1c does not load bank statements. Interaction with systems such as "bank client". Loading payment orders


In order not to manually enter bank statements into your enterprise software, you should ask how to load a bank into 1C 8.3. Simply put, this process can be automated for a long time; you just need to approach this task correctly. Entrust the setup of the 1C program to programmers and you will never return to this issue.

How to load jars in 1C 8.3?
If you follow the entire download process step by step, you will end up with everything you planned. You must have a good understanding of the system interface. The main action processes are divided into three groups:
uploading from the client bank to a file;
creating a backup copy;
loading from a file into the 1C database.

These are fundamental tasks on the way to loading the bank in 1C 8.3. The first process looks like this: menu “Settings” - “General”. In the new window, select “Export”.

Be sure to check the box next to 1C “File for exchange” and enter the correct path to the document there. Its extension should only be txt. Next, to load the client bank into 1C 8.3, we confirm our action by clicking on “Save”. In the next window, click on the “Out” button and select “Export to 1C...”. We can consider that we have successfully completed the first of three important processes.

Next, we are working on creating a backup copy for loading the bank into 1C 8.3. This step is your guarantee of safety. It is better to prevent yourself from possible troubles than to eliminate them later. After you have completed this stage, we move on to the very last and most important task - loading from a file into the 1C database.

To ultimately load the bank into 1C 8.3 successfully, follow the following chain of actions: section “Bank and cash desk”, item “Bank statements”. In the journal, click on “More”, go to “Exchange with the bank”. A tab called “Download from Bank” will appear in a new window, go into it and at the very bottom click on “Download”.

Automation details in 1C
The entire process of loading a bank statement into 1C 8.3 can be considered complete if you followed a clearly defined algorithm of actions. If you encounter difficulties at any stage, please contact technical support. Specialists will help you understand any current situation, especially if it concerns loading banks in 1C 8.3.

Every software user needs to have a good understanding of all system settings. 1C is a storehouse of functionality that you need to learn to use, and then the software will work for you. After the correct setup associated with loading the bank classifier into 1C 8.3, the system will become your indispensable assistant.

Using the classifier contained in some of the programs, you will always receive up-to-date data regarding the details of banking institutions. In order to load the bank classifier in 1C 8.3, you should go to the “All functions” menu, go to the “Directory” and select “Banks”. In the new window, click on the “Select” button, then on “Load classifier”. We put a tick next to the entry “from the agency’s website...”, and upon completion of work, we confirm all our actions by clicking on “Next”. That’s it, we can assume that you have completed loading bank classifiers into 1C 8.3.

Joint setup with the company "Setbi"
If you are looking for a worthy specialist in the field of implementation and automation of 1C software, then contact us. Many accountants try to independently configure the download of bank statements in 1C 8.3. For unprepared people, this takes a lot of time, and the result is not always satisfactory.

It’s better not to save money and trust the professionals. After all, after you have established the exchange of documentation between banks and loading bank statements into 1C 8.3 is successful, the work will proceed faster and more efficiently. And this is one of the main goals of any entrepreneur.

The Setby company will provide you with a full consultation over the phone, after which you will find out what needs to be done to ensure that the download from the bank to 1C 8.3 is successful. Our technical support is available 24 hours a day. Leave your contact numbers and we will contact you as soon as possible.

Payment orders, or payment slips, are downloaded from 1C 8.3 for further loading into the client bank. To correctly upload payment bills, you need to configure certain 1C 8.3 parameters. Read on to learn how to set up an exchange and how to upload payment cards from 1C 8.3 to the client bank.

Read in the article:

After you have created payment orders in 1s 8.3, you can upload them to the client-bank system for payment. The procedure for exchanging payments in 1C 8.3 consists of two stages:

  1. uploading a text file from 1C 8.3
  2. uploading this file to the client bank

To generate an upload file in 1C 8.3, you need to set up an exchange with the client-bank. Setting up the exchange is necessary not only for the correct upload of payment slips from 1C 8.3, but also for loading bank statements from the client bank into 1C 8.3. In this article we will tell you how to set up an exchange and how to upload payments from 1C 8.3 to the client bank in three steps.

How to download payments from BukhSoft

Step 1. Set up data exchange with the client bank in 1C 8.3

Go to the “Bank and cash desk” section (1) and click on the “Payment orders” link (2). A window will open with a list of previously created payments.

In the window that opens, in the “Organization” (3) field, select the organization (4) for which you want to set up an exchange. A window will open with a list of created payments for the selected organization.

Next, click on the “Send to bank” button (5). A window for exchanging data with the bank will open.

In the “Exchange with Bank” window, click the “Settings” button (6). The exchange settings window will open.

Step 2. Specify data exchange settings in 1C 8.3

In the “Exchange Settings with Bank Client” window, specify:

  • your bank account (1). Select the bank account for which you are setting up the exchange;
  • program name (2). Select from the list the bank client program that corresponds to your bank account, for example, “Client-Bank System” of CJSC “Bank “New Symbol””;
  • upload file to the bank (3). Here, click “Select” (4) and specify the name of the file and its location on the disk. When uploading payment invoices, this file will be used for exchange;
  • correctness of the document number (5). Check the box if you want the client bank to check payment slip numbers for repeatability.

After completing the settings, click the “Save and Close” button (6).

Step 3. Upload payments from 1C 8.3 to the client bank

Client bank - a program for remote work with your servicing bank. In such systems it is possible to download files with payment slips from 1C 8.3. To download a file from 1C 8.3, go to the “Bank and Cash Desk” section (1) and click on “Payment orders” (2). A list of payment orders that you created in 1C 8.3 will open.

In the window that opens, select your organization (3).

Now in the window you will see payments only for the selected organization. Next, click the “Send to Bank” button (4). The “Exchange with Bank” window will open.

In the window you see payment orders prepared for payment. They are in the Prepared state (5). Payments that will be downloaded are marked with ticks (6). You can uncheck payment orders if you do not want to pay for them. In the “Upload file to bank” window (7) you will see the path to the file that you specified in setting up the exchange with the client-bank. You can specify another file to upload. To do this, press the “…” button (8). To save the file with payments, click the “Upload” button (9). After this, the payment status will change to “Sent”. Your payments have been sent to the bank.

The file with payments is visible in the “Upload file to bank” field (7). Log in to your bank client and download this file to make a payment. You specified the location where this file is located in setting up the exchange with the bank (see step 2).

Let's look at setting up a bank client in 1C Enterprise 8.2.

Setting up a bank client is very important. It greatly simplifies the life of an accountant from simple and routine work. In this article we will only look at setting up data loading into 1C Enterprise Accounting 8.2 from client-bank files. We will not consider downloading data from a client bank - it is different for each bank. Let's look at how to download statements from the client bank into 1C.

Setting up a client bank with 1C

To set up a bank client in 1C 8.3 you need to:

Go to the menu “Bank” - “Bank statements” - “Download”:

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The system will inform you that there are no settings in the system, click “yes”:

In point Serviced bank account You must indicate the account to which payment orders will be sent. On the list The name of the program select the program from which you are downloading the file. For Sberbank, this is the Client automated workplace of the Client-Sberbank AS of Sberbank of Russia.

Upload/upload file - setting up the disk space where payment orders will be exchanged between the client-bank and 1C 8.3. By default the files are named kl_to_1c.txt And 1c_to_kl.txt.

That's all. The client bank setup is complete.

Loading payment orders

If your bank client is configured, loading payments into 1C 8 is very simple:

To exchange information with banks via electronic communication channels, specialized programs like "Bank Client". "1C: Accounting 8", for its part, provides the opportunity to exchange information with such programs. To solve this problem, “1C: Accounting 8” uses special processing called from the menu.

Special processing allows:

  • select payment documents in the information base "1C: Accounting 8", then upload them to a program like "Bank Client" for transmission to the bank via electronic communication channels;
  • upload to the information base "1C: Accounting 8" from a program like "Bank Client" information received from the bank about transactions on the organization’s current accounts.

Data exchange between "1C: Accounting 8" and a program like "Bank Client" is carried out through an intermediate information storage, which is a text file.

When uploading payment documents, "1C: Accounting 8" creates an exchange file, and the program type "Bank Client" then it loads it.

When loading information into "1C: Accounting 8", the actions are performed in the reverse order: first, a program like "Bank Client" generates an exchange file, and then “1C: Accounting 8” downloads it.

Loading and unloading into the information base "1C: Accounting 8" can be performed alternately using processing "Bank client (upload/upload payment documents)"(menu "Bank" › "1C Enterprise - Bank Client").

Processing is intended for experienced users.

In the processing form, you should indicate the period for which documents will be uploaded or downloaded, the organization, and select the name of the program type "Bank Client".

Uploading data.

On the bookmark "Unloading" in field "Upload file" you should specify the name and path of the exchange file. (The same file must be specified in a program like "Bank Client" as a download file). In field "Bank account" you need to select the account through which the exchange will be made with a program like "Bank Client".

To download payment documents, click on the button "Unload"- after this, the system will automatically generate an export file and fill it with information of all outgoing payment documents.

If after uploading to a program like "Bank Client" payment documents were changed in "1C: Accounting 8", then they can be uploaded again - in a program like "Bank Client" the list of documents to be submitted to the bank will have to change. However, it is important to understand that if the documents have already been transferred by the program to the bank, then it is not recommended to change them.

in field "Load File" you must specify the name and address of the exchange file. (Before this, the same file will have to be specified in a program like "Bank Client" as an upload file).

To load payment documents from an import file (pre-generated in the program type "Bank Client") you should press the button "Download".

When loading, the following actions can be performed:

  • details of payment documents previously entered in “1C: Accounting 8” are clarified. If the documents are from "Bank client" arrived in a modified form, they will be corrected in “1C: Accounting 8”;
  • for registering incoming payment documents, as well as outgoing ones, if the corresponding outgoing documents were not processed in 1C: Accounting 8 (that is, they were processed directly in a program like "Bank Client"), in "1C: Accounting 8" documents are created with the corresponding type of transaction, all details of the downloaded payment documents are entered in them: current account, amount, counterparty. At the same time, “1C: Accounting 8” will offer to create a new counterparty if it cannot identify it.

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In this article we will look at how to set up a client bank in 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0

To go to the settings, open the list of documents Bank statements, it is located in the Bank and cash department section. Select the More menu and find the line Set up exchange with bank in the proposed list.

A window for creating a setting will open.

In this window, fill in the basic information:

 We indicate the organization whose documents will participate in the exchange of data between the 1C program and the client-bank program.

 Next, select the bank account to be serviced. Since one organization may have several active accounts, it is necessary to select the one through which non-cash cash flows will be made. If an organization has several current accounts, and data for all of them needs to be uploaded to the bank’s program, then each has its own settings.

 In the Program name field, you must select from the list the program that belongs to the bank with which you are setting up an exchange. If you do not know what program the bank uses, check with the bank's consultants.

 In the File upload to Bank field, you must indicate the storage location on your computer for the file received from 1C; for this, you can create a new personal directory, used specifically for the purpose of interaction with the bank.

 The upload file from the Bank also requires indicating the location, but not the file uploaded from 1C, but received from the bank.

 Automatically, when choosing a storage location, the program will prompt you to fill in the names 1c_to_kl (from 1C to client-bank) or kl_to_1c (from the client-bank program to 1C) by default, or you can create files in advance and then select them when setting up.

Below are the default settings for filling in the details for substitution.

 The Group attribute for new counterparties is used to determine which of the existing groups the created counterparties will be assigned to. If the field is not filled in, a new group will be automatically added.

 To indicate the DDS item that will be inserted into documents by default, you must follow the Cash Flow Items link, which will open the Cash Flow Items directory.

 Unloading. It is indicated (by setting a flag) what types of documents need to be uploaded, whether control of the number of documents being created is required or not, and whether uploaded files should be monitored for changes by viruses.

 Loading. Here you need to specify the rules for working with downloaded data. Is it necessary to automatically create documents that were not found? Is it necessary to open the exchange file form with the bank to double-check that all information has been entered correctly into the statement? If this function is disabled, the preliminary check will not be available, and the statement will be downloaded automatically. It also indicates the need to carry out the created documents received as a result of the exchange.

The created settings must be recorded.

Now you know how to set up a client bank in 1C Enterprise Accounting 3.0. . Work with the transfer and receipt of data between 1C and the client-bank is carried out in the Exchange with bank workplace. It is called by the Send to Bank command, available in the lists of documents in the Bank section.