development Republic, broken down into separate (five-year) stages. The year 2004 was taken as the base year.

The calculation of the forecast population for the Republic as a whole was carried out by specialists of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, according to the classical method of shifting ages, taking into account the proportion of women in childbearing age, the infant mortality rate, and two components.

The population of the Chechen Republic by 2020 is projected at 1450-1480 thousand. residents, including urban residents - 640-660 thousand. according to option "A", 780-820 thousand rubles. option "B". Accordingly, the number of rural residents will be: 810-820 and 670-660 thousand, according to options "A" "B".

By 2020, in accordance with one version of the forecast, while maintaining the existing network of urban and rural settlements of the Republic, the pre-war structure of the population of the Republic will be completely restored: the ratio of urban and rural population according to option "A" will be as 44:56 (45:55)% %.

It is proposed, based on the population, as well as the nature of the city-forming base, favorable conditions and prerequisites for the development of industries (objects) of the city-forming base, to transfer, in the projected period, the following rural settlements and urban settlements to the status of urban settlements.

Convert to cities: c. Achkhoy-Martan, s. Kurchaloy, town. Oiskhara, p. Shatoy.

Convert to urban-type settlements: Art. Kalinovskaya, st. Naurskaya (Naursky district), st. Chervlennaya (Shelkovskoy), the village of Khankala (Groznensky), the village of Dzhalka (Gudermesky), the village of Sernovodskoye (Sunzhensky), with. Samashki(Achkhoi-Martanovsky), Borzoi (Shatoisky district).

The village of Shatoy is recommended to be developed as a center that organizes the territory not only of its district, but of the entire mountainous region, that is, as an inter-district center that performs organizational, economic, socio-cultural, as well as strategic functions in the surrounding territory. Therefore, despite the small number of inhabitants, with. Shatoi among large rural settlements is also a contender for urban status.

As a result, by the end of the forecast period, the network of urban settlements will be represented by:

One large city (Grozny);
three medium-sized cities (Gudermes, Urus-Martan, Shali);
four small towns (Achkhoi-Martan, Kurchaloy, Oiskhara, Shatoi);
nine urban-type settlements (see table).

The population of the city of Grozny is defined together with the city of Argun as a possible one policy, a single capital center of the Republic.

In the absence of specific quantitative characteristics of the development of industries (objects) of the city's city-forming base, the analogue population of Grozny was taken as a basis during the most favorable period in the socio-economic development of the republic as a whole and the city of Formidable in particular - the period of the late 80s, as well as parameters of master plans developed for these cities by Giprogor in 2003-2004.

In addition, the conceptual provision was taken into account to prevent excessive concentration of productive forces, including the population, in the capital center (and it reached more than a third of the entire population of the Republic).

As a result, by 2020 the population of Grozny is assumed to be 400-420 thousand, which corresponds to the level of the number of its inhabitants in 1989 (census, together with the city of Argun), and does not contradict the corresponding indicators of the master plans of cities.

At the same time, the share of Grozny (together with the city of Argun) in the total population of the Republic will not exceed 30%.

Taking into account the rather high threshold of the forecast period, the uncertainty in various aspects of the situation of the Republic, it is necessary to provide for a certain reserve in the number of the capital center, at least up to 500 thousand inhabitants.

By 2020, the population of the city of Gudermes has almost doubled (70 thousand), as it develops in the future as the second most important center of the Republic, as a sub-regional and multifunctional center, potentially duplicating some of the functions of the capital center (scientific and educational, financial, etc.). ) The quantitative parameters of the population correspond to the new design and planning documents of the city, developed by Giprogor.

The forecast population of the cities of Urus-Martan and Shali (60 thousand people each) takes into account current trends in population growth, and possible strategic directions for the development of their city-forming base based on labor-intensive industries, training, small and medium-sized businesses.

The population of another category of urban settlements - urban settlements - also increases significantly in the forecast period, from 26 to 40-45 thousand people. increases first in connection with the possibilities of developing their city-forming base. (For example, the possibility of population growth in the urban-type settlement of Chiri-Yurt is associated with the restoration of the cement plant, the expansion of its capacities, and the development of related industries). At the same time, the growth rates of the population of these urban settlements over the previous peaceful 20-year period were also taken into account. socio-economic development.

Labor and employment

The Chechen Republic, as well as other national republics of the North Caucasus, is characterized by a high labor potential, with a progressive structural population (the share of the able-bodied population in the pre-war period was about 60%, with a 12% share of older ages)
During the war years, there were significant losses of labor resources, both physical, as a result of hostilities, and migration, as a result of the outflow from the Republic, but the high level of the republic's labor resources was preserved.

Human Resources

According to the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, the labor force of the Chechen Republic consists of 688,945 people, which is 56.4% of the total population (as of July 1, 2007).

The increase in the number of labor resources in comparison with the indicators of 2006 (666,785 people) amounted to 22,160 people.
The level of employment of the population, agrarian overpopulation have always been the most acute problems of the Chechen Republic (inherent in all national republics of the Caucasus).

The employed able-bodied population totals 174,409 people, of the able-bodied population of working age it is only 25.7%. The public sector employs 114,629 people.

It can be seen from the above data that emergency in the labor market: the unemployed able-bodied population is 514536 people, and of this number - unemployed able-bodied citizens, job seekers and those who are ready to start it make up 488,538 people (the real reserve of the unemployed able-bodied population).

The last indicator determines the overall unemployment rate:
The level of general unemployment - 76.9%;

The level of registered unemployment is 49.2%.

Practically in all sectors of the economy there is a huge reserve of labor resources.

In accordance with the forecast of demographic trends compiled by the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, by 2015 the working-age population will be 851 thousand people. (60% of the total population); annual growth of the working-age population by about 18 thousand people, with an annual growth of the total population by an average of about 25 thousand people.

Consequently, by 2015, ceteris paribus, an additional approximately 200,000 jobs should be created. new jobs and training places, or about 20 thousand places a year.

Taking into account the current real reserve of unemployed able-bodied population of 460 thousand, it will be necessary to borrow 660 thousand jobs by 2015. person of the working population.

In the labor market of the Republic, along with a high level of unemployment, there are also other acute problems, among which, one should highlight the problem of qualified personnel necessary for the restoration and development of the economic complex of the Republic. It is connected, first of all, with the unemployed migration of the most educated and qualified groups of the population (both Russian-speaking and Chechen), as well as with the acute problem of personnel training, the virtual absence of educational institutions for professional training of personnel. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that a younger generation has grown up who did not receive basic secondary and special education during the hard times of war.


The demographic trends that exist in the future are very favorable for the development of productive forces in the Republic.

The availability of cheap labor in the labor market favors the successful development of business, the production of competitive products.

In conditions where almost all real sector economy in all sectors is destroyed, the labor market has become severely disproportionate, and the creation of permanent jobs has become vital for the Republic.

Along with the restoration of large production facilities, it is necessary to create mass, cheap, non-capital-intensive jobs in all areas of economic activity associated with labor-intensive types of industries and the sale of products and services. Such types of industries and services allow, at the lowest cost, to create jobs, involve more workers A large role in solving this issue is assigned to small and medium-sized businesses, self-employment of the population, the system of centralized procurement, consumer cooperation. Among the sectors of the economy, at this stage, and in the medium term, for the creation of mass jobs and the elimination of total unemployment, the following are of priority importance: construction and the building materials industry, assembly engineering, agriculture, trade and procurement, consumer services, as well as production: canning, fruit and vegetable, sewing, leather, textile.

A special policy is required to solve the problem of unemployment among young people, which requires taking into account the motivation of work and the prestige of the profession: work in the law enforcement agencies of the Czech Republic, in the traditional oil sector, in computer and information technologies, banking and business sectors. In the first place it is necessary to put the expansion of the education system, both on the territory of the Republic itself and on the territory of other subjects of the Federation.

In order to restore the economy and the social sphere, a special mechanism should be developed to stimulate the return of qualified specialists, engineers and scientists.

A competent, thoughtful and coordinated policy of the governing bodies in industry and in the educational sphere, as well as the social protection population, aimed at creating a set of conditions and measures to reduce mass unemployment in the Republic. At the same time, it is necessary to use certain positive experience of the regions and cities of Russia that have passed the stage of the crisis situation in the labor market.

The concept and project proposals for the spatial development of the Chechen Republic (STP CR) should take into account the main provisions of the Program for the Promotion of Employment and the Development of the Labor Market, which, in turn, are linked to the Concept and the Program for the socio-economic development of the republic, sectoral programs.

Improving the territorial organization of the Republic involves the maximum use of the competitive advantages of a particular territory, the restoration and development of the capacities of facilities (industries) in the production and social spheres, and the creation of additional jobs.

In the interests of the development of the territory and the creation of additional jobs, it is necessary to make maximum use of the natural resource potential of not only the Central, but also the northern and southern natural resource potential of not only the Central, but also the Northern and Southern natural economic zones, to turn these zones into active economic activity. Large reserves in this regard are available in the regions of the mountainous zone of the Republic. These are hydropower, the building materials industry, mountain sheep breeding, tobacco growing, beekeeping, tourist and recreational activities, the collection of valuable, ecologically clean, medicinal herbs and their pharmaceutical use, as well as the formation of a new direction in the economy of the Republic - the creation of a mining and metallurgical complex on the basis of mining polymetals and rare metals. Taking into account the border position of these regions, strategic functions will be developed here and a network of new settlements will be formed. In this regard, the road network, the economic base and the social sphere of regional centers and other rural settlements will be developed, that is, due to this, the capacity of the labor market will expand, employment will increase and the unemployment rate will decrease.
reserves for expanding the capacity of the labor market in the Northern zone:

Development of steppe sheep breeding, primary processing of wool, dressing of leather and other raw materials;
- development of viticulture and winemaking;
- development of fruit growing, production of juices and canned food, using modern technologies;
- implementation of the option of building a complex of oil refineries in the village of Chervlennaya.
- development of tourist and excursion activities;
- development of the transport scheme - automobile and railway, roadside service;
- development of the social sphere;
- development of the sphere of management.

Reserves for expanding the capacity of the labor market in the Central Zone:

Development of the oil industry through the expansion of geological exploration (Grozny, Nadterechny, Shali, Gudermes, Kurchaloevsky districts);
- development of the oil refining industry (Grozny, a variant of the city of Gudermes);
- development of mechanical engineering and metalworking industries - from assembly plants to high technologies;
- development of building materials and construction industry (cities: Grozny, Argun, Gudermes, Shali, Chiri-Yurt);
- development of the furniture industry, woodworking (Grozny, Achkhoi-Martan district);
- development of the food industry (cities: Grozny, Argun, Gudermes, Urus-Martan, Shali, district centers: Achkhoi-Martan, Kurchaloy, Znamenskaya station);
- development of light industry;
- development of the glass industry;
- development of the pharmaceutical industry;
- restoration and development of the reclamation system;
- restoration and development of crop production:
- restoration and development of animal husbandry;
- restoration and development of viticulture and winemaking;
- restoration and development of fruit and vegetable farming;
- restoration and development of rice growing and rice processing;
- restoration and development of sericulture;
- restoration and development of forestry;
- restoration and development of the transport sector;
- restoration and development of housing and communal services;
- restoration and development of consumer services;
- restoration and development of the banking and business sectors of the economy;
- development of communications, informatics, telecommunications;
- development of the social sphere;
- development of the sphere of management;
- development of power structures of the Chechen Republic.


At the beginning of the 21st century, this trend continues, and in accordance with the last census of the population of the Russian Federation (2002), the share of the Chechen Republic in the total population of the Southern Federal District (SFD) was 4.8%, and among the national republics of the SFD. It also ranks second after the Republic of Dagestan (despite large population losses over the past decade) (see table)

The population of Chechnya steadily increased until 1990 - from 914.4 thousand people in 1969 to 1130.0 thousand people. in 1990 (by 216 thousand, or almost a quarter).

The downward trend in the population of Chechnya began in 1990: in 1991 - 1128.1, in 1992 - 1112.6, in 1993 - 1074.3 and in 1995 - 865.1 thousand people (at the end, assessment of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation).

For 5 years, 1991-1995, the population of the Chechen Republic decreased by 265 thousand people, or almost a quarter (that is, in five years the Republic lost the entire twenty-year population growth).

The reason for this demographic situation is well known, it is the mass exodus of the population from the Republic, the first war.

Since 1996, according to the estimates of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation, the population of Chechnya has been continuously decreasing, until 2001, and has decreased to 609.5 thousand people.

However, according to the All-Russian population census of 2002, the population of the Chechen Republic amounted to 1103.7 thousand people, that is, it practically reached the level before the war in 1993.

According to the State Statistics Committee of the Chechen Republic, the population of the Chechen Republic at the beginning of 2007 amounted to 1183.7 thousand people, including men - 574.3 and women - 609.4 thousand people, respectively - 48.52 and 51 .48%.

Contrary to the all-Russian trend, there is a clear tendency in the Republic of an increase in the birth rate, a decrease in mortality, and a positive natural increase in the population. The dynamics of natural population growth since 1997 has been consistently positive (according to both the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation and the State Statistics Committee of the Chechen Republic).

Features of the age structure of the population: at the base of its sex and age pyramid, young ages predominate. According to the State Statistics Committee of the Chechen Republic. As of the beginning of 2007, the children's group of the population of Chechnya aged 0 to 14 years is 31.4% of all residents of the Republic.

Another feature of the age structure of the population is the extremely low proportion of the age group of residents over 55: 9.2% of all residents of the republic.

The number of children and pensioners is about 480.4 thousand people.

Population estimates for the 1st half of 2007, carried out by specialists from the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, revealed the following:

The situation on the labor market of the Chechen Republic continues to be tense, although there have been minor changes towards an increase in the total population, as well as the number of employed people and the labor force. (See the table "Consolidated calculation of the balance of labor resources of the Chechen Republic for the 2nd quarter of 2007")

Migration increase in the population of the Czech Republic

It was said above that during the period 2001-2003, in general, the process of the mass return of the Chechen population to the territory of the Republic ended. For the period from 2004 to the 1st half of 2007, the migration increase amounted to 5725 people. From 2004 to the first half of 2007, the number of citizens who arrived in the republic amounted to 35,859 people, and the number of those who left was 41,550 people.

Reference: The exodus of the "non-indigenous" population began already in 1990 and in the 90s is estimated at about 250 thousand people. According to the data of the Federal Migration Service of Russia, the number of only registered forced migrants from the Chechen Republic for 1992-2001 amounted to 184.5 thousand people, of which more than 90% - from among the "non-indigenous" population, the vast majority of which settled not in neighboring regions, and there were no cases of mass return to the Republic. It should be added that not everyone received this status, and therefore this official figure is the lower limit of the number of former residents of Chechnya, whose mass return is practically impossible.

The exodus of the “non-indigenous” population is also characteristic of other national republics of the North Caucasus (in Ingushetia, for example, there are almost no Russians left).

According to the 1989 census, the national structure of the Chechen Republic was as follows: Chechens - 66%, Russians - 24.8%, Ingush - 2.3%, other nationalities - 6.9%.

The territorial concentration of various ethnic groups was characterized by the majority of Chechens living in the central foothill and mountainous parts of the republic, Russians - in the city of Grozny and its surroundings, in the Priterechny region, Ingush - in the west of the Central zone of the republic.

From the standpoint of the restoration of the Chechen Republic, an assessment of the scale of the Chechen diaspora (potential personnel, funds, business development) is of considerable interest.

The total number of Chechens in the world diaspora is estimated at 1.5-2 million people, incl. on the territory of Russia, outside the Chechen Republic - about 800 thousand people (data from the Moscow Chechen community), mainly in Moscow (about 100 thousand people), in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, the Yaroslavl region, Tver, Kostroma, Samara, Saratov , Rostov region (finally 2001 data).

According to the 1989 census, the number of Chechens in the USSR was 958.3 thousand. people, of which 734.5 thousand people - in the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. The largest group of Chechens outside the USSR lived in Jordan (about 5 thousand people).

Forecast of the population of the Chechen Republic.

This paper presents a variant of the estimated population of the CR, namely: for the period 2010, 2015 and 2020, and, in addition, the projected population of the CR for 2020, made using graphic design.

According to the calculations of specialists of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, based on the use of the classical demographic method of "advancement of ages" (taking into account many necessary factors), the population of the Chechen Republic will be:

in 2010 - 1265.0 thousand people
in 2015 - 1385.0 thousand people
in 2020 - from 1450 to 1480 thousand people.

In accordance with the forecast calculation of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, the increase in the population of the Republic will be:
in 2010

161.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 14.6%
- 143.0 thousand people by 2004, or 12.7% in 2015
- 281.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 25.5%
- 263.0 thousand people by 2004, or 23.4%. in 2020

by first value:

346.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 31.4%

by second value:

376.3 thousand people by 2002 (census), or 34%
- 358.0 thousand people by 2004, or 32%.

Thus, according to the forecast of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, the population of the Chechen Republic is increasing from 1103.7 thousand people. in 2002, and 1122.0 thousand people. in 2004 to 1450-1480 thousand people. in 2020, or 1.3 times. At the same time, the average annual growth rate until 2010 is kept at the level of 2.0%, and for the period up to 2015 and up to 2020. - decrease to 1-1.4%.

In this paper, an attempt is made to determine the design population by graphical method for cities and rural areas, the Republic as a whole.

Project proposals

This section of the Project presents forecast indicators of the size, dynamics and structure of the population (urban and rural) for the Republic as a whole, as well as for urban areas, individual urban settlements (given in the base table of the “Population” section).

At the same time, the forecast of the number of urban and rural population is given in two versions (“A” and “B”), taking into account the implementation of the urban planning concept of the Project, the transition to a polycentric organization of the territory, the development of individual district and local centers, the growth of urban settlements and urban population, increasing the level of urbanization of the Republic.

The forecasting of rural settlement across the territory of the Republic is complicated by the still unstable demographic situation in certain administrative regions, the high degree of uncertainty of internal migration, the complete lack of information on the size of the present population, taking into account migrants, and therefore was not implemented in this work.

The predictive characteristics are given against a retrospective background, which allows appropriate comparisons to be made.

The forecast period is taken until 2020 as an estimated period in urban planning, as a long-term period for the implementation of the planned strategic directions of the socio-economic development of the Republic, broken down into separate (five-year) stages. The year 2004 was taken as the base year.

The calculation of the forecast population for the Republic as a whole was carried out by specialists of the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, according to the classical method of shifting ages, taking into account the proportion of women in childbearing age, the infant mortality rate, and two components.

The population of the Chechen Republic by 2020 is projected at 1450-1480 thousand. residents, including urban residents - 640-660 thousand. according to option "A", 780-820 thousand rubles. option "B". Accordingly, the number of rural residents will be: 810-820 and 670-660 thousand, according to options "A" "B".

By 2020, in accordance with one version of the forecast, while maintaining the existing network of urban and rural settlements of the Republic, the pre-war structure of the population of the Republic will be completely restored: the ratio of urban and rural population according to option "A" will be as 44:56 (45:55)% %.

It is proposed, based on the population, as well as the nature of the city-forming base, favorable conditions and prerequisites for the development of industries (objects) of the city-forming base, to transfer, in the projected period, the following rural settlements and urban settlements to the status of urban settlements.

Convert to cities: c. Achkhoy-Martan, s. Kurchaloy, town. Oiskhara, p. Shatoy.

Convert to urban-type settlements: Art. Kalinovskaya, st. Naurskaya (Naursky district), st. Chervlennaya (Shelkovskoy), the village of Khankala (Groznensky), the village of Dzhalka (Gudermesky), the village of Sernovodskoye (Sunzhensky), with. Samashki (Achkhoi-Martanovsky), Borzoi (Shatoisky district).

The village of Shatoy is recommended to be developed as a center that organizes the territory not only of its district, but of the entire mountainous region, that is, as an inter-district center that performs organizational, economic, socio-cultural, as well as strategic functions in the surrounding territory. Therefore, despite the small number of inhabitants, with. Shatoi among large rural settlements is also a contender for urban status.

As a result, by the end of the forecast period, the network of urban settlements will be represented by:

one large city (Grozny);
three medium-sized cities (Gudermes, Urus-Martan, Shali);
four small towns (Achkhoi-Martan, Kurchaloy, Oiskhara, Shatoi);
nine urban-type settlements (see table).

The population of the city of Grozny is defined together with the city of Argun as a possible one policy, a single capital center of the Republic.

In the absence of specific quantitative characteristics of the development of industries (objects) of the city's city-forming base, the analogue population of Grozny was taken as a basis during the most favorable period in the socio-economic development of the republic as a whole and the city of Formidable in particular - the period of the late 80s, as well as parameters of master plans developed for these cities by Giprogor in 2003-2004.

In addition, the conceptual provision was taken into account to prevent excessive concentration of productive forces, including the population, in the capital center (and it reached more than a third of the entire population of the Republic).

As a result, by 2020 the population of Grozny is assumed to be 400-420 thousand, which corresponds to the level of the number of its inhabitants in 1989 (census, together with the city of Argun), and does not contradict the corresponding indicators of the master plans of cities.

At the same time, the share of Grozny (together with the city of Argun) in the total population of the Republic will not exceed 30%.

Taking into account the rather high threshold of the forecast period, the uncertainty in various aspects of the situation of the Republic, it is necessary to provide for a certain reserve in the number of the capital center, at least up to 500 thousand inhabitants.

By 2020, the population of the city of Gudermes has almost doubled (70 thousand), as it develops in the future as the second most important center of the Republic, as a sub-regional and multifunctional center, potentially duplicating some of the functions of the capital center (scientific and educational, financial, etc.). ) The quantitative parameters of the population correspond to the new design and planning documents of the city, developed by Giprogor.

The forecast population of the cities of Urus-Martan and Shali (60 thousand people each) takes into account current trends in population growth, and possible strategic directions for the development of their city-forming base based on labor-intensive industries, training, small and medium-sized businesses.

The population of another category of urban settlements - urban settlements - also increases significantly in the forecast period, from 26 to 40-45 thousand people. increases first in connection with the possibilities of developing their city-forming base. (For example, the possibility of population growth in the urban-type settlement of Chiri-Yurt is associated with the restoration of the cement plant, the expansion of its capacities, and the development of related industries). At the same time, the growth rates of the population of these urban settlements over the previous peaceful 20-year period of socio-economic development were also taken into account.

Labor and employment

The Chechen Republic, as well as other national republics of the North Caucasus, is characterized by a high labor potential, with a progressive structural population (the share of the able-bodied population in the pre-war period was about 60%, with a 12% share of older ages)
During the war years, there were significant losses of labor resources, both physical, as a result of hostilities, and migration, as a result of the outflow from the Republic, but the high level of the republic's labor resources was preserved.

Human Resources

According to the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, the labor force of the Chechen Republic consists of 688,945 people, which is 56.4% of the total population (as of July 1, 2007).

The increase in the number of labor resources in comparison with the indicators of 2006 (666,785 people) amounted to 22,160 people.
The level of employment of the population, agrarian overpopulation have always been the most acute problems of the Chechen Republic (inherent in all national republics of the Caucasus).

The employed able-bodied population totals 174,409 people, of the able-bodied population of working age it is only 25.7%. The public sector employs 114,629 people.

From the above data, it is clear what an emergency situation is in the labor market: the unemployed able-bodied population is 514,536 people, and out of this number, unemployed able-bodied citizens who are looking for work and ready to start it make up 488,538 people (the real reserve of unemployed able-bodied population).

The last indicator determines the overall unemployment rate:
The level of general unemployment - 76.9%;

The level of registered unemployment is 49.2%.

Practically in all sectors of the economy there is a huge reserve of labor resources.

In accordance with the forecast of demographic trends compiled by the Ministry of Labor of the Chechen Republic, by 2015 the working-age population will be 851 thousand people. (60% of the total population); annual growth of the working-age population by about 18 thousand people, with an annual growth of the total population by an average of about 25 thousand people.

Consequently, by 2015, ceteris paribus, an additional approximately 200,000 jobs should be created. new jobs and training places, or about 20 thousand places a year.

Taking into account the current real reserve of unemployed able-bodied population of 460 thousand, it will be necessary to borrow 660 thousand jobs by 2015. person of the working population.

In the labor market of the Republic, along with a high level of unemployment, there are also other acute problems, among which, one should highlight the problem of qualified personnel necessary for the restoration and development of the economic complex of the Republic. It is connected, first of all, with the unemployed migration of the most educated and qualified groups of the population (both Russian-speaking and Chechen), as well as with the acute problem of personnel training, the virtual absence of educational institutions for professional training of personnel. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that a younger generation has grown up who did not receive basic secondary and special education during the hard times of war.


The demographic trends that exist in the future are very favorable for the development of productive forces in the Republic.

The availability of cheap labor in the labor market favors the successful development of business, the production of competitive products.

In conditions when almost the entire real sector of the economy in all sectors has been destroyed, severe disproportions have developed in the labor market, and the creation of permanent jobs has become vital for the Republic.

Along with the restoration of large production facilities, it is necessary to create mass, cheap, non-capital-intensive jobs in all areas of economic activity associated with labor-intensive types of industries and the sale of products and services. Such types of industries and services allow, at the lowest cost, to create jobs, involve more workers A large role in solving this issue is assigned to small and medium-sized businesses, self-employment of the population, the system of centralized procurement, consumer cooperation. Among the sectors of the economy, at this stage, and in the medium term, for the creation of mass jobs and the elimination of total unemployment, the following are of priority importance: construction and the building materials industry, assembly engineering, agriculture, trade and procurement, consumer services, as well as production: canning, fruit and vegetable, sewing, leather, textile.

A special policy is required to solve the problem of unemployment among young people, which requires taking into account the motivation of work and the prestige of the profession: work in the law enforcement agencies of the Czech Republic, in the traditional oil sector, in computer and information technologies, banking and business sectors. In the first place it is necessary to put the expansion of the education system, both on the territory of the Republic itself and on the territory of other subjects of the Federation.

In order to restore the economy and the social sphere, a special mechanism should be developed to stimulate the return of qualified specialists, engineers and scientists.

A competent, thoughtful and coordinated policy of government bodies in industry and in the educational sphere, as well as social protection bodies of the population, is required, aimed at creating a set of conditions and measures to reduce mass unemployment in the Republic. At the same time, it is necessary to use certain positive experience of the regions and cities of Russia that have passed the stage of the crisis situation in the labor market.

The concept and project proposals for the spatial development of the Chechen Republic (STP CR) should take into account the main provisions of the Program for the Promotion of Employment and the Development of the Labor Market, which, in turn, are linked to the Concept and the Program for the socio-economic development of the republic, sectoral programs.

Improving the territorial organization of the Republic involves the maximum use of the competitive advantages of a particular territory, the restoration and development of the capacities of facilities (industries) in the production and social spheres, and the creation of additional jobs.

In the interests of the development of the territory and the creation of additional jobs, it is necessary to make maximum use of the natural resource potential of not only the Central, but also the northern and southern natural resource potential of not only the Central, but also the Northern and Southern natural economic zones, to turn these zones into active economic activity. Large reserves in this regard are available in the regions of the mountainous zone of the Republic. These are hydropower, the building materials industry, mountain sheep breeding, tobacco growing, beekeeping, tourist and recreational activities, the collection of valuable, ecologically clean, medicinal herbs and their pharmaceutical use, as well as the formation of a new direction in the economy of the Republic - the creation of a mining and metallurgical complex on the basis of mining polymetals and rare metals. Taking into account the border position of these regions, strategic functions will be developed here and a network of new settlements will be formed. In this regard, the road network, the economic base and the social sphere of regional centers and other rural settlements will be developed, that is, due to this, the capacity of the labor market will expand, employment will increase and the unemployment rate will decrease.
reserves for expanding the capacity of the labor market in the Northern zone:

Development of steppe sheep breeding, primary processing of wool, dressing of leather and other raw materials;
- development of viticulture and winemaking;
- development of fruit growing, production of juices and canned food, using modern technologies;
- implementation of the option of building a complex of oil refineries in the village of Chervlennaya.
- development of tourist and excursion activities;
- development of the transport scheme - roads and railways, roadside services;
- development of the social sphere;
- development of the sphere of management.

Reserves for expanding the capacity of the labor market in the Central Zone:

- development of the oil industry through the expansion of geological exploration (Grozny, Nadterechny, Shali, Gudermes, Kurchaloevsky districts);
- development of the oil refining industry (Grozny, a variant of the city of Gudermes);
- development of mechanical engineering and metalworking industries - from assembly plants to high technologies;
- development of building materials and construction industry (cities: Grozny, Argun, Gudermes, Shali, Chiri-Yurt);
- development of the furniture industry, woodworking (Grozny, Achkhoi-Martan district);
- development of the food industry (cities: Grozny, Argun, Gudermes, Urus-Martan, Shali, district centers: Achkhoi-Martan, Kurchaloy, Znamenskaya station);
- development of light industry;
- development of the glass industry;
- development of the pharmaceutical industry;
- restoration and development of the reclamation system;
- restoration and development of crop production:
- restoration and development of animal husbandry;
- restoration and development of viticulture and winemaking;
- restoration and development of fruit and vegetable farming;
- restoration and development of rice growing and rice processing;
- restoration and development of sericulture;
- restoration and development of forestry;
- restoration and development of the transport sector;
- restoration and development of housing and communal services;
- restoration and development of consumer services;
- restoration and development of the banking and business sectors of the economy;
- development of communications, informatics, telecommunications;
- development of the social sphere;
- development of the sphere of management;
- development of power structures of the Chechen Republic.

The Chechen Republic is a tiny region in the southwestern part of Russia. In terms of its area, Chechnya occupies less than 0.1% of the country's territory. What is interesting about this region? What does it produce? How many cities are there within Chechnya? Our article will tell about all this.

Chechnya: area and geographical location

The republic is part of the North Caucasian Federal District. It is located within the Caucasian mountainous country. The total area of ​​Chechnya is 15.6 thousand square kilometers (76th place in the list of subjects of the Russian Federation). About 30% of its territory is occupied by mountain ranges and intermountain basins.

The capital of Chechnya is the city of Grozny. It is located in the geometric center of the republic. The head is Ramzan Akhmatovich Kadyrov (since 2007).

The climate of Chechnya is continental and very diverse. Differences in the amount of atmospheric precipitation are especially striking: in the north of the republic they fall no more than 300 mm, and in the south - about 1000 mm. There are quite a lot of lakes and rivers in Chechnya (the largest of them are Terek, Argun, Sunzha and Gekhi).

Despite its small area, Chechnya is distinguished by an extraordinary variety of topography and landscapes. In physical and geographical terms, the republic can be divided into four zones: flat (in the north), foothills (in the center), mountainous and high-mountainous (in the south).

The main resource of Chechnya

Main natural resource republics are oil. Together with neighboring Ingushetia, Chechnya is one of the oldest oil and gas regions in Russia. Most of the oil fields are historically concentrated in the vicinity of Grozny.

To date, industrial oil reserves in Chechnya amount to about 60 million tons. And for the most part, they are already exhausted. The total reserves of black gold within the republic are estimated by experts at 370 million tons. True, it is quite difficult to develop them due to the high depth of the horizons. Today, oil production in Chechnya is carried out only at 200 wells out of 1300.

In addition to oil, natural gas, gypsum, marl, limestone and sandstone are produced in the republic. There are also several valuable mineral springs here.

General features of the regional economy

Perhaps the main and most famous feature of the Chechen economy is its subsidization. On average, the republic receives up to 60 billion rubles in annual material assistance from the center. And according to this indicator, Chechnya is one of the three most subsidized regions of Russia.

Another anti-record: the Chechen Republic ranks fourth in the country in terms of unemployment (almost 17%). Most difficult situation observed in villages where there are only 2 to 10 workers per 100 inhabitants. Paradoxically, but the total income of the population of Chechnya is growing every year. The reasons for this growth are various social benefits, benefits, “shadow earnings”, as well as money from labor migrants earned in Moscow and other countries.

In terms of gross product, the Chechen economy ranks only 85th among the regions Russian Federation. As before, the structure of the economy of the republic is dominated by the oil and gas sector. In addition, there is a developed building sector, chemical and food industry. Construction of a thermal power plant continues in Grozny.

The lion's share of agricultural products is provided by animal husbandry (in particular, sheep and poultry farming). Cereals, sugar beets, potatoes and vegetables are grown on the lands of Chechnya.

Population and cities of Chechnya

Demographically, Chechnya is a young and actively giving birth republic, and religiously, it is a deeply religious one. It boasts the highest natural population growth in the country. Today, 1.4 million people live in Chechnya. 65% of them are rural residents. Chechnya also has the lowest divorce rates in Russia.

The most numerous ethnic group of the republic is Chechens (95%), the dominant religion is Sunni Islam. By the way, according to research in 2012, Chechnya is among the twenty regions of the planet where the rights of Christians are most infringed (according to the Open Doors organization). There are two state languages ​​in the republic - Chechen and Russian.

There are few cities in Chechnya. There are only five of them: Grozny, Urus-Martan, Gudermes, Shali and Argun. The largest city in Chechnya is Grozny. Almost 300 thousand people live here. The oldest is Shali. This city was founded in the XIV century.

The city of Grozny is the capital of the republic

Grozny is the capital of Chechnya and the center of the administrative region of the same name. The city is located on the banks. Its chronology dates back to 1818, when a fortress was founded here. Russian soldiers erected it in just four months. Since at that time this area was a "hot spot" on the map of the North Caucasus, the fortress was nicknamed Grozny.

Modern Grozny is a fairly well-groomed city with dozens of industrial enterprises and a solid number of new buildings. The main sights of Grozny are the grandiose mosque "Heart of Chechnya" and the no less impressive skyscraper complex "Grozny City". The latter is located in the very center of the city and includes five residential buildings, an office building and a five-star hotel.

According to official data, the current population of Chechnya is 1,413,446 people - a little more than a year ago (1,394,172 people, an increase of 19,274). For comparison, from 2014 to 2015, the increase was 32 thousand.

The reason is not a decrease in the birth rate and not an increase in mortality in Chechnya. According to Rosstat, the republic belongs to a third of the regions of the Russian Federation (28 out of 85) that have fulfilled the plan to reduce mortality.

At the same time, the republic has the highest proportion of children in Russia - more than 34%. In the national birth rate ranking compiled by the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, Chechnya is in second place after Tuva. In addition, it leads the top ten in terms of natural population growth.

With such indicators, the rate of increase in the population of Chechnya should have been much higher. What is the reason for the decline in growth?

As a rule, many more people leave Chechnya than come, and this trend continues.

From 2008 to 2015 alone, about 150,000 Chechens left Chechnya, according to the Russian resource RBC. As a rule, many more people leave the republic (both to other subjects of the Russian Federation and abroad) than they come, and this trend continues. As for emigrants, their number has increased dramatically over the past two years, which is clearly demonstrated by the situation on the Belarusian-Polish border, where thousands of Chechens have been trying to cross the EU border for the second year already. The majority of those leaving are those who are fleeing from the hands of the authorities.

Since the beginning of the second Russian war in Chechnya, more than two hundred thousand Chechens have found a second home in other countries of the world. At the same time, the vast majority of refugees (about 90%) settled in European countries.

Access to quality medical care is often cited as one of the reasons for the exodus of the population from the republic. While the Grozny authorities talk about "new hospitals" and "ultra-modern medical equipment" purchased from all over the world, Chechen women often prefer to give birth in Stavropol or the Krasnodar Territory.

Raisa Satiyeva from Argun explained in an interview with Kavkaz.Realii that it is better to travel 300-500 km from Chechnya, but be sure of the correct diagnosis. According to her, among her relatives and friends there are those who have encountered medical errors, the rudeness of medical personnel, and the lack of medicines in hospitals. All this causes the desire of many to be treated outside the republic.

The director of a private enterprise in the city of Shali, Mairbek K., in an interview with Kavkaz.Realii, also confirmed that at the first opportunity he himself goes and sends his family members to the Stavropol Territory, in particular to Kislovodsk, where "the approach to the sick is much better than in Chechnya."

21,1 ↘ 20,3 ↗ 20,9 ↗ 25,1 ↘ 24,6 ↗ 24,9 ↗ 25,2 ↘ 24,9 ↘ 23,9 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 ↗ 27,1 ↗ 29,3 ↘ 29,1 ↗ 30,0 ↘ 28,9 ↘ 25,9 ↘ 24,9 ↘ 24,2
Mortality (number of deaths per 1000 population) (1936-1944 and 1857-1991 - including data for the Republic of Ingushetia
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
5,7 ↗ 5,8 ↗ 6,6 ↗ 8,3 ↗ 8,5 ↘ 6,5 ↘ 5,6 ↘ 5,1 ↘ 5,0 ↘ 4,7
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↘ 4,5 ↗ 5,3 ↗ 5,6 ↘ 5,3 ↗ 5,4 ↘ 5,0 ↗ 5,0
Natural population growth (per 1000 population, sign (-) means natural population decline) (1936-1944 and 1857-1991 - including data for the Republic of Ingushetia) (no observations for 1995 - 2002)
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2003 2004
15,4 ↘ 14,5 ↘ 14,3 ↗ 16,8 ↘ 16,1 ↘ 0,0 ↗ 0,0 ↗ 18,4 ↗ 19,6
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↗ 19,8 ↘ 18,9 ↗ 22,4 ↗ 24,8 ↘ 23,8 ↗ 24,4 ↘ 23,6 ↘ 20,5 ↘ 19,9
↘ 19,2
Life expectancy at birth (number of years) (1936-1944 and 1857-1991 - including data for the Republic of Ingushetia) (no observations for 1995 - 2002)
1990 1991 1992 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
69,7 ↗ 69,8 ↗ 70,4 ↘ 69,2 ↗ 71,3 ↗ 72,9 ↗ 73,1 ↗ 74,3 ↗ 75,5
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
↘ 73,2 ↘ 71,6 ↗ 72,1 ↘ 71,9 ↗ 73,2

2002 census

The results of the 2002 All-Russian Population Census, according to the demographer and sociologist Sergei Maksudov (Alexander Babenyshev), are highly distorted:

The All-Russian census of 2002, unfortunately, took into account only the permanent population, depriving demographers of the opportunity to control the repeated counting that occurs due to double counting of the same people - by location and by place of permanent residence. The result was a huge exaggeration of the population in the territory of Chechnya and Ingushetia. Apparently, the residents themselves turned out to be interested in it, counting on receiving compensation for the loss of property and various benefits and therefore classifying themselves as several places of permanent residence at once (a refugee camp, their native village, the city of Grozny, where it became possible to take an apartment, to Moscow or Krasnodar, where some relatives have already moved and others are about to move). Local authorities, whose budget and prestige are directly dependent on the number of citizens under their care, most likely also took an active part in distorting the census results. Memorial activist A. Cherkasov reports one of the estimates of the census error. According to him, in the Shali district, with a population of 104 thousand people, "dead souls" accounted for 27%.

The statisticians who processed the census did not take the necessary measures to eliminate errors and published results that largely contradicted common sense.

Ethnic composition

The only predominant ethnic group are the Chechens (1,031,647 people, 93.5% in 2002), who make up the absolute majority in many [what?] [where?] regions of the republic.

The second largest ethnic group are Russians (40,645 people, 3.7%), who are settled mainly in the city of Grozny (5295 people, 2.5%), as well as Naursky (6538 people, 12.8%). %) and Shelkovsky (3992 people, 7.9%) districts. According to the All-Union Population Census of 1989, the number of Russians was 269,130 ​​people, or 24.8% of the population of the then Chechen-Ingushetia. Almost the entire Russian population was expelled as a result of the ethnic cleansing of 1991-1994 and the First Chechen War that followed. It should also be noted that in 2002, Russian military personnel who served in Chechnya were assigned to the Russian population.

Ethnically close to the Chechens, the Ingush (2914 people, 0.3%) form a small community in Grozny (2129 people, 1.0%).

The remaining ethnic groups do not have a clear area of ​​​​settlement and make up less than 1% of the population.

Dynamics of the ethnic composition of the population of Chechnya according to population censuses (data for 1979 and 1989 include the regions of the Chechen Republic of the Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, now belonging to the Chechen Republic)

Nationality 1979
% 1989
% 2002 ,
% 2010 ,
Chechens 602223 60,1 715306 66,0 1031647 93,47 % 1206551 95,08 %
Russians 309079 30,8 269130 24,8 40664 3,68 % 24382 1,92 %
Kumyks 7808 0,8 9591 0,9 8883 0,80 % 12221 0,96 %
Avars 4793 0,5 6035 0,6 4133 0,37 % 4864 0,38 %
Nogais 6079 0,6 6885 0,6 3572 0,32 % 3444 0,27 %
Tabasarans 128 0,01 % 1656 0,13 %
Turks 1662 0,15 % 1484 0,12 %
Tatars 2134 0,19 % 1466 0,12 %
Ingush 20855 2,1 25136 2,3 2914 0,26 % 1296 0,10 %
Lezgins 196 0,02 % 1261 0,10 %
Kazakhs 470 0,04 % 926 0,07 %
Dargins 696 0,06 % 701 0,06 %
Azerbaijanis 226 0,02 % 696 0,05 %
Ossetians 230 0,02 % 585 0,05 %
Kabardians 133 0,01 % 534 0,04 %
Armenians 14438 1,4 14666 1,4 424 0,04 % 514 0,04 %
Ukrainians 11334 1,1 11884 1,1 829 0,1 % 415 0,04
Kistin 136 0,01 %
other 25621 2,56 25800 2,38 4795 0,43 % 3757 0,30 %
did not indicate 779 0,07 % 2515 0,20 %
Total 1002230 100 1084433 100 1103686 100,00 % 1268989 100,00 %

Vital movement of the population

Population (x 1000) Number of births Number of deaths natural growth Total Fertility Rate (per 1000) Crude death rate (per 1000) Natural increase (per 1000) total fertility rate
2003 1,117 27,774 7,194 20 580 24.9 6.4 18.4
2004 1,133 28,496 6,347 22,149 25.2 5.6 19.5
2005 1,150 28,652 5,857 22,795 24.9 5.1 19.8
2006 1,167 27,989 5,889 22,100 24.0 5.0 18.9
2007 1,187 32,449 5,630 26,819 27.3 4.7 22.6
2008 1,210 35,897 5,447 30,450 29.7 4.5 25.2
2009 1,235 36,523 6,620 29,903 29.6 5.4 24.2 3.43
2010 1,260 37,753 7,042 30,711 30.0 5.6 24.4 3.45
2011 1,289 37,335 6,810 30,525 28.9 5.3 23.6 3.36
2012 1,314 34,385 7,192 27,193 26.2 5.5 20.7 3.08
2013 1,336 32,963 6,581 26,382 24.7 4.9 19.8 2.93
2014 1,358 32,894 6,815 26,079 24.2 5.0 19.2 2.89(e)

Note: Data on total fertility rate in 2009-12 are taken from sources Federal Service state statistics.


Settlements with a population of more than 10 thousand people
Grozny ↗ 287 410
Urus-Martan ↗ 57 358
Shawls ↗ 52 234
Gudermes ↗ 52 407
Argun ↗ 35 738
Kurchaloy ↗ 24 847
Achkhoy-Martan ↗ 22 922
Tsotsi-Yurt ↗ 19 776
Bachi Yurt ↗ 18 273
Goyts ↗ 18 014
Avtury ↗ 17 014
Katyr-Yurt ↗ 14 005
Geldagan ↗ 13 269
Gekhi ↗ 13 629
Mairtup ↗ 12 962
Samashki ↗ 12 199
Shelkovskaya ↗ 12 504
Alleroy ↗ 12 332
Alkhan-Kala ↗ 11 814
Sernovodskaya ↗ 11 808
Old Atagi ↗ 11 887
Germenchuk ↗ 11 844
Mesker-Yurt ↗ 11 599
Znamenskoye ↗ 11 412
Assinovskaya ↗ 10 903
Oishhara ↗ 11 267

General Map

Map legend (when you hover over the label, the real population is displayed):

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  1. . Retrieved March 27, 2016. .
  2. . Retrieved February 7, 2015. .
  3. . Retrieved October 10, 2013. .
  4. . Retrieved October 14, 2013. .
  5. All-Union Population Census 1979
  6. . Retrieved June 28, 2016. .
  7. . .
  8. Permanent population as of January 1 (people) 1990-2013
  9. . .
  10. . Retrieved November 14, 2013. .
  11. . Retrieved May 31, 2014. .
  12. . Retrieved November 16, 2013. .
  13. . Retrieved April 13, 2014. .
  14. . Retrieved August 6, 2015. .
  15. Without part of the Sunzha region of the modern Chechen Republic
  16. :
  17. .
  18. . (May 8, 2010). Retrieved March 14, 2014.
  19. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016

An excerpt characterizing the population of Chechnya

In Pierre's soul now nothing similar happened to what happened in her in similar circumstances during his courtship with Helen.
He did not repeat, as then, with painful shame, the words he had spoken, he did not say to himself: “Ah, why didn’t I say this, and why, why did I say “je vous aime” then?” [I love you] Now, on the contrary, he repeated every word of hers, his own, in his imagination with all the details of her face, smile, and did not want to subtract or add anything: he only wanted to repeat. There was no doubt now whether what he had done was good or bad, there was no shadow now. Only one terrible doubt sometimes crossed his mind. Is it all in a dream? Was Princess Mary wrong? Am I too proud and arrogant? I believe; and suddenly, as it should happen, Princess Marya will tell her, and she will smile and answer: “How strange! He was right, wrong. Doesn't he know that he is a man, just a man, and I? .. I am completely different, higher.
Only this doubt often came to Pierre. He didn't make any plans either. It seemed to him so incredibly impending happiness that as soon as this happened, nothing could be further. Everything ended.
Joyful, unexpected madness, for which Pierre considered himself incapable, took possession of him. The whole meaning of life, not for him alone, but for the whole world, seemed to him to consist only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all people seemed to him busy with only one thing - his future happiness. It sometimes seemed to him that they all rejoiced in the same way as he himself, and only tried to hide this joy, pretending to be occupied with other interests. In every word and movement he saw hints of his happiness. He often surprised people who met him with his significant, expressing secret consent, happy looks and smiles. But when he realized that people might not know about his happiness, he felt sorry for them with all his heart and felt a desire to somehow explain to them that everything they were doing was complete nonsense and trifles not worthy of attention.
When he was offered to serve, or when some general, state affairs and war were discussed, assuming that the happiness of all people depended on such or such an outcome of such and such an event, he listened with a meek, condoling smile and surprised the people who spoke to him with his strange remarks. But both those people who seemed to Pierre to understand the real meaning of life, that is, his feeling, and those unfortunate people who obviously did not understand this - all people in this period of time seemed to him in such a bright light of the feeling shining in him that without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting with any person, saw in him everything that was good and worthy of love.
Considering the affairs and papers of his late wife, he had no feeling for her memory, except for pity that she did not know the happiness that he knew now. Prince Vasily, now especially proud of having received a new place and a star, seemed to him a touching, kind and pitiful old man.
Pierre often later recalled this time of happy madness. All the judgments that he made for himself about people and circumstances during this period of time remained forever true for him. Not only did he not subsequently renounce these views on people and things, but, on the contrary, in internal doubts and contradictions, he resorted to the view that he had at that time of madness, and this view always turned out to be correct.
“Perhaps,” he thought, “I seemed then strange and ridiculous; but then I was not as mad as I seemed. On the contrary, I was then smarter and more perceptive than ever, and I understood everything that is worth understanding in life, because ... I was happy.
Pierre's madness consisted in the fact that he did not, as before, wait for personal reasons, which he called the virtues of people, in order to love them, and love overflowed his heart, and he, loving people for no reason, found undoubted reasons for which it was worth loving them.

From that first evening, when Natasha, after Pierre's departure, with a joyfully mocking smile, told Princess Marya that he was definitely, well, exactly from the bath, and a frock coat, and a short haircut, from that moment something hidden and unknown to her, but irresistible woke up in Natasha's soul
Everything: face, gait, look, voice - everything suddenly changed in her. Unexpected for herself - the power of life, hopes for happiness surfaced and demanded satisfaction. From the first evening, Natasha seemed to have forgotten everything that had happened to her. Since then, she has never complained about her situation, has not said a single word about the past, and was no longer afraid to make cheerful plans for the future. She spoke little of Pierre, but when Princess Mary mentioned him, a long-extinct gleam lit up in her eyes and her lips puckered up in a strange smile.
The change that took place in Natasha surprised Princess Mary at first; but when she understood its meaning, this change upset her. “Is it possible that she loved her brother so little that she could forget him so soon,” thought Princess Mary, when she alone pondered the change that had taken place. But when she was with Natasha, she did not get angry with her and did not reproach her. The awakened power of life that seized Natasha was obviously so unstoppable, so unexpected for herself, that Princess Mary, in Natasha's presence, felt that she had no right to reproach her even in her soul.
Natasha surrendered herself to the new feeling with such fullness and sincerity that she did not try to hide the fact that she was now not sad, but joyful and cheerful.
When, after a nightly explanation with Pierre, Princess Mary returned to her room, Natasha met her on the threshold.
- He said? Yes? He said? she repeated. Both joyful and at the same time pathetic, asking for forgiveness for his joy, the expression stopped on Natasha's face.
“I wanted to listen at the door; but I knew what you would tell me.
No matter how understandable, no matter how touching was for Princess Marya the look with which Natasha looked at her; no matter how sorry she was to see her excitement; but Natasha's words in the first minute offended Princess Marya. She remembered her brother, his love.
“But what to do! she cannot do otherwise,” thought Princess Marya; and with a sad and somewhat stern face she conveyed to Natasha everything that Pierre had told her. On hearing that he was going to Petersburg, Natasha was amazed.
- To Petersburg? she repeated, as if not understanding. But, peering into the sad expression on Princess Mary's face, she guessed the reason for her sadness and suddenly burst into tears. “Marie,” she said, “teach me what to do.” I'm afraid to be stupid. What you say, I will do; teach me…
- You love him?
“Yes,” Natasha whispered.
- What are you crying about? I’m happy for you,” said Princess Marya, forgiving Natasha’s joy for those tears.
“It won't be anytime soon. Just think what happiness it will be when I will be his wife and you will marry Nicolas.
“Natasha, I asked you not to talk about it. We'll talk about you.
They were silent.
- But why go to Petersburg! - suddenly said Natasha, and she herself hastily answered herself: - No, no, it’s necessary ... Yes, Marie? So you need...

Seven years have passed since the 12th year. The agitated historical sea of ​​Europe has subsided to its shores. It seemed quiet; but the mysterious forces that move mankind (mysterious because the laws governing their movement are unknown to us) continued their action.
Despite the fact that the surface of the historical sea seemed motionless, humanity moved as continuously as the movement of time. Various groups of human clutches were formed and disintegrated; the reasons for the formation and disintegration of states, the movements of peoples were prepared.
The historical sea, unlike before, was directed by gusts from one coast to another: it seethed in the depths. Historical figures, not as before, were carried in waves from one coast to another; now they seemed to circle in one place. Historical figures, who previously at the head of the troops reflected the movement of the masses with the orders of wars, campaigns, battles, now reflected the seething movement with political and diplomatic considerations, laws, treatises ...
This activity historical figures historians call reaction.
Describing the activities of these historical figures, who, in their opinion, were the cause of what they call reaction, historians condemn them severely. All the famous people of that time, from Alexander and Napoleon to m me Stael, Photius, Schelling, Fichte, Chateaubriand, etc., are put before their strict judgment and are justified or condemned, according to whether they contributed to progress or reaction.
In Russia, according to their description, a reaction also took place during this period of time, and the main culprit of this reaction was Alexander I - the same Alexander I, who, according to their own descriptions, was the main culprit of the liberal undertakings of his reign and the salvation of Russia.
In real Russian literature, from a schoolboy to a learned historian, there is no person who would not throw his stone at Alexander I for his wrong actions during this period of his reign.
“He should have done this and that. In this case, he did well, in this badly. He behaved well at the beginning of his reign and during the 12th year; but he acted badly, giving a constitution to Poland, creating a Holy Alliance, giving power to Arakcheev, encouraging Golitsyn and mysticism, then encouraging Shishkov and Photius. He did badly, being engaged in the front part of the army; he acted badly, cashiering the Semyonovsky regiment, etc.”
It would be necessary to fill out ten sheets in order to list all the reproaches that historians make to him on the basis of the knowledge of the good of mankind that they possess.
What do these accusations mean?
The very actions for which historians approve of Alexander I - such as: the liberal undertakings of the reign, the struggle with Napoleon, the firmness shown by him in the 12th year, and the campaign of the 13th year, do not follow from the same sources - the conditions of blood , upbringing, life, which made the personality of Alexander what it was - from which those actions follow, for which historians blame him, such as: the Holy Alliance, the restoration of Poland, the reaction of the 20s?
What is the essence of these accusations?
In the fact that such a historical person as Alexander I is, a person who stood at the highest possible level of human power, as if in the focus of the blinding light of all the historical rays concentrating on him; a person who was subject to those strongest influences in the world of intrigue, deceit, flattery, self-delusion, which are inseparable from power; a person who felt on himself, every minute of his life, responsibility for everything that happened in Europe, and a person not invented, but living, like every person, with his personal habits, passions, aspirations for goodness, beauty, truth - that this person , fifty years ago, not only was it not virtuous (historians do not reproach for this), but did not have those views on the good of mankind that a professor now has, who is engaged in science from a young age, that is, reading books, lectures and copying these books and lectures in one notebook.
But even if we assume that Alexander I was mistaken fifty years ago in his view of what is the good of the peoples, we must involuntarily assume that the historian who judges Alexander, in the same way, after some time has passed, will turn out to be unfair in his view of the fact that which is the good of mankind. This assumption is all the more natural and necessary because, following the development of history, we see that every year, with every new writer, the view of what is the good of mankind changes; so that what seemed good ten years later seems to be evil; and vice versa. Moreover, at the same time we find in history completely opposite views on what was evil and what was good: some of the constitution and the Holy Alliance given to Poland are credited, others reproach Alexander.
It is impossible to say about the activity of Alexander and Napoleon that it was useful or harmful, because we cannot say for what it is useful and for what it is harmful. If someone does not like this activity, then he does not like it only because it does not coincide with his limited understanding of what is good. Whether the preservation of my father's house in Moscow in the 12th year, or the glory of the Russian troops, or the prosperity of St. Petersburg and other universities, or the freedom of Poland, or the power of Russia, or the balance of Europe, or a certain kind of European enlightenment - progress, I must admit that the activity of every historical person had, in addition to these goals, other goals that were more general and inaccessible to me.
But let us suppose that so-called science has the possibility of reconciling all contradictions and has an invariable measure of good and bad for historical persons and events.
Let us assume that Alexander could have done everything differently. Let us suppose that he could, at the behest of those who accuse him, those who profess the knowledge of the ultimate goal of the movement of mankind, dispose of according to the program of nationality, freedom, equality and progress (there seems to be no other) that the present accusers would give him. Let us assume that this program would have been possible and drawn up, and that Alexander would have acted according to it. What would have happened then to the activities of all those people who opposed the then direction of the government - to the activities that, according to historians, are good and useful? This activity would not exist; there would be no life; there would be nothing.
If we assume that human life can be controlled by reason, then the possibility of life will be destroyed.

If one assumes, as historians do, that great men lead mankind to certain goals, which are either the greatness of Russia or France, or the equilibrium of Europe, or the spreading of the ideas of the revolution, or general progress, or whatever it is, it is impossible to explain the phenomena of history without the concepts of chance and genius.
If the goal of the European wars of the beginning of this century was the greatness of Russia, then this goal could be achieved without all the previous wars and without invasion. If the goal is the greatness of France, then this goal could be achieved without a revolution, and without an empire. If the goal is to spread ideas, then printing would do it much better than soldiers. If the goal is the progress of civilization, then it is quite easy to assume that, in addition to the destruction of people and their wealth, there are other more expedient ways for the spread of civilization.
Why did it happen this way and not otherwise?
Because that's how it happened. “Chance made the situation; genius took advantage of it,” says history.
But what is a case? What is a genius?
The words chance and genius do not designate anything really existing and therefore cannot be defined. These words only denote a certain degree of understanding of phenomena. I don't know why such a phenomenon occurs; I think I can't know; therefore I do not want to know and I say: chance. I see a force producing an action disproportionate to universal human properties; I don’t understand why this is happening, and I say: genius.
For a herd of rams, that ram, which every evening is driven off by a shepherd into a special stall to feed and becomes twice as thick as the others, must seem like a genius. And the fact that every evening this very ram ends up not in a common sheepfold, but in a special stall for oats, and that this very same ram, drenched in fat, is killed for meat, must seem like an amazing combination of genius with a whole series of extraordinary accidents. .
But sheep need only stop thinking that everything that is done to them is only to achieve their sheep goals; it is worth admitting that the events happening to them may have goals that are incomprehensible to them - and they will immediately see unity, consistency in what happens to the fattened ram. If they do not know for what purpose he was fattening, then at least they will know that everything that happened to the ram did not happen by accident, and they will no longer need the concept of either chance or genius.
Only by renouncing the knowledge of a close, understandable goal and recognizing that the ultimate goal is inaccessible to us, we will see consistency and expediency in the life of historical figures; we will discover the reason for the action that they produce, disproportionate to universal human properties, and we will not need the words chance and genius.
One has only to admit that the purpose of the unrest of the European peoples is unknown to us, and only the facts are known, consisting in murders, first in France, then in Italy, in Africa, in Prussia, in Austria, in Spain, in Russia, and that movements from the west to east and from east to west constitute the essence and purpose of these events, and not only will we not need to see the exclusivity and genius in the characters of Napoleon and Alexander, but it will be impossible to imagine these faces otherwise than as the same people as everyone else; and not only will it not be necessary to explain by chance those small events that made these people what they were, but it will be clear that all these small events were necessary.
Having renounced the knowledge of the ultimate goal, we will clearly understand that just as it is impossible to invent for any plant other colors and seeds more appropriate to it than those that it produces, in the same way it is impossible to invent two other people, with everything their past, which would correspond to such an extent, to such smallest details, to the appointment that they were supposed to fulfill.

The basic, essential meaning of the European events at the beginning of this century is the militant movement of the masses of the European peoples from west to east and then from east to west. The first instigator of this movement was the movement from west to east. In order for the peoples of the West to be able to make that militant movement to Moscow, which they did, it was necessary: ​​1) that they should be formed into a militant group of such a size that would be able to endure a clash with the militant group of the East; 2) that they renounce all established traditions and habits, and 3) that, in making their militant movement, they should have at their head a man who, both for himself and for them, could justify the deceptions, robberies and murders that accompanied this movement.
And since the French Revolution, the old, insufficiently great group has been destroyed; old habits and traditions are destroyed; step by step, a group of new dimensions, new habits and traditions are being worked out, and that person is being prepared who must stand at the head of the future movement and bear all the responsibility of those who have to be accomplished.

Dinaev Alikhan Mavladievich
Grozny State Oil Technical University
assistant of the department of philosophy

This article is devoted to the analysis of the demographic situation in the Chechen Republic at the moment. natural movement population in the region in recent years has markedly differed from the general Russian trends. This causes great interest in its study. The above analysis shows the dynamics and main trends in fertility, mortality and natural population growth in the republic. main conclusion that the population explosion that began in Chechnya after the end of the second war seems to be coming to an end.

Dinaev Alikhan Mavladievich
Grozny State Oil Technical University
Assistant of Philosophy's Department

This article is dedicated to the analysis of the demographic situation in the Chechen Republic at this moment. Natural movement of population in the region was recently different from the national trends. It is of great interest to its study. The analysis reveals the dynamics and trends of fertility, mortality and natural population growth in the republic. The main conclusion is that the population boom that began in Chechnya after the end of the war apparently coming to an end.

The Chechen Republic is among the subjects of the Russian Federation in which the population is growing - and at a fairly high pace. From January 2011 to January 2016, the total population growth was about 120 thousand people - from 1275 thousand to 1394 thousand, respectively. And over the past ten years (since 2006), the total increase has already amounted to more than 250 thousand people. In June this figure for the first time in history overcame the mark of 1.4 million.

It is known that natural population growth in the republic was observed for many decades. It reached its peak in 1994 - in the last pre-war year of Chechen history, amounting to just over 1.3 million people. Due to two military companies, mass migration to other regions of Russia and countries of the world, at the beginning of the 21st century this figure dropped to less than a million.

However, after the completion of the main part of the counter-terrorist operation and the establishment of a relatively stable and peaceful situation in the republic, a population explosion occurred. Average growth for the period from 2006 to 2016 amounted to approximately 24 thousand people. per year, i.e. about 2% annually. This figure, of course, is incredibly high and currently unattainable for Russia. But if we compare it with the dynamics of other countries of the world, then the Chechen Republic would take place only in the sixth ten countries in the ranking of countries in the world in terms of population growth, which is calculated according to the methodology of the United Nations Development Program.

The demographic consequences of the hostilities for the republic were so strong that it was possible to restore the pre-war population level only in 2012-2013.

The Czech Republic remains one of the few regions where the rural population prevails over the urban population - 65.2% versus 34.8%. In this Chechnya is very different from Russia as a whole, and from the vast majority of regions of the country. A larger share of the population lives in the republic's villages than even in the traditionally rural neighboring Dagestan. In general, only in the Republic of Altai the proportion of rural residents is higher than in the Chechen Republic. At the same time, when analyzing the dynamics of the urban and rural population, two important conclusions can be drawn.

Firstly, over the past 10 years, the share of the urban and rural population has not changed even by a tenth of a percent. Those. At first glance, there is an impression that Chechnya is not characterized by the global demographic trend of urbanization of the population. However, in practice, we see that a significant part, primarily rural youth, migrates to the cities - first of all, to Grozny. At the same time, the reason why the statistical service “does not see” this process is due to the fact that officially young people are not removed from the place of registration in their native village and are not registered in the cities of the republic. The result is that although thousands and thousands of people live and work most of the time in urban areas, formally and on paper they remain rural residents.

Secondly, a unique feature of Chechnya is that both the urban and rural populations are simultaneously growing in the republic. And this is an extremely unusual picture for Russia, where thousands of villages across the country are rapidly dying out. And this happens even in the Caucasian regions with a more traditional and patriarchal way of life.

For example, according to many experts, villages in the Republic of Dagestan are rapidly disappearing, and young people are actively migrating from mountainous regions to lowland cities. The decline in the rural population is accompanied by the destruction of rural settlements. Over the past 20 years, more than 200 villages have ceased to exist in Dagestan. Moreover, more than 50 settlements are on the verge of extinction, since they are home to from 1 to 50 people.

The basis of a prosperous demographic situation is a high birth rate coupled with a low mortality rate. In Russia, the opinion has already been established that in terms of the number of births per 1000 of the population, the Chechen Republic ranks first in the country. However, it is not. The leader in this indicator has been the Republic of Tyva for several years now.

At the same time, in recent years, a clear and obvious trend towards a decrease in the birth rate has been outlined in Chechnya. In 2014, 32,894 children were born in the republic, while a year earlier - 33,361 children. As a result, the birth rate in Chechnya fell to 24.2 children per thousand people. According to Chechenstat, in 2015. the ratio continued its decline, reaching 22.2 children per thousand people.

The most relevant and fresh data from the regional statistical office show that the rate of decline in the birth rate has even accelerated. From January to June 2016, the coefficient was 20.1. And at the moment there are no obvious prerequisites for a reversal of the downward trend. Nevertheless, the birth rate in the republic is significantly higher than the national average of 13.3 births per thousand people.

On the other hand, the mortality rate in the Czech Republic is at an extremely low, one might even say - minimal level. The mortality rate is only 4.9 people per 1,000 population at the end of last year. Moreover, in recent years there has been a slow but steady downward trend in mortality. For example, in the first six months of this year, the ratio fell to 4.8 ppm. The mortality rate is not only noticeably lower than the Russian average (4.9 versus 13.1), but also significantly lower than in the most developed and wealthy countries of Europe. For comparison, in Sweden and Denmark - about 10 deaths per thousand, and in Germany - about 11 deaths.

But since the decrease in the death rate does not compensate for the decrease in the birth rate, there is a decrease in the rate of natural population growth. In 2013 it was almost 20, in 2014 - 19.2; in 2015 - 18.3. And in January-June 2016, it decreased to 15.3 people per thousand of the population.

All this allows us to say that the demographic boom that has been characteristic of the region for many years is gradually coming to an end. In general, the birth rate and natural increase are stabilizing.

It is also important to note that the Chechen Republic is the youngest region of Russia. The average age of a resident of this region is just over 27 years, which is a direct consequence of the high birth rate. As a result, Chechnya has the largest proportion of children among all subjects of the country (under working age, i.e. 15 years old) and the smallest proportion of elderly people. Due to this, the region has one of the lowest demographic burdens on working-age elderly people - only 164 pensioners, which, for example, is more than three times less than in the "oldest" Russian region - the Kurgan region (501 pensioners as of January 1 2015).