Otkritie FC Bank has revealed its new shareholders. Who owns Bank Otkritie FK Otkritie who owns it


What happened to Otkrytie, why the reorganization was needed and what will happen next.


August 29 Central Bank, which will become the main investor of Otkritie through the Consolidation Fund banking sector. Such a scheme financial recovery The regulator applied it for the first time: it is believed that it is cheaper and faster than conventional rehabilitation. At the same time, they did not declare a moratorium on satisfying creditors’ claims. This means that depositors can withdraw their funds from the bank at any time.

A temporary administration was introduced at Otkrytie and began to implement measures to “increase financial stability» together with existing shareholders and owners. Their powers are suspended for a period of at least six months, and after renewal they will not be able to own more than 25% of the bank’s shares. The regulator claims that the reorganization will not affect the bank’s work in any way.

What happened to the bank

In June, July and August 2017, the bank faced a large outflow of customer funds. Over the three months of summer, almost a trillion rubles were withdrawn from the bank, and in August alone the outflow amounted to 329 billion rubles. The ACRA agency suspected Otkritie had problems with liquidity and downgraded its rating to the lowest among the largest private banks. Because of this, the bank could no longer attract funds from state-owned companies and pension funds.

To cope with outflows, Otkritie borrowed funds from the Central Bank: in July, the amount of loans amounted to 333 billion rubles. In August, the regulator opened an unsecured credit line for the bank, but decided not to disclose the transaction amount. Later, a representative of the Central Bank reported that the funds were not unsecured, but were “non-standard refinancing instruments” and were provided on market conditions and for a short period.

Vedomosti reported on August 25 that the Central Bank could become the owner of the bank. The newspaper's sources claimed that Otkritie could be transferred to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund, the creation of which was completed in June 2017. The main shareholder of the bank, Vadim Belyaev, then stated that negotiations on the transfer of the bank were “not underway.”

On August 29, after the Central Bank’s announcement, it became known that the regulator would receive 75% of Otkritie’s shares, and this is the minimum - the Central Bank’s share could become even larger if the bank is found to have negative capital. Also in this case, existing shareholders will completely lose their ownership rights to the bank.

According to Vedomosti, through Otkritie Holding, 66.4% of the bank’s shares are owned by seven individuals: one of the founders of the bank, Vadim Belyaev (28.61%), chairman of the bank’s supervisory board, Ruben Aganbegyan (7.96%), Alexander Mamut ( 6.67%), IFD group (19.9%), IST group (9.82%), as well as NPF Lukoil-Garant and VTB Bank (9.9%).

Thus, Otkritie will become the bank with the largest share of state participation among the top 10, ahead of Sberbank (52% of shares from the Central Bank) and VTB (60% of shares from the Federal Property Management Agency).

Before the start of the reorganization, Otkritie was the largest private bank in Russia, ranking seventh in terms of total assets.

Position of the Central Bank: the moment has come when Otkritie needs support

First Deputy Chairman of the Bank of Russia Dmitry Tulin said that one of the reasons to “save the bank” was an attempt to acquire largest player in the unprofitable MTPL insurance market - Rosgosstrakh companies. According to him, Rosgosstrakh became “the trigger that accelerated the need to decide the fate of the bank.”

Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Vasily Pozdyshev named another reason: in his opinion, the “trigger” was the “not entirely successful” reorganization by Otkrytie of Trust Bank.

Representatives of the Bank of Russia claim that Otkritie’s business strategy itself led to the current situation - “transactions and mergers through borrowed funds" Without further support, the bank cannot move forward, the Central Bank noted.

According to Tulin, the owners of Otkritie themselves turned to the Central Bank, since “the capital published in the statements was significantly overstated,” and they “realized that they would have to admit the fact of the reduction in capital both to auditors and to rating agencies.”

Tulin said that the Central Bank knew about the bank’s problems back in the fall of 2016 and demanded that the volume of risky operations to purchase assets be reduced.

When asked about specific figures, Central Bank officials replied that “there are many questions” and “Otkritie FC Bank is an interesting phenomenon.” Tulin noted that no shocks are expected in the banking sector.

Otkritie’s position: we ourselves turned to the Central Bank for support

Managing Director of Otkrytie Alexander Dmitriev told TJ that despite the transfer under the control of the Central Bank, the bank will continue to operate as usual, and nothing will change for clients: obligations will continue to be fulfilled in full.

Dmitriev separately emphasized that deposits “are preserved in full and are serviced in the usual manner.” According to him, the same applies to organizations included in the Bank group - for example, Rosgosstrakh, Trust Bank, as well as the Tochka and Rocketbank services.

The top manager called the news about the reorganization and the introduction of a temporary administration “positive” both for the bank’s clients and for the entire banking sector.

Dmitriev confirmed that Otkritie shareholders themselves turned to the Central Bank for support, and the bank’s transfer to the control of the regulator was “the result of a productive dialogue.”

Rocketbank’s position: the cause of what was happening was an information attack

Rocketbank notified its clients about the transition to the control of the Central Bank through mobile application and corporate blog. In the announcement, the service said that it had now become “even more reliable” and confirmed the start of the reorganization of Otkritie.

In conversations with clients, employees technical support"Rocketbank" about what is happening in different ways. Some refuted the reorganization and called this process “nationalization” (the transfer of large enterprises from private to state ownership), others stated that there was a simple change of share owners, and Otkrytie became state bank. In most cases, technical support employees referred to the statement of the Central Bank, in which the regulator promised that Otkritie and all its subsidiaries would continue to operate as usual.

The banks of the Otkritie group have been integrated for several years. On at the moment this group is considered one of the largest in the country.

Formation of the Otkritie Bank financial group

The banks that are part of the Otkritie group are quite famous for their activities in the Russian Federation. The structure of this bank is unique in its own way: more than 10 large financial institutions were integrated into the Otkritie group.

At the moment, in addition to the head office of PJSC Otkritie, FC Otkritie and the Petrocommerce branch offer their products to the public (PJSC Khanty-Mansiysk Bank Otkritie completed its integration into FC Otkritie in 2016). That is, in the sphere banking services and products, legal entities and individuals are offered a choice of current programs 3 main participants at once. This significantly expands the population’s ability to choose the most suitable and profitable banking products.

Which banks are part of the Otkritie group

Which banks are part of the Otkritie group?

Since 1993, the following commercial structures have gradually been integrated into this group:

  • NOMOS-BANK (it was transformed into FC Otkritie);
  • Regiobank (since 2005);
  • since 2008: Russian Development Bank, Petrovsky and Sverdlovsk Provincial Bank;
  • since 2010 - the KHMB group (Khanty-Mansiysk Bank) becomes controlled by FC Otkritie after purchasing shares of this group;
  • 2012: merger of Otkritie and FC Otkritie.

Subsequently, a merger and integration occurs, as a result of which the Otkritie bank group is transformed (which banks are included in it as indicated above) into a PJSC with two fully operational branches: FC Otkritie and Petrocommerce.

Otkritie Bank Financial Group has the following structural divisions with the same name:

In addition, as part of the financial recovery, the group includes Trust Bank with independent development as a commercial retail bank.


Currently, Otkritie Group banks are present in 53 regions of the Russian Federation. The number of inpatient departments is 430. The main structural divisions offer individuals and legal entities their own products with competitive conditions.

TASS DOSSIER. On August 29, 2017, the Central Bank decided to implement measures aimed at increasing the financial stability of one of the largest private Russian credit institutions - PJSC Bank Otkritie Financial Corporation (Otkritie FC).

The regulator appointed a temporary administration to the bank and will provide support to it with the help of the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund (FBS). Otkritie will continue to operate as usual, fulfilling its obligations. There is no moratorium on satisfying creditors' claims. According to First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank Dmitry Tulin, the process of financial recovery of the bank will last 6-8 months.

As of August 2017, FC Otkritie Bank ranks eighth in Russia in terms of assets. Moreover, back in July it was the largest private credit institution in Russia, ahead of Alfa Bank.

Bank history

The bank was founded in Moscow in 1992 as Tipko Venture Bank; On December 15, 1992, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation was registered. Already at the beginning of 1993, the credit institution was bought out by the ICT group (co-owner - Alexander Nesis). In August 1994, the bank changed its name to “New Moscow”, but used the short name Nomos Bank (it was officially established in 2007).

By the end of the 2000s, Nomos Bank was among the top 20 Russian banks in terms of assets, and by 2012 it was among the top 10. Its structure included the regional banks Nomos-Regiobank and Nomos-Bank-Siberia, which were merged with it in 2013.

In August 2012, the Otkritie financial group (founder and largest co-owner is Vadim Belyaev) entered the capital of Nomos Bank. By the spring of 2014, she increased her share to 74.9%, purchasing shares from the ICT group (it became a co-owner of Otkritie) and from other co-owners, including open market. On August 22, 2014, the bank changed its name to OJSC Bank Financial Corporation Otkritie (from December 2014 - PJSC).

In the 2010s, Nomos Bank, and then Otkritie FC Bank, participated in the financial recovery of the Moscow Capital, VEFK-Sibir, Petrovsky, Sverdlovsk Provincial Bank and Trust banks. Some of them merged into structure of "Discovery".

In 2015, Petrocommerce became part of Otkritie Bank, and in 2016 - " Khanty-Mansiysk Bank"Opening". Also in 2015, Otkritie acquired Russian project for simple banking services entrepreneurs "Tochka", and in 2016 - banking service"Rocketbank".


Otkritie Bank operates in 54 regions of Russia, has a network of 412 offices and one foreign representative office in Prague. Serves 3.6 million private clients and 247 thousand. legal entities. The number of employees is 15 thousand people.

Net profit at the end of 2016 amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. (in 2015 6.6 billion rubles). Total operating income - 84.7 billion rubles. Authorized capital- 11 billion 21 million rubles.

According to banki.ru, assets as of August 2017 amounted to 2 trillion 324 billion rubles. (14.7% decrease compared to June 2017). Deposits individuals- 538.9 billion rubles. (decrease by 2.8%). Loan portfolio- 1 trillion 94 billion rubles. (35% decrease).


As of August 2017, the main shareholder of the bank, directly or indirectly, is Otkritie Holding (co-owners - Vadim Belyaev, Ruben Aganbegyan, Alexander Mamut, IFD group, VTB Bank, East group, NPF Lukoil-Garant, etc. .). The remaining shares are in free circulation.

If the temporary administration does not identify a “hole” in the bank’s capital, its current owners will retain 25% of it, the remaining shares after reorganization will be transferred to the FCBS.

Financial problems

July 3, 2017 Analytical credit rating agency(ACRA) assigned Otkritie Bank a BBB- rating on the national scale, justifying this by the fact that credit organization poor asset quality and negative impact on liquidity from the parent company. Such a rating automatically meant that Otkrytie could no longer raise funds federal budget and NPF, and its new securities were not included in the Central Bank's Lombard list.

On July 28, the Central Bank revoked the license of the large private bank Ugra (one of the top 30). Against the backdrop of this event, the downgrade of ACRA’s rating and rumors of possible financial problems at Otkritie, private and corporate clients in July - August 2017, 528 billion rubles were taken from it. This led to a sharp reduction in the bank's liquid assets.

To support Otkritie, the Central Bank allocated a loan to the bank in the amount of 333 billion rubles in July.

On August 16, 2017, it became known about a letter sent by an employee of Alfa Capital to the company’s clients, in which they were warned about the presence of risks in FC Otkritie, B&N Bank, Promsvyazbank and MKB. The letter said that the situation around these banks “could be finally resolved this fall, and not after the Russian presidential elections in 2018, as many people think.” Alfa Capital and Alfa Bank stated that the letter reflects the private opinion of the employee and that the companies intend to continue working with the above-mentioned banks.

On August 25, 2017, the Vedomosti newspaper, citing sources, reported that Otkritie Bank could be sanitized by the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund.


Chairman of the Supervisory Board, President of the bank since 2017 Ruben Aganbegyan (son of the former rector of the Academy national economy Abel Aganbegyan). Chairman of the Board since 2016 - Evgeniy Dankevich.

The temporary administration, which will be introduced at the bank on August 30, includes representatives of the Bank of Russia and FCBS Management Company LLC. Council work and general meeting of the bank's shareholders will continue, but their decisions will come into force after agreement with the temporary administration.

Assessment of net negative assets of FC Otkrytie and those included in the reorganization financial organizations, which amounted to 300 billion rubles as of November 1, can be adjusted “in the direction of worsening,” added the deputy chairman of the Central Bank. This is due to the fact that the former main shareholder of Otkritie Holding Bank, as a result of the placement of bonds, turned out to be a large borrower of both Otkritie FC and its pension funds, Pozdyshev explained.

The largest former shareholder of the bank is Otkritie Holding, which owned 55.2% of the bank's shares, of which the company owned 33% of shares directly and 22.2% through subsidiaries. Among the beneficiaries of Otkritie Holding, the latest IFRS reports for the first half of 2017 indicate Vadim Belyaev (29%), Leonid Fedun and Vagit Alekperov (20%), Ruben Agangebyan (8%). Alexander Mamut (7%). Among other shareholders of FC Otkritie are the company Ferrosplav Invest (6.68% of shares, among the ultimate owners are Alexander Nesis, Nikolay Dobrinov, Dmitry Sokolov), NPF Future (4.1%) and others.

Since on November 29 the bank was transferred to the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund, the capital former shareholders blurred to 1 ruble.

The deputy chairman of the Central Bank admitted that not all shareholders of FC Otkritie began to cooperate with the regulator during the financial rehabilitation of the bank. This slowed down the process of recapitalization of FC Otkritie and made it difficult to recover assets, in connection with which the Central Bank is seeking the authority to introduce a temporary administration in the structures of the bank’s former shareholders.

A representative from the press service of FC Otkrytie was unable to clarify which assets were transferred to the bank’s balance sheet during the reorganization. The press service of the Central Bank did not provide a comment on this topic at the time of publication of the material.

In September, Otkritie Holding transferred to the control of the bank a 100% stake in the authorized capital of Otkritie Trading, which owns 99.99% of the shares investment company"Opening Broker". Thus, the broker became a subsidiary of Otkritie FC.

What assets will be transferred

The building of the Vivaldi Plaza business center, which is located at st. Letnikovskaya, building 2, for the most part (three buildings out of four) belong to O1 Properties, which is part of the O1 Group of Boris Mints, according to the company’s reporting. The owner of the fourth building is Otkritie TZ, as follows from the federal extract cadastral chamber. According to SPARK-Interfax, this is a subsidiary of Otkritie Holding. It is the building that belongs to her that will be transferred to FC Otkritie. The head offices of the bank itself and the Otkritie Broker company are located in this building. As specified in the cadastral extract, this business center building is encumbered with a mortgage in favor of Trust Bank for a period of three years - from October 2015 to October 2018.

The building area is 24,425 sq. m. m. His approximate cost is 5.8 - 6.5 billion rubles, says Olga Kochetova, director of the valuation department at Knight Frank. According to Colliers International partner Stanislav Bibik, the building could cost $110-130 million (6.4-7.6 billion rubles at the current exchange rate). In turn, O1 Propertis valued its three buildings in the Vivaldi Plaza business center at $367 million at the end of the first half of 2017, according to the company’s reporting.

According to the Central Bank as of October 3, 2017, 99% of Qiwi Bank belongs to joint stock company Qiwi. The Otkritie Holding structure Investments Cyprus Limited (OICL, wholly owned by Otkritie Holding) owns a stake in Qiwi of 8.9%. At the end of the third quarter of 2017, Qiwi’s capitalization amounted to 52.6 billion rubles, therefore the value of the package owned by OICL at that time was approximately 4.7 billion rubles.

On October 3, the Kommersant newspaper, with reference to the managing director of FC Otkritie bank Alexander Dmitriev, wrote that Otkritie bank had already become the owner of 7.56% of the shares of the gold mining company Polymetal, most of the package (6.99%) previously belonged to " Opening to the Holding". The transfer of shares took place on October 29. Three Kommersant sources claimed that the deal with Polymetal shares was monetary. Otkritie Holding, by agreement with the Central Bank, was supposed to contribute money from the sale of this stake to the capital of FC Otkritie. The market value of this share of shares is about $360 million, the publication wrote.

In the shareholder structure of VTB Bank, disclosed on the Central Bank website, neither Otkritie Holding nor its subsidiaries are listed.


On August 29, the Central Bank announced the reorganization of the Otkritie FC bank using a new mechanism - the Banking Sector Consolidation Fund. In addition to the bank, the Central Bank will have to deal with other satellite assets of the credit organization - SK Rosgosstrakh, Trust Bank and Rosgosstrakh Bank, pension funds"Lukoil-Garant", "NPF Elektroenergetiki" and RGS. In addition, such assets as Otkritie Broker, Tochka and Rocketbank came under the wing of the Bank of Russia.

The last two banks, as it turned out, were sold to Qiwi, Qiwi CEO and shareholder Sergei Solonin told reporters in October. This deal was concluded even before the introduction of a temporary administration at FC Otkrytie, and it can be revised, the Central Bank said earlier. So far there is no new information about the results of the regulator’s analysis of the transaction.

The reorganization of FC Otkritie was led to by the not entirely successful strategy for the rehabilitation of Trust Bank and the purchase of the insurance company Rosgosstrakh, said representatives of the supervisory block of the Central Bank.