Research work in economics is ready. Methodological passport of the research project “Lending in the R.P. Horde. Examples of economic projects


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    “Money is a bad master, but a very good servant” Francis Bacon Money is not just rubles, dollars, francs, euros. The writer Balzac, for example, argued that "money is the sixth sense that allows us to enjoy the other five." English economist of the 18th century. Adam Smith called money the "wheel of circulation", Karl Marx called it the "universal equivalent".

    How and when did money appear? A long time ago. The first money was not similar to modern. They could serve as a variety of items: the ancient Romans - salt, the Aztecs - cocoa beans, other peoples - arrowheads, fishhooks, shells, furs, etc.

    Metal money - coins Much later, metal money appeared. Historians claim that the ancient Egyptians were the first to use them about 4 and a half thousand years ago. Small metal rings served as money. Four centuries later, in ancient China, gold cubes came into circulation. Actually, coins began to be minted for the first time in the 7th century. BC. in Lydia (on the territory of modern Turkey). And, finally, the ancient Greeks brought it to perfection, who came up with the idea of ​​making an impression on both sides of the coin.

    Paper money Until the 20th century, coins were minted mainly from alloys. precious metals- gold or silver. Paper money also has a long history. Marco Polo testified to their use in China in the 13th century AD. But they began to be actively used only in the Middle Ages in Europe.

    Going on a long journey, the merchants had to beware of robbers from large and small roads. They tried not to carry gold and silver coins with them, but acted differently: they left their money with the goldsmith and took a receipt from him, according to which they received their money from his colleague in another city. Personal receipts of jewelers became the prototype of paper money.

    Electronic money The evolution of money did not stop with the invention of paper money. Keeping cash savings is unsafe and unprofitable. Therefore, businessmen and citizens keep their money in banks. It is not necessary to have a lot of money to open a bank account. Banks can issue credit cards to their customers - small plastic plates, on the magnetic tape of which the owner's data is applied. From these cards, the owners can transfer money when paying for purchases in stores, at gas stations, etc. Thus, non-cash payments. At the beginning of 1994, the share of non-cash turnover in Russia was 64% of the money supply.

    The prospects for the development of bank cards are enormous. Progress in this area is very fast. The magnetic card is simple, it can be easily faked. Therefore, the next direction of development was the emergence of chip cards. On them, the magnetic stripe is replaced by a microprocessor called a chip. Such cards cannot be forged and lost.

    Recently, credit cards have also become widespread in Russia. The largest card issuer in Russia is Sberbank of the Russian Federation. A special kind of plastic cards prevails in our country - salary (scholarship) cards. They were received by many students and employees of firms and institutions. The owner of such a card instructs the organization where he receives a salary to transfer his money to non-cash form to the bank account that issued the card. The share of payroll cards in Russia accounts for about 90% of the card business.

    Pay on the way! For more than a year, the Chuvash branch of Sberbank of Russia has been operating a banking service that allows you to pay utility bills and other payments through the Electronic Cashier self-service terminals and ATMs. Payments are accepted using bank card SBERCARD or international cards Visa and MasterCard. Payment time by one client is less than one minute. At the beginning of 2010, there were 38 Electronic Cashier terminals and 155 ATMs throughout the republic in Chuvashia, of which 29 terminals and 103 ATMs were located in Cheboksary. Russia, as well as by phone: (round the clock).
    Let's remember! What? Who? When? Described the mechanism for the use of plastic cards.

    Conclusions In recent decades, "electronic money" (credit and debit cards) has been widely developed. VISA, AMERIKAN EXPRESS, MASTERCARD, EUROCARD, ORTCARD are in circulation. The sphere of cash payments is shrinking uncontrollably. Perhaps soon it will be possible not to hold cash at all: everything monetary transactions will be carried out in non-cash form. However, the essence of money as an economic phenomenon has not changed. Money is still the universal equivalent of goods and services. Any medium that meets these requirements, in whatever form it appears, can be considered money. Electronic money is more profitable than cash. They are the future!

    Used Literature 1. M.V. Mashina "Economic ABC" - M., "MIROS", Encyclopedia for Children" - "Avanta +", volume "Economics", I.V. Lipsits "Economics. History and modern organization economic activity"- VITA - Press, M., "Credit cards and modernity" - j-l "Teaching history and social studies at school", 5 - 2005. 5. "Contribution" - newspaper of the Chuvash branch of Sberbank of Russia 10 (181), August 2008

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    11th grade student

    MOU "Voronkovskaya RSSH"

    Leshchenko Maria Olegovna

    11th grade student

    MOU "Voronkovskaya RSSH"

    Steles of Anna Alekseevna

    Scientific adviser -

    Tsybulskaya Ludmila Nikolaevna

    Mathematic teacher

    MOU "Voronkovskaya RSSH"

    Rybnitsa, 2017



    I. Theoretical aspects of lending ……………………….…………..……5

    1. The history of the origin of the loan…………………………………………...…5

    2. Mathematical foundations of lending. ……………………………….….eight

    3. Basic concepts ………..…………………………………..…………..10

    4. Basic forms of credit…………….……………………………..……11

    5. Types of credit ………………..……………………………………....…….12

    6. Interest on loans. ……………………………………………...……17

    II.Experimental part (within the city of Rybnitsa)…………………...……21

    1. Sociological survey. Practical work……………..…...………22

    2. Results and discussions………………………………………………....22

    Conclusion. Conclusions…………………………………………………………….23




    There is no life without credit

    And with a loan there is no life!

    Folk wisdom.

    Today, the success of each individual depends on how literate he is in the basics of economics and mathematics. These two sciences are around us, next to us, we encounter them in everyday life, not suspecting that by solving the problems of every day, we are solving this or that mathematical problem intertwined with economics. A person needs to calculate, “estimate” in numbers-rubles the tariff for a telephone, utility bills, the possibility of acquiring any goods for the home, himself, taking into account promotional percentage shares. It has long been no secret that the whole world lives on credit.

    Life on credit in Transnistria is becoming more and more popular. If earlier it was almost impossible to get a loan from a bank, today it is not difficult to use bank money to solve your pressing problems.

    Today you can solve any everyday problem with the help of borrowed money. I wanted to buy new household appliances - please! You go to the store and immediately draw up a loan. Would you like to change your car? Right in the salon, the loan officer is ready to provide you with the necessary amount. Need money for urgent needs? For repairs? To rest? For education? Bankers will gladly put their money at your disposal.

    The topic of credit has been very relevant lately. Now you can buy almost everything on credit - from a simple TV and mobile phone to the car, apartment and country house. No one argues that credit is an extremely convenient invention of mankind. But, as the proverb says, there is no evil without good.

    Today, each person treats loans differently. Someone calmly takes loans for various needs and buys everything that he needs. Someone categorically refuses to get into a debt hole and tie his hands in any way. Let's try to figure it out, so after all, what is better - to live on credit or within your means?

    Hypothesis: we assume that mathematical knowledge is necessary to solve practical problems related to lending.

    Purpose of the research project : Study supply and demand in the market bank loans. To do this, we want to understand what a loan is, what types of loans exist and what is more profitable to take a loan or save?

    To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

    Studying the literature on the topic;

    Find out the history of the loan;

    To study the mathematical foundations of lending and identify the possibilities of using mathematical knowledge to solve practical problems.

    Conducting a sociological survey;

    Perform calculations, arrange results (tables, diagrams).

    Collect information about loans provided by the banks of our city to their customers.

    Analyze the results obtained, choose the most advantageous offers.

    Object of study we singled out the banks of Rybnitsa.

    The work used reference, special, popular science literature, as well as information from Internet sites.

    Research methods :

    The study of the theory of loans.

    Collection, processing and analysis of information about lending in the banks of the city.

    Carrying out calculations and analysis of conclusions for the found solution.

    The relevance of the worklies in the fact that, despite the current financial crisis, lending will continue to develop at a progressive pace, since the problem of increasing the income of the population is always urgent, which means that credit will continue to be considered as an opportunity to purchase necessary goods. At the same time, the population should know the basics of loan repayment methods, since they significantly affect the amount of loan payments.The topic presented by us is relevant not only for the lessons of algebra and economics, but also when concluding a loan agreement. We think that our topic will be of interest to everyone.

    I Theoretical part

    1 History of the origin of the loan

    historical predecessor modern credit- usurious loan. The division of the primitive community in the period of its decomposition into poor and rich families, the accumulation of wealth in one hand and the need for Money ah others created the conditions for usurious credit. Usury capital in the ancient world was provided mainly to small commodity producers (peasants) and slave owners. Merchants and tax-farmers acted as usurers-creditors in the slave-owning society. Temples played a significant role, for example, in Greece, the Delphic Temple. Under the feudal system, usurious credit also appeared in two main forms: loans to small commodity producers (peasants and artisans) and feudal lords. Under both slavery and feudalism, small producers needed money to buy their livelihoods and pay taxes.

    The need of slave owners and feudal lords (kings, nobles) for money is due to their spending huge amounts of money on buying luxury goods, building magnificent houses, waging wars, etc. This is where the history of lending in Russia begins.

    Along with the formation of the state, banks also appeared, which became professional participants in the credit market. Initially, private banks were created, for example, the "family bank" was in medieval Veliky Novgorod, where usury flourished. With the advent of religion, the states began to revive the temple, monastic, state and provincial "banks". Their main activity is to raise funds for the construction of buildings and structures, temples, and the maintenance of armies.

    Credit as economic phenomenon appeared about 4-5 thousand years ago, along with such concepts as taxes. Approximately at the same time, peculiar forms of financial control and insurance appeared. In ancient times, loans were granted only on the security of goods that were purchased in Athens.

    The merchant, having sailed to the Bosporus and back, was obliged to fully settle with the creditor within 20 days and pay him the interest on the loan, which was usually equal to the rent from the land and amounted to 1/6 of the amount provided. The contract stipulated the route that the ship would take, and if it changed, the interest could be increased to 1/3 of the loan amount. Under the agreement, the creditor had the right to collect the debt, both in Athens and through his representatives on the Bosphorus.

    Since the land in Athens could not be an object of sale, their owners did not have the right to lend money under the strongest guarantee and provided a loan only against the security of the goods that were to be purchased in Athens for the amount specified in the contract, or the ship. In case of failure, the merchant was obliged to pay a penalty of 200%, i.e. give the creditor the money and all the goods or the ship. The merchant was released from liability only in the event of the death of the ship as a result of a shipwreck or an attack by pirates. Those goods were not taken into account, which, with the consent of all those sailing on the ship, were thrown overboard if the ship was in danger.

    The person providing the loan was at least as much, if not more, at risk than modern bank, which has more opportunities to influence the non-performing debtor.

    Naturally, the merchants were not so naive as to fully comply with the terms of the contract. The most frequent forms of fraud on the part of merchants were: obtaining a loan for a certain amount and, on the basis of it, obtaining an even larger amount on credit; purchase of goods for a smaller amount than the loan received; staging a shipwreck and loss of goods.

    In ancient Babylon, credit accounting and control was also developed. The laws of the Babylonian king Hammurabi contain interest rates, depending on the size of the loan received, whether it be bread, silver or cattle.

    Any transactions involving the issuance of a loan or the return of interest required the presence of witnesses. In the absence of witnesses, the usurer lost the property that he transferred on credit at interest. In addition to the presence of witnesses, any operations involving the issuance of a loan implied the execution of “documents with a seal”. The presence of "property tags" is also characterized by the history of lending. A multitude of property norms created a need for income-expenditure management even at the household level.

    In addition to the norms governing credit relations in the Middle East of that period, there were documented norms of criminal law providing for liability for theft and murder. Similar norms were contained in Russkaya Pravda.

    Large trading operations were most often carried out on credit. So, for example, the ancient Greek king Levkoy gave bread to Athens on credit, for which he received the right to duty-free trade in the territory of this city. Atticus, head of the Roman cavalry, gave out loans at very high percent, which ranged from 36 to 48 percent.

    The history of lending in Transnistria has also developed from a usurious loan to the creation of a banking system. Perfection credit system contributed to the development of our state.

    2.Mathematical foundations of lending.

    When studying the basic concepts of lending, its essence and its components; information presented in the periodical press revealed the main areas of mathematics underlying lending.
    Percentage number (or from a number) is called the hundredth of this number. If the number is multiplied by 100, then we get the percentage of the number. Percentage calculations have the widest (compared to other fractions) practical use in everyday life.

    Percentages measure price changes; the number of people who took part in the elections, the content of impurities in metals; air humidity; student performance in school; the number of hot days in a year; calculation accuracy; population growth; birth and death rates, etc.

    Especially often interest is used in financial transactions. If a certain quantity A grows byn% per year (or for another period of time), this means that it will increase by an amount equal ton% of A, i.e. on the.
    As a result, the new value A
    1 becomes equalA 1 =A+=A(1+).

    Further, the increase in the value of A is connected with the value from which the percentage will be calculated. If the calculation will occur from the original value, then they speak of an increase in A according to the law of simple interest. If, from the value A increased during the year 1 , then we say that the value of A increases according to the law of compound interest.
    When the value of A increases by the same amount,
    then \u003d (A +) +
    = A+. Throughkyears, the value of A will beA k = A(1+).
    This ratio is called the simple interest formula. In the case of compound interest, the value of A during the second year will increase by

    A(1+), this implies

    =+ = BUT(1+) +A(1+) =A(1+) (1+ ) = BUT· (1+)².

    Throughkyears, the value of the quantity will beBUT(1+) k . This ratio is called the compound interest formula.

    If the annual rate, i.e. the value of the percentage changes, then the formula for simple interest will take the form, and the formula for compound interest.

    The main tasks for interest are the following:

    1) finding percentages of a number;

    2) finding a number by its percentage;

    3) finding the percentage of several numbers;

    4) finding compound interest at a given interest rate;

    The solution to these problems in general can be represented as follows:

      n% from numberBUTequalsBUT ·;

      ifn-th part of the number isB, then the number itself is equal to;

      ifn% of some number are equalB, then this number is 100;

      the percentage of numbers A and B is 100%;

      raised capital forkyears at an interest rate ofn% per annum and initial capital inBUT nwill beBUT ((1+) k -1) n.

    3.Basic concepts

    Credit (from Latin credit - he believes) is a system of economic relations in connection with the transfer from one owner to another for temporary use of values ​​in any form (commodity, monetary, intangible) on terms of repayment, urgency, payment.

    The seller of the loan is the lender, the lender.

    The buyer of the loan is the debtor, debtor, borrower, borrower.

    The specific conditions under which a loan is granted constitute the basic principles of lending.

    The main principles of lending are repayment, urgency and payment.

    Loan agreement - a written agreement between the creditor and the debtor when granting or receiving a loan, specifying in detail the conditions of repayment, urgency and payment.

    According to Art. 848 of the PMR Civil Code under a loan agreement, a bank or other credit organisation(creditor) undertake to provide funds (credit) to the borrower in the amount and on the terms stipulated by the agreement, and the borrower undertakes to return the received sum of money and pay interest on it. The loan agreement must be concluded in writing. Failure to comply with the written form entails invalidity loan agreement.

    Credit risk- the risk that the debtor will not repay the loan to the creditor. Credit risk insurance - a system of measures to ensure the repayment of the loan to the lender on time.

    Loan collateral is an additional lending principle that is always included in a loan agreement.

    With the adoption of the law "On banks and banking" commercial banks got the opportunity to issue loans to their customers under various forms of its security.

    The most common types of loan collateral are:

    material values, issued by a pledge obligation;

    guarantees of intermediaries of solvent legal and individuals(banks, etc.);

    insurance policies issued by borrowers to the insurance company for the risk of default on the loan;

    Loan payability - means that the borrower of money must pay a certain lump-sum fee for using the loan or pay within a specified period.

    The target orientation of the loan - creates conditions for compliance with the principles of repayment and payment of loans, as well as, to a certain extent, their urgency. This principle involves the issuance of a loan for a clear purpose of its use (specified in the loan agreement). The target orientation of the loan allows the lender to clearly understand the borrower's ability to repay the loan on time with interest. Lending for productive purposes is considered the most stable, when the money invested gives a real return - profit.

    Solvency is the ability of the borrower to repay the loan on time with interest. Depends on economic and socio-political factors.

    4. Basic forms of credit

    There are the following main forms of credit:

    short , issued, as a rule, for a period of up to a year, intended mainly for the formation of working capital of enterprises, firms;

    long-term , provided for a period of more than a year and used primarily as investment capital;

    Gguaranteed provided under a guarantee, under security;

    state in which the state acts as a borrower, and individuals and legal entities, acquiring government securities (bonds, treasury certificates, etc.);

    bank provided by banks in monetary form;

    consumer provided to consumers of goods and services and used to meet consumer needs;

    commercial , provided by legal entities and individuals to each other on debt obligations or provided in a commodity form by sellers to buyers (installment sale);

    international (foreign) provided by the selling party to the buying party in the form of an advance payment for the purchase of goods from the selling party;

    mortgage secured by real estate.

    5. Types of loans (Fig. 1)

    Rice. 1

    Bank loan - this is the provision of a loan, mainly by a credit institution (bank), on the terms of repayment, payment, for a period and for strictly specified purposes, and also most often under guarantees or on bail.

    A bank loan exceeds the boundaries of a commercial loan in terms of direction, timing, size and has a wider scope.

    A bank loan has a dual character: it can act as a loan of capital for functioning enterprises, companies, or in the form of a loan of money, i.e. as means of payment when paying debts.

    As the credit system develops and expands, the growth rate of bank credit increases.

    usurious loan - a cash loan, for the use of which high interest is collected from the borrower, which differs sharply from the generally accepted ones.

    Mortgage - is a long-term loan, usually large, provided on security real estate(land, dwellings, etc.).The market economy involves the widespread use of this type of credit.

    State loan - this is a set of economic relations between the state represented by its authorities and administration, on the one hand, and individuals and legal entities, on the other, in which the state acts as a borrower, creditor and guarantor in order to cover the state budget deficit or finance public expenditures.

    commercial loan is provided by one operating enterprise to another in the form of the sale of goods on a deferred payment basis. Interest is charged on this loan, of course.

    consumer credit , as a rule, is provided by trading companies, banks and specialized financial institutions for the purchase of goods and services by the population with installment payment. Usually, with the help of such a loan, durable goods are sold. The term of the loan is up to a year, the percentage is from 10 to 25. In case of non-payment on it, the property is withdrawn by the lender.

    Classification of consumer loans can be done in a number of ways:

    By direction of use

    for urgent needs;

    bail valuable papers;

    construction and purchase of housing;

    overhaul individual residential buildings;

    for the construction of outbuildings;

    for the purchase of small-scale mechanization;

    for the purchase or construction garden houses;

    for the purchase of cars;

    in rural areas for the purchase of pets.

    By loan terms consumer loans are divided into:

    short-term (from 1 day to 1 year);

    medium-term (for a period of 1 to 3 years);

    long-term (over 3-5 years).

    At present, due to the general economic instability, the division of consumer loans by terms is conditional. Banks, providing a loan, usually divide them into short-term (up to 1 year) and long-term (over 1 year).

    By way of delivery consumer loans are divided into:


      non-targeted (for urgent needs, overdraft, etc.)

    The development of consumer lending has a positive effect on the development of the economy as a whole. We can say that this is its main stimulating force, which makes production develop, trade flourish, and banks earn their profits.


    This is the shape short term loan, the provision of which is carried out by debiting funds from the bank's client's account in excess of the balance on his account. An overdraft is the elimination of a temporary shortage of working capital for an entrepreneur to make current payments by crediting the current account of a bank client at the expense of the bank's funds in the amount of not more than 10 - 15% of the monthly turnover on the client's current account.

    International credit is the provision of loans in a commercial or banking form creditors in one country to borrowers in another country. Lenders and borrowers in international lending are states and legal entities (banks and firms).

    Contract credit.

    It is a classic form of lending, it is a bank loan that is provided to its client and which, in accordance with the needs of the client, can be used in various amounts, not exceeding the maximum amount specified in the agreement.

    A contract loan is a type of loan that is accompanied by the opening of an account, which reflects receipts on the one hand, and loans and payments on the other. This account is used to pay for the client's payment documents.

    Lombard loan .

    The basis of a pawnshop loan is a pledge of easily marketable property or rights. This is one of the ancient types of collateral that existed in ancient times.

    This is a short-term, fixed loan secured by easily marketable property or rights. When it is provided, the collateral is not assessed at its full value on the day the loan agreement is concluded, but only a part of the value of the property is taken into account, which is associated with the risk of realizing the collateral.

    Lombard credit is usually used in the form of a seasonal loan or overdraft to cover short-term needs for means of payment. The latter gave rise to new forms of bank lending: leasing, factoring.

    Leasing - (English)to l ease - rent, lease) is a combination of a loan with a lease.

    Factoring is a set of services for manufacturers and suppliers conducting trading activities on a deferred payment basis.All of the above types of loans are also divided according to the principle of urgency into: short - (from 1 day to 1 year), medium (from 1 year to 5 years) and long-term (over 5 years).

    Avail Credit .

    When providing an avalanche loan, the bank assumes responsibility for the obligations of the client, which takes the form of a guarantee or surety. If the client fails to fulfill his obligations towards his counterparty, the bank takesto myselfpayment of these obligations.

    Such loans can be long-term and short-term. When providing an avalanche loan, the following can be used: a loan guarantee; guarantee of a firm offer of goods; payment guarantee.

    Credit cards .

    With the opening of a credit line is associated with lending through credit cards, which are based on the use of computer technology.

    Credit cards are widely used in the provision of consumer loans, since they practically do not require time to process a purchase on credit. Credit cards, which replace cash and checks, allow the holder to obtain a short-term bank loan.

    Credit cards are used in the terminal system, rulesusing them is quite simple: when making a transaction, the card is inserted into the appropriate terminal and the amount of the purchase, services received or cash is automatically debited. At the same time, information regarding the place, time and nature of the operation being performed is entered into the memory of the card. The new generation of electronic credit cards is equipped with a volatile programmable memory - this protects them from falsification.

    The development of consumer lending has a positive effect on the development of the economy as a whole. We can say that this is its main stimulating force, which makes production develop, trade flourish, and banks earn their profits.

    6. Interest on loans

    Percent - this is a payment that one person (borrower) transfers to another person (creditor) for the fact that the latter provides the first for temporary use of funds.

    Levelpercent is determined by the ratio between supply and demand in the loan capital market and is expressed in the interest rate, which is the ratio of interest to the amount of money loans (calculated per year). In countries with developed market economies, where there is an extensive network of various credit and banking institutions and a variety of credit relations, a hierarchical system of interest rates has emerged. Yes, there are stakes. money market used in short-term lending operations between financial institutions, including state ones - this is the official discount rate, rates on treasury bills, bills of financial companies, etc. A separate class is made up of interest rates on banking operations with non-bank borrowers and creditors related to the provision of loans and attraction of deposits.

    Depending on the term of the loan, interest rates are divided into short-term and long-term. (Fig. 2) There is also a floating interest rate - the interest rate on medium-term and long-term loans, the value of which is not fixed for the entire term of the loan, but is reviewed at intervals agreed between the lender and the borrower, depending on changes in market conditions and inflation rates.

    Interest types:

    Loan interest is the price of the loan.

    Interest rate is defined as the ratio of the amount of annual income received for a loan to its amount. For example, if the amount of the loan granted is 100 thousand rubles, and the annual income is 16 thousand rubles, then the interest rate on the loan will be 16% (16,000:100,000 x 100%). The interest rate reflects the ratio of supply and demand in the market of credit resources and depends on a number of factors. Interest on a loan that exists in various forms can be classified according to:

    1) by types of banks - the Central Bank, banks and non-bank organizations;
    2) by forms and types of credit - interest on loans of the Central Bank and interbank loans, interest on bank and commercial credit, interest on state and interstate loans, interest on mortgage and leasing loans;
    3) by loan terms - interest on short-term, medium-term and long-term loans.
    Fixed interest rateestablished for the entire period of the loan.
    floating interest ratefluctuates depending on the state of the monetary market.
    There are also simple and compound interest.
    Simple interestare determined by the following formula:

    O P \u003d D x (1 + C To x P With )

    where OP - the amount of the borrower's payments on the loan; D - debt; FROMto - the term of the loan in years or the ratio of the period of use of the loan in days to 360 or 365 days; PWith -interest rate.
    For example, a bank issued a loan in the amount of 100 thousand rubles. for a period of 3 months with an interest rate of 16% per annum. The amount of the borrower's payment will be.

    O P \u003d 100,000 x (1 + 3 x 0.16) \u003d 148,000 thousand rubles

    The following formula is used to determine compound interest:
    At a fixed rate -O P \u003d D x (1 + P FROM ) Sk

    At a floating rate -O P \u003d D x (1 + P FROM ) Sk x (1+P C2 ) Sk2 …(1+P FROM n ) skp

    Suppose a bank has issued a loan in the amount of OP = 100 thousand rubles. for a period of 3 months. with the payment of 16% per annum. Determine the total debt of the borrower.

    O n3 =100000 x (1+0.16) 3 \u003d 169,000 rubles.

    When setting fees for a loan, commercial banks take into account:
    - base rate interest on loans provided to commercial banks by the Central Bank (refinancing rate);
    - average interest rate by interbank interest, i.e. for resources purchased from other commercial banks for their operations;
    - the average interest rate paid by the bank to its depositors;
    - the structure of the bank's credit resources (the higher the share of borrowed funds, the more expensive the loan should be);
    - Demand for a loan from borrowers (the lower the demand, the cheaper the loan);
    - term and type of credit;
    - stability of monetary circulation in the country (the higher the inflation rate, the more expensive the loan fee should be, since the bank has an increased risk of losing its resources due to the depreciation of money);
    - interest rates abroad. The corresponding "real" level of interest rates in a country is affected by interest rates abroad and exchange rate expectations. At present, the course taken by the Government of the Russian Federation is focused on the level of interest rates in developed countries;
    - competition in the market of credit services. In the context of competition between banks and the struggle to expand the markets served, lower interest rates on loans allow us to count on attracting a large number of customers and gaining competitive advantages;
    - State need for borrowed funds. The higher the state's need for borrowed funds, the higher the demand for credit and the higher the interest on the loan. This indicator was especially evident in the second half of 1990.

    balance of payments and exchange rate. As world experience shows, when a country has a permanent deficit in the balance of payments, and the government does not want to allow the exchange rate to fall below a certain value, interest rates must rise to attract funds to the country. Thus, this country can finance its balance of payments deficit by borrowing from abroad. Such a picture is observed in Russia.

    The degree of risk of the loan. Typically, a higher-risk loan is issued at a higher interest rate to compensate the lender for the risky investment.
    Having assessed the creditworthiness of the borrower, the bank needs to set the interest rate on the loan at a level slightly higher than its base rate.
    The lender hopes to receive interest on his capital, taking into account the degree of risk, and the borrower, using borrowed funds, extracts income that will be sufficient to pay interest to the creditor and extract some income for himself.

    II . EXPERIMENTAL (within Rybnitsa)

    Is it worth it to take out a loan for an important purchase for us, or maybe it is better to try to gradually collect the required amount and pay the real price for the purchase, and not much more? It's no secret that the consequences of non-payment of a loan always prevail over everyone who decides to borrow from a bank. So it doesn’t hurt to think: what are the disadvantages of a loan and does life bring happiness on loan? Few succeed in living life without ever taking on a debt, but if they succeed, it is difficult. Credit is the same debt. To say that this is an absolute evil, of course, is impossible. After all, there are situations when a loan is not seen by the borrower as something frightening, because it can be correctly calculated. To do this, you need to study the conditions of the bank in detail. For example, if you need money for a new interesting project. And at the same time there are already other working projects that bring profit. It will not be difficult for a person to quickly repay a loan.

    1. Sociological survey.

    After conducting a sociological survey among the residents of the villages of Voronkovo ​​and Mokra, the main directions of lending to individuals were clarified, the banks with which they prefer to work were determined.

    The main questions were:

    1. Have you taken out a loan?

    2. In which bank was the loan taken?

    3. For what purpose was the loan taken?

    4. If they took it, then for how long?

    5. How often did you take out a loan?

    6. In your opinion, is a loan profitable?

    2. Results.

    We were able to interview 64 families. We got the following results.

    According to the results of the survey, 70.3% are burdened with loans, and 29.2% of respondents have three loans, 33.3% - two loans, the rest of the families - one loan each. (Attachment 1)

    To the second question, where the finances were spent, we were answered as follows: for the purchase of cars - 8%, for the purchase of television - video equipment and household appliances - 40%, for the purchase of furniture - 34%, for other purposes - 12%.

    There are five banks in our city: Pridnestrovian Sberbank, Eximbank, Agroprombank, Mortgage Bank, BusinessInvestBank. Many banks advertise in newspapers and magazines for loans. Some offer prompt clearance (from a few minutes to one hour). Almost every bank offers several types of loans. Different banks set different interest rates that will be paid by the borrower during the year.

    We want to note right away that our goal is not to advertise any bank. Collection, processing and analysis of information is our goal.To the question: “Which bank did you take out a loan from?”, we got the following results: 14% of respondents took out loans in Mortgage Bank, 56% in Sberbank, 12.6% in Agroprombank, 13% in Eximbank, 4%, in other banks -4%. According to the survey results, the most affordable bank is "Pridnestrovian Sberbank"

    Having visited all the banks of our city, having talked with loan officers and having studied the brochures on this issue, we decided to determine the cost of a loan in different banks with equal conditions.Our goal was to find out how much a loan in the banks of our city for the same amount would cost us.

    This year we are graduating from school, we are going to enter a university, so we are primarily interested in loans for education,provided by the banks of our city.Of the four banks, only Sberbank gives loans for education. To obtain a loan for education, in addition to the standard package of documents, it is necessary to submit documents from the educational institution (agreement, university license, certificate that we are students) at the bank. In the year of admission, we believe that this loan is not entirely acceptable, but for the second year of study and beyond, you can take such a loan. Other banks do not provide a loan for education, so we calculated a consumer loan for 6,000 rubles, this is the average annual cost of studying at universities in Pridnestrovie. (Annex 2)

    Given the results of this study, we can conclude that Sberbank provides the most acceptable lending conditions.


    The current rush of lending is partly provoked by the banks themselves, creating more and more attractive programs for the client. Now very popular interest-free loans, without down payment- such and similar advertising slogans are found in almost every bank. Do they always reflect the real state of affairs and what to expect for consumers banking services further?

    In the face of intense competition, trying to expand the range of customers as actively as possible, commercial banks are switching to a simplified process for obtaining loans - the so-called express loans. It is clear that in this case, there is no question of any serious check of the client's creditworthiness. Banks are partly trying to compensate for possible losses by increasing the interest for using the loan, but the increased interest contains an element of risk of non-payment of the loan agreement.

    Of course, the main advantage of a loan is that it allows you to immediately fulfill your desire, whether it is buying an apartment or paying for vacation with the help of credit card. If you don't feel like planning personal finance, save money to purchase the desired thing, then a bank loan will be the only option. Oddly enough, inflation plays into the hands of the borrower. That is, a gradual reduction in the consumer power of money reduces the efficiency of savings, but simplifies the repayment of a bank loan. This is where the list of benefits of a bank loan ends.

    The loan imposes a certain responsibility on the borrower: certain restrictions are imposed on the use of property presented as collateral; for spending the loan, you must pay interest, which is accrued on the balance of the debt. Consequently, a thing purchased on credit will always cost more; the borrower is obliged to pay for the services of the bank, insurance and notary.

    Summing up the results of the work, we can say with confidence that mathematical knowledge is necessary to solve problems in the field of lending. Moreover, to solve practical problems, the knowledge we received in grades 5-11 is sufficient (such as percentages, finding percentages of a number, finding a number by its percentages, finding the percentage of several numbers, simple interest formulas, compound interest formulas). Thus, the hypothesis thatthat mathematical knowledge is needed to solve practical problems related to lending, was confirmed.

    So, live on credit or wisely save, collect required amounts, albeit for a year, everyone's business. The disadvantages of a loan that was avoided will become apparent. It is much more pleasant to earn on something that will please you in the future. A bank loan has advantages and disadvantages, therefore, it is impossible to say that “living on credit is profitable”, just as it is impossible to say the opposite. In general, do not be afraid of loans. Just always realistically assess your capabilities and the situation, and, of course, the degree of urgency of the purchase.


    1.Civil Code of the PMR.

    2. Vigdorchik E.M. Nezhdanova T.N. "Elementary Mathematics in Economics and Business" Moscow, 1997.

    3.Money, credit, banks: Textbook, ed. O. I. Gavryushina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M .: Finance and statistics, 2000-464s.

    4. Rudskaya E.N. Finance and credit tutorial. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix 2008.

    5. Zhukov E.D. Banks and banking operations. - M.: Economics, 2008.

    6.Zakharova A.E. Several tasks "about prices", // magazine "Mathematics at School", No. 8, 2002.

    7. Savitskaya E.V., Seregina S.F. Economics lessons at school. - M.: Vita-Press, 1999.

    8. Simonov L.S. "Interest on bank accounts" // magazine "Mathematics at School" No. 4, 1998.

    9.Web site



    12 Website

    13. Website

    Attachment 1.

    Application 2.

    Name of the bank

    Name of loan

    Loan amount (rub)

    Term (months)

    Annual %

    Total amount of payments (rub)

    Amount of monthly payment (rub)

    Overpayment for a loan (rub)


    Consumer loan with a guarantee






    CJSC "Agroprombank"







    Eximbank OJSC

    "Great cash"






    CJSC "Pridnestrovian Sberbank"

    « Credit holidays»






    "Hit Credit"












    "Accessible Education"








    Savchenko Alina

    Student 10 "A" class

    GOU Lyceum No. 000


    Dean of FDO HSE (St. Petersburg)

    Petrodvorets 2011


    Chapter 1 "The Museum in the Modern World"

    §1Museum World

    §2Museum for man

    §3New roles

    §4Marketing issues

    §5Product promotion specifics

    Chapter 2 "Museum Budget"

    §one. Museum funding

    1.1Public funding

    1.2 Off-budget

    §2 Distribution of income

    §3 Price policy

    §4 Problems of the functioning of the museum

    Conclusion and Conclusions



    There is no doubt that the role of museums in the life of society is great. These cultural organizations do more than just collect items. The museum represents values ​​that are disappearing in society, and can draw attention to those permanent universal values ​​that are threatened by modern progress. He singles out these values ​​among others, emphasizing their importance as a heritage for maintaining the continuity and continuity of culture. The museum is a source of knowledge and enrichment of the human spiritual world. From early childhood, the author really liked visiting various museums, and last year he even managed to work as a guide at the Peterhof State Museum Reserve. In the course of close acquaintance with these cultural institutions, some questions of an economic orientation related to their activities began to arise, which the author is going to answer in his study.

    The object of the study will be the museums of Russia, which have been going through a difficult period for the last ten years. transition period. The fact is that there was a departure from the system of state planning and museums had to take responsibility for their future. This happened at a time when, due to the economic difficulties experienced by the population and the decrease in the number of visitors, confidence in the future seemed to be lost. Recently, our country has been living in conditions market economy. The processes of transition to the market in Russia have already affected the sphere of culture. After all, even works of art, which are the basis of many museum collections, are increasingly considered not only as spiritual, but also as commercial values. More and more attention is being paid to the development of the cultural sphere, in turn, this development is more closely intertwined with many processes and phenomena of the economy, so this study is relevant.

    The purpose of the work, in the conditions of the Russian Federation, is to determine the main parts of the budget of museums and to identify the “touch points” of the processes of museum activity with elements of economic analysis.

    Main goals:

    1. Assess the role of the museum in human life

    2. Analyze the mechanism of financing these institutions, as well as various options for distributing the funds received.

    3. Reveal the specifics economic activity museums.

    5. Determine what is the product of the museum

    6. Identify the main problems of museums, of an economic nature

    Chapter 1 The Museum in the Modern World

    Time does not stand still, epochs change each other, society develops: mores, people's preferences change, which requires museums to make appropriate changes, some adaptations. The museum is like a living dynamically developing organism, transforming and improving for a comfortable existence in the modern world, while Russian museums feel the wind of change to a greater extent. (Excursion into the history of Russian museums in Appendix No. 1)

    §1 Museum World

    The museum world of our country is, first of all, about 2.5 thousand museums of the system of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, in which more than 80 million items are concentrated, about 70 million people visit them annually. Most full list Museums of the USSR was published in 1990 (Museums of the USSR. Handbook. Compiled by I. M., 1990). In 2001, the "Russian Museum Encyclopedia" was published, which reflects current situation. Below is a list of the main types of museums and a diagram compiled by the author based on it. According to the data presented in the diagram, one can judge the diversity of museums and their quantitative relationship relative to the given typology.

    List of main types of museums:

    Artistic Historical

    · Architectural Memorial

    local history literature

    · Natural sciences

    · Science and technology

    §2Museum for man

    At present, interest in museums does not fade away; these keepers of the spiritual and material wealth of the people are still popular as before. According to statistics: in 2008, 1854 museums were visited by 77 million people - 54% of the country's population. But why do people visit museums, what benefits do these institutions bring to society? Before answering these questions, it is necessary to introduce a few concepts:

    First of all, you need to know that a need is a lack of something to support the life and development of a person and society, a person uses benefits to meet needs, while services are benefits provided in the form of activity.

    According to the level classification of needs created by the famous American psychologist A. Maslow, the services provided by the museum, first of all, lead to the satisfaction of a person’s spiritual needs (needs for knowledge, self-expression ..), although in some cases social satisfaction can also occur (needs in communication, in social connections ..) and even prestige needs (needs for recognition, achievement of success ..) (Appendix) levels of needs according to Maslow)

    Thus, when visiting a museum, a process of spiritual consumption takes place. spiritual consumption - this is a special type of activity, where the means to achieve the goal are, on the one hand, material opportunities, on the other hand, the relevant knowledge and skills (to get into the museum, you need to be able to get a pass or a ticket.)

    Features of spiritual consumption are as follows:

    · can be used repeatedly;

    · spiritual values ​​in the process of consumption do not disappear, but enrich the spiritual world of a person;

    · the process of spiritual consumption is also a process of spiritual production.

    As a product in cultural institutions are various services provided by them in accordance with their mission. For the museum, the main services are exhibition activities, i.e. the presentation and interpretation of collections, as well as educational work, namely: excursions, lectures, children's and youth studios, seminars, conferences, etc. It is interesting that the services of museums, according to experts, they have an important qualitative originality. Unlike, for example, household services that increase the size of the population's free time, cultural services contribute to the absorption of this free time, filling it with significant spiritual and aesthetic content.

    The classification of services and the improvement of their accounting is an important problem in all countries of the world. Among the many principles of classification of services, the classification of F. Lovelock (Appendix 3) is of particular interest. According to this theory, the main thing in the classification is to whom (what) the services are directed and whether they are tangible or not. From this classification it follows that the museum belongs to the 3rd class, which means that the services it provides are intangible actions aimed at human consciousness.

    From the point of view of economic theory, most of the services provided by cultural organizations are public goods. Unlike private goods, the consumption of such services is accompanied by external effects, i.e., not only the people involved in this process benefit from the use of cultural goods, but also other groups of the population or society as a whole. For example, after visiting a museum, a person has information that affects the quality of his work (a visit by an art teacher to an art museum). Thus, the increase in the level of education, the growth of the spiritual potential of society, etc. can act as external effects in the sphere of culture.

    At the heart of society's projects in the future lies the personality and orientation to its creative possibilities. However, the following features are already characteristic of modern society to some extent:

    · maximum use of human potential, its creative and information possibilities;

    priority of non-materialistic values; a shift from the unrestrained growth of material and energy consumption to an increase in information consumption.

    The cultural potential of Russia and its impact on the development of human potential can be considered as the main factor in the development of the country. The cultural potential of Russia is multifaceted - it is, of course, libraries and theaters, numerous museums, monuments of history and culture, as well as high culture and its carriers, personnel working in the field of culture, etc. The main thing in the cultural potential is its content side, its spiritual component. Spiritual culture is a very influential force of modernity. This is something that every nation should cherish, protect, something that needs to be developed for the sake of future generations.

    That is why museums have a special mission: within their walls, significant work is being done to create the spirit of national culture, to form and strengthen its core. The view of the state on the goals of creating a museum is set out in Articles 26, 27 (Appendix No. 4). It can be said that the main function of museums is not to preserve the past, but to actively participate in shaping the future of the country, its creative and creative human potential, setting development horizons. Therefore, it is important to analyze the state in which, including from the point of view of the economy, this moment are the museums of our country.

    §3 New roles

    The situation in our country is as follows: cultural institutions such as museums have to "survive" in the conditions modern economy. There are a number of so-called methods and strategies for survival. The new strategies are largely due to the fact that in all areas of activity museums are now forced to adopt a market-oriented approach. On the modern economic scene, the museum can play unexpected roles.