When will Petroleum Alliance Bank start paying out money? PJSC Commercial Bank Oil Alliance. Which bank will make payments?


The credit organization was registered by the Bank of Russia in May 1994 in Moscow. The founders were the people's concern "Oil Alliance" Insurance companies"Astro-Polis" and "Alliance-Polis", the international travel company "Tur-Avia", the companies "Nevile", "Senaderm", "Stella" and others. Since 2002, the bank has been operating as an open joint stock company. In December 2004, the financial institution became a participant in the deposit insurance system.

Currently, the beneficiaries of the bank are its top managers, as well as a number of others individuals holding blocks of shares indirectly through companies and directly. Thus, the chairman of the board of directors of the bank and co-owner of the investment and construction holding Imperio Group, Kirill Zhikharev, controls 13.39% of the shares, his father, member of the board of directors Leonid Krasnyansky - 15.93%, member of the board of directors Valentin Bobyrev - 21.48%, Elena Kruglova - 14.07%, Yulia Putyatina and Dmitry Klenov - 7.41% each. Member of the board of directors and chairman of the board Oleg Grigor owns a stake of 6.20% of shares, Grigory Pirumov and his daughter Karina Pirumova jointly through CJSC Russian House of Real Estate - 6.20%. Also, the bank’s shareholders are Alexander Gavrilov (4.22% through CJSC CF Staraya Tula) and Alexey Preobrazhensky (3.70%).

It is worth noting that Grigory Pirumov and Leonid Krasnyansky held the posts of head of the sales department in the first half of the 2000s housing program Department of Construction Investment Programs and Chairman of the Department of Extra-Budgetary Policy of Moscow, respectively.

head office credit organization located in Moscow. The network of divisions includes two branches in St. Petersburg and Tyumen, four additional offices and two operating cash desks outside the cash desk in Moscow, as well as five operational offices in the Vladimir, Kursk, Murmansk, Sverdlovsk and Smolensk regions. The ATM network is not developed and is limited to two devices in Moscow. To withdraw cash from bank cards, customers have access to the services of ATMs of PJSC VTB 24 (a number of operations are also available at preferential terms). The number of personnel as of July 1, 2016 was 335 people.

The bank offers corporate clients standard Banking services, including brokerage and depository services, trust management assets, documentary transactions, salary projects and corporate bank cards, services of our own collection service, etc. Available to individuals cash management services, consulting and legal services, consumer loans, Money transfers(Contact, UNIStream), placement of funds in deposits, debit and credit cards Visa, Internet banking, investment services.

The bank's clients are trade, construction, leasing and transport companies. In total, the credit institution serves over 13 thousand individuals and more than 4 thousand. corporate clients, among which were seen JSC Mekhanizatsiya-2, LLC Stroykom-97, JSC Plant of Reinforced Concrete Products No. 21, JSC Gipsobeton, LLC Sinel, LLC Mitratechniksgroup, LLC Simple Solutions, JSC "NPO CorrZashchita", LLC "Aviation transport company- Aurora" and other organizations.

At first current year The bank's net assets decreased by 3.1 billion rubles, amounting to 10.95 billion rubles at the beginning of October. In the structure of liabilities, there is an outflow of funds from corporate clients (-1.8 billion rubles), partial repayment of obligations on own securities (-806.7 million rubles), a reduction in the volume of deposits of individuals (-740.8 million rubles), as well as in the portfolio loans received from banks (-375.3 million rubles), and equity(-345.3 million rubles). In the active part of the balance sheet, there is a decrease in highly liquid assets (-1.4 billion rubles), other assets (-971.4 million rubles), as well as the volume of investments in securities(-117.2 million rubles) and funds in banks - interbank credit (-64.9 million rubles). At the same time, the bank slightly increased its total loan portfolio (+145.8 million rubles).

Liability structure credit institution as of October 1, 2016, 39.8% is represented by deposits of individuals, the volume of which has decreased by 14.5% since the beginning of this year and amounted to 4.4 billion rubles. Of the deposits of individuals, 54% were attracted for a period of one to three years. Funds in current accounts (mainly) and deposits of enterprises and organizations form 27.6%, having decreased by 36.9% since the beginning of 2016. The bank's own funds account for 15.4%, securities issued by the bank (bonds and bills) - 8.9%. The share of attraction in the interbank lending market is low and reporting date did not exceed 1% of net liabilities. The customer base is quite large; turnover on customer accounts amounts to 10-22 billion rubles monthly. Dependence on funds from individuals is assessed as moderate.

Own funds since the beginning of this year have shown a decrease of 17% and as of October 1 amounted to 1.7 billion rubles. The main reason for the decrease in capital was the current year's loss. At the same time, the sufficiency standard own funds(H1.0) increased slightly - from 11.1% to 11.3%. The capital includes two subordinated loans: for 3 million US dollars with a maturity date of May 24, 2026 and for 1.5 million US dollars with a maturity date of June 8, 2026, as well as subordinated bonds placed by the bank in the amount of 250 million rubles with a maturity date of maturity date April 27, 2022.

The structure of assets is dominated by the loan portfolio (72.2%), another 11.7% are highly liquid assets, 7.7% are fixed assets and intangible assets, 7.4% - other assets. Less than 1% of net assets are formed by investments in government bonds and funds in banks (IBC).

Loan portfolio, 86.7% represented by loans from legal entities, has increased by only 1.9% since the beginning of 2016 and amounted to 7.9 billion rubles as of October 1, 2016. The volume of the corporate portfolio decreased by 186.1 million rubles, the retail portfolio increased by 331.9 million rubles. The volume of overdue debt as a whole decreased by 24%, and therefore the level of overdue debt also decreased - from 7% to 5.2%. At the same time, reserves covered 16.7% of all loans. The level of security of the loan portfolio with property collateral is 72.8%, which is an insufficient indicator. The Bank is among the participants in the program of the Fund for Promoting Lending to Small Businesses in Moscow and the Fund for Promoting Lending to Small and Medium Businesses in St. Petersburg, and is also a participant special program"Lending commercial banks subjects of small and medium-sized businesses" in St. Petersburg. The loan portfolio is predominantly long-term: the share of loans for a period of more than one year is 76.9%. As of December 31, 2015, the total balance of 23 large borrowers amounted to RUB 5.9 billion, or 78% of the total amount of loans issued to customers, which indicates an extremely high concentration of the loan portfolio.

Highly liquid assets, represented by 47.9% of cash balances in cash registers and ATMs, have decreased by 53% since the beginning of this year. The main point of decline was balances on nostro accounts, mainly in non-resident banks, which have decreased fourfold since the beginning of the year.

In the interbank lending market during the period under review, the Oil Alliance both attracted liquidity and placed it in inconspicuous amounts. There are significant turnovers in accounting accounts conversion operations, amounting to 136-195 billion rubles monthly.

At the end of 2015, the credit institution earned a profit of 4.9 million rubles according to RAS (the same figure for 2014 was 81.9 million rubles). For nine months of 2016, the loss amounted to 895.6 million rubles.

Board of Directors: Kirill Zhikharev (chairman), Oleg Grigor, Leonid Krasnyansky, Anatoly Roslavtsev, Valentin Bobyrev.

Governing body: Oleg Grigor (chairman), Sergey Chucha, Oleg Gorbunov, Alexander Strukov, Olga Khudokormova ( Chief Accountant), Kirill Lipey, Sergey Bushuev, Alexander Karpov.

The Deposit Insurance Agency reports the insured event in relation to the Moscow bank “Oil Alliance” in connection with the revocation of the license to carry out banking operations.

The Central Bank of Russia revoked the license for banking operations from a Moscow bank as of March 14 “Oil Alliance”. In terms of assets, the bank ranked 217th in the world as of February 1, 2017. banking system RF.

“Oil Alliance” posted cash into low-quality assets and did not create reserves adequate to the accepted risks. As a result, the bank did not ensure timely fulfillment of obligations to creditors.

Due to the fact that the bank is a participant in the system compulsory insurance deposits, and revocation of a license is an insured event, each bank depositor, including individual entrepreneurs, has the right to receive insurance compensation.

Insurance compensation is paid in the amount of 100% of the amount of all deposits, but not more than 1.4 million rubles. Payments to depositors will begin before March 28. Agent banks will be selected no later than March 20, 2017.

/ Tuesday, March 14, 2017 /

Topics: Small business

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Decision to revoke the license of a Moscow bank “Oil Alliance” to carry out banking operations was accepted due to the credit institution’s failure to comply with federal laws governing banking activities, and regulations of the Bank of Russia.

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Proper assessment credit risk revealed a complete loss of the bank's own funds. Under the circumstances, the Bank of Russia decided to revoke the organization’s license. . . . . .

Payments to capital bank depositors “Oil Alliance”, whose license was revoked by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on March 14, will begin no later than March 28, 2017, according to the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA).

"Payments will begin no later than March 28, 2017. Before this date, the DIA will publish in the local press and also post on the DIA website on the Internet an official announcement about the place, time, form and procedure for accepting applications for payment of compensation for deposits", - noted in the message.

As specified, in accordance with the decision of the DIA board, agent banks will be selected on a competitive basis no later than March 20. Applications for payment of insurance compensation may be submitted by depositors during the entire period of bank liquidation.

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. . . . . As reported on regulator website, he did not comply with federal banking laws, and regulations Bank of Russia.
. . . . . Due to the unsatisfactory quality of assets that did not generate sufficient cash flow, the credit institution did not ensure timely fulfillment of obligations to creditors. . . . . . Besides, “Oil Alliance” did not comply with the requirements of legislation and regulations in the field of combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism in terms of timely and high-quality submission of information to authorized body. The managers and owners of the bank did not take effective measures to normalize its activities.
A temporary administration has been appointed to the bank, its powers executive bodies suspended.
“Oil Alliance” In terms of assets, it ranked 217th in the Russian banking system. It is a participant in the deposit insurance system, so the population will not lose their money. . . . . . The amount not compensated by insurance will be repaid during the liquidation of the bank as part of the claims of first-priority creditors (for individual entrepreneur accounts opened for entrepreneurial activity, - as part of the third stage).
Deposit Insurance Agency reports that payments will begin no later than March 28. . . . . .
To promptly receive applications from citizens and pay them compensation on deposits as quickly as possible, the DIA intends to use agent banks; they will be selected on a competitive basis no later than March 20. . . . . .

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“Oil Alliance” is a participant in the deposit insurance system. As of January 1, 2017, the Moscow bank was in 207th place in the Russian banking system.

According to one of the investors, Oil Alliance Difficulties arose with issuing funds to bank clients at the beginning of February 2017. But until recently, the bank allowed withdrawals of up to 100 thousand rubles from accounts.

. . . . . This is reported on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.
. . . . . Revocation of a license to carry out banking operations is an insured event.
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“The decision to apply an extreme measure of influence - the revocation of a license to carry out banking operations - was made by the Bank of Russia in connection with the credit organization’s failure to comply with federal laws regulating banking activities and regulations of the Bank of Russia, repeated violations within one year of the requirements provided for in Article 7 (for with the exception of paragraph 3 of Article 7) of the Federal Law "On combating the legalization (laundering) of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism", - the message says.

Also “Oil Alliance” violated the requirements of Bank of Russia regulations issued in accordance with the specified Federal law, the value of equity adequacy standards below 2%, a decrease in the amount of equity below the minimum value authorized capital set on the date state registration credit institution, inability to satisfy creditors' demands for monetary obligations, taking into account the repeated application within one year of the measures provided for by the Federal Law "O Central Bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia).

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A temporary administration has been appointed at the bank.

. . . . . Revocation of a license to carry out banking operations is an insured event provided for by Federal Law No. 177-FZ "On insurance of deposits of individuals in banks of the Russian Federation" in relation to the bank's obligations on household deposits determined in accordance with the procedure established by law.
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