How to open a foreign currency account at the Russian Agricultural Bank. Current account in Russian Agricultural Bank for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs. Documents for opening an account in Rosselkhozbank


For individual entrepreneurs, opening a bank account is not mandatory. Some entrepreneurs who are at the initial stage of commercial activity still do not use a bank account for their business, although the benefits of this for individual entrepreneurs are quite obvious. By opening a bank account, you get into your hands a powerful financial and economic tool that dramatically enhances your opportunities for further business development.

Advantages of opening a current account with Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank was created in 2000 as financial institution, intended primarily to provide full support to the Russian agro-industrial complex.

This direction still occupies an important place in financial policy jar. And today Rosselkhozbank helps agricultural enterprises, for example, by providing farms(peasant farms) the lowest loan interest rates.

At the same time, Rosselkhozbank has a wide client base consisting of legal and individuals engaged in business activities that are very far from agriculture.

Rosselkhozbank ranks second in Russia in terms of the number of open branches: as of the beginning of 2018, there were about 80 branches and about 1.2 thousand offices in the regions of the country

Currently, Rosselkhozbank's clientele includes individual entrepreneurs, who are attracted here by a wide range of opportunities. The main advantages of opening a current account with Rosselkhozbank include the following:

  1. Easy opening procedure. Currently, you can open a current account here even without visiting a bank office, online.
  2. Opening a current account is free for certain groups of entrepreneurs.
  3. Quite low service prices, especially for banking operations, produced remotely.
  4. Opportunity urgent translations Money.
  5. Carrying out a wide range financial transactions via the Internet via Personal Area.
  6. A large volume of benefits provided for entrepreneurs operating in the field of agribusiness.

Conditions for the provision of services by Rosselkhozbank to individual entrepreneurs

RSHB is one of the ten largest banks in Russia. Opening an account with this bank allows individual entrepreneurs to find quality services at reasonable prices. The main features of Rosselkhozbank include the opportunity to receive the most favorable conditions for beginners individual entrepreneurs.

Businessmen consider additional advantages of having an account with the Russian Agricultural Bank:

  • remote account opening and remote management of almost all financial transactions;
  • special investment programs;
  • release corporate cards for individual entrepreneurs;
  • provision of guarantees by the bank;
  • creation of salary projects;
  • accrual of interest on the balance of funds accumulated in the account.

Rosselkhozbank provides individual entrepreneurs with the highest level of remote control business

Documents for opening an account in Rosselkhozbank

The package of documents required to open a current account in the Russian Agricultural Bank is practically no different from a similar list of documents for opening an account in other banks. This package includes the following papers:

  1. Application for opening an account.
  2. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur. From January 1, 2017, it is replaced by the registration sheet of the United state register(USRIP).
  3. License for certain types of business. Presented only for licensed activities.
  4. Information sheet for a businessman. Mostly filled out by a bank employee during a conversation with an entrepreneur.
  5. Identification document of a businessman: passport and copies of all its pages.
  6. Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN).
  7. List of employees who will work with the current account.

It should be noted that, unlike most other banks, this list does not include an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, the order of which requires a certain amount of time and effort.

Documents submitted to the bank to open a current account must be drawn up in accordance with business norms

To fill out the information sheet, a businessman must prepare in advance data reflecting his entrepreneurial activity. This includes the following items:

  • place of registration;
  • contact addresses and telephone numbers;
  • list of planned banking operations;
  • closest contractors and partners;
  • approximate volume of financial transactions;
  • information about major past banking transactions;
  • information on foreign economic activity;
  • main activities and sources of funds.

Account opening procedure

You can open an account with Rosselkhozbank by contacting the bank directly or online.

In case of a personal visit to a bank branch, it is necessary to fill out an information sheet containing basic information about the entrepreneur. After filling out this sheet with the help of a bank employee, the businessman notes the banking services he needs and chooses the tariff at which he will subsequently work with the bank.

Opening a current account online

The convenience and ease of opening an online current account with Rosselkhozbank is one of the features of the financial institution. In this case, the individual entrepreneur begins his acquaintance with the bank on its website located at Here you can familiarize yourself with all the conditions for opening an account and existing bank tariffs, select suitable option and send the specified papers to the bank. The time it takes to study documents sent to the bank is usually 3–5 days. After reading the documents credit organisation

informs you by email about the time of your visit to sign the contract. By showing up exactly at the specified time, the entrepreneur will not wait in line, and the issue of opening an account will be resolved literally within a few minutes.

Cost of opening a current account and service tariffs IN general case

The cost of opening a current account at Rosselkhozbank depends on the location of the specific branch. In 2018 for Moscow and St. Petersburg it is 5,144 rubles. and 5244 rubles respectively. In other cities of Russia, the cost of opening an account for an individual entrepreneur ranges from 4944 rubles. in Arkhangelsk up to 5262 rubles. in Veliky Novgorod.

The average cost of opening an account for an individual entrepreneur in the TOP of one hundred Russian banks is 3,644 rubles. Obviously, the cost of opening an account with Rosselkhozbank is higher than average.

  • In some cases, you do not need to pay to open an account. Free account opening is possible under the following circumstances:
  • the entrepreneur has a deposit in the bank, as well as a special or savings account;
  • the businessman has guardianship or trusteeship responsibilities;

The account is opened within the framework of a special fund or project. There is a monthly fee for maintaining a current account. Its size varies depending on the location of the branch. They charge the least for account servicing in Arkhangelsk - 850 rubles, and the most in Ivanovo and St. Petersburg - 1,500 rubles. And here service at Rosselkhozbank costs a large amount

However, in some cases, services for servicing a current account in Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs are provided free of charge:

  1. The procedure for transferring clients of other financial institutions to Rosselkhozbank is not paid.
  2. The major repair program services are provided free of charge.
  3. Nominal accounts are serviced free of charge.
  4. No money is charged for servicing the account if there are no funds on it and no financial transactions are carried out on this account.

An individual entrepreneur also does not have to pay to close an account. The closing procedure is usually completed over a period of 3 to 5 days.

The cost of transactions at Rosselkhozbank ranges from 30 to 40 rubles, with the average for the TOP of one hundred Russian banks being 26.7 rubles.

But it will be more profitable for a businessman to withdraw cash from his account at Rosselkhozbank than at other Russian banks. For this operation, the individual entrepreneur will leave in the bank from 1.2 to 1.4% at average 1.8% for TOP of one hundred Russian banks. For farms, cash withdrawals are carried out without bank commission.

True, the bank’s lowest commission is indicated here, which is charged when withdrawing cash in the amount of up to 800 thousand rubles. If an entrepreneur wants to withdraw from 800 thousand rubles within a month. up to 3 million rubles, then the bank interest will be 4.5%, when withdrawing from 3 to 5 million rubles. – 5.5%, and when selecting an amount over 5 million rubles. - 10%.

Other tariffs for servicing cash register services for individual entrepreneurs depend on specific conditions. If we take the average values, then for individual services they are as follows:

  • cost of electronic payment - 30 rubles;
  • connection to online banking- 2 thousand rubles;
  • cash deposit - 0.30%.

Rosselkhozbank is characterized by a very high quality remote financial management service.

Table: main tariffs for remote banking services of Rosselkhozbank

Service number Name of service Tariff, rub.
1.1.1. Installation and configuration of software, restoration of the current functionality of the remote banking system with a visit to the client (for Moscow and the Moscow region)2000–3000
7.2.1. Transfer of a client from the RBS system "Bank-
Client"/"Internet Client" per system
RBS "Internet-Client" / "Bank-Client"
(according to client's request)
7.2.2. Transferring a client to a new version of the system
RBS with software provision
software and key media,
containing signing key certificates,
released on special
authorized persons of the client
For free
7.3.1. Maintenance of the RBS system "Bank-Client",
"Internet Client"
450 per month
350 per month
7.3.2. Maintenance of the remote banking system when more than one client connects to
one automated worker
place of the RBS system "Bank-Client"
350 per client per month
7.3.3. Maintenance of the remote banking system when installing several for one client
automated workstations
RBS systems "Bank-Client"
350 per month for each
but not more than 1500 per client

Rosselkhozbank is one of the largest state-owned banks in Russia, providing services for opening a current account and servicing it for individual entrepreneurs. The procedure for opening a current account in this bank and the scope of services provided, although they are standard for Russian credit institutions, have their own characteristics.

Opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank is a choice for companies that need tools for conducting various banking operations. What are the benefits of r/s?

  1. You can use it to receive payments from other companies and individuals.
  2. Keep money.
  3. Transfer them to other accounts.
  4. Take advantage of all banking services.
  5. Receive interest on the balance.

It is important to always choose reliable bank to open an account. So you can be sure that you will receive full list opportunities, operations will begin to proceed without problems, funds will be credited promptly.

RSHB is one of the largest banks. It was created in 2000 and is constantly developing and gaining popularity. What are the advantages of this institution?

  • It is trying to improve its products.
  • Takes into account the wishes of clients when subsequently changing programs and services.
  • Offers many possibilities.
  • Engaged in lending and provides low interest rates.
  • It is completely owned by the state.
  • You can be sure of reliability and sustainability financial situation institutions, which is extremely important when doing business.

RSHB is one of the state banks. As statistics show, some of the largest institutions belong to the Russian Federation, the Government has controlling stake shares Due to this, stability can be guaranteed even in a difficult economic situation.

Current account in Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs

Why is it worth opening a current account for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank? Let's list the advantages:

  1. Eat special conditions, for which opening a current account is free.
  2. Attractive rates are offered.
  3. You don’t have to come to the bank in person; you can submit a request through the official website.
  4. Manages to manage funds independently and does not seek help from employees. A personal account has been created for this purpose; it is easy to use.
  5. Urgent translations are available.
  6. For individuals and individual entrepreneurs occupying agriculture, are offered preferential terms on maintenance.

What disadvantages can be noted?

  • If you believe customers, it is not always easy to reach contact numbers.
  • Sometimes the deadline for opening an account is delayed.
  • Errors in the online service may occur; employees are upgrading and debugging it.

As a result, RSHB can be called a good option for creating a current account. But there are also nuances, which specialists try to eliminate in order to ensure the most comfortable interaction with clients.

Open a current account for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank: tariffs in 2019

What tariffs are in effect in 2019?

  1. Opening – 2500 rub.
  2. Leading – 2000.
  3. For remote maintenance – 750.
  4. If there are no operations during the month – 0.
  5. Sending money to the RSHB account – 6 rubles.
  6. To another institution - 30 rubles.
  7. Cash issuance for salaries - a commission of 0.5 percent of the amount, but it cannot be less than 250 rubles.
  8. Cash withdrawal up to 600 thousand – 1.2%.
  9. For depositing cash - a commission of 0.3 percent, but not less than 150 rubles.

Tariffs from RSHB are attractive if you study the conditions from various institutions. You will be able to enter into fruitful cooperation with the bank and create a settlement account for full-fledged business.

What documents are needed

For individual entrepreneurs, the following package of documents will be required:

  • Passport.
  • Statement confirming agreement with the terms.
  • A letter with the specified statistical codes.
  • Card with sample signatures.
  • Information about the individual entrepreneur.
  • Self-certification type.
  • Certificate of entry into the register.

Attention! Requirements for the package of documents may change over time, it all depends on the conditions of the bank and legislation. Therefore, it is necessary to further clarify the list mandatory papers to provide to employees.

There are two ways to create an account:

  1. When visiting the branch in person.
  2. On the bank's website.

In the department

Let's consider the first method - going to the department. How is the procedure done?

  • At the first stage, it is recommended to collect a package of documents.
  • Ask your bank staff about the best time to visit.
  • You will be able to familiarize yourself with the tariffs, Internet service and a special mobile application.
  • Fill out the application and additional papers.
  • You can choose other services if needed.
  • Sign the contract.
  • Deposit money for initial payment services.
  • You will be provided with details.
  • After some time, you will receive a notification about the activation and connection of additional services.

In the Internet

Many entrepreneurs do not have time to visit a branch in person. But you can open a current account for individual entrepreneurs online at Rosselkhozbank. The option has a number of advantages:

  1. The procedure is simple.
  2. It is possible to send a request in advance.

How to perform the operation?

  • Go to the official website of the RSHB.
  • Click on the small business tab.
  • Choose banking and cash management services.
  • Please fill in the form with basic information.
  • Select your revenue amount.
  • Submit your application.
  • A staff member will contact you shortly.

The specialist will tell you about all the nuances and provide information of interest. He will select a time convenient for you to visit the office. You need to prepare a package of documents and come to sign the contract.

The procedure cannot be completed completely remotely. The institution must check all documents and sign an agreement with the individual entrepreneur. Therefore, in any case, the entrepreneur will have to set aside time to visit the office.

Mobile app

There is a special mobile app, allowing you to access quick account management. Benefits of the program:

  1. It is perfect for the purposes of entrepreneurs.
  2. Has a well-thought-out interface.
  3. Convenient to use.
  4. You can easily navigate the menu and understand the main features.
  5. It is possible to quickly transfer funds.
  6. You will appreciate the attractive design.
  7. Access to basic services is provided.
  8. You will be able to view all the information on your account, including requesting an extract.
  9. The program is highly stable.
  10. Works on various smartphones and does not require serious resources.
  11. Versions have been prepared for popular mobile platforms.
  12. You can quickly install it and log into the program with a standard login and password.

How to prepare an application for use?

  • Download the program from the store for your OS.
  • Install.
  • Launch the application.
  • Log in to the system.
  • Start using the program.
  • Now you will always have handy tool for quick control of the r/s.

Rosselkhozbank has been operating since 2000. Then it was created to support the country’s agro-industrial complex, but today it provides universal banking services for individuals and legal entities. The latter can open a current account with Rosselkhozbank on favorable terms.

For peasant farms, obtaining credit lines against low interest- one of the advantages of servicing in this bank. Financing the agro-industrial complex is the most important task for Rosselkhozbank. 100% of the bank's voting shares belong to the state, which makes it one of the most reliable for clients.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening an account with Rosselkhozbank

Service at Rosselkhozbank includes the following amenities for its clients:

  • an account can be opened without visiting a bank branch (just submit an application online);
  • for some clients, opening a current account is free (for example, for those who closed an account in another bank division no more than 3 months ago);
  • low tariffs for remote services;
  • urgent translation service;
  • the ability to manage your own accounts without the help of bank employees (through your personal account);
  • preferential conditions for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture.

Despite the obvious advantages, the bank has some nuances:

  • in some cases, the timing of opening an account and connecting to electronic services can be increased;
  • according to clients, it is quite difficult to reach the bank’s contact numbers;
  • The bank's electronic services do not always work correctly (although work is underway to modernize them).

Tariffs of Rosselkhozbank

The cost of services at the bank is carried out at a single tariff. There are no ready-made service packages for clients. How much it costs to open an account and what are the fees for maintaining it, you can see in the table.

Bank operation Cost in rubles
Opening an account 2500
Account management 2000
Remote account management 750
Maintaining an account in the absence of transactions for a month 0
Transfer of funds to an account opened with Rosselkhozbank from 6 rubles per payment order
Transfer to an account opened in another bank from 30 rubles per payment document
Issuing cash to legal entities for salaries 0.5% of the amount, minimum 250 rubles
Cash issuance for individual entrepreneurs up to 600,000 rubles 1.2% of withdrawal amount
Depositing cash into your account 0.3% of the amount, minimum 150 rubles

Withdrawals for various purposes, for example for an LLC, are charged only by amount. How more money you plan to cash out, the higher the commission will be. Moreover, if funds are withdrawn without a preliminary application, the interest will be 0.5% greater value specified in the tariff.

Tariffs for search, withdrawal of payments, as well as registration settlement document have a fixed value for each operation. If you transferred funds to an account opened with Rosselkhozbank, then the search for the payment is free of charge.

Documents for opening a legal entity account

To open an account, any organization, including LLC, will need to provide a bank employee with the following documents:

  • application for agreement with the terms of service of Rosselkhozbank (you can download the form from the bank’s website. The application is prepared in 2 copies - the first remains with you, the second is transferred to the bank);
  • constituent papers (based on the type of company);
  • Certificate of amendments to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (if there are changes made to the constituent documentation);
  • papers evidencing the rights of the sole executive body;
  • a card of sample signatures and seals (can be certified in advance by a notary or at Rosselkhozbank for a fee);
  • a letter containing information about various combinations of signatures of authorized employees (the form can be printed from the bank’s website);
  • orders, instructions indicating the rights of those indicated in the sample cards to operate with money;
  • passports of employees whose signatures are contained in the card;
  • letter with statistics codes (if available);
  • another person’s passport and power of attorney (if the account is not opened by the manager);
  • licenses giving the right to engage in a certain type of activity;
  • information about the client (compiled on the letterhead of the banking organization);
  • self-certification form (also on Rosselkhozbank letterhead).

Documents for opening an individual entrepreneur account

To connect an individual entrepreneur to a cash settlement system in Rosselkhozbank, you will need to prepare a package of papers:

  • application for agreement with the terms of banking services (in two samples, one of which remains with you);
  • passport or other document confirming your identity;
  • Certificate of entry into the register of individual entrepreneurs (if information about the entrepreneur has changed);
  • a letter with statistics codes (if any);
  • a card with samples of signatures and seals (can be certified by a notary or Rosselkhozbank);
  • another person’s passport and power of attorney for him (if the account is not opened by the individual entrepreneur himself);
  • information about individual entrepreneurs on Rosselkhozbank letterhead;
  • self-certification form (drawn up on bank letterhead);
  • agreement on opening a peasant farm (if the account is opened by the head of the peasant farm).

Step-by-step instructions for opening an account

Opening an account with Rosselkhozbank can be done in two ways:

  • through the bank office;
  • through the bank's website.

When contacting a branch of Rosselkhozbank, the sequence of actions to open an account will look like this:

  • first you need to collect a package of documents;
  • You can call the bank in advance and clarify the time of the visit;
  • when a specialist sees you, ask about the current tariffs and familiarize yourself with the functionality of Internet banking, as well as a mobile application for business;
  • fill out the required paperwork, including banking agreement, application for opening an account, as well as a client questionnaire;
  • immediately activate a set of additional services (for example, you can issue a corporate card for spending on household needs, etc.);
  • pay the cost of service;
  • receive account details;
  • Later, the bank will notify you about the activation time of your account, as well as the moment you connect to electronic services.

An application for opening online is submitted as follows:

RKO in Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs and LLCs

When servicing Rosselkhozbank, you have the right to choose Additional services to run your own business. Among these, the bank provides:

  • Corporate cards(you can use them to pay travel expenses, entertainment expenses, etc. Plastic allows you to withdraw cash from an ATM);
  • Salary projects(according to the agreement with the bank, the entire amount of funds for payments hired workers first it is transferred to a current account, and only then Rosselkhozbank deals with the distribution of funds between individual individuals);
  • International payments(you can transfer to foreign bank, carry out a letter of credit, documentary collection or guarantee operations);
  • Operations with precious metals (transactions can be carried out either on domestic market, and internationally);
  • Trade acquiring(the bank supplies and sets up special equipment that allows reducing collection costs and increasing the number of clients at the expense of cardholders. The bank also trains client employees on how to work with payment terminals);
  • Currency control(the bank carries out control over all types foreign exchange transactions, advises on issues that have arisen, and also provides a draft contract in compliance with legal requirements);
  • Transactions on foreign exchange and stock markets (you can enter into transactions on individual terms, convert currencies, and also carry out urgent transactions on money market with minimal risks).

Rosselkhozbank current account- a profitable solution for business representatives who plan to save money on opening and maintaining an account while receiving high-quality services.

Rosselkhozbank is among the TOP 10 largest banks in the country. Over 16 years of operation, the credit institution has expanded the range of services, improved the quality of service and reduced tariffs for clients to a minimum. Another advantage is that 100% of the institution’s shares are owned by the state.

What are the features of a credit institution?

Various categories of clients can open an account with Rosselkhozbank:

  • Private individuals.
  • Representatives of small and micro businesses.
  • Mid-level companies.
  • Large enterprises.
  • Investors.
  • Credit organizations.

The range of bank services is really wide:

  • Remote account servicing at Rosselkhozbank.
  • Investment programs.
  • Issue of corporate cards, which become a reliable tool in the hands of individual entrepreneurs and companies.
  • Bank guarantees.
  • Salary projects.
  • Interest charges on the balance and much more.

Range of services

When opening a current account with Rosselkhozbank, the client has the right to count on the following services:

  • Prompt opening and high-quality service of the account.
  • Making translations. In this case, rubles and dollars can be used as the main currency.
  • Replenishment of accounts and cash withdrawal.
  • Using the “Bank-Client” system.
  • Cash collection and transfer.
  • Carrying out settlements for collection.

In the process of cooperation, the credit institution takes into account the following forms of orders:

  • Orders (collection, payment).
  • Payment request.
  • Application for transfer (if the transaction is carried out using foreign currency).

The validity period of the issued instruction is limited and is no more than ten days.

Rosselkhozbank current account: conditions

Thanks to a responsible approach, favorable tariffs and a high level of service, the bank is gradually strengthening its position and respect (including among potential clients).

The main advantage is the focus on beginning entrepreneurs and the provision of favorable conditions:

  1. Possibility of remote control. Today, anyone can open an account with Rosselkhozbank and gain access to account control and transactions via the Internet. This feature reduces wasted time and increases the level of comfort when using the account.
  1. The cost of opening a bank account is 2200 rubles. Here it is worth highlighting additional costs for monthly service- 2000 rubles. The transaction cost for account holders at Rosselkhozbank is 30 rubles. As for cash withdrawals, tariffs depend on the category of clients:
  • For individual entrepreneurs - 1.0%.
  • For legal entities - 0.5%.

Other tariffs:

  • Urgent money transfer - 250 rubles.
  • Transfer of funds to an individual's account - 1.5% of the transaction volume.
  1. Possibility of opening an account in foreign currency:
  • Opening an account - 70 US dollars.
  • Service - 27 US dollars.
  • Money transfer (commission) - 0.33%.

Rosselkhozbank is included in the list of the 30 largest Russian banks as of 2016. This National Bank, created in the spring of 2000, providing a wide range of services to the population.

Although its main activity is servicing the agro-industrial production sector, financial institution successfully cooperates with business clients.

Advantages of settlement and cash services at Rosselkhozbank

You contacted the department within three months after closing an account opened in another branch of the bank? In this case, you can count on opening an account account for free. Similar benefits are provided to other clients.

In other cases, a current account is opened after payment of a commission fee in the amount of 2,500 rubles.

The advantages of servicing at Rosselkhozbank include:

  • low tariff for maintaining an account;
  • the ability to accrue interest on the account balance;
  • low fees for payment transactions;
  • establishing the amount of the fee for replenishing the account on a personal basis;
  • opening a bank account in Russian or foreign currency;
  • benefits for certain categories of clients (for example, those employed in the agricultural industry).

Currently the service remote maintenance underdeveloped. Electronic services may function intermittently, but the bank is committed to correcting these shortcomings.

Clients who have opened a bank account with Rosselkhozbank can order additional services and options. We are talking about obtaining a loan for a business, making a deposit, connecting currency control, trade acquiring, etc.

Tariffs for cash settlement services in Rosselkhozbank

Currently, all bank clients are served at a single rate. from Rosselkhozbank for legal entities and private entrepreneurs are often established on a personal basis, because separate categories individuals are entitled to certain benefits.

Listed below are the main characteristics of the account service opened at the bank, which you should familiarize yourself with before submitting your application.

Tariff plan characteristics

Cost of service or option

Registration of account

2,500 rubles (in some cases – free)

Account maintenance

2,000 rubles monthly

Maintaining accounts when using the RBS system

750 rubles monthly

Servicing a bank account during bankruptcy proceedings

1,000 rubles per month

Maintaining an account in the absence of transactions

for free

Transfer of money to an account opened with Rosselkhozbank

from 6 rubles per operation

Transferring money to third party bank

from 30 rubles per operation

Reception payment orders for collection

from 50 rubles per document

Registration of a payment document

150 rubles for each

Closing an account

for free

Opening a bank account in foreign currency is usually accompanied by payment of a fee of 70 American dollars.

The cost of service ranges from 7 to 27 dollars, while free account maintenance is acceptable (for example, if there are no transactions during a calendar month).

How to open a current account in Rosselkhozbank for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities?

You can submit an application at any bank office or remotely through the website. In the latter case, online application for a current account in Rosselkhozbank discussed in as soon as possible.

The following information is indicated in the electronic form:

  • client's first and last name;
  • e-mail;
  • annual revenue amounts;
  • name of the subject of interest banking product;
  • contact phone number;
  • bank office address for signing the agreement;
  • message for the manager (for example, a convenient time to call).

You can open a current account with Rosselkhozbank for LLCs and individual entrepreneurs after submitting certain documentation to the office and signing the corresponding agreement. It is recommended to clarify the terms of service in advance with bank employees by phone or directly during a personal visit to the branch.

Documents for opening a current account in Rosselkhozbank

To get the required banking services the client will need to prepare a voluminous set of documentation. Individual entrepreneurs must have a passport, TIN, a letter with statistics codes from Rosstat, an extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, information about business reputation, a card with sample signatures and seal impressions.

Legal entities undertake to prepare:

  • constituent documents;
  • passports officials, having access to the account;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • letter from Rosstat;
  • order on the appointment of a manager;
  • a card with sample signatures and seal impressions;
  • licenses, patents;
  • information about business reputation;
  • financial statements.

If necessary, the list of documentation indicated above can be supplemented at the request of the manager. Before contacting the department, please call 8-800-100-0-100 to find out what documents are requested in your case.

In the office, the client must fill out forms according to the bank’s form before signing the relevant agreement, for example, an application for registration of an account.

Reviews about cash settlement services in Rosselkhozbank

Kirill, Lipetsk

I like the cash settlement services for individual entrepreneurs at Rosselkhozbank. Subscription fees are low and payments are made quickly. But the Internet bank periodically works intermittently. I called the support service and they said that the problems were temporary and would be resolved soon. I will hope! Otherwise there are no complaints.

Gleb, Yakutsk

Glad to be a client of Rosselkhozbank! Good quality of service, low commissions, no hidden fees, prompt transfer of money to counterparties. The work of the support service deserves special attention. Any question can be resolved by phone, regardless of the time of day.

Polina, Volgograd

Indeed, you can open a business account at Rosselkhozbank very quickly! Although it required a lot of paperwork, the process did not take as long as I expected. I was also pleased that I was consulted in detail in the office on all issues and advised on what additional services I could connect to develop my business.

Are you going to open a current account?


Check out bank offers
RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 10 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free payment cards – up to 20 pcs./month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free in 5 minutes;
  • Maintenance – from 490 rubles/month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Decor salary cards- for free;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking – free;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Free opening of account in 10 minutes;
  • The first 2 months are free of charge;
  • After 2 months from 490 RUR/month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free Internet banking;
  • Free mobile bank.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account - 0 rub.;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Free “Sberbank Business Online”;
  • Lots of extra services.

RKO in VTB. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account – free of charge in 5 minutes;
  • 3 months of service 0 rubles;
  • Transfers and cash transactions - 0 rubles;

More about the current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuing a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budget payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. account maintenance if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free;
  • 3 months of service free of charge;
  • after 3 months from 490 rub./month.
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about the current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Maintenance – from 0 rubles/month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application are free.
RKO in Expert Bank.