Increase in salaries for federal civil servants this year. The government will sharply increase spending on motivation of civil servants


According to the latest information, in 2018 the government plans to introduce a new contract system for the productivity of public sector employees. As it became known, the authorities of our country are actively preparing a system according to which it is not only planned to increase civil servants' salaries in 2018, but also introduce fundamentally new methods for calculating it. The essence of this technique is to determine the amount of salary depending on the performance of a particular employee.

In addition, according to the plan, the guaranteed part of the salary will be increased for government officials. In this case, it is worth understanding what to expect for ordinary employees and what they need to do in order not to lose a large part of their salary or not lose their job at all.

Authorized representatives of the government apparatus note that an increase in the guaranteed part of the salary of employees in the public sector is a component of the 2016-2018 program aimed at developing the Russian civil service. According to the above-mentioned program, officials' salaries should increase by almost 38-40%.

According to some financial experts, such an increase is necessary, since the salaries of this category of employees have not been indexed since 2014

This is a rather interesting step by the government, so appropriate calculations arise. Thus, according to Rosstat figures, the average monthly salary of federal employees in 2016 was approximately 99,900 rubles. Thus, according to simple mathematical calculations, if this amount increases by 38%, it will be equal to 140 thousand.

Some time after the announcement of the innovation, authorized employees emphasized that the 38 percent increase would apply exclusively to the guaranteed part of the salary, while other payments would not be taken into account.

During one of the interviews, Dmitry Orlov, head of the Agency for Political and Economic Communications, shared his opinion on this situation with journalists.

According to the head of the agency, the increase in salaries of federal civil servants is a necessary measure that will help partially offset the impact of inflation. Oleg Mitvol, ex-deputy head of Rosprirodnadzor, completely agreed with this opinion. In addition, Oleg Lvovich made only one remark, according to which it is impossible to equate all officials with the same brush, since everyone’s salaries are different, for example, employees of the presidential administration have a much higher salary than, for example, ordinary public sector employees

According to official data from Rosstat, the average salary of representatives of the administration of the head of state is 208 thousand rubles, and the salary of first-category specialists is 26 thousand, and this is in Moscow. Undoubtedly, it is quite difficult for young professionals to support their families and provide themselves with everything they need. This is what provokes people to receive unofficial income.

In addition, Oleg Mitvol noted that the salaries of state employees of lower categories simply need to be given more attention so that their salaries are not tens of times less than the salaries of employees of higher categories. Also, Oleg Lvovich mentioned the fact that federal civil servants received the highest salaries in 2014, and after that, the salaries of public sector employees decreased sharply due to the existing instability of the economic system. In addition, the level of reduction in civil servants’ salaries is 20%

Performance and salaries of officials

According to the new program, in order to receive a full salary plus additional payments, a civil servant will have to fulfill a number of established requirements on a monthly basis. Frankly speaking, in 2018 the salaries of public sector employees will now depend on their “actual output.”

According to government officials, the necessary adjustments will be made to the bill “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation” already in December 2017

As can be seen from the information provided, such innovations imply the introduction of a contract system for the productivity of a particular public sector employee. The contract itself will look like a regular employment contract, which will spell out the established indicators that the civil servant needs to achieve within a certain time and within the authority of the same employee, in addition, the contract will indicate the criteria by which work efficiency will be assessed.

Taking as a basis the fact whether the employee has achieved these indicators, it will be decided whether he will receive the entire amount of the salary, or only part of it without bonuses and allowances. In addition, the essence of the contract is to increase the guaranteed part of the salary in relation to its bonus component.

It is worth saying that most politicians consider such an innovation to be the only correct solution to the current situation in the context of the crisis of the economic system of our country. At the moment, the salary of a federal civil servant consists of:

  • official salary;
  • salary for class rank;
  • additional payments.

The first two components form the bulk of an employee’s salary. Additional payments may include:

  • bonuses for completing particularly important tasks;
  • payments when providing paid leave, which are paid once a year;
  • long service bonuses, which are paid every month;
  • bonuses for working on classified materials.

It is worth saying that in some situations the fixed component can be equal to ⅛ of the entire salary of a civil servant. Thus, the increase in the main part of earnings will be achieved by reducing the amount of allowances.

In addition, one cannot ignore the fact that the transition to a new contract scheme may trigger the reduction of some of the public sector employees in 2018. Already at the moment, the government of our country has put forward an initiative, which consists in the need to review the functions and powers of the state. organs in order to remove duplicative functions, which will also cause reductions.

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Officials and other government officials are looking forward to 2018 with hope and anxiety, because it is this year that their salaries are planned to change. And this concerns almost a third of the working population of our country, more than 30 million people. The Government of the Russian Federation is planning to carry out reforms regarding the remuneration of civil servants. But the system of increasing salaries is not as simple as citizens in the service of the state would like. Let's consider exactly how the reform will be carried out.

Official sources about the upcoming increase

The latest news regarding salary increases for civil servants in 2018 in Russia often contradict each other. The media do not provide a unified interpretation of the Presidential Decree of August 11, 2016. No. 403 “On the main directions of development of the state civil service of the Russian Federation for 2016 – 2018.” Let's try to follow the red thread of this document and predict whether the wages of Russian civil servants will be increased.

The Decree literally states: “ complete measures to improve the system of material incentives for civil servants, as well as the structure of their pay.” The decree clearly informs that a direct increase in wages in a certain percentage is not expected. It is planned to increase the role of the factor of material motivation of workers. The Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has been entrusted with developing a system of incentive measures.

After the publication of the Decree, discussions arose in the media about “who will live well in Rus'” and even cited exact figures for the increase in earnings - 38%. The excitement over salary increases did not leave the government of the Russian Federation indifferent: on November 8, 2016, the Cabinet of Ministers made a statement about the incorrect interpretation of Presidential Decree No. 403 by the media. In this statement, the government made it clear that 38% is the total total increase in the salaries of civil servants over several years , starting in 2012.

Until 2015, salaries increased by 10% on average. In 2015, this indicator was frozen. And, according to the government, it is unlikely, even in total terms, to reach the 38% level at the beginning of 2019.

The media suggest that increasing the salary of Russian civil servants will be nothing more than indexing earnings by the inflation coefficient. Officially, this information is not confirmed; on the contrary, the Ministry of Finance in October 2016 made a proposal to cancel the regular recalculation of public sector employees’ earnings, and the State Duma accepted this proposal and extended the moratorium on indexation until the beginning of next year.

Thus, the salaries of civil servants in Russia in 2018 will depend on the filling of the state budget and the decision to end the moratorium.

Methodology of a differentiated approach

In the process of implementing the provisions prescribed in Presidential Decree 403, officials plan to improve the system of material incentives for federal employees by introducing an “effective contract” into the relationship between the state and the employee. What is the essence of this innovation?

Let's look at the innovations planned by the Ministry of Labor:

  • division of an employee’s salary into 2 conditional parts: salary (position and for grade) and a bonus component. If possible, only the salary will be increased; other payments will remain at the same level;
  • inclusion in the employment contract of a number of duties that the employee must perform for a certain time in order to receive a full salary and additional payments;
  • determination of criteria that the results of a civil servant’s work must meet.

It is worth noting that with the introduction of the above innovations, the employee will receive a salary either in full or in a reduced amount. The amount of payments will be directly dependent on the fulfillment of the indicators specified in the contract. For each type of activity, they will develop their own list of labor efficiency assessments.

Where do the firewood come from?

Financing for salary increases, even the smallest ones, must have its own sources. The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is engaged in their research. One of the sources of financing to stimulate the material interest of employees is personnel reductions. For example, reducing the number of civil servants in 2012-2013 by 20% allowed the budget to save about 18 billion rubles. Moreover, the reductions this time affected mainly senior employees.

Half of the saved funds were used to improve the material motivation of civil servants. It is planned that this practice will continue to be carried out by redistributing functions and eliminating their duplication.

Over the past years, 200 billion rubles have been spent on increasing wages from the state treasury and 900 billion came from the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In addition to reducing the number, there is another source of financing - taxes. Increasing taxes, in particular the value added tax from 18 to 22%, and reducing insurance payments from 32 to 22%, will allow federal budgetary organizations to save money and use it to increase salaries. If we talk about the monetary equivalent, it is about 230 billion rubles per year.

The authorities constantly talk about the need to reduce the administrative apparatus, but with each new reform the number of officials only grows. Along with their salaries. The “subordinate” population, in principle, would not mind if the labor efficiency of the “servants of the people” also increased in parallel. Alas, in reality the gap between these values ​​often also increases. But this is a topic for another discussion. Now we will consider whether there will be an increase in salaries for civil servants in 2018 in Russia.

Who are considered civil servants?

At the beginning of 2017, about 5.4 million people belonged to the category of government officials in Russia. All of them receive salaries from the country's budget. Starting in 2014, against the backdrop of the introduction and expansion of Western sanctions and the worsening financial and economic situation in the Russian Federation, the salaries of this category of Russians were subject to a moratorium, that is, frozen at the same level.

First, let’s define who belongs to the representatives of public services. These are people who serve in organizations and institutions of the public sector: in the executive, legislative and judicial authorities.

More specifically, these are employees of the presidential apparatus and tax authorities, border guards, senators and representatives of ministries, specialists from the migration service and customs at various levels, representatives of Rospotrebnadzor and Rosreestr, prosecutors, city hall employees, deputies, etc.

What is the salary of a government official based on?

A decree on a moratorium on increasing salaries for civil servants was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. It came into force on January 1, 2016, and was later extended for the year 2017. But in fact, as mentioned above, restrictions were in effect even earlier, since 2014.

The salary in this category is mixed from the following elements:

  • salary assigned by position;
  • salary determined in accordance with class rank;
  • long service allowances.

The last component is an allowance, which is quite significant given the stability of the official’s work. For experience from one year to 5, an additional 10% of the salary is given; Having served for 5-10 years, you can count on a 15% increase; 10-29 years of service entitles you to a 20% increase, and if an official has remained in office for more than 30 years, the bonus increases to 30%.

Plus provides additional payments for working with secret papers, for the complexity of work, special conditions, together these incentives can reach from 60 to 120% of the salary for low- and middle-level employees, and representatives of senior management groups can count on 150-200% of the salary plus for their special labor achievements.

What do civil servants get today?

This year, the moratorium on salary increases for this category of employees has been continued. But in the period 2018-2019, the government promised in advance to those who carried out its will to increase wages by 38%, compensating for underpayments of the previous four years. Thus, an increase in the salaries of civil servants in 2018 is highly expected.

What will this amount to in absolute numbers? Now the average salary of officials is expressed as 99.9 thousand rubles. It is clear that they differ significantly for different “classes” of employees. The highest paid employees were lucky enough to get into the presidential administration: their income is about 216,000 rubles a month, and the staff is considerable - over 1,700 people.

The highest ranks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations are entitled to salaries of 114,000 rubles, employees of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technical and Nuclear Supervision - 112,000; working in the Constitutional Court, you can count on 135,000 thousand per month; Law enforcement officers from the Prosecutor General's Office receive an average of 84,000 rubles. In other departments the salary is more modest. For example, working hard in the Federal Archives, a person has a salary of 53,000 rubles.

Locally, issues related to the material well-being of officials are resolved in different ways. It is clear that incomes there are lower than in the federal government, although the situation is not so logical everywhere. In most regions, the authorities did not increase the rates for themselves and their subordinates, as required by the Presidential Decree. Servants of the people from Omsk, Rostov, Tyumen and a number of other regions, Stavropol and Primorsky Territories turned out to be law-abiding.

Others found legal loopholes even in the directive of the head of state, and did not fail to take advantage of them. The Decree vetoes the indexation of salaries of officials. That is. It is impossible for all of them to increase their allowances by the same factor at once. But there is no prohibition on some one-time “incentives”. And since it is not prohibited... As a result, as evidenced by the all-knowing Roskomstat, the average monthly level of wages for employees of central ministries and departments still “creepingly” grew by 3.5% at the end of 2016. In the regions, they were able to raise the salaries of the bureaucratic cluster by a more “decent” 7.7%.

May decrees of the President and the expectations of the “servants of the sovereign”

Of course, both of them are impatiently waiting for the May decrees of the President to be implemented specifically in terms of increasing the material well-being of government officials.

But most analysts agree: there will be an increase in civil servants’ salaries in 2018, but not to the extent that they expect.

For obvious reasons: revenues to the treasury are not enough even to fully fulfill basic social obligations to the population. In the meantime, while the authorities cannot ensure normal levels of public sector salaries and pensions, talking about substantial additional payments to government officials is, at a minimum, unethical.

The former head of our Ministry of Finance, Alexei Kudrin, spoke more than once in approximately this spirit. Other experts, on the contrary, are confident that in order to effectively govern the country, managers at various levels simply need material support of the highest level.

Ex-official from Rosprirodnadzor Oleg Mitvol calls for a compromise. He believes that it is necessary to increase the incomes of employees, but only at the lower level, where salaries are very modest. Let's say a first category specialist, even in Moscow, receives only 26 thousand rubles. Considering capital prices and other expenses, quite a bit.

It is still unclear what the real level of income of this category of employees will be next year; everything will depend on the realities of the state of the economy. But already in October 2017, a government decision was made to index the salaries of civil servants from January 2018 according to the inflation rate, that is, by 4%.

What is proposed in terms of increasing labor efficiency?

But 2018 should, according to the idea of ​​the President and the government of the Russian Federation, become a turning point in terms of new approaches to assessing the activities of officials of various ranks. In order to receive maximum starting salaries, and even more so, additional incentive bonuses, starting from 2018, officials will have to work hard to prove their effectiveness.

Each of them will need to sign an employment contract, which will clearly state the current standards and other indicators that must be met. The contracts will also set out criteria for assessing labor productivity. Those who do not meet these criteria will first receive the minimum wage, and then the question of their professional suitability will be decided.

Those who prove their worth can count on decent wages. In total, the state is ready to spend up to 450 billion rubles on these funds in the coming years.

Of course, even now some conditions for hiring such work exist. There is an educational qualification for certain types of specialties, in some cases you also need experience, and a number of other preconditions. But the evaluation mechanisms are still vague. They are trying to develop them. By the end of 2017, appropriate amendments should be made to Law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation”.

The President of the Russian Federation on the remuneration of senior government officials

Last year and the year before, President Putin issued decrees reducing the salaries of employees in senior government positions by 10%. And on October 19, 2017, a new document was released extending these restrictions into 2018.

In addition to the President himself and the head of the Cabinet of Ministers, the heads of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Investigative Committee, as well as employees of the Accounts Chamber, are subject to the decree.

Expenditures on material motivation of officials in 2019–2021 may exceed 630 billion rubles, follows from the draft federal budget. From 2020, it is planned to increase the permanent part of the salary of civil servants

Photo: Anton Novoderezhkin / TASS

In 2019-2020, the government will sharply increase budget allocations for “material motivation” of officials, as follows from the draft federal budget, which RBC has reviewed. The document proposes to reserve 138.6 billion rubles for these purposes. in 2019 and 208.9 billion rubles. in 2020. This is, respectively, 39 billion and 109 billion rubles. more than provided for by the current budget law. In 2021, it is proposed to allocate even more for material motivation of civil servants - 284.4 billion rubles.

Including it is proposed to reserve 375 million rubles. in 2019 to stimulate federal civil servants participating in the implementation of national and federal projects. National projects (there are 12 of them) were organized within the framework of the May presidential decree on strategic objectives until 2024; 67 federal projects are planned to be approved within them.

Those 493 billion rubles that are earmarked for 2020 and 2021 are supposed to be used for “a gradual increase in the guaranteed part of the salary (the constant part of the salary. - RBC), material incentives, as well as pensions for state civil servants,” follows from the draft budget.

The struggle for the prestige of the civil service

The reserve for payments to officials in 2019-2021 is a consequence of the decree of President Vladimir Putin signed in August 2016 “On the main directions of development of the state civil service of the Russian Federation for 2016-2018.” With this decree, Putin instructed the government to improve the prestige of the civil service. “Before 2019, it is necessary to complete measures to improve the system of material incentives for state civil servants, as well as the structure of their pay,” the document set a goal.

According to the government’s “road map” for the implementation of the presidential decree on the civil service, the Ministry of Labor, together with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, in the fourth quarter of 2018 should prepare changes to legislation providing for the improvement of the system of material incentives for officials, an increase in the guaranteed part of their salary, as well as an increase in wages share determined by the efficiency of their work.

RBC sent a request to the Ministry of Labor with a request to clarify what measures the ministry proposes to improve the system of material incentives for officials. The press service of the Ministry of Labor only reported that the department was “working through the issue.”

What is the salary of civil servants made up of?

According to the law “On the State Civil Service of the Russian Federation,” the salary of a civil servant consists of the sum of official salaries, including official salaries and salaries for class rank, and monthly and other additional payments. Additional payments can be measures of both material incentives and financial incentives. The latter include bonuses based on professional performance; bonuses based on the performance of a separate structural unit of the federal body; bonuses based on the performance of the body; promotion based on achieved performance results; provision of benefits and social guarantees based on performance results.

The idea of ​​increasing the share of civil servants’ remuneration related to the real efficiency of their work has existed for a long time, but in practice it is being implemented with difficulty, Vladimir Klimanov, head of the department of state regulation of economics at RANEPA, told RBC. “Everything that concerns the introduction of any form of increasing the efficiency of civil servants encounters resistance or negative results,” he said. However, according to him, it is now much easier to create KPIs for officials due to the fact that the national goals and strategic objectives of the country’s development until 2024 are formulated quite clearly and they can be communicated to a specific civil servant. “That is, KPIs of departments can be determined, from departments to divisions, from divisions to employees,” he explained.

According to Rosstat, the average salary of civil servants in federal bodies in 2017 was 118.8 thousand rubles. per month, but this is data only for the central offices of ministries and departments (that is, without taking into account territorial bodies). In addition, in ministries and departments there are serious differences in the salaries of management and ordinary employees, says Klimanov. According to him, the “turning point” in the level of salaries occurs at the level of deputy directors of departments and heads of departments, while middle and junior level civil servants cannot be called highly paid employees.

The Government of the Russian Federation’s plans to regularly increase salaries for public sector employees in the country are being implemented slowly. However, according to the May presidential decrees, the expected progress is scheduled for January. Considering that its size varies greatly across regions, the increase in salaries for civil servants in 2018 will not happen simultaneously and with the same coefficients. What this means is described below.

The numerical composition of various budget sectors in Russia

The smallest group of budget workers is employed in pro-government structures - 40 thousand people. In Moscow alone, there are more than 1,700 State Duma deputies. Further:

  • City and regional officials – including federal, regional and self-government bodies. Up to 1.5 million people.
  • Education sector – 5.2 million people.
  • Healthcare – more than 4 million people.
  • Financial departments, including tax services - up to 300 thousand people.
  • Judicial system – up to 200 thousand people.

It is logical to assume that officials of all ranks have the highest salaries. However, their size was frozen back in 2015, and now it has been cut (including the presidential apparatus) by 10%. If the stabilization of the economy continues, it will undoubtedly be necessary to unfreeze and accrue according to the past indexation, taking into account inflation in the country.

Salaries of other categories of public sector employees

Despite the inflated statistical indicators of salaries in the country, the real incomes of public sector employees are significantly lower. Teachers and health workers are the most vulnerable categories of government employees. Here are the statistics:

  • Scientific workers - 37 thousand rubles.
  • Doctors - from 13 thousand rubles.
  • Teachers (universities, technical schools, colleges) – 36 thousand rubles.
  • Teachers and employees of children's institutions - 30 and 22 thousand rubles, respectively.
  • Social workers – up to 25 thousand rubles.
  • Cultural workers – 19 thousand rubles.

Averaged indicators – this follows from feedback from local workers. There is too strong a bias across regions - the largest increases in wages are in Moscow and the Moscow region, while residents of the central and western parts of the country receive the least.

Who regulates the increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2018

Salaries are usually determined by the Labor Code, tariff schedule and other intra-industry acts. The following factors influence the increase:

  1. Federal budget. The work of the Government of the Russian Federation includes its control, and that, in turn, depends on the reforms carried out in the country, the political external situation, and economic factors.
  2. Finances of the local treasury. Distributed by local governments after payment of all taxes.

In addition to a certain salary for public sector employees, bonuses, production, work in difficult climatic conditions, etc. are subject to payments.

What do the “May decrees” of the President of the Russian Federation on increasing wages for public sector employees in 2018 mean?

The corresponding decrees were signed back in 2012. According to them, the salary increase for public sector employees in 2017 should already exceed a doubling of the amount from the regional average. The priority categories of workers awaiting promotion are medical and educational workers with higher specialized education.

The purpose of the decrees is to retain specialists in the regions and improve the quality of service to citizens. For this purpose, in addition to financial support, it was decided to encourage young professionals by providing housing and financial assistance. However, the implementation of the decrees of the head of state was not ensured or to an inappropriate extent. The ensuing crisis, Western sanctions and worsening foreign policy completely slowed down the process.

The beginning economic recovery, the strengthening of the ruble and the increase in the cost of energy resources allow us to look optimistically into the future. Thanks to these factors, the Russian Ministry of Finance plans to reduce the budget deficit to 2%. The freed up funds will be used to increase the salaries of public sector employees. In addition, the President’s instructions include the indexation of salaries for civil servants in 2018, despite the fact that employees of the Ministry of Finance are in favor of its abolition - the State Duma rejected this bill.

About indexing

Inflation for the current year was 4% (predicted value). Consequently, a similar increase in public sector salaries is expected. In addition, the total inflation rates since the moratorium may contribute to an increase in wages for civil servants in 2018 to 38% - although the Ministry of Finance is quite skeptical about this scenario.

Are public sector employees' salaries expected to increase in 2018? Latest news

For the government's plans to finally come true, compliance with regulations is important. This is done through the following legal acts:

  • Management income control. Assigning yourself increased salaries, annual bonuses and other bonuses does not have a legal right. This will be monitored, and the annual income declaration will record moments of unauthorized increase in income.
  • Implementation of reforms on productivity and efficiency of any field of activity. Unfortunately, this concept also includes job cuts. The issue has multiple solutions, however, unscrupulous managers choose the simplest one.
  • Maximum control over the expenditure of incoming budget funds. Corruption and “cutting” of budget money have been around for a long time. The servants of the law - the Investigative Committee, the prosecutor's office and other departments - are called upon to stop the actions of unscrupulous public servants. The safety of funds undoubtedly depends on their work.

Productive work has been carried out since 2012. It was initially divided into stages. More than 1 billion rubles were spent to increase wages in the period up to 2014. Of these, 200 million is the share of the federal budget and more than 900 million is money received by the treasury from regional centers. In particular, the difference in salaries between managers and subordinates has been reduced.

Uncertainty factor increase

One should not discount all sorts of delays in fulfilling the obligations of the Ministries responsible for increasing salaries for public sector employees in 2018. For this to come true, stable economic growth is required. This is a rise in GDP, an increase in the exchange rate of the national currency, and a rise in prices for oil and gas, as the most in-demand energy resources. If all factors rise steadily, inflation may slow to 4%.

Thanks to these processes, the authorities will be able to abandon the moratorium on wage increases. But you still cannot expect an immediate increase, since it is too expensive to win back almost five years of inflation - excessive wage growth poses a huge burden on budgets - federal and regional.

Also, the decisive factors influencing the indexation of wages in 2018 for public sector employees include conflicting situations in foreign policy. Thanks to Western sanctions, officials are forced to optimize budget expenditures. Hence the “freezing” of salaries, reduction in the number of budget places and other negative factors affecting the lives of ordinary citizens.

In the coming years, the most expected scenario for increasing budget salaries will be an indexation of 4%. If the initiative to cancel the annual recalculation does receive approval (this could happen due to a collapse in oil prices, the fall of the ruble, and so on), the increase in wages will occur slowly and within the framework of the budget process.

Maneuver 22*22

The financial formulation means an increase in VAT to 22% and a reduction in insurance payments to a similar figure. Such tax changes will save more than 200 billion in public money. Consequently, a budget surplus will provide an opportunity to resolve the question: will public sector employees’ salaries be raised in 2018?

Ministerial assurances

The increase in salaries for public sector employees in 2018 was explained in the media. The current Minister of Labor, Topilin, emphasizes the department’s agreement on the approval of relevant bills. In addition to him, this position is confirmed by the ministers of finance - Golodets and Siluanov. However, some delay cannot be ruled out. The Head of the Accounts Chamber, Golikova, shares the same opinion. According to her assurances, there is already an increase in the income of civil servants. By the time of the new presidential elections, the picture will become completely clear.

Rating of budget salaries by regions of Russia

Many services conduct regional salary assessments. The table below shows the results of major cities in Russia. It is logical to assume that areas with a small population have lower rates. So:

Budget areas of employment


Medicine Education

Average salary, rubles, by city

Moscow 50 40
Saint Petersburg 42 32
Nizhny Novgorod 23 18
Novosibirsk 30,6 19
Permian 25 21
Ufa 20 19
Chelyabinsk 24 19,5
Omsk 18,6 18
Krasnoyarsk 28,9 17,7
Rostov-on-Don 27,5 20,5
Samara 30 21
Volgograd 25 15,7
Voronezh 25,1 18,5
Ekaterinburg 26,2 42 20,7

From here you can trace the dynamics of demand for any field of employment and, accordingly, payment terms. The most in demand are medicine and pharmaceuticals. However, one should judge by the general indicators of the city. For example, the general indicators of Rostov-on-Don are almost the same as salaries in each area.

As a result

Increasing salaries for public sector employees is always a sore point for the country. However, it comes first. Russia is the most stable country in terms of material support for areas that determine its further development and prosperity.