Academician Vyacheslav Ilyichev: A new joint venture for the design of building foundations will increase reliability and save on structures (ERZ). The new joint venture for the design of building foundations will increase reliability and save on structures Design resistance


An authoritative expert comments on the updated rules for designing the foundations of buildings and structures for the ERZ portal that have come into force.

The requirements of the set of rules (SP 22.13330.2016) relate to the design of foundations for newly built and reconstructed buildings and structures. The work on updating them was carried out by the specialists of the Research Center "Construction" under an agreement with the FAA "Federal Center for Rationing, Standardization and Technical Conformity Assessment in Construction" (FCS). This organization is subordinate to the Ministry of Construction, which believes that the requirements of SP 22.13330.2016 "are aimed at improving safety and energy saving during the construction and operation of facilities in accordance with their scope."

At the request of the ERZ portal, Vyacheslav Ilyichev, one of the largest Russian specialists in scientific and technical issues of construction, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, academician and vice-president of the RAACS, an honorary builder of Russia and Moscow, gave his expert assessment of innovations.

- Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, what will change in the practical work of developers with the introduction of a new set of rules?

Developers, as you know, build according to projects. And since the introduction of a new set of rules will directly affect the level of design quality, developers will definitely feel this during the implementation of approved projects.

Before talking about the innovations introduced by the joint venture, it must be emphasized that it retained all the main positions contained in the previous set of rules. That is, the calculation methods tested for decades are still allowed to be used by those designers who are familiar with them and apply them in practice.

But in addition to traditional methods for calculating structures, it is now allowed to use a number of modern programs and mathematical models (of course, with appropriate justification). Their use makes the calculations themselves more complete, which leads to cheaper designs.

- Due to what is this happening?

Will explain. Now it is possible to design and build buildings and structures that are quite complex in terms of design, but at the same time not to include excess stocks of materials and structures themselves in the project, which was often practiced before. Why did this happen? Because past methods of calculation were much more rough and approximate compared to modern ones. Today, with the help of mathematical programming, you can calculate everything much more accurately, and therefore really save money.

- The new joint venture introduced the concept of "soil reinforcement" and spelled out the requirements for designing foundations from reinforced soils using various methods and models. What does it give?

In some cases, piles can be considered not separately, but as reinforced soil. Based on this, a new type of bases is classified in the set of rules: the base itself is considered here as an array, in relation to which areal fixing is carried out. A whole section has appeared concerning the properties of the soil after its areal fixing by means of grouting and other methods. In addition, tables were added to the joint venture to determine the parameters of such fortified arrays. All this allows you to increase reliability, and in parallel - again save money.

Another innovation is the accounting of the so-called technological sediment. What is this about? If a foundation pit is made next to an existing building, then the foundation of this building is strengthened with the help of bored piles or the same grouting. Before the piles are put into operation and take the load, the building must settle a little, and this precipitation, as you know, can lead to additional damage to existing buildings. So, in the new SP 22.13330.2016, a separate section has been introduced that allows you to take into account these, never before taken into account, additional settlements of buildings.

- This is a really important story. The document also spelled out the design features of the foundations of structures erected in seismic regions, taking into account the requirements for calculating the stability of slopes. Has anything fundamentally new appeared in terms of seismic resistance?

Let me remind you that gigantic work was done in this area back in Soviet times. Most of the current seismic resistance indicators, before becoming approved standards, were tested in experimental conditions, during experiments and laboratory tests. For example, we are talking about piles of full size, foundations on a natural foundation, etc. And most of the buildings and structures built according to these standards, based on experimental and theoretical scientific research, successfully withstood earthquakes, which made it possible to save people's lives and material values. Well, since these norms have proven their viability in practice, they all remained in the new document. It preserved the first and second groups of limit states of foundations. But at the same time, for the convenience of calculations, in accordance with the requirements of the time, methods of mathematical modeling and probabilistic methods of analysis have been added.

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The updated rules for designing the foundations of buildings and structures for our portal are commented on by an authoritative expert.

The requirements of the set of rules (SP 22.13330.2016) relate to the design of foundations for newly built and reconstructed buildings and structures. The work on their updating was carried out by the specialists of the Research Center "Construction" under an agreement with the FAA "Federal Center for Rationing, Standardization and Technical Conformity Assessment in Construction" (FCS). This organization is subordinate to the Ministry of Construction, which believes that the requirements of SP 22.13330.2016 "are aimed at improving safety and energy saving during the construction and operation of facilities in accordance with their scope."

At the request of the ERZ portal, one of the largest Russian specialists in scientific and technical issues of construction, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, academician and vice-president of the RAACS, honorary builder of Russia and Moscow, Vyacheslav ILYICHEV, gave his expert assessment of innovations.

- Vyacheslav Alexandrovich, what will change in the practical work of developers with the introduction of a new set of rules?

Developers, as you know, build according to projects. And since the introduction of a new set of rules will directly affect the level of design quality, developers will definitely feel this during the implementation of approved projects.

Before talking about the innovations introduced by the joint venture, it must be emphasized that it retained all the main positions contained in the previous set of rules. That is, the calculation methods tested for decades are still allowed to be used by those designers who are familiar with them and apply them in practice.

But in addition to traditional methods for calculating structures, it is now allowed to use a number of modern programs and mathematical models (of course, with appropriate justification). Their use makes the calculations themselves more complete, which leads to cheaper designs.

- Due to what is this happening?

Will explain. Now it is possible to design and build buildings and structures that are quite complex in terms of design, but at the same time not to include excess stocks of materials and structures themselves in the project, which was often practiced before. Why did this happen? Because past methods of calculation were much more rough and approximate compared to modern ones. Today, with the help of mathematical programming, you can calculate everything much more accurately, and therefore really save money.

The new joint venture introduced the concept of "soil reinforcement" and spelled out the requirements for designing foundations from reinforced soils using various ways and models. What does it give?

In some cases, piles can be considered not separately, but as reinforced soil. Based on this, a new type of bases is classified in the set of rules: the base itself is considered here as an array, in relation to which areal fixing is carried out. A whole section has appeared concerning the properties of the soil after its areal fixing by means of grouting and other methods. In addition, tables were added to the joint venture to determine the parameters of such fortified arrays. All this allows you to increase reliability, and in parallel - again save money.

Another innovation is the accounting of the so-called technological sediment. What is this about? If a foundation pit is made next to an existing building, then the foundation of this building is strengthened with the help of bored piles or the same grouting. Before the piles are put into operation and take the load, the building must settle a little, and this precipitation, as you know, can lead to additional damage to existing buildings. So, in the new SP 22.13330.2016, a separate section has been introduced that allows you to take into account these, never before taken into account, additional settlements of buildings.

This is a really important novel. The document also spelled out the design features of the foundations of structures erected in seismic regions, taking into account the requirements for calculating the stability of slopes. Has anything fundamentally new appeared in terms of seismic resistance?

Let me remind you that gigantic work was done in this area back in Soviet times. Most of the current seismic resistance indicators, before becoming approved standards, were tested in experimental conditions, during experiments and laboratory tests. For example, we are talking about full-size piles, foundations on a natural foundation, etc. And most of the buildings and structures built according to these standards, based on experimental and theoretical scientific research, successfully withstood earthquakes, which made it possible to save people's lives and material values. Well, since these norms have proven their viability in practice, they all remained in the new document. It preserved the first and second groups of limit states of foundations. But at the same time, for the convenience of calculations, in accordance with the requirements of the time, methods of mathematical modeling and probabilistic methods of analysis have been added.

In general, the new set of rules is more progressive, it complies with all modern approaches and norms, including European codes. That is, on the basis of the previous set of rules, tested in the course of many years of practice, a document has been created that provides new opportunities - both in terms of greater accuracy in the design, and in terms of savings due to the reduction in the cost of the structures used.

1 area of ​​use
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General provisions
5 Foundation design
5.1 General instructions
5.2 Loads and actions taken into account in foundation calculations
5.3 Normative and design values ​​of soil characteristics
5.4 The groundwater
5.5 Depth of foundations
5.6 Calculation of foundations by deformations
5.7 Calculation of foundations for bearing capacity
5.8 Features of the design of foundations during the reconstruction of structures
5.9 Measures to reduce deformations of the bases and their impact on structures
6 Features of the design of the foundations of structures erected on specific soils and in special conditions
6.1 Subsiding soils
6.2 Swelling soils
6.3 Saline soils
6.4 Organo-mineral and organic soils
6.5 Eluvial soils
6.6 Filled soils
6.7 Alluvial soils
6.8 Heaving soils
6.9 Fixed soils
6.10 Reinforced soils
6.11 Features of designing the foundations of structures erected on undermined territories
6.12 Features of designing the foundations of structures erected in karst areas
6.13 Features of designing the foundations of structures erected in seismic regions
6.14 Features of designing the foundations of structures erected near sources of dynamic impacts
7 Features of the design of the bases of overhead power transmission lines
8 Design features of foundations and foundations for low-rise buildings
9 Features of designing the foundations of underground parts of structures and geotechnical forecast
10 Features of the design of the foundations of high-rise buildings
11 Dewatering design
12 Geotechnical monitoring
13 Environmental requirements for the design of foundations
Appendix A (recommended). Standard values strength and deformation characteristics of soils
Appendix B (recommended). Design soil resistance of bases
Annex B (recommended). Determination of the settlement of the foundation base by the linearly deformable layer method
Appendix D (recommended). Ultimate deformations of the base of the foundations of new construction objects
Annex D (mandatory). Categories of the state of existing structures
Annex E (recommended). Ultimate deformations of the base of the foundations of the reconstructed structures
Appendix G (recommended). Physical and mechanical characteristics of organomineral and organic soils
Annex I (recommended). Physical and mechanical characteristics of eluvial soils
Annex K (mandatory). Maximum additional deformations of the foundations of the surrounding buildings located in the zone of influence of new construction or reconstruction
Annex L (mandatory). Controlled parameters during geotechnical monitoring
Annex M (informative). Basic letter designations


1 The timing of geotechnical monitoring should be extended in the absence of stabilization of changes in the controlled parameters.

2 The frequency of fixing the monitored parameters should be linked to the schedule of construction and installation works and can be adjusted (i.e., performed more often than indicated in the geotechnical monitoring program) if the values ​​of the controlled parameters exceed the expected values ​​(including their changes that exceed the expected trends) or other dangerous deviations.

3 For unique newly erected and reconstructed structures, as well as during the reconstruction of historical, architectural and cultural monuments, geotechnical monitoring should be continued for at least two years after construction is completed.

4 Fixation of controlled parameters during geotechnical monitoring of the building envelope of a pit with a depth of more than 10 m, as well as at a shallower pit depth in case the controlled parameters exceed the calculated values, must be performed at least once a week.

5 Geotechnical monitoring of the soil mass surrounding the newly erected or reconstructed structure, after the completion of the construction of its underground part and with the stabilization of changes in the controlled parameters of the soil mass and the surrounding buildings, it is allowed to conduct once every three months.

6 In the presence of dynamic effects, it is necessary to measure the level of vibrations of the bases and structures of newly erected (reconstructed) structures and the surrounding buildings.

7 Fixing changes in the controlled parameters of the state of building structures, incl. damaged, geotechnical monitoring of structures of the surrounding buildings should be carried out, incl. according to the results of periodic visual-instrumental examinations.

8 The requirements of Table 12.1 must be followed, incl. during geotechnical monitoring of structures of the surrounding buildings located in the zone of influence of the installation of underground engineering communications, which is determined in accordance with the requirements of 9.33, 9.34.

9 Geotechnical monitoring of newly erected or reconstructed structures on sites of a hazardous category in terms of karst-suffosion must be carried out during the entire period of construction and operation of structures. The term for performing geotechnical monitoring of newly erected or reconstructed structures in areas of a potentially dangerous category in terms of karst-suffosion should be determined in the geotechnical monitoring program, but be at least five years after construction is completed.