Get a cash loan with the lowest interest rate. The most trouble-free banks for loans. If there are no problems with credit history


Often, a loan is the only possible way to solve financial problems. Also, it is a bank loan that can help you make a large purchase without waiting until the required amount is accumulated. In this regard, it is important to choose favorable conditions for a cash loan in the best banks for consumer loans.

Where is the best place to get a cash loan?

Before applying for a loan, it is important to choose the bank that is best suited for this. Finding the best deals will be much easier if you know what lending criteria to take into account.

To determine the best banks for a cash loan, it is worth studying the following parameters:

  1. The deadline for consideration of applications is especially relevant for those who need money urgently. It usually takes several days for the bank to make a decision. However, there are offers when a cash loan is issued on the day of treatment within a few hours.
  2. The number of documents required to receive. The less certificates from work and other supporting documents are required, the faster and easier it will be to receive money.
  3. Low rate. If you manage to get a cash loan at a low interest rate, you can count on a smaller payment with the same terms and amount. In addition, it will help save the budget by reducing the overpayment.
  4. Recently, many banks provide an opportunity to come to the office only to apply for a loan, when a positive decision has already been made. In this case, an online application is submitted, which significantly saves the borrower's time.
  5. When choosing a bank, it is best to first consider the offers of those banks through which the future borrower receives wages. Often such clients are provided with various discounts for obtaining a loan.

Which bank is better to take a cash loan? Before answering this question, you will have to study the offers that are on the market. They should be compared, focusing on the criteria discussed above.

Due to the huge number of banks with different conditions, it is not easy to compare them on your own. It is much easier to use a ready-made comparison, for example, the TOP-7 rating presented below.

Tinkoff Bank is the best bank for a cash loan in 2019

Tinkoff is a unique bank that operates entirely online. It is very easy to get a cash loan online here. After filling out an application on the site, the client will not have to wait long for a response. Literally within one day you can get the necessary money.

Busy people don't have to go anywhere. After the application is approved, a bank specialist will arrive at a convenient address, sign an agreement and issue a debit card with credited money.

Alfa-Bank is a well-known bank with favorable conditions

One of the best banks in order to take a cash loan on favorable terms is the largest private bank in Russia - Alfa-Bank. The bank has been providing loans for any purpose for more than 20 years.

Cash in this credit institution can be taken without collateral and guarantors. Of the documents, you will need to provide a document confirming your income and your employment. Moreover, it is very convenient that, for example, instead of a copy of the labor one, you can provide a title for a car or a passport with marks about traveling abroad.

To find out a preliminary decision in 10 minutes, you just need to leave a request on the site.

OTP Bank - consumer loan up to 750 thousand

In OTP Bank, you can get a cash loan at a low interest rate. In this case, the purpose of borrowing does not matter.

To fill out an application, it is enough to come to the nearest office of the bank, which are quite a lot throughout our country. The decision on extradition is made very quickly, so that in a few hours you can get the necessary money.

For those who want the loan rate to be minimal (at the level of 12.5%), it is enough to meet two conditions:

  1. have an undamaged credit history;
  2. provide the bank employee with as complete a package of documents as possible.

OTP Bank has developed a special application for borrowers. If you install it on a mobile device, you can not only find out where the nearest bank office or ATM is located. The application reminds you of the need to pay a loan. Now there will be no delays!

Housing Finance Bank - a loan on the best terms secured by an apartment

Do you need a loan for a large amount at the lowest interest rate? Then pay attention to the next bank in the rating - Housing Finance Bank. In this credit institution, you can get a large loan up to 8 million rubles at a low percentage (12.49%) without collecting certificates and guarantors. The only thing that the loan issues is secured by residential real estate. Due to the fact that collateral is used in lending, it is more likely to receive such a loan than without collateral.

Favorable lending conditions and a high level of approval make a cash loan from BZHF one of the best offers among all banks!

To get a loan from a bank, it is enough to fill out an online form on the bank's website and get a decision literally immediately. The only restriction is that you can get a loan only in some large cities (see the bank's website).

Vostochny Bank is the best bank for young people over 26

For those who want to get a loan as soon as possible, Vostochny Bank is ideal. Here, without leaving your home, you can submit an application, the decision on which will be made very quickly. If it is positive, you can receive funds on the same day. By the way, if you apply online, you can get a discount on the interest rate. If the client wishes, all the necessary documents, as well as money, will be delivered to him at a convenient address. Thus, in order to get a loan from Vostochny Bank, you do not need to leave your home at all.

Loans are issued without certificates and guarantors. Moreover, a loan can be obtained by providing a minimum list of documents.

Raiffeisen Bank - consumer credit for any purpose

Raiffeisen Bank offers excellent consumer lending conditions for those who have not had time to ruin their credit history. The bank is designed for clients who have a permanent place of work and a stable income that exceeds the average. Wages can be confirmed not only with a 2-NDFL certificate, but also by issuing it on a form offered by the bank. If you meet the above criteria, you can count on a loan in the amount of up to one and a half million rubles at an interest rate starting from 12.9% per annum.

Loan disbursement is very fast. After the application to the bank is completed on the website, no more than an hour will pass before a decision is made. If you do not have time or desire to go to the bank office, you can invite a specialist to draw up an agreement at home or in the office.

Renaissance credit — cash loan on favorable and flexible terms

Renaissance credit provides customers with the opportunity to apply for a loan quickly and without problems. And those customers who have a special pre-approved offer of the bank can apply for a cash loan on a passport without presenting additional documents.

The interest rate is determined for each client individually. Reliable borrowers are entitled not only to a lower rate, but also to a higher loan amount. Renaissance is ideal for those who need money urgently, because here you can get a loan on the day you apply.

Where is the best place to get a cash loan?? Of course, where there are low interest rates, comfortable registration and feasible requirements for customers. You need to use the services of trusted banks recommended by experts. So you can be sure that there are no various unforeseen situations and pitfalls in the process of borrowing.

consumer credit- one of the most common ways to obtain finance for the implementation of their needs. For example, such needs as the purchase of household appliances, furniture, payment for education, home repairs and much more.

The average period for which a client can receive a loan is from 1 month to 7 years, inclusive. At the same time, in most cases, funds are issued in cash, but sometimes they are also credited to the client's card. Many banks for obtaining a consumer loan up to 300,000 rubles require only one document - a passport. Financial institutions usually do not require other additional information. Those wishing to borrow an amount in excess of this limit should provide proof of their financial solvency to pay off the debt (certificate of income) or leave their property as collateral.

Many financial institutions issue consumer loans in the amount of 100 thousand - 1 million rubles. Some banks provide a small loan of 5 thousand rubles, while other banks can provide a loan of up to 30 million rubles.

Our editors have collected the best offers on consumer loans currently existing on the Russian market in the table below.

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What to do if you are denied a consumer loan?

There are times when financial institutions refuse to provide a loan. Do not despair. There are 3 additional ways to get this service in Russia:

  • You can improve your credit history;
  • . The service is simple and fast. You can get a loan in cash at one of the company's offices or on a user's card using the official website. Refusal to provide a microloan is rare. At the same time, the interest rate for repaying the debt will exceed the bank rate;
  • Apply for an express loan. This advice is suitable if you want to borrow a small amount of funds. Plus, the repaid interest will also be inflated.

Lower interest rates to the lowest

The reliability and reasonable responsibility of the borrower may help to obtain a lower interest rate. To acquire such a reputation in the eyes of the employees of the financial department of the bank, it is necessary to provide a possible list of documents, including those indicating the solvency of the client. These include:

  • Passport, passport;
  • Military ID;
  • SNILS;
  • Pensioner's ID;
  • Medical policy;
  • Assigned taxpayer code (TIN).

Information on permanent income and its size can be confirmed using a personal income tax certificate of the 2nd or 3rd form for the period from 3 to 6 last months. At the same time, the first option (2-personal income tax) is more acceptable, since it indicates the constancy of financial receipts.

In addition, it is appropriate to enlist the support of one or more guarantors and provide information about the collateral.

Additional factors affecting the interest rate

The following factors affect the repayment amount of a consumer loan:

  • Accrued interest;
  • Additional commission fee (monthly or one-time);
  • Repayment scheme.

You can find out the full list of items that make up the overpayment when repaying a consumer loan from the contract. At the same time, before signing the agreement, the bank employee is obliged to present to the client the calculation of the amount to be paid. Sometimes more than half of the monthly payment goes to cover interest charges, as a result of which the client overpays.

Before signing the contract, carefully analyze the monthly payment scheme and the number of additional commissions.

Unfortunately, the economic situation in our country has been leaving much to be desired for a long time. Every person has needs. But there are not always the means to satisfy them. That is why many people decide to take out a loan. However, this is a serious decision. So people have to carefully look for a financial institution that offers the most favorable loan terms. Only after comparing several options is it possible to understand in which one to take a loan.

Clear leader

This financial institution offers several Take, for example, consumer. In Sberbank, it can be issued even without collateral. The maximum amount is 1,500,000 rubles, the rate is from 16.9%, and the term can be up to five years.

More favorable conditions are offered to people for whom an individual can vouch. Then the possible loan amount increases to 3,000,000 rubles, and the interest rate starts from 13.9%. Only the time period has not changed.

Many people, wondering which bank is better to take a loan from, like to make preliminary calculations so that the potential benefit can also be seen. Well, let's take an example. A person with an income of 60,000 rubles a month, who receives a salary on a Sberbank card, has the opportunity to take about 640,000 rubles for two years. For him, the interest rate will be 13.9% per annum. Every month you will need to pay about 30,550 rubles, and the overpayment amount will eventually be 95,000 rubles.

"VTB 24"

Talking about which bank is better to take a loan from, one cannot but touch upon VTB-24. Indeed, in the ratings, this organization ranks second.

"VTB-24" offers several "Large" - from 400,000 to 3,000,000 rubles, for a period of 37-60 months, with a rate of 15.9-17.9% per annum. "Fast" - from 100 tr. up to 3 million. The period in which you have to meet when paying off the debt is from 6 to 36 months. And the last type is the “Convenient” loan. On it, you can take the amount from 100 thousand rubles. up to 399 999 rubles. Term - from 37 to 60 months, rate - 16.9 - 25%.

By the way, many people, being interested in which bank is better to take a mortgage loan, get advice to apply specifically to VTB-24. This organization has really great conditions. Let's say a person wants to buy a 1-room apartment for 4,000,000 rubles. An initial payment of 1,200,000 will be required. The amount for people who want to buy such housing is usually lifting. "VTB-24" offers in this case to issue a mortgage for 10 years. If a person receives about 65,000 rubles a month, then for him the rate will be only 11.4% per annum. And you will need to pay 39,000 rubles / m.

Russian Agricultural Bank

This financial institution is in third place in the ranking. Many, having studied in detail the question of which bank is better to take a loan from, make a choice in favor of Rosselkhoz. This solution is especially beneficial for those people who participate in the "salary project" program of this organization. For them, the interest on a consumer loan without a guarantee starts from 15.5% per annum. If a person wants to take 750,000 rubles (this is the maximum amount) for 36 months, with a monthly income of 60,000 rubles, then he will have to give only 26,000 rubles / m, at a rate of 16.9% per annum. It is not surprising that many people choose Rosselkhoz if they have a question regarding which bank is better to take a loan from.

In addition, there are favorable mortgage offers. For housing in the Tsaritsyno residential complex, for example, a minimum annual rate of 7.5% is set. And then there are military mortgages, government-backed real estate loans, and many other offers. You can even apply for two documents! Only for this you will have to make an initial payment of 40%. The ability of a person to immediately give such an amount is an oral confirmation of his income. If he wants, say, to take 1,000,000 rubles for 36 months, then for him the rate will be 14.4% per annum. Only monthly income should be 60 thousand rubles. Because every 30 days you will have to give 40 thousand rubles. as a payment.

"Alfa Bank"

In many ratings, which clearly demonstrate which bank is better to take a cash loan, this organization is included in the top three. The conditions are favorable. The maximum amount is 2,000,000 rubles. The term is from one to five years. There are no fees and guarantors are optional, the annual rate starts at 13.99% and the issuance decision is made within a day. And early repayment is possible, which can be negotiated even by phone.

Also, payroll clients of this organization are offered good mortgage conditions. If a person wants to buy an apartment on the secondary market, then he can be given funds for 5-25 years with a down payment of 30% and execution of only one document. The rate in this case will be 17.3% per annum. If you want to buy a residential building, you will have to pay 40% of the total amount.


Many people assure that it is better to make a choice in favor of this organization, since the question has already arisen regarding which bank is better to take a loan from. Many call her one of the best.

If you apply for a loan for up to a year, the rate will be 13% secured and 14% unsecured. Need a loan for a longer period? If it varies from one to three years, then the annual rate will increase to 13.5% with security and up to 14.5% if there is no security. And on a loan for a period of 36-60 months, you will have to pay 14% and 15%, respectively. By the way, for Gazprombank clients the rate is lower by 0.5%.


This organization is also not in last place in the rating of verified financial institutions. Moreover, many advise it if a person is interested in which bank is better to take a consumer loan.

Loans in OTP are issued in cash and for any purpose. Let's say a person needs to borrow 500,000 thousand rubles. for a period of 24 months. He can be offered a rate of 14.9% per annum and a monthly payment of 24,220 rubles.

Mortgages in OTP are also profitable, especially for “their” clients. The maximum term is 30 years. Mortgages with state support are set at rates of 11.2%. For new buildings - from 12%, as well as for finished housing.

By the way, many companies cooperate with OTP, when buying in the centers of which you can get an installment plan or a loan. These are DNS, Svyaznoy, Euroset, Media Markt, Techno-Sila, MegaFon, 585, Elena Furs and many other popular brands.


This is also a fairly well-known commercial financial institution. Many often advise to go there if a person is interested in which bank is better to take a loan.

The minimum amount is 100,000 tons, the maximum is one million. Terms can vary from 24 to 84 months. The rate starts from 16.5%, and the decision on extradition is made within three working days.

If a person is a client of BinBank, then he can be given 1,000,000 rubles at 16.5% per annum, while the monthly payment will be 26 thousand rubles.

You can also apply for a mortgage here. The minimum annual rate is 11.25%, the term is 5-25 years. The initial payment should be 15%. The maximum loan amount is not limited, but the minimum is 600 thousand rubles. (Moscow) and 300 tr. (other regions). The decision is made within five days. By the way, a partial reduction in the loan, the amount of payment or early repayment is also possible.


It is a joint stock company. Talking about which bank is better to take a loan from (the list of names, as you can already understand, is very wide), one cannot but note Ugra as well. It issues four types of consumer loans. There are "Friendly", "For any purpose", "Loyal" and "Pension". The peculiarity of this bank is that there are no universal conditions - here an offer is individually selected for each client, in accordance with his income and capabilities. So you need to fill out an application first.

The same goes for mortgages. But there are some standards here. The initial payment should be 20% of the total amount. Mortgage term - from three to thirty years. The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles, the maximum is 10,000,000 rubles.


This limited liability company is also worth noting with attention, talking about which bank is better to take a loan from. The rating mainly demonstrates the popular names of financial institutions. Few have heard of Avtotorgbank. But he offers favorable conditions for car loans.

This organization has many partners, including famous foreign manufacturers. The bank issues money on a car loan in euros, dollars and rubles. The minimum amount is 300,000 rubles, the maximum is 5 million. The term can vary from 6 to 60 months. The down payment must be at least 20% of the value of the car. A deposit is not required, since the purchased car becomes it (the title will need to be transferred to the bank for storage).

If a person takes the amount for a period of 6 to 12 months, then the annual rate will be 18%. From 13 to 36 - 19%. And from 37 to 60 - 19.5%, respectively. Many take a loan in euros or dollars, because in any case, no matter what term the client chooses, the rate will be 15%. But in this case, too, there is a risk, and it lies in the unpredictable exchange rate.


This organization is also worth noting with attention, talking about which bank is better to take mostly positive ones about it. After all, Sovcombank makes profitable offers to its customers. True, the services of this organization are suitable for those people who need small amounts. So, for example, 100,000 rubles in a bank can be issued at 12% per annum. Requirements for borrowers are low - citizenship of the Russian Federation, age from 20 to 85 years, 4 months of experience at the last workplace and permanent registration in the region (also at least 120 days).

There is a consumer loan "Standard" with a maximum amount of 200,000 rubles, "Superplus" (600,000 rubles), "Pension", "Express" and even the so-called loan "For responsible", provided upon presentation of a passport and a diploma of higher education .

What do clients say?

Finally, we can talk a little about what kind of reviews about the work of banks are left by people who have used their services.

Consumer loans at a minimum interest

Today, banks are gradually reducing interest on consumer loans, but they are extremely reluctant to do so. For example, some credit institutions, in an attempt to attract customers, advertise minimum rates. But in fact, they issue loans at a high interest rate, reducing it to the declared value only a few months after the issuance of money.

This strategy can be considered a cunning trick of bankers, but on the other hand, for many individuals, for example, those who cannot boast of an ideal credit history, this is a good opportunity to borrow money for a long time at an acceptable rate. Agree, many of us, having received a refusal to lend in large state-owned banks, are ready to slightly overpay for a couple of months, but then repay the loan at a low rate for several years. In addition, this is a chance for customers with bad credit history.

It should also be noted that many banks today require a minimum package of documents from borrowers and even issue consumer loans using only one passport. If you provide a certificate of income and a copy of the work book, then you can borrow a very large amount from the bank at a low interest rate and for a long time.

10 consumer loans with a low interest rate

Here we have collected the best offers from banks in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of the country, where today you can take a consumer loan on favorable terms. The percentage will be low, but the probability of approval of a loan application is high.

Loan for any purpose in Otkritie Bank

In Otkritie Bank today you can get from 50,000 to 5 million rubles, while no collateral or guarantee is required. Funds are issued for a period of 24 to 60 months, that is, from 2 to 5 years. The decision on the application is made within 15 minutes to 2 working days. The only restriction is that the funds received cannot be spent on business-related purposes.

Who can get money

What documents are needed

Loan Easy in Gazprombank

Gazprombank today offers to borrow from 50,000 to 3 million rubles. Funds can be borrowed for a period of 13 months to 7 years. In this case, to receive money, you do not need to attract guarantors or leave anything as collateral to the bank. The loan is issued without collateral.

Who can get money
Age from 20 years; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + 1 document + Proof of income.

Raiffeisenbank loans

In Raiffeisenbank today you can get a loan for any purpose without collateral and guarantors. Up to 500,000 rubles can be taken with just two documents. All you need is a passport and proof of income. If you ask for a large amount, you will have to carry a copy of the labor. Citizens of the Russian Federation, except for individual entrepreneurs, aged 23 to 67 years old, can receive a loan.

Who can get money
Age from 23 years; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + proof of income.

Cash loan at Home Credit Bank

A consumer loan in Home Credit Bank can be obtained without collateral and guarantors. There is also no issuance fee. Those who have already borrowed at Home Credit Bank can count on an amount of 1 million, and new customers will be offered to first take up to 500,000 rubles for up to 5 years. The package of documents is minimal: the loan is issued according to the passport. But you can also provide SNILS, and pensioners - a certificate from the FIU. Citizens of the Russian Federation under the age of 70 with a permanent source of income can apply.

Who can get money
Age from 18 years old; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + 1 document + Proof of income.

Alfa-Bank loans

A loan from Alfa-Bank today can be taken without commissions and guarantors, and the rate does not depend on the availability of insurance.

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 and older can receive money. It is important to have a regular income of 10,000 rubles after all taxes and a continuous work experience of 3 months or more.

Who can get money
Age from 21 years old; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + 1 document + Proof of income.

Sovcombank loans

Sovcombank has many loan programs for receiving money for various purposes. According to the passport, you can take a loan in the amount of up to 40 thousand rubles. And on the security of real estate, you can get up to 30 million rubles. An important advantage of Sovcombank can be considered that here you can get a loan for pensioners up to 85 years old, and no extra certificates and documents are required.

From 8.9%

Min. bid

Up to 100,000 rubles.

Max. sum

Max. term

Who can get money
Age from 20 years; experience from 4 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + 1 document + Proof of income.

Bank loans Renaissance Credit

You can get money at Renaissance Credit Bank on the same day you apply. With the highest probability, the bank will approve a loan to clients aged 25 to 70 who can confirm their employment with a copy of the work book certified by the employer or an employment contract. It is good if the borrower has an income of more than 8 thousand rubles a month.

Who can get money
Age from 24 years; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + 1 document.

UBRD loans

The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development is registered in Yekaterinburg, but it has offices in many Russian cities: in Krasnodar, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara and others. You can get a loan from UBRD by providing only a passport and a certificate of income. Clients aged 21 to 75 years old with a total experience of 12 months, 3 of which are at the last place of work, can receive money. By the way, UBRD has a special product for the elderly – the Pension loan. Pensioners can receive money only with a passport.

Who can get money
Age from 19 years old; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + 1 document.

OTP Bank loans

OTP Bank today provides an opportunity to issue cash loans for individuals on favorable terms. Depending on the needs of the client, the loan manager will select the most suitable loan option. Loan processing in OTP Bank is possible in just 15 minutes. Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 21 to 68 years old, including pensioners and individual entrepreneurs, can apply for money.

Who can get money
Age from 21 years old; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed

Loans at low interest in Vostochny Bank

In Vostochny Bank, you can get the necessary amount of money without unnecessary certificates and other documents. A loan in the amount of up to 1 million rubles is issued on the basis of a passport, the application is processed quickly, and the rate is quite low.

A consumer loan from Vostochny Bank can be provided to any employed citizen of the Russian Federation aged from 21 to 76 years old with at least 3 months of experience at the last place of work.

A loan for a larger amount - up to 30 million rubles in Vostochny Bank can be obtained on the security of real estate. The loan is issued for a period of 15 years, and the interest rate in this case will be minimal.

Who can get money
Age from 21 years old; experience from 3 months.

What documents are needed
Passport + 2 documents + Proof of income.

Loan calculator: calculate payment online

How to get a low interest consumer loan

✓ First, contact the bank where you are a payroll client first. If you receive a salary on a Sberbank card, then first of all go for the money there, if you are a salary client of VTB, then act accordingly. In "native" banks, you are likely to expect lower interest rates and a minimum package of documents.

✓ Secondly, do not get hung up on one bank. Consider several options. Apply to multiple locations at the same time. Believe me, each of the banks will offer you its own interest rate and you will be able to choose the best option.

✓ Thirdly, do not be lazy to collect more documents. Many banks today issue cash loans without a certificate of income, and sometimes only with a Russian citizen's passport. This is convenient, but the interest in these cases is unlikely to be minimal. To get a really low rate, confirm your financial viability with documents: a certificate in the form 2-NDFL and a copy of the work book.

Do you know that…

A loan may be denied today due to high personal income tax

Before applying for a loan, try to at least roughly calculate your Debt Burden Index (DLR). It represents the ratio of monthly payments on loans to the total income of the client, confirmed by documents.

Today, all banks and MFIs must necessarily calculate the personal income tax of each client who plans to borrow more than 10,000 rubles. If he is high, then the money will most likely be refused.

How to calculate PDN

Banks and MFIs use a rather complex formula for calculations. But you can roughly calculate your PDN yourself. To do this, you need to divide the monthly expenses for all loans by income.

PTI = (all loan expenses for 12 months / official income for 1 year) × 100%

If you give more than half of your income to repay loans, then such PTI is considered high and a new loan may not be given.

To increase your chances of being approved for a loan:

✓ Maximize existing loans;

✓ Reduce credit card limits;

✓ Submit documents to prove income not earned at the main place of work;

✓ Find a co-borrower with a high income.

How to assess your strength before getting a loan

Before applying for a loan, it makes sense to conduct an experiment, that is, try to live for at least a month on the money that will remain after making a payment on the loan.

This is advised by the first vice president of the self-regulatory organization (SRO) "National Association of Professional Collection Agencies" (NAPCA).

So you can understand whether it is realistic to live on the amount remaining after the payment of the monthly payment or not.

Ideally, the loan payment should not exceed 30-40% of income.

Note that the above conditions and interest rates on deposits of individuals are not a public offer.


The habit of solving current financial difficulties with the help of bank loans has become an integral part of the life of a modern person. Having picked up the necessary purchase - a home theater or a car, it is equally important to determine in which bank it is more profitable to take a loan so that the bank rate is low, and the amount of overpayment in the end does not turn out to be very large. The timing of consideration of the application and the requirements for the solvency of the borrower are of no small importance, otherwise the car you have chosen will have a different owner.

How to determine which bank is more profitable to take a loan

Choosing the best offer is like solving a complex equation where you need to take into account many indicators at once. For example, it may turn out that one financial institution will have a suitable percentage, but very high requirements for issuing a consumer loan without collateral and guarantors, while the other has a more loyal attitude, but there is no possibility of early repayment, and so on. Finding the most suitable option is a very individual process, depending not only on the desired amount, but also on your income level, work experience, and previous credit history.

Interest rates on loans

One of the most important criteria for choosing where it is more profitable to take a loan is the interest that the borrower pays. The interest rate depends on many factors, among which one of the first places is the period of payments and the type of loan itself. Many organizations have basic offers for mortgages or car loans with a rate of 13% - this is not so much compared to other options where 40% is not the limit. For an initial benchmark, it is good to use the parameters of a consumer loan without collateral issued by Sberbank at 18.5% for up to 5 years.

The possibility of obtaining a loan online

Terms of consideration of the application

The decision-making time is from five minutes to two days. Often, the money issue is not very urgent for the borrower (for example, the purchase of furniture or educational purposes), so waiting a day or two will not create problems. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the long term for considering an application is not so much a whim of employees as a requirement to check documents, especially when it comes to an unsecured loan.

Loan amount and repayment period

In such matters, banks proceed from considerations of reasonable necessity, offering contract options that are convenient for both parties and optimal for payment. In other words, it is unlikely that you will find a three-million loan for a week, but getting the same amount for 5 years secured by real estate is quite realistic. By lending money to borrowers, companies take care of making a profit, and it is formed from interest income. If you do not consider car loans with a mortgage, then the most popular loan these days is 100-200-300 thousand rubles for several years.

Where to get a loan on favorable terms

The first thing I can advise to someone who is considering which bank is more profitable to take a loan is to spare no time to study the current situation. A few hours that you spend on the Internet can not only reduce your payments, but also save your nerves. At the same time, keep in mind that if you receive a salary to your account (plastic card), your application at this financial institution will be processed much faster, and you can count on a lower rate.

consumer credit

It is much easier to get a consumer loan secured by a guarantee or property, but this is not a prerequisite, but acts as a reliable way to reduce the interest rate and increase the maximum amount. Some interesting options where to get a consumer loan are shown in the table:



Maximum amount, rub.

Maximum term, years


"Consumer without collateral and guarantee"

UniCredit Bank

"For New Clients"

Sberbank of Russia

"Consumer under the guarantee of individuals"



Cheap cash loan

When trying to get cash at the lowest cost, pay attention to the promotions that financial institutions run and the list of additional requirements - this is also a good way to save money on payouts in the future. For example, by confirming the purpose of a loan at CenterInvest Bank, you can reduce the interest rate by 1%. If you are looking for an inexpensive consumer cash loan, then the offers from the table may be suitable for you:



Maximum amount, rub.

Minimum interest rate, % per annum

Maximum term, years

"Consumer Cash"

Bank Center-Invest

"With proof of income"

Renaissance Credit

"More documents - lower rates"

Home Credit Bank

"Cash on credit"

Car loans

Almost all major players in the credit market have this popular service. For borrowers, a government subsidy program that reduces the loan rate to 6% can be very attractive. But at the same time, there may be significant restrictions, for example, issuing loans only for foreign cars, in addition, banks offer other conditions for used cars. In many cases a down payment of 10-25% of the total is required - the table looks at these examples:



Maximum amount, rub.

Minimum interest rate, % per annum

Maximum term, years

"For a new car"


"Car loan"


Communication Bank

"Your car"

Mortgage loans

There are a lot of different options for obtaining a mortgage - a financial institution can finance the purchase of housing under construction or ready-made housing, there are also separate proposals for the construction of a country house or commercial real estate. Social programs with the participation of maternity capital and mortgages for military personnel who are members of the NIS (accumulative mortgage system) deserve special attention. Do not forget that very often a down payment is required for a mortgage (usually from 20%) - the table will help you compare different offers:



Maximum amount, rub.

Minimum interest rate, % per annum

Maximum term, years

"Purchase of finished housing"

Bank "Ugra




"Acquisition of finished housing"

Where to get the most profitable consumer credit on a card

Credit card offers are also varied, for example, Alfa-Bank has more than 20 different options. It can be traditional classic, partner, premium credit cards. When choosing a card, be sure to pay attention to the period of preferential service (grace period), when non-cash purchases can be made without interest. Typically, this period is 60-100 days, but can be up to 200 days. Consider banks offering favorable conditions for providing cards:

  • Alfa-Bank is one of the leaders in this segment, distinguished by a wide range and a large selection of affiliate programs (Russian Railways, Cosmo, M.Video-Bonus). For VIP-clients there is a personal platinum card with a reduced interest for using a loan and priority service. Fans of innovation will appreciate the versatility of the "Gemini", which combines a credit card with a debit card and has no analogues in Russia.

  • The line of Sberbank offers, in addition to the standard and gold cards, includes a youth version (with a reduced loan limit) and an instant issuance card, issued in 15 minutes. Those who like points will like premium credit cards, with which it is convenient to accumulate bonuses when using the services of transport companies, cafes, restaurants, supermarkets or taxis.
  • Several card options are offered to customers by Promsvyazbank. In terms of characteristics, Supercard is closest to the standard option, while premium customers can be recommended PSB-Platinum with individual service and good discounts. They didn’t forget about partner options either - there are as many as three types of TransAero cards for preferential services for air travel.
  • The competitive advantage of Raiffeisen Bank is such nice little things for individual cards as no commission for cash withdrawals, free service for monthly purchases for a certain amount or cash back up to 5%. The company also has other offers: for example, a Travel Rewards credit card, with which it is convenient to book tickets or hotel rooms.
  • Among the various Rosbank credit cards, you can find a classic card or an offer for travelers with miles accumulation, cash back up to 7%, or a special "Autocard" optimized for parking lots, gas stations and car washes. An unnamed card is of particular interest - although it has a small limit and a high percentage for cash withdrawals (100,000 rubles, 6.9%), it is easy to issue and, in case of critical financial need, may be a suitable option.

For clarity of comparison, let's summarize the information about standard cards in a table:


Map name

Maximum amount, rub

Minimum interest rate, % per annum

Grace period, days

Minimum price annual service, rub.

Minimum fee for cash withdrawal

Alfa Bank






The first year is free, then up to 1,500 rubles.

Raiffeisen bank

"Cash card"

"Cash card"

Which bank is the best for a loan

Seeing lengthy lists of organizations, an unprepared person may experience confusion, because it's so easy to get lost here! But everything is not so critical, so if you are looking for the cheapest bank loans, you only need to look at what suits you. Start with a bank where you receive a salary, in this case, applying for a loan will be much easier, and the rate will be more acceptable.

Sberbank of Russia

We can say that in many ways this is a kind of standard by which you can navigate. Therefore, even if you know for sure that you will apply elsewhere, ask about the conditions. This company has a very well-developed line of offers for all credit areas and different types (without collateral, non-target secured by real estate, for military personnel, etc.), there is an active issuance scheme on the Internet, and other services that make the service very convenient.

Renaissance Credit

The organization offers several loan options, and the requirements for the borrower are spelled out immediately in the title: “For a good credit history”, “More documents - lower rates”, etc. Interest can be reduced from the standard 28% to 13.9% - more, than twice! The bank has no commission for issuing and servicing a loan, early repayment is allowed, which makes these options even more attractive for those who decide to apply here.

VTB Bank of Moscow

The only offer for individuals is a non-targeted "Cash Loan". Well suited for salary card holders or working pensioners, because it provides a simplified scheme for receiving at low interest rates. The maximum amount is 3,000,000 rubles, the minimum rate is 13.9%, if you have a certificate of income, you will receive an answer in 15 minutes. There are special conditions for refinancing for state employees and civil servants.


The basic offer is a loan up to 1,500,000 rubles, without collateral or guarantee. The company's website honestly indicates not only the "fork" of interest payments (12.9-15.9% per annum), but also the conditions for its reduction (salary customers, employees of partner companies, etc.). Another indisputable advantage is the ability to repay the loan ahead of schedule even from the first month of payments.

Tinkoff Bank

The relatively high interest rate of 14.9% is offset by the ease of registration. Documents are filled out online, after approval, the manager brings you a debit card with a loan and a repayment schedule. A nice bonus will be a cashback of up to 30% of purchases, and a free annual service. The standard offer is limited to 1 million rubles, but there is an opportunity to get a larger amount.


For customers who already have loans from other banks, a balance consolidation service is offered. Simply put, all customer loans are being transferred to Citibank at a new rate of 15% per annum – when the situation with repayments threatens to get out of hand, this can be a suitable solution. There are also classic loans with a rate of 14%, where the number of documents is minimal (a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is enough).

Alfa Bank

Borrowers are offered a variety of programs, including consumer loans, car loans, mortgages and credit cards. This will be especially convenient for payroll clients, whose rate can be reduced to 11.9% compared to the standard 15.9%. An advantage can be called your own insurance company (an additional cost of 0.2-0.37% per month of the total amount will be required), plus many repayment options - through terminals, the Internet or accounting at work.

Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Depositors or holders of payroll cards, for whom there are special offers, will be able to take out a loan at a favorable rate. Also an interesting option would be a mortgage with a down payment of 15% and a rate of 10.8%, which is attractive compared to other banks. On the other hand, the Minute Business loan offer, which hides very high interest rates (up to 63%) behind an attractive name, will not be very attractive.