Strumilin's life and scientific activity briefly. S. G. Strumilin. Scientific substantiation of the necessity and possibility of the economy of planned development. Awards and titles


Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin (Strumillo-Petrashkevich) (January 17 (29), 1877, Dashkovtsy village, Podolsk province - January 25, 1974, Moscow) - Soviet economist and statistician, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1931).

Hero of Socialist Labor (1967). Winner of the Lenin (1958) and Stalin (1942) prizes. One of the authors of plans for the industrialization of the USSR.

He began his scientific and journalistic activity in 1897. Since 1897, he actively participated in the left revolutionary movement, was prosecuted for illegal activities, twice fled from exile. Delegate of the 4th (Stockholm) (1906) and 5th (London) (1907) congresses of the RSDLP. Subsequently, he joined the Mensheviks. Bolshevik since 1923.

He graduated from the commercial department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (1914).

Scientific achievements

Author of more than 700 publications in the field of economics, statistics, management national economy, planning, demographic forecasting, political economy of socialism, economic history, scientific communism, sociology, philosophy.

Under his leadership, the world's first system of material balances was developed.

Investigating the problems of the economic efficiency of education, he formulated the law of decreasing productivity of school education, according to which, with an increase in the number of levels of education, its economic profitability for the state decreases, and the qualifications of workers increase more slowly than the number of years spent on its education.

Investigated the relationship between the degree of qualification of workers and the terms of their training. He established methods for determining the optimal period of schooling and the amount of expenditure on the education of each worker, taking into account the growth of the national income of the state - the introduction of universal primary education in the USSR gave an economic effect 43 times greater than the cost of organizing it; the profitability of primary education for manual laborers was 28 times higher than the cost of education, and the capital costs for it paid off in 1.5 years.

Strumilin's conclusions about the high profitability of education in universities for predominantly poor immigrants from workers and peasants confirmed the payback of free higher education and the maintenance of students at the state expense, and also made it possible to justify the mandatory 3-year work of university graduates for distribution, establishing them wages below the skilled worker level.

Hero of Socialist Labor (1967). Winner of the Lenin (1958) and Stalin (1942) prizes. One of the authors of plans for the industrialization of the USSR.


He began his scientific and journalistic activity in 1897. Since 1897, he actively participated in the left revolutionary movement, was prosecuted for illegal activities, twice fled from exile. Delegate of the 4th (Stockholm) (1906) and 5th (London) (1907) congresses of the RSDLP. Subsequently, he joined the Mensheviks. Bolshevik since 1923.

He graduated from the commercial department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (1914).

  • head of the statistics department of the Special Conference on Fuel (Petrograd, 1916);
  • head of the statistics department of the Petrograd Regional Commissariat of Labor (1918-1919);
  • head of the department of statistics of the People's Commissariat of Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (1919-1923);
  • Deputy Chairman, Member of the Presidium, Deputy Head of the Central Administration of National Economic Accounting (TsUNKhU) of the State Planning Committee of the USSR,
  • member of the Council of Scientific and Technical Expertise of the State Planning Committee of the USSR (1921-1937, 1943-1951).

Head of the sector of the history of the national economy of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1947-1952).

Known for his saying "It's better to stand high than sit low."

Department Professor applied economics, Department of Theory and Technology of Statistics and Economic Statistics, Moscow State University (1921-1923). Conducted teaching work at the Institute of National Economy. G. V. Plekhanov (1929-1930), Moscow State economic institute(1931-1950). Conducted scientific and pedagogical work at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU (1948-1974).

Awards and titles

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (1967).
  • He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (1945, 1953, 1957, 1967), the October Revolution (1971), the Red Banner of Labor (1936) and medals.
  • Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the first degree - for the collective work "On the development of the national economy of the Urals in the conditions of war" (1942).
  • Laureate of the Lenin Prize (1958; for the book "The History of Ferrous Metallurgy in the USSR").
  • Foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1967), Romanian Academy of Sciences.
  • Honorary Doctor of Science from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland, 1966), the Academy of Economic Sciences (Romania, 1971), Warsaw University.
  • Honorary Member of the Demographic Society at the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia.

Scientific views

Author of more than 700 works in the field of economics, statistics, economic management, planning, demographic forecasting, political economy of socialism, economic history, scientific communism, sociology, philosophy.

Under his leadership, the world's first system of material balances was developed.

Investigating the problems of the economic efficiency of education, he formulated the law of decreasing productivity of school education, according to which, with an increase in the number of levels of education, its economic profitability for the state decreases, and the qualifications of workers increase more slowly than the number of years spent on its education.

Investigated the relationship between the degree of qualification of workers and the terms of their training. He established methods for determining the optimal period of schooling and the amount of expenditure on the education of each worker, taking into account the growth of the national income of the state - the introduction of universal primary education in the USSR gave an economic effect 43 times greater than the cost of organizing it; the profitability of primary education for manual laborers was 28 times higher than the cost of education, and the capital costs for it paid off in 1.5 years.

Strumilin's conclusions about the high profitability of education in universities for predominantly poor immigrants from workers and peasants confirmed the payback of free higher education and the maintenance of students at public expense, and also made it possible to justify the mandatory 3-year work of university graduates by distribution, setting their wages at a level not lower than skilled workers.


  • Wealth and Labor (1905).
  • Industrialization of the USSR. Epigones of Populism (1927).
  • Selected Works (vols. 1-8, 1963-1968).
  • Social progress in the USSR for 50 years (Questions of Economics. 1969, No. 11).
  • Problems of socialism and communism in the USSR. M., 1961.

Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin (Strumillo-Petrashkevich)(January 17 (29), 1877, Dashkovtsy village, Litinsky district, Podolsk province - January 25, 1974, Moscow) - Soviet economist and statistician, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1931).

Hero of Socialist Labor (1967). Winner of the Lenin (1958) and Stalin (1942) prizes. One of the authors of plans for the industrialization of the USSR.


Born into an impoverished noble family of Strumillo-Petrashkevich, descended from Marshal of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Stanislav Petrashkovich Stromily. In 1896 he graduated from the Skopinsky real school and entered the Electrotechnical Institute in St. Petersburg.

Political activity

Since 1897, he participated in the revolutionary movement, in 1899 he participated in the General Student Strike, in the same year he was expelled from the institute and given to the soldiers. He joined the "Union of Struggle for the Emancipation of the Working Class", in 1899-1906 he was a member of the RSDLP. After serving in the army, he was sent into exile in Vologda (1902) for three years, but after six months (June 8, 1902) he fled from exile. He was arrested three times (1901, 1903 and 1905). Delegate of the IV (Stockholm) (1906) and V (London) (1907) congresses of the RSDLP. In 1906-1920 he joined the Mensheviks. Since 1923, a member of the RCP (b).

Administrative activities

  • 1916 - head of the statistics department of the Special Conference on Fuel;
  • 1918-1919 - Head of the Department of Statistics of the Petrograd Regional Commissariat of Labor;
  • 1919-1923 - head of the statistics department of the People's Commissariat of Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions;
  • 1921-1937 - Deputy Chairman of the State Planning Committee of the USSR, member of the Presidium, in 1932-1934 Deputy Head of the Central Administration of National Economic Accounting (TsUNKhU).
  • 1943-1951 - Member of the Council of Scientific and Technical Expertise of the State Planning Committee of the USSR.

He famously said, “It is better to stand for a high pace than to sit for a low one.”

Teaching activity

He graduated from the commercial department of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (1914). He has taught at the following schools:

  • 1921-1923 - Moscow State University, professor at the Department of Applied Economics, Department of Theory and Technology of Statistics and Economic Statistics;
  • 1929-1930 - Institute of National Economy. G. V. Plekhanov;
  • 1931-1950 - Moscow State Economic Institute;
  • 1948-1974 - Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Scientific activity

He began his scientific and journalistic activity in 1897. In 1931-1957 he was a member of the Council for the Study of Productive Forces. In 1942-1946 he was deputy chairman of the Council of Branches and Bases of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1947-1952 he was the head of the sector of the history of the national economy of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Stanislav Gustavovich died on January 25, 1974. He was buried in Moscow, at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Scientific views

Author of more than 700 works in the field of economics, statistics, economic management, planning, demographic forecasting, political economy of socialism, economic history, scientific communism, sociology, philosophy.

Under his leadership, the world's first system of material balances was developed.

Investigating the problems of the economic efficiency of education, he formulated the law of decreasing productivity of school education, according to which, with an increase in the number of levels of education, its economic profitability for the state decreases, and the qualifications of workers increase more slowly than the number of years spent on its education.

Investigated the relationship between the degree of qualification of workers and the terms of their training. He established methods for determining the optimal period of schooling and the amount of expenditure on the education of each worker, taking into account the growth of the national income of the state - the introduction of universal primary education in the USSR gave an economic effect 43 times greater than the cost of organizing it; the profitability of primary education for manual laborers was 28 times higher than the cost of education, and the capital costs for it paid off in 1.5 years.

Strumilin's conclusions about the high profitability of education in universities for predominantly poor immigrants from workers and peasants confirmed the payback of free higher education and the maintenance of students at public expense, and also made it possible to justify the mandatory 3-year work of university graduates by distribution, setting their wages at a level not lower than skilled workers.

Awards and honorary titles

  • Hero of Socialist Labor (01/28/1967)
  • 4 Orders of Lenin (06/10/1945; 09/19/1953; 02/04/1957; 01/28/1967)
  • Order of the October Revolution (05/24/1971)
  • Order of the Red Banner of Labor (21.02.1936)
  • medal "For labor valor" (03/15/1960)
  • other medals
  • Lenin Prize in the field of science for 1958 - for the book "The History of Ferrous Metallurgy in the USSR" (1954).
  • Stalin Prize of the first degree in the field of science for 1941 (economic sciences) - for the collective work "On the development of the national economy of the Urals in war conditions."
  • foreign member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1967) and the Romanian Academy.
  • honorary member of the Demographic Society at the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences.
  • honorary doctor of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Poland, 1966), Warsaw University, Academy of Economic Sciences in Bucharest (Romania, 1971).

Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin

Strumilin (Strumillo-Petrashkevich), Stanislav Gustavovich (p. 17(29).I.1877) - Soviet economist. Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (since 1931). Hero of Socialist Labor (1967). Graduated from the St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute (1912). Since 1897, he actively participated in the revolutionary movement, a member of the RSDLP in 1899-1906. He was arrested three times (1901, 1903 and 1905), fled from exile (1902 and 1905). Delegate of the IV (Stockholm) and V (London) Congresses of the RSDLP. In 1906-1920 Menshevik, member of the Communist Party since 1923. In the 1900s, he began to act as a publicist (brochures "Wealth and Labor", "A Word to the Peasant Poor", etc.). In 1910-1917 he worked in the field of statistics. After the October Revolution of 1917, he was involved in organizing accounting and planning in the country. He headed the statistical departments of the Petrograd Regional Commissariat of Labor (1918-1919) and the People's Commissariat of Labor and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions (1919-1923). In 1921-1937, he worked in senior positions in the State Planning Committee of the USSR (deputy chairman, deputy head of the Central Planning Bureau, deputy head of the Central Administration of National Economic Accounting, etc.). In 1943-1951, Strumilin was a member of the Council of Scientific and Technical Expertise of the State Planning Committee of the USSR. Along with the big practical activities Strumilin carried out intensive scientific and pedagogical work (at Moscow State University, the GV Plekhanov Institute of the National Economy, the Moscow State Institute of Economics, etc.). In 1931-1957 he was a member of the Council for the Study of Productive Forces. In 1942-1946 - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Branches and Bases of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1948-1952 - head of the sector of the history of the national economy of the Institute of Economics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Strumilin published over 200 books and articles. Strumilin's scientific works are devoted to national economic planning, labor economics, statistics and economic history. Strumilin is one of the founders of the historical and economic trend in Soviet historiography. Author of major historical and economic studies: "The problem of industrial capital in the USSR" (M.-L., 1925), "Tsar's Manufactory of the 17th century." (in the book: Peasant manufactory in Russia, part 3, L., 1932), "Industrial crises in Russia. 1847-1867" ("Economic problems", 1939, No 5), "Industrial crises in Russia. 1873- 1907" ("Problems of Economics", 1940, No 2), "Industrial Revolution in Russia" (M., 1944), "Economic nature of the first Russian manufactories" ("VI", 1948, No 6), "On the history of agricultural labor in Russia" ("Questions of Economics", 1949, No 2), "History of ferrous metallurgy in the USSR" (M., 1954), "Essays on the economic history of Russia and the USSR" (M., 1966). Strumilin was awarded the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR. In 1957, Strumilin's memoirs "From the experience. 1897-1917" were published, in 1963-1965 - "Selected Works" in 5 volumes.

Soviet historical encyclopedia. In 16 volumes. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1973-1982. Volume 13. SLAVIC STUDIES - XIA CHEN. 1971.

Strumilin, Strumillo Petrashkevich Stanislav Gustavovich, Soviet economist and statistician, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1931), Hero of Socialist Labor (1967). Member of the CPSU since 1923. Since 1897, he actively participated in the revolutionary workers' movement, was subjected to repression, and twice fled from tsarist exile. Delegate of the 4th (Stockholm) (1906) and 5th (London) (1907) congresses of the RSDLP. Later he joined the Mensheviks. S. began scientific and journalistic activity in 1897. In 1921-37 and 1943-51 he worked in the State Planning Committee of the USSR (deputy chairman, member of the Presidium, deputy head of the TsUNKhU, member of the Council of Scientific and Technical Expertise, etc.). At the same time, he conducted scientific and pedagogical work at Moscow State University (1921-23), the Institute of National Economy. G. V. Plekhanov (1929-30), Moscow State Economic Institute (1931-50). Deputy Chairman of the Council of Branches and Bases of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1942-46). In 1948-52, head of the sector of the history of the national economy of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1948-74 at the scientific and pedagogical work at the Academy of Social Sciences under the Central Committee of the CPSU.

Major works on economics, statistics, economic management, planning, demographic forecasting, political economy of socialism, economic history, scientific communism, sociology, philosophy. S. owns one of the methods for constructing an index of labor productivity - "Index Strumilin". Under the leadership of S. developed the world's first system of material balances. S. wrote over 700 scientific papers. The largest of them: "Wealth and Labor" (1905), "Problems of Labor Economics" (1925), "Essays Soviet economy"(1928)," Industrial Revolution in Russia "(1944). He was a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Romanian Academy of Sciences, an honorary doctor of the Warsaw University, an honorary member of the Demographic Society under the Academy of Sciences of Czechoslovakia.

USSR State Prize (1942), Lenin Prize (1958). He was awarded 3 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the October Revolution, the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and medals.

Op.: Selected. Prod., vol. 1-5, M., 1963-65: Chosen. prod., [vol. 6]. Essays on the economic history of Russia and the USSR, M., 1966; Fav. prod., [vol. 7]. History of ferrous metallurgy in the USSR, M., 1967; Fav. prod., [vol. eight]. Memoirs and journalism, M., 1968; Social progress in the USSR for 50 years, Voprosy ekonomiki, 1969, No. 11.

Lit .: Lenin V.I., Poln. coll. cit., 5th ed. (See Reference Volume, Part 2, p. 475); S. G. Strumilin, M., 1968 (Materials for the bio-bibliography of scientists of the USSR. Series of economics, v. 4); Problems economics and practices. Sat. Art., dedicated to the 95th anniversary of S. G. Strumilin, M., 1972.

E. E. Pisarenko.


Russian, Soviet economist and statistician. The main works in the field of economics, statistics, management of the national economy, demographic forecasting, economic history. Under the leadership of Strumilin, the world's first system of material balances was developed. In his work “Problems of Labor Economics (Essays and Studies)” (1925), Strumilin wrote that with the transition to socialism, only the exchange form of value dies out, while the “logical concept” of value not only remains, but even increases its value. However, the distribution of consumer goods, as in a commodity economy, was to be carried out on the basis of freedom of choice, and in regulating this process it was proposed to use "labor rates", which, by Strumilin's own admission, are "like two drops of water", similar to prices. ...