Home Credit Bank has updated its logo. Home Credit: whose bank is this and its history Download the Home Credit Bank logo


Home Credit Bank ( Home Credit Bank) is the largest credit organization established in 2002. A subsidiary of Home Credit Group (Czech Republic) provides services in the field of consumer lending, issuing loans to Russians with a short and sometimes zero credit history.

Today the bank is part of the international group of companies PPF (the largest company in Europe), which exercises control over 88.62% of the shares. Who owns and whose bank? Formally, the owner is Jiri Šmejc, Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Today, Home Credit branches are located in approximately 2,000 settlements in Russia. In fact, their history dates back to the summer of 2002, when a Russian first received a consumer loan under this brand.

Already in 2003-2004 the largest retail chains, existing by that time, entered into business cooperation agreements with Home Credit Bank. Among them are Eldorado, M-Video and others. At the same time, the organization begins to expand across regions of the country.

In 2004, a payment card was issued for the first time, Home Credit Bank begins to make a profit and becomes a full participant in the MasterCard payment line. In 2005, the first loan was issued in cash and a representative office was opened in Nizhny Novgorod.

The year 2006 was remembered for the fact that Home Credit Bank took a step into the mortgage lending. All this is accompanied by the introduction and then establishment of a program aimed at reducing the level of fraud and other illegal acts in the financial sector.

In subsequent years, Home Credit Bank entered the car lending niche, carried out an effective marketing campaign under the name “0-0-24” and steadfastly responded to Russian crisis(2008), starting, as the owner indicated, to attract deposits.

Salary projects are being launched, Internet technologies are being gradually developed - online banking is being launched, the official website is being improved and SMS alerts are being introduced. A network of ATMs is being developed in all regions of the country.

By 2012, the priority operating principles of Home Credit Bank became simplicity, convenience and speed (formation of the slogan “Simple. Fast. Convenient”). The line of credit products is radically changing, and an improved type of agreement is being introduced.

By the way, the advantage of Home Credit Bank even now is that all the nuances of lending are presented on one sheet (A4 format) and in a language understandable to each borrower.

As directed by the manager, the agreement does not contain footnotes or asterisks in small print.

Now the bank conducts not only financial, but also social activities, participating in many national awards, promotions and charitable foundations. By 2017, a global rebranding was carried out - the logo and corporate style were updated with the participation of Czech manager Tomas Kucer.


Home Credit and Finance Bank focuses on lending to various groups of the population, and actively uses its distribution network. The priority area of ​​work is issuing POS loans. What is this? Applying for loans directly at points of sale when purchasing goods (for example, telephones, televisions, etc.).

Additionally, services such as opening deposits and participating in salary projects. Credit and debit cards are issued. According to official data from the bank, their cards occupy 6.2% of the total volume in the domestic market (a very high figure!). The main types of cards are “Standard”, “Premium” and “Exclusive”.

www.homecredit.ru is the official website of Home Credit Bank. Here users can not only obtain information they are interested in about available products and lending conditions, but also take advantage of a number of services. On the portal you can find out the goals, offers and loyalty program of the credit institution, and also use a calculator to decide which tariff is most profitable for you.

Financial activities

Since 2008, Home Credit LLC has begun intensive activities aimed at increasing the financial literacy of the Russian population. He conducted more than 45 master classes with specialists and experts in the field of financing and lending in various cities throughout the country.

With the participation of the Association of Commercial Banks “Russia”, a “Memo to the Borrower” was developed, released and distributed. It is aimed at increasing financial literacy and allowing citizens to navigate the variety and servicing of credit products.

Additionally, among working media and private journalists, the bank’s board launched a competition for the development and provision of best material, capable of increasing financial literacy citizens of the country.

10 interesting facts

Especially for those who are interested in history and activities Russian bank Home Credit, a selection of 10 interesting facts:

  • Home Credit Bank takes 1st position in the TOP 100 largest credit institutions RF by return on assets. His media productivity is estimated to be at least 3 times higher than the national average.
  • A client who has taken out any loan from a bank has 2 days to cancel it without applying sanctions - fines or commissions. This rule attracts a new audience and has a simple name - “48 hours”.
  • According to official statistics from Home Credit Bank, almost every third citizen Russian Federation- their client. The assessment was carried out only among economically active population countries.
  • In 2018, over 4,000,000 loans were received here, and more than 50% of borrowers apply for them again. This is not surprising, since the organization offers affordable conditions for all programs in the line.
  • The Home Credit Bank network grew 7 times by the beginning of 2018. Now the bank's branches are distributed throughout all regions of the country and offer more than 1,500 jobs for employees and managers in the field of finance.
  • Home Credit took 6th place in the ranking in terms of recognition of national banks and their logos (an analytical study was organized in the fall of 2011, the next one is planned for 2021).
  • Last year, the organization’s products were used by more than 170,000 citizens who decided to open here time deposits. The volume of deposits increased almost 4 times - a significant result for everything Russian market.
  • In the office of the Obninsk representative office of Home Credit, a preschool institution called “Greenhouse” is open and operating, which is attended by more than 30 children of bank employees.
  • The organization launched the Blue Bird support project, allowing gifted children to discover their abilities. Already more than 100 children from various regions of the country receive scholarships and study at universities.
  • This year Home Credit Bank is 16 years old!
  • Prospects for further development

    The banking establishment Home Credit Bank has been known since 2002. The services offered are in demand among corporate clients, so individuals in various constituent entities of the Russian Federation. The bank has repeatedly confirmed its stability and prospects, which is proven by its leading positions in various studies and ratings.

    According to Wikipedia, Home Credit is distinguished by a widely branched network of representative offices, offices and branches. The number of regular customers exceeds 17,000,000 people, which is one of the indicators of the authority and stability of the institution.

    Over the 16 years of operation, the bank issued more than 13,000,000 credit cards points, and the number of active clients increases annually by 3-4 times. Why not confirm that the bank’s activities will only improve?

    Instead of output

    Home Credit Bank is a Russian, rapidly developing organization specializing in POS lending.

    Home Credit: whose bank is it and its history

    The same words remain on the logo – “HOME CREDIT BANK”, placed vertically one below the other, but written in a different font. The letter “O” in the words “HOME” is stylized as a smiling emoticon. This is what the Home Credit Bank logo now looks like. The previous visual symbols of the credit institution regularly performed their function for 15 years. However, as a result of repositioning, the bank had to change it.

    The management of the credit institution hopes to strengthen its position in the segment of working with young and active people, which is why the letter “O” has become more informal and positive.

    The credit institution is expanding its line of online services, which required changing the logo font to a clearer one that is better perceived from computer screens and gadgets.

    Do you know that:

    Consumer lending is one of the most popular financing services in the economic world today. developed countries peace. The population of Europe alone takes out about 200 billion euros in credit in one year.

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    New bank policy - new logo. For the first time in 15 years of its existence, Home Credit Bank is redesigning its logo. According to the bank's PR managers, the new design represents orientation to a new level and attracting a young audience. The new logo is also highly readable and looks good even on smartphones with small screens.

    The updated logo has a pleasant color scheme and a font that meets new trends, and the letter O is made in the style of a smiling face. The logo update is not only cosmetic in nature, but also reflects the innovations that Home Credit has been actively introducing lately.

    Old logo

    New logo

    Home Credit Bank is improving the quality of its services and expanding its line of cards with favorable conditions uses that make it convenient not only to apply for loans, but also help consumers with everyday purchases in stores and supermarkets. According to the chairman of the bank’s board, “People want from a bank speed in decision-making when it comes to loans, ease of service and transparent conditions. Our bank has these qualities, which are emphasized by the updated design.”