Code of rules sp 54.13330. Fire safety requirements for engineering systems and building equipment


Code of rules SP-54.13330.2011


Updated edition of SNiP 31-01-2003

With changes:

Multicompartment residential buildings

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design and construction of newly built and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings with a height * (1) up to 75 m (hereinafter adopted in accordance with SP 2.13130), including apartment-type dormitories, as well as residential premises, included in the premises of buildings of another functional purpose.

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 General provisions

4.3 When designing and constructing a residential building, conditions for life must be provided disabled groups of the population, accessibility of the site, building and apartments for disabled people and elderly people using wheelchairs, if the placement of apartments for families with disabled people in this residential building is established in the design assignment.

Specialized apartment buildings for the elderly should be designed no higher than nine floors, for families with disabilities - no more than five. In other types of residential buildings, apartments for families with disabilities should be located, as a rule, on the ground floors.

In residential buildings of state and municipal housing stock, the share of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs is established in the design task by local governments. Specific requirements for ensuring the life of the disabled and other people with limited mobility should be provided for, taking into account local conditions and the requirements of SP 59.13330. Two-way traffic of disabled people in wheelchairs should be provided only in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabled people. At the same time, the width of the corridors must be taken at least 1.8 m.

4.4 The project must include instructions for the operation of apartments and public premises of the building, which must contain the data necessary for tenants (owners) of apartments and built-in public premises, as well as operating organizations to ensure safety during operation, including: concealed wiring diagrams, locations ventilation ducts, other elements of the building and its equipment, in respect of which construction activities should not be carried out by residents and tenants during operation. In addition, the instruction should include rules for the maintenance and maintenance of fire protection systems and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

4.4a Re-planning and re-arrangement of apartments must be carried out in accordance with the rules of article 26 of the Housing Code Russian Federation.

4.5 Residential buildings should be provided with: domestic drinking and hot water supply, sewerage and drains in accordance with SP 30.13330 and SP 31.13330; heating, ventilation, smoke protection - in accordance with SP 60.13330. Fire water supply, smoke protection should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 10.13130 ​​and SP 7.13130.

4.6 In residential buildings, it is necessary to provide for electric lighting, power electrical equipment, telephone, radio, television antennas and bell alarms, as well as automatic fire alarms, warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire, elevators for transporting fire departments, means of saving people, fire protection systems in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as other engineering systems provided for by the design assignment.

4.7 On the roofs of residential buildings, provision should be made for the installation of antennas for the collective reception of transmissions and racks of wired broadcasting networks. Installation of radio relay masts and towers is prohibited.

4.8 Paragraphs 1 and 2 do not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883 / pr

The cabin of one of the elevators must be 2100 mm deep or wide (depending on the layout) to accommodate a person on a sanitary stretcher.

The width of the cabin doors of one of the elevators must ensure the passage of a wheelchair.

When building on existing 5-storey residential buildings, it is recommended to provide elevators. In buildings equipped with an elevator, it is allowed not to provide for an elevator stop in the superstructured floor.

In residential buildings in which, on floors above the first floor, accommodation is provided for families with disabled people who use wheelchairs for movement, as well as in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabled people, passenger elevators or lifting platforms in accordance with the requirements of SP 59.13330, GOST R 51630, GOST R 51631 and GOST R 53296.

4.9 The width of the platforms in front of the elevators should allow the use of an elevator for transporting a patient on an ambulance stretcher and be at least, m:

1, 5 - in front of elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin width of 2100 mm;

2, 1 - in front of elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin depth of 2100 mm.

With a two-row arrangement of elevators, the width of the elevator hall must be at least, m:

1, 8 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of less than 2100 mm;

2, 5 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of 2100 mm or more.

4.10 In the basement, basement, first and second floors of a residential building (in large and major cities * (2) on the third floor), it is allowed to place built-in and built-in-attached public premises, with the exception of objects that have a harmful effect on humans.

It is not allowed to post:

specialized stores of mosquito-chemical and other goods, the operation of which may lead to pollution of the territory and air of residential buildings; premises, including shops with the storage of liquefied gases, flammable and combustible liquids, explosives capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water, atmospheric oxygen or with each other, goods in aerosol packaging, pyrotechnic products;

shops selling synthetic carpets, auto parts, tires and motor oils;

specialized fish stores; warehouses for any purpose, including wholesale (or small-scale wholesale) trade, except for warehouses that are part of public institutions that have emergency exits isolated from the escape routes of the residential part of the building (the rule does not apply to built-in parking lots);

consumer service establishments that use flammable substances (except for hairdressers and watch repair shops with a total area of ​​up to 300 m 2); baths;

catering and leisure enterprises with more than 50 seats, with a total area of ​​more than 250 m 2 all enterprises operating with musical accompaniment, including discos, dance studios, theaters, and casinos;

laundries and dry cleaners (except for collection points and self-service laundries with a capacity of up to 75 kg per shift); automatic telephone exchanges with a total area of ​​more than 100 m 2 ; public toilets, institutions and shops of funeral services; built-in and attached transformer substations;

industrial premises (except for premises of categories B and D for the work of disabled people and older people, including: points for issuing work at home, workshops for assembly and decorative work); dental laboratories, clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories; dispensaries of all types; day hospitals of dispensaries and hospitals of private clinics: trauma centers, ambulance and emergency medical substations; dermatovenerological, psychiatric, infectious and phthisiatric rooms for medical appointments; departments (rooms) of magnetic resonance imaging;

x-ray rooms, as well as rooms with medical or diagnostic equipment and installations that are sources of ionizing radiation exceeding the permissible level established by sanitary and epidemiological rules, veterinary clinics and offices.

Shops selling synthetic carpet products may be attached to the blind sections of the walls of residential buildings with a fire resistance limit of REI 150.

4.11 In the basement and basement floors of residential buildings it is not allowed to place premises for storage, processing and use in various installations and devices of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied gases, explosives; rooms for children; cinemas, conference halls and other halls with more than 50 seats, saunas, as well as medical institutions. When placing other premises on these floors, one should also take into account the restrictions established in 4.10 of this document and in Appendix D of SNiP 31-06.

4.12 It is not allowed to load public premises from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where the windows of the living rooms of apartments and entrances to the residential part of the house are located, in order to protect residents from noise and exhaust gases.

Loading of public premises built into residential buildings should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels; from highways (streets) in the presence of special loading rooms.

It is allowed not to provide for the indicated loading rooms with an area of ​​built-in public rooms up to 150 m 2.

5 Requirements for apartments and their elements

5.5 Placement of apartments and living rooms in the basement and basement floors of residential buildings is not allowed.

5.8 The height (from floor to ceiling) of living rooms and the kitchen (kitchen-dining room) in climatic regions IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA must be at least 2.7 m, and in other climatic regions - at least 2.5 m .

The height of intra-apartment corridors, halls, front, mezzanines (and under them) is determined by the conditions for the safety of people's movement and should be at least 2.1 m.

In living rooms and kitchens of apartments located in the attic floor (or upper floors with inclined enclosing structures), a lower ceiling height is allowed relative to the normalized area, not exceeding 50%.

6 Bearing capacity and allowable deformation of structures

6.2 The structures and foundations of the building must be designed to withstand constant loads from the own weight of the supporting and enclosing structures; temporary uniformly distributed and concentrated loads on floors; snow and wind loads for a given construction area. The normative values ​​of the listed loads, taking into account unfavorable combinations of loads or their corresponding forces, the limit values ​​of deflections and displacements of structures, as well as the values ​​of the load safety factors must be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 20.13330.

When calculating the structures and foundations of buildings, the additional requirements of the customer-developer specified in the design assignment should also be taken into account, for example, for the placement of fireplaces, heavy equipment for public facilities built into a residential building; to fastening heavy elements of interior equipment to walls and ceilings.

6.5 When calculating a building with a height of more than 40 m for a wind load, in addition to the conditions of strength and stability of the building and its individual structural elements, restrictions must be provided on the oscillation parameters of the ceilings of the upper floors, due to the requirements for living comfort.

6.6 In case of occurrence during the reconstruction of additional loads and impacts on the remaining part of the residential building, its load-bearing and enclosing structures, as well as the base soils, must be checked for these loads and impacts in accordance with applicable documents, regardless of the physical wear of the structures.

In this case, one should take into account the actual bearing capacity of the foundation soils as a result of their change during the operation period, as well as the increase in the strength of concrete in concrete and reinforced concrete structures over time.

6.7 When reconstructing a residential building, one should take into account changes in its structural scheme that occur during the operation of this building (including the appearance of new openings that are additional to the original design solution, as well as the effect of the repair of structures or their strengthening).

6.8 When reconstructing residential buildings with a change in the location of sanitary facilities, appropriate additional measures should be taken for hydro-, noise- and vibration isolation, as well as, if necessary, reinforcement of floors on which the equipment of these sanitary facilities is to be installed.

7 Fire safety

7.1 Preventing the spread of fire

7.1.2 The allowable building height and floor area within the fire compartment are determined depending on the degree of fire resistance and the structural fire hazard class according to Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

The degree of fire resistance of the building

Building constructive fire hazard class

The highest allowable height of the building, m

The largest allowable floor area of ​​the fire compartment, m2

Not standardized

Note - The degree of fire resistance of a building with unheated extensions should be taken according to the degree of fire resistance of the heated part of the building.

7.1.4 The structures of galleries in gallery houses must comply with the requirements adopted for the floors of these buildings.

7.1.5 In buildings of I, II degrees of fire resistance, to ensure the required fire resistance limit of the bearing elements of the building, only structural fire protection should be used.

7.1.6 Supporting elements of two storey buildings IV degree of fire resistance must have a fire resistance of at least R 30.

7.1.7 Intersectional, inter-apartment walls and partitions, as well as walls and partitions separating non-apartment corridors, halls and vestibules from other premises, must comply with the requirements set forth in Table 7.1a.

Intersectional and inter-apartment walls and partitions must be deaf and comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements.

7.1.8 The fire resistance limit of interior partitions is not standardized. The fire hazard class of interior cabinet, collapsible and sliding partitions is not standardized. The fire hazard class of other interior partitions, including those with doors, must comply with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements.

Table 7.1a

Enclosing structure

The minimum fire resistance limit and the permissible fire hazard class of the structure for the building of the fire resistance degree and the structural fire hazard class

I-III, C0 and C1

Intersectional wall

Intersectional partition

Inter-apartment wall

Interroom partition

Wall separating non-apartment corridors from other premises

Partition separating non-apartment corridors from other premises


* For buildings of class C1, K1 is allowed.

** For buildings of class C2, K2 is allowed.

7.1.9 Partitions between storerooms in the basement and basement floors of buildings of II degree of fire resistance up to 5 floors inclusive, as well as in buildings of III and IV degrees of fire resistance, it is allowed to design with a non-standardized fire resistance limit and fire hazard class. Partitions separating the technical corridor (including the technical corridor for laying communications) of the basement and basement floors from the rest of the premises must be type 1 fireproof.

7.1.10 Technical, basement, basement floors and attics should be divided by fire partitions of the 1st type into compartments with an area of ​​​​not more than 500 m 2 in non-sectional residential buildings, and in sectional ones - by sections.

7.1.11 Fencing of loggias and balconies in buildings with a height of three floors or more, as well as external sun protection in buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance with a height of 5 floors or more, must be made of non-combustible NG materials.

7.1.12 Public premises built into residential buildings should be separated from the premises of the residential part by deaf fire walls, partitions and ceilings with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 45, or EI 45, respectively, and in buildings of the I degree of fire resistance - by ceilings of the 2nd type.

7.1.13 The garbage collection chamber must have an independent entrance, isolated from the entrance to the building by a blank wall, and be distinguished by fire partitions and ceilings with fire resistance limits of at least REI 60 and fire hazard class K0.

7.1.14 Roofing, rafters and attic sheathing may be made of combustible materials. In buildings with attics (with the exception of buildings of the V degree of fire resistance), when installing rafters and lathing from combustible materials, it is not allowed to use roofs made of combustible materials, and the rafters and lathing should be subjected to fire retardant treatment. With constructive protection of these structures, they should not contribute to the latent spread of combustion.

7.1.15 The paragraph does not apply from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia of December 3, 2016 N 883 / pr

If there are windows in a residential building oriented to the built-in part of the building, the level of the roof at the junction should not exceed the floor mark above the living quarters of the main part of the building.

7.1.16 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883 / pr

7.2 Ensuring evacuation

7.2.1 The greatest distances from the doors of the apartments to the staircase or exit to the outside should be taken according to table 7.2.

Table 7.2

In a section of a residential building, when exiting apartments into a corridor (hall) that does not have a window opening at the end, the distance from the door of the most remote apartment to the exit directly to the staircase or exit to the vestibule or elevator passage hall leading to the air zone of the smoke-free staircase, should not exceed 12 m, if there is a window opening or smoke exhaust in the corridor (hall), this distance can be taken according to Table 7.2 as for a dead-end corridor.

7.2.2 The width of the corridor must be at least, m: if its length between the stairs or the end of the corridor and the stairs is up to 40 m - 1, 4, over 40 m - 1, 6, the width of the gallery is not less than 1, 2 m. Corridors should separated by partitions with doors of fire resistance El 30, equipped with shutters and located at a distance of no more than 30 m from one another and from the ends of the corridor.

7.2.3 It is allowed to provide glazed doors in stairwells and elevator halls, at the same time - with reinforced glass. Other types of impact resistant glazing may be used.

7.2.4 The number of emergency exits from the floor and the type of staircases should be taken in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements and SP 1.13130.

7.2.5 In residential buildings with a height of less than 28 m, designed for placement in climatic region IV and climatic subregion IIIB, it is allowed to install external open stairs made of non-combustible materials instead of staircases.

7.2.6 In residential buildings of the corridor (gallery) type, with a total floor area of ​​apartments up to 500 m 2, it is allowed to provide access to one stairwell of type H1 with a building height of more than 28 m or type L1 with a building height of less than 28 m, provided that in at the ends of the corridors (gallery) there are exits to the external stairs of the 3rd type, leading to the level of the floor of the second floor. When placing these staircases at the end of the building, it is allowed to install one staircase of the 3rd type in the opposite end of the corridor (gallery).

7.2.7 When building on existing buildings with a height of up to 28 m on one floor, it is allowed to retain the existing staircase of type L1, provided that the building floor is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements and SP 1.13130.

7.2.8 If the total area of ​​apartments on the floor is more than 500 m2, evacuation must be carried out through at least two staircases (normal or smoke-free).

In residential buildings with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor from 500 to 550 m 2, one emergency exit from the apartments is allowed:

if the height of the upper floor is not more than 28 m - into an ordinary staircase, provided that the front rooms in the apartments are equipped with addressable fire alarm sensors;

if the height of the upper floor is more than 28 m - into one smoke-free staircase, provided that all premises of the apartments (except for bathrooms, bathrooms, showers and laundry rooms) are equipped with addressable fire alarm sensors or automatic fire extinguishing.

7.2.9 For a multi-level apartment, it is allowed not to provide access to the stairwell from each floor, provided that the premises of the apartment are located no higher than 18 m and the floor of the apartment that does not have direct access to the stairwell is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on the requirements fire safety. The internal staircase is allowed to be made of wood.

7.2.10 Passage to the outer air zone of the H1 type stairwell is allowed through the elevator hall, while the arrangement of elevator shafts and doors in them must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements and SP 4.13130.

7.2.11 In buildings up to 50 m high with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor of a section up to 500 m 2, it is allowed to provide an emergency exit to a stairwell of type H2 or H3 when one of the elevators is installed in the building, which ensures the transportation of fire departments and meets the requirements of GOST R 53296. At the same time, access to the H2 stairwell should be provided through the vestibule (or elevator hall), and the doors of the stairwell, elevator shafts, tambour-locks and tambours must be type 2 fireproof.

7.2.12 In sectional houses with a height of more than 28 m, it is allowed to arrange an exit to the outside from smoke-free staircases (type H1) through the vestibule (in the absence of exits to it from the parking lot and public premises), separated from the adjacent corridors by fireproof partitions of the 1st type with fireproof type 2 doors. In this case, the connection of the H1 type stairwell with the vestibule must be arranged through the air zone. It is allowed to fill the opening of the air zone on the ground floor with a metal grate. On the way from the apartment to the staircase H1, there must be at least two (not counting the doors from the apartment) successively located self-closing doors.

7.2.13 In a building with a height of three floors or more, exits to the outside from the basement, basement floors and technical underground must be located at least 100 m apart and must not communicate with the staircases of the residential part of the building.

It is allowed to arrange exits from basements and basement floors through the staircase of the residential part, taking into account the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements and SP 1.13130. Exits from technical floors should be provided in accordance with SP 1.13130.

Exits from technical floors located in the middle or upper part of the building are allowed through common staircases, and in buildings with H1 staircases - through the air zone.

7.2.14 When arranging emergency exits from the attic floors to the roof, it is necessary to provide platforms and walkways with a fence in accordance with GOST 25772 leading to type 3 stairs and P2 stairs.

7.2.15 Public premises must have entrances and emergency exits isolated from the residential part of the building.

When located on the upper floor of the workshops of artists and architects, as well as office space, it is allowed to take the stairwells of the residential part of the building as evacuation exits, while the communication of the floor with the stairwell should be provided through a vestibule with fire doors. The door in the vestibule, facing the staircase, should be provided with opening only from the inside of the room.

It is allowed to arrange one evacuation exit from the premises of public institutions located on the first and basement floors with a total area of ​​\u200b\u200bnot more than 300 m 2 and the number of employees not more than 15 people.

7.3 Fire requirements for engineering systems and building equipment

7.3.6 Gas supply systems for residential buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 62.13330.

7.3.7 Heat supply systems for residential buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330.

7.3.8 Heat generators, cooking and heating furnaces operating on solid fuels may be provided in residential buildings up to two floors inclusive (excluding the basement).

7.3.9 Heat generators, including solid fuel stoves and fireplaces, cooking stoves and chimneys must be made with the implementation of structural measures in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330. Prefabricated heat generators and hobs must also be installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in the manufacturer's instructions.

7.3.10 The collection chamber shall be protected throughout the entire area by sprinklers. The section of the distribution pipeline of the sprinklers must be annular, connected to the building's drinking water supply network and have thermal insulation made of non-combustible materials. The chamber door must be insulated.

7.3.11 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883 / pr

7.3.12 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883 / pr

7.3.13 Not applicable from June 4, 2017 - Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated December 3, 2016 N 883 / pr

7.4 Ensuring fire fighting and rescue operations

7.4.2 In each compartment (section) of the basement or basement, separated by fire barriers, at least two windows with dimensions of at least 0.9 x 1.2 m with pits should be provided. The area of ​​the light opening of these windows must be taken according to the calculation, but not less than 0.2% of the floor area of ​​these premises. The dimensions of the pit should allow the supply of a fire extinguishing agent from the foam generator and the removal of smoke using a smoke exhauster (the distance from the building wall to the boundary of the pit should be at least 0.7 m).

7.4.3 In the transverse walls of basements and technical subfloors of large-panel buildings, openings with a clear height of 1.6 m are allowed. In this case, the height of the threshold should not exceed 0.3 m.

7.4.5 On the drinking water supply network in each apartment, a separate tap with a diameter of at least 15 mm should be provided for connecting a hose equipped with a sprayer to be used as the primary device for internal fire extinguishing to eliminate the source of fire. The length of the hose should ensure the possibility of supplying water to any point in the apartment.

7.4.6 In residential buildings (in sectional buildings - in each section) with a height of more than 50 m, one of the elevators must ensure the transportation of fire departments and comply with the requirements of GOST R 53296.

8 Safety in use

8.2 The slope and width of flights of stairs and ramps, the height of the steps, the width of the treads, the width of the landings, the height of the passages on the stairs, the basement, the attic in use, as well as the dimensions of the doorways, should ensure the convenience and safety of movement and the ability to move items of equipment of the corresponding premises of the apartments and built-in in a public building. The minimum width and maximum slope of flights of stairs should be taken according to table 8.1.

Table 8.1

The height of differences in the floor level of different rooms and spaces in the building must be safe. Where necessary, handrails and ramps should be provided. The number of rises in one flight of stairs or at a level difference should be at least 3 and not more than 18. The use of stairs with different heights and depths of steps is not allowed. In multi-level apartments, indoor staircases are allowed with spiral or winder steps, while the width of the tread in the middle must be at least 18 cm.

8.3 The height of the railings of external flights of stairs and landings, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous drops must be at least 1.2 m. Flights of stairs and landings of internal stairs must have railings with handrails at least 0.9 m high.

Fencing must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to absorb horizontal loads of at least 0.3 kN/m.

8.4 Structural solutions of the elements of the house (including the location of voids, methods of sealing the places where pipelines pass through structures, arrangement of ventilation openings, placement of thermal insulation, etc.) must provide protection against the penetration of rodents.

8.5 The engineering systems of the building must be designed and installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in the regulatory documents of the state supervision bodies and the instructions of the equipment manufacturers.

8.6 Engineering equipment and instruments in case of possible seismic effects must be securely fixed.

8.7 In the apartments of the upper floor or at any level of a multi-level apartment located at the last height in residential buildings of I - III degrees of fire resistance class CO, C1, it is allowed to install solid fuel fireplaces with autonomous chimneys in accordance with the Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements, SP 60.13330, SP 7.13130.

8.11 On the operated roofs of residential buildings, it is necessary to ensure the safety of their use by installing appropriate fences, protecting ventilation outlets and other engineering devices located on the roof, and, if necessary, noise protection of the premises below.

On the operated roofs of built-in and attached public premises, as well as at the entrance area, on summer non-residential premises, in connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (ground and intermediate), used for arranging sports grounds for recreation of adult residents of the house , areas for drying clothes and cleaning clothes or a solarium, the necessary security measures should be provided (device of fences and measures to protect ventilation outlets).

8.12 The switchboard room, rooms for head stations (HS), technical centers (TC) of cable television, sound transformer substations (ZTP), as well as places for telephone distribution cabinets (SHRT) should not be located under rooms with wet processes (bathrooms, toilets, etc. .).

8.13 Premises of HS, shopping center, ZTP should have entrances directly from the street; the electrical room (including for communication equipment, automatic control systems, dispatching and television) must have an entrance directly from the street or from a floor-by-floor non-apartment corridor (hall); the approach to the installation site of the SHRT should also be from the indicated corridor.

9 Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements

9.2 The design parameters of the air in the premises of a residential building should be taken according to SP 60.13330 and taking into account the optimal standards of GOST 30494. The air exchange rate in the premises in the maintenance mode should be taken in accordance with Table 9.1.

Table 9.1


The amount of air exchange

Bedroom, common room, children's room with a total area of ​​​​an apartment for one person less than 20 m 2

3 m 3 / h per 1 m 2 of living space

The same, with a total area of ​​​​an apartment for one person more than 20 m 2

30 m 3 / h per person, but not less than 0.35 h 1

Pantry, linen, dressing room

Kitchen with electric stove

Room with gas-using equipment

A room with heat generators with a total heat output of up to 50 kW:

with open combustion chamber

with closed combustion chamber

1.0 m3/h **

Bathroom, shower room, toilet, combined bathroom

Elevator engine room

By calculation

Garbage chamber


* Air exchange by multiplicity should be determined by the total volume of the apartment.

** When installing a gas stove, air exchange should be increased by 100 m 3 / h

Note - The frequency of air exchange in rooms for other purposes should be determined according to SNiP 31-06 and SP 60.13330.

9.3 In the course of thermotechnical calculation of enclosing structures of residential buildings, the internal air temperature of heated rooms should be taken as at least 20°С, relative humidity - 50%.

9.4 The heating and ventilation system of the building should be designed to ensure that the indoor air temperature during the heating period is within the optimal parameters established by GOST 30494, with the design parameters of the outdoor air for the respective construction areas.

When installing an air conditioning system, optimal parameters must also be ensured in the warm season.

In buildings erected in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of minus 40 ° C and below, heating of the floor surface of living rooms and kitchens, as well as public premises with permanent residence of people located above cold undergrounds, should be provided, or thermal protection should be provided in accordance with requirements of SP 50.13330.

9.6 In living rooms and kitchens, air is supplied through adjustable window sashes, transoms, vents, dampers or other devices, including self-contained wall dampers with adjustable opening. Apartments designed for climatic regions III and IV must be provided with horizontal through or corner ventilation within the area of ​​apartments, as well as vertical ventilation through shafts in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330.

9.7 Removal of air should be provided from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms and, if necessary, from other rooms of the apartments, while installation of adjustable ventilation grilles and valves on the exhaust ducts and air ducts should be provided.

Air from rooms that may emit harmful substances or unpleasant odors must be removed directly to the outside and not enter other rooms of the building, including through ventilation ducts.

Combining ventilation ducts from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms (showers), combined bathrooms, pantries for products with ventilation ducts from rooms with gas-using equipment and parking lots is not allowed.

9.10 In the outer walls of basements, technical undergrounds and a cold attic that do not have exhaust ventilation, ventilation should be provided with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the floor area of ​​the technical underground or basement, evenly spaced along the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​one vent must be at least 0.05 m2.

9.11 The duration of insolation of apartments (premises) of a residential building should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 2.2.1 / and SanPiN

The normalized duration of insolation must be ensured: in one-, two- and three-room apartments - at least in one living room; in four-room apartments and more - in at least two living rooms.

9.12 Natural lighting should have living rooms and kitchens (except for kitchen niches), public premises built into residential buildings, except for premises whose placement is allowed in the basement floors in accordance with SNiP 31-06.

9.16 When illuminated through light openings in the outer walls of common corridors, their length should not exceed: if there is a light opening at one end - 24 m, at two ends - 48 m. If the corridors are longer, it is necessary to provide additional natural lighting through light pockets. The distance between two light pockets should be no more than 24 m, and between the light pocket and the light opening at the end of the corridor - no more than 30 m. The width of the light pocket, which can serve as a staircase, must be at least 1.5 m. the pocket is allowed to illuminate corridors up to 12 m long, located on both sides of it.

9.18 External building envelopes must have thermal insulation, insulation from the penetration of outside cold air and vapor barrier from the diffusion of water vapor from the premises, providing:

the required temperature and the absence of moisture condensation on the internal surfaces of structures inside the premises;

preventing the accumulation of excess moisture in structures.

The temperature difference between the internal air and the surface of the structures of the external walls at the design temperature of the internal air must comply with the requirements of SP 50.13330.

9.19 In I - III climatic regions, at all external entrances to residential buildings (except for entrances from the external air zone to a smoke-free staircase), vestibules with a depth of at least 1.5 m should be provided.

Double vestibules at entrances to residential buildings (except for entrances from the outer air zone to a smoke-free staircase) should be designed depending on the number of storeys of buildings and the area of ​​​​their construction in accordance with Table 9.2.

Table 9.2

9.20 The premises of the building must be protected from the penetration of rain, melt and ground water and possible domestic water leaks from engineering systems by structural means and technical devices.

9.22 It is not allowed to place a toilet and a bath (or a shower) directly above the living rooms and kitchens. Placing a toilet and a bathroom (or shower) on the upper level above the kitchen is allowed in apartments located on two levels.

9.23 During the construction of buildings in areas where, according to engineering and environmental surveys, there are emissions of soil gases (radon, methane, etc.), measures must be taken to isolate floors and basement walls in contact with the ground in order to prevent the penetration of soil gas from the soil into the building , and other measures to reduce its concentration in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sanitary standards.

9.24a When residential buildings are located on a territory with an increased level of traffic noise, noise reduction in residential buildings should be carried out by applying: special noise-protected layout and (or) structural and technical means of noise protection, including: properties.

9.25 Noise levels from engineering equipment and other in-house noise sources should not exceed the established permissible levels and by no more than 2 dBA exceed the background values ​​​​determined when the in-house noise source is not working, both during the day and at night.

9.26 To ensure an acceptable noise level, it is not allowed to fix sanitary appliances and pipelines directly to inter-apartment walls and partitions enclosing living rooms; them, as well as adjacent to them.

9.26a When arranging bathrooms for bedrooms, it is recommended, according to the design assignment, in order to protect against noise, to separate them from each other by built-in wardrobes between them.

9.27 The supply of drinking water to the house should be provided from the centralized water supply network of the settlement. In areas without centralized engineering networks for one-, two-story buildings, it is allowed to provide for individual and collective sources of water supply from underground aquifers or from reservoirs at the rate of a daily consumption of household and drinking water of at least 60 liters per person. In areas with limited water resources, the estimated daily water consumption may be reduced in agreement with the territorial bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

9.28 For the disposal of wastewater, a sewerage system must be provided - centralized or local in accordance with the rules established in SP 30.13330.

Wastewater must be removed without polluting the territory and aquifers.

9.31 Residential floors (except for blocked buildings) and floors with premises for preschool and medical institutions should be separated from the parking lot by a technical floor or a floor with non-residential premises to protect against the penetration of exhaust gases and excess noise levels.

9.32 In multi-apartment residential buildings on the first, basement or basement floors, a pantry for cleaning equipment equipped with a sink should be provided.

10 Durability and maintainability

10.6 It should be possible to access the equipment, fittings and devices of the engineering systems of the building and their connections for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

The equipment and pipelines must be fixed on the building structures of the building in such a way that their performance is not disturbed by possible movements of the structures.

11 Energy saving

11.3 When evaluating the energy efficiency of a building according to the thermal characteristics of its building structures and engineering systems, the requirements of this set of rules are considered to be met under the following conditions:

1) the reduced resistance to heat transfer and the air permeability of enclosing structures are not lower than those required by SP 50.13330;

2) heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water systems have automatic or manual regulation;

3) the engineering systems of the building are equipped with metering devices for heat energy, cold and hot water, electricity and gas with a centralized supply.

11.4 When evaluating the energy efficiency of a building according to a complex indicator of specific energy consumption for its heating and ventilation, the requirements of this set of rules are considered to be met if the calculated value of specific energy consumption to maintain normalized microclimate and air quality parameters in the building does not exceed the maximum allowable standard value. In this case, the third condition 11.3 must be satisfied.


*(1) The height of the building is determined by the difference between the elevations of the passage surface for fire engines and the lower boundary of the opening opening (window) in outer wall upper floor, including the attic. In this case, the upper technical floor is not taken into account.

*(2) Classification of cities - according to SP 42.13330.

*(3) The time of restriction of operation may be specified by local governments.

*(4) Under Article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

Annex A


Annex B

Terms and Definitions

Annex B

Rules for determining the area of ​​a building and its premises, building area, number of storeys and building volume

Annex D

Minimum number of passenger lifts


Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated May 16, 1989 No.
No. 78

SNiP 2.08.01-89*


dated 11.10.94 N 18-21; Decrees of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of 06/03/99 N 42, of 11/20/2000 N 112)

Introduction date 1990-01-01

DEVELOPED TsNIIEP dwellings of the State Committee for Architecture (candidate architect B.Yu. Brandenburg - head of the theme; candidate architect S.V. Krolevets, doctor of architecture V.K. Litskevich, candidates of architecture E.D. Kapustyan, R.P. Abramova; V.L. Veksler), TsNIIEP grazhdanselstroem Goskomarchitectura (candidate architect L.M. Agayants), TsNIIEP engineering equipment of the State Committee for Architecture (candidates of technical sciences A.Z. Ivyansky, I.B. Pavlinova), VNIITAG Goskomarchitecture ( Candidate Architect A.S.Krivov)

INTRODUCED TsNIIEP dwellings of the State Committee for Architecture

PREPARED FOR APPROVAL by the State Committee for Architecture (I.E. Grinberg, Candidate of Technical Sciences I.M. Arkharov, L.G. Surkov)

APPROVED by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the USSR of May 16, 1989 N 78

SNiP 2.08.01-89* is a reissue of SNiP 2.08.01-89 with amendments N 1 dated April 30, 1993 N 18-12 and N 2 dated October 11, 1994 N 18-21, approved by the resolutions of the Gosstroy (Minstroy) of Russia .

Sections, paragraphs, tables in which changes have been made are marked in these building codes and rules with an asterisk.

INTRODUCED Amendment No. 3, approved by the Decree of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 03.06.99 N 42 and put into effect on 01.07.2000.

Sections, paragraphs, tables in which changes have been made to No. 3 are marked in this document (K).

*These rules and regulations apply to the design of residential buildings (apartment buildings, including apartment buildings for the elderly and families with wheelchair users, hereinafter referred to as families with disabilities, as well as dormitories), up to 25 floors inclusive.

Specific measures to ensure the life of the disabled and other low-mobility groups of the population should be provided taking into account local conditions and additional requirements of VSN 62-91 * / State Committee for Architecture.

These norms and rules do not apply to the conditions for the settlement of residential buildings, as well as to the design of inventory and mobile buildings. The conditions for settling in are determined by housing legislation and relevant regulatory and methodological documents.

The definition of terms is given in mandatory Appendix 1, the rules for calculating the area of ​​​​apartments in houses and dormitories, the living area of ​​​​dormitories, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidential buildings, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpremises, construction volume, building area and the number of storeys of residential buildings - in mandatory Appendix 2.



1.1*. The height of living quarters from floor to ceiling must be at least 2.5 m, for climatic subdistricts IA, IB, IG, ID, IIA - at least 2.7 m.

The height of floors from floor to floor for residential buildings for social purposes is recommended to be taken no more than 2.8 m, for climatic subdistricts IA, IB, IG, ID, IIA - no more than 3.0 m.

The height of the interior corridors must be at least 2.1 m.

It is allowed in living quarters and a kitchen located in the attic floor to have a lower height relative to the normalized area, not exceeding 50% of the total area of ​​​​the premises. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

In living quarters and a kitchen located in the attic floor, a lower height is allowed relative to the norm on an area not exceeding 50% of the total area of ​​​​the premises.

1.2. The duration of insolation, corresponding to SNiP 2.07.01-89 *, must be ensured: in one-, two- and three-room apartments - at least in one room; in four-, five-, six-room apartments - at least in two rooms. In hostels, at least 60% of living rooms should be insolated.

1.3*. Living rooms, kitchens, non-sewered latrines, entrance vestibules (except those leading directly to apartments), stairwells, common corridors in corridor-type residential buildings, as well as public premises in hostels and residential homes for the elderly and families with disabilities should have natural lighting. Natural lighting should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-4-79. At the same time, the ratio of the area of ​​light openings of all living rooms and kitchens of apartments and hostels to the floor area of ​​these premises, as a rule, should not exceed 1:5.5. The minimum ratio must be at least 1:8, for attic floors, when using roof windows, it is allowed to take a ratio of 1:10. The length of common corridors should not exceed 24 m at one end, and 48 m at two ends when illuminated through light openings in the outer walls, and 48 m at two ends. If the corridors are longer, it is necessary to provide additional natural lighting through light pockets. The distance between two light pockets should be no more than 24 m, and between the light pocket and the light opening at the end of the corridor - no more than 30 m. The width of the light pocket should be at least half of its depth (excluding the width of the adjacent corridor). Through a light pocket, which can serve as a staircase, it is allowed to illuminate corridors up to 12 m long, located on both sides of it. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

Note. It is allowed to design kitchen niches without natural lighting in residential cells of hostels (no more than two rooms) and in one-room apartments of type 1A (see Table 5) when equipped with electric stoves and artificial exhaust ventilation.

1.4*. In houses designed for II and III climatic regions, rooms with natural light must be provided with ventilation through transoms, vents or other devices. At the same time, apartments designed for the III climatic region must be provided with through or corner ventilation; vertical (through shafts) ventilation is also allowed. In sectional houses designed for the III climatic region, it is allowed to ventilate one-sidedly located one- and two-room apartments through the stairwell or other non-apartment ventilated premises. At the same time, there should be no more than two such apartments on the floor. In corridor-type houses, ventilation of one- and two-room apartments is allowed through common corridors no longer than 24 m long, having direct natural lighting and through or corner ventilation.

1.5. In buildings designed for construction in areas with an average monthly temperature in July of 21 degrees. From and above, light openings in living rooms and kitchens, and in climatic region IV, should also be equipped with external adjustable sun protection within the horizon sector of 200-290 degrees. In buildings of I and II degrees of fire resistance with a height of five floors or more, external sun protection should be made of non-combustible materials. In one-, two-story buildings, it is allowed to provide sun protection with landscaping.

1.6.(J) Stairwells must be illuminated through windows in the outer walls of each floor, except for the cases specified in 6.39 of SNiP 21-01-97.

Ventilation of the staircase must be provided through opening glazed openings with an opening area on each floor of at least 1.2 m2.

1.7*.(J) Fencing of loggias and balconies in buildings three stories high and more must be made of non-combustible materials.

It is not allowed to glaze balconies and loggias used as a transition through the air zone with smoke-free staircases, into adjacent sections, to accommodate external stairs and blank walls, arranged in accordance with 6.13 and 6.20 of SNiP 21-01-97, as well as in case of insufficient lighting premises, to which these balconies and loggias adjoin, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95.

1.8. The norms of permissible noise levels for residential buildings should be adopted in accordance with the requirements of SNiP II-12-77.


1.9.(K) The number of floors and length of buildings are determined by the development project. When determining the number of storeys and length of residential buildings in seismic areas, the requirements of SNiP II-7-81*, SNiP 2.07.01-89* and SN 429*-71 should be met. Apartment houses for the elderly should be designed no higher than nine floors, for families with disabilities - no more than five. In other types of residential buildings, apartments for families with disabilities should be located on the ground floors.

Fire protection of buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 21-01-97, except as otherwise specifically provided for in these standards.

The classification of residential buildings according to functional fire hazard should be taken according to SNiP 21-01-97:

F1.2 - hostels;

F1.3 - apartment buildings, including for families with disabilities.

1.10. Through passages in buildings should be taken at least 3.5 m wide in the clear, at least 4.25 m high. Through passages through the stairwells of buildings should be located at a distance of no more than 100 m from one another.

1.11.(K) The floor area of ​​the fire compartment between the fire walls in buildings of class F1.3, depending on the degree of fire resistance, the class of constructive fire hazard and the height of buildings (according to SNiP 21-01-97), should not exceed that specified in table 1.

Table 1

The largest allowable floor area of ​​the fire compartment, m2
I C0 75 2500
II C0 50 2500
C1 28 2200
III C0 28 1800
C1 15 1800
C0 5 1000
3 1400
IV C1 5 800
3 1200
C2 5 500
3 900
V Not standardized 5 500
Not standardized 3 800

The height of the building is determined by the height of the upper floor (including the attic), not counting the upper technical floor, and the height of the floor is determined by the difference in elevations of the passage surface for fire trucks and the lower boundary of the opening opening (window) in the outer wall.

In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, in order to ensure the required fire resistance limit of the load-bearing elements of the building, only structural fire protection is allowed.

In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, partition walls and partitions, as well as partitions separating common corridors from other rooms, must have a fire resistance rating of at least EI 45, in buildings of IV fire resistance - at least EI 15.

In buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance, inter-apartment non-bearing walls and partitions must have a fire resistance rating of at least EI 30 and a fire hazard class of KO, in buildings of IV fire resistance - a fire resistance rating of at least EI 15 and a fire hazard class of at least K1.

The fire hazard class of interior (including cabinet, collapsible, with doorways and sliding) partitions is not standardized.

The load-bearing elements of two-story buildings of the IV degree of fire resistance must have a fire resistance rating of at least R 30.

1.12.(K) In dormitory buildings (class F 1.2 according to SNiP 21-01-97), the floor area between the fire walls and the maximum height of buildings, depending on the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard, should be taken: for dormitories located in residential buildings of a sectional type - according to table 1, for corridor-type hostels - according to table 1a.

Table 1a

The degree of fire resistance of the building Building constructive fire hazard class The highest allowable height of the building, m The largest allowable floor area, m2
I C0 50 2200
II C0 28 2200
C1 15 1000
III C0 15 1000
C1 9 1200
IV, V Not standardized 3 400

It is allowed to separate the fire compartments of buildings of dormitories of IV and V degrees of fire resistance with a blank fire wall of the 2nd type when blocking no more than two fire compartments.

1.13*.(K) Buildings of I, II and III degrees of fire resistance can be built on with one attic floor with load-bearing elements having a fire resistance rating of at least R45 and a fire hazard class of K0, regardless of the height of the buildings specified in Table 1, but located no higher than 75 m. The enclosing structures of these attics must meet the requirements for the structures of the building being built on.

When using wooden structures, structural fire protection should be provided that ensures these requirements.

It is allowed in buildings of I, II, III degrees of fire resistance to take for the attic floor the fire resistance limit of load-bearing structures, as well as intersection partitions 0.75 hours with a zero limit of fire propagation, while the requirements of clause 1.8 of SNiP 2.01.02-85 regarding rafters and battens does not apply to attic floors. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

When using wooden structures, fire protection should be provided that ensures the fire resistance limit of structures established above and the limit of fire propagation. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

1.14. The degree of fire resistance of a building with unheated extensions should be taken according to the degree of fire resistance of the heated part of the building.

1.15. (K) The fire resistance limit and fire hazard class for gallery structures in gallery houses must correspond to the values ​​\u200b\u200baccepted for floors.


1.16. The mark of the floor of the premises at the entrance to the building must be higher than the mark of the sidewalk in front of the entrance by at least 0.15 m.

1.17. The number of ascents in one flight of stairs or on a level difference must be at least 3 and not more than 18.

Stair flights and landings should have railings with handrails, in homes for the elderly and families with disabilities - additional wall handrails.

1.18.(K). Exclude.

1.19. In stairwells it is allowed to install heating devices, garbage chutes, storey combined electrical panels and mailboxes, without reducing the standard width of the passage through the landings and marches.

In smoke-free stairwells, only heating devices are allowed.

1.20. Stairwells and elevator lobbies must be separated from premises of any purpose and floor corridors by doors equipped with shutters, with sealing in the porches.

It is allowed to provide glazed doors, while in buildings with a height of four floors or more - with reinforced glass.

1.21.(K) The greatest distances from the doors of apartments and dormitory rooms to the staircase or exit to the outside should be taken from Table. 2.

table 2

The degree of fire resistance of the building Building constructive fire hazard class The greatest distance from the door of an apartment or a room in hostels to the exit, m
when located between stairwells or external entrances at exits to a dead-end corridor or gallery
I, II C0 40 25
II C1 30 20
III C0 30 20
C1 25 15
IV C0 25 15
C1, C2 20 10
V not standardized 20 10

In a section of a residential building, when exiting apartments into a corridor (hall) that does not have natural light at the end, the distance from the door of the most remote apartment to the exit directly to the staircase should not exceed 12 m; in the presence of natural light, this distance can be taken according to table 2 as for a dead-end corridor.

1.22. The width of the corridor in residential buildings between the stairs or the end of the corridor and the stairs should be, m, not less than: with a length of up to 40 m - 1.4, over 40 m - 1.6; gallery width - at least 1.2 m. Corridors should be separated by partitions with doors equipped with shutters and located at a distance of no more than 30 m from one another or from the ends of the corridor.

1.23. In apartment buildings for the elderly and families with disabled people, as well as when apartments for families with disabled people are located on the ground floor, there should be no steps and thresholds in the corridors at the entrance to the building, the approach to the elevator and the garbage chute. In such cases, ramps should be provided with a width of at least 1.2 m with a slope of not more than 1:20. The width of non-apartment corridors must be at least 1.8 m, doors - at least 0.9 m.

1.24. The smallest width and the largest slope of flights of stairs should be taken according to Table. 3.

Table 3

March name Minimum width, m Greatest slope
Flights of stairs leading to the residential floors of buildings:
sectional: 1,05 1:1,5
two-storey 1,05 1:1,75
three stories or more 1,2 1:1,75
corridor 0,9 1:1,25
Flights of stairs leading to the basement and basement floors, as well as internal staircases

Note. The width of the march should be determined by the distance between the fences or between the wall and the fence. Intra-apartment stairs are allowed to be made of wood.

1.25*.(K) In residential buildings of a sectional type with a section area of ​​up to 500 m2 inclusive, it is allowed to provide an evacuation exit from the section floor to one staircase.

At the same time, in each apartment located at a height of more than 15 m, emergency exits should be provided according to 6.20a), b) or c) of SNiP 21-01-97.

It is allowed for an apartment located on two floors (levels) not to provide access to the stairwell from each floor of this apartment, that the premises of the apartment are located no higher than the 6th floor and the floor of the apartment that does not have direct access to the stairwell is provided with an additional exit in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

1.26.(K) In residential buildings of the corridor (gallery) type up to 28 m high inclusive, with a total area of ​​apartments on the floor of 500 m2 or more, common corridors (galleries) must have exits to at least two ordinary stairwells of the 1st type. With a total area of ​​at least 500 m2, access to one ordinary staircase of the 1st type is allowed. At the same time, exits to external stairs of the 3rd type should be provided at the ends of the corridor (gallery).

When placing a conventional staircase at the end of the building, it is allowed subject to the requirements of Table. 2 arrangement of one staircase of the 3rd type at the opposite end of the corridor (gallery).

1.27.(K) In residential buildings for climatic region IV and climatic subregion IIIb, not more than 28 m high, it is allowed to install external open stairs made of non-combustible materials with a fire resistance limit of at least 1 hour instead of staircases.

1.28. In I - III climatic regions, at all external entrances to residential buildings, vestibules with a depth of at least 1.2 m should be provided, in homes for the elderly and families with disabled people - a depth of at least 1.5 m and a width of at least 2.2 m. vestibules at the entrance to residential buildings should be designed depending on the number of storeys and the construction area in accordance with Table. 4.

Table 4

The average temperature of the coldest five-day period, degrees C Double vestibule in buildings with the number of floors
minus 20 and above 16 or more
Below minus 20 to minus 25 inclusive. 12 " "
" " 25 " " 35 " 10 " "
" " 35 " " 40 4 " "
Below minus 40 1 " "
Note. At the direct entrance to the apartment in single-apartment and block houses, a double vestibule should be designed at a temperature of the coldest five-day period minus 35 degrees. C and below.


1.29.(K) In residential buildings of sectional type with a height of more than 28 m, with a total area of ​​apartments per floor up to 500 m2, an exit to the H1 type stairwell should be provided. At the same time, for all apartments and common areas of hostels located at a height of more than 15 m, emergency exits should be provided according to 6.20a), b) or c) of SNiP 21-01-97.

In corridor-type residential buildings with a height of more than 28 m, with a total area of ​​​​apartments per floor up to 500 m2, it is allowed to provide access to one non-smoke-proof staircase of type H1, provided that exits to external stairs of the 3rd type are provided at the ends of the corridors, leading to the level of the floor of the second floors. When placing a smoke-free staircase at the end of the corridor, it is allowed to install one staircase of the 3rd type at the opposite end of the corridor.

In these buildings, with a total area of ​​apartments per floor of more than 500 m2, at least two smoke-free staircases should be provided: at least 50% of them should be of type H1; smoke-free staircases and within the ground floor must have exits directly to the outside.

Smoke-free transitions to H1 type stairwells must be ensured in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.37 of SNiP 21-01-97<*>. dated 20.11.2000 N 112)

In smoke-free staircases of type H1, it is allowed to provide flights of stairs and landings with a fire resistance rating of R 15 of the constructive fire hazard class KO. (as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 112)

1.30.(K) Delete.

1.31.(K) In sectional houses, it is allowed to arrange an exit to the outside from a smoke-free staircase of the 1st type through the vestibule, separated from the adjacent corridors by fireproof partitions of the 1st type. At the same time, the communication of the staircase with the vestibule should be arranged similarly to other floors through the air zone. It is allowed to fill the opening of the air zone on the ground floor with a metal grate.

On the way from the apartment to the stairwell there must be at least two (not counting the doors from the apartment) sequentially located self-closing doors.

1.32. Smoke removal from floor corridors in buildings with smoke-free staircases should be provided through special shafts with forced exhaust and valves arranged on each floor at the rate of one shaft per 30 m of the corridor length.

An autonomous fan should be provided for each smoke exhaust shaft. Smoke exhaust shafts must be made of non-combustible materials and have a fire resistance rating of at least 1 hour.

1.33.(K) In elevator shafts, in case of fire, outside air should be supplied from a separate duct to the top of the elevator shaft.

In this case, the excess pressure in the elevator shaft should be taken according to the calculation in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 *.

1.34*. Ventilation installations for air overpressure and smoke removal should be located in separate ventilation chambers, fenced off with type 1 fireproof partitions. Opening of valves and turning on of fans should be provided automatically from fire alarm detectors installed in the hallways of apartments, dormitory rooms and premises for cultural and community services, as well as remotely from buttons installed on each floor in fire hydrant cabinets.

1.34a. The norms of this subsection (clauses 1.29-1.34) do not apply to existing buildings with a height of 9 floors (10 floors of sectional type buildings for large and largest cities) built on an attic floor. In this case, the attic floor must be provided with a second emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 1.25. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)


1.35. The height of public premises located in residential buildings may be taken equal to the height of residential premises, except for premises in which, according to the conditions for placing equipment, the height must be at least 3 m.

1.36*.(K) On the first, second and basement floors of residential buildings it is allowed to place premises for retail stores, catering, consumer services, post offices with a total area of ​​​​not more than 700 m2, savings banks, shops and kiosks of the union press, antenatal clinics, distribution points dairy kitchens, legal consultation offices and notary offices, registry offices, library branches, exhibition halls, offices of housing maintenance organizations, for sports and recreation activities with a total area of ​​​​up to 150 m2, cultural and mass work with the population, as well as premises for groups of short-term stay of preschool children age (except for the basement), except for:

catering establishments with more than 50 places (except for hostels) and house kitchens with a capacity of more than 500 meals per day;

dish collection points, as well as shops with a total sales area of ​​more than 1000 m2;

specialized stores, construction, chemical and other goods, the operation of which may lead to pollution of the territory and air of residential buildings, stores with the presence of explosive substances and materials, specialized fish and vegetable stores;

consumer service establishments in which flammable substances are used (with the exception of hairdressing salons, watch repair shops with a normalized area of ​​up to 300 m2);

workshops for repairing household machines and appliances, repairing shoes with a normalized area of ​​more than 100 m2;

baths, saunas, laundries and dry cleaners (except for collection points and self-service laundries with a capacity of up to 75 kg of linen per shift);

automatic telephone exchanges intended for installation of telephones in residential buildings with a total area of ​​more than 100 m2;

public restrooms;

funeral homes.

It is allowed to place creative workshops of artists and architects on the top floor, while the communication of the floor with the staircase should be provided through the vestibule. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

In the built-on attic floor of buildings of the II degree of fire resistance with a total height of not more than 9 floors (10 floors of sectional type buildings for large and largest cities), it is allowed to place office-type premises in agreement with local authorities, subject to the requirements of paragraph 1.38. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

On the upper floor, it is allowed to place creative workshops of artists and architects, while the communication of the floor with the staircase should be provided through the vestibule.

1.37. When arranging built-in and built-in - attached parking lots for cars in residential buildings, the requirements of SNiP 21-02-99 should be observed. (as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 112)

1.38*. Public premises, except for public premises of dormitories and homes for the elderly and families with disabled people, must have entrances and emergency exits isolated from the residential part of the building. When placing office-type premises in an overbuilt attic floor, it is allowed to take the stairwells of the residential part of the building as the second evacuation exit, while the communication of the floor with the stairwell should be provided through a vestibule with fire doors. The door in the vestibule, facing the staircase, should be provided with opening only from the inside of the room. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

Loading of public premises built into residential buildings should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels; from the highways, in the presence of special loading rooms.

It is allowed not to design the specified loading rooms with an area of ​​built-in public rooms up to 150 m2.

1.39*.(K) The load-bearing structures of the coating of the built-in-attached part must have a fire resistance rating of at least R45 and a fire hazard class of K0. If there are windows in a residential building oriented to the built-in-attached part of the building, the roof level should not exceed the floor mark of the higher living quarters of the floor of the higher living quarters of the main part of the building. The insulation in the coating must be non-combustible. The coating must have a protective layer that protects against solar overheating.

1.40. Engineering communications of public premises passing through the residential part, or the residential part passing through the built-in premises (except for water supply and heating from metal pipes), must be laid in independent shafts, enclosed by fire partitions, with the exception of the premises listed in clause 3.7.

1.41. The height of basements and basements, as well as technical subfloors from the floor level to the bottom of the floor slab must be at least 1.8 m, when parking for cars and motorcycles belonging to citizens is placed in it - at least 2 m, public premises - in accordance with paragraph 1.1, individual heating points - not less than 2.2 m.

1.42. The height of the technical floors is determined in each individual case, depending on the type of equipment and communications located in the volume of the technical floor, taking into account the conditions of their operation.

In attics, including technical attics, a through passage should be provided along the building with a height of at least 1.6 m and a width of at least 1.2 m; in some sections with a length of not more than 2 m, it is allowed to reduce the height of the passage to 1.2 m, and the width to 0.9 m. clean); in some sections with a length of not more than 1 m, it is allowed to reduce the height of the passage to 1.6 m (clean).

In the transverse walls of basements and technical undergrounds of large-panel buildings, openings with a height of 1.6 m are allowed. In this case, the height of the threshold should not exceed 0.3 m.

The height of the technical underground premises should not exceed 2 m.

1.43. Placement of residential premises in the basement and basement floors of residential buildings is not allowed.

1.44. In separate residential buildings, determined according to the layout of civil defense structures, dual-use premises should be designed in accordance with the instructions of SNiP II-11-77 *.

1.45.(K) In buildings with a height of three floors or more, exits to the outside from the basement, basement floors and technical underground should not communicate with the stairwells of the residential part of the building and should be located at least 100 m apart. Exits to the outside from the technical underground should be arranged in accordance with from 6.21 SNiP 21-01-97. Exits from basements and basement floors should be provided directly to the outside. In buildings up to five floors inclusive, these exits are allowed to be arranged through the staircase of the residential part as separate, separated within the first floor from the exit from the residential part by type 1 fire partitions.

Technical, basement, ground floors and attics should be divided by fire partitions of the 1st type into compartments with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 500 m2 in non-sectional residential buildings, and in sectional ones - by sections. Evacuation exits from the basement and basement floors should be provided in accordance with 6.12 of SNiP 21-01-97. In each compartment or section of the basement and basement floors there must be at least two windows (hatches) with a size of at least 0.9x1.2 m. Access to the attic must be provided from each staircase. From each section of the attic, access to the roof must be provided according to 8.4 SNiP 21-01-97. In technical floors and attics, doors in fireproof partitions can be made of materials of combustibility groups G1 and G2.

From the technical floors located in the middle part of the building, and technical attics, two exits should be provided, made in accordance with the instructions of 6.21 SNiP 21-01-97. Entrances to these floors are allowed through common staircases.

Partitions between storerooms in the basement and basement floors of buildings of the II degree of fire resistance up to five floors inclusive, as well as in buildings of III and IV degrees of fire resistance, can be designed with non-standardized fire resistance limits and fire hazard classes. Partitions separating the technical corridor of the basement and basement floors from the rest of the premises must be fireproof of the 1st type.

Roofing, rafters and attic sheathing are allowed to be made of combustible materials. In buildings with attics (with the exception of buildings of the V degree of fire resistance), when installing rafters and lathing from combustible materials, it is not allowed to use roofs made of combustible materials, and the rafters and lathing should be subjected to fire retardant treatment.

1.46. (K) Public premises located in residential buildings, except for single-family and block houses, should be separated from the premises of the residential part by fire partitions of the 1st type and floors of the 3rd type without openings in buildings of the I degree of fire resistance - floors of the 2nd type.

1.47. In each partition and internal wall of the technical underground, with the exception of fire barriers, it is necessary to provide openings under the ceiling with an area of ​​at least 0.02 m2 in each.

In the outer walls of basements and technical undergrounds that do not have exhaust ventilation, ventilation should be provided with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the floor area of ​​the technical underground, basement, evenly spaced along the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​one vent must be at least 0.05 m2.

1.48. For ventilation of a cold attic, holes with a total area of ​​at least 1/500 should be provided in the outer walls on each side of the building, and in climatic regions III and IV - at least 1/50 of the area of ​​the attic floor.

1.49. Roofs should be designed, as a rule, with an organized drain. it is allowed to provide for an unorganized drain from the roofs of 1-2 storey buildings, provided that canopies are installed above the entrances. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)


1.50*. In residential buildings with a floor mark of the upper floor from the level of the planning mark of the earth of 14 m or more, elevators should be provided. In IA, IB, IG, ID and IVА climatic subregions and localities located at an altitude of 1000 m or more above sea level, elevators should be provided in buildings with a floor elevation of the upper floor of 12 m or more.

For buildings to be built before 2000 in IA, IB, IG, ID and IVA climatic subregions, it is allowed not to provide for the installation of elevators when the floor of the upper floor is 13.5 m or less from the planned ground level.

In residential homes for the elderly and families with disabled people with a floor mark of the upper floor of 8 m or more and 5 m or more, respectively, elevators should be provided.

The required number of elevators, their carrying capacity and speed in residential buildings of various heights should be taken in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 3.

It is allowed not to provide for elevators when superstructure of 5-storey residential buildings with an attic floor at a height of the superstructured floor of no more than 16 m. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

1.51. The width of the platform in front of the elevator must be, m, not less than: for passenger elevators with a carrying capacity of 400 kg - 1.2; 630 kg with a cab 2100 wide and 1100 mm deep - 1.6; with a cab 1100 wide and 2100 mm deep - 2.1. The machine room of elevators is not allowed to be located directly under the living rooms, as well as adjacent to them. Elevator shafts should not be placed adjacent to living rooms.


1.52. The need for garbage chutes in residential buildings is determined by local governments, depending on the adopted waste disposal system.

It is allowed to keep the existing waste disposal system when building an attic floor. (As amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 10/11/94 N 18-21; Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of 11/20/2000 N 112)

1.53. The trunk of the garbage chute must be airtight, soundproofed from building structures and must not be adjacent to living quarters.

The garbage chute must be equipped with devices for periodic washing, cleaning and disinfection of trunks in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN "Sanitary rules for the maintenance of populated areas. (as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 112)

1.54.(K) The garbage collection chamber should be placed directly under the trunk of the garbage chute with hot and cold water supply to it. The garbage collection chamber is not allowed to be located under the living rooms or adjacent to them. The clear height of the chamber must be at least 1.95 m.

The waste collection chamber must have an independent entrance with an outward-opening door, isolated from the entrance to the building by a blank wall (screen), and be distinguished by fire partitions and ceilings with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 60 and fire hazard class K0.



2.1. Apartments in residential buildings should be designed based on the condition of their settlement by one family.

2.2.(K) The apartments should provide for living rooms and utility rooms: kitchen, hallway, bathroom or shower room, lavatory, pantry (or built-in utility closets). It is allowed to arrange a room for household work, a cold pantry (or cabinets), a ventilated drying cabinet for outerwear and shoes.

The arrangement of balconies, loggias, terraces is allowed in climatic regions III and IV, and in the absence of adverse conditions also in climatic regions I and II.

In the presence of unfavorable conditions, it is allowed to provide loggias only to provide apartments with an emergency exit.

In rural residential buildings, the arrangement of verandas and terraces is allowed in all climatic regions.

In apartments for the elderly and families with disabilities, the device of loggias or balconies is mandatory. Their depth in apartments for families with disabilities should be at least 1.4 m.

2.3*. Types of apartments according to the number of rooms and their area (excluding the area of ​​balconies, terraces, verandas, loggias, cold storage rooms and apartment vestibules) in social housing houses are recommended to be taken according to Table 5.

Settlement type Upper limits of the area of ​​apartments, (large and small), m2, with the number of rooms (types of apartments)
1 2 3 4 5 6
City, town 28 36 44 53 56 65 70 77 84 95 96 108
Village 38 44 50 60 66 76 77 89 94 104 106 116

Note*. The ratio of types of apartments in terms of the number of rooms and area for specific regions and cities is determined by the local administration, taking into account demographic requirements, the achieved level of housing provision for the population and the resource supply of housing construction.

2.4*. The area of ​​​​the living room (common room) in a one-room apartment should be at least 14 m2, in apartments with 2 or more rooms - at least 16 m2, other living rooms and kitchens - at least 8 m2. In one-room apartments of type 1 A and two-room apartments of type 2 A in city houses, it is allowed to design kitchens or kitchen niches of at least 5 m2.

The area of ​​the bedroom living room and kitchen in the overbuilt attic floor of two or more room apartments is allowed at least 7 sq.m, provided that the common room has an area of ​​at least 16 sq.m. (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

2.5. In one-room apartments, the device of combined bathrooms is allowed. The doors of the restroom, bathroom and combined bathroom should open outward.

2.6. Entrance to a room equipped with a toilet directly from the kitchen and residential premises (except for residential premises intended for families with disabilities) is not allowed.

It is not allowed to place a toilet and a bathroom (or shower) directly above the living rooms and kitchens. Placing a toilet and a bathroom (or shower) above the kitchen is allowed in apartments located on two levels. It is not allowed to fasten devices and pipelines directly to inter-apartment walls and partitions enclosing living rooms.

2.7. The width of the utility rooms of apartments should be, m, not less than: kitchen - 1.7, front - 1.4, intra-apartment corridors - 0.85, lavatory - 0.8 (minimum depth - 1.2).

In apartments for families with disabled people, the width of the utility rooms should be, m, not less than: kitchen - 2.2, front - 1.6 (with the possibility of storing a wheelchair), intra-apartment corridors -1.15, dimensions of a bathroom or a combined bathroom ( width x depth) 2.2x2.2, lavatory with washbasin - 1.6x2.2.

2.8. From each apartment of single-apartment and block buildings it follows, and from the apartments of the first floors of multi-apartment buildings it is allowed to provide access to the apartment plot.

2.9. Residential rooms of hostels should be designed based on the settlement of no more than three people with an area of ​​​​at least 6.0 m2 for each resident. Rooms should be impassable, at least 2.2 m wide, they should be equipped with built-in wardrobes with an area of ​​at least 0.5 m2 for each resident.

2.10. Dormitory living rooms should, as a rule, be grouped with utility rooms (kitchens or kitchen niches, front rooms, sanitary and hygienic rooms), into living cells with a capacity of no more than 12 people. for singles (workers, employees, students) and no more than 3 people. for family youth.

Residential cells in dormitories for students of vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions should, as a rule, be designed for no more than 50 people. and instead of kitchens, provide vats. They should additionally include public premises: rooms for educators, recreation, training sessions, washing, drying and ironing clothes with a total area of ​​​​not more than 1.5 m2 per 1 person. These residential cells must have two evacuation exits.

2.11. In all types of dormitories, kitchens or kitchen niches should be designed taking into account clause 1.3 at the rate of: for 2 - 6 people. - not less than 5 m2, and for 7 people. and more - according to the area norm of 0.8 m2 per 1 person. It is allowed to arrange common kitchens for several residential cells, but not more than 25 people.

2.12. The equipment of sanitary facilities in hostels for singles should be designed at the rate of 1 shower or bath, 1 washbasin and 1 toilet bowl for 4-6 people, and in hostels for family youth - 1 bath, 1 toilet bowl and 1 washbasin for 2-3 people .


2.13. In hostels for singles, in accordance with their types and capacity, public premises should be provided: for cultural events, educational and sports activities, recreation, catering, medical and consumer services, administrative and household purposes.

2.14. Dormitories for family youth should provide for administrative premises, for recreation and training, wheelchairs, rooms for short-term stay of children, and in hostels for 1000-1500 places - also a culinary shop and a distribution point for children's dairy cuisine.

2.15. Nursing homes and families with disabled persons should be provided with facilities for recreation, medical and domestic services and work activities.

2.16. The areas of public premises, m2 per 1 person, should not exceed those indicated in Table 6.

Table 6

Type of specialized dwelling Number of residents, people
50 100 200 500 1000 1500
Dormitory for singles (workers, employees, students, students of vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions) 2,6 2,5 2,5 2,4 2,3 2,1
Hostel for family youth 1,5 1,4 1,2 1,1 1,0 1,0
Apartment-type residential building for the elderly 2,2 1,9 1,3 - - -
Apartment-type residential building for families with disabilities 2,5 2,0 1,4 - - -

Notes: 1. The composition and areas of public premises should be taken in accordance with the design assignment programs.

2. In dormitories for 25 people, public premises (rest room and storerooms) should be provided at a rate of 1.4 m2 per person.

3. As part of the norm of the area of ​​public premises of hostels for students of vocational and secondary specialized educational institutions, public premises located in residential cells in accordance with paragraph 2.10 are taken into account.


2.17. In cities and towns in residential buildings of any number of storeys, a storage room for storing cleaning equipment equipped with a sink should be provided on the ground, basement or basement floors. It is allowed to arrange pantries with an area of ​​​​up to 3 m2 for residents of the house: household, for storing vegetables, as well as for solid fuel. At the same time, the exit from the floor where the pantries are located must be isolated from the residential part.

2.18*. When designing residential buildings of low-rise buildings, it should, as a rule, provide for buildings and premises, the composition and area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich should be taken in accordance with territorial standards or, in their absence, in accordance with the terms of reference for the design.

2.19. Room height outbuildings for keeping livestock and poultry should be at least 2.4 m. Buildings for keeping livestock and poultry can only be attached to one- and two-apartment houses (except for houses under construction in the IV climatic region) when they are isolated from living rooms by at least three utility rooms premises.

2.20. (J) When constructing garages (including attached ones) in the basement, basement floors of one-, two-story single-apartment and block houses (and in one- and two-apartment houses and on the first floor), it is allowed to design them without observing the standards for the design of enterprises according to car service.

In buildings of IV and V degrees of fire resistance, a canopy should be provided above the garage door if windows of other rooms are located above it.



3.1. In residential buildings, household, fire-fighting and hot water supply, as well as sewerage and drains, designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.01-85, should be provided. In buildings with a height of up to 50 m, instead of an internal fire water supply, it is allowed to provide for the installation of dry pipes with branch pipes brought to the facade of the building for connecting fire trucks. (as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 112)

In areas without centralized engineering networks, it is allowed to design one-, two-story residential buildings with non-sewered latrines.

In I, II and III climatic regions, with the exception of subdistrict IIIB, it is allowed to arrange warm non-sewered latrines (backlash closets, etc.) provided for in apartment buildings within the heated part of the building, and in hostels with a capacity of not more than 50 people. outside the main limits of the building, connected to it by a warm transition.

In climatic region IV and climatic subregion IIIB, the installation of non-sewered latrines in the heated part of a residential building is not allowed. At the same time, rooms should be provided for the installation of sewered latrines in the heated part of the building in the future, and latrines outside the building must be provided.

3.1a. On the network of domestic and drinking water supply, a separate tap should be provided for connecting the hose (sleeve) in order to be able to use it as the primary device for intra-apartment fire extinguishing at an early stage.

The hose must provide the possibility of supplying water to any point of the apartment, taking into account the jet length of 3 m, be at least 15 m long, 19 mm in diameter and equipped with a sprayer. (as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 112)


3.2.(K) In residential buildings, heating and ventilation with natural induction should be provided, designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91*. The design parameters of air and the frequency of air exchange in the premises should be taken in accordance with the mandatory Appendix 4.

3.3. When calculating the enclosing structures of residential buildings, the following should be taken: the temperature of the internal air is 18 degrees. C in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (determined according to SNiP 2.01.01-82) above minus 31 degrees. C and 20 deg. C at minus 31 degrees. C and below; relative humidity equal to 55%.

3.4. For premises with a rated exhaust, the compensation of the removed air should be provided both due to the intake of outside air and due to the overflow of air from other premises of this apartment.

Exhaust ventilation of living rooms of apartments and dormitories should be provided through the exhaust ducts of kitchens, latrines, bathrooms (showers) and drying cabinets.

When installing gas water heaters in kitchens, the gas duct from the water heater should be considered as an additional exhaust duct.

3.5. Local ventilation ducts of one apartment may be combined into a prefabricated ventilation duct with their connection to the prefabricated duct at the same level above the serviced premises by at least 2 m.

Combining ventilation ducts from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms (showers), pantries for products with ventilation ducts from the premises of apartment heat generators, garages is not allowed.

3.6.(J) Heating and ventilation shall be provided in public spaces built into residential buildings. The need for air conditioning systems is established by the relevant regulatory documents.

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91*.

3.7. Ventilation of built-in objects must be autonomous. Exhaust ventilation of premises located within the dimensions of one apartment - notary offices, legal consultation offices, children's rooms, offices of housing maintenance organizations, savings banks, kiosks of the union press and other built-in premises where there are no fire and explosion hazardous substances and harmful emissions do not exceed the standardized values, it is allowed to connect to common exhaust system of a residential building.

3.8. In buildings with a warm attic, air removal from the attic should be provided through one exhaust shaft for each section of the house with a shaft height of at least 4.5 m from the ceiling above the last floor.

3.9. In climatic regions with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) below minus 40 degrees C, residential buildings with a height of three floors or more can be equipped with forced ventilation with outdoor air heating.

3.10. Apartment water heaters (including small-sized heating boilers) on gas fuel may be provided in residential buildings up to five floors inclusive, on solid fuel - up to two floors inclusive (excluding the basement).

Residential solid fuel heat generators should be installed in kitchens or in separate rooms. In one-, two-apartment houses, the entrance to the room where the heat generator is located is allowed from the utility room of the apartment.

3.11. Cooking and heating stoves (stoves) on solid fuels are allowed to be installed in apartment buildings with a height of no more than two floors (excluding the basement) and in one-story dormitories.


3.12. In residential buildings, electric lighting, power electrical equipment, telephone, radio, television antennas and bells should be provided. Dispatching of engineering equipment systems should be provided for in the development projects of microdistricts.

Intra-house and intra-apartment electrical networks must be equipped with residual current devices (RCD) in accordance with the PUE. (as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 112)

3.13*. In the kitchens of residential buildings with a height of 11 floors or more, in hostels, homes for the elderly and families with disabilities (regardless of the number of floors), it is necessary to provide for the installation of electric stoves. In residential buildings of variable number of storeys with a height of one of the parts of 11 floors or more, electric stoves should be used in all parts of the building.

It is allowed to use various energy carriers for kitchen equipment in various sections of buildings that do not have common attics, basements, technical floors, shaft openings and channels.

It is not allowed to install gas equipment in public catering establishments built into residential buildings, trade, consumer services.

It is allowed to install electric stoves in houses of any number of storeys, equipped with central heating and hot water supply in agreement with the energy supply organization.

3.14*. Projects of electrical equipment, communication devices, signaling and dispatching of residential buildings should be carried out in accordance with the current regulatory documents approved by the authorities, whose competence, in accordance with their Regulations, is to resolve these issues.

3.15.(K) Emergency smoke ventilation should be designed in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91*. Metal cabinets for automatic control of fire fighting devices should be placed in the switchboard room on the ground floor. The output of the fire signal should be provided to the point of the integrated dispatch service.

3.16. On the roofs of residential buildings, it is necessary to provide for the installation of antennas for the collective reception of transmissions and racks of air broadcasting networks. If necessary, it is allowed to arrange premises in the attics of buildings for the installation of equipment for a large collective television reception system (KSKPT). The laying of television networks from distribution cabinets to the inputs to the apartments must be hidden.

3.17. Regardless of the number of storeys of buildings in all premises of hostels, with the exception of sanitary and hygienic ones, in apartments for the elderly and families with disabilities, automatic fire alarm installations and fire warnings should be provided.

3.18. Lightning protection is designed in accordance with the requirements of RD 34.21.122-87, depending on the height of the building.

Paragraph 3.19 shall be deleted.

3.20*. In multi-apartment residential buildings, as a rule, intercoms or combination locks should be installed at the entrance.

3.21. The premises of apartments and dormitories (except for bathrooms, bathrooms, showers, laundry rooms, saunas) should be equipped with autonomous opto-electronic smoke detectors that meet the requirements of NPB 66-97, with protection category IP 40 (according to GOST 14254-96).

The detectors are usually installed on the ceiling. It is allowed to install them on the walls and partitions of rooms not less than 0.3 m from the ceiling and at a distance of the upper edge of the detector's sensitive element from the ceiling of at least 0.1 m. (as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of November 20, 2000 N 112)


(as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

Balcony - a fenced area protruding from the plane of the facade wall, which serves for recreation in the summer.

Blocked residential building - a building of an apartment type, consisting of two or more apartments, each of which has direct access to the apartment plot.

Veranda - a glazed unheated room attached to a building or built into it.

Residential building of sectional type - a building consisting of one or more sections.

Gallery-type residential building - a building in which apartments (or dormitory rooms) have exits through a common gallery to at least two staircases.

Corridor-type residential building - a building in which apartments (or dormitory rooms) have exits through a common corridor to at least two stairs.

Residential cell of a hostel - a group of living rooms, united by utility rooms for common use.

Staircase and elevator unit - a room designed to accommodate vertical communications - a staircase and elevators.

Elevator hall - a room in front of the entrances to the elevators.

Loggia - a premise covered and fenced in plan from three sides, open to the outer space, serving for relaxation in the summer and sun protection.

Unfavorable conditions for designing balconies, loggias and terraces are:

In I and II climatic regions - the average monthly air temperature and the average monthly wind speed in July: below 4 degrees. C at any wind speed; 4-8 deg. C and wind speed up to 4 m/s; 8-12 deg. C and wind speed 4-5 m/s; 12-16 deg. C and wind speeds over 5 m/s;

noise from highways or industrial areas of 75 dB or more at a distance of 2 m from the facade of a residential building;

dust concentration in the air is 1.5 mg/m3 or more for 15 days or more during three summer months.

The total area of ​​the apartment is the total area of ​​the residential and auxiliary premises of the apartment, taking into account the loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces (see mandatory Appendix 2).

The planning mark of the earth is the level of the earth at the border of the blind area.

Cellar - a structure buried in the ground for year-round storage of products; it can be detached, located under a residential building, an outbuilding.

Near-apartment plot - a land plot adjacent to a house (apartment) with direct access to it.

Ventilated underground in the permafrost zone - an open space under the building between the ground surface and the ceiling of the first (basement, technical) floor.

Light pocket - a room with natural light, adjacent to the corridor and serving to illuminate it. The role of a light pocket can be performed by a staircase separated from the corridor by a glazed door with a width of at least 1.2 m. In this case, the width of the opening into the staircase is taken as the width of the light pocket.

A skylight is a glazed roof structure for illuminating a stairwell or patio.

Section of a residential building - a part of a building, the apartments of which have access to one staircase directly or through a corridor, and separated from other parts of the building by a blank wall. The length of corridors without lighting at the ends and adjacent to the staircase should not exceed 12 m. The total area of ​​apartments on the floor of the section should not exceed 500 m2.

Vestibule - a passage space between doors that serves to protect against the penetration of cold air, smoke and odors at the entrance to a building, stairwell or other premises.

Terrace - a fenced open extension to the building in the form of a recreation area, which may have a roof, is located on the ground or above the floor below.

Cold pantry - a pantry with an area of ​​up to 2 m2, located in the unheated volume of the apartment.

Attic - the space between the surface of the coating (roof), the outer walls and the ceiling of the upper floor.

Ventilation shaft - a hollow vertical space protected by a ventilation grill for the entire height of the building with a horizontal section of at least 1/30 of the total area of ​​​​all ventilated apartments on the floor.

Bay window - a part of the room emerging from the plane of the facade, partially or completely glazed, improving its illumination and insolation.

Attic floor (mansard) - a floor in the attic space, the facade of which is completely or partially formed by the surface (surfaces) of an inclined or sloping roof, while the line of intersection of the roof plane and the plane of the facade should be at a height of no more than 1.5 m from the floor level of the attic floor . (as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

Above-ground floor - a floor when the floor level of the premises is not lower than the planning level of the ground.

Basement floor - a floor when the floor level of the premises is lower than the planning level of the ground by more than half the height of the room.

Technical floor - a floor for placing engineering equipment and laying communications; can be located in the lower (technical underground), upper (technical attic) or in the middle parts of the building.

Basement floor - a floor with the level of the floor of the premises below the planning level of the ground to a height of not more than half the height of the premises.

Appendix 2


(as amended by the Decree of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation of 11.10.94 N 18-21)

1. The area of ​​apartments should be determined as the sum of the areas of living rooms and utility rooms, excluding loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storerooms, vestibules.

2. The total area of ​​apartments should be determined as the sum of the areas of their premises, built-in wardrobes, as well as loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storerooms, calculated with the following reduction factors: for loggias - 0.5, for balconies and terraces - 0.3 , for verandas and cold storerooms - 1.0.

The area occupied by the oven is not included in the floor area. The area under the march of the intra-apartment staircase with a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of 1.6 m or more is included in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises where the staircase is located.

3. The total area of ​​dormitory premises should be determined as the sum of the areas of living rooms, utility rooms, public premises, as well as loggias, balconies and verandas, calculated in accordance with paragraph 2.

4. The total area of ​​apartments in residential buildings should be determined as the sum of the total areas of apartments in these buildings, determined in accordance with paragraph 2; the total area of ​​public premises built into residential buildings is calculated separately in accordance with SNiP 2.08.02-89*.

Underground areas for ventilation of a building designed for construction on permafrost soils, an attic, a technical underground (technical attic), non-apartment communications, as well as vestibules of staircases, elevator and other shafts, porticos, porches, external open stairs are not included in the total area of ​​buildings.

The area of ​​staircases, elevators and other shafts is included in the floor area, taking into account their areas at the level of this floor.

The area of ​​attics and utility underground is not included in the area of ​​the building.

6*. The area of ​​premises of residential buildings should be determined by their dimensions, measured between the individual surfaces of walls and partitions at floor level (excluding skirting boards). When determining the area of ​​​​the attic floor, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room is taken into account with a height of up to an inclined ceiling of 1.5 m at an inclination of 30 ° to the horizon, 1.1 m - at 45 °, 0.5 m - at 60 ° or more. For intermediate values, the height is determined by interpolation. The area of ​​the room with a lower height should be taken into account in the total area with a coefficient of 0.7, while the minimum height of the wall should be 1.2 m with a ceiling slope of 30 °, 0.8 m at - 45-60 ° is not limited with a slope of 60 ° and more.

9. When determining the number of storeys of the above-ground part of the building, the number of floors includes all above-ground floors, including the technical, attic and basement floors, if the top of its floor is at least 2 m above the average planning elevation of the earth.

Underground for ventilation under buildings designed for construction on permafrost soils is not included in the number of above-ground floors.

With a different number of floors in different parts of the building, as well as when placing the building on a site with a slope, when the number of floors increases due to the slope, the number of floors is determined separately for each part of the building.

11 - 12 2 400; 1,0 600 apartment type 630; 1,0 13 - 17 2 400; 1,0 (1,4; 1,6*) 450 630; 1,0 (1,4; 1,6**) 18 - 19 3 400; 1,6 450 400; 1,6 630; 1,6 20 - 25 3 400; 1,6 300 400; 1,6 630; 1,6 20 - 25 4 400; 1,6 450 400; 1,6 630; 1,6 630; 1,6 For the elderly 3-5 1 630; 1,0 800 6-9 2 400; 1,0 600 630; 1,0 For families with disabilities 2-3 1 630; 1,0 800 4-5 2 630; 1,0 800 * For sectional type buildings - the total floor area of ​​the apartments in the section; gallery and corridor types - the total area of ​​apartments per floor.
** The value of 1.6 m/s is indicated for the speed of elevators in buildings with 17 floors.
1. It is allowed, with an appropriate feasibility study, to replace elevators with a carrying capacity of 400 and 630 kg, respectively, with elevators with a carrying capacity of 320 and 500 kg.
2. Elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg should have cabin dimensions (width x depth) of 1100 x 2100 or 2100 x 1100 mm, and in nursing homes and families with disabled people 1100 x 2100 mm.
3. In buildings with a height of 17 floors or more, as well as in nursing homes and families with disabled people, an elevator with a carrying capacity of 630 kg must ensure the transportation of fire departments and comply with the requirements of NPB 250-97.
(as amended by the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian FederationLiving room of apartments or hostel 18 (20) - 3 m3/h per 1 m2 of residential premises The same, in areas with the temperature of the coldest five-day period (security 0.92) minus 31 ° C and below 20 (22) Same Kitchen of the apartment and hostel, cubic: 18 - with electric stoves Not less than 60 m3/h with gas stoves At least 60 m3/h with 2 burners, "" 75 "" 3 burners " , "" 90 "" 4 burners " Drying cabinet for clothes and shoes in apartments - - 30 m3/h Bathroom 25 - 25 " Restroom individual 18 - 25 " Combined restroom and bathroom 25 - 50 " The same, with individual heating 18 - 50 " Washroom 18 - 0,5 Shared shower room 25 - 5 Common restroom 16 - 50 m3/h for 1 WC and 25 m3/h for 1 urinal Dressing room for cleaning and ironing clothes, washroom in the hostel 18 - 1,5 Vestibule, common corridor, front, stairwell in apartment building 16 - - Lobby, common corridor, stairwell in the hostel 18 - - Premises for cultural events, recreation, educational and sports activities, premises for administration and staff 18 - 1 Line by line 15 According to the calculation, but not less than 4 7 Ironing, drying room in hostels 15 According to the calculation, but not less than 2 3 Storerooms for storing personal belongings, sports equipment, household and linen in the hostel 12 0,5 Isolation room in the hostel 20 - 1 Elevator machine room 5 - According to the calculation, but not less than 0.5 Garbage chamber 5 - 1 (through the trunk of the garbage chute)

1. In the corner rooms of apartments and hostels, the design air temperature should be taken at 2 degrees. From the table above.

2. In the stairwells of houses for the IV climatic region and IIIB climatic subregion, as well as houses with apartment heating, the design air temperature is not standardized.

3. The air temperature in the machine room of elevators during the warm season should not exceed 40 degrees. FROM.

4. Values ​​in parentheses refer to nursing homes and families with disabilities.

Before sending an electronic application to the Ministry of Construction of Russia, please read the rules of operation of this interactive service set out below.

1. Electronic applications in the field of competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, filled in in accordance with the attached form, are accepted for consideration.

2. An electronic appeal may contain a statement, complaint, proposal or request.

3. Electronic appeals sent through the official Internet portal of the Ministry of Construction of Russia are submitted for consideration to the department for working with citizens' appeals. The Ministry provides an objective, comprehensive and timely consideration of applications. Consideration of electronic appeals is free of charge.

4. In accordance with the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ "On the procedure for considering applications from citizens of the Russian Federation", electronic applications are registered within three days and sent, depending on the content, to the structural divisions of the Ministry. The appeal is considered within 30 days from the date of registration. An electronic appeal containing issues, the solution of which is not within the competence of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, is sent within seven days from the date of registration to the appropriate body or the appropriate official, whose competence includes resolving the issues raised in the appeal, with notification of this to the citizen who sent the appeal.

5. An electronic appeal is not considered when:
- the absence of the name and surname of the applicant;
- indication of an incomplete or inaccurate postal address;
- the presence of obscene or offensive expressions in the text;
- the presence in the text of a threat to the life, health and property of an official, as well as members of his family;
- using a non-Cyrillic keyboard layout or only capital letters when typing;
- the absence of punctuation marks in the text, the presence of incomprehensible abbreviations;
- the presence in the text of a question to which the applicant has already received a written answer on the merits in connection with previously sent appeals.

6. The response to the applicant of the appeal is sent to the postal address specified when filling out the form.

7. When considering an appeal, it is not allowed to disclose the information contained in the appeal, as well as information relating to the private life of a citizen, without his consent. Information about the personal data of applicants is stored and processed in compliance with the requirements Russian legislation about personal data.

8. Appeals received through the site are summarized and submitted to the leadership of the Ministry for information. The answers to the most frequently asked questions are periodically published in the sections "for residents" and "for specialists"

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2016 No. 883 / prCode of Rules RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT BUILDINGS


SNiP 31-01-2003

Multicompartment residential buildingsSP 54.13330.2016

Introduction date


About the set of rules

1. CONTRACTOR - Joint-Stock Company "TsNIIEP Dwellings - Institute for Integrated Design of Residential and public buildings(JSC TsNIIEP Housing)

2. INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3. PREPARED for approval by the Department of Urban Development and Architecture of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation (Minstroy of Russia)

5. APPROVED by Order of the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated December 3, 2016 No. 883/pr and entered into force on June 4, 2017.

6. REGISTERED federal agency on technical regulation and metrology (Rosstandart). Revision of SP 54.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-01-2003 Residential multi-apartment buildings"

In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, the corresponding notice will be published in the prescribed manner. Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Construction of Russia) on the Internet


This set of rules has been updated in order to increase the level of safety of people and the safety of material assets in accordance with the Federal Laws and, to comply with the requirements of the Federal Law, to increase the level of harmonization with the requirements of international regulatory documents, to apply uniform methods for determining operational characteristics and methods for assessing and accounting for sanitary and epidemiological requirements to living conditions in residential multi-apartment buildings. The set of rules was made by the team of authors: JSC "TsNIIEP Housing - Institute for the Integrated Design of Residential and Public Buildings" (Cand. Architect. Prof. A.A. Magai, Candidate. Architect. A.R. Kryukov ( N.V. Dubynin, architect, S.A. Kunitsyn, engineer Yu.L. Kashulina, engineer M.A. Zherebina); JSC TsNIIPromzdaniy (Candidate of Technical Sciences T.E. Storozhenko); OJSC Academy of Public Utilities named after K.D. Pamfilov” (leading researcher V.N. Suvorov); OJSC "Center for the Methodology of Regulation and Standardization in Construction" (A.I. Tarada), LLC "Verkhne-Volzhsky Institute of Construction Expertise and Consulting" (M.V. Andreev) .1. Application area

1.1. This set of rules applies to the design and construction of newly constructed and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings up to 75 m high, including apartment-type dormitories, as well as residential premises that are part of the premises of buildings for other functional purposes.

1.2. The set of rules does not apply to: blocked residential buildings designed in accordance with the requirements of SP 55.13330, in which the premises belonging to different apartments are not located one above the other, and only the walls between neighboring blocks are common; mobile residential buildings; the living quarters of the maneuverable fund specified in .1.3. During the construction process and during the operation of multi-apartment residential buildings, it is not allowed to deviate from the parameters established in this set of rules.

This set of rules uses normative references to the following documents:

GOST 27751-2014 Reliability of building structures and foundations. Key points

GOST 30494-2011 Residential and public buildings. Indoor microclimate parameters

GOST 31937-2011 Buildings and structures. Rules for the inspection and monitoring of technical condition

GOST 33125-2014 Sun protection devices. Specifications

GOST R 22.1.12-2005 Safety in emergency situations. Structured monitoring and control system for engineering systems of buildings and structures. General requirements

GOST R 53780-2010 (EN 81-1:1998, EN 81-2:1999) Elevators. General safety requirements for the device and installation

GOST R 56420.2-2015 (ISO 25745-2:2015) Passenger elevators, escalators and conveyors. Energy characteristics. Part 2. Calculation of energy consumption and classification of energy efficiency of elevators

GOST R 56420.3-2015 (ISO 25745-3:2015) Passenger elevators, escalators and conveyors. Energy characteristics. Part 3. Calculation of energy consumption and classification of energy efficiency of escalators and passenger conveyors

SP 1.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Evacuation routes and exits (with change No. 1)

SP 2.13130.2012 Fire protection systems. Ensuring the fire resistance of protected objects

SP 3.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire warning and evacuation control system. fire safety requirements

SP 4.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Limiting the spread of fire at protected facilities. Requirements for space-planning and design solutions

SP 5.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Fire alarm and fire extinguishing installations are automatic. Design norms and rules (with change No. 1)

SP 6.13130.2013 Fire protection systems. Electrical equipment. fire safety requirements

SP 7.13130.2013 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning. fire safety requirements

SP 8.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Sources of external fire water supply. Fire safety requirements (with change No. 1)

SP 10.13130.2009 Fire protection systems. Internal fire water supply. Fire safety requirements (with change No. 1)

SP 12.13130.2009 Definition of categories of premises, buildings and outdoor installations in terms of explosion and fire hazard (with amendment No. 1)

SP 14.13330.2014 "SNiP II-7-81* Construction in seismic areas" (with amendment No. 1)

SP 16.13330.2011 "SNiP II-23-81* Steel structures" (with amendment No. 1)

SP 17.13330.2011 "SNiP II-26-76 Roofs"

SP 20.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.01.07-85* Loads and impacts"

SP 21.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.01.09-91 Buildings and structures on undermined territories and subsidence soils"

SP 22.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.01-83* Foundations of buildings and structures"

SP 24.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.02.03-85 Pile foundations"

SP 25.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.02.04-88 Bases and foundations on permafrost soils"

SP 28.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.03.11-85 Corrosion protection of building structures" (with amendment No. 1)

SP 30.13330.2012 "SNiP 2.04.01-85* Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings"

SP 31.13330.2012 “SNiP 2.04.02-84* Water supply. External networks and structures” (with change No. 1)

SP 42.13330.2011 "SNiP 2.07.01-89* Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements"

SP 50.13330.2012 "SNiP 23-02-2003 Thermal protection of buildings"

SP 51.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-03-2003 Noise protection"

SP 52.13330.2011 "SNiP 23-05-95* Natural and artificial lighting"

SP 55.13330.2011 "SNiP 31-02-2001 Residential single-apartment houses"

SP 59.13330.2012 "SNiP 35-01-2001 Accessibility of buildings and structures for people with limited mobility" (with amendment No. 1)

SP 60.13330.2012 "SNiP 41-01-2003 Heating, ventilation and air conditioning"

SP 62.13330.2011 "SNiP 42-01-2002 Gas distribution systems" (with amendment No. 1)

SP 63.13330.2012 "SNiP 52-01-2003 Concrete and reinforced concrete structures. Basic Provisions” (as amended No. 1, No. 2)

SP 70.13330.2012 "SNiP 3.03.01-87 Bearing and enclosing structures"

SP 88.13330.2014 "SNiP II-11-77* Protective structures of civil defense"

SP 113.13330.2012 "SNiP 21-02-99* Car parking"

SP 116.13330.2012 “SNiP 22-02-2003 Engineering protection of territories, buildings and structures from dangerous geological processes. Basic Provisions»

SP 118.13330.2012 "SNiP 31-06-2009 Public buildings and structures" (with amendment No. 1)

SP 131.13330.2012 "SNiP 23-01-99* Building climatology" (with amendment No. 2)

SP 132.13330.2011 Ensuring anti-terrorist protection of buildings and structures. General design requirements

SP 154.13130.2013 Built-in underground car parks. fire safety requirements

SP 160.1325800.2014 Multifunctional buildings and complexes. Design rules

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities

SanPiN 2.2.1 / Hygienic requirements for insolation and sun protection of residential and public buildings and territories

SanPiN 2.2.1/ Sanitary protection zones and sanitary classification of enterprises, structures and other facilities

SanPiN 2.2.1/ Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings

SanPiN 2.2.1 / Amendments and additions No. 1 to sanitary rules and norms SanPiN 2.2.1 / "Hygienic requirements for natural, artificial and combined lighting of residential and public buildings"

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for public catering organizations, production and turnover of food products and food raw materials in them

SanPiN Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for preschool groups located in residential premises of the housing stock

SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 Sanitary rules for the maintenance of populated areas

SN 2.2.4 / Noise at workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas

SN 2.2.4/ Industrial vibration, vibration in premises of residential and public buildings

SN 2.2.4 / Infrasound at workplaces, in residential and public buildings and in residential areas

Note. When using this set of rules, it is advisable to check the validity of reference documents in the public information system - on the official website of the federal executive body in the field of standardization on the Internet or according to the annual information index "National Standards", which was published as of January 1 of the current year, and on issues of the monthly information index "National Standards" for the current year. If an undated referenced document has been replaced, it is recommended that the current version of that document be used, taking into account any changes made to that version. If the referenced document is replaced by a dated reference, it is recommended that the version of this document with the year of approval (acceptance) indicated above be used. If, after the approval of this set of rules, a change is made to the referenced document to which a dated reference is given, affecting the provision to which the reference is given, then this provision is recommended to be applied without taking into account this change. If the reference document is canceled without replacement, then the provision in which the link to it is given is recommended to be applied in the part that does not affect this link. It is advisable to check the information on the operation of the sets of rules in the Federal Information Fund of Standards.

3. Terms and definitions

In this set of rules, the following terms are used with their respective definitions:

3.1. mezzanine: A platform that delimits the height of a room at different levels, having an area size of not more than 40% of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which it is being built.

3.2. balcony: A fenced area protruding from the plane of the facade wall, can be made with a coating and glazing, has a limited depth, interconnected with the lighting of the room to which it adjoins.

3.3. veranda: A glazed unheated room attached to a building, built into it or built-in-attached, without a depth limit, can be located on the ceiling of the floor below.

3.4. multi-apartment building: A residential building in which apartments have common non-apartment premises and engineering systems.

3.5. gallery-type apartment building: An apartment building in which all apartments of each floor have entrances through a common gallery to at least two stairwells and (or) stair-elevator nodes.

3.6. multi-apartment corridor type building: An apartment building in which the apartments of each floor have exits through a common corridor to at least two stairwells and (or) stair-elevator nodes.

3.7. sectional multi-apartment building: An apartment building consisting of one or more sections separated from each other by walls without openings; apartments of one section must have access to one staircase directly or through the corridor.

3.8. apartment: Structurally separate premises in an apartment building, providing direct access to common areas in such a house and consisting of one or more rooms, as well as auxiliary premises, designed to meet citizens' domestic and other needs related to their living in such a separate room. Note. In the official text of the document, apparently, a misprint was made: it means part 3 of article 16, and not paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 16.

3.9. stairwell: A common area with the placement of landings and flights of stairs.

3.10. number of floors of the building: The number of all floors of the building, above ground, underground, attic, technical attics, with the exception of rooms and interfloor spaces with a room height of less than 1.8 m and underground rooms.

Note. Roof boiler rooms, elevator engine rooms, ventilation chambers located on the roof are not included in the number of floors.

3.11. room: Part of the apartment intended for use as a place of direct residence of citizens in a residential building or apartment.

3.12. kitchen: An auxiliary room or part of it, with a dining area for family members to eat, as well as with the placement of kitchen equipment for cooking, washing, storing dishes and inventory, possibly for temporary food storage and collection of municipal waste.

3.13. kitchen niche: A kitchen without a dining area, located in a part of the living or auxiliary premises and equipped with an electric stove and mechanical or natural ventilation.

3.14. kitchen-dining room: A room with a cooking area and a dining area for a one-time meal for all family members.

3.15. loggia: A room built into a building or attached to it, having walls on three sides (or two in case of a corner location) for the entire height of the floor and a fence on the open side, can be covered and glazed, has a limited depth, interconnected with the lighting of the room to which it is adjacent.

3.16. in-house equipment: Engineering and technical equipment that has individual inputs and connections to in-house engineering systems and individual devices for metering and regulating energy consumption when consumed by apartment residents utilities, located in an auxiliary sanitary room and enclosing structures of the apartment.

3.17. planning ground level mark: Geodetic mark of the level of the earth's surface on the border with the blind area of ​​the building.

3.18. building underground: A room intended for the placement of pipelines of engineering systems, located between the ceiling of the first or basement floor and the ground surface.

3.19. ventilated underground: Open space under the building between the ground surface and the lower ceiling of the first above-ground floor.

3.20. residential premises: An isolated premises, which is real estate and suitable for permanent residence of citizens (meets the established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, other requirements of the law).

3.21. auxiliary room: A room for providing communication, sanitary, technical and household needs, including: a kitchen or a kitchen niche, a front room, a bathroom or a shower room, a toilet or a combined bathroom, a pantry or utility built-in wardrobe, a laundry room, a heat generator room and etc.

3.22. common premises: Non-residential premises for communication service of more than one residential and (or) non-residential premises, can be located horizontally on floors (corridor, gallery), vertically between floors (stairwell, stair-elevator unit).

3.23. public premises: A premise intended for carrying out activities in it to serve residents of a house, residents of an adjacent residential area, or for public and entrepreneurial activities, with an operating mode that does not adversely affect living conditions in a residential development, having a separate entrance (entrances) with adjacent territory and (or) from a residential building, as well as other premises permitted for placement in residential buildings by the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor. 3.24. technical premises: Non-residential premises intended for maintenance of in-house engineering systems, with limited access allowed to specialists of maintenance services and specialists of security and rescue services in emergency cases.

3.25. in-house engineering systems: Inputs of engineering communications for the supply of utility resources and energy, as well as engineering equipment for the transformation and (or) production and supply of resources and energy capacities to in-house equipment, for the production of utilities to ensure the operation of vertical transport (elevators, etc.) and garbage disposal.

3.26. vestibule: An auxiliary room between doors for protection from the effects of the external environment.

3.27. Terrace: Fenced open (without glazing) area attached to the building, built into it or built-in-attached, not having a depth limit, may be covered and arranged on the roof of the floor below.

3.28. stair-lift node: Staircase room with a technical room of the elevator shaft (elevators), it is allowed with the placement of: an elevator hall (halls), a safe area for the disabled, a garbage chute.

3.29. residential plot: A land plot adjacent to an apartment building with direct access to it.

3.30. attic of a building: A room located in the space between the ceiling of the upper floor, the roof of the building (roof) and the outer walls located above the ceiling of the upper floor.

3.31. building floor: The space with rooms between the elevations of the top of the floor (or floor on the ground) and the top of the floor (roof covering) above.

3.32. first floor: Lower ground floor, not lower than the planning level of the ground, accessible for entry from the adjacent territory.

3.33. basement floor: A floor with a floor surface mark lower than the planning mark of the ground by more than half the height of the room.

3.34. underground floor: A floor with a floor mark of the premises below the planning mark of the ground for the entire height of the premises.

3.35. technical floor: A floor functionally intended for placement and maintenance of in-house engineering systems; can be located in the lower part of the building (technical underground) or in the upper part (technical attic), or between the above-ground floors.

3.36. basement floor: A floor with a floor surface mark lower than the planning mark of the ground by no more than half the height of the room.

4. General provisions

4.1. Construction and reconstruction of buildings should be carried out according to the working documentation on the basis of the approved design documentation. The composition of the design documentation must comply.

The building may include built-in, built-in, attached common areas, public facilities and parking lots, the placement, production technology and operation of which meet the safety requirements for residents during the operation of an apartment building and adjacent areas in a building according to,. Accommodation in residential buildings industrial productions not allowed ().

The rules for determining the area of ​​a building and its premises, building area, number of storeys, number of floors and building volume during design are given in Appendix A.

4.2. Placement of a residential building, distances from it to other buildings and structures, dimensions land plots at the building are installed in accordance with the requirements, as well as SP 42.13330, with the provision of sanitary protection zones in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 /

4.2.1. The number of floors and length of buildings are determined by the planning project. When determining the number of storeys and length of residential buildings in seismic areas, the requirements of SP 14.13330 and SP 42.13330 should be met.

4.2.2. Sanitary requirements for living conditions should be provided in accordance with SanPiN, requirements for compliance with indoor microclimate parameters - in accordance with GOST 30494, taking into account the characteristics of the climatic areas of construction in accordance with SP 131.13330.

4.2.3. Natural lighting and insolation of the premises should be provided in accordance with SP 52.13330, SanPiN 2.2.1/, SanPiN 2.2.1/ and SanPiN 2.2.1/

4.2.4. When designing buildings with public premises, one should be guided by SP 118.13330.

4.2.5. When designing residential buildings and premises as part of multifunctional complexes, one should be guided by SP 160.1325800.

4.2.6. The parameters of the width and height of through openings for the passage of fire trucks in multi-apartment buildings should be taken in accordance with SP 4.13130.

4.2.7. Noise protection should be provided in accordance with SP 51.13330 and SN 2.2.4/, infrasound protection in accordance with SN 2.2.4/ and vibration protection in accordance with SN 2.2.4/

4.3. When designing and constructing a residential building, conditions must be provided for the life of people with limited mobility, the accessibility of the site, building and apartments for disabled people and the elderly using wheelchairs, disabled people with complete loss of vision and (or) hearing (hereinafter referred to as MHL), if the placement of apartments for families with disabilities in this residential building is established in the design assignment.

In residential buildings of state and municipal housing stock, the share of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs is established in the design task by local governments.

4.4. The project must include instructions for the operation of apartments and public premises of the building, which must contain the data necessary for tenants (owners) of apartments and built-in public premises, as well as operating organizations to ensure safety during operation, including: concealed electrical wiring diagrams , locations of ventilation ducts, other elements of the building and its equipment, in respect of which construction activities should not be carried out by residents and tenants during operation. In addition, the instructions should include rules for the maintenance and maintenance of fire protection systems and a fire evacuation plan.

4.5. In residential buildings, provision should be made for: domestic drinking and hot water supply, sewerage and drains in accordance with SP 30.13330 and SP 31.13330, heating, ventilation, smoke protection - in accordance with SP 60.13330.

Fire water supply, smoke protection should be provided in accordance with the requirements.

4.6. In residential buildings, electric lighting, power electrical equipment, telephones, radio broadcasting (on-air or wired), television antennas and bell alarms, as well as automatic fire alarms, warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire, elevators for transporting fire departments, means of saving people, systems fire protection in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as other engineering systems provided for by the design assignment.

4.7. On the roofs of residential buildings, provision should be made for the installation of antennas for the collective reception of transmissions and racks of wired broadcasting networks. Installation of radio relay masts and towers is prohibited.

4.8. Elevators should be provided in residential buildings with the floor level of the upper residential floor exceeding the floor level of the first floor by 12 m.

The minimum number of passenger elevators that residential buildings of various heights must be equipped with is given in Appendix B.

The cabin of one of the elevators must be 2100 mm deep or wide (depending on the layout) to accommodate a person on a sanitary stretcher.

The width of the cabin doors of one of the elevators must ensure the passage of a wheelchair.

When building on existing five-story residential buildings, it is recommended to provide elevators. In buildings equipped with an elevator, it is allowed not to provide for an elevator stop in the superstructured floor.

In residential buildings in which, on floors above the first floor, apartments are provided for families with disabled people who use wheelchairs for movement, as well as in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and families with disabled people, passenger elevators or lifting platforms must be provided in accordance with the requirements of the joint venture 59.13330.

4.9. The width of the platforms in front of the elevators should allow the use of the elevator to transport the patient on an ambulance stretcher and be, m, not less than:

1.5 - in front of elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin width of 2100 mm;

2.1 - in front of elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin depth of 2100 mm.

With a two-row arrangement of elevators, the width of the elevator hall must be, m, not less than:

1.8 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of less than 2100 mm;

2.5 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of 2100 mm or more.

4.10. In the basement, basement, first and second floors of a residential building (in large and largest cities - on the third floor), it is allowed to place built-in and built-in-attached public premises, with the exception of objects that have a harmful effect on humans.

It is not allowed to post:

Specialized stores for household chemicals and others, the operation of which may lead to pollution of the territory and air of residential buildings; premises, including shops with the storage of liquefied gases, flammable and combustible liquids, explosives capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water, atmospheric oxygen or with each other, goods in aerosol packaging, pyrotechnic products; - shops selling synthetic carpet products, auto parts, tires and automotive oils.

Note. Shops selling synthetic carpet products may be attached to the blind sections of the walls of residential buildings with a fire resistance limit of REI 150;

Specialized fish shops; warehouses for any purpose, including wholesale or small-scale wholesale trade, as well as warehouses with built-in parking lots, except for warehouses that are part of public institutions located in built-in and built-in-attached premises;

All enterprises, as well as shops with a mode of operation after 23:00; consumer service establishments that use flammable substances (except for hairdressers and watch repair shops with a total area of ​​up to 300 m2); baths;

Catering and leisure enterprises with more than 50 seats, with a total area of ​​​​more than 250 m; all enterprises operating with musical accompaniment, including discos, dance studios, theaters, and casinos;

Laundries and dry cleaners (except for collection points and self-service laundries with a capacity of up to 75 kg per shift); automatic telephone exchanges with a total area of ​​more than 100 m; public toilets, institutions and shops of funeral services; built-in and attached transformer substations;

Production premises (except for premises of categories B and D for the work of disabled people and older people, including points for issuing work at home, workshops for assembly and decorative work); dental laboratories, clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories; dispensaries of all types; day hospitals of dispensaries and hospitals of private clinics: trauma centers, ambulance and emergency medical substations; dermatovenerological, psychiatric, infectious and phthisiatric rooms for medical appointments; departments (rooms) of magnetic resonance imaging;

X-ray rooms, as well as rooms with medical or diagnostic equipment and installations that are sources of ionizing radiation exceeding the permissible level established by sanitary and epidemiological rules, veterinary clinics and offices.

4.11. In the basement and basement floors of residential buildings it is not allowed to place premises for storage, processing and use in various installations and devices of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied gases, explosives; rooms for children; cinemas, conference halls and other halls with more than 50 seats, saunas, as well as medical institutions. When placing other premises on these floors, one should also take into account the restrictions established in 4.10 and SP 118.13330.

4.12. Loading of public premises from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where the windows of the living rooms of apartments and entrances to the residential part of the building are located, in order to protect residents from noise and exhaust gases, is not allowed.

Loading of public premises built into residential buildings should be carried out:

From the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows;

From underground tunnels;

From highways (streets) in the presence of special loading rooms.

It is allowed not to provide for the indicated loading rooms with an area of ​​built-in public facilities up to 150 m2.

4.13. On the upper floors of multi-apartment buildings it is allowed to place workshops for artists and architects, as well as public and administrative premises (offices, offices), while taking into account the requirements of 7.2.15.

It is allowed to place administrative premises in superstructured attic floors in buildings with a fire resistance degree of at least II and a height of not more than 28 m.

4.14. It is allowed to place premises in apartments for the implementation of individual professional and (or) entrepreneurial activities in accordance with. As part of the apartments, it is allowed to provide medical reception rooms and a massage room with working conditions corresponding to SanPiN and SanPiN

The premises of preschool educational organizations for a group of no more than 10 children according to SanPiN are allowed to be placed in multi-apartment buildings of a fire resistance degree of at least II in apartments with a two-way orientation located no higher than the second floor, provided that the apartments are provided with an emergency exit in accordance with SP 1.13130. At the same time, the possibility of arranging playgrounds in the local area should be ensured.

4.15. In multi-apartment buildings, if there is a separate entrance from the adjacent territory, it is allowed to place the premises of outpatient medical organizations with a capacity of not more than 100 visits per shift, including those with day hospitals, dental offices and feldsher-obstetric stations in accordance with SanPiN, women's consultations, offices of general practitioners and private practitioners, health-improving, rehabilitation and recovery centers, as well as day hospitals with them in the presence of a sanitary and epidemiological conclusion in accordance with SanPiN

4.16. The ventilation system of the premises of medical organizations and day hospitals located in residential buildings must be separate from the ventilation of residential premises in accordance with SanPiN and SanPiN

4.17. In multi-apartment buildings, when arranging in accordance with the assignment for the design of built-in, attached or built-in-attached parking lots, the requirements must be observed, 3.13130, SP 4.13130, SP 5.13130, SP 6.13130, SP 7.13130, SP 8.13130, SP 10.13130, SP 12.13130, SP 154.13130, SANPIN (paragraphs 3.2 - 3.5), SanPine 2.2.1 / ( clause 7.1.12, table 7.1.1), as well as the requirements of anti-terrorist protection in accordance with SP 132.13330.

4.18. In accordance with SP 17.13330, as well as on the roofs of built-in and attached public premises, it is allowed to place sites (for recreation and sports, household needs) on the operated roofs of multi-apartment buildings, while ensuring user safety with fencing and access control. At the same time, the distances from the windows of residential premises overlooking the roof to the indicated sites should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 42.13330 for ground sites of a similar purpose.

When installing a roof in operation in an apartment building (except for a blocked one), in order to protect against noise, a technical attic and (or) noise protection measures should be provided according to the design assignment.

5. Requirements for buildings and premises

5.1. Apartments in residential buildings should be designed based on the conditions for settling them by one family.

5.2. In multi-apartment buildings of the state housing stock, according to the minimum areas of social use apartments (excluding the areas of open spaces, cold storerooms and apartment vestibules) and the number of their rooms, it is recommended to take according to table 5.1, and additional information is given in.

Table 5.1

Note. For specific regions and cities, the number of rooms and the area of ​​​​apartments can be specified in agreement with local governments, taking into account demographic requirements, the achieved level of housing provision for the population and the resource supply of housing construction.

In multi-apartment buildings of private housing stock, according to and housing stock for commercial use, the number of rooms and the area of ​​​​apartments should be set in the design assignment, taking into account the indicated minimum areas of apartments and the number of rooms.

5.3 / In multi-apartment buildings of state and municipal housing funds, housing stock for social use in apartments, common living rooms (living rooms) and bedrooms, as well as auxiliary premises should be provided: kitchen (or kitchen-dining room, kitchen-niche), front (entrance hall), toilet, bathroom and (or) shower room, or combined bathroom [toilet and bath (shower)], pantry (or built-in closet).

The device of a combined bathroom is allowed in one-room apartments of houses of the state housing stock, the housing stock of social use, and in multi-room apartments of private and individual housing stocks - according to the design assignment.

In apartments of private housing stock and housing stock for commercial use, the composition of the premises should be determined in the design assignment, taking into account the specified required composition of the premises.

5.4. Loggias and balconies should be provided in apartments of buildings under construction in climatic regions III and IV, in apartments for families with disabled people, in other cases, taking into account adverse climatic conditions, safe operation and fire safety requirements.

There are the following unfavorable conditions for designing balconies and unglazed loggias:

In climatic regions I and II - a combination of average monthly air temperature and average monthly wind speed in July: 12 °C - 16 °C and more than 5 m/s; 8 °C - 12 °C and 4 - 5 m/s; 4 °C - 8 °C and 4 m/s; below 4 °C at any wind speed;

Noise from highways or industrial areas 75 dB or more at a distance of 2 m from the facade of a residential building (except for noise-protected residential buildings);

The concentration of dust in the air is 1.5 mg/m3 or more for 15 days or more during the three summer months, while it should be borne in mind that the loggias can be glazed.

During the construction of an apartment building in climatic subdistricts IA, IB, IG and IIA, determined according to SP 131.13330, a ventilated drying cabinet for outerwear and shoes should be provided in the apartments.

5.5. Accommodation of apartments and living rooms in the basement and basement floors of residential buildings is not allowed.

5.6. The dimensions of the living rooms and auxiliary premises of the apartment should be determined taking into account the requirements of ergonomics and the placement of the necessary set of in-house equipment and furniture.

5.7. The area of ​​apartments for the social use of state and municipal housing funds should be at least: a common living room in a one-room apartment - 14 m2, a common living room in apartments with two or more rooms - 16 m2, bedrooms - 8 m2 (for two people - 10 m2); kitchens - 8 m2; kitchen area in the kitchen (dining room) - 6 m2. In apartments, it is allowed to design kitchens or kitchen niches with an area of ​​at least 5 m2.

The area of ​​the bedroom and kitchen in the attic floor (or floor with inclined enclosing structures) is allowed at least 7 m2, provided that the common living room has an area of ​​at least 16 m2.

5.8. The height (from floor to ceiling) of living rooms and a kitchen (kitchen-dining room) in climatic subregions IA, IB, IG, ID and IIA, determined according to SP 131.13330, must be at least 2.7 m, and in other climatic subregions - not less than 2.5 m.

The height of intra-apartment corridors, halls, front, mezzanines and under them is determined by the conditions for the safety of people's movement and should be at least 2.1 m.

In living rooms and kitchens of apartments located on floors with inclined enclosing structures or in the attic floor, it is allowed to reduce the ceiling height relative to the standard ceiling height in an area not exceeding 50%.

5.9. In multi-apartment buildings of state and municipal housing stocks, according to 2-, 3- and 4-room apartments, bedrooms and common rooms should be designed impassable. At the same time, all apartments must be equipped with: a kitchen with a dishwasher and a stove for cooking; a bathroom with a bath (shower) and a sink (washbasin), a toilet with a toilet or a combined bathroom [bath (shower), washbasin and toilet].

In apartments of private housing stock and housing stock for commercial use, the functional and planning connections of rooms with walkways and the composition of the sanitary equipment of apartments should be established according to the design assignment.

6. Bearing capacity and permissible deformability of structures

6.1. The foundations and supporting structures of an apartment building must be designed in accordance with GOST 27751, SP 16.13330, SP 20.13330, SP 63.13330 and SP 70.13330. At the same time, during the construction process and under the design operating conditions during the estimated service life established in the design assignment, according to the possibility should be excluded:

Destruction and (or) damage to structures, leading to the need to stop the operation of the building;

Unacceptable deterioration in performance properties and (or) reduction in the reliability of structures due to deformation or cracking.

6.2. The structures and foundations of an apartment building must be designed to withstand constant loads:

From the own weight of load-bearing and enclosing structures;

Temporary evenly distributed and concentrated loads on floors;

Snow and wind loads for the given construction area.

The normative values ​​of the listed loads, taking into account unfavorable combinations of loads or their corresponding forces, limit values ​​for deflections and displacements of structures, values ​​of safety factors for loads should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 20.13330.

When calculating the structures and foundations of multi-apartment buildings, the additional requirements of the developer specified in the design assignment for taking into account loads at the location of in-house equipment (for example, fireplaces, bathtubs), technological and engineering equipment of built-in public premises and for fastening elements of this equipment to walls and ceilings.

6.3. The methods used in the design of structures for calculating their bearing capacity and allowable deformability must meet the requirements of SP 16.13330, SP 20.13330, SP 22.13330, SP 63.13330 and SP 70.13330. When identifying dangerous geological processes at the construction sites of multi-apartment buildings, the requirements of SP 116.13330 should be taken into account. In difficult geological conditions, the following should be additionally taken into account: in seismic areas - the requirements of SP 14.13330, in undermined territories and subsiding soils - the requirements of SP 21.13330, on permafrost soils - the requirements of SP 25.13330.

6.4. The foundations of an apartment building must be designed according to the results of engineering surveys in accordance with ensuring the necessary uniformity of the settlement of the foundations under the load-bearing and enclosing structures of the apartment building. It is necessary to take into account the physical and mechanical characteristics of soils and the hydrogeological regime at the construction site in accordance with SP 22.13330 and (or) SP 24.13330 (in the presence of pile foundations). Measures should be taken to compensate for possible deformations of the base, as well as to protect building structures from corrosion, taking into account the degree of aggressiveness of soils and groundwater in relation to foundations and engineering communications in accordance with SP 28.13330.

6.5. When calculating a building with a height of more than 40 m for a wind load, in addition to the conditions of strength and stability of the building and its individual structural elements, restrictions must be provided on the vibration parameters of the ceilings of the upper floors, due to the provision of comfortable living.

6.6. In case of occurrence during the reconstruction of additional loads and impacts on the remaining part of the residential building, its load-bearing and enclosing structures, as well as the foundation soils, must be checked for these loads and impacts in accordance with applicable documents, regardless of the physical wear of the structures.

In this case, one should take into account the actual bearing capacity of the foundation soils as a result of their change during the operation period, as well as the increase in the strength of concrete in concrete and reinforced concrete structures over time.

6.7. When reconstructing a residential building, one should take into account changes in its structural scheme that occur during the operation of this building (including the appearance of new openings that are additional to the original design solution, as well as the impact of the repair of structures or their strengthening).

6.8. When reconstructing residential buildings with a change in the location of bathrooms, appropriate additional measures should be taken for hydro, noise and vibration isolation and, if necessary, reinforcement of floors on which the installation of equipment for these bathrooms is envisaged.

7. Fire safety

7.1. Fire Spread Prevention

7.1.1. Fire safety of buildings of functional fire hazard class F1.3 and apartment-type dormitories of functional fire hazard class F1.2 should be ensured in accordance with the requirements of fire safety regulations and the rules established in this set of rules for specially specified cases, and during operation - taking into account . Justification of deviations from the requirements of regulatory documents in the field of fire safety, including the requirements of section 7, can be performed in accordance with the risk calculation method.

7.1.2. The permissible building height and floor area within the fire compartment are determined depending on the degree of fire resistance and the structural fire hazard class according to Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Degree of fire resistance of the building Class of constructive fire hazard of the building Permissible height of the building, m Floor area within the fire compartment, m2I C0 75 2500

V Not standardized 5 500

Note. The degree of fire resistance of a building with unheated extensions should be taken according to the degree of fire resistance of the heated part of an apartment building.

7.1.3. Buildings of fire resistance degrees I, II and III are allowed to be built on one attic floor with load-bearing elements having a fire resistance rating of at least R45 and fire hazard class K0, regardless of the height of the buildings specified in Table 7.1, but located no higher than 75 m. Enclosing structures of this floor must meet the requirements for the structures of the superstructure. When using wooden structures, structural fire protection should be provided that ensures these requirements.

7.1.4. The structures of galleries in gallery houses must comply with the requirements adopted for the floors of these buildings.

7.1.5. In buildings of fire resistance degrees I and II, to ensure the required fire resistance limit of the load-bearing elements of the building, only structural fire protection should be used.

7.1.6. The load-bearing elements of two-story buildings of fire resistance class IV must have a fire resistance rating of at least R30.

7.1.7. Intersectional, inter-apartment walls and partitions, as well as walls and partitions separating non-apartment corridors, halls and vestibules from other premises, must comply with the requirements set forth in Table 7.2.

Table 7.2

Enclosing structure The minimum fire resistance limit and the permissible fire hazard class of the structure for the building of the degree of fire resistance and the class of constructive fire hazard

I - III, C0 and C1 IV, C0 and C1 IV, C2

Intersection wall REI<**>45, K0<*>REI<**>15, K0<*>REI<**>15, K2Separation partition EI 45, K0<*>EI 15, K0<*>EI 15, K2Inter-apartment wall REI<**>30, K0<*>REI<**>15, K0<*>REI<**>15, K2 Interroom partition EI 30, K0<*>EI 15, K0<*>EI 15, K2 Wall separating non-residential corridors from other premises REI<**>45, K0<*>REI<**>15, K0<*>REI<**>15, K2 Partition separating non-apartment corridors from other premises EI 45, K0<*>EI 15, K0<*>EI 15, K2<*>For buildings of class C1, K1 is allowed.

<**>For non-load-bearing walls, the fire resistance limit according to the limit state "loss of bearing capacity (R)" is not established.

Intersectional and inter-apartment walls and partitions must be deaf and comply with the requirements.

7.1.8. The fire resistance limit of interior partitions is not standardized. The fire hazard class of interior cabinet, collapsible and sliding partitions is not standardized. The fire hazard class of other interior partitions, including those with doors, must comply.

7.1.9. Partitions between storerooms in the basement and basement floors of buildings of fire resistance degree II up to five floors inclusive, as well as in buildings of fire resistance degrees III and IV, are allowed to be designed with non-standardized fire resistance and fire hazard class. Partitions separating the technical corridor (including the technical corridor for laying communications) of the basement and basement floors from the rest of the premises must be type 1 fireproof.

7.1.10. Technical, basement, ground floors and attics should be divided by fire partitions of the 1st type into compartments with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bno more than 500 m2 in non-sectional residential buildings, and in sectional ones - by sections.

The fire resistance limit of doors in fire partitions that separate rooms of category D is not standardized.

7.1.11. Fencing of loggias and balconies in buildings with a height of three floors or more, as well as external sun protection in buildings of fire resistance degrees I, II and III with a height of five floors or more, must be made of non-combustible (NG) materials.

7.1.12. The placement of built-in and built-in-attached premises in class F3 buildings is allowed in the basement, basement, first, second (in large and largest cities) and third floors of an apartment building, while the premises of the residential part from public premises should be separated by fire partitions of at least 1 -th type and ceilings not lower than type 3 (in buildings of fire resistance degree I - ceilings of the 2nd type) without openings. 7.1.13. The garbage collection chamber must have an independent entrance, isolated from the entrance to the building by a blank wall, and be distinguished by fire partitions and ceilings with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 60 and fire hazard class K0.

7.1.14. Fire resistance limits and fire hazard classes of attic structures in buildings of all degrees of fire resistance are not standardized, and roofing, rafters, lathing and filing of cornice overhangs are allowed to be made of combustible materials, except for specially stipulated cases.

It is allowed to design gable structures with non-standard fire resistance limits, while the gables must have a fire hazard class corresponding to the fire hazard class of the outer walls from the outside.

Information about the structures related to the elements of attic coverings is given by the design organization in the technical documentation for the building.

In buildings of fire resistance degrees I - IV with attic coverings, with rafters and (or) lathing made of combustible materials, the roof should be made of non-combustible (NG) materials, and the rafters and lathing in buildings of fire resistance degree I should be treated with fire retardants of the fire retardant group efficiency I, in buildings of fire resistance degrees II - IV - with fire retardants not lower than fire retardant efficiency group II, or to carry out their constructive fire protection that does not contribute to the latent spread of combustion.

In buildings of classes C0, C1, the structures of cornices, filing of cornice overhangs of attic coverings should be made of materials NG, G1, or these elements should be sheathed with sheet materials of a flammability group of at least G1. For these structures, the use of combustible heaters is not allowed (with the exception of a vapor barrier up to 2 mm thick), and they should not contribute to the latent spread of combustion.

7.1.15. The coating of an attached or built-in-attached part of an apartment building must meet the requirements for a bare roof, and its roof must meet the requirements for an operated roof SP 17.13330. In multi-apartment buildings of fire resistance degrees I - III, it is allowed to use coatings that correspond to the operating conditions of roofs, in accordance with 4.7, 4.18 and 8.11. At the same time, the fire resistance limit of the supporting structures of the coating must be at least R45, and the fire hazard class of building structures must be at least K0.

If there are windows in a residential building oriented to the built-in-attached part of the building, the roof at a distance of 6 m from the junction must be made of non-combustible (NG) materials.

7.1.16. In residential buildings with stove heating, when installing solid fuel pantries in the basement or first floor, they should be separated from other rooms by solid fire partitions of at least type 1 and ceilings of at least type 3. The exit from these pantries should be directly outside.

7.2. Providing evacuation

7.2.1. The greatest distances from the doors of the apartments to the staircase or exit to the outside should be taken according to table 7.3.

Table 7.3

Degree of fire resistance of the building Class of constructive fire hazard of the building The greatest distance from the doors of the apartment to the exit, m when located between stairwells or external entrances at exits to a dead-end corridor or gallery

V Not standardized 20 10

In a section of a residential building, when exiting apartments into a corridor (hall) that does not have a window opening with an area of ​​at least 1.2 m2 at the end, the distance from the door of the most remote apartment to the exit directly to the staircase or exit to the vestibule or elevator entrance hall leading into the air zone of a smoke-free staircase should not exceed 12 m. If there is a window opening or smoke ventilation in the corridor (hall), this distance can be taken according to Table 7.3, as for a dead-end corridor.

7.2.2. The width of the corridor must be, m, not less than: with its length between the stairs or the end of the corridor and the stairs up to 40 m - 1.4, over 40 m - 1.6. The width of the gallery should be at least 1.2 m. The corridors should be separated by partitions with doors with a fire resistance rating of EI 30, equipped with self-closing devices (door closers) and located at a distance of no more than 30 m from one another and from the ends of the corridor.

7.2.3. Glazed doors with reinforced glass must be provided in stairwells and elevator lobbies. It is allowed to use other types of impact-resistant glazing that ensure the safety of people and meet the requirements of standards for the protection class.

7.2.4. The number of evacuation exits from the floor and the type of staircases should be taken in accordance with the requirements.

7.2.5. In residential buildings with a height of less than 28 m, designed for placement in climatic region IV and climatic subregion IIIB, it is allowed to install external open stairs made of non-combustible (NG) materials instead of staircases.

7.2.6. In residential buildings of the corridor (gallery) type, with a total area of ​​apartments per floor up to 500 m2, it is allowed to provide access to one stairwell of type H1 with a building height of more than 28 m or type L1 with a building height of less than 28 m, provided that at the ends of the corridors (gallery) ) provides exits to external stairs of the 3rd type, leading to the level of the floor of the second floor. When placing these staircases at the end of the building, it is allowed to install one staircase of the 3rd type in the opposite end of the corridor (gallery).

7.2.7. When building on existing buildings with a height of up to 28 m on one floor, it is allowed to keep the existing staircase of type L1, provided that the floor being built on is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements.

7.2.8. With a total area of ​​apartments on the floor of more than 500 m2, evacuation must be carried out at least two staircases (normal or smoke-free).

In residential buildings with a total area of ​​apartments per floor from 500 to 550 m2, one emergency exit from the apartments is allowed:

If the height of the upper floor is not more than 28 m - into an ordinary staircase, provided that the front rooms in the apartments are equipped with addressable fire alarm sensors;

If the height of the upper floor is more than 28 m - into one smoke-free staircase, provided that all premises of the apartments (except for bathrooms, bathrooms, showers and laundry rooms) are equipped with addressable fire alarm sensors or automatic fire extinguishing.

7.2.9. For a multi-level apartment, it is allowed not to provide access to the stairwell from each floor, provided that the premises of the apartment are located no higher than 18 m, and the floor of the apartment that does not have direct access to the stairwell is provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements. The internal staircase is allowed to be made of wood.

7.2.10. Passage to the outer air zone of the H1 type stairwell is allowed through the elevator hall, while the arrangement of elevator shafts and doors in them must be carried out in accordance with the requirements.

7.2.11. In buildings up to 50 m high with a total area of ​​​​apartments on the section floor up to 500 m2, it is allowed to provide an evacuation exit to a stairwell of the H2 or H3 type when one of the elevators is installed in the building, which ensures the transportation of fire departments. At the same time, access to the H2 stairwell should be provided through the vestibule (or elevator hall), and the doors of the stairwell, elevator shafts, tambour-locks and tambours must be type 2 fireproof.

7.2.12. In sectional houses with a height of more than 28 m, it is allowed to arrange an exit to the outside from smoke-free staircases (type H1) through the vestibule (in the absence of exits to it from the parking lot and public premises), separated from the adjacent corridors by fireproof partitions of the 1st type with fire doors 2 th type. At the same time, the connection of the H1 type staircase with the vestibule should be arranged through the air zone. It is allowed to fill the opening of the air zone on the ground floor with a metal grate. On the way from the apartment to the H1 stairwell there must be at least two (not counting the doors from the apartment) sequentially located self-closing doors.

7.2.13. In a building with a height of three floors or more, exits to the outside from the basement, basement floors and technical underground must be located at least 100 m apart and must not communicate with the staircases of the residential part of the building.

It is allowed to arrange exits from basements and basement floors through the staircase of the residential part, taking into account the requirements.

Exits from technical floors located in the middle or upper part of the building are allowed through common staircases, and in buildings with H1 staircases - through the air zone.

7.2.14. When arranging emergency exits from the attic floors to the roof, it is necessary to provide platforms and walkways with a fence leading to stairs of the 3rd type and P2.

7.2.15. Public premises must have entrances and emergency exits isolated from the residential part of the building.

7.3. Fire safety requirements for engineering systems and building equipment

7.3.1. Intra-house engineering systems and in-house equipment must comply with the requirements and regulatory documents on fire safety.

Smoke protection of multi-apartment buildings must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330, SP 5.13130, SP 7.13130.

Ensuring fire safety of electrical equipment should be carried out in accordance with SP 6.13130, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems - SP 7.13130.

The design assignment should provide for the dispatching of engineering equipment and (or) a structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems in accordance with GOST R 22.1.12, with warning and evacuation control system devices in accordance with the requirements of SP 3.13130.

7.3.2. If the ventilation units for air overpressure and smoke removal are located in ventilation chambers fenced off with type 1 fire partitions, then these chambers must be separate. Opening of valves and turning on of fans should be provided automatically from sensors installed according to the design assignment in apartments, common areas, technical rooms, security and access control rooms (if any), and remotely from buttons installed on each floor in fire hydrant cabinets.

7.3.3. Protection of buildings by automatic fire alarms should be provided in accordance with the requirements. If there is an automatic fire alarm in the building, smoke fire detectors should be installed in the concierge room, in non-apartment corridors and garbage collection chambers.

7.3.4. The type of fire detectors installed in the front apartments of buildings with a height of more than 28 m is adopted in accordance with SP 5.13130.

7.3.5. Residential premises of apartments and dormitories (except for bathrooms, bathrooms, showers, laundry rooms, saunas) should be equipped with autonomous smoke fire detectors that meet the requirements of fire safety regulations.

7.3.6. Intra-house and intra-apartment electrical networks, in accordance with the requirements, should be equipped with residual current devices.

7.3.7. Gas supply systems for residential buildings should be provided in accordance with SP 62.13330.

7.3.8. Heat supply systems for multi-apartment buildings should be provided in accordance with SP 60.13330.

7.3.9. Heat generators, cooking and heating furnaces operating on solid fuels may be provided in multi-apartment buildings with a number of floors up to two floors inclusive (excluding the basement).

7.3.10. Heat generators, including solid fuel stoves and fireplaces, cooking stoves and chimneys must be made with the implementation of structural measures in accordance with the requirements of SP 60.13330. Prefabricated heat generators and hobs must also be installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in the manufacturer's instructions.

7.3.11. The collection chamber must be protected throughout the area by sprinklers. The section of the distribution pipeline of the sprinklers must be an annular one, connected to the utility and drinking water supply network of an apartment building and equipped with thermal insulation made of non-combustible (NG) materials. The chamber door must be insulated.

7.3.12. In two-story multi-apartment buildings of fire resistance degree V with four or more apartments in the distribution (input) electrical panels of these multi-apartment buildings, the installation of self-activating fire extinguishers should be provided.

7.3.13. The placement of elevators, the fire resistance of enclosing structures and the filling of openings in elevator shafts, elevator lobbies and the engine room must comply with the requirements.

7.3.14. When designing saunas in apartments of multi-apartment buildings (except for blocked ones), the following should be provided for:

The volume of the steam room - in the range from 8 to 24 m3;

Special prefabricated oven for heating with automatic shutdown when the temperature reaches 130 °C, and also after 8 hours of continuous operation;

Placing this stove at a distance of at least 0.2 m from the walls of the steam room;

Arrangement of a fireproof heat-insulating shield above the furnace;

Equipment of the ventilation duct with a fire damper in accordance with SP 60.13330, SP 7.13130;

Equipment with a drencher or a dry pipe connected outside the steam room to the internal water supply.

The dry pipe diameter is determined based on the irrigation intensity of at least 0.06 l / s per 1 m2 of the wall surface, the angle of inclination of the water jet to the surface of the partitions is 20 ° - 30 ° and the presence of holes in the dry pipe with a diameter of 3 - 5 mm, located in increments of 150 - 200 mm.

7.4. Ensuring fire fighting and rescue operations

7.4.1. The provision of rescue operations and fire fighting in multi-apartment buildings should be provided in accordance with the requirements and regulatory documents on fire safety.

7.4.2. In each compartment (section) of the basement or basement floor, separated by fire barriers, at least two windows with dimensions of at least 0.9 x 1.2 m should be provided. floor area of ​​these rooms. If there is a pit in the basement in front of the window, its dimensions should allow the supply of a fire extinguishing agent from the foam generator and the removal of smoke using a smoke exhauster (the distance from the building wall to the boundary of the pit should be at least 0.7 m).

7.4.3. In the transverse walls of basements and technical undergrounds of multi-apartment buildings, the height of the openings must be at least 1.8 m, and in attics - at least 1.6 m. At the same time, the height of the threshold (if any) should not exceed 0.3 m.

7.4.4. Fire water supply should be carried out in accordance with SP 8.13130 ​​and SP 10.13130. In multi-apartment buildings up to 50 m high, it is allowed to install an internal fire-fighting water supply system with branch pipes with valves and connecting heads brought out to the outside for connecting water fire extinguishing. The connecting heads must be placed on the facade in a place convenient for installing at least two fire trucks, at a height of 0.8 - 1.2 m.

7.4.5. On the drinking water supply network in each apartment, a separate tap with a diameter of at least 15 mm should be provided for connecting a hose equipped with a sprayer to be used as the primary device for intra-apartment fire extinguishing to eliminate the source of fire. The length of the hose should ensure the possibility of supplying water to any point in the apartment.

7.4.6. In residential buildings (in sectional buildings - in each section) with a height of more than 50 m, one of the elevators must ensure the transportation of fire departments.

8. Safety in use

8.1. An apartment building must be designed, erected and equipped in such a way as to prevent the risk of injury to residents when moving inside and near the building, when entering and exiting the building, as well as when using its elements and engineering equipment, taking into account the safe access of MGN in accordance with SP 59.13330.

8.2. The minimum width and maximum slope of flights of stairs should be taken from Table 8.1.

Table 8.1

March name Minimum width, mMaximum slope

Flights of stairs leading to residential floors of buildings: - sectional two-story 1.05 1:1.5

Sectional three- and more storey 1.05 1:1.75

Corridor, gallery 1.2 1:1.75

Flights of stairs leading to the basement and basement floors, technical undergrounds, as well as internal stairs 0.9 1:1.25

Note. The width of the march should be determined by the distance between the fences or between the wall and the fence.

Height differences in the floor level of different rooms and spaces in the building must be safe. Where necessary, handrails and ramps should be provided. The number of rises in one flight of stairs or at a height difference must be at least 3 and not more than 18. The use of stairs with different heights and depths of steps is not allowed. In multi-level apartments, internal staircases are allowed with spiral or winder steps, while the width of the tread in the middle must be at least 0.18 m.

8.3. The height of the railings of external flights of stairs and landings, balconies, loggias, terraces, roofs and in places of dangerous drops must be at least 1.2 m. Flights of stairs and landings of internal stairs must have railings with handrails at least 0.9 m high.

Fencing must be continuous, equipped with handrails and designed to absorb horizontal loads of at least 0.3 kN/m.

The use of security systems to prevent children from accidentally falling out of windows is carried out only if such a requirement is established in the project, indicating in which rooms they should be installed.

8.4. Structural solutions of the elements of the house (including the location of voids, methods of sealing the places where pipelines pass through structures, arrangement of ventilation openings, placement of thermal insulation, etc.) should provide protection against the penetration of rodents.

8.5. The engineering systems of the building must be designed and installed taking into account the safety requirements contained in the regulatory documents of the state supervision bodies, and the instructions of the equipment manufacturers.

8.6. Under possible seismic effects, engineering equipment and instruments must be securely fixed.

8.7. In apartments on the top floor or at any level of a multi-level apartment located at the last height in residential buildings of fire resistance degrees I - III classes C0, C1, it is allowed to install solid fuel fireplaces with autonomous chimneys in accordance with the requirements.

8.8. In an apartment building and in the adjoining territory, according to the design assignment and in accordance with regulatory legal acts local government bodies should provide for measures aimed at reducing the risks of criminal manifestations and their consequences, contributing to the protection of people living in a residential building and minimizing possible damage in the event of illegal actions in accordance with SP 132.13330. The security system of an apartment building should ensure the protection of in-house engineering systems and fire-fighting equipment from unauthorized access and illegal destructive influences.

If the project provides for a security and access control room, its placement should provide a visual overview of the entrance vestibule door to the apartment building and passages to the staircase and elevator unit and (or) the first floor staircase. When placing security and access control, access to a bathroom equipped with a toilet bowl and a sink should be provided.

8.9. In separate multi-apartment buildings, determined according to the layout of civil defense structures, dual-use premises should be designed in accordance with SP 88.13330.

8.10. Lightning protection of multi-apartment buildings should be designed in accordance with the requirements.

8.11. On the operated roofs of residential buildings, it is necessary to ensure the safety of their use by installing appropriate fences, protecting ventilation outlets and other engineering devices located on the roof, and, if necessary, noise protection of the premises below.

On the operated roofs of built-in and attached public premises, at the entrance zone, on summer non-residential premises, in connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (ground and intermediate), used for arranging sports grounds for recreation of adult residents of the house, playgrounds for drying clothes and cleaning clothes or a solarium, the necessary security measures should be taken (device of fences and measures to protect ventilation outlets).

8.12. The switchboard room, premises for head stations (HS), technical centers (TC) of cable television, sound transformer substations (ZTP), as well as places for telephone distribution cabinets (SHRT) should not be located under rooms with wet processes (bathrooms, lavatories, etc.). ).

8.13. The premises of the HS, shopping center, ZTP must have entrances directly from the street; a switchboard room (including for communication equipment, an automated power supply control system, dispatching and television) must have an entrance directly from the street or from a floor-by-floor non-apartment corridor (hall); there should also be an approach to the installation site of the SHRT from the indicated corridor.

8.14. The safety of elevators must be ensured at all stages of the life cycle in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 53780 and the technical documentation of elevator manufacturers.

8.15. In accordance with SanPiN, in accordance with SanPiN, it is not allowed to place the engine room and elevator shafts, switchboard rooms in the vicinity of the perimeter of the enclosing structures of the living rooms of apartments, in particular along the sides of the walls on the floor and ceilings from above and below.

8.16. Structural elements and parts and engineering equipment with a service life shorter than the expected service life of the building must be replaced, including the results of the inspection and monitoring of the technical condition in accordance with GOST 31937 and GOST R 22.1.12 (if available in an apartment building structured system for monitoring and managing engineering systems), carried out in accordance with the overhaul periods established in the project documentation. In the design task, the decision to use elements, materials or equipment of a certain durability with a corresponding increase or decrease in the overhaul periods should be established by technical and economic calculations.

8.17. The laying of main pipelines of internal heating systems with upper or lower wiring must be carried out on special technical floors (basement, technical underground or technical floor). It is not allowed to lay main pipelines with upper or lower wiring through the premises of apartments.

9. Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements

9.1. When designing and constructing multi-apartment buildings, measures must be taken to ensure the fulfillment of sanitary-epidemiological and environmental requirements for the protection of human health and the natural environment in accordance with SanPiN, GOST 30494, SanPiN 2.2.1 / and SanPiN 42- 128-4690, according to influences environment and to public premises, as well as rules and regulations technical operation housing stock , , .Note. See more.

9.2. The design parameters of air in the premises of an apartment building should be taken in accordance with SP 60.13330. The air exchange rate in the premises in the maintenance mode should be taken in accordance with Table 9.1.

Table 9.1

Room Air exchange value

Bedroom, common room (or living room), children's room with a total apartment area per person less than 20 m23 m3/h per 1 m2 of living space

The same, if the total area of ​​the apartment per person is more than 20 m230 m3/h per person, but not less than 0.35 h-1

Pantry, linen, dressing room 0.2 h-1

Kitchen with electric stove 60 m3/h

Room with gas-using equipment 100 m3/h

A room with heat generators with a total heat output of up to 50 kW less than 6 m high: - with an open combustion chamber<**> 1,0 <*>

With closed combustion chamber<**> 1,0 <*>

Bathroom, shower room, toilet, combined bathroom 25 m3/h

Elevator engine room

Garbage chamber 1.0<*>

<*>Air exchange by multiplicity should be taken equal to the total volume of the room (apartment).

<**>When installing a gas stove, the air exchange should be increased by 100 m3/h.

Note. The air exchange rate should be determined in accordance with SP 60.13330, for built-in, attached or built-in-attached public premises - according to SP 118.13330, for parking spaces - according to SP 113.13330, for civil defense structures - according to SP 88.13330, and also taking into account the sets of rules on the design and sanitary norms and rules corresponding to the different functional purpose of the premises.9.3. In the heat engineering calculation of the enclosing structures of residential buildings, it is necessary to take the temperature of the internal air of heated premises at least 20 ° C, relative humidity - 50%.

9.4. The heating and ventilation system of the building must be designed to ensure that the indoor air temperature during the heating period is within the optimal parameters established by Section 5 of SP 60.13330.2012, with the design parameters of outdoor air for the respective construction areas.

When installing an air conditioning system, optimal parameters must also be ensured in the warm season.

In buildings erected in areas with an estimated outdoor temperature of minus 40 ° C and below, either heating of the floor surface of living rooms and kitchens, as well as public premises with permanent residence of people located above cold undergrounds, or thermal protection in accordance with the requirements SP 50.13330.

9.5. The ventilation system must maintain the purity (quality) of air in the premises and the uniformity of its distribution in accordance with SP 60.13330.

Ventilation can be:

With natural inflow and removal of air;

With mechanical induction of air inflow and removal, including combined with air heating;

Combined with natural air supply and removal with partial use of mechanical stimulation;

Hybrid with natural inflow and removal of air during cold and transitional periods and with mechanical induction of air exchange during the warm period of the year.

9.6. In living rooms and kitchens, air supply should be provided through adjustable window sashes, transoms, vents, dampers or other devices, including wall dampers with adjustable opening.

In apartments designed in the territories of climatic regions III and IV, the design air parameters and the air exchange rate (in accordance with the requirements of 9.2) should be provided by one or more of the following methods: the installation of natural ventilation systems, mechanical supply and exhaust ventilation, hybrid (natural-mechanical ) ventilation, air conditioning, through or corner ventilation of apartment premises. At the same time, through or corner ventilation of the premises of one-sidedly oriented apartments is allowed to be carried out through the staircase or through other ventilated common areas.

In buildings designed for construction in climatic region III, in light openings in living rooms and kitchens, and in climatic region IV also in loggias, in order to reduce overheating of the premises, it is necessary to provide for the constructive possibility of arranging adjustable sun protection elements that exclude obstacles to the access of fire departments.

9.7. Air removal should be provided for from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms and, if necessary, from other rooms of the apartments, while installation of adjustable ventilation grilles and valves on exhaust ducts and air ducts should be provided.

Air from rooms that may emit harmful substances or unpleasant odors must be removed directly to the outside and not enter other rooms of the building, including through ventilation ducts.

Combining ventilation ducts from kitchens, latrines, bathrooms (showers), combined bathrooms, pantries for products with ventilation ducts from rooms with gas-using equipment and parking lots is not allowed.

9.8. In multi-apartment buildings, ventilation of built-in and built-in-attached public premises, except for those specified in 4.14, must be autonomous.

9.9. In buildings with a warm attic, air removal from the attic should be provided through one exhaust shaft for each section of an apartment building with the height of the shaft determined by the calculation of the ventilation system from the ceiling above the last floor to the top of the shaft.

9.10. In the outer walls of basements, technical undergrounds and a cold attic that do not have exhaust ventilation, ventilation should be provided with a total area of ​​at least 1/400 of the floor area of ​​the technical underground or basement, evenly spaced along the perimeter of the outer walls. The area of ​​one vent must be at least 0.05 m2.

9.11. The duration of insolation of apartments (premises) of an apartment building should be taken in accordance with SanPiN 2.2.1 /

The normalized duration of insolation should be provided:

In one-, two- and three-room apartments - at least one living room;

In four-room apartments and more - at least two living rooms.

9.12. Natural lighting should have living rooms and kitchens (except for kitchen niches), public premises built into residential buildings, except for premises that are allowed to be located in the basement floors in accordance with SP 118.13330.

9.13. The ratio of the area of ​​light openings to the floor area of ​​living rooms and kitchens should be taken at least 1:8. For upper floors with light openings in the plane of inclined enclosing structures - at least 1:10. The design task should take into account the lighting characteristics of the windows and the shading conditions of the opposing buildings.

9.14. Natural lighting is not standardized:

For rooms and premises located under the mezzanine and in high-rise premises with openings in the ceilings between floors with additional natural light through the glazed enclosing structures of adjacent premises with natural light (atriums, glazed stairwells);

For auxiliary premises of apartments, including utility rooms, sanitary facilities (kitchen niches, bathrooms, toilets, bathrooms, laundry rooms), communication rooms;

For common areas.

9.15. Normalized indicators of natural and artificial lighting of rooms should be set in accordance with SP 52.13330 and GOST R 53780 for rooms with elevator equipment located, on the floor areas in front of the elevator entrance, the platforms in front of the entrance to the elevator machine room.

Illumination at the entrances to the building should be at least 6 lux for horizontal surfaces and at least 10 lux for vertical (to a height from the floor up to 2 m) surfaces.

9.16. When illuminated through light openings in the outer walls of common corridors, their length should not exceed:

24 m - in the presence of a light opening in one end;

48 m - in two ends.

For longer corridors, it is necessary to provide additional natural lighting through light pockets. The distance between two light pockets should be no more than 24 m, and between the light pocket and the light opening at the end of the corridor - no more than 30 m. The width of the light pocket, which can serve as a staircase, must be at least 1.5 m. the pocket is allowed to illuminate corridors up to 12 m long, located on both sides of it.9.17. In multi-apartment buildings designed for construction in climatic region III, light openings in living rooms and kitchens, and in climatic region IV - also in loggias within the horizon sector 200 ° - 290 °, taking into account the requirements of SanPiN and SanPiN 2.2.1 / must be equipped with adjustable sun protection devices in accordance with GOST 33125, excluding obstacles to the access of fire departments. In two-story multi-apartment buildings, sun protection may be provided by landscaping.

9.18. The external enclosing structures of an apartment building must have thermal insulation, insulation against the penetration of outside cold air and vapor barrier against diffusion of water vapor from the premises, providing:

The required temperature and the absence of moisture condensation on the internal surfaces of structures inside the premises;

Prevention of accumulation of excess moisture in structures.

The temperature difference between the internal air and the surface of the structures of the external walls at the design temperature of the internal air must comply with the requirements of SP 50.13330.

9.19. In climatic regions I - III, at all external entrances to multi-apartment buildings (except for entrances from the external air zone to a smoke-free staircase), vestibules or vestibules should be provided with depth and width parameters that ensure accessibility for MGN, including wheelchair users, according to SP 59.13330.

Double vestibules at entrances to multi-apartment buildings (except for entrances from the outside air zone to a smoke-free staircase) should be designed depending on the number of storeys of buildings and their construction area in accordance with Table 9.2.

Table 9.2

Average temperature of the coldest five-day period, °C Double vestibule in buildings with the number of floors

Minus 20 or more 16 or more

Below minus 20 to minus 25 inclusive. 12 " "

« « 25 « « 35 « 10 « «

« « 35 « « 40 « 4 « «

« « 40 1 « «


1. With a direct entrance to the apartment, a double vestibule should be designed with an unheated staircase.

2. A veranda can be used as a vestibule.

9.20. The premises of the building must be protected from the penetration of rain, melt and ground water and possible household water leaks from engineering systems by constructive means and technical devices.

9.21. Roofs should be designed with an organized drain. It is allowed to provide for an unorganized drain from the roofs of two-story multi-apartment buildings, provided that canopies are installed above the entrances and blind areas.

9.22. It is not allowed to place a toilet and a bathroom (shower) above living rooms and kitchens. Placing a toilet and a bathroom (shower) in the upper level above the kitchen is allowed in apartments located on two levels.

9.23. During the construction of buildings in areas where, according to engineering and environmental surveys, there are emissions of soil gases (radon, methane, etc.), measures must be taken to isolate floors and basement walls in contact with the ground in order to prevent the penetration of soil gas from the soil into the building, and other measures to reduce its concentration in accordance with the requirements of the relevant sanitary standards.

9.24. Sound insulation of external and internal enclosing structures of residential premises of an apartment building should ensure the reduction of sound pressure from external sources of noise, including impact noise, and noise not exceeding the permissible values ​​​​according to SP 51.13330 and SN 2.2.4 /

Inter-apartment walls and partitions must have an airborne sound insulation index of at least 52 dB.

9.25. When placing multi-apartment buildings on a territory with an increased level of traffic noise, noise reduction in residential buildings should be carried out by using a special noise-protected layout and (or) structural and technical means of noise protection, including external enclosing structures and filling window openings with increased sound-proofing properties.

9.26. Noise levels from engineering equipment and other in-house noise sources should not exceed the established permissible levels and not more than 2 dBA exceed the background values ​​​​determined when the in-house noise source is not working, both in the daytime and at night.9.27. To ensure an acceptable noise level, it is not allowed to fix sanitary appliances and pipelines directly to inter-apartment walls and partitions enclosing living rooms; , as well as adjacent to them.

9.28. When installing bathrooms in the bedrooms, it is recommended, according to the design assignment, in order to protect against noise, to separate them from each other by built-in wardrobes between them.

9.29. The supply of drinking water to the house should be provided from the centralized water supply network of the settlement. In areas without centralized engineering networks for one-, two-story buildings, it is allowed to provide individual and collective sources of water supply from underground aquifers or reservoirs at the rate of a daily consumption of household and drinking water of at least 60 liters per person. In areas with limited water resources, the estimated daily water consumption may be reduced on the basis of territorial regulatory legal acts.

9.30. To remove wastewater, a sewerage system must be provided - centralized or local in accordance with the rules established by SP 30.13330.

Wastewater must be removed without polluting the territory and aquifers.

9.31. Devices for the collection and disposal of solid municipal waste and waste from the operation of public premises built into an apartment building must be made in accordance with the rules for the operation of the housing stock established by local governments, taking into account SanPiN and SanPiN 42-128-4690.

9.32. The need for a garbage chute in residential buildings is determined by the customer in agreement with local governments and taking into account the waste disposal system adopted in the locality.

In newly built and reconstructed multi-apartment buildings with a floor of five floors and above, garbage chutes should be arranged in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 42-128-4690.

The device of the garbage chute is obligatory in multi-apartment buildings for the disabled and the elderly with a number of storeys of two floors or more.

For newly constructed and reconstructed multi-apartment buildings with a floor of less than five floors, it is allowed not to arrange garbage chutes, provided that separate collection and daily removal of solid municipal and food waste is ensured.

The garbage collection chamber, the trunk of the garbage chute and the device for cleaning and washing it are not allowed to be located adjacent to the enclosing structures of living rooms and inside the building envelopes of living rooms.

Loading valves of garbage chutes should be located on landings.

The garbage chute must be equipped with devices for periodic cleaning and disinfection in accordance with the requirements of SanPiN 42-128-4690.

Note. See more.

The garbage collection chamber must be equipped with water supply, sewerage, lighting, devices for mechanization of waste reception and exhaust ventilation. The design assignment should provide for the placement and connection of equipment in the waste receiving chamber, including a device that generates ozone within the limits of sanitary standards for disinfection and deodorization of the chamber room and the refuse chute shaft by ozonation.

The entrance to the waste collection chamber must be isolated from the entrance to the building and other premises; the entrance door must have a sealed vestibule.

9.33. Residential floors and floors with premises for preschool educational organizations and medical institutions should be separated from the parking lot by a technical floor or a floor with non-residential premises to protect against the penetration of exhaust gases and excess noise levels.

9.34. In multi-apartment residential buildings on the first, basement or basement floors, a pantry for cleaning equipment equipped with a sink should be provided.

9.35. When designing built-in, attached and built-in-attached public premises associated with the production of goods and services, negative impacts should be excluded and standardized indicators of living conditions in residential premises provided for by SanPiN, SanPiN and GOST 30494 should be observed, including according to permissible levels in residential premises and in the adjacent territory:

Noise during operation of ventilation equipment, engineering systems, as well as equipment of built-in institutions and enterprises;

Air pollution from engineering systems, ventilation equipment and vehicles serving built-in institutions and enterprises.

It should be carried out in the premises and in the adjacent territory:

Separation of traffic flows of residents and visitors and delivery of goods;

Functional and planning zoning of the local area when arranging driveways under the building, platforms, landing stages and other devices for unloading vehicles.

10. Durability and maintainability

10.1. The load-bearing structures of the building must retain their properties in accordance with the requirements of this set of rules during the expected service life, which can be established in the design assignment.

10.2. The supporting structures of the building, which determine its strength and stability, during the service life of the building must retain their properties within acceptable limits, taking into account the requirements of GOST 27751, SP 16.13330, SP 20.13330, SP 63.13330 and SP 70.13330.

10.3. Elements, parts, equipment with a service life shorter than the expected service life of the building must be replaced in accordance with the overhaul periods established in the project and taking into account the requirements of the design assignment. The decision on the use of elements, materials or equipment of varying degrees of durability with a corresponding increase or decrease in overhaul periods is established by technical and economic calculations. At the same time, materials, structures and technology of construction work should be selected taking into account the minimum subsequent costs for repair, maintenance and operation.

10.4. Structures and parts must be made of materials that are resistant to possible effects of moisture, low temperatures, aggressive environments, biological and other adverse factors in accordance with SP 28.13330.

In necessary cases, appropriate measures must be taken to prevent the penetration of rain, melt, groundwater into the thickness of the supporting and enclosing structures of the building, as well as the formation of an unacceptable amount of condensation moisture in the external enclosing structures by sufficient sealing of the structures or ventilation of closed spaces and air gaps.

10.5. Butt joints of prefabricated elements and layered structures should be designed to withstand temperature and humidity deformations and forces arising from uneven subsidence of foundations and other operational influences. The sealing and sealing materials used in the joints must retain their elastic and adhesive properties when exposed to negative temperatures and moisture, and also be resistant to ultraviolet rays. Sealing materials must be compatible with the materials of protective and protective-decorative coatings of structures at their interface.

10.6. It should be possible to access the equipment, fittings and devices of the engineering systems of the building and their connections for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

The equipment and pipelines must be fixed on the building structures of the building in such a way that their performance is not disturbed by possible movements of the structures.

10.7. When constructing buildings in areas with complex geological conditions, subject to seismic impacts, undermining, subsidence and other ground movements, including frost heaving, the input of engineering communications should be carried out taking into account the need to compensate for possible deformations of the base in accordance with the requirements established for various engineering networks.

11. Energy saving

11.1. The building, in accordance with the requirements, must be designed and erected in such a way that, if the established requirements for the internal microclimate of the premises and other living conditions are met, the efficient and economical use of energy resources is ensured during its operation in accordance with the requirements and while ensuring the parameters of the microclimate of the premises in accordance with GOST 30494 and sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in accordance with SanPiN, subject to a set of requirements of SP 50.13330 and SP 60.13330.

11.2. Compliance with the requirements of the codes of practice for energy saving is assessed by the thermal characteristics of the building envelope in accordance with the requirements of SP 50.13330 for the heat-shielding shell of the building envelope of an apartment building and for the efficiency of engineering systems or by a comprehensive indicator of the specific consumption of thermal energy for heating, ventilation and air conditioning in an apartment building in in accordance with SP 60.13330.11.3. When evaluating the energy efficiency of a building according to the thermal characteristics of its building structures and engineering systems, the requirements of this set of rules are considered to be met under the following conditions:

1) the reduced resistance to heat transfer and the air permeability of enclosing structures are not lower than those required by SP 50.13330;

2) heating, ventilation, air conditioning and hot water systems have automatic or manual regulation;

3) the engineering systems of the building are equipped with metering devices for heat energy, cold and hot water, electricity and gas with a centralized supply.

11.4. When evaluating the energy efficiency of a building according to a complex indicator of specific energy consumption for its heating and ventilation, the requirements of this set of rules are considered to be met if the calculated value of specific energy consumption to maintain normalized microclimate and air quality parameters in the building does not exceed the maximum allowable standard value. In this case, condition 3) 11.3 must be satisfied.

11.5. In order to achieve optimal technical and economic characteristics of an apartment building and further reduce the specific energy consumption for heating, the following should be provided:

The most compact space-planning solutions for multi-apartment buildings, including those that help reduce the surface area of ​​the outer walls, increase the width of the building body, etc.;

The orientation of the multi-apartment building and its premises in relation to the cardinal points, taking into account the prevailing directions of the cold wind and solar radiation fluxes;

The use of efficient engineering equipment of the corresponding range of products with increased efficiency;

Utilization of the heat of exhaust air and wastewater, the use of renewable energy sources (solar, wind, etc.);

The use of vertical transport means (elevators, escalators) with an established design assignment for an energy efficiency class in accordance with GOST R 56420.3 for elevators and GOST R 56420.2 for escalators.

If, as a result of the above measures, conditions 11.4 are satisfied and a longer cooling time of the building is provided at lower values ​​of the heat transfer resistance of the enclosing structures than required by SP 50.13330, then it is allowed to reduce the heat transfer resistance indicators of the enclosing structures in relation to the normalized ones.

The heat engineering characteristics of an apartment building and the energy efficiency class should be entered in the energy passport of the apartment building and subsequently refined based on the results of operation and taking into account ongoing energy saving measures in accordance with.

11.6. In order to control the energy saving of a multi-apartment building in accordance with the normative indicators, the design documentation should contain the section “Measures to ensure compliance with the energy saving requirements and the requirements for equipping buildings, structures and structures with metering devices for the energy resources used”. This section should contain: a list of measures to comply with the established requirements for energy saving, justification for the choice of optimal architectural, design and engineering solutions; a list of energy saving requirements that an apartment building must comply with when commissioning.

Annex A (mandatory)


A.1. Rules for determining the area of ​​the building, the area of ​​​​the premises, the building area and the number of storeys of the building, the building volume

A.1.1. The built-up area of ​​a building is defined as the horizontal sectional area along the outer contour of the building at the basement level, including protruding parts, including porches and terraces. The area under the building, located on the supports, as well as passages under it, are included in the built-up area.

A.1.2. The area of ​​a building (the area of ​​a residential building) is determined within the construction volume of the building as the sum of the floor areas.

A.1.3. The floor area of ​​a building is determined inside the construction volume of the building and is measured between the inner surfaces of the enclosing structures of the outer walls (in the absence of outer walls - the axes of the extreme columns) at the floor level, excluding skirting boards.

The floor area includes the areas of balconies, loggias, terraces and verandas, as well as landings and steps, taking into account their area at the level of this floor.

The floor area does not include the area of ​​openings for elevator and other shafts, which is taken into account on the lower floor.

Underground areas for ventilation of a building, an unused attic, a technical underground, a technical attic, non-apartment utilities with vertical (in channels, shafts) and horizontal (in the interfloor space) wiring, as well as vestibules, porticos, porches, outdoor open stairs and ramps in the area buildings are not included.

The exploited roof, when calculating the total area of ​​the building, is equated to the area of ​​the terraces.

A.1.4. The area of ​​rooms, auxiliary premises and other premises of residential buildings should be determined by their dimensions, measured between the finished surfaces of walls and partitions at floor level (excluding skirting boards).

A.1.5. The area occupied by a stove, including a stove with a fireplace, which are included in the heating system of the building, and are not decorative, is not included in the area of ​​rooms and other premises.

A.1.6. The area of ​​unglazed balconies, loggias, as well as terraces should be determined by their dimensions, measured along the internal contour (between the building wall and the fence) without taking into account the area occupied by the fence.

The area of ​​public premises located in the volume of a residential building is calculated according to SP 118.13330.

A.1.7. When determining the number of storeys of a building, all above-ground floors are taken into account, including the technical floor, attic, as well as ground floor if the top of its overlap is at least 2 m above the average planning elevation of the earth.

When determining the number of floors, all floors are taken into account, including underground, basement, basement, above-ground, technical, attic, etc.

The underground under the building, regardless of its height, as well as the interfloor space and the technical attic with a height of less than 1.8 m, are not included in the number of above-ground floors.

With a different number of floors in different parts of the building, as well as when placing the building on a site with a slope, when the number of floors increases due to the slope, the number of floors is determined separately for each part of the building.

When determining the number of storeys of a building for calculating the number of elevators, the technical floor located above the top floor is not taken into account.

A.1.8. The construction volume of a residential building is defined as the sum of the construction volume above the mark ± 0.000 (above-ground part) and below this mark (underground part).

The construction volume is determined within the bounding external surfaces with the inclusion of enclosing structures, skylights and other superstructures, starting from the mark of the finished floor of the above and below ground parts of the building, excluding protruding architectural details and structural elements, canopies, porticos, balconies, terraces, driveways and spaces under the building on supports (clean), ventilated undergrounds and underground channels.A.2. Rules for determining the area of ​​apartments, total area of ​​apartments

A.2.1. The area of ​​​​apartments is determined as the sum of the areas of all heated premises (living rooms and auxiliary premises intended to meet domestic and other needs) without taking into account unheated premises (loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces, cold storerooms and vestibules).

A.2.2. The area under the march of the intra-apartment staircase in the area with a height from the floor to the bottom of the protruding structures of the stairs of 1.6 m or less is not included in the area of ​​​​the room in which the staircase is located.

When determining the area of ​​rooms or premises located in the attic floor, it is recommended to apply a reduction factor of 0.7 for the area of ​​the parts of the room with a ceiling height of 1.6 m - at ceiling inclination angles up to 45 °, and for the area of ​​the parts of the room with a ceiling height of 1 .9 m - from 45 ° and more. The areas of parts of the room with a height of less than 1.6 and 1.9 m at the corresponding angles of inclination of the ceiling are not taken into account. The height of the room less than 2.5 m is allowed for no more than 50% of the area of ​​such a room.

A.2.3. The total area of ​​an apartment is the sum of the areas of its heated rooms and premises, built-in wardrobes, as well as unheated premises, calculated with decreasing coefficients established by the rules of technical inventory.

Annex B(mandatory)


Table B.1

Floors of the building Number of elevators Load capacity, kgSpeed, m/sMaximum floor area of ​​apartments, m2 Up to 9 1 630 or 1000 1.0 600

10 - 12 2 400 1,0 600

630 or 1000 13 - 17 2400 1.0 450

630 or 1000 18 - 19 2400 1.6 450

630 or 1000 20 - 25 3400 1.6 350

630 or 1000 630 or 1000 20 - 25 4400 1.6 450

400 630 or 1000 630 or 1000 Notes:

1. The minimum dimensions of an elevator car with a load capacity of 630 or 1000 kg must be 2100 x 1100 mm.

2. The table is compiled on the basis of: 18 m2 of the total area of ​​​​the apartment per person, floor height 2.8 m, interval of movement of elevators 81 - 100 s.

3. In residential buildings in which the values ​​of the floor area of ​​apartments, the height of the floor and the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment per resident differ from those accepted in this table, the number, load capacity and speed of passenger elevators are established by calculation.

4. In residential buildings with multi-level apartments located on the upper floors, it is allowed to provide a stop for passenger elevators on one of the floors of the apartments. In this case, the number of storeys of the building for calculating the number of elevators is determined by the floor of the upper stop.


Federal Law of December 30, 2009 No. 384-FZ "Technical Regulations on the Safety of Buildings and Structures"

Federal Law of July 22, 2008 No. 123-FZ "Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements"

Federal Law No. 261-FZ of 23 November 2009 “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”

Federal Law of November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ " Civil Code Russian Federation. Part one"

Federal Law of December 29, 2004 No. 190-FZ "Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 16, 2008 No. 87 "On the composition of sections of project documentation and requirements for their content"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2006 No. 47 “On Approval of the Regulations on Recognizing Premises as Residential Premises, Residential Premises Unsuitable for Habitation and apartment building emergency and subject to demolition or reconstruction"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306 “On Approval of the Rules for Establishing and Defining Standards for the Consumption of Utilities”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 19, 2006 No. 20 "On engineering surveys for the preparation of project documentation, construction, reconstruction of capital construction projects"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390 "On the fire regime"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 "On the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 25, 2011 No. 18 "On approval of the Rules for establishing energy efficiency requirements for buildings, structures, structures and requirements for the rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings"

PUE Rules for the installation of electrical installations (7th ed.)

MDK 2-03.2003 Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock


Updated edition

SNiP 31-01-2003

Official edition

Moscow 2011

SP 54.13330.2011


The goals and principles of standardization in the Russian Federation are established by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation", and the development rules - by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2008 No. 858 "On the Procedure for the Development and Approval of Codes of Rules ".

About the set of rules

1 CONTRACTOR - OJSC Center for Regulation and Standardization Methodology in Construction

2 INTRODUCED by the Technical Committee for Standardization TC 465 "Construction"

3 PREPARED for approval by the Department of Architecture, Building and Urban Policy

4 APPROVED by the order of the Ministry regional development of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) dated December 24, 2010 No. 778 and entered into force on May 20, 2011.

5 REGISTERED by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology

(Rosstandart). Revision of SP 54.13330.2010

Information about changes to this set of rules is published in the annually published information index "National Standards", and the text of changes and amendments - in the monthly published information indexes "National Standards". In case of revision (replacement) or cancellation of this set of rules, a corresponding notice will be published in the monthly published information index "National Standards". Relevant information, notification and texts are also placed in the public information system - on the official website of the developer (Ministry of Regional Development of Russia) on the Internet

Ministry of Regional Development of Russia, 2010

This regulatory document cannot be fully or partially reproduced, replicated and distributed as an official publication on the territory of the Russian Federation without the permission of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia

SP 54.13330.2011

1 Scope………………………………………………………….…………….1

3 Terms and definitions……………………………….…………………………………...2

4 General Provisions………………………………………………….……………………….2

5 Requirements for apartments and their elements………………..………………………………..6

6 Bearing capacity and permissible deformability of structures.…………………7

7 Fire safety…………………………………………………………………....9

7.1 Preventing the spread of fire…………………………………………….9

7.2 Ensuring evacuation.……………………………………………………………...11

7.3 Fire safety requirements for engineering systems and

building equipment .................................................................. ................................................. .

7.4 Ensuring fire extinguishing and rescue operations……………………………...15

8 Safety in use…………………………………………………………..16

9 Ensuring sanitary and epidemiological requirements………………………………18

10 Durability and maintainability………………………………………………....23

11 Energy saving………………………………………………………………………….24

12 Appendix A (mandatory) Regulatory documents…………………………….26

13 Annex B (informative) Terms and definitions………………………………..28

14 Annex B (mandatory) Rules for determining the area of ​​a building and its

premises, built-up area, number of storeys and building volume……………………………………………………………………..31

15 Annex D (mandatory) Minimum number of passenger lifts…………33


SP 54.13330.2011

SP 54.13330.2011



Multicompartment residential buildings

Introduction date 2011-05-20

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This set of rules applies to the design and construction of newly built and reconstructed multi-apartment residential buildings with a height of 1 to 75 m (hereinafter adopted in accordance with SP 2.13130), including apartment-type dormitories and residential premises that are part of the premises of buildings of other functional purposes.

1.2 The Code of Rules does not apply to: Blocked residential buildings designed in accordance with the requirements SP 55.13330, in which the premises belonging to different apartments are not located one above the other, and only the walls between adjacent blocks are common, as well as mobile residential buildings.

The set of rules does not apply to residential premises of the mobile fund and others specified in paragraphs 2) - 7) of part 1 of article 92 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

1.3 The set of rules does not regulate the conditions for the settlement of the building and the form of ownership of it, its apartments and individual rooms.

1.4 For residential buildings with a height of more than 75 m, these rules should be followed when designing apartments.

1.5 When changing the functional purpose of individual premises or parts of a residential building during operation, or during reconstruction, the rules of the current regulatory documents corresponding to the new purpose of parts of the building or individual premises, but not contradicting the rules of this document, should be applied.

Regulatory documents, to which there are references in the text of this set of rules, are given in Appendix A.

Note - When using this SP, it is advisable to check the operation of reference standards and classifiers in the public information system - on the official website of the national body of the Russian Federation for standardization on the Internet or according to the annually published information index "National Standards" , which is published as of January 1 of the current year, and according to the corresponding monthly published information indexes published in the current year. If the reference document has been replaced (modified), then when using this SP, one should be guided by the replaced (modified) document. If the referenced material is canceled without replacement, the provision in which the link to it is given applies to the extent that this link is not affected.

1 The height of the building is determined by the difference in elevations of the passage surface for fire engines and the lower boundary of the opening opening (window) in the outer wall of the upper floor, including the attic. In this case, the upper technical floor is not taken into account.

Official edition

SP 54.13330.2011

3 Terms and definitions

This set of rules adopts the terms and their definitions given in Appendix B.

4 General provisions

4.1 The construction of residential buildings should be carried out according to the working documentation

in in accordance with the duly approved project documentation, as well as with the requirements of this set of rules and other regulatory documents establishing the rules for design and construction, on the basis of a construction permit. The composition of the project documentation must comply with the list (composition) specified in paragraph 12 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian

Federation. The rules for determining the area of ​​a building and its premises, building area, number of storeys, number of floors and building volume during design are given in Appendix B.

4.2 The location of a residential building, the distance from it to other buildings and structures, the size of the land plots at the house, established in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 6 of Article 48 of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the Technical Regulations on fire safety requirements, as well as SP 42.13330, must ensure the current sanitary and fire safety requirements for residential buildings. The number of floors and length of buildings are determined by the planning project. When determining the number of storeys and length of residential buildings in seismic areas, the requirements of SP 14.13330 and SP 42.13330 should be met.

4.2a The project of the land plot at the house must be carried out on the basis of:

1) town-planning plan of the land plot;

2) results of engineering surveys;

3) technical conditions for connecting a residential building to engineering networks.

4.3 When designing and constructing a residential building, conditions must be provided for the life of people with limited mobility, the accessibility of the site, building and apartments for the disabled and the elderly using wheelchairs, if the placement of apartments for families with disabilities in this residential building is established in the design assignment.

Specialized apartment buildings for the elderly should be designed no higher than nine floors, for families with disabilities - no more than five. In other types of residential buildings, apartments for families with disabilities should be located, as a rule, on the ground floors.

In residential buildings of state and municipal housing stock, the share of apartments for families with disabled people using wheelchairs is established in the design task by local governments. Specific requirements for ensuring the life of the disabled and other people with limited mobility should be provided for, taking into account local conditions and the requirements of SP 59.13330. Two-way traffic of disabled people in wheelchairs should be provided only in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabled people. In this case, the width of the corridors must be taken at least

4.4 The project must include instructions for the operation of apartments and public premises of the building, which must contain the data required by tenants

SP 54.13330.2011

(owners) of apartments and built-in public premises, as well as operating organizations to ensure safety during operation, including: hidden wiring diagrams, locations of ventilation ducts, other elements of the building and its equipment, in respect of which construction activities should not be carried out by residents and tenants during operation. In addition, the instruction should include rules for the maintenance and maintenance of fire protection systems and an evacuation plan in case of fire.

4.4a Re-planning and reconstruction of apartments must be carried out in accordance with the rules of Article 26 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

4.5 Residential buildings should include: domestic drinking and hot water supply, sewerage and drains in accordance with SP 30.13330 and SP 31.13330; heating, ventilation, smoke protection - in accordance with SP 60.13330. Fire water supply, smoke protection should be provided in accordance with the requirements of SP 10.13130 ​​and SP 7.13130.

4.6 In residential buildings, it is necessary to provide for electric lighting, power electrical equipment, telephone, radio, television antennas and bell alarms, as well as automatic fire alarms, warning and evacuation control systems in case of fire, elevators for transporting fire departments, means of saving people, fire protection systems in accordance with requirements of regulatory documents on fire safety, as well as other engineering systems provided for by the design assignment.

4.7 On the roofs of residential buildings, provision should be made for the installation of antennas for the collective reception of transmissions and racks of wired broadcasting networks. Installation of radio relay masts and towers is prohibited.

4.8 Elevators should be provided in residential buildings with the floor level of the upper residential floor exceeding the floor level of the first floor by 12 m.

The minimum number of passenger elevators that residential buildings of various heights must be equipped with is given in Appendix D.

The cabin of one of the elevators must be 2100 cm deep or wide (depending on the layout) to accommodate a person on a sanitary stretcher.

The width of the cabin doors of one of the elevators must ensure the passage of a wheelchair.

When building on existing 5-storey residential buildings, it is recommended to provide elevators. In buildings equipped with an elevator, it is allowed not to provide for an elevator stop in the superstructured floor.

In residential buildings in which, on floors above the first floor, apartments are provided for families with disabled people who use wheelchairs for movement, as well as in specialized residential buildings for the elderly and for families with disabled people, passenger elevators or lifting platforms must be provided in accordance with the requirements SP 59.13330, GOST R 51630, GOST R 51631

and GOST R 53296.

4.9 The width of the platforms in front of the elevators should allow the use of the elevator to transport the patient on an ambulance stretcher and be at least, m:

1.5 - in front of elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin width of 2100 mm; 2.1 - in front of elevators with a carrying capacity of 630 kg with a cabin depth of 2100 mm.

SP 54.13330.2011

With a two-row arrangement of elevators, the width of the elevator hall must be at least, m:

1.8 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of less than 2100 mm; 2.5 - when installing elevators with a cabin depth of 2100 mm or more.

4.10 In the basement, basement, first and second floors of a residential building (in large and largest cities1 on the third floor), it is allowed to place built-in and built-in-attached public premises, with the exception of objects that have a harmful effect on humans.

It is not allowed to post:

specialized stores of mosquito-chemical and other goods, the operation of which may lead to pollution of the territory and air of residential buildings; premises, including shops with the storage of liquefied gases, flammable and combustible liquids, explosives capable of exploding and burning when interacting with water, atmospheric oxygen or with each other, goods in aerosol packaging, pyrotechnic products;

shops selling synthetic carpets, auto parts, tires and motor oils;

specialized fish stores; warehouses for any purpose, including wholesale (or small-scale wholesale) trade, except for warehouses that are part of public institutions that have emergency exits isolated from the escape routes of the residential part of the building (the rule does not apply to built-in parking lots);

all enterprises, as well as shops with a mode of operation after 23:00; consumer service establishments that use flammable substances (except for hairdressers and watch repair shops with a total area of ​​up to 300 m2); baths;

catering and leisure enterprises with more than 50 seats, with a total area of ​​​​more than 250 m2 all enterprises operating with musical accompaniment, including discos, dance studios, theaters, as well as casinos;

laundries and dry cleaners (except for collection points and self-service laundries with a capacity of up to 75 kg per shift); automatic telephone exchanges with a total area of ​​more than 100 m2; public toilets, institutions and shops of funeral services; built-in and attached transformer substations;

industrial premises (except for premises of categories B and D for the work of disabled people and older people, including: points for issuing work at home, workshops for assembly and decorative work); dental laboratories, clinical diagnostic and bacteriological laboratories; dispensaries of all types; day hospitals of dispensaries and hospitals of private clinics: trauma centers, ambulance and emergency medical substations; dermatovenerological, psychiatric, infectious and phthisiatric rooms for medical appointments; departments (rooms) of magnetic resonance imaging;

1 Classification of cities - by SP 42.13330.

2 The time of restriction of functioning can be specified by local governments.

SP 54.13330.2011

x-ray rooms, as well as rooms with medical or diagnostic equipment and installations that are sources of ionizing radiation exceeding the permissible level established by sanitary and epidemiological rules, veterinary clinics and offices.

Shops selling synthetic carpet products may be attached to the blind sections of the walls of residential buildings with a fire resistance limit of REI 150.

4.11 In the basement and basement floors of residential buildings it is not allowed to place premises for storage, processing and use in various installations and devices of flammable and combustible liquids and liquefied gases, explosives; rooms for children; cinemas, conference rooms and other halls with more than 50 seats, saunas, as well as medical institutions. When placing other premises on these floors, one should also take into account the restrictions established in 4.10 of this document and in Appendix D of SNiP 31-06.

4.12 Loading of public premises from the side of the courtyard of a residential building, where the windows of the living rooms of apartments and entrances to the residential part of the house are located, in order to protect residents from noise and exhaust gases, is not allowed.

Loading of public premises built into residential buildings should be carried out: from the ends of residential buildings that do not have windows; from underground tunnels; from highways (streets) in the presence of special loading rooms.

It is allowed not to provide for the indicated loading rooms with an area of ​​built-in public rooms up to 150 m2.

4.13 On the top floor of residential buildings, it is allowed to place workshops for artists and architects, as well as office (office) premises with no more than 5 people working in each, while taking into account the requirements of 7.2.15 of this set of rules.

It is allowed to place office premises in superstructured attic floors in buildings not lower than the II degree of fire resistance and not more than 28 m high.

4.14 In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 17 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to place premises in apartments for professional activities or individual entrepreneurial activities. As part of the apartments, it is allowed to provide reception rooms for one or two doctors (in agreement with the authorities sanitary and epidemiological service); massage room for one specialist.

It is allowed to provide additional premises for a family kindergarten for a group of no more than 10 people. in apartments with a two-sided orientation, located no higher than the 2nd floor in buildings not lower than II degree of fire resistance, provided these apartments are provided with an emergency exit in accordance with the requirements of the Technical Regulations on fire safety and if it is possible to arrange playgrounds in the local area.

4.15 When arranging in residential buildings built-in or built-in parking lots should comply with the requirements of SP 2.13130 ​​and SP 4.13130.

4.16 On the operated roof of multi-apartment buildings, the roofs of built-in public premises, as well as at the entrance area, on terraces and verandas outside the apartment, in connecting elements between residential buildings, including open non-residential floors (ground and intermediate), it is allowed to place platforms for various purposes for residents of these buildings

SP 54.13330.2011

including: sports grounds for adults to relax, areas for drying clothes and cleaning clothes or a solarium. At the same time, the distances from the windows of residential premises overlooking the roof to the indicated sites should be taken in accordance with the requirements of SP 42.13330 for ground sites of a similar purpose.

5 Requirements for apartments and their elements

5.1 Apartments in residential buildings should be designed based on the conditions for settling them by one family.

5.2 In buildings of state and municipal housing funds, housing fund of social use* minimum dimensions apartments by the number of rooms and their area (excluding the area of ​​balconies, terraces, verandas, loggias, cold storerooms

And vestibules) is recommended to be taken according to Table 5.1. The number of rooms and the area of ​​apartments for specific regions and cities is specified by local authorities, taking into account demographic requirements, the achieved level of housing provision for the population and the resource supply of housing construction.

In residential buildings of other forms of ownership, the composition of the premises and the area of ​​​​apartments are established by the customer-developer in the design assignment.

T a b l e 5 . one

5.3 In apartments provided to citizens in the buildings of state and municipal housing funds, housing stock for social use, living quarters (rooms) and utility rooms should be provided: a kitchen (or kitchenette), anteroom, bathroom (or shower room) and toilet (or combined bathroom), pantry (or built-in utility closet).

5.3a The composition of apartments in individual housing stock *, housing stock for commercial use is determined in the design assignment, taking into account rules 5.3.

5.4 A ventilated drying cabinet for outerwear and footwear is provided for during the construction of a residential building in IA, IB, IG and IIA climatic subregions.

Loggias and balconies should be provided: in apartments of houses built in III and IV climatic regions, in apartments for families with disabled people, in other types of apartments and other climatic regions - taking into account fire safety requirements and adverse conditions.

Unfavorable conditions for designing balconies and unglazed loggias:

in I and II climatic regions - a combination of average monthly air temperature and average monthly wind speed in July: 12 - 16 ° С and more than 5 m / s; 8 - 12 °С and 4 - 5 m/s; 4 - 8 °С and 4 m/s; below 4 °С at any wind speed;

noise from highways or industrial areas of 75 dB or more at a distance of 2 m from the facade of a residential building (except for noise-protected residential buildings);

* According to Article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation