1 market regulates relations in the sphere. Administrative and legal regulation of relations in the consumer market Kim Elena Vitalievna. Administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market management system in Russia and in foreign countries


Social science test Market relations in the economy Grade 11 with answers. The test consists of 3 parts (in part 1 - 10 tasks, in part 2 - 4 tasks, in part 3 - 2 tasks).

Part 1

1. The type of market that determines prices, and sellers and buyers are forced to take them for granted, is called

1) competitive
2) imperfect
3) centralized
4) planned

2. To the signs of the market not applies

1) unregulated supply
2) unregulated demand
3) unregulated price
4) unregulated taxation

3. In a market economy, as the price increases, the quantity demanded

1) increases
2) decreases
3) remains the same
4) regulated by the state


A. The hallmark of a free market is state-regulated access to the market for the producer of goods and services.
B. Signs of a free market are supply and demand regulated by local authorities.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

5. Are the following statements about the free market correct?

A. The hallmark of a free market is an unlimited number of participants.
B. The hallmark of a free market is government-regulated prices.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

6. Which of the following positions not is a sign of a market economy?

1) the dominant position is occupied by private property
2) decision-making on in which area the available resources should be applied takes place in a decentralized manner, the entrepreneur is guaranteed freedom of activity
3) the state intervenes in the economy to a minimal extent and only with the help of legal norms
4) the main mechanism of the economy is price regulation

7. The rivalry between sellers and buyers for the right to make the best use of their economic resources is called

1) cooperation
2) competition
3) corporation
4) monopoly


A. In a market economy, private property dominates.
B. The main mechanism of a market economy is price regulation.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

9. Note the position characteristic of a command economy.

1) the predominance of subsistence farming
2) strict regulation by the state of production, exchange and distribution
3) the manufacturer himself decides what and how to produce
4) the consumer decides what and how much to buy

10. Are the following statements about a market economy correct?

A. The market economy is characterized by the predominance of subsistence farming.
B. A market economy is characterized by strict state planning for the production of all types of goods.

1) only A is true
2) only B is true
3) both statements are correct
4) both judgments are wrong

Part 2

1. Establish a correspondence between concepts and their definitions: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.


A) the market
B) price
B) demand


1) coordinator of the entire market economy, coordinating the decisions of sellers and buyers in the market
2) a set of economic relations relating to the sale and purchase of goods and services
3) specific goods and services that the consumer chooses and for which he is willing to pay a certain price

Write the chosen numbers under the corresponding letters.

2. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, characterize the concept of "market economy".

Competition, monopoly, demand, supply, price.

Find and indicate a term that refers to another concept.

3. Find the signs of a free market in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) unlimited number of market participants
2) government-regulated demand
3) unregulated price that suits supply and demand
4) mobility of labor and financial resources
5) regulated access to the market for manufacturers of goods

4. Read the text below with a number of words missing. Choose from the proposed list of words that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

The market economy has the following features:
- the dominant position is occupied by private property, that is, property owned by private and legal persons who, on its basis, carry out __________ (A). At the same time, the existence of state __________ (B) is allowed, but only in those areas where private property is not very effective;
- decision-making on the area in which the existing __________ (B) should be applied takes place in a decentralized manner, that is, by the private owners themselves;
- the entrepreneur is guaranteed __________ (D) in his activities;
- the state intervenes in __________ (D) to a minimal extent and only through the impact of legal norms;
- the main mechanisms of a market economy are free __________ (E), supply and demand, price.

The words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose sequentially one word after another, mentally filling in each gap. Please note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the gaps.

List of terms:

1) competition
2) economy
3) resource
4) freedom
5) property
6) production
7) monopoly

Write under each letter the number of the word you have chosen.

Part 3

1. You have been instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic “History of the securities market in Russia and abroad”. Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

2. Topics for a mini essay

1) "Both competition and planning lose their power if they are used in a truncated form" (F.A. von Hayek).

2) “Markets, like parachutes, only work if they are open.” (H. Schmidt).

3) "The elephant is a mouse made by government order" (R. Heinlein).

4) "Not to lay a hand on amateur activity, but to develop it, creating conditions favorable for its application - this is the true task of the state in the national economy" (S.Yu. Witte).

Answers to the social science test Market relations in economics Grade 11
Part 1
Part 2
1. 213
2. Monopoly
3. 134
4. 653421


CHAPTER 1. Essence and legal nature of the consumer market in Russia 16

1.1. Concept, structure and general characteristics of the consumer market 16

1.2. Administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market management system in Russia and in foreign countries 30

1.3. Administrative and legal status of subjects of the consumer market 63

CHAPTER 2 Improving the mechanism of legal regulation in the consumer market 76

2.1. Implementation of measures of administrative and legal influence in the sphere of the consumer market 76

2.2. Protection of the rights of subjects of the consumer market: problems of improving administrative and legal regulation 102

2.3. The main directions and ways to improve the administrative and legal mechanism for regulating relations in the consumer market 127

Conclusion 152

Bibliographic list of used literature 156

Appendix 178

Introduction to work

The relevance of the topic of dissertation research. In connection with the ongoing administrative reform, the mechanism of legal regulation of the sphere of the consumer market is being improved, due to which there are functional changes in the activities of the executive authorities exercising control in this area, which largely requires an in-depth scientific study of the state and prospects of administrative and legal regulation. consumer market in modern conditions. The main trend in the development of administrative reform in the consumer market, due to the general focus on debureaucratization of the economy, is an increase in the efficiency of administrative and legal influence with a decrease in the volume of administrative regulation and an increase in the role of civil law regulation in this area. We believe that it is necessary to defend the right of the state to exercise control over the quality and safety of goods and services, as opposed to the widespread concepts, which are based on “the allocation of both mandatory and optional requirements along the lines of quality and safety, when the market controls the first, and the state controls the second”1.

Administrative and legal regulation in the sphere of the consumer market is designed to ensure the achievement of the goals set for the state: to ensure "a high standard of living in the country, a safe, free and comfortable life ... a significant increase in the welfare of citizens ...", "outstrip other countries and in growth rates , and as goods and services”, because “in order for the country to become strong and rich, it is necessary to do everything for the normal life of every person, a person who creates high-quality goods and services, creates the cultural heritage of the state”2.

The goals set take into account the need to protect the rights and legitimate interests of all subjects of the consumer market - both buyers and sellers, emphasizing the importance of the sphere in which almost the entire population of Russia is involved and the state cannot stay away from regulating relations in such an important area, but subject to the requirement - “the government should not abuse the administrative levers it has”3.

The relevance of the topic is confirmed by facts that testify to the indisputable trend of the progressive development of the consumer market in recent years: in the Khabarovsk Territory, the retail trade turnover in 2003 compared to 2002 increased by 20%, in 2004 compared to 2003. - by 28%4, for the first quarter of 2005 - by 29.5% compared to the same period in 20045. The same situation is observed in the sphere of public catering and consumer services for the population of the Khabarovsk Territory. In absolute terms, residents of Khabarovsk spent 4.9 billion rubles more in 2003 than in 2002, and in 2004 - 3.7 billion more than in 2003. This trend continues in 2005. At the same time, in the first quarter of 2005, as a result of inspections carried out by regulatory authorities, gross violations of trade rules were revealed in 267 out of 850 inspected trade enterprises, and for the same period in 2004 - 259, 2003 - 222 out of 850 inspected trade enterprises. Thus, the ongoing administrative reform, while introducing elements of improving the administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market, nevertheless, does not solve the main task of reducing the level of offenses in the consumer market through administrative and legal influence.

The concept of “consumer market”, introduced and used in many meanings, is not defined in terms of legal content and requires clarification. Also heterogeneous in nature and relations of trade turnover. Under these conditions, "the regulation of the consumer market requires an effective combination of market levers and administrative methods of influencing the behavior of the subjects of the consumer market in order to achieve economic and social balance in the consumer market, to ensure social stability in society" .

Although civil liability remains the main type of liability in relation to legal relations in the consumer market, improving their quality level, the application of preventive measures to prevent violations of consumer rights - the weakest subject in the system of legal relations in the consumer market - is associated with increased administrative responsibility of sellers of goods and service providers against the backdrop of improved legislation.

The main and constant factor in building the mechanism of market relations is the organizing and controlling role of the state: the state establishes a certain regime for the sale of goods, designed to provide the possibility of control and supervision by state bodies over the procedure for the sale of goods in order to ensure the protection of consumer rights, establish and maintain a certain order in society in the sale of goods, as well as the implementation of their own economic and financial interests. Such a regime in the sphere of trade and the provision of services is regulated by administrative and legal norms and is ensured primarily by administrative responsibility.

“State regulation of trading activities is determined by the creation of a mechanism for market interaction between executive authorities at all levels and subjects of trading activities. At the same time, the participation of government bodies in regulating processes in the consumer market is currently unreasonably reduced. The relevance of this study determines the analysis of potential ways to improve the legal framework, which are based on strengthening the system of state control over compliance with the current legislation in the consumer market by increasing the level of coordination and interaction between control, supervisory, law enforcement agencies, sectoral structures of executive authorities.

The complex nature of public relations in the sphere of the consumer market, where, in addition to the expressed civil law relations, the power-organizational functions of executive authorities are manifested, aimed at establishing, controlling and protecting a certain order (regime) in the sphere of relations for the sale of goods, production and sale of services and works , protection of consumer rights in legal relations with the seller by administrative and legal means, as well as the rights of the seller - a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, as a participant in administrative and legal relations, during state control (supervision), updates the scientific understanding of legal regulation in the consumer market. Thus, the relevance of the topic of the dissertation research is connected with the need to reduce negative trends in the sphere of realization of the rights of subjects of the consumer market, subject to an increase in the efficiency and effectiveness of the administrative and legal impact on it by improving the management system of the consumer market in Russia.

The degree of scientific development of the problem. So far, in the science of administrative law, no attempts have been made to comprehensively study the administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market. In general, individual issues of managing the consumer market in Russia were resolved on the basis of general approaches to the theory of public administration developed by well-known lawyers - S.S. Alekseev, A.P. Alekhin, V.V. Bezbakh, V.I. Eremenko, A.Ya. Kapustin, L.L. Popov, V.K. Puchinsky, A.A. Savostin, K.Yu. Totiev, G.V. Khomeriki and others. It should be noted the works of A.B. Kulikova, V.N. Tkachev devoted to the management of the consumer market. Some aspects of the legal regulation of state policy in the sphere of the consumer market are considered: in particular, in the works of S.M. Zyryanov, M.I. Nikulina, N.M. Tyukalova, - detection of offenses in the consumer market; V.V. Levitsky, - the legal status of the consumer; V.N. Ulyanova - administrative and legal aspects of regulating relations in the consumer market, the legal nature of the consumer market; O.A. Chernova - an administrative organization of state regulation of the quality of food products, etc.

For a long time, domestic legal science did not turn to the study of the consumer market from the point of view of the administrative and legal regulation of this sphere of public relations. Economists, sociologists, psychologists, and lawyers have dealt with the problems of the functioning of the consumer market only since the mid-1990s. However, even today, the meaning of the concept of “consumer market”, defined in the economic, rather than legal, aspect is predominant, which reflects the breadth of the development of the topic from an economic point of view and the lack of in-depth research in terms of legal, although the topic is of unconditional practical relevance.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The main purpose of this study is to identify shortcomings in administrative and legal regulation in the consumer market and develop proposals for improving the management of the consumer market in Russia in order to protect the rights of consumer market entities through the implementation of a set of administrative and legal means, which, ultimately, should contribute to improving the quality and efficiency of administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:

Explore and reveal the complex nature of legal relations in the consumer market;

To study the regulatory legal acts regulating relations in the sphere of the consumer market, identifying the provisions of individual regulatory legal acts that are subject to change in the process of improving legislation in this area;

Determine the legal meaning of the concept of "consumer market", the legal essence of the administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market with the identification of elements of organizational and legal impact and administrative and legal regulation of relations in the consumer market;

Reveal the specifics and features of the administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market by studying the principles of activity, functions, powers and competencies of management entities;

To study the existing shortcomings in the legal regulation of the consumer market, which form the prerequisites for the need for effective interaction between the system of state bodies and local governments that carry out the functions of control (supervision) in this area, which will ultimately increase the level of legal protection of the consumer, as the weakest subject of the consumer market;

Substantiate the need to improve the quality and efficiency of administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market through the establishment and implementation of legal measures by the relevant state and municipal authorities.

Object of study. The object of this dissertation research was the social relations that develop in connection with the management of the consumer market through administrative and legal means.

Subject of study. The subject of the study was the theoretical and practical aspects of the control action in the consumer market, as well as the processes taking place in the field of public administration. Particular attention is paid to the improvement of the Russian consumer market management system, strengthening state control over compliance with the current legislation in the consumer market by increasing the level of coordination and interaction of executive authorities exercising control in this area.

Methodology and research methodology. In the process of conducting the dissertation research, general scientific methods of cognition and some special methods of legal science were used. The basic research methods were: the dialectical method, general logical methods of research (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction), the systematic method, formal logic and formal legal, comparative legal and statistical methods of research.

The empirical basis of the dissertation research was: analysis of the structure of administrative and legal regulation, determination of the legal meaning of the definition of "consumer market" and the essence of the administrative and legal organization, analysis of the principles and activities of the system of executive authorities that manage the consumer market. Analytical, statistical materials reflecting the results of law enforcement activities of territorial bodies of federal executive bodies exercising state control over compliance with consumer legislation were studied.

Scientific novelty and practical significance of the research. The scientific novelty of the research is:

In determining the legal meaning of the concept of "consumer market", taking into account all its essential features;

In the proposal of options for the development of the administrative reform of the management of the consumer market in Russia, taking into account foreign experience and Russian specifics in the field of state influence on this area of ​​public relations;

In a comprehensive coverage of the main issues of consumer market management, in particular, the problems of functioning of the system of state bodies for managing the consumer market, ensuring the rule of law in this area of ​​legal regulation, analyzing the functions and methods used by special authorized bodies.

The dissertation is an experience of studying the problems of administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market in the Khabarovsk Territory.

The practical significance of the work is to substantiate the conclusions and proposals for improving the activities of regulatory authorities that ensure the protection of consumer rights:

Improving the legal regulation of the consumer market by introducing amendments and additions to the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Khabarovsk Territory;

Further improvement of the administrative and legal status of bodies exercising control (supervision) in the sphere of the consumer market in Russia, improvement of the mechanism for coordinating the activities of these bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

increasing the level of training of personnel for bodies exercising control (supervision) in the sphere of the consumer market. For students of the specialty 021100- "Jurisprudence", the discipline "Legal regulation of the consumer market" should be introduced in order to achieve a comprehensive development by students of the issues of legal regulation of relations in the sphere of the consumer market by the norms of civil, civil procedural and administrative law.

Defense provisions. Understanding the theoretical issues and emerging practice in the activities of state bodies in the consumer market allows the author to present for defense a number of conclusions and proposals aimed at improving the mechanism of state regulation in the consumer market:

1. The legislation regulating relations in the sphere of the consumer market is complex and in an objective sense is an intersectoral institution that combines the norms of constitutional, civil, and administrative law.

The main and constant factor in this area is the organizing and controlling role of the state, which establishes a certain regime for the sale of goods, designed to provide the ability to control and supervise the process of selling goods in order to protect consumer rights, establish and maintain a certain order in society in the process of selling goods. , as well as the implementation of their own economic and financial interests. Such a regime is established by the norms of administrative law and is ensured by measures of administrative responsibility, although the main type of liability regarding legal relations between the seller and the buyer is civil liability. Consequently, the consumer market is a sphere of complex legal regulation. Its relations are included in the object of both economic and civil circulation. The definition of the essence of the consumer market, both in economic and legal terms, is associated with the mechanism of administrative and legal influence on it and largely determines the effectiveness of this influence.

The separation of the administrative and legal aspects of regulating relations in the sphere of the consumer market from the civil law aspects in that part of the regulation of trade turnover, which is included in the economic turnover, can be carried out by highlighting the "consolidated" - administrative consumer legislation.

2. The priority direction in the regulation of relations in the sphere of the consumer market remains the protection of the rights of the consumer, as the weakest subject in regulated relations: measure when carrying out measures that prevent them from committing offenses in the sphere of the consumer market and aimed at protecting the rights of the consumer.

Thus, the goal of effective management of the consumer market is to respect the rights and legitimate interests of the subjects of the consumer market, the inadmissibility of violating the rights of any of them in the course of implementing the administrative and legal impact on these relations, which as a result should ensure social stability in society.

3. Reforming the system of state and legal regulation of the consumer market in recent years does not fully correspond to its rapid transformation as an object of management. In this regard, in order to achieve the optimal level of state regulation and management in this area, it is necessary to:

To develop and improve the legislative framework for entrepreneurial activity, in particular, in the field of the consumer services market, the basis of which, in contrast to the commodity consumer market, is formed by domestic producers; form a package of normative-instrumental and methodological documents on the functioning of the consumer market; improve organizational structures and mechanisms that ensure the development and implementation of a comprehensive regional policy in the consumer market; conduct systematic monitoring of the situation in the consumer market.

4. Improving the legal framework should be accompanied by strengthening the system of state control over compliance with the current legislation in the consumer market by increasing the level of coordination and interaction with control, supervisory, law enforcement agencies, structures of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

In order to eliminate the multiplicity and duplication in the work of regulatory bodies, it is advisable to create a single interdepartmental body to control the quality of products, the quality of services and the performance of work. Such a body could be created on the basis of the State Standard of Russia - the leading body in the areas of state regulation of product quality, mandatory certification, state quality control - which would ensure methodological unity, harmonization of controls, increase the responsibility and independence of control from departmental influence. With a corresponding expansion of powers, the functions of such a body may eventually be assigned to the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation.

In addition to options for the development of the direction implemented during the reform, the author proposes a cardinal measure related to the formation of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection (Rospotrebnadzor) as a result of the separation from the structure of the newly created Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare of the Department of Rights Protection consumers. The remaining units should form the Federal Sanitary and Epidemiological Service (Rossanepidnadzor). The grounds for such a proposal are the following facts: the current Rospotrebnadzor implements 90% of the functions of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, as a result of which the actual legal protection of consumer rights becomes an auxiliary subordinate function implemented by the only department in the structure of the territorial departments of Rospotrebnadzor of Russia. This situation neutralizes the social significance of the ongoing reform and will negatively affect the prospects for the economic development of the state, since the stability and optimization of the consumer market is a necessary condition for strengthening the economy as a whole.

Structural construction of dissertation research. The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters (six paragraphs), a conclusion, a bibliographic list of references and an appendix.

Approbation of the results of scientific research. Theoretical proposals and conclusions of the dissertation research are presented in the following publications of the author:

1. Kim E.V. Essence and legal nature of the consumer market: administrative and legal aspect / E.V. Kim // Power and management in the East of Russia. - 2004. - No. 4 (29). - 0.5 p.l.

2. Kim E.V. Legal status of the consumer in the Russian Federation: concept and features of implementation / E.V. Kim // Economy, management, society: history and modernity / Proceedings of the interregional scientific and practical conference, March 22, 2005 (Khabarovsk). - Khabarovsk: DVAGS Publishing House, 2005. - Part 1. - 0.25 .l.

3. Kim E.V. The state of the consumer market and the prospects for the South Korean business in the Khabarovsk Territory / E.V. Kim // Proceedings of the international symposium, May 18-19, 2005 - Khabarovsk: Publishing House of the Far Eastern State University, 2005. - Vol. 1. - 0.38 pp.

4. Kim E.V. The value of foreign experience in the development of the antimonopoly legislation of Russia / E.V. Kim // Power and management in the East of Russia. -2005.-№2(31).-1.25 p.l.

Kim E.V. Protection of the rights of trade workers: administrative and legal aspect / E.V. Kim // Power and management in the East of Russia. - 2005. - No. 3 (32). - 0.37 pp.

6. Kim E.V. Antimonopoly legislation of foreign countries: unification trends and diversity / E.V. Kim // Actual problems of management, economics and law of the Russian society / Interuniversity collection of scientific articles. - Khabarovsk: DVAGS Publishing House, 2005. - 1.5 pp.

7. Kim E.V. Administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market: Textbook / E.V. Kim. - Khabarovsk: Printing house of the Department of Internal Affairs, 2005. - 4.9 pp.

The concept, structure and general characteristics of the consumer market

The market in its content is “a purely social reality, that is, the totality of certain human interactions. More specifically, it is a set of various relations between sellers and buyers (and also between sellers themselves and buyers themselves) regarding the exchange of goods. Consequently, in its content, the market is a special sphere of social relations - the sphere of commodity-money exchange between people. It seems unacceptable to consider the market as a set of only economic relations in the field of exchange. The market is a complex, multifaceted formation, in the sphere of which there are not only economic, but also other interactions between people that have a social, organizational, legal, moral, ethical, and psychological nature. From this point of view, the following definition of the market seems acceptable:

“A market is any interaction that people enter into to trade with each other.”9 Therefore, for effective regulation of the market, not only economic measures are necessary, but also organizational, legal, etc.

A variety of types and forms of market relations leads to the emergence of varieties of the market itself. The types of market relations should be considered the most fundamental, qualitatively special, large structural varieties. Forms of the market - its groups as part of the named types (intra-type formations). The following types of market are known: formational types (in slaveholding, feudal, bourgeois societies); free-competitive and monopolistic types; market types in pre-industrial, industrial, post-industrial eras; developed and undeveloped markets; unsettled and regulated market types.

The forms of the market are distinguished by great diversity, which are classified as follows: 1. By the nature of its subjects: state, cooperative, private. 2. By objects: market of means of production; consumer goods market (consumer market); labor market; money market; stocks and bods market; information market. 3. On a functional basis: the capital market; investment market. 4. By scale: world market; zone market; national (national) market; regional market; local market. 5. By the volume of sales of goods: wholesale and retail markets. 6. According to legislation: legal and illegal (shadow) markets.

Thus, the consumer market is one of the structural forms of the market, distinguished by objects, which are consumer goods; we are talking about the sale and purchase of not only things that satisfy personal needs, but also consumer services. Accordingly, the structure of the consumer market is objectively represented by two segments: 1) trade in goods - things that are not limited in civil circulation; 2) trade in consumer services. Based on their characteristics of relations arising in the consumer market, given by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Roe-potrebnadzor of Russia, it is fair to supplement the structure of the consumer market with a third element - the performance of work (in particular, under a work contract). In turn, these elements break down into narrower ones - the markets for food, industrial goods for personal use, housing, household, transport services for the population, public catering, etc.

The consumer market is one of the areas of administrative and legal regulation. The constitutional basis of consumer rights is enshrined in a significant amount of normative acts of executive authorities that determine the administrative and legal regime for ensuring consumer rights, as well as compliance with the rules of trade turnover.

On the other hand, the consumer market is a sphere of complex regulation, since its relations: 1) are included in the object of both economic and civil circulation11; 2) arise due to the requirements of civil law, are regulated by the norms of the Civil Code, while implementing regime trade rules and rules for the provision of services, which are norms of administrative law; 3) in the field of consumer rights protection, they are of a security, comprehensive nature (outside the trade regime, the regime for exercising consumer rights is not protected and regulated by the norms of administrative law).

Administrative and legal regulation of the consumer market management system in Russia and in foreign countries

“Practice shows that the spontaneous development of the market gives rise to undesirable socio-political consequences. This is expressed in the desire of commercial organizations to increase income at the expense of the consumer, while manipulating prices, producing products of inadequate quality, counterfeiting goods, etc. Therefore, regulation of trade activities by the state is necessary.

Depending on the presence of state influence on the market or its absence, the market types are distinguished - regulated and unregulated. The regulated market in modern conditions undoubtedly prevails and, taking into account the specifics of the regulation of market relations in individual countries of the world, it seems possible to distinguish the following groups according to the types of these relations: 1) the American type of market relations: market regulation is carried out mainly in the interests of big business with minimal social assistance (for example, , USA, Canada); 2) Swedish: striving for social harmony, equalization of incomes through their significant redistribution (Sweden, Norway, Finland); 3) Rhine or intermediate type of market (Germany, Austria); 4) Asian type of market: relatively weak state intervention in the economic sphere of exchange (Singapore, etc.).

The type of the market as a whole determines the specifics of the regulation of its structural forms (in particular, the regulation of the consumer market), we believe that Russia is moving within the framework of the Rhine type of regulation of market relations

The purpose of state regulation of the economy is to develop market relations, achieve real economic freedoms for producers, intermediaries and consumers regarding the range and volumes of manufactured, purchased and sold goods and services. To achieve this goal, the state influences the development of a market economy by two main methods: - economic (method of indirect regulation), carried out by setting appropriate prices, tariffs, taxes, providing loans, benefits; - administrative (direct regulation) - with the help of a ban, whether censoring, quotas, establishing legal liability, coercion.

We should agree with the opinion of A.L. Ten, who believes that “from a legal point of view, economic methods of regulation can be understood as methods of indirect indirect administrative and legal influence (taxation, customs regulation, price regulation, etc.)” and as the main idea for characterizing the means of administrative and legal regulation suggesting the idea of ​​“a rational combination of direct and indirect methods, the criterion for distinguishing which is the presence or absence of a measure of freedom of behavior of the controlled subject in relation to the goals of state regulation, respectively, expressed in the absence or presence of law enforcement acts”18. For decades, the understanding of administrative law has been associated with its main purpose - to regulate social relations that arise in the process of exercising executive power and exercising public administration. The author fully agrees with the point of view of L.L. According to Pov, who argues that in modern conditions the purpose of administrative law should be supplemented by the second and, perhaps, the most important element: administrative law is now increasingly called upon to regulate social relations that arise between the individual and the state, between the citizen and the executive authorities, ensuring the implementation, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens in the sphere of public administration, their protection from possible arbitrariness, infringement or restriction of these rights and freedoms by the state apparatus19.

Consequently, the foundation of administrative law at the present stage, along with the executive power, is the rights and freedoms of citizens, which the state is called upon to recognize, observe and protect, including through regulatory administrative and legal influence.

Until the early 1990s, the regulation of relations to meet the needs of citizens as consumers was mainly carried out by the norms of codified civil legislation, designed to establish general norms and designed to serve as the basis for special legislation. Features of legal regulation in the area under consideration were as follows: -there was no system of special guarantees for the protection of consumer rights in the legislation; - there was a plurality of by-laws regulatory legal acts regulating certain areas of relationships with the participation of consumers; - departmental acts, as a rule, contained norms infringing on the interests of consumers, and in some cases directly contradicting the law;

Implementation of measures of administrative and legal influence in the sphere of the consumer market

State regulation of the economy as a whole is defined as “the activities of state authorities to influence the process of social reproduction in order to achieve socially beneficial results”43. It seems that the essence of state regulation lies precisely in the activities of the state, represented by its bodies, aimed at streamlining relations in a certain area (in particular, in the consumer market). A.P. Alekhin quite rightly defines state regulation as the establishment by the state of general rules of conduct (activity) of participants in social relations and their adjustment depending on changing conditions44.

In terms of B.C. Martemyanov, state regulation is state influence in relation to a certain subject in order to prevent, change or stop the situation or, on the contrary, maintain it in an appropriate state45. It seems that the use of the concept of "impact" in relation to state regulation is quite justified. B.C. Chetverikov rightly notes that “the process of administrative and legal regulation itself is a kind of algorithm for the consistent impact of legal methods and means to achieve the goals of regulating the behavior of participants in managerial relations in the field of activities of executive authorities and public administration”46. However, it should be borne in mind that the impact is carried out not only through regulation, but also as a result of coordination of the activities of management entities. Proceeding from this, the essence of management lies in influencing the system in order to streamline it47. We should agree with the generally accepted point of view, according to which the legal impact is wider than legal regulation, since there are three forms of legal impact: informational, value-oriented and legal regulation.

T.R. Orekhova defines legal influence as “the process of the influence of law through the action of its instruments on a particular sphere of social relations, causing certain changes in it” and “strong-willed actions aimed at a sharp reform of the parameters of the economic system will not be legal regulation”48.

In the context of the formation of the Russian Federation as a democratic federal legal state, the purpose of administrative law has changed. In modern conditions, administrative law is designed to regulate not only social relations arising in the process of exercising executive power, exercising public administration, but also social relations arising between the individual and the state, between the citizen and the executive authorities, ensuring the implementation, observance and protection of rights and freedoms. citizens through administrative and legal influence.

The implementation of public administration functions is carried out in specific forms of management activity - externally and steadily fixed manifestations of influence in the process of activities of executive authorities, public administration, administration of local governments to form goals and implement the functions and tasks of public administration.

Among the forms of management activities are: 1). Legal forms, with the help of which decisions and actions are fixed that have a legal meaning and consequences, containing administrative and legal norms that regulate the same type of managerial relations in the activities of executive authorities and local governments: - establishment of legal norms (lawmaking); - application of the rule of law (law enforcement or law enforcement activities, the adoption of individual acts of management); - implementation of organizational and staff actions.

The legal form is a mixed form of influence, since the forms included in it are applied simultaneously to one legal relationship. In the consumer market, this form is implemented, for example, in the form of registering a citizen's complaint (this form is defined by the term "legally significant action"); registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, issuance of licenses - that is, actions of a legal nature that do not relate to legal acts, however, entail legal consequences.

2). Non-legal form, including: the implementation of organizational and technical measures and the implementation of the logistics of these actions. This form of activity does not generate, does not change or terminate administrative legal relations and is not considered as a form of legal regulation or influence.

Protection of the rights of subjects of the consumer market: problems of improving administrative and legal regulation

In Russia, the system of bodies designed to exercise state control over compliance with consumer legislation has developed with the adoption of the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights". In the course of the administrative reform, it is being reorganized in order to improve the mechanism for managing the consumer market, increase the effectiveness of protecting the rights of consumers, as the weakest subject in this area, as well as the rights of the seller (performer, manufacturer) as an equal subject of law.

In accordance with Part.2 Article. 40 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights" state control and supervision in the field of consumer protection provides for:

1. Carrying out activities related to control - checking compliance by manufacturers, performers, sellers with the mandatory requirements of laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, regulations

2. Issuance, within the powers provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of instructions to manufacturers, sellers, performers on the termination of violations of consumer rights, on the need to comply with mandatory requirements for goods (works, services).

3. Taking measures to suspend the production and sale of goods (performance of work, provision of services) that do not meet the mandatory requirements (including those with an expired shelf life), and goods for which an expiration date should be established, but not established, upon recall from the internal market and (or) from the consumer or consumers of goods (works, services) that do not meet mandatory requirements, and informing consumers about this.

4. Sending to the body that carries out licensing of the relevant type of activity, materials of violation of consumer rights for consideration of issues of suspension or cancellation of the relevant license in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Sending materials to the prosecutor's office, other law enforcement agencies according to their jurisdiction to resolve issues of initiating criminal cases on the grounds of crimes related to the violation of consumer rights established by laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

6. Applying to the court with applications to protect the rights of consumers, the legitimate interests of an indefinite number of consumers, as well as applications for the liquidation of the manufacturer, performer, seller or the termination of the activity of an individual entrepreneur for repeated or gross violation of established laws and other regulatory legal acts Russian Federation of Consumer Rights.

The main body exercising control (supervision) in the field of consumer protection is the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Consumer Rights Protection. However, the protection of consumer rights, control over compliance with consumer legislation is only one of the many functions of Rospotrebnadzor. The consumer rights protection department of the territorial administration of Rospotrebnadzor is one of the departments that does not currently have real opportunities for effective work. The practice of the activities of Rospotrebnadzor in the Khabarovsk Territory shows that the specialists of the department, who were previously specialists of the Department of State Trade Inspectorate for the Khabarovsk Territory, having a high professional level, fully versed in the specifics of their work, can hardly cope with inspections based on consumer complaints, reducing the volume of scheduled inspections.

The administrative procedure for the protection of civil rights has prospects for further development, since by exercising his right to protection in an administrative order, a citizen can quickly protect his right than in court. In this regard, local governments still play a significant role in the system of bodies that protect consumer rights, since federal bodies cannot know all the problems that consumers have to face daily in a particular municipality. To ensure the protection of consumer rights, local governments independently form appropriate structures. At present, in almost every locality there is a department (department) for the protection of consumer rights of the administration of the municipality.

In accordance with Art. 44 of the Law "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" in order to protect the rights of consumers in the territory of the municipality, local governments have the right to: - Consider consumer complaints, advise them on consumer protection issues; - apply to the courts to protect the rights of consumers (an indefinite number of consumers).

"What is the economy" - 0.4. 2004. 2002. Family. Economists distinguish four types of resources: Goods. Macroeconomic indicators. 0.5. Appropriate Give an example? 1.2. The effort of people to produce goods and services. The need for something for the development of the individual, firm, society as a whole. Firm economics. 0.8. The means of satisfying needs are goods and services.

“Relations in the economy” - The work was completed by Mikhailova S. Capital market: Securities and currency act as goods. If there are few specialists in the required profession, then the salary increases several times. Teacher Suslin Dmitry Yurievich www.dmsuslin.narod.ru. Market relations in the modern economy. The economic laws of supply and demand operate in the market mechanism.

"Questions on the economy" - Municipal property. technical backwardness. Outcome. Private and economic initiative. Implementation of a plan. Blitz. - Anything that is legally registered as property. Freedom of enterprise and choice is an important characteristic of a command economy. Market functions. Are the following statements true?

"Laws of Economics" - Acquaintance of students with the basic concepts of economic science. The needs and wants of the people. Let us recall the lines from English folk poetry: “What are girls made of? Purpose: Fixing. The problem of economic growth The problem of inflation The problem of unemployment. Economy as an economic system. The ideas of economists ... are much more important than is commonly thought.

"Concepts of Economics" - Earth - all kinds of natural resources. Economy - 1) the economy of the country; 2) the sphere of social life, including relations in the process of material production, providing society with material opportunities for existence and development; 3) a science that studies how society distributes limited resources to best meet the needs of people.

Large families, improve the quality of public education and medical care).

The energy company should closely monitor technical innovations in the investment complex and monitor the situation on the market for relevant services. The development of market competition mechanisms in this area is of great importance. The choice of suppliers of equipment, design and other services at all stages of the investment cycle should be made by energy companies exclusively on a competitive basis. In the period of transition to developed market relations, this process should take an active part in the state regulatory authorities of the electric power industry, especially at the regional level.

Directly related to the market parameters of a small firm is its location. If the firm operates in the service sector, then it is better to locate it in such a way that the prospective clientele has the most free access. If this is an industrial enterprise, then it is necessary to take into account the distance to sources of raw materials and sales points, the provision of utilities, the availability of labor, etc. For many retailers, the right location is essentially the success or failure of the whole business. The entrepreneur is interested in the following questions

Summarizing the foregoing about the most important levers for regulating product quality - certification and standardization, I would like to note that the objective basis for strengthening public administration in this area was the need to protect people, their property and the environment from the negative consequences associated with the formation of market relations in Russia. Meanwhile, in the middle of the last century, the world entered a period when qualitative parameters in many spheres of life replaced quantitative ones. Many countries that today occupy leading positions in the world economy do not have either vast territories or rich natural resources. Their main weapon in the field of marketing to gain leadership is a high technical level and quality of goods (works, services).

A common shortcoming in the development of market relations in the housing and communal services is the lack of a mechanism that regulates the mutual obligations of the parties and the harmonization of these obligations. The mechanism for applying economic sanctions for violation of the terms of the contract has not been worked out, as well as the tools for regulating relations in the housing and communal sector in the system of local government - customer - manufacturer - consumer of services.

It is necessary to pay due attention to the modernization of the agricultural household market, promote the strengthening of cooperatives, establish an agricultural service sector, increase the flow of investment and assist the development of agriculture, accelerate scientific and technological progress and promote the formation of agricultural infrastructure, improve the financial services system. implement agricultural tax reform, reduce the tax burden of rural producers. Actively implement the policy of development of the western regions, systematic regional development. It is necessary to create a favorable investment climate in backward regions, carry out their comprehensive economic and social modernization, accelerate the pace of industrialization and urbanization, and stimulate the development of relations between these regions and coastal regions. Strengthen the integration of the central, western and eastern regions. It is necessary to develop and improve the existing economic base, to continue reforming the system of public capital management. It is necessary to develop both the industry of the central and peripheral regions. State-owned enterprises are the backbone of Chinese industry. It is important to carry out the formation of a multi-structural economy, actively promote the creation of joint-stock enterprises, create a multi-level investment system, while strategically important enterprises should be under the control of the state. It is necessary to reform monopoly enterprises, increase their competitiveness, promote the development of individual and private enterprises, implement a policy of increasing employment, and dynamically develop other sectors of the economy. Carry out market reforms in the field of finance, taxation, land ownership, accelerate the formation of a harmoniously developed non-state economy, and improve the system of guaranteeing individual human rights.

The inconvenience in such relationships can be eliminated if the exporter can organize them on mutually beneficial terms. A classic example is the supply of private label products, sometimes referred to as a wholesaler's trademark. In this case, the exporter undertakes to produce the goods in accordance with the requirements of the wholesaler and use its trademark and packaging. This can help the exporter adjust to the market and secure it for the duration of the contract. If the exporter is competent enough in the service sector, then he can establish a longer-term relationship. It may also be able to supply reseller-branded products to wholesalers in other markets or market segments, thereby reducing its dependency. But nevertheless, an exporter who distributes part of his products under the brand name of an intermediary will always be at great risk.

The next step after market-based structuring is to organize the sales staff around individual customers, which allows supply companies to move up the value ladder. The widespread use of this structure is determined by several reasons. The first of these is the growing concentration in all sectors - industrial, consumer, service. In most companies, up to 50% of sales come from just 20% of customers. The second reason is the increase in the degree of centralization of purchasing decisions. Many organizations are moving away from decentralized procurement by SBUs to centralizing this function, which makes it possible to effectively use the purchasing power of the company as a whole. The third reason is the constant complication of the relationship between the buyer and the seller. The more functions and people involved in the buying process, the greater the need for coordination. As a result, many companies have created account team leaders who manage, maintain, and develop relationships with individual customers during the buying and selling process.4 These structures will be discussed a little later.

In Russia, social infrastructure facilities, which include businesses that provide paid services, are mainly transferred to the jurisdiction of local authorities, but this has not happened everywhere and there are many unresolved problems. First of all, of great importance for the further improvement and development of paid services to the population is a clear delineation and clarification of management functions at all levels of federal, federal subjects, regional, municipal reorganization of financial relations between them development of social standards in the service sector creation of a regulatory and economic base for their development. A lot of work is being done in this direction both at the regional and federal levels. Service enterprises are among the national economic systems designed to meet the diverse, vital, ever-growing needs of the country's population for services. The expansion and development of the service sector, which over the past 10-15 years has reached the scale of the national economy, is becoming increasingly important and it occupies a special place in the formation of market relations. Enterprises and organizations of the industry contribute to solving the problem of employment, which became naturally acute during the reform years, especially for women, and make a significant, although still clearly insufficient, contribution to the formation of budgets at all levels.

With the transition to normal market relations in the administrative spheres of Russia, in public and private enterprises, including those with a collective (joint-stock) form of ownership, as well as in non-profit structures of public organizations (foundations, associations, movements, etc.), it is inevitable a new for us, but well-known in the world marketing approach to solving the problems of production management and the creation of goods in material form and in the form of services in the interests of the consumer and the manufacturer with a reasonable balance of these interests is being formed.

An objective prerequisite for the formation of the financial market is the discrepancy between the need for funds from business entities and the availability of sources of its satisfaction. The funds are available to the owners, and investment needs arise from other subjects of market relations (joint stock companies operating in the sphere of production, the state, etc.). Consequently, the purpose of the financial market is to mediate the movement of monetary resources from their owners (owners) to users (investors). The owners are legal entities and citizens who have free cash and want to profitably place it in income-generating facilities. Users of funds - economic entities and the state, investing them in various areas of entrepreneurial activity (expansion of production, goods, services), as well as covering the deficit of the budget system, etc.

The five-year period (1992-1997) was a time of adaptation to the market not only of tax legal relations, but of the entire Russian system of commodity-money relations. During this period, there was a sharp increase in the need to provide reliable information to all economic counterparties, including Russia's foreign partners. In this regard, a large-scale scientific and methodological work was launched to create the Concept of Accounting in the Market Economy of Russia (hereinafter referred to as the Concept). The creation of new conceptual foundations for accounting is an extremely difficult problem, since its solution lies in the radical transformation of the entire regulatory and methodological framework for accounting and reporting, which has served the needs of a centralized economy for more than 70 years, into a system that ensures the interests of not only individual owners, but also the state as a personified producer of public services and goods. The concept is designed to ensure the integrated interests of internal and external users at the level of the domestic economy, as well as to help expand the scope of Russian participation in the international market for goods, labor and capital. Despite the fact that undertaken in 1996-1997. The efforts of the Russian Government to reorient the accounting system to the needs of the market have significantly changed the principles of building its basic foundations; they have not brought it in line with the requirements of world market economy standards in too short a time for this. Therefore, the accounting system is going through, like any other economic system, all the difficulties of the period of transition to the market and the miscalculations and shortcomings associated with this in reforming its methodological and methodological foundations. This is especially evident in the system of economic relations between owners and the state.

The first, both in time and in importance, is the release of prices in conditions where there is no market and competition, when monopolistic structures, often of a corrupt or mafia nature, have managed to master the process of selling the mass of commodities and, accordingly, dictate prices. Free pricing requires competition in the markets. This is a necessary condition for the efficiency of a market economy. The price system that balances supply and demand ensures the coordination of decisions of numerous economic entities. Now there is neither one nor the other. With free pricing and competition, production should expand, while in our country a catastrophic rise in prices is accompanied by an equally catastrophic decline in production. What has happened since the beginning of 1992 in the sphere of commodity-money relations First, the rapid rise in prices, accompanied by a sharp reduction in production and investment. In 1992, 1993 and 1994 prices grew at such a rate that they increased by 785 times in 3 years. During the same time, the supply of goods and services in real terms fell by more than half. Gross domestic product during this time decreased in 1992 by 22%, in 1993 - by 12%, in 1994 - by 15%, in 1995 by 4%, in 1996 by 6%. Investments fell even more rapidly in 1992 - by 40%, in 1993 - by 12%, in 1994 - by 26%, in 1995 - by 10%, in 1996 - by 18%.

Article 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides a legal definition of the market price of a product (work, service), which is the price that has developed during the interaction of supply and demand on the market of identical (and in their absence - homogeneous) goods in comparable economic (commercial) conditions. At the same time, the market for goods is the sphere of circulation of these goods, determined on the basis of the ability of the buyer (seller) to really and without significant additional costs to purchase (sell) products in the territory of the Russian Federation closest to the buyer (seller) or outside it.

The technology of reforming housing and communal services also includes the formation of a mechanism for protecting consumer rights. The legal basis for protecting the rights of consumers of housing and communal services is the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights". To ensure social protection of low-income families during the transition of housing and communal services to market relations, it is necessary to expand the scope of the housing subsidy system (including by reviewing and streamlining the existing system of benefits and transferring most of them to the subsidy system). To do this, it is necessary to adopt at the regional level a law "On the procedure for providing citizens with compensation, subsidies for housing and utility bills" in accordance with the rules and regulations established at the federal level. It is also necessary to develop a normative act that determines the composition of income included in the total family income when providing compensation (subsidies) to pay for housing and communal services.

The real introduction of elements of market relations in the sphere of heat supply is impossible without the rejection of preferential tariffs and the abolition of cross-subsidization between different groups of consumers. Ideally, the entire population should pay 100% of the cost of services1, based on the readings of heat meters (heating, hot water), and directly to the provider of these services under a bilateral agreement and transparent (economically justified) tariff rates. At the same time, the consumer should be able to control the quality parameters of heat supply, thus giving rise to the responsibility of the supplier.

The task of activating the role of the state is particularly relevant from the standpoint of the general theory of social economy, the existence of specific interests of society, which are not reduced to the interests of individual individuals, that is, they are not functionally dependent on them. Hence, any good can satisfy the needs of qualitatively different participants in market relations, including the irreducible needs of society as such, the ability of a good to satisfy irreducible needs - social utility. The irreducibility of the latter to utility for individuals is due to the fact that social utility is based on irreducible social utility, which is postulated only for the totality of individuals as a whole. It is the independence of social utility that turns the state into an equal subject of the market. All this has to do with the rational behavior of the state. We can recall in this connection the invisible hand, from which the world expects to achieve market harmony. Where

Market relations: essence, structure, functions

A seller on the market can be both an individual and a legal entity offering goods. Moreover, he can be both a manufacturer of goods, and simply an intermediary, formerly a former buyer of this product. But one way or another, the seller represents production and its main subject - the enterprise.

The buyer on the market can also be an individual or legal entity purchasing goods. He can also be an intermediary and, as such, after the purchase of the goods becomes a seller. The buyer in the market is on the consumption side. In this connection, the market appears as a sphere of interaction not only for sellers and buyers, but also for production and consumption, that is, as an important part of a wider sphere of exchange.

The market is a whole system of complex economic relations arising from the sale and purchase of goods.

Market relations - economic relations that develop between producers, sellers, buyers, consumers of goods and services, state and municipal authorities regarding the exchange, distribution and redistribution of goods and services.

Conditions for the formation of market relations:

    Organizational and economic:

    variety of forms of ownership;

    creation of a market infrastructure ( infrastructure- substructure) - a set of industries, enterprises and organizations included in these industries, their types of activities, designed to provide, create conditions for the normal functioning of the production and circulation of goods, as well as the life of people. Market infrastructure- wholesale trade enterprises, stock exchanges, brokerage firms, financial institutions, tax system and other organizations that support and accompany market processes;

    development of producer competition;

    creation of a free pricing mechanism.


    legal regulation of the market (the objectives of such regulation are: the fight against corruption, the fight against non-fulfillment by contractors of their obligations);

    legislative consolidation of economic freedoms of economic entities;

    ensuring regulatory and legislative regulation of market relations;


    providing social guarantees to citizens;

    providing everyone with equal opportunities to earn money;

    support for the disabled and socially vulnerable;

    social support for the unemployed.

The main feature of the market is that it is based on spontaneous coordination or spontaneous order. This makes the market system self-regulating and rapidly developing. The market regulates itself through a system of free pricing. The price carries the necessary information to all market agents: producers and buyers. Thanks to free pricing, there is an efficient distribution of resources between markets, an increase and decrease in production volume, and existing needs are most fully satisfied. The operation of the market mechanism is illustrated in Figure 5.

Freedom of pricing is possible only in a competitive environment, which implies the presence of many sellers and buyers, the absence of product differentiation, and the full awareness of market participants. Competition is a powerful incentive for continuous improvement of production, for the preservation and improvement of factors of production. The laws of competition are very tough, they lead to the ruin and loss of sources of income for all weak market participants, but they reward all competitive ones. Competition is the reason for the high dynamism of the market system, but at the same time it gives rise to social problems due to the polarization of incomes in society.

Rice. 5. Market pricing mechanism

The market system, as a complex organization, performs many diverse functions.

Market functions:

    The function of self-regulation of commodity production. With an increase in demand, production volumes expand, with a decrease, they decrease. Regulation occurs through the sale and purchase of goods and services. The market sets the basic proportions in the economy at the micro and macro levels by expanding or reducing supply and demand.

    stimulating function. Encourages manufacturers to create needed products at the lowest cost and achieve higher profits through cost reduction and innovation.

    Cost accounting function for production. The market compares individual labor costs with the average social costs. When comparing, the quality of goods is also taken into account.

    Function of democratization of economic life. With the help of market levers, efficient industries are developed and inefficient ones are ruined. Due to this, differentiation of commodity producers is carried out.

The market has a complex structure and covers all spheres of the economy with its influence. The economic structure of the market is determined by:

    forms of ownership (state, private, collective, mixed);

    the structure of commodity producers (state, rental, cooperative, private enterprises, enterprises of individual labor activity), which depends on the share in the whole economy of one form or another of economic entities;

    features of the sphere of commodity circulation;

    the level of privatization and denationalization of structural subdivisions of the economy;

    types of trade used in the country.

According to the structure, the markets can be subdivided according to the following criteria (Table 1):

Table 1. Types of markets

Criterion (feature)

Market types

Economic purpose of the market (product group)

    market of consumer goods and services;

    factors of production;

    capital (means of production): scientific and technological revolution, patents, know-how;

  • land (real estate)

    loan capital;

    valuable papers.

Spatial feature






Degree of restriction of competition




The nature of sales

    wholesale trade;


Compliance with the law

    legal, organized

    illegal, "shadow" - unorganized

The interaction between buyers and sellers in the market is carried out through the interaction of supply and demand, which will be discussed in the following paragraphs.