Trits Yalutorovsk water meter readings. Personal account tric. What happens if the water meter readings are transmitted incorrectly


Water / Cold and hot water meters

There are several ways to transmit hot and cold water meter readings in Tyumen. The easiest one is through the website of the Tyumen Settlement and Information Center (TRIC). Water consumption data can also be transmitted using the official ZHKH-72 mobile application and through Tyumen Vodokanal.

Transfer meter readings to Tyumen via TRITs

The easiest way to transmit hot and cold water meter readings in Tyumen is through the website of the Tyumen Settlement and Information Center. Data can be submitted using a special form without registering on the site.

The entrance to the section for transmitting meter readings on the TRIC website looks like this:

Testimony can also be submitted via TRIC by registering in your personal account on the organization’s website. Using this service, in addition to transmitting meter readings, consumers can:

  • generate and print a receipt
  • check your personal account balance
  • view information about previously entered readings

Submit readings using the ZHKH-72 mobile application

Housing and communal services-72 is the official application of the government of the Tyumen region in the field of housing and communal services. Users who have installed ZHKH-72 on their smartphones have access to the following functions:

  • Payment of utility services;
  • sending meter readings to your personal accounts;
  • viewing general information about management companies, their contacts, operating modes;
  • viewing consumption graphs for services, average, maximum and minimum values ​​according to transmitted readings;

You can download Housing and Communal Services-72 for mobile devices based on Android here:

For iOS mobile devices here:

Submit meter readings through Tyumen Vodokanal

Readings from water meters in Tyumen can also be transmitted through the city water utility. This can be done before the 20th of each month. The following data transfer methods are available

  • by email: [email protected];
  • through your personal account on the website of Tyumen Vodokanal LLC. The password to enter your personal account can be obtained from the customer service center at the address: Tyumen st. 30 years of Victory 38 p.10 BC "Parus" 10 BC "Parus"

What happens if you do not submit water meter readings on time?

According to current legislation, if you have not provided water meter readings, then you must be charged for this utility service based on average monthly consumption (calculatedbased on data for the last six months).

This procedure can be in effect for up to three months. Then the consumer who does not provide water meter readings is transferred to payment according to the standard.

These norms are prescribed in paragraph 59 and paragraph 60 "Rulesprovision of utility services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 N 354.

Why must water meter readings be transmitted within a strictly limited period of time?

This is one of the frequently asked questions - why does the testimony need to be transmitted exactly, say, from the 20th to the 25th?

The current legislation does not contain a strict norm requiring the transfer of meter readings within a specific period. IN "Rulesprovision of public services" only states that the timing of the transfer of meter readings should be determined in the service agreement.

In practice, utility companies introduce these requirements, since the collection of readings from apartment meters must be synchronized with the transmission of data through a common house meter.

Here you need to understand the logic of calculating water charges: residents are issued bills for both apartment consumption and general household consumption. The common house meter in this case is the difference between the sum of the readings of all individual meters and the readings of the common house meter.

If apartment meter readings are not collected all and not at the same time, then the volume of water that is included in general household expenses increases. And then they "are scattered» for all apartments, in proportion to their area.

It turns out that if the meter readings are not taken at the same time, then it seems that it is impossible to correctly calculate the consumption for each of their apartments. This is the logic of the utility companies.

Another thing is that the channels for transmitting meter readings, primarily websites and telephone lines, cannot cope with the sharply increasing load on the last day of collecting meter readings. Almost everyone has encountered this problem, one way or another.

What happens if the water meter readings are transmitted incorrectly?

Different cities and organizations have different rules on this matter. But the general approach is that incorrect readings can be corrected with the next transmission of readings.

If the error is insignificant and falls within the volume of your monthly consumption, then the easiest way is to pay the amount calculated based on these incorrect readings. And next time, pass on the correct ones. It turns out that you just paid a little in advance.

But if the erroneously transmitted readings greatly exceed your monthly consumption (let's say, by an order of magnitude), then you need to contact the organization that charges for water. Ask them to recalculate. They are obliged to do this.

To make it convenient for residents of the city of Tyumen and the region to pay for housing and communal services, a TRIC personal account has been developed - an online service located on a secure company page. What opportunities does it provide?

  • Transmit current and verify previous meter readings;
  • Check whether the receipt for the company’s services was drawn up correctly and, if necessary, print it;
  • Resolve the issue of reconciling data or adjusting accounts if an error is found in receipts;
  • Online convert mW or kW to Gcal to independently calculate payments.

In addition, your personal account displays personal data, information about the owner and contact numbers of subscriber departments.

Registration in your TRIC personal account

Registration in your personal account is carried out only after submitting a written application to the subscriber department. Documents are accepted from:

  • Apartment owners or their representatives;
  • From people registered at the specified address;
  • From housing tenants with the provision of documents confirming the legality of the rental right.

The application indicates your full name, date of birth and registration, passport details, contact phone number and e-mail. Documents should be sent to the nearest branch of TRITS OJSC by post or brought in person. After 5 working days, a login and password to enter the account will be sent to the client’s email.

Login to your TRIC personal account

The client can log into his TRIC personal account immediately after receiving the specified information by e-mail. To do this, you need to visit the official website of the company; in the left menu you should find a link to your personal page. By clicking on the “Personal Account” button, the main fields – login and password – will become available. They must be entered in accordance with the recommended language and transliteration (capital letters). If necessary, you can remember the entered data so that the subsequent authorization procedure is instant. But the company still recommends recording and keeping secret the login information received.

TRIC personal account: entering water meter readings

Having opened your TRIC personal account, entering water meter readings will not be difficult. You must follow the link of the same name and fill out the fields provided. In this case, the personal account is indicated. These 8 digits can be found on any previous receipt. Then the surname of one of the residents (or registered) at the address in question is written down. All you have to do is enter the security code (captcha) and proceed to transfer the readings. Previous and current information on water consumption for the reporting period is recorded in the corresponding windows. By clicking the “send” button, the client will provide all information to TRITs OJSC.

TRIC's personal account allows you to transfer meter readings in a few seconds!

Thus, today, in a few clicks, the TRIC personal account allows you to transfer meter readings not only for water, but also for gas and electricity. This significantly saves clients time. All information on previous payments can be verified at home. Later, if you need to make adjustments, you should contact the subscriber department to provide up-to-date information. TRITs OJSC takes care of customers and makes the payment and account control procedure easy and simple through the maintenance of personal accounts - personalized and easy-to-use online services.

Payment through your TRIC personal account

Subscribers of TRITs OJSC do not have to waste time going to the cash desk to make payments on their invoices. Starting from November 2010, users of the TRIC personal account, in addition to entering meter readings, monitoring accruals and receipt of payments, as well as generating receipts, have access to a service such as online payment for housing and communal services. And since December 2016, this function has also appeared in the Housing and Communal Services 72 mobile application.

Now, to pay utility bills, subscribers of TRITs OJSC simply need to log into their personal account from the company’s website or from an application installed on a mobile phone or tablet, generate a receipt and click the “Pay” button. Online payment is made using Visa or MasterCard bank cards from any banks. Funds are credited through Gazprombank within 3-5 business days. The service is provided without charging a commission.

The convenience of such advanced functionality has already been appreciated by thousands of users. Thus, since the beginning of 2017, residents of the Tyumen region have made 6 thousand payments totaling 21 million rubles through the mobile application alone. At the same time, online payment through a personal account continues to gain popularity. In the last six months alone, the number of electronic payments has increased 10 times. And this figure continues to constantly increase.

Online consultant in the office

One of the very convenient services provided as part of the company’s service is the assistance of an online consultant. It often happens that when working with the system, even experienced users may have questions. It is at such moments that online support comes in handy.

In addition to taking meter readings and informing subscribers about the operation of the service, consultants will always help you understand the types of services provided by the company and possible ways to obtain them. They will provide information about management companies, their contacts and operating hours. They will inform you about the current tariffs and how they are calculated.

You can request online support directly from your personal account. To do this, you will need to expand the “Consultant” section and select one of the proposed chats. For the convenience of processing citizens' requests, this section provides access to several dialog boxes. Among them there are 2 chats intended for retrieving meter readings, a chat for communication with a consultant at the passport office, as well as 4 chats for communication with consultants on other issues, depending on the region of the location of the center in which the subscriber is served.

Having selected the required consultant, a dialog box with a form for entering a question will be displayed on the screen. Requests are processed almost instantly and a response can be received within a couple of minutes. If you need to save the information received in the specialist’s response, you can print the correspondence or send it to your email.

It is worth considering that you can get an instant answer only during the working hours of online consultants from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00 local time. Online support specialists have a lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00. Outside business hours, applicants will be asked to provide their name, email address, and question. The answer will be sent to the specified email address as soon as the consultants work.

Receiving forms and documents through your TRIC personal account

Through your personal account you will only be able to receive a receipt for payment of housing and communal services. In order to print a payment document, you simply need to use the “Generate receipt” service option and then send it for printing. The receipt received in this way is absolutely no different from the one that arrives by mail. It will be accepted for payment at any payment acceptance point.

And if a subscriber needs application forms or housing characteristics cards to receive social support for housing and communal services or to receive subsidies, these documents can always be printed from the official website of TRITs OJSC in the “Our Services” section. It is worth noting that for the convenience of subscribers, all forms downloaded from the resource can be filled out directly from the computer. To do this, simply save the form, open it in Abode Reader and fill out the forms. Once all requested data has been entered, the form will need to be printed and signed.

How to disable your personal account

The issue of disabling a personal account does not often arise for subscribers. And this situation is completely justified. After all, access to the service is provided absolutely free. Even if the subscriber does not use the account, no claims or obligations can be brought against him for having access to the service.

But if, for some reason, the subscriber wants to disconnect the service from his personal account, this is quite possible. To refuse access to your personal account, the subscriber will need to contact TRITs OJSC and write a corresponding application. You will need to take your passport with you to confirm your identity.

Each apartment usually has three meters: an electricity, gas and water meter. Their indicators need to be checked every month in order to find out how many kilowatts or cubic meters were used, and accordingly how much you need to pay for the month lived.

How to take electricity meter readings?...

Electricity meter in apartment buildings, located on the landing near your apartment. Each meter has the number of the apartment whose indicators it measures; in addition, each device has its own unique number linked to the personal account of the apartment. The dial of electric meters can be electronic or mechanical; on a mechanical one there is usually one number after the decimal point or period, on an electronic one there are two. For readings, you need to take the number to the left of the separating comma or period. For example, in the figure below we will write (25 kW)

How to take water meter readings?...

Water meter usually located in the bathroom or toilet. There are several black and red numbers on its dial. In order to find out the indicators, you need to look at the device and round the numbers to a whole number. For example, if you have (659) on a black background, and (89+-) on a red background, then by rounding we get 660 cubes.

How to take gas meter readings?...

Gas meter in apartments it is located in the kitchen and the principle is the same as with the water meter. There are several numbers on the black dial and several on the red one, and we also enter the number displayed on the black background. On the electronic display, as in the figure below, the number is from left to right to the point, in our case (360 cubic meters) Dear consumers, all meters must have a seal; if it is missing or damaged, you need to write a statement to the housing office as soon as possible. In order to transfer meter readings to Ishim (TRIC), use our service.

Dear users! Please note that if the water meter verification date is missing or late, you must provide meter verification reports to your management organization. If the package of documents has already been transferred to the management organization, and the opportunity to enter testimony has not been resumed, we recommend contacting the Center for Public Services.

The service allows you to transmit water meter readings, find out the dates of meter verification and view the archive of transmitted readings.

When you first access the electronic service, you need to submit initial readings from water meters at the Public Services Center in your area.

It is recommended to transmit hot and cold water consumption readings from the 15th of the current month to the 3rd of the next month, otherwise they will be taken into account in the next billing period.

  • Who can apply for the service


  • Cost of service and payment procedure

    For free

  • List of required information

    • Payer code (payer code can be found in the upper right corner on the Unified Payment Document receipt intended for payment of housing and communal services)
    • Apartment number
    • Water consumption readings (water consumption units in cubic meters (m3))
    The fields for entering meter readings have the following restrictions:
    • You cannot enter readings if you have a new meter installed. In this case, you need to contact the State Property Management Committee of your area / management organization servicing your home to transfer documentation and make initial statements
    • You cannot submit readings if you have not submitted readings through the Portal in the last 3 months. To resume the possibility of transmitting testimony, you must contact the State Public Institution of the IS/MFC of your area
    • It is possible to miss the transmission of readings, but not more than 2 months. Indications for missed months will be taken into account in the next billing period
    • Indications entered outside the recommended period (from the 15th of the current month to the 3rd of the next month inclusive) are not taken into account when calculating accruals for the current period. In this case, the readings are taken into account in the next billing period
    • You cannot enter readings less than the verification readings (you can see the verification readings under the “?” sign opposite the meter name)
    • You cannot enter readings less than the previous reading.
    • You can enter only numbers and a separator character (period or comma), up to seven whole characters and three decimal places
    • The entered reading should not be several times higher than the standard (water consumption standard per person is 11.68 m3/month: 6.935 m3/month – cold water, 4.745 m3/month – hot water)

Attention! A new section of our website “Personal Account” has started working. Now it is possible to receive a receipt for payment and check the balance of the personal account of a housing and communal services consumer without interrupting work or household chores. Access to your personal account is possible from any computer with access to the global Internet, which allows you to control the receipt of funds paid for housing and communal services to your personal account, and check whether shortfalls (accidents) have been taken into account. The balance of your personal account will always be under your control. Having spent very little time working with your “Personal Account”, you can generate and print a receipt for housing and communal services. If your apartment is equipped with metering devices, you can enter the readings of these devices INDEPENDENTLY, be it a hot and cold water or heat meter. You also have access to information about the testimony you previously entered. You can generate and print a receipt immediately after entering new metering data.

How to register in the personal account of JSC "TRITS" Tyumen?

Access to the “Personal Account” service can be obtained by:

  • 1.Owner/tenant of residential premises
  • 2. A person who has permanent registration in a residential premises
  • 3.Legal representative of the minor owner
  • 1.Personal appeal to the subscriber point of JSC "TRITS"
  • 2. Filling out the application form presented on the website and submitting it to TRITs OJSC by post:
  • 625000, Tyumen, st. Pervomaiskaya, 40
  • 627753, Ishim, st. Karla Marksa, 57
  • 626150, Tobolsk, st. 8 microdistrict 32
  • 627010, Yalutorovsk, st. Sverdlova, 42
  • 627141, Zavodoukovsk, st. Shosseynaya, 141

If it is not possible to personally contact the subscriber point of OJSC "TRITS" to obtain a login and password for the Personal Account, the owner or the person permanently registered in this residential premises (registration by passport), you must fill out an application (form No. 1).