The legal side when deciding to buy a CTP insurance policy form with a seal. CTP sample filling CTP sample form


This subject assumes the obligation to compensate the person acting as the insured for losses caused by the occurrence of an insured event provided for by the terms of the contract the fault of the insured himself. Within the framework of this article, the OSAGO insurance policy will be considered. Therefore, it is advisable to consider the meaning of this term OSAGO This is an abbreviation that stands for compulsory third party liability insurance.

OSAGO policy forms 2018

Often there are situations in which the perpetrator cannot compensate the victim for the harm caused. For this, OSAGO was introduced. This type of insurance is aimed at protecting the rights of potential victims in the event of certain cases. The regulatory framework for OSAGO is mandatory. Its presence is controlled by the state.

It is regulated by the following regulations: Also, do not forget about the rules of compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners. A sample of the completed form of the OSAGO insurance policy The OSAGO insurance policy is issued on special forms. To print the electronic version, special paper with a protective coating is used.
The document must be certified by a responsible person and have all the appropriate seals. It is important that all fields are filled in correctly.

CTP insurance policy sample 2018 download

Using the OSAGO calculator, the Calculation Service is located on the official Internet sources of insurance companies. This method is more reliable. The operation of the service is simple: 1) The owner of the car fills in the required items. Information to be provided:

  1. The total mileage of the vehicle.
  2. Production date of the machine.
  3. The number of all accidents involving insured persons.
  4. The number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle.
  5. Vehicle type.
  6. The affiliation of the person to whom it was registered (legal or physical).
  7. Engine power.
  8. Period of validity of the insurance certificate.

They may require you to enter other important information about the vehicle, the owner of the car.
2) The calculator calculates the cost automatically. You just have to wait for the calculation.

Sample filling OSAGO

Increasing the protection of modern CTP automobile insurance policies is a necessary measure after a huge number of fakes have appeared. On this basis, the law decided to issue a new document equipped with overestimated security measures, as well as its electronic counterpart, which cannot be forged due to the data being entered into the RSA Internet database. If you are interested in what an electronic OSAGO policy looks like, the photo is worth studying, as well as studying the basic information on the document.

The new policy is an ideal opportunity to increase the confidence of car owners in the document itself and reduce the likelihood of possible fraud. Problems of insurance documents The reason for the appearance of fake documents is the increase in insurance rates. This became the reason for forging an important document for every motorist.

What does OSAGO insurance look like in 2018?

If the insured contacts the company in order to extend the contract, the registration process is significantly accelerated, since in the form filled in the system it is enough to simply change the data on the terms and print the policy. The creation of a single database allows you to find the necessary data on a re-insurable object, even in the event of a change in the insurer company. Using the program and a single database allows you to create an electronic version of the insurance policy.

The reason for this was the possibility of making counterfeit forms, as modern technologies present such opportunities. But the insured must still receive the printed version in his hands. OSAGO is a compulsory motor third party liability insurance, created to provide guarantees for the payment of compensation in the event of an insured event, expressed as an accident on the road.

CTP policies 1.0.9

Why was it necessary to make such a castling? The main impetus for the replacement was a solid shaft of fake forms. Experts call the figure of three million fakes. It is believed that most of them are made quite professionally, with a decent quality of printing. The main version of the origin of fakes is that they are printed at enterprises producing securities in a number of neighboring countries.

There were proposals for further reformation of the very essence of compulsory auto insurance. In particular, there has long been talk about the possibility of introducing the division of insurance into three classes, which would differ in the level of the payout limit. But this initiative did not pass. A number of other proposals for reforming the system remain in the stage of discussion and preparation for implementation.

What does an electronic OSAGO policy look like?

The program that will fill out the OSAGO policy for you Any insurance agent or company seeks to optimize the process of customer service. Each meeting with a car enthusiast when applying for a new OSAGO policy is a need to study his insurance history, pick up numerous folders, notes and papers. With restriction Without restriction Download the template for filling out the OSAGO policy In the mask, change only numbers and letters. Before printing the original, make a copy of the blank policy, and practice typing on the copy of the policy. Then the agent, in accordance with the data received, must fill out a new form of the compulsory insurance policy. This takes time. A special program for filling out CMTPL helps to make this faster and easier.

Screenshots of OSAGO policies 1.0.9

In order not to fall for the bait of scammers, you should purchase a policy only from a trusted insurer, and also be wary of reduced prices. On the Internet, be sure to study all the reviews. If at the same time there are no negative opinions and neutral ones, then the reviews are not left by real people. In any case, care must be taken when choosing an insurer company.


Sometimes car owners knowingly buy fake policies, which is also a violation of the law. When choosing an insurer with which to conclude an OSAGO agreement, it is necessary to carefully approach the study of companies. On the Internet, you can carefully consider the OSAGO policy of the new 2018 model, upon receipt, check the OSAGO policy in the general PCA database - then there will be a guarantee that your document is genuine.


In other words, this is an ideal opportunity to avoid the imposed additional paid services;

  • You have the opportunity to choose a convenient payment option.

If an OSAGO electronic document has been issued, it is worth making a simple printed copy of it and having it with you in the car. It will be required by the traffic police during a routine check of documents or in case of a possible accident. The presence of such paper will allow traffic police officers to carry out the necessary checks in the absence of a network, which is typical for hard-to-reach places.

What does an electronic policy look like? An important difference between an electronic policy and a paper one is the absence of any visually visible and hidden protective elements. An electronic policy does not need such protection.

CTP electronic policy form 2018 download

OSAGO is a mandatory document that every motorist has. The policy is allowed to be issued in paper and electronic form, but when buying it, it is important not to come across a fake, and not to pay fraudsters for a fake document. To do this, it is important to know what the OSAGO policy looks like. What is the difference between a paper and an electronic policy An electronic policy is, in fact, a complete analogue of the paper version. Its main advantage is convenience. The document can be purchased on the website of the insurance company. But there is a condition - only a citizen who has already concluded an early contract with an insurance company and has a paper version of the policy can receive an electronic document. From the point of view of legal force, these are the same documents that are of equal importance when provided to traffic police officers or to an insurance company. The electronic policy has been valid in our country since 2015.

See paragraph three of clauses 1.2.1 clause 1.2 of the Instructions of the Central Bank dated November 14, 2016 N 4192-U). With its help, it will be possible to check the information specified in the form of the CMTPL electronic policy downloaded by the client using a single information system. Many companies have been using coding for quite a long time, allowing you to check the completed OSAGO form, but only next year it will become mandatory for everyone.

The new rule comes into force on January 01, 2018. From this date, it will be possible to download the e-OSAGO insurance form only with a barcode. For another six months, until July 1, insurance companies will continue to use the old printed forms, both when concluding new contracts and when providing duplicate policies. Since the maximum insurance period is one year, by July 1, 2019, the circulation of printed insurance without a bar code will stop. You do not need to apply to the insurer for renewal of insurance.

When concluding an insurance contract, it is required to fill out an OSAGO insurance form, which at first glance seems to be a difficult task. When filling out the policy, you must be especially careful, since the slightest inaccuracy can later serve as a reason for refusing to pay compensation amounts. In fact, there is an algorithm for filling out the form, knowing which, you can easily enter data into the policy form. In this article, we will consider the basic rules and methods for filling out an OSAGO policy.

Is it possible to fill out the OSAGO form by hand?

Until recently, there were several options for filling out an insurance policy:

  • filling manually;
  • computer data set into a template with subsequent printing on the original form;
  • use of a specially developed computer program for filling out OSAGO policies.

Beginning in 2003, representatives of insurance companies wrote out the policy by hand. The entire procedure for signing the contract lasted no more than 15 minutes. With the creation in 2013 of a unified AIS RSA database, it was forbidden to write out the OSAGO form by hand. AIS PCA is an electronic database that allows you to reliably determine the bonus-malus coefficient or discount for the driver, regardless of the insurance company in which the driver insures his liability.

Using a computer set, you can double-check the correctness of the entered data, and only after correcting all inaccuracies, print it out. To do this, a full-size sample of the form is downloaded to the computer and a template is created, in the fields of which all the necessary data is entered. After filling in and rechecking, all the information entered is printed on a serial form. A policy filled out on a computer in compliance with all requirements and duly certified is a valid document.

Due to the fact that with the modern development of technology there is a high probability of forging expensive forms and issuing fictitious documents, there is a gradual transition to the electronic version of the OSAGO insurance policy. In this case, all data is entered into a special program that is connected to a common database. The policyholder is issued a policy printed on a serial form, and information about the insurance contract is stored in the electronic database of the insurance company.

What is required to complete the policy?

To correctly fill in all the insurance fields you will need:

  • passport of the insured - any capable person over the age of 18 can act as an insured;
  • passport of the owner of the vehicle;
  • documents for the car: Title or registration certificate;
  • driving licenses of all drivers who will be allowed to drive;
  • diagnostic card if the car is more than 3 years old.

What does a completed OSAGO form look like?

For the entire period of existence of OSAGO, the following series of policies were issued: CCC, BBB and EEE. This is what an empty OSAGO policy of the EEE series, which has been in use since 2016, looks like:

The form of the EEE series itself includes the following fields:

  • a number consisting of ten digits located next to the series;
  • the period of insurance, from the time and date of application to the expiration date of the contract;
  • a mandatory field in which it is necessary to indicate in which period of the insurance contract the car will be used;
  • when filling out clause 1 for individuals, the full name is indicated, and for legal entities - their full name. The owner of the vehicle is also listed here. Based on the data on its place of registration, a correction territorial coefficient is calculated;
  • the next item is information about the use or absence of a trailer for the vehicle;
  • in the three boxes located under this field, the following data about the car are indicated in sequence:
    • brand;
    • model;
    • an identification number;
  • when filling out, the data of the provided TCP are used, and information about the provided document is entered: series and number;
  • followed by an indication of the purpose of using the car. This information is also taken into account when calculating the correction factor;
  • the third paragraph contains information about restrictions or lack thereof. An unrestricted policy contains a check mark in the top box and dashes in the table below;
  • if the policy is limited, then you need to check the box in the bottom box and indicate in the table the data of drivers who have the right to drive this car - the full name of each, the series and number of their driver's licenses;
  • clause 7 contains information on the total cost of OSAGO, which is the amount of the insurance premium;
  • if necessary, special marks are filled in with the relevant data;
  • The completed form must contain several seals of the insurer:
    • upper left corner;
    • the right corner of the policy;
    • when entering data in point 8, a seal imprint is required.

As a result, the completed policy form should look like this:

How to fill out an OSAGO policy through a program on a computer?

To draw up insurance contracts, special programs have been created, thanks to which you can quickly and easily issue a compulsory insurance policy. Filling out the policy consists of several sections. In each section, there are hints about what information you need to provide. Here are the main sections of the form that you need to fill out in order to print the OSAGO policy form:

  • information about the insured;
  • information about the owner;
  • vehicle information;
  • list of persons admitted to management;
  • validity period;
  • calculation of the insurance premium.

Filling in the fields about the insured

To complete this section, only the passport of the insured is required. As noted, any able-bodied citizen can be an insured. In the first section, you must specify personal information, as in the passport:

  • full name of the insured;
  • series, passport number, by whom and when issued;
  • date of birth;
  • citizenship and address of registration;
  • mobile phone for communication.

The second section is filled in in a similar way, in which personal information on the owner is indicated.

Filling in the fields by vehicle

To specify the data on the vehicle, you will need a document for the car. In practice, drivers keep the vehicle passport at home and carry only a certificate of state registration. Here are the required details that you need to enter:

  • state registration number;
  • vehicle identification number (VIN);
  • type of document (certificate of registration or PTS), series, number and date of issue;
  • if the car is required by law to pass a technical inspection, then at the end you will need to indicate the series, number and validity period of the diagnostic card. If the car is new, it must be indicated that "technical inspection is not required."

Filling in the fields about drivers

No more than 5 drivers can be entered into the OSAGO agreement. If the policyholder needs to allow more than five people to manage, then it is worth choosing the option “unlimited number of persons admitted to management”. If you choose the second option, the cost of the contract increases by 80%.

To add a driver, you must fill in the following fields:

  • Full name of the driver;
  • Date of Birth;
  • series and number of the driver's license;
  • driving experience.

Specifying the term of insurance and the period

The term of insurance under the contract is always equal to one year. Everyone chooses the period of insurance independently. According to the adopted law, the minimum term for the execution of the contract is 3 months. First of all, you must specify the date from which the policy will enter into force and the period will be calculated automatically. The usage period will be set automatically based on the calculation. According to the law, only 3 periods of use can be established during the term of the OSAGO agreement.

Insurance premium calculation

After all fields are filled in, it is necessary to calculate the insurance premium. In the calculation, you must specify the region of use of the car, year of manufacture, power, purpose of use and select the desired period of use. After the calculation, you need to make payment and print the contract.

The nuances of filling out the policy

Only representatives of insurance companies can fill out contracts according to the template. According to the law, the sale of blank OSAGO forms for a fixed fee is prohibited. By purchasing a clean policy, the car owner not only violates the law, but also receives an invalid insurance contract.

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In the mask, change only numbers and letters.
Before printing the original, make a copy of the blank policy, and practice printing on the copy of the policy

Then the agent, in accordance with the data received, must fill out a new form of compulsory insurance policy. This takes time. A special program for filling out CMTPL helps to make this faster and easier.

Program features

– Supports electronic filling of OSAGO;
– Automatically keeps records of vehicles for which insurance is issued;
– Registers, fills out and prints forms using the OSAGO sample;
– Maintains statistics on the cost and number of policies;
– Reminds customers who do not pay insurance premiums;
- Easily configurable for any changes in legislation in the field of insurance.

The agent is only required to fill out the OSAGO EEE policy once, so that at any time later he can instantly raise the client's history in the insurance company.

The program for filling out OSAGO of the EEE series allows you to find out the full insurance history of the driver:

– dates of issue of OSAGO policies;
- calculation of the amount of insurance;
- insurance payments, etc.

With the help of the program, agents issue new policies in just a few minutes. The basis for this is the previously issued insurance. For the correct operation of the program, you only need a sample of filling out OSAGO.

Program Benefits

- Convenient and understandable interface (even an employee with basic computer user skills can figure it out);
- Easy installation (just download OSAGO and run the installation);
– Ability to quickly work with personal data of customers;
– Prompt creation and renewal of contracts;
– Reliable storage of documents in electronic form;
– Printing statements, receipts and policies.

Keeping a journal of policies, storing and cataloging information about policyholders, insurers and calculating insurance premiums has become much easier and more convenient. To get the most out of the software, you will need to download a template. In professional jargon, it is often called the OSAGO mask.

Looking for a reliable insurance company? Applying for an auto insurance policy at AlfaStrakhovanie is quick and convenient. You can buy OSAGO online via the Internet or in one of our offices.

  • The online OSAGO insurance renewal service is available to all OSAGO company customers in all regions.

What is OSAGO insurance in our company? This is a high-level service, a simple purchase of a policy and quick registration, round-the-clock support and a convenient renewal of OSAGO.

What documents will be needed

You will need:

  • personal passport;
  • document on the car, confirming the right of ownership;
  • driver's license;
  • received contract of compulsory insurance.

For the correct execution of any form, it is necessary to prepare several documents that every vehicle owner has at hand.

Please note that the insurer may request all of the listed documents in the original. When receiving information online, you will need to take high-quality photographs of documents and send them to the insurer at the specified email address.

  • Application for the conclusion of the contract in the prescribed form.
  • Certificate of state registration of a legal entity (for legal entities) or an identity document (for
  • Documents for the car (passport, registration certificate, STS, technical coupon).
  • Certificates of drivers authorized to drive the vehicle (if it is prescribed in the OSAGO policy).
  • Diagnostic card, maintenance ticket or state technical inspection (according to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 170 of January 1, 2012
    of the year).

Filling out an OSAGO policy of the EEE series.

Increasing the protection of modern CTP automobile insurance policies is a necessary measure after a huge number of fakes have appeared. On this basis, the law decided to issue a new document equipped with overestimated security measures, as well as its electronic counterpart, which cannot be forged due to the data being entered into the RSA Internet database. If you are interested in what an electronic OSAGO policy looks like, the photo is worth studying, as well as studying the basic information on the document.

The new policy is an ideal opportunity to increase the confidence of car owners in the document itself and reduce the likelihood of possible fraud. Problems of insurance documents The reason for the appearance of fake documents is the increase in insurance rates. This became the reason for forging an important document for every motorist.

The template form is presented in a WORD file, it is universal for all types of OSAGO forms of the EEE series.

You can get a file with a template for filling out OSAGO - now only on a paid basis.

1. To receive a CMTPL template, you need to make a payment to a Sberbank card 4276 3800 4450 37662. In the “Message for transfer” field, enter your email address where to send the “CTP template”3. If you have any questions please email us [email protected] Applications are processed from 10-00 to 19-00 (Moscow time)

AlfaStrakhovanie offices

In addition to the passport and policy, you must fill out an application in which you are asked to provide a detailed report on the issued form. The request will need to include:

  • the name of the insurance company and the name of the head;
  • personal data and contact details;
  • number of received insurance: series and number.

Since there is a lot of fraud in the financial sector, vehicle owners, after signing the contract, ask themselves the question: where can I check the received OSAGO form with a seal?

It is important to bear in mind that experienced experts advise doing an authenticity check no earlier than 3 days from the date of registration. If you have used e-insurance services, the policy number will be instantly registered on the portal.

For information, you need to visit the official portal of the RSA. It is worth noting that the site works 24 hours a day, even on holidays and weekends. To receive information, you do not need to register and provide personal data.

1. First of all, you will need to go to the PCA portal and select the section “Information for policyholders on the status of OSAGO policy forms and the date of conclusion of the contract”. This section is located in the OSAGO tab (Information for policyholders and victims).

As a result of the request, a detailed report will appear, which will include:

  • status: issued or clean is with the insurer;
  • the name of the company for which it is listed;
  • validity period (if issued);
  • registration date.

If, following the results of the request, the specified information is missing, then the document is fake or has not yet been registered on the single portal. As for the second option, it can only be checked with a personal presence in the office.

3. For verification, you can use the service of trusted brokers, such as To obtain information, you must visit the official website of the specified broker and use the search for information that is available in the "Insurance" section.

Checking the data on the portal is also free and does not require registration and entering personal data.

To check the issued document, you should contact the insurance company, having a complete package of documents (passport and insurance) on hand. At the same time, it is important to understand that only the policyholder or another person will be able to receive information, if there is a notarized power of attorney.

It is worth noting that it is mandatory to indicate the time frame during which you ask for a response. As a rule, a period of no more than 3 days is indicated. Employees of such companies as VSK, SOGAZ and Ingosstrakh provide a detailed report immediately on the day of the request, which is very convenient.

What can I use the downloaded policy form for?

You need to submit a copy of your passport to him, the document was damaged on the day of the accident.

You can use OSAGO form for insurance. In order to receive payment, within thirty days from the date of filing the notification of the occurrence, the victim must submit an application to receive payment of insurance compensation later. You need to submit a copy of your passport to him, the document was damaged on the day of the accident.

Payment is made by bank transfer, the person responsible for the losses must be compensated for the amount of the losses themselves, but only if it is provided for by the insurance contract itself.

The downloaded OSAGO form is used by insurance companies and insurance agents. who work with various companies. With the help of such a policy, you can perform any registration actions in the traffic police. Also, you can present the traffic police officer as a regular OSAGO form and operate the car.

It is very profitable to use an electronic policy, as it saves a lot of money that is usually spent on document management. But you need to be very careful and not become a victim of scammers, contacting the wrong tariff calculation or creating a policy on a different date.

Also, such a policy cannot be lost or damaged. The only drawback is the dumping of the insurer at the expense of the commission. You can use the policy in the same way as a regular insurance policy.

Those drivers who drive a vehicle without having an OSAGO policy with them may receive a fine, and traffic police officers may also detain such people.

An OSAGO insurance policy should be in everyone who owns land vehicles. After all, the presence of such a document will simplify many tasks. Also, the presence of an insurance policy will save you from problems with traffic police officers.


The Central Bank of Russia sets the maximum and minimum tariff for OSAGO.

The cost of a new OSAGO policy consists of the base rate and individual coefficients. (According to the Instruction of the Bank of the Russian Federation No. 3384-U dated September 19, 2014, as amended on March 20, 2015) a tariff corridor is established, that is, the minimum and maximum values ​​​​of the base OSAGO rate.

Each insurance company determines its cost of an OSAGO policy within the limits set by the Central Bank of Russia.

The cost of insurance will depend on the following parameters.

car power

For large and metropolitan cities, the OSAGO policy will cost more. After all, using a car in such a metropolis as Moscow, you are at greater risk of having an accident than on a village road.

Therefore, in the capital of Russia, the regional k=2.0, and for the Moscow region - already 1.7.

Increase driver experience

Accidents in the past

The state encourages careful drivers: with careful operation of the vehicle, there is an advantageous system of discounts - 5% for each year of accident-free driving. The maximum discount cannot exceed 50% for 10 years.

The price of the policy depends on the number of drivers indicated in it. For an unlimited list of entered drivers, the coefficient k=1.8 is applied.

If the list is limited, then all drivers allowed to drive the car must be indicated in the OSAGO policy. For a limited list of drivers, k=1 is used.

How to fill out a duplicate application form

If after the conclusion of the OSAGO agreement the form is lost, you can write an application and request a duplicate. In this case, the insurer is obliged to issue insurance immediately on the day of application.

The application must indicate personal data and information of the vehicle in respect of which the electronic contract was drawn up.

In the received contract, in clause 8 there will be a note in exchange for which document a new document has been issued. Also, all the necessary information will be sent to a single database of the PCA.

In the event of an accident, the injured party must contact the office of the insurance company and file an application for an insured event. Each company has its own form for compensation, so you should not look for a template on the World Wide Web in advance to save personal time when applying.

If the insurance form is lost when fixing an accident, then you should first restore it and only after that write a request for a compensation payment. The application for payment shall include the following information:

  • personal data of the guilty and injured parties;
  • vehicle characteristics;
  • date of the accident;
  • the address where the accident occurred.

Summing up, it is worth noting that the car owner must correctly fill out all the necessary forms of contracts and applications when insuring OSAGO. As for the application for insurance, it can be filled out both personally and remotely (when drawing up an electronic document). As for an accident, in this case it is necessary to request a document template from the insurer and fill it out in accordance with its specified requirements.

If you encounter problems filling out any document, we suggest using the services of our consultant. A highly qualified specialist will quickly answer all your questions at any time of the day or night.

Why OSAGO is mandatory

Legislators at the national level have determined that everyone who drives a vehicle should have this document:

  • motorbike,
  • passenger car,
  • cargo plan car,
  • bus,
  • scooter and the like.

Important! Owners of scooters whose engine capacity does not exceed 50 cubic meters are exempt from this type of insurance, and can only do so on a voluntary basis.

If there is no OSAGO policy

Option 1. There is no document at all, and this was revealed by a traffic police officer - a fine of up to 800 rubles.

Option 2. The document is not on hand, you forgot it, - the traffic police officer sends your transport to the penalty area, and you go home after it. Here your costs will be an order of magnitude higher than the lower limit of the fine for not having him in 500 rubles.

Important! For presentation to the representative of the traffic police, only the document form itself will be needed. However, in an unforeseen situation, it will not be superfluous to have with you:

  • insurance payment receipt;
  • form Notice of DPT;
  • sticker;
  • a list of representatives of your insurer.

What are the distinctive features of the OSAGO policy form?

  1. Greenish paper with red hairs. On closer examination, you can see small red villi on the form, which are pressed into the greenish paper. This shade is due to the fact that a microgrid of green color was applied over the entire surface of the document. When the document breaks, they will clearly stand out in the overall structure of the sheet.
  2. The paper is larger than A4. The usual for such documents, the A4 format, is not used in this document. And exceeds its length by almost 1 centimeter.
  3. The presence of watermarks. If you enlighten the form, you can see watermarks, namely the emblem of the association of motor insurers of all Russia (PCA). If these watermarks are printed in a mirror image in front of you - a fake. In the originals, when viewed from the front plan, you will see it as it should be.
  4. The presence of the stamp of the insurance company and a unique number of the form. The unique number of your document will be located at the top right. When feeling it, one feels the bulge of the numbers. It consists of 10 characters. The insurer's stamp is also convex, with clear data on it, without smearing or inaccuracies.
  5. Metal strip on the back. Turning the form over to the reverse side, you can see a clearly visible metal strip on the right. About 2 mm wide, smooth to the touch.
  6. Other indicators of authenticity:
    • quality paper - pleasant to the touch,
    • high-quality paint - hands are clean,
    • EEE series only, others are no longer valid.

Information on the OSAGO policy form

  1. Validity of the contract and for all OSAGO insurances, only 1 year can be prescribed in this paragraph, another time period will confirm the falsity of the document.
  2. Insurance period– during the use of the vehicle in terms of duration, it will also be equal to 1 year, and will be displayed in the start and end dates of the insurance.
  3. Full name of a legal or civil person insured - all personal information that will be taken from the identification document.
  4. Full name of the legal or civil person of the owner vehicle all personal information of an identification nature, which will be taken from the corresponding document.
  5. Make, model, identification number and state registration plate of the vehicle- all data that will help identify your car by its unique features listed above.
  6. Type, series and number of the vehicle passport- this data will be taken from your technical passport for the vehicle, it will also be used to verify some of the data from the previous paragraph.
  7. Who is the contract for?- usually it is written in it, the one who can drive your transport under this policy. The allowed number of drivers is 5 (you and 4 others).
  8. The sum insured- informational data about its essence (reminder).
  9. Information about the insured event- information about the occurrence of insured events and their compensation.
  10. insurance premium- in other words, how much does your policy actually cost in the event of an accident.
  11. Special marks- an innovative introduction, which was previously absent, thanks to him it has now become possible to make adjustments to the insurance throughout the entire period of its validity.

The date of the conclusion of the contract and the signature of the parties is a standard item that confirms the conclusion of this transaction, marking it with signatures and the corresponding date.

Where and how can I download the OSAGO policy form

On the wide expanses of the Internet there are many options for downloading the form of this document. But it is worth noting that not all of them are legal. This can be done legally only when drawing up an electronic OSAGO document. Legislators introduced this innovation on 01.07.2015. All forms purchased without proper registration are illegal, and their purchase will be equated with participation in fraud and, as a result, will be punished criminally.

Features of downloaded OSAGO forms

  1. Presence of printing- the “wet” seal familiar to us will obviously not be here, you should not worry and run to the nearest branch of your insurance company for assurance. The electronic policy you receive will have an electronic seal that you will receive along with the policy.
  2. Is it eligible for insurance? Thanks to innovations in this area, insurance is quite legal even when issued via the Internet on the website of an officially operating insurer. After payment and entering all the necessary information and assigning a unique number to the document, it will be automatically entered into the all-Russian database of OSAGO insurance policies.
  3. Advantages of an electronic policy:
    • To purchase this policy, you do not need to go to the office of the insurance company. You can apply from any corner of the world where the Internet works, provided that you can transfer an amount corresponding to the price of the policy to the insurer's account.
    • Saving time and convenience also lies in the fact that you no longer need to search for the right insurance agents with the policies you need, everything is possible via the Internet.
    • An application for a policy is filled out in conditions that are comfortable for you, without participating in queues for them.
    • You can not spend cash on the policy, but use your electronic money.
    • You will be spared the obtrusiveness of an insurance agent who wants to sell you some additional product.

Important! You can issue an insurance policy in electronic format only on the condition that you have previously issued a policy with this insurer, but in paper form.

To issue it you will need:

  • personal identification and vehicle owner,
  • technical passport for transport,
  • documents confirming the right to drive vehicles of all drivers admitted to transport,
  • document on passing the technical inspection of the vehicle.

Important! These data must be entered into the Internet information space of the Union of Russian Motor Insurers.

Important points of OSAGO electronic policies:

  • inaccuracy in the information you provided will invalidate your policy,
  • the application of an individual for a policy must be certified by a standard electronic visa, and a legal entity - by a qualified one,
  • an electronic signature is equal to a signature made by one's own hand,
  • an individual in the application must indicate the number of his SNILS - it will be your signature of the electronic plan.
  • The paid electronic policy will be sent to you to your email address, with a visa of an enhanced plan and advanced qualification, after being entered into a special information system.

Is the service of downloading the OSAGO form paid?

The legal option automatically implies a fee for this procedure. After all, initially you must pay the policy to the insurer and only after you receive it in your e-mail box. And from there, download it or print it.

The situation is similar with fake policies, because this is a business, although not legal, but clearly setting itself the goal of making a profit.

How to protect yourself from scammers

A scammer can wait for you both when buying a paper policy and an electronic one. Both of them have smart schemes for misleading you. But if you meet the following requirements, your purchase will be safe:

  1. Do not draw up a document of such a plan "on the road" even if you are in a hurry, and in general you have no time. Here you can not show indifference in the transaction, otherwise the consequences will not please you. Ideal - to visit the office of the insurance company for its registration.
  2. Avoid buying e-policies from brokerage or agency sites.
  3. A paper plan policy must be issued only on the official website of the insurer, followed by delivery.
  4. The situation is similar and with electronic document format.
  5. Cheap cheese only in a mousetrap well, or in a fake document

Interesting! 2 out of 100 insurances are always false (data from expert bureaus).

Often, the desire to save money leads to sad consequences in the form of receiving a fictitious document. There are those who go for it consciously, motivated by the fact that they rarely check.

Both the first and second options always end badly - fines, and deprivation of discounts when buying normal insurance. Savings will not work, only expenses and worries.

Recommended! Please take this document seriously. And before issuing an electronic document, carefully read the memo on how to do this in order to avoid mistakes that will invalidate your insurance.