Problems of managing the economic system. Problems of managing the economic system Conference problems and prospects of economics and management



organization management process / technology companies / Internet technologies/BigData/ organization management process/ technology companies / Internet technology / BigData

annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of the scientific work - Avdeeva Irina Leonidovna

The emergence of the global economy in modern conditions is a priority direction for the development of the world community by 2030. The high-tech sector of the economy is characterized by a process where technologies change quickly, making it more profitable for enterprises to operate in a more traditional area. Currently, a program of measures is being implemented to form fundamentally new markets and create conditions for Russia’s global technological leadership by 2035. Based on long-term forecasting, it is necessary to understand what challenges Russia will face in 10-15 years, what advanced solutions will be required in order to ensure national security, the quality of life of people, and the development of industries of a new technological order.” With the globalization of production over the past two decades, a world system from manufacturers, suppliers and logistics companies. Process automation and new manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing and robotics have the potential to change the way industry is organized in both developing and developed countries Oh. However, in light of current trends, any transition may be relatively slow. Scientific research is based on general scientific methodology, which involves the use of systematic and program-targeted approaches to solving problems. A fundamental shift is coming (or has already come) to every business and industry around the world. This applies to retailers, manufacturers, and companies operating in the healthcare and Agriculture, and pharmaceutical companies. Currently, we are talking about the decline of technological enterprises, and the entry of all other companies into the technological culture. Businesses need to check their vital signs in a post-tech world to avoid demise. At the same time, checking these indicators should not be a one-time event, but an annual and mandatory one.

Related topics scientific works on economics and business, author of scientific work - Avdeeva Irina Leonidovna

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Formation of the global economy in modern conditions is a priority of the international community in 2030. The high-tech sector is characterized by the process of rapid change in technology the result of which is that it's more profitable for companies to work in a more traditional sector. Currently, a program of measures for the formation of fundamentally new markets and creation of conditions for global technological leadership of Russia by 2035 is being implemented. On the basis of a long-term forecasting it is necessary to understand what challenges Russia will face in 10-15 years, which innovative solutions will be required to ensure the national security, the quality of life, the development of sectors of the new technological order. With the course of globalization of production in the past two decades, the world has formed a system of manufacturers, suppliers and logistics companies. The process automation and new production technologies such as 3D printing and robotics, have all the possibilities to change the principles of the organization of the industry in both developing and developed countries. However, in light of current trends any transition may be relatively slow. The scientific research is based on a scientific methodology, involving the use of system and program-oriented approach to solving problems. A fundamental shift may be seen in every business and in every industry around the world. This also applies to retailers and manufacturers, and companies working in the areas of health and agriculture, and pharmaceutical companies. Now, there is a decline of technology companies, and joining of all the other companies to the technological culture. Businesses need to check their vital signs in the post technological world in order to avoid death. At the same time, verification of these indicators should not be a one-time event, but annual and binding.

On manufacturing enterprises A lot of functional and institutional problems have accumulated, both those that existed before the reform of the 90s and those that were acquired. In order to improve the situation in the economy and restore internal balance and integrity of production, targeted, coordinated activity is required at all levels of management. But it is reforms at the microeconomic level that are not only necessary, but to a large extent are also a sufficient condition for changing both the macro- and nano-economic situation in the country. At the same time, ensuring the balance of production, marketing and reproduction processes, the development of cognitive, educational and educational functions are put forward as one of the main tasks of enterprise reform.


The company, as a rule, acts in the status legal entity, (attributes of a legal entity: current account and seal) has: name or title, brand name, color and other symbols.

The company's goals: profit maximization, achieving planned profitability, i.e. economic profit>0, achieving break-even, i.e. profit = 0, minimizing losses, maintaining the company on the market (avoiding bankruptcy), capturing the market through a price war, eliminating a competitor using unfair competition methods.

Firms can be classified into industrial, trade, insurance, transport, and freight forwarding.

The legal status of the company determines who is liable to what extent for the obligations of the company, i.e. who will pay the company's debts if it goes bankrupt. From legal status The company depends on who is given the right (authority) to enter into transactions on behalf of the company.

There are main types legal status companies: business partnerships and companies, general partnerships, limited partnerships, limited liability companies, additional liability companies, Joint-Stock Company, production cooperative, unitary enterprises.

For transition economy characteristic are dramatic changes in the number and structure of enterprises, reflecting the formation of new economic entities in the conditions of denationalization of the economy and the strengthening of the role of market relations in it.

Nbsp; Non-state educational institution higher vocational education "Siberian Institute of Business and information technologies "(Omsk, Russian Federation ) Non-state educational institution of secondary vocational education "Siberian Regional Business School (College)" North Kazakhstan State University named after. M. Kozybaeva (Petropavlovsk, Republic of Kazakhstan) International Institute University of External economic ties And foreign trade

(Beijing, China) International Akademie fur Management und Technologie (INTAMT e.v.) (Dusseldorf, Germany) University of Texas at Arlington (Texas, USA) Turan-Astana University (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan) Scientific Society young scientists and students of NOU VPO SIBIT



19 INFORMATION MAIL April 20, 2018 Conducted by the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies and the Siberian Regional Business School (College)

IV International Student Forum “Business. The science. Creation". NOU VPO "Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies" (NOU VPO "SIBIT"), st. 24th North, 196, bldg. 1, Omsk, 644116;

The main goal of the Forum– development of the creative and scientific potential of young people, involving them in solving pressing problems of economics and management, as well as consolidating the accumulated experience of scientific research in the economic, legal and humanitarian spheres.

Within the framework of the International Student Forum, it is planned to hold the XVII International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Socio-economic and legal systems: modern vision”, scientific and creative competitions, a round table, as well as creative master classes.

Forum participants: students of educational organizations higher education and professional educational organizations.

Working languages ​​of the Forum: Russian English.

Forum events:

XVII International Student Scientific and Practical Conference

Career guidance quest game of the Siberian Regional Business School “Career Express”

Tax knowledge competition of the Center for Economic Consultations of the National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "SIBIT"


Registration for the Forum

Registration for the Forum events is carried out from February 20, 2018 to April 10, 2018 (inclusive) on the Institute’s website:

Summing up the Forum carried out separately for each event.

Forum Organizing Committee:

V. A. Kovalev – Doctor of Economics. Sciences, Associate Professor, Professor of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies, Honorary Worker of Higher Education (medal), Honorary Member English Association management (ABE, London);

M. G. Rodionov – Ph.D. econ. Sciences, Associate Professor, First Vice-Rector of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies, expert on professional and public accreditation of educational programs of the Council for Professional Qualifications financial market;

A.V. Ulanov – Doctor of Philology. Sciences, Vice-Rector for Research at the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies, laureate of the youth prize for young scientists for 2016 of the Government of the Omsk Region;

A.A. Nozdunov – director of the Center for Career Guidance;

T.V. Nepomnyashchaya – Doctor of Law. Sciences, Professor of Omsk State University named after. F.M. Dostoevsky, member Russian Academy legal sciences;

S. L. Vinnik is the executive director of the Siberian Regional Business School (college).

Accommodation for non-resident Forum participants– at the expense of the sending party.

XVII International Student Scientific and Practical Conference

“Socio-economic and legal systems: modern vision”

April 2018

Meetings of the sections of the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Socio-economic and legal systems: modern vision” will be held in a competitive form in the form of a student competition scientific works and projects.

Expert assessment of scientific works and projects will be carried out by leading teachers of the Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies.

The work of thematic sections is proposed.

The relevance of studying this topic. Managing economic systems is managing complex economic objects in conditions of uncertainty. Management is based on mathematical modeling and the use of computer technology.

The objects of study of the management of economic systems are any economic objects. The subject of object research is the management of economic objects. The basis for the development of control actions are mathematical models, which are considered as economic systems.

Before you begin to reveal the topic, you need to understand what the economic system is. An economic system is a set of interconnected economic elements that form a certain integrity, economic structure society, the unity of relations arising regarding the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of economic goods.

In modern courses on economic theory Usually there are market, command, mixed and traditional economies. Best studied market economy, which is characterized as a system based on private property, freedom of choice and competition, relies on personal interests, and limits the role of government. A command economy is described as a system dominated by public (state) ownership of the means of production, collective economic decision-making, and centralized management of the economy through state planning. A mixed economy refers to a type of society that includes elements of the first two systems. It is typical for most modern states. By traditional economy we mean an archaic society based on common (community) property, a subsistence economy, in which decisions are made according to traditions and customs.

In modern conditions, most economic systems are located between the extremes of a “pure” market and a directive planned economy. Market mechanism cannot cope with solving all the problems facing the economic system.

There is a need government regulation this mechanism using various methods. Among them are planning, direct participation of the state in economic activity, expansion of state property to the detriment of private property. Most economically developed countries belong to mixed economic systems.

The experience of regional management, as well as analysis of foreign theory and practice, shows that the effectiveness of management of economic systems largely depends on compliance with well-defined principles that are determined by the laws of a market economy.

For the effectiveness of regional management, it is proposed to use the following basic principles:

  • decentralization;
  • partnership;
  • subsidiarity;
  • mobility;
  • adaptability;
  • allocated competence.

Management methods are methods, techniques, and actions by which management functions are performed. All management methods are interconnected and form a single system. They must be used comprehensively, where these methods complement each other in optimal proportion.

Unfortunately, in the absence of a clear understanding of the economic management system of the state, it is difficult to create an adequate effective management system.

State inconsistency economic policy manifests itself in the fact that the declared priorities have little in common with the extremely expensive representative investment projects(Investment center in Skolkovo, bridge on Russky Island and construction of a complex on this island, Olympics in Sochi, International Student Spartakiad in Kazan). The costs of their implementation are not commensurate with their impact on the development of the corresponding territories.

The limited production capabilities (resources that can be used in the production process) give rise to the problem of alternative use and search for the best combination of production factors, that is, the problem of choice, which faces not only society as a whole, but also each company, family, individual person

A reflection of this problem is the formulation of three basic questions of economics: what to produce, which of the possible goods and services should be produced in a given economic space and at a given time? How to produce, with what combination of production resources, using what technologies selected from possible options goods and services?

Since the number of goods and services created is limited, the problem of their distribution or the third question arises - for whom to produce, who will buy the selected goods? These three questions are usually simply formulated as: "what? how? and for whom?" produce.

Along with established, established economic systems, today in the world there are countries with transition economies - economic systems that are characterized by the presence of old economic forms, elements of new as well as mixed (transitional) forms and relationships. A clear example of a transition economy is the economy of former socialist countries, including Russia, which are making the transition from a planned to a mixed economy.

There are many problems in economic management:

  • controllability is impaired National economy due to inflation, dollarization of the economy;
  • there is a confrontation between the executive and legislative branches;
  • local authorities are separated from the functioning of state structures;
  • parallelism of local authorities;
  • swelling of the administrative apparatus;
  • problems with the availability of high-quality personnel in management;
  • imperfection of laws.

The lack of positive prospects inevitably leads to social tension, loss of confidence in the central authorities, etc.

Management concept economic system- one of the priority areas of theoretical research and practical solutions both in Russia and throughout the world. Therefore, an important structural component of the overall renewal concept Russian economy is a structural and functional analysis of management systems of economic systems and their changes necessary to achieve operational efficiency in conditions of a sharp acceleration of various economic and social processes.