Financial condition of Rosbank for the year. Analysis of bank financial indicators. Key Positive Points


One of the most important conditions successful financial management enterprise is to analyze it financial condition. The financial condition of an enterprise is characterized by a set of indicators reflecting the process of formation and use of its financial resources and actually reflects the final results of its activities.

Analysis of the financial condition of an enterprise allows us to study the state of capital in the process of its circulation, to identify the enterprise’s ability to operate sustainably and develop in changing conditions of the external and internal environment.

A well-conducted analysis will provide an opportunity to identify and eliminate deficiencies in financial activities and find reserves to improve the financial condition of the enterprise and its solvency; Forecast financial results based on actual conditions economic activity and the availability of own and borrowed funds.

OJSC Rosbank is the largest Russian bank, among which he ranks 14th in net assets.

As of April 1, 2017, ROSBANK’s net assets amounted to 782.91 million rubles. During the year, assets decreased by -5.95%. The decrease in net assets had a positive impact on return on assets: over the year, return on net assets increased from 0.84% ​​to 1.40%.

The bank mainly attracts client money for services provided, and these funds are quite diversified (between legal and individuals), but mainly invest in loans.

PJSC Rosbank is on the Lombard list, and the Bank of Russia accepts bonds of the considered credit institution as collateral.

Has the right to work with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and can attract its funds in trust management, in deposits and savings for housing provision military personnel.

Has the right to work with non-state pension funds, carrying out mandatory pension insurance, and can attract pension savings and savings for housing provision for military personnel.

Has the right to open accounts and deposits in accordance with Law 213-FZ of July 21, 2014, i.e. organizations of strategic importance for the military-industrial complex and security of the Russian Federation; V credit institution authorized representatives of the Bank of Russia have been appointed.

A bank's liquid assets are those bank funds that can be quickly converted into cash to be returned to their depositor clients.

To assess liquidity, consider a period of approximately 30 days during which the bank will be able (or not be able) to fulfill part of its obligations. financial obligations. This "portion" is called the "estimated outflow".

Let us briefly present the structure of highly liquid assets in the form of Table 4.

Table 4 Structure of highly liquid assets of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

funds in the cash register

funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia

NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net)

interbank loans placed for up to 30 days

highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation

highly liquid securities of banks and states

highly liquid assets taking into account discounts and adjustments

The amount of funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia increased by 1003 million rubles. or by 798.75%. The amount of NOSTRO correspondent accounts with banks for the analyzed period showed a decrease of 12,082 million rubles. and amounted to 54.97%. The volume of interbank loans placed for up to 30 days in 2016 amounted to 57,185 million rubles. or 52.87%.

The amount of highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation increased by 796 million rubles. or by 113.41%. The amount of highly liquid securities of banks and states in 2016 amounted to 1842 million rubles, during the analyzed period it increased by 796 million rubles. and amounted to 176.10%. The amount of highly liquid assets, taking into account discounts and adjustments, decreased by 15,026 million rubles. and amounted to 87.80%.

The structure of current liabilities is shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Structure of current liabilities of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

deposits of individuals with a maturity of over a year

other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year)

deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year)

correspondent accounts of LORO banks

interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days

own securities

obligations to pay interest, arrears, accounts payable and other debts

expected outflow cash

current liabilities

The table shows that the amount of deposits of individuals with a term of over a year increased by 3888 million rubles. and amounted to 104.98%.

The amount of other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year) during the analyzed period increased by 35,871 million rubles. or by 139.05%. Amount of deposits and other funds legal entities(for a period of up to 1 year) decreased during the analyzed period by 33,124 million rubles, and amounted to 83.84%. The amount of correspondent accounts of LORO banks showed a decrease of 7493 million rubles. and amounted to 78.80%. The amount of interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days is also in a negative position and amounts to 65.86%. The amount of own securities decreased by 1,665 million rubles. and amounted to 21.61%. The amount of interest payment obligations increased during the analyzed period by 1359 million rubles. and amounted to 109.22%. The expected cash outflow decreased by RUB 25,107 million. or by 85.14%. The amount of current liabilities decreased by 9004 million rubles and amounted to 97.99% during the analyzed period.

The structure of income-generating assets at the current moment and a year ago is reflected in the table. 6.

Table 6 Structure of profitable assets of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

Interbank loans

Loans to legal entities

Loans to individuals

Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim

Investments in securities

Other income loans

Income assets

The table shows that interbank loans increased by 36,943 million rubles. and amounted to 142.65%. Loans to legal entities for the analyzed period amounted to 101.73%, showing an increase of 4117 million rubles. Loans to individuals decreased by 99,690 million rubles. and amounted to 58.78%. Bills of exchange decreased by RUB 597 million. and amounted to 92.74%. Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim in 2016 amounted to 7526 million rubles, during the analyzed period they increased by 269.07%. Investments in securities increased by 15,399 million rubles. and amounted to 111.53%. Other income-generating loans amounted to RUB 4,009 million. or 0.56%, during the analyzed period increased by 65 million rubles. or by 101.65%. Income assets decreased during the analyzed period by 142,596 million rubles. or by 83.28%.

Analytics on the degree of security of issued loans, as well as their structure, is presented in table. 7.

Table 7 Analytics on the degree of security of loans issued by Rosbank PJSC

Indicator name

Abs., million rubles

Securities accepted as collateral for loans issued

Property accepted as security

Sum loan portfolio

Analysis of the table suggests that the bank focuses on diversified lending, the form of collateral for which is property collateral. The overall level of loan security is quite high and possible loan defaults will likely be offset by the volume of collateral.

The table shows that securities accepted as collateral for issued loans decreased during the analyzed period by 20,553 million rubles. and amounted to 82.64%. Property accepted as collateral increased by 656,759 million rubles. or by 345.20%. The amount of the loan portfolio in 2016 amounted to 620,143 million rubles, specific gravity which amounted to 121.64%. During the analyzed period there was a decrease of 31,618 million rubles. or by 95.15%.

Brief structure of interest obligations (i.e. for which the bank usually pays interest to the client) (Table 8).

Table 8 Structure of interest liabilities of PJSC Rosbank

Indicator name

Bank funds (interbank lending and correspondent accounts)

Legal funds persons

Incl. current legal funds persons

Deposits from individuals persons

Other interest-bearing liabilities

Incl. loans from the Bank of Russia

Interest obligations

The table shows that the amount of deposits of individuals has changed slightly, the amount of funds from banks (interbank loans and correspondent accounts), funds from legal entities have decreased, and the total amount of interest liabilities decreased by 15.0% from 731.90 to 622.11 million rubles.

Profitability of sources own funds(calculated based on balance sheet data) increased over the year from 1.71% to 2.35%. At the same time, return on equity ROE (calculated using Forms 102 and 134) increased over the year from 5.78% to 9.44% (here and below the data are given in percentage per annum as of the nearest quarterly date).

Net interest margin changed slightly over the year from 2.85% to 2.95%. The profitability of loan operations changed slightly over the year from 10.61% to 10.54%. The cost of funds raised decreased over the year from 5.80% to 5.39%. The cost of borrowed funds from banks decreased over the year from 7.07% to 6.60%. The cost of funds of the population (individuals) decreased over the year from 5.78% to 4.89%

We present the structure of own funds in the form of Table 9.

Table 9 Structure of own funds

Indicator name

Authorized capital

Additional capital

Retained earnings from previous years (uncovered losses from previous years)

Unused profit (loss) for the reporting period

Reserve fund

Sources of own funds

Over the year, sources of own funds increased by 5.1%. But over the past month (December 2016), sources of own funds increased by 2.7%.

A brief capital structure is shown in Table 10.

Table 10 Brief capital structure

Amount of bank capital, per reporting date amounted to 119.23 million rubles.

Let's look at the indicators credit risk and their changes over the past year (Table 11).

Table 11 Credit risk indicators of Rosbank PJSC in 2016

The share of overdue loans tends to remain virtually unchanged during the year, but over the last six months it has tended to decrease.

The share of provisions for loan losses tends to decrease during the year and the last half of the year.

The amount of the standard size of large credit risks N7 (max. 800%) tends to increase during the year, but over the last six months it tends to remain virtually unchanged.

The level of overdue loans as of the last date corresponds to the average for Russian banks (about 3-4%).

The reserve level as of the last date under review corresponds to the average for Russian banks (about 10-11%).

At the moment, the conditional averaging coefficient of the RR equal to the value of 0.46 means that the credit institution with a high probability averages the RR and belongs to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd reliability group.

Now let's check some indirect factors indicating possible problems and reliability (Table 12).

Table12 Indirect factors indicating possible problems and reliability of Rosbank PJSC in 2016

Indicator name

Change of bank owners per month (%)

Change authorized capital per month

Growth of the reserve reserve fund for deposits per month (%)

Change in the amount of individual deposits. individuals per month (for banks with the share of individual deposits more than 20%)

Change in cash turnover for the month (for banks with a turnover of more than 500 million rubles) (%)

Change in turnover on legal accounts. persons per month (for banks with turnover exceeding the amount of assets)

Analysis of financial activities and statistical data for the past year of a credit organization Public joint stock company Rosbank indicates the absence of negative trends that could affect financial stability bank in the future.

As of January 1, 2017, Rosbank’s total loan portfolio was Far East amounted to more than 33 billion rubles, the total deposit portfolio – 19.9 billion rubles.

At the end of 2016, the total portfolio of funds raised from individuals by the Far Eastern branch of Rosbank grew by 10% and reached 16.6 billion rubles. The main share in the portfolio is occupied by time deposits, the total amount of which at the end of the year amounted to 10.2 billion rubles, with an increase of 12%. The driver of sales growth, as last year, was the “150 years of reliability” contribution, which ensures maximum profitability and flexible conditions for placement large sums. The branch daily serves over 203 thousand active clients of the bank.

At the end of 2016, the retail loan portfolio of the branch amounted to RUB 15.2 billion. The main share in it is occupied by non-targeted loans – over 60%. In 2016, Rosbank issued over 17.4 thousand to residents of the Far East. consumer loans for a total amount of 6.8 billion rubles.

The Far Eastern branch continues to actively work with small businesses and individual entrepreneurs. In 2016, Rosbank offered new credit products for investment and working purposes, including overdrafts for current and new bank clients. Rosbank also became a participant in the state program for preferential lending small and medium-sized businesses together with the SME Corporation. In 2017, the volume of placed funds of legal entities increased by 48% in terms of deposits, and by 26% in terms of account balances. The number of active clients exceeds 6.6 thousand. Rosbank has special products for entrepreneurs, including individual offers for participants in foreign economic activity on conversion operations and support of transaction passports. This program aroused particular interest, and therefore in a number of regions of the Far East special seminars were held for enterprises participating in foreign economic activity, training clients to use effective financial instruments bank for conducting international business. For companies in the retail sector, Rosbank offered a “Mobile Cash Desk” card, which combines the functions of depositing revenue into a current account and withdrawing cash through ATMs without visiting a bank office.

The direction of VIP services in the region is actively developing. The growth of the client base in 2016 was 40%. The volume of client account balances in foreign currency has almost tripled. In addition to using classic tools for placing funds, VIP clients have the opportunity to include in their financial portfolios investment decisions with a guarantee of capital protection - ILI ( investment insurance life). Thanks to the principle of open architecture, clients have access to instruments diversified by currencies, terms, country, industry characteristics, types underlying assets. Over the past year, VIP clients of the Far Eastern branch invested over 50 million rubles in ILI.

It should also be noted that Rosbank remains the only credit organization in the Far East with participation international capital from among systemically significant ones. The bank's VIP clients have access to international products and services of the Societe Generale group.

In 2016, the corporate loan portfolio grew by 6% to 15.4 billion rubles. Volume of trade finance portfolio corporate clients Far Eastern branch amounted to 2.6 billion rubles. The total volume of funds raised from legal entities of the branch, including balances on customer accounts and time deposits, amounted to 3.3 billion rubles.

The Far Eastern branch of Rosbank actively cooperates in providing financing to municipalities of all levels, companies in the energy sector, trade, fish processing, agriculture and fuel and energy complex. Rosbank won 18 open auctions held in 2016 by the largest companies and municipalities region, and opened credit lines in the amount of over 13.3 billion rubles. For example, Rosbank opened a credit line with a total limit of 3.3 billion rubles for PJSC Far Eastern Energy Company and 2.7 billion rubles for JSC Far Eastern Generating Company (DGC), part of the holding company RAO ES of the East (RusHydro group ). These agreements were the result of Rosbank's victory in tenders, in which other major Russian banks also took part.

The Far Eastern branch of Rosbank has 56 branches in the Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Kamchatka territories, Amur, Sakhalin, Magadan and Jewish Autonomous Regions, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). ATM network -435 ATM.

As of November 1, 2019, the net assets of PJSC ROSBANK amount to 1.2 trillion. rub. The dynamics of net assets is positive; since the beginning of the year, the size of the Bank's net assets has increased by 10.8%. In particular, for last month net assets increased by 1%. The largest share of assets is occupied by loans to customers.

As of November 1, 2019, the volume of the loan portfolio (net) is 623.3 billion rubles. or 51.8% of net assets. Since the beginning of the year, the size of the net loan portfolio has increased by 49.1%, which is due to both an increase in lending volumes and an improvement in the quality of the loan portfolio, accompanied by the release of reserves. Over the past month, the increase in the net loan portfolio amounted to 9.7 billion rubles. As of November 1, 2019, the loan-to-deposit ratio is 81.1%. The structure of the loan portfolio is dominated by the retail loan portfolio (54.6%), while the corporate loan portfolio accounts for 45.4%. Since the beginning of the year, the corporate loan portfolio has decreased by 1.8%, while the amount of loan debt of individuals and individual entrepreneurs grew by 145.2%. The quality of the loan portfolio is good; as of November 1, 2019, the share of overdue debt is only 4.7%. Since the beginning of the year, the volume of overdue debt has increased by 7.9%, but due to the higher growth rate of lending, the share of overdue debt in the loan portfolio decreased by 165.38 bp. Overdue debt on loans to legal entities amounts to 11.4 billion rubles. or 3.8% of the corporate loan portfolio, the amount of overdue debt on loans provided to individuals is RUB 15.8 billion. (4.4% of the volume of loans to individuals). As of November 1, 2019, reserves for possible losses formed at 5% of loan debt.

The share of interbank loans and deposits in the Bank's net assets is 18.3%. As of November 1, 2019, the Bank is a net lender in the interbank market. Volume of loans/deposits placed in foreign banks is 77.4 billion rubles. (35.2% of the interbank loan portfolio). Overdue debt on placed interbank loans and deposits is insignificant. Reserves for possible losses on funds placed on the interbank market are insignificant.

The securities portfolio accounts for 9.8% of net assets.

Since the beginning of the year, the amount of investments in subsidiaries and affiliates has decreased by 31.4%. As of November 1, 2019, the share of direct investments in the Bank’s assets is 2.3%.

Funding is based on customer funds (67.3% of liabilities). Since the beginning of the year, the volume of the deposit base has grown by 11.9% and as of November 1, 2019 amounts to 809.3 billion rubles. Including over the last month, the influx of customer funds amounted to 19.8 billion rubles. Among customer funds, legal entities account for 60.9%, individuals and individual entrepreneurs account for 39.1%. Since the beginning of the year, both the volume of funds from private clients and the volume of funds in accounts and deposits of legal entities have increased. As for funds from corporate clients, time deposits have a significant share (57.1%). However, the majority of such deposits are placed for a period of less than a year.

As of October 1, 2019, ROSBANK PJSC earned 10.9 billion rubles. net profit, which is 17.7% more than the profit received a year earlier. Meanwhile, at the end of the reporting period, the Bank recorded a net loss from discontinued operations in the amount of 7 million rubles.

During the reporting period, the Bank's operating income amounted to RUB 35.8 billion. In the structure of operating income, net interest income accounts for 62.4%, and the share of commission income is 24.4%. Net interest income excluding provision for loan losses increased by 6.4% YoY. IN reporting period reserves were formed in the amount of 4.2 billion rubles, while a year earlier there was a release of reserves. As a result, net interest income decreased by 19.5% year-on-year to RUB 22.4 billion. As of 10/01/2019, the net interest margin is 3.3%. The Bank's net commission income for the year increased by 30% and amounted to RUB 8.7 billion. The most stable income, net interest and commissions, covers the costs of supporting the Bank's activities by 139.2%. During the reporting period, the Bank recorded losses from transactions with securities available for sale. The Bank also incurred expenses related to the formation of reserves for other losses.

On a year-on-year basis, the Bank's operating expenses decreased by 18.4%. As of October 1, 2019, the ratio of operating expenses to net income (cost income ratio) is 62.3%, which is a normal value. As of 10/01/2019, return on assets is 1.2%. The return on equity is 9.7%, which limits the opportunities for capitalization of profits.

During 2016, the Societe Generale banking group in Russia* (hereinafter referred to as the Group) significantly improved its financial results, earning net profit in the amount of 3.1 billion rubles. compared to a loss of 9.2 billion rubles. in 2015. Already in the second half of 2016, the Group’s results moved into the positive zone and in the 4th quarter alone amounted to RUB 2.8 billion.

Despite the difficult economic environment, the Group’s activity in Russian market has largely recovered. In particular, the growth of the active client base has resumed, the volume of loans issued to individuals is returning to the pre-crisis level, and to legal entities - exceeding them, which allows the Group to maintain its market position in the retail business and increase its market share in corporate business.

Major achievements in retail business

The volume of retail loans issued by the Group in 2016 increased by 35% compared to 2015, although it still remains below the level of 2014 (-22%). As a result, the Group continues to maintain its leading position in the retail lending market, increasing its market share in issuing loans from 3.4% to 3.6%, while in the segment consumer lending market share increased from 2.2% to 2.6%.

At the same time, the Group maintains its leadership in mortgages and car loans thanks to the high performance of its specialized subsidiary banks DeltaCredit and Rusfinance Bank.

DeltaCredit is in the top 5 in terms of issuance volumes mortgage loans(according to the analytical center Rusipoteka) with a market share of 3.1%. The total volume of mortgage loans issued in 2016 was 44% higher than in 2015, while the quality of the ruble mortgage portfolio was much higher than the market average. As of December 31, 2016, the 90+ overdue period in DeltaCredit’s ruble mortgage portfolio was 1.21%, compared to the market indicator of 2.65%.

Rusfinance Bank is consistently among the TOP 3 banks in the car lending market with a share of 13.5%. The total volume of car loans issued in 2016 is 28% higher than in 2015. The Bank continues to participate in state program preferential car loans, within which it ranks 2nd in terms of issuance volume (according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade).

In 2016, Rosbank continued to successfully expand its client base: the number of new clients attracted in 2016 was 33% higher than in 2015, the portfolio of active clients increased by 1%. This was made possible thanks to innovations in the field of daily banking services, as well as effective synergy with corporate business. Thus, in the 4th quarter of 2016, Rosbank, together with the international payment Mastercard system and O’KEY Group launched debit card"ROSBANK O'KEY Mastercard". Rosbank card Visa Platinum The Supercard+ is recognized as the most attractive for clients with an above-average income – about 130 thousand rubles per month, according to RBC.

Major achievements in corporate business

As part of the international Societe Generale group, Rosbank continues to increase its market share banking services largest Russian and international companies, the volume of loans issued in 2016 was 29% higher than in 2015 (excluding currency revaluation).

Societe Generale/Rosbank are leaders in the Russian syndicated lending market with a share of 23.5% (according to the Bloomberg news agency). Major transactions with major clients during 2016, organized jointly with Societe Generale:

  • Uralkali loan agreement in the amount of US$1.2 billion, acting as one of the coordinating authorized lead arrangers and bookrunners with 16 international banks;
  • PhosAgro's debut pre-export financing totaling US$250 million with a four-year maturity, serving as one of the coordinating authorized lead arrangers and passport bank;
  • pre-export loan to the EuroChem group in the amount of US$800 million for a period of five years, as a participant in a pool of international banks;
  • club deal to finance prepayment under an agreement for the supply of oil and petroleum products for PJSOC Bashneft for a total amount of USD 500 million for 5 years, acting as the initial authorized lead arranger, bookrunner, coordinating bank and documentation bank;
  • syndicated pre-export loan for one of the leading copper producers in Russia - CJSC Russian Copper Company (RMK), as the authorized lead arranger. The loan was provided for a total amount of $300 million for a period of 5 years.

Rosbank is actively expanding its trade finance business. Thus, according to the results of 2016, Rosbank ranks 7th in the market in terms of the volume of its trade finance portfolio, showing an increase of 25% compared to last year.

Development continues investment services. In 2016, Rosbank placed 23 market issues of 16 issuers with a total volume of 88.4 billion rubles, taking fifth place in the ranking of leading organizers of market placements of Russian bonds according to Cbonds. Rosbank's share in market issues amounted to 7.95%. The bank also ranks fifth among organizers of corporate issues with a market share of 5.73% and third place among organizers of mortgage bonds with a market share of 14.55%.

Rosbank Factoring occupies a prominent position in the market factoring services. Based on the results of 2016, the company took 8th place in the overall ranking published by the Association of Factoring Companies of Russia, continues to increase its client portfolio (+56% compared to 2015) and turnover of assigned accounts receivable(+42% compared to 2015).

Rosbank Leasing shows high dynamics - the portfolio of concluded transactions increased by 13% in 2016. Rosbank Leasing became a laureate of the annual award “Financial Elite of Russia – 2016” in the category “Dynamics of Development”, subgroup “Leasing”.

Loan portfolio

The Group’s banks are aimed at cooperating with the most reliable borrowers, carefully assessing the solvency of clients in new economic conditions and give priority to the quality of the loan portfolio.

Guided by these principles, during 2015 and the first half of 2016 the Group pursued a policy of significantly more cautious resumption of retail lending than the market as a whole. The issuance of retail loans acquired its main dynamics only in the second half of 2016, as a result of which the group’s retail loan portfolio decreased by 8% since the beginning of 2016 (excluding currency revaluation).

At the same time, the corporate loan portfolio continued to grow, increasing by 2% since the beginning of 2016 (excluding currency revaluation) against the backdrop of negative market dynamics during the year (-3.6%). At the same time, it is necessary to note the change in the structure of the corporate loan portfolio by currency over the past 12 months: the share of loans in foreign currency; while the share of corporate loans in rubles increased by 17%. Such changes had a positive impact on the Group's interest margin.

As a result of such mutual dynamics of the retail and corporate portfolios and despite the dynamic growth of loans, the Group’s total loan portfolio in 2016 decreased by 4% (excluding currency revaluation).

Deposits and current accounts

During 2016, the Group's portfolio of client liabilities decreased by 4% (excluding currency revaluation). The driver of the decline was funds from legal entities, the volume of which was systematically reduced in 2016 by 15% (excluding currency revaluation), compared to the market (-4%). On the one hand, the dynamics are explained by the need to bring the volume of liabilities in line with the dynamics of the loan portfolio, on the other hand, to replace them with cheaper funds of individuals.

The volume of retail funds increased in 2016 by 13% (excluding currency revaluation), which exceeds the indicators banking system(+9.2%). It is especially worth noting the 50% increase in the volume of demand funds of individuals (excluding currency revaluation). The market share in this segment increased from 1% to 1.43% during the year, which is fully consistent with the Group's goal to develop its transaction business.

Financial result

The Group's net interest income in 2016 amounted to RUB 38.9 billion, an increase of 4% compared to the same period last year. The positive performance is mainly due to the improvement in interest margins as a result of lower funding costs due to consistent measures to optimize the balance sheet structure.

Net commission income in 2016 amounted to RUB 8 billion, an increase of 7% compared to 2015. On the one hand, the dynamics of commissions is due to the intensification of retail lending and, as a result, an increase in commissions from insurance companies (commission income from the retail business increased by 29%). On the other hand, commission income from corporate business increased due to the development of cash settlement services (+16%) and trade finance (+23%).

The Group's operating expenses in 2016 amounted to RUB 32.9 billion, remaining at the 2015 level, despite inflation, which amounted to 5.4% in 2016. Containment of growth became possible as a result of cost optimization measures on the part of Rosbank: further reorganization of the retail network, as well as staff reduction by 8.7% compared to 2015.

Deductions to reserves in 2016 amounted to 12.7 billion rubles, having decreased by 42% compared to the previous year. The effect of reducing reserves was achieved mainly through restoring the quality of the retail portfolio, as well as improving debt collection processes. The quality of the corporate portfolio remains at a high level. However, these results include expenses incurred for refinancing a foreign currency mortgage portfolio. Based on the results of the work done, we do not expect further material negative influence of this activity on the results of the Group.

« Banking group Societe Generale in Russia continues to improve its performance in all areas of business. During 2016, we increased our market share in both retail and corporate business. Increased operational efficiency was made possible through the improvement of all business processes of the Group along with the formation of a corporate culture aimed at change. Thus, Rosbank is introducing lean management in order to increase staff involvement in improving internal bank processes, as well as an agile approach to change management. A new credit conveyor for retail loans was also deployed, and a CRM platform was launched to increase automation banking, centralization of support functionality was carried out in two cities - Nizhny Novgorod and Krasnoyarsk. Thanks to the efforts of the team in 2016, the Group became more resilient to external influences, and also better prepared for further sustainable and effective business growth in the future » Dmitry Olyunin, Chairman of the Board of Rosbank

Rosbank and its subsidiaries maintain strong positions in terms of liquidity and capital adequacy ratios, which significantly exceed the mandatory standards established by the regulator. International rating agencies Fitch Ratings and Moody’s Investors Service confirmed the ratings of Rosbank, Rusfinance Bank and DeltaCredit in 2016 at the level of the country’s sovereign rating.

* Rosbank, DeltaCredit, Rusfinance Bank and their subsidiaries

01 November 2019 01 October 2019 01 September 2019 01 August 2019 01 July 2019 01 June 2019 01 May 2019 01 April 2019 01 March 2019 01 February la 2019 01 January 2019 01 December 2018 01 November 2018 01 October 2018 01 September 2018 01 August 2018 01 July 2018 01 June 2018 01 May 2018 01 A April 2018 01 March 2018 01 February 2018 01 January 2018 01 December 2017 01 November 2017 01 October 2017 01 September 2017 01 August 2017 01 July 2017 01 June 2017 01 May 2017 01 April 2017 01 March 2017 01 February 2017 01 January 2017 01 December 2016 01 November 2016 01 October 2016 01 September 2016 01 August 2016 01 July 2016 01 June 2016 01 May 2016 01 April 2016 01 March 2016 01 February 2016 01 January 2016 01 December 2015 01 November 2015 01 October Friday 2015 01 September 2015 01 August 2015 01 July 2015 01 June 2015 01 May 2015 01 April 2015 01 March 2015 01 February 2015 01 January 2015 01 December 2014 01 November 2014 01 October 2014 01 September 2014 01 August 2014 01 July 2014 01 June 2014 01 May 2014 01 April 2014 01 March 2014 01 February la 2014 01 January 2014 01 December 2013 01 November 2013 01 October 2013 01 September 2013 01 August 2013 01 July 2013 01 June 2013 01 May 2013 01 A April 2013 01 March 2013 01 February 2013 01 January 2013 01 December 2012 01 November 2012 01 October 2012 01 September 2012 01 August 2012 01 July 2012 01 June 2012 01 May 2012 01 April 2012 01 March 2012 01 February 2012 01 January 2012 01 December 2011 01 November 2011 01 October 2011 01 September 2011 01 August 2011 01 July 2011 01 June 2011 01 May 2011 01 April 2011 01 March 2011 01 February 2011 01 January 2011 01 December 2010 01 November 2010 01 October Friday 2010 01 September 2010 01 August 2010 01 July 2010 01 June 2010 01 May 2010 01 April 2010 01 March 2010 01 February 2010 01 January 2010 01 December 2009 01 November 2009 01 October 2009 01 September 2009 01 August 2009 01 July 2009 01 June 2009 01 May 2009 01 April 2009 01 March 2009 01 February la 2009 January 01, 2009 December 01, 2008 01 November 2008 01 October 2008 01 September 2008 01 August 2008 01 July 2008 01 June 2008 01 May 2008 01 April 2008 01 March 2008 01 February la 2008 01 January 2008 01 December 2007 01 November 2007 01 October 2007 01 September 2007 01 August 2007 01 July 2007 01 June 2007 01 May 2007 01 A April 2007 01 March 2007 01 February 2007 01 January 2007 01 December 2006 01 November 2006 01 October 2006 01 September 2006 01 August 2006 01 July 2006 01 June 2006 01 May 2006 01 April 2006 01 March 2006 01 February 2006 01 January 2006 01 December 2005 01 November 2005 01 October 2005 01 September 2005 01 August 2005 01 July 2005 01 June 2005 01 May 2005 01 April 2005 01 March 2005 01 February 2005 01 January 2005 01 December 2004 01 November 2004 01 October November 2004 01 September 2004 01 August 2004 01 July 2004 01 June 2004 01 May 2004 01 April 2004 01 March 2004 01 February 2004

    Select a report:

By bank reliability we mean a set of factors under which the bank is able to fulfill its obligations, have a sufficient margin of safety in crisis situations, and not violate established by the Bank Russian standards and laws.

It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to accurately determine the degree of reliability of a bank solely on the basis of reporting, therefore the study below is indicative in nature.

Bank stability is the ability to withstand any external influences. Dynamics over a certain period may show stability (either improvement or deterioration) of various indicators, which may also indicate the stability of the bank.

Public joint stock company ROSBANK is largest Russian bank and among them ranks 11th in terms of net assets.

As of the reporting date (October 1, 2019), the net assets of ROSBANK Bank amounted to 1223.12 billion rubles. For a year assets increased by 20.60%. Net asset growth slightly influenced the return on assets ROI: net return on assets fell over the year from 1.47% to 1.46% .

In terms of services provided, the bank mainly attracts client money, and these funds are sufficient diversified(between legal entities and individuals), and invests funds mainly in loans.

ROSBANK - subsidiary foreign bank.

ROSBANK - is on the pawnshop list , and the Bank of Russia accepts bonds of the credit institution in question as collateral; has the right to work with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and can attract its funds into trust management, into deposits and savings for housing provision for military personnel; has the right to work with non-state pension funds that provide compulsory pension insurance , and can attract pension savings and savings for housing for military personnel; has the right to open accounts and deposits in accordance with Law 213-FZ of July 21, 2014. , i.e. organizations of strategic importance for the military-industrial complex and security of the Russian Federation; to a credit institution authorized representatives of the Bank of Russia have been appointed.

Liquidity and reliability

A bank's liquid assets are those bank funds that can be quickly converted into cash to be returned to their depositor clients. To assess liquidity, consider a period of approximately 30 days, during which the bank will be able (or not be able) to fulfill part of its financial obligations (since no bank can return all obligations within 30 days). This "portion" is called the "estimated outflow". Liquidity can be considered an important component of the concept of bank reliability.

Brief structure highly liquid assets Let's present it in table form:

Indicator nameOctober 01, 2018, thousand rublesOctober 01, 2019, thousand rubles
funds in the cash register10 826 785 (6.65%) 10 179 077 (4.07%)
funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia26 477 386 (16.27%) 33 658 284 (13.44%)
NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net)5 331 597 (3.28%) 51 844 134 (20.71%)
interbank loans placed for up to 30 days71 935 197 (44.21%) 147 705 598 (59.00%)
highly liquid securities of the Russian Federation46 586 541 (28.63%) 6 274 565 (2.51%)
highly liquid securities of banks and states1 848 611 (1.14%) 802 765 (0.32%)
highly liquid assets taking into account discounts and adjustments (based on Directive No. 3269-U dated May 31, 2014)162 728 825 (100.00%) 250 344 011 (100.00%)

From the table of liquid assets we see that the amount of funds on hand has changed slightly, the amount of funds in accounts with the Bank of Russia has increased, the amount of NOSTRO correspondent accounts in banks (net), interbank loans placed for up to 30 days has greatly increased, the amount of highly liquid securities has greatly decreased securities of the Russian Federation, highly liquid securities of banks and states, while the volume of highly liquid assets taking into account discounts and adjustments (based on Directive No. 3269-U dated May 31, 2014) increased over the year from 162.73 to 250.34 billion rubles.

Structure current liabilities is given in the following table:

Indicator nameOctober 01, 2018, thousand rublesOctober 01, 2019, thousand rubles
deposits of individuals with a maturity of over a year77 523 550 (11.71%) 88 414 695 (11.70%)
other deposits of individuals (including individual entrepreneurs) (for a period of up to 1 year)192 436 080 (29.07%) 242 620 417 (32.12%)
deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year)329 184 895 (49.73%) 356 891 843 (47.24%)
incl. current funds of legal entities (without individual entrepreneurs)160 014 168 (24.17%) 194 955 667 (25.81%)
correspondent accounts of LORO banks23 277 787 (3.52%) 37 994 908 (5.03%)
interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days23 306 385 (3.52%) 8 629 640 (1.14%)
own securities (0.00%) (0.00%)
obligations to pay interest, arrears, accounts payable and other debts16 228 393 (2.45%) 20 883 426 (2.76%)
expected cash outflow217 606 584 (32.87%) 238 947 763 (31.63%)
current liabilities661 957 365 (100.00%) 755 435 204 (100.00%)

During the period under review, what happened to the resource base was that the amounts of deposits of individuals with a maturity of over a year, deposits and other funds of legal entities (for a period of up to 1 year), own securities changed slightly, the amounts of other deposits of individuals increased (including .ch. IP) (for a period of up to 1 year), incl. current funds of legal entities (without individual entrepreneurs), interest payment obligations, arrears, accounts payable and other debts, the amount of correspondent accounts of LORO banks has greatly increased, the amount of interbank loans received for a period of up to 30 days has greatly decreased, while the expected outflow of funds has increased over year since 217.61 to 238.95 billion rubles.

At the moment under consideration, the ratio of highly liquid assets (funds that are easily available to the bank within the next month) and the expected outflow of current liabilities gives us the value 104.77% what does it say good safety margin to overcome the possible outflow of funds from bank clients.

In correlation with this, it is important to consider the instant (N2) and current (N3) liquidity standards, the minimum values ​​of which are set at 15% and 50%, respectively. Here we see that the standards H2 and H3 are now at sufficient level.

Now let's track the dynamics of change liquidity indicators during the year:

Using the median method (discarding sharp peaks): the amount of the instant liquidity ratio H2 during year tends to significant growth, however, for the last half year tends to increase, the amount of the current liquidity ratio N3 during year and last half year tends to significant growth, and the expert reliability of the bank during year and last half year tends to increase.

Other ratios for assessing the liquidity of PJSC ROSBANK can be seen at this link.

Structure and dynamics of balance

The volume of assets generating income for the bank is 87.48% in total assets, and the volume of interest liabilities is 82.93% in total liabilities. The volume of profitable assets approximately corresponds to the average for the largest Russian banks (87%).

Structure income-generating assets currently and a year ago:

Indicator nameOctober 01, 2018, thousand rublesOctober 01, 2019, thousand rubles
Interbank loans246 327 325 (26.91%) 275 240 378 (25.72%)
Loans to legal entities301 606 277 (32.95%) 290 436 588 (27.14%)
Loans to individuals141 990 618 (15.51%) 334 767 673 (31.29%)
Bills of exchange (0.00%) (0.00%)
Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim981 895 (0.11%) 16 799 090 (1.57%)
Investments in securities192 988 716 (21.08%) 120 009 026 (11.22%)
Other income loans2 380 626 (0.26%) 2 609 412 (0.24%)
Income assets915 444 281 (100.00%) 1 069 952 229 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of Interbank loans, Loans to legal entities, Bills of exchange have changed slightly, the amounts of Loans to individuals, Investments in leasing operations and acquired rights of claim have increased significantly, the amounts of Investments in securities have greatly decreased, and the total amount of income-generating assets increased by 16.9% from 915.44 to 1069.95 billion rubles.

Analytics by degree of security issued loans, as well as their structure:

Indicator nameOctober 01, 2018, thousand rublesOctober 01, 2019, thousand rubles
Securities accepted as collateral for loans issued64 982 972 (9.37%) 394 639 299 (43.84%)
Property accepted as security146 826 410 (21.18%) 221 187 223 (24.57%)
Precious metals accepted as collateral (0.00%) (0.00%)
Received guarantees and warranties801 816 688 (115.65%) 1 075 626 948 (119.49%)
Loan portfolio amount693 286 741 (100.00%) 900 193 809 (100.00%)
- incl. loans to legal entities278 063 902 (40.11%) 247 901 257 (27.54%)
- incl. personal loans persons141 990 618 (20.48%) 334 767 673 (37.19%)
- incl. loans to banks246 327 325 (35.53%) 260 240 378 (28.91%)

Analysis of the table suggests that the bank focuses on diversified lending, the form of security of which is property pledges. The overall level of loan security is quite high and possible loan defaults will likely be offset by the volume of collateral.

Brief structure interest obligations(i.e. for which the bank usually pays interest to the client):

Indicator nameOctober 01, 2018, thousand rublesOctober 01, 2019, thousand rubles
Bank funds (interbank lending and correspondent accounts)92 097 966 (11.06%) 84 629 752 (8.34%)
Legal funds persons367 339 219 (44.10%) 410 215 255 (40.44%)
- incl. current legal funds persons166 439 430 (19.98%) 218 069 933 (21.50%)
Deposits from individuals persons263 534 368 (31.64%) 307 920 846 (30.36%)
Other interest-bearing liabilities110 005 752 (13.21%) 211 519 936 (20.85%)
- incl. loans from the Bank of Russia46 718 (0.01%) 19 435 (0.00%)
Interest obligations832 977 305 (100.00%) 1 014 285 789 (100.00%)

We see that the amounts of Bank Funds (Interbank Credit and Correspondent Accounts), Legal Funds have changed slightly. persons, Deposits of individuals. persons, and the total amount of interest obligations increased by 21.8% from 832.98 to 1014.29 billion rubles.

You can consider the structure of assets and liabilities of PJSC ROSBANK in more detail.


Profitability of sources of own funds (calculated based on balance sheet data) is insignificant for the year from 7.26% to 7.26%. At the same time, return on equity ROE (calculated using forms 102 and 134) increased over the year from 11.10% to 11.98%(here and below the data are given in percent per annum as of the nearest quarterly date).

Net interest margin decreased over the year from 3.52% to 3.07%. The profitability of loan operations decreased over the year from 10.48% to 9.82%. The cost of funds raised changed slightly over the year from 4.72% to 4.69%. The cost of borrowed funds from banks increased over the year from 5.16% to 5.37%. The cost of funds of the population (individuals) decreased over the year With