Jacob Rothschild: "It's important to do something for the time in which you live." Against clan and oligarchic rules, jacob rothschild warns world economies of impending economic collapse Nathaniel jacob rothschild


listen)) - a representative of the Rothschild dynasty, a baron, the head of the London branch of the Rothschilds at the present time. Great-great-great-grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild (en).


One of the senior members of the European banking family, Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild was born in 1936. Ignoring the family tradition of studying at Harrow and Cambridge, Jacob went to Oxford. According to him, in his youth he had to live long enough in cramped material conditions.

He began to comprehend the basics of banking in 1963. He quickly achieved great success in this matter. The London trust corporation Rothschild Investment Trust Corporation (one of the structures of the Rothschild and Sons banking house, which has been under his supervision since 1970) increased its reserve fund from $66 million to $230 million in five years.

In the 80s, Jacob left the family bank, but this was not the end of his business career. Using his own money and funds, he carried out successful investment projects throughout the 1980s.

Lord Jacob Rothschild is currently President of the Israel Policy Research Institute. Rothschild has a number of joint projects with the shareholders of Menatep and Yukos. In addition, along with former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and former ambassador USA in the USSR by Arthur Hartman, Sir Rothschild is a member of the board of the Open Russia Charitable Foundation established by Yukos.

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Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild
Date of Birth:

Barbara Judith Hutchinson

Awards and prizes:
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Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild(English) Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild , genus. April 29, 1936) - a representative of the Rothschild dynasty, baron, head of the London branch of the Rothschilds at the present time (since 1990). Great-great-great-grandson of Nathan Mayer Rothschild.

Born to Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild, and his first wife Barbara Judith Hutchinson. Jacob has two sisters - Sarah and Miranda, and two half-sisters - Victoria and Emma, ​​a well-known economist.

In 1961 he married Serena Mary Dunn, the family had four children:

  • Hannah Mary (b. 1962), married Brookfield
  • Beth Mathilde (b. 1964), married Tomassini
  • Emily Magda (b. 1967), married Freeman-Atwood
  • Nathaniel Philip Victor James (Nat) (b. 1971)

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An excerpt characterizing Rothschild, Jacob

In practical matters, Pierre suddenly now felt that he had a center of gravity, which was not there before. Previously, every money question, especially requests for money, to which he, as a very rich man, was very often subjected, led him into hopeless unrest and bewilderment. "To give or not to give?" he asked himself. “I have, and he needs. But others need it even more. Who needs more? Or maybe both are deceivers? And from all these assumptions, he had not previously found any way out and gave to everyone as long as there was something to give. In exactly the same perplexity he was before at every question concerning his condition, when one said that it was necessary to do this, and the other - otherwise.
Now, to his surprise, he found that in all these questions there were no more doubts and perplexities. Now a judge appeared in him, according to some laws unknown to him, deciding what was necessary and what was not necessary to do.
He was just as indifferent to money matters as before; but now he certainly knew what he must do and what he must not do. The first application of this new judge was for him the request of a captured French colonel who came to him, told a lot about his exploits and at the end almost demanded that Pierre give him four thousand francs to send to his wife and children. Pierre refused him without the slightest effort and tension, subsequently marveling at how simple and easy it was that which had previously seemed insoluble difficult. At the same time, immediately refusing the colonel, he decided that it was necessary to use a trick in order to force the Italian officer to take money, which he apparently needed, when leaving Orel. New evidence for Pierre of his established view of practical matters was his decision on the issue of his wife's debts and on the renewal or non-renewal of Moscow houses and dachas.

Jacob, Lord Rothschild, one of the largest benefactors of English museums, both in terms of the duration of his activity and the scale of his donations, told The Art Newspaper about how he manages the family collection at the Waddesdon family estate, despite the fact that it is now owned by the National charitable fund of objects of cultural, historical and natural heritage of the country (National Trust)

Jacob Rothschild with Joana Vashconcelos, designer of two Château Lafite-Rothschild Bottle Candelabra Towers (2015) for Waddesdon Manor

The British Museum, with the support of the Stanton Williams Architectural Bureau and the Rothschild Foundation, is once again displaying the UK's only cabinet of curiosities, the treasures of the Rothschild family estate of Waddesdon in Buckinghamshire. Jacob, Lord Rothschild (b. 1936), the first chairman of the Heritage Lottery Fund, is well aware of the management of British museums; he has chaired the board of trustees of the National Gallery in London and worked on a project to turn London's Somerset House into an exhibition space for the general public. He devotes a lot of time to the family nest - Waddesdon.

Can you name your first work of art?

My grandmother, Mary Hutchinson, gave me a small painting by the artist Simon Bussy of a hummingbird. I was then nine years old, and since then for 70 years I have been collecting Bussy's works, now I have 76 of them.

What is more important - art or nature?

Well, it's like asking if you want to be deaf or dumb. I believe that life would be impoverished both without one and without the other. Perhaps I would still prefer works of art - reluctantly.

You have dedicated yourself to the development of the Rothschild legacy. Why?

Responsibilities for the care of Waddesdon and a large fund that provides funds for activities in Israel, I inherited. In Israel, where my family has lived for 100 years, we have done a lot in the field of education, preservation of cultural monuments, Arab-Israeli cooperation. We have built the buildings of the Supreme Court, the National Library and financially support the Israel Museum. It is difficult to manage the Waddesdon collection, because it is very large, nevertheless we replenish it. By the way, the weakest part of it is French painting, and the strongest is a collection of furniture and porcelain, so we added Chardin to it, two Panini paintings dedicated to the celebration in honor of the birth of the Dauphin (they go well with Guardi's two large canvases), and a few more contemporary acquisitions, including a couple of wonderful Lajoux pieces.

Waddesdon has been handed over to the National Trust for Cultural, Historical and Natural Heritage, but you still manage it, and at a very high level.

We got it back for rent, there are a lot of works of art that belong to our family in the house. But perhaps the most important thing is that we finance its content. The foundation provides us with various support, but we manage the house ourselves, and I think the foundation is happy with the way we do it.

Are you going to bring back to the house the atmosphere of its golden age, a period of luxury that old mansions have lost today: rich carpets, flowers, and so on?

The first floor has remained almost unchanged, only now it is better lit, things related to the storage of works have been improved, and there is the Internet for educational purposes. The second floor now looks completely different, where we show our new acquisitions, for example, a French silver service made for the Elector of Hanover, the future King of Great Britain (George III. - TAN). He hoped to transport this service to England, but Hanover was occupied by Prussia and the service was hidden. Later it was dug up, and part of it was bought by my French cousins, and the other part by my friend the tycoon Kerry Packer. His family used the service only once in 16 years, when their daughter got married. Then Kerry got sick and sold it to me.

Another significant acquisition came to me from the late cousin Jimmy de Rothschild, who was not very interested in works of art and who left France in connection with the Dreyfus affair. He wanted to remember the faces of his relatives and friends who remained in France, so he went to Bond Street and asked the first dealer he came across who could paint their portraits. He was told that Leon Bakst, who was then working on the ballet The Sleeping Beauty for Diaghilev, might want to paint portraits of Jimmy's relatives, portraying them in the images of the heroes of this fairy tale. Jimmy bequeathed these paintings to the Israel Museum, but I thought they would not be in demand there, so I bought them. We are constantly buying back what once belonged to the family.


In the early 1800s, the Rothschild family lived in a ghetto, but after 40 years they were so rich that they could afford to build and buy. In the 19th century, our clan built 44 buildings across Europe and was probably the most "omnivorous" collector since the time of Emperor Rudolf II (Holy Roman Emperor, 1576-1612. - TAN). And it seems to me very important that one of these buildings still remains a monument to my family and receives the public, this is the only building where many visitors come.

Baron Edmond de Rothschild, who lived in France, was probably the largest collector of the entire family. He began compiling his collection when he was eight years old, and added to it almost every day until his death. He had three children, so one third of the collection went to his son Maurice, who lived in Pregny near Geneva, the second to a relative from Zurich, who bequeathed her post-impressionists to the Israel Museum, and another third was moved here, to the collection of Baron Ferdinand Rothschild, [with where Waddesdon Mansion was built].

Now you have turned to contemporary art - from designer flower beds to specially commissioned works. How is work progressing in this direction?

I think it's important to do something for the times you live in. There are also great benefits from this. My latest acquisition is the work of Joana Vasconcelos, who made two towers of champagne bottles at Versailles, more popular with visitors than the Koons exhibition. I suggested that she make the same towers for us out of 1,200 Château Lafite-Rothschild wine bottles (we partially own this brand). Now they stand next to the house in the place of a pair of former boring candelabra. They will be there for five years. In the house itself there are paintings by Lucian Freud, for whom I posed for three years; my wife was friends with Michael Andrews, and we have a portrait of her painted by him. And one day David Hockney called me and asked: “Who are you related to? I paint joint portraits of relatives. I replied, "With my daughter Hannah." So he wrote the two of us.

We have erected two new buildings on the estate and hope to build a third. The first was the archive, Windmill Hill, designed by Stephen Marshall, the youngest Scottish architect. I think this building is very successful, you can place works of modern art there; and nearby, in a field, is a wonderful work by Sarah Lucas depicting a horse harnessed to a cart of melons. Atypical for her, because it is an enlarged copy of a small figurine that stood in her grandmother's sideboard. We also work with the ceramist Edmund de Waal, who enjoys working in Waddesdon: we were both educated in Vienna and kind of close to him in spirit. I'm friends with Anish Kapoor - he created one of his many mirror sculptures for us. And there are people we just admire, like Beatriz Caracciolo, who took some amazing photos for us: she dipped them in an acidic solution, and now they are just gorgeous.

Another new building is the Flint House, designed by the young architect Charlotte Skene Catling, inspired by Villa Malaparte in Capri; The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) named it "Building of the Year" in Southern England. The Rothschilds of the 19th century, among other things, were known for their exemplary rural buildings, and we want to continue this tradition with modern construction projects for Waddesdon.

How did the cabinet of curiosities from Waddesdon end up in the British Museum?

This is the only thing left from the house. For 125 years, nothing changed here until I came along and more and more items began to replenish the collection by right of inheritance, since the Rothschilds usually related to their cousins. The treasures were exhibited in the smoking room - this was the beginning of the cabinet of curiosities that Ferdinand's father Anselm began to collect. Ferdinand did not get along with his father, so he was not sure that the cabinet would go to him, although he added to this collection. He was on the board of trustees of the British Museum, and his chairman, the medievalist August Wollaston Franks, persuaded him to bequeath the collection to the museum on the terms that it be kept as a whole in one place - by the way, this raises the question of whether to agree to conditions that are typical for US but not UK. The then director of the museum did not really like these conditions, so the collection gathered dust somewhere for some time, and in the end it was placed in a very unfortunate place on the second floor. I remember that Mrs. James de Rothschild called me and said: "It seems to me that they do not fulfill their wills." I spoke to the museum and they put the collection in a better place, but still on the second floor.

And recently I asked director Neil McGregor to provide us with a more convenient gallery, and we were lucky: they gave a wonderful hall right next to the entrance. There was a great opportunity to show works of art in modern lighting and with the help of modern devices. For example, it was difficult to see 100 walnut carvings in a showcase, but thanks to modern technology, today you can see them in all their details. Now we dream of rebuilding, again with Stanton Williams Architects, the east wing of Waddesdon, which is now full of kitchens and corridors, and turning it into an exhibition and research space, and moving commercial services into stables. But the alteration of this space will be completed after my death. My goal is to leave Waddesdon in perfect order so that interesting things can be done here, and the estate can continue to exist.

And the next generation?

My son Nat works independently and lives abroad; he loves art, but is not interested in this house. My work will be continued by my daughter Hannah. Now she runs the National Gallery, she is very passionate about art. Remember, women play a huge role; Alice, Jimmy's wife, handled Waddesdon well and supervised its transfer to the National Trust. Chris Dercon, the outgoing director of Tate Modern, once said that the art world is so saturated with economic interests that he fears for its future. Have you noticed a similar corruption of morals throughout your life?

Not in those institutions with which I am associated, but I consider the modern artistic whirlwind to be heavy. I don't understand her very well; I don't have time to drive around art fairs and look for what's there. I'm in business; after all, it is he who makes it possible for me to successfully manage Waddesdon. And although I'm a little worried about the commercialization of the contemporary art world, I can still afford to buy old masters, except for the great names, of course.

Do you think that the authorities do not understand the significance of our art institutions, or is the current reduction in their funding inevitable and correct?

If I were Minister for the Arts, I would vehemently advocate for more funding. I think museums deserve it, they need money to manage their collections. They can either cut spending, which is very demoralizing, or be more energetic in raising funds, fundraising. American museums are almost entirely dependent on private funding, but they are much richer, and the people who give money can dictate their terms, so you should always be on the lookout. Some smaller museums may need to introduce admission fees if their budgets are cut further, but I hope that doesn't happen.

Would you like to say a few words about Israel's current policy?

We all know that a difficult situation has developed in the Middle East, both inside Israel with all its liberals, immigrants, orthodoxes, non-believers, and beyond its borders: Syria, ISIS, Gaza, Egypt, Iran and the nuclear issue, strife between Sunnis and Shiites. People need to understand the difficulties Israel is facing.

Text: Anna Somers Cox

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Rothschild warns
Financial magnates threaten Russia and the world with economic collapse / Russia and the world

In 2016, the situation in the global economy and financial markets will continue to deteriorate and will be hardest for countries that depend on commodity prices. On this topic:

Nathaniel Charles Jacob Rothschild, 4th Baron Rothschild

This, as reported by the media, was announced in a letter to clients by the chairman of the board of directors of the RIT Capital Partners fund. Jacob Rothschild.
The behind-the-scenes tycoons of world finance - the magnates from the Rothschild clan rarely come out of the shadows. They almost never give interviews or make public statements. And not only because "money loves silence" - such are the long traditions of this clan, which has been manipulating world finances from behind the scenes for more than two hundred years. That's why the shady tycoon's unexpected move caught the attention of the world of business and finance, who saw it as a clear threat to Russia.

“In the past few years, developing countries have rapidly built up foreign exchange debt. Now they have to repay loans that have become very expensive due to the growth of the dollar and the collapse of commodity prices. Countries such as Brazil, Russia, Nigeria, Ukraine and Kazakhstan are experiencing serious difficulties,” Jacob Rothschild warned. He also noted that the crisis is growing around the world: the true extent of the slowdown in the Chinese economy is not completely clear, GDP growth in the US and the EU is disappointing, the possible exit of the UK from the European Union also creates a lot of risks. In addition, the political crisis in the Middle East is negatively affecting the global economy.

An even more eloquent statement was made on March 9 by Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) David Lipton. According to him, the world is facing growing risks of economic collapse. To avert disaster, government leaders must take action to stimulate demand, Lipton said.

From the history of the Rothschilds

The history of the Rothschild dynasty - bankers and public figures dates back to the end of the 18th century. The ancestor of the dynasty, Angel Moses Bauer, owned a jewelry workshop. The emblem of the workshop depicted a golden Roman eagle on a red shield. Over time, the workshop began to be called the "Red Shield", and this name - Rothschield - was adopted as a surname by his son, Mayer Amschel, who founded a bank in Frankfurt am Main. The business was continued by his five sons. The brothers controlled five banks in the largest cities of Europe: Paris, London, Vienna, Naples, Frankfurt am Main. Two branches of the Rothschilds - English (from Nathan) and French (from James) - lead their history to our time. The founder of the dynasty, Mayer Rothschild, carefully arranged marriages of convenience, including marriages between first and second cousins, so that the accumulated wealth remained within the family and served the common cause. In 1816, the Emperor of the Austrian Empire Franz II granted the Rothschilds a baronial title. The Rothschilds began to belong to the high society of the Austrian nobility. The British branch of the dynasty was adopted at the court of Queen Victoria. Another native of Germany closely connected with them, Baron Stieglitz, who settled in St. Petersburg, was sent to Russia as an "observer" from the Rothschilds. It was he, with the help of the Rothschild clan, who organized loans in Europe for the tsarist government, of course at interest rates favorable to the magnates, and also bought up Russian railways.

One of the Rothschilds is bred in Herzen's Past and Thoughts in an episode entitled: "The Emperor James Rothschild and the banker Nikolai Romanov." Herzen describes how Rothschild forced the government of Nicholas I to pay a large amount of "tickets of the Moscow safe treasury", which were received on the security of the real estate of Herzen's mother and which Herzen cashed from Rothschild (already then, the liberals who had fled Russia were fed by European bankers!) Nikolai, having seized Herzen's property, he also stopped the payment of tickets, but after Rothschild's threats to boycott Russia by international financial institutions, he surrendered and paid the amount in full.

It is believed that since the XIX century, the Rothschilds have the largest fortune in the world. Currently, the Rothschild clan is the behind-the-scenes owner of almost the entire global financial system, including the US Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and many commercial banks around the world (including the notorious Goldman Sachs).

There is an interesting detail on the Rothschild coat of arms that makes you think. It depicts five arrows, symbolizing, as explained, the five sons of Mayer Rothschild. But why arrows? After all, the Rothschilds were not warriors, none of them served in the army. What do arrows have to do with bankers and merchants? And in the description of the coat of arms there is a direct reference to Psalm 127: "Like arrows in the hands of a warrior." So yes, warrior! So, the coat of arms testifies: the Rothschilds "fought". But for what? Yes, again - for control of the world, for what else? Or maybe five arrows, these are not five brothers at all, but five continents that they set out to conquer, entangling them with their financial web?

Rothschilds and Nazis

Even Hitler treated the Rothschilds with reverence, despite his hatred of the Jews. However, there are historians who believe that it was the Rothschilds and other financial clans of the West who brought the Nazis to power in order to counter them with the growing influence of the communists. When, after the Anschluss of Austria, the SS appeared in the palace of Baron Rothschild to offer to "follow them", he calmly replied that he would gladly follow them, but first he would like to have dinner. The stormtroopers patiently waited for the lackeys to serve the baron dinner, and then he slowly washed his fingers with fragrant water and smoked his usual cigar. Only after that did the baron, accompanied by the SS, leave his palace. The almighty Hermann Goering himself sent a special commissioner, one Otto Weber, to Switzerland to inform the Zurich representative of the Rothschilds of the Nazi terms. Baron Louis would be released, Weber said, if Marshal Goering personally received $200,000 for this courtesy, and the Hitlerite empire received all the property of the Austrian Rothschilds, including the steel plant at Vitkovice, in Czechoslovakia. The Rothschild representatives in Zurich bargained stubbornly and the bargaining dragged on. Heinrich Himmler himself, the formidable Reichsfuehrer SS, once appeared at the Gestapo headquarters. For an hour they bargained for terms, but Baron Rothschild did not give in.

The next day, Himmler's people informed the baron that the Reichsfuehrer accepted Rothschild's conditions and that he could immediately go abroad. But even here, Louis Rothschild surprised the Gestapo. He declared that it was already evening, 11 o'clock, and he could not force his Viennese friends to deal with him so late, and therefore he wanted to spend that night at the Gestapo headquarters. There were no such examples in the history of the Gestapo. Baron Louis Rothschild spent the last night in the "dungeon" as a guest. And two days later he calmly crossed the Swiss border ...

Skeletons in the Closet Rothschilds

Some versions of the involvement of the Rothschilds in big politics seem to be idle inventions of idle conspiracy theorists. Serious business cannot, they say, be involved in all sorts of adventurous political undertakings. How else can! In the history of this most powerful financial clan, there are not so, but even more incredible secrets. It is known that Victor Rothschild, for example, the heir of one of the five brothers of the Rothschild family, was suspected of secret ties with ... Soviet intelligence!

In 1932, when he was still a student in England, Victor secretly joined the Communist Party, about which he chose not to tell any of his relatives.

The reason for this was the anti-Semitic slogans of Hitler, the counterweight to which, as he believed, could be the communist Soviet Union. While studying at Trinity College, young Victor Rothschild became friends with the Soviet scientist Pyotr Kapitsa, who worked in Rutherford's laboratory. Returning to Moscow, he gave him a very positive description. As a result, Soviet intelligence agent Kim Philby soon became friends with him. Another friend and fellow student of Rothschild, Guy Burges, also an agent of Soviet intelligence, was a financial adviser in the office, which belonged to the mother of Victor Rothschild. But Rothschild's closest relationship developed in Cambridge with Anthony Blunt, a relative of the Queen Mother Elizabeth. Anthony Blunt was also a communist and, again, an agent of the NKVD, being part of the famous "Cambridge Five".

Rothschild and his friends were members of the elite Cambridge club of Marxist intellectuals, the Apostles, whose leader was Anthony Blunt. In August 1934, Victor Rothschild unexpectedly received a ticket to a symphony concert and a "recommendation" note from Kim Philby. A few seconds before the start of the concert in the auditorium, a tall blue-eyed man took a seat next to him. During the intermission they talked about music, the stranger introduced himself as Otto. In fact, it was Theodor Malli, a cadre officer in the foreign department of the OGPU, his best recruiter.

In 1937, Victor took his deceased uncle's seat in the House of Lords, becoming Lord Rothschild. It must be assumed that he knew perfectly well "who is who" among his friends, that many of them adhered to leftist views and supported the Soviet Union. At the very beginning of the war, Victor Rothschild passed military service in London in a secret laboratory at Porton Down, where chemical and biological weapons were developed. For work, he had constant contacts in the Foreign Office, as well as in British intelligence and in the country's decryption service. At the same time, he quite often met with the heads of national intelligence services and even personally with Churchill.

Victor Rothschild lived in central London in an apartment he rented on Bentinck Street. In September 1940, he and his pregnant wife, fearful of becoming victims of German bombing, decided to move into their Vacation home, and rent an apartment to old friends from Cambridge - Burges and Blunt. This well-known and prestigious "house of the Rothschilds" was visited by many prominent Londoners out of old habit. Among them were ministers and other high-ranking officials, as well as prominent military and high-ranking intelligence figures. The Soviet intelligence could not even dream of a better source of information!

But was Victor Rothschild really a Soviet agent? Most likely, he was an "agent of influence." They do not take a subscription for voluntary cooperation, they are not given a monthly monetary reward. And how much could the NKVD pay Rothschild!? Such people work not for money, but for an idea.

An agent of influence may not even guess at all that he is being used by special services in the interests of a foreign state. Although in this situation Victor Rothschild, of course, could not guess about it. Or maybe he, on the contrary, used these connections for the British intelligence services?

After the failed MacLean and Burges fled to the USSR in 1951, Rothschild began to slowly withdraw from contact with Soviet intelligence, fearing exposure. He died in 1990 at the age of 80, taking all his secrets to the grave.

Fans of the golden calf

According to Tatyana Gracheva, head of the Department of the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, “the idol of the Rothschilds has always been a golden calf, which they worshiped religiously. With the help of money and bribery, they brought many governments under control and thus seized political power. They have been achieving this goal for centuries now, honing their destructive methods, combining them into one big strategy, the chronology of the formation of which emerges from the chronology of the clan. 1815: Five Rothschild brothers work to secure supplies of gold to Wellington's army (through Nathan in England) and Napoleon's army (through Jacob in France) and begin their policy of funding both sides in wars. This is repeated in every war, including the US Civil War, where they financed both the armies of the South and the North, the Russian Civil War, when they financed both the Whites and the Reds, and World War II, when they financed both Hitler and the anti-Hitler coalition.

The Rothschild clan is suspected of involvement in both the collapse of the USSR in 1991 and what happened recently in Ukraine. Therefore, the current unexpected public demarche of Jacob Rothschild should be taken seriously.

In February, the head of the Accounts Chamber, Tatyana Golikova, told President Vladimir Putin that in 2015 Russia's external public debt had fallen by $4.4 billion to $50 billion. Total external debt (it includes public debt and liabilities Russian companies) of Russia in 2015 fell 14 percent to $515.3 billion. Banks' debt decreased the most - by 22.8 percent to $132 billion. The debt of the non-banking sector decreased by 9.26 percent to $340 billion. But, despite the reduction, it's all the same - gigantic debts, which gives the representative of the most powerful financial clan of the West grounds to pointedly wag his finger at Russia.

The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers have teamed up to rule the world together.

Rothschilds and Rockefellers united to rule the world together? Last week, two of the world's most legendary families of financiers officially merged some of their capital.

Conspiracy theorists have long demonized these names. Considering that it is they who secretly rule the world, organize wars, conflicts. Say, even the global financial crisis of 2008 - their handiwork.

"They are hidden behind a thousand names"

The elders in the new alliance are the Rothschilds. Other conspiracy theorists call them the descendants of the “unreasonable Khazars”, whom the prophetic Oleg took revenge on. Like, they fled to Europe in the 10th century after the defeat of the powerful Khazar Khaganate by Prince Svyatoslav. The official founder of the dynasty is Mayer Amschel Rothschild. Born in Germany in 1744. In the family of a Jewish money changer. Created my own bank. He sent his sons to open branches of the family business in London, Paris, Vienna, Naples. The Rothschilds became the largest creditors of European governments. Later, their interests moved overseas. In fact, the wise Mayer Amschel created a global, as they would say today, financial system that does not depend on the rulers of specific states. No wonder he said: “Give me the right to issue and control the money of the country, and it will not matter to me who makes the laws!” (This covenant was fulfilled by his heirs.) In the 19th century, the Rothschilds were considered the richest family on the planet. To keep the money from going to the side, the patriarch organized marriages between cousins ​​and second cousins. Which later sparked allegations of incest. At the end of the 19th century, the Rothschilds had a new trick - a marriage of convenience. So they intermarried with other major bankers, effectively putting them under the control of the Family. Strengthening its position in the world financial system. Another important fad of the Family is not to boast of wealth. Big money loves silence. This gives rise to some analysts to say that the influence of the Rothschilds in the modern world has long been lost, their branches have degenerated. No matter how! “The Rothschilds have spent a hundred years hiding the true extent of their network of global control,” says Jerusalem rabbi Aron Cohen, a scholar of the history of the famous Jewish dynasty. - When I say "Rothschilds", I mean not only the immediate members of this family, or even people bearing this surname. The Rothschild family includes many people, it has many branches that do not even suggest a hierarchy. And there are plenty of Rothschilds who don't call themselves that. As I described in my books, they have long had breeding programs that produce offspring under other names. When these people come to power, they carry Rothschild genes and obey their system, but they are not officially Rothschilds. This is the whole difficulty in assessing their penetration into governments, financial sector- they are hidden behind thousands of different names. The House of Rothschild and their agents in leading positions in government, banking, business, pharmacology, biotechnology, media, etc. act as a single entity to make the world control described by Orwell over the population, including over Jews, a reality. »

Against this background, the Rockefeller dynasty is completely “green”. The founder - John Rockefeller - was born in the USA in 1839. He became a successful banker and tycoon. Controlled all US oil production. The first official dollar billionaire of the planet. And the most richest man who lived on earth. Forbes magazine estimated his then fortune at $ 318 billion at the dollar rate at the end of 2007. Slim, Gates and other leaders of the Forbes lists of the 21st century are beggars compared to John! The patriarch lived for 97 years. His grandson, the current head of the clan, David, will also turn 97 on June 12!

In addition to assets in the world's largest banks, oil production, and other sectors of the economy, the Rockefellers have large political capital. Nelson was Vice President of the United States under Nixon. David is one of the founders and honorary leader of the famous Bilderberg club of the highest Western elite. Bilderberg is stubbornly considered a branch of the secret world government. Meetings are held once a year. If in Europe - exclusively in the hotels of the Rothschilds, in the USA - the hotels of the Rockefellers. David founded the Trilateral Commission, an authoritative in world politics, and sits in other influential international organizations. He is called the main globalist of the planet. In the memoir, the veteran admits that for more than a century, ideological extremists have “attacked the Rockefeller family for the extraordinary influence they claim we have over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe that we are part of a secret cabal working against the interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as "internationalists" conspiring to build a more integrated political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If this is an accusation, then I plead guilty, and I am proud of it.

A hundred years ago, famous dynasties were already uniting to fulfill Meyer Rothschild's behest - to issue and control the country's money. And not just any, but the United States of America. A group of bankers (Rothschilds and their relatives, as well as American financiers led by Rockefeller) then developed a secret plan for a private organization to print US money. Federal Reserve System - FRS. In fact, in 1913 they privatized the dollar printing press. On the state level the unpopular project of the Fed by hook or by crook managed to push through Senator Aldrich, father-in-law ... John Rockefeller Jr. This is where the legs of the undivided domination (for now!) of the dollar in the world grow.

Later, the interests of the powerful clans seemed to have diverged. In particular, because of Russia. The Rothschilds were the first, back in tsarist times, to come to us. But under the communists, the Rockefellers wiped them out. David met with Khrushchev, Kosygin, Gorbachev. In post-Soviet times, according to Western researchers, Rockefeller allegedly wanted to get his hands on Yukos. But Khodorkovsky seems to have chosen the Rothschilds. And even unsubscribed to them most of the shares. Well, it got burned.
Whatever the heads of families - 76-year-old Jacob Rothschild (left) and 96-year-old David Rockefeller - are up to, only they should remain the winners ...

But if there was a cooling between the financiers, then the past grew. The leader of the younger generation of the dynasty, Baron Nathaniel, returned the Rothschilds to Russia. A friend of the oligarch Deripaska, a member of the board of directors of RUSAL.

And now - a new official association of powerful dynasties. Unexpected. What is it?

Just an attempt to survive together in the impending second wave of the global crisis, as official financial analysts interpret? But these families alone have enough resources, money, influence to survive the new wave. The Rothschilds alone are unofficially credited with 10-20 trillion dollars of capital. Rather, we can talk about the desire of the two dynasties to ride this wave and continue to dominate in the new, post-crisis world. After all, the world economy is indeed on the verge of new major shocks. The only question is whether she herself is shaking, or someone unknown is organizing the shaking. It is also important that the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers are not just major players in the field of the world economy, but also politics. They are trusted to manage their capital by other super-rich people. There is an unification of a whole group of influential financiers of the planet. Is the official announcement of the alliance initiated by the heads of the families David Rockefeller and 76-year-old Jacob Rothschild a sign? To whom? However, this is more of a strategy. In tactical terms, the alliance can be directed against Germany. She managed to peacefully do what Hitler tried to do with weapons and great bloodshed. Become the leader of Europe. This confuses England, the eternal enemy of Germany. The Rothschilds settled in London. Let's not forget that although England belongs geographically to Europe, it is not the common European currency that is used there - the euro, but the good old pound sterling! Do not like the rise of Germany and the Rockefellers. The euro is a competitor to the dollar. So the guys came together to hit together on Mrs. Merkel, who is desperately trying to save the eurozone and the leadership of her native country on the continent.

However, these are all versions. The alliance of financiers is unlikely to reveal the true goals. These people are too smart. It can only be judged by circumstantial evidence.

A week has passed since the announcement of the alliance between the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers. Let's see what happened during this period.

British Petroleum (BR - the brainchild of the Rothschilds) suddenly announced that it was ready to sell its 50% stake in the joint Russian-British oil holding TNK-BP. The company's shares fell sharply, the Russian partner began to have problems. It would seem, to us, ordinary citizens of Russia, what does it matter? Gasoline at TNK gas stations will certainly not become cheaper after the fall in the stock price. Rather, on the contrary, the TNK oilmen will recoup us. People are more concerned about the sharp weakening of the ruble in recent days. What to do? Run to the exchangers, urgently change wooden ones for greenery? The authorities tell us that only external causes are to blame for the fall of the ruble - the fall in oil prices, the eurozone crisis. (The fact that the country has completely hooked on the oil needle, hence the ruble fever - they are silent, however!) Oil does not just become cheaper by itself. On a fresh example of the fallen shares of TNK-BP, we see how and who does it. As for the eurozone crisis, a curious fact was reported by TASS over the weekend, referring to an employee of the City of London. “The largest companies and banks in the US and UK are urgently withdrawing their money from the eurozone countries.” The Rothschilds and Rockefellers in these largest banks and companies are not the last people. Rather, on the contrary. Shaking old Europe?

Cheaper not only oil, but also gold. For him, the last month, they say, was the worst in 13 years. I'm calling a specialist in global gold mining. Do the Rothschilds still set the price of the precious metal on a daily basis, or is that left in the 19th century? They install it, and how, the specialist answered.

And another curious fact. Last Thursday at the Marriott Hotel on the outskirts of Washington opened the annual meeting of the Bilderberg Club, the favorite brainchild of David Rockefeller. "A secret assembly with a claim to world domination emerges from the shadows," the influential The Times commented on the event. What the world elite discussed behind closed doors has not yet been leaked to the press.

Will there be more, guys!